Impact of Soil Rehabilitation of Tea Soils and Development of an Index NPSN Bandara1*, UP Abeysekara1, N Navaratna2, AK Prematunga2 MGS Liyanage1, EWTP Prematunga1, DW Vithana1 GP Guneratna3, KG Prematilaka4 1* Agronomy Division, Tea Research Institute, Ratnapura, Sri Lanka (Corresponding author, Email: 2 Entomology Division, Tea Research Institute, Talawakelle, Sri Lanka 3 Soil & Plant Nutrient Division, Tea Research Institute, Talawakelle, Sri Lanka 4 Uva-Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, Badulla, Sri Lanka Abstract A study was undertaken to evaluate four soil parameters, soil bulk density, available water content, organic carbon content and microbial biomass content, in rehabilitated field and adjacent old tea field in 40 tea estates, representing all tea growing areas of Sri Lanka. While BD showed significant reduction after planting grasses, AWC, MBC and C showed significant increase. A soil quality index (SQI) was developed after standardization of above parameters between 0-10 and using the following formula SQI = 0.36BD + 0.14AWC + 0.34C + 0.16MBC Accordingly, minimum SQI requirement for skipping the grass planting was proposed as 5.0 fpr Low elevation, 6.0 for Mid elevations and 7.0 for Uva and Up elevations in tea growing regions of Sri Lanka. This study proved the beneficial effects of grass planting prior to replanting and developed a standard index to evaluate the soil fertility. 1 Introduction Tea cultivation is a major economic growth contributor and most significant agriculture commodity in Sri Lankan economy (Oxford Business Group 2016). Sri Lanka’s tea production is now dominated by some 400,000 small scale farmers. Tea small holder sector holds the largest production percentage (nearly 70%) of Sri Lana tea industry (Ministry of Plantation Industries 2013). Many researchers have shown that decreasing productivity continuously make Sri Lanka tea industry less market competitive globally (Ganewatta and Edwards 2000, Thushara 2015, Nilanthi 2016, Wekumbura, Mohotti et al. 2017) and as a result competing countries gain the market advantage (Thushara 2015). Identified one strategy to counter the declining productivity is to maintain an annual replanting rate of 2%. Low replanting rate is an issue affecting both small holder and large corporate sector (Illukpitiya, Shanmugaratnam et al. 2004). The issue is more affecting the small holder tea growing sector, where replanting rate sometimes fell below 1% (TSHDA 2015). Soil rehabilitation prior to replanting is a recommended practice in tea cultivation (Zoysa 2008). As the rehabilitation technique, Guatemala (Tripsacum laxum) or Mana (Cymbopogon confertiflorus) is planted for 18-24 months. However, long period of without farm income, (up to 4-5 years), is considered to be a negative factor for replanting tea fields (IFAD 2015). As a result, there are some demands for skipping the soil rehabilitation process, prior to replanting for the small holder sector. However, long term productivity analysis has shown that non-rehabilitated tea fields become economically unproductive within few years (Dissanayake, Udugama et al. 2013) Hence, there was a need evaluate the impact of soil rehabilitation in tea lands and to develop a mechanism to identify fertile tea lands, where direct planting can be practised without soil rehabilitation. after analyzing the soil characters of different soil groups, belongs to different agro- 2 ecological regions of tea growing areas , an index, referred as “Soil Quality Index” has been prepared by Prematilaka et al,(2011) to identify the fertility status of tea lands. Material and Methods Soil parameters of soil dry bulk density-BD(g/cm-3), Available water holding content-AWC (mm/30cm), Organic carbon-C(%) and microbial biomass content-MBC (µg/g of soil) of 40 tea estates, belongs to all elevations, soil groups and agro-ecological regions. Estates were selected according to elevational categorization of tea estates in Sri Lanka (Dissanayake, Wijewardena et al. 1999, Zoysa 2008). Table 1: Number of tea estates selected for each elevation/region for soil sampling Elevation/region Altitude (m amsl) No of estates Low 0-600 14 Mid 600-1200 6 Up >1200 9 Uva* >600 9 * Uva region tea fields belongs to both Mid and Up elevations. Since this is the only region which receives majority of rainfall from North East monsoon, this region is categorized separately (Watson 1986) Samples were taken from rehabilitated plots (Mana or Guatemala grass planted for approximately 2 years) and very adjacent old seedling or VP tea field. The tea fields were in the verge of uprooting. Undisturbed soil core samples were obtained from 0-10, 10-20 & 20-30cm depths separately for the estimation of BD & AWC. OC and MBC were sampled at 0-15 & 15-30cm depths. BD was calculated after oven drying the samples for 1000C overnight. AWC was measured using the hanging water column method. Walkley & Black method was used to measure the OC and chloroform fumigation method was used to measure the MBC (Vance, Brookes et al. 3 1987, Gonzalez-Quiñones, Stockdale et al. 2011). Six sample points each were analysed from grass planted field and old tea field and average values were taken for calculation. Based on the soil parameter values, scores were given according to following table to standardize the data for applying to SQI calculation (Table 2Table 2Table 2). Table 2: Scores given for each soil parameter based on it's value Bulk Density (g/cm-3) Value Score 0.7-1.0 10 1.0-1.2 9-10 1.2-1.3 7-9 1.3-1.4 5-7 1.4-1.5 3-5 1.5-1.6 1-3 >1.6 0 Available Water Content (mm/30cm) Value Score 60-70 9-10 50-60 8-9 40-50 7-8 30-40 6-7 20-30 3-6 10-20 1-3 <10 0 Organic Carbon (%) Value >5 4-5 3-4 2-3 1-2 0.6-1 <0.6 Score 10 8-10 6-8 4-6 2-4 0-2 0 Microbial Biomass Content (µg/g of soil) Value Score 300-400 10 250-300 8-10 200-250 7-8 150-200 5-7 100-150 3-5 50-100 1-3 <50 0 Principal component analysis method was executed using the SAS University Edition and obtained the following best fitted equation to calculate the soil quality index = 0.36 + 0.14 + 0.34 + 0.16 Results & Discussion Pattern of the measured soil parameters in old tea fields, against the field elevation is given in Figure 1Figure 1Figure 1 Accordingly, there is a weak negative relationship between BD and elevation and weak positive relationship with AWC, OC and MBC with elevation. 4 (a) 1.6 Bulk density (g/cm3) Available water content (mm/30cm) 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 M icrobial biomass content (g/ g soil) (b) 3.5 Organic carbon (%) 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 500 1000 Elevation (m amsl) 1500 2000 70 (c) 60 50 40 30 20 1800 0 500 1000 1500 (d) Elevation (m amsl) 1600 2000 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Elevation (m amsl) Figure 1: Relationship of BD, AWC, OC and MBC with elevation in tea fields 1. Dry Bulk Density Difference in the BD among different elevations and tea growing regions were clearly seen among results (Figure 2Figure 2Figure 2a). According to the graph, a clear negative relationship could be seen with elevation and the BD even after soil rehabilitation process. The most significant reduction of bulk density after growing grass for two years in the field was found in Uva region, where grass planting reduced the BD by 10%. Reduction of the compactness is much lower in low elevation tea growing areas, where grass planting was able to decrease BD only by 3%. 5 2. Available Water Content Grass planting for a period of two years has improved the water retention of the soils significantly in low elevations (14%) and Uva region (12%). However, soil rehabilitation has been unable to improve the water retention of the soils in upper and mid elevation tea growing areas of Sri Lanka. 3. Organic carbon percentage Organic carbon content increases with the elevation of the tea field. Soil rehabilitation significantly improved the organic carbon percentage in low and mid elevations and in Uva region. 4. Microbial biomass content Microbial biomass content of the soil increases with the elevation. Among different elevations and regions, grass planting improved the MBC, except for up elevations. The highest gain of 32% increase of MBC was observed in Low elevation fields. Grass planting for two-year period, known as soil rehabilitation contributed to improve the measured soil parameters, as beneficial for plant growth. However, improvement of some of the parameters, like AWC has an effect with elevation. Up country elevation (>1200m amsl) is the least developed through soil rehabilitation with all measured parameters. However, OC and MBC showed a 20% and 28% increase after soil rehabilitation. Lower improvement of the soil parameters, in this elevation could be due to low temperature regimes associated in this elevation (Watson and Zoysa 2008). Overall most significant improvements were seen from the increase of OC (28%) and MBC (24%) after soil rehabilitation. 6 Avialable water comntent (mm/30cm) -3 Bry bulk density (g/cm ) 1.6 (a) 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 70 (b) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 3.5 (c) Organic carbon (%) 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 Microbial biomass content (g/g soil) 0.5 0.0 1400 1200 Grass Old tea (d) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Low Mid Up Uva Elevation / region Figure 2: Average soil parameters of bulk density(a), available water content(b), organic carbon percentage (c) and microbial biomass content(d) according to different tea growing elevations/regions. 7 SQI Calculation The SQI value showed a positive linear relationship with elevation increase (R2 = 0.46, for grass fields and R2=0.49 for tea fields). Hence, it needs to introduce separate benchmark SQI levels for different elevations. Accordingly, SQI value of 5.0 has been earmarked for benchmark SQI for direct planting in Low elevations, 6.0 for Mid elevations and 7.0 for Up elevation & Uva region. 10 Grass Tea 9 Soil Quality Index 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Elevation (m amsl) Figure 3: Calculated soil quality index value for grass and tea fields with elevation. Continuous line shows the trend line for grass fields and dash line shows the trend line for tea fields. Application of the SQI for tea industry Calculation of SQI for estimating tea field fertility for the decision making on direct planting could have a positive impact on Sri Lanka tea industry sociological and economical terms. According to the analysed data 10 put of 38 old tea fields were above the elevational bench marks required for direct planting (Figure 3Figure 3Figure 3). Hence, the subsidy given for replanting could be saved by about 26% due to the proper implementation of soil quality index. 8 Conclusions: The detailed experiment analyzing the rehabilitated and non-rehabilitated soils showed that, beneficial effects of soil rehabilitation with grass planting can be visible in all tea growing elevations/regions at different magnitudes. Hence this is a more sustainable method of improving the poor quality tea soils which are highly erodible (Dissanayake, Wijewardena et al. 1999). However to improve the soil replanting rate and to solve the grower concern about the long time taken for rehabilitation, measuring the soil quality index in given land can be used as an alternative way of selecting lands for direct planting. Acknowledgement The authors wish to acknowledge the Tea Research Board of Sri Lanka for funding the research work and the Managers and field staff of various estates providing assistant during field operations. Reference: Dissanayake, D. 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