Uploaded by Ma. Elisa Salino

Self-Esteem Collage Rubric

Self-Esteem Collage Rubric
All of the graphics or
objects used in the
collage reflect a
degree of student
creativity in their
Most of the graphics
or objects used in
the collage reflect
student creativity in
their display.
Only a few graphics None of the graphics or
or objects reflect
objects reflects student
student creativity,
but the ideas were
typical rather than
Graphics are cut to
an appropriate size,
shape and are
arranged neatly.
Care has been
taken to balance the
pictures across the
area. Items are
glued neatly and
1-2 graphics are
lacking in design or
placement. There
may be a few
smudges or glue
3-4 graphics are
lacking in design or
placement. Too
much background is
showing. There are
noticeable smudges
or glue marks.
Graphics are not an
appropriate size shape.
Glue marks evident.
Most of the background
is showing. It appears
little attention was given
to designing the collage.
Number of Items The collage includes The collage includes The collage includes The collage contains
15 or more items,
each different.
10-14 different
9 different items.
fewer than 9 different
Time and Effort Much time and effort Class time was used Class time was not
Title and
went into the
planning and design
of the collage. It is
clear the student
worked at home as
well as at school.
wisely. Student
could have put in
more time and effort
at home.
The title is catchy
and creative and
related to the
collage. The
explanation provides
insight to the
and design of the
collage; 1 paragraph
or more.
A title is provided
that relates to the
collage. The
describes the
purpose and
process of creating
the collage.
Class time was not used
always used wisely, wisely and the student
but student did do
put in no additional
some additional
work at home.
Title and
No title or explanation!
explanation are
incomplete and
partially relate to the
Every item in the
Most items in the
Not all items in the Difficult to understand
collage is related to collage are related collage are related how items relate to the
the assigned theme to the assigned
to the assigned
assigned theme.
theme. For many of theme.
{Self-Esteem: influences on your the items, the
internal &
self-esteem). For
relationship is clear.
external factors} most items, the
relationship is clear.
**10 extra credit points available for students that think outside the box when creatively depicting the purpose of
this collage…points allocated through teacher’s discretion!**
Attention to
Overall Grade: _____________________
30 pts. total
For this assignment -- which will be collected next week in class (08/31) -- I am asking you to
create a "collage" of images and/or words that reflects your personal self-esteem by
identifying what and how factors influence it: both internal and external…consider
segregating the positive from the negative. You must give it a title and write an explanation on
the back of the collage.
To "collage" (which is French for "glue") is to paste together a diversity of clippings in an
interesting way, so that it seems to communicate some kind of artistic unity. Assemble different
forms and fonts and images together into a new whole, irrespective of boundaries. Some
collagists will tear up their cuttings, changing the originals. Some strive for "defamiliarizing"
common images and ideas by taking them out of their usual contexts and putting them into a new
one, in order to call attention to our habits of thought. Others will aim at making "associations"
between radically different objects and ideas, breaking the linear and "normal" way of seeing
their relationships. Collages, like dreams, always generate meaning by association, even when
they seem chaotic and messy.
It might be smart to start with a title to organize your ideas before you begin the collage. Or
make the collage and title it afterward. The process will take you on an interesting line of
thought, if you do it with care. Use class time wisely; you will be given some credit for staying
on task and managing your time efficiently. Experiment and express yourself however you wish
in collage form, but be prepared to explain your creativity on the back of your collage with
intelligent and introspective answers.
Minimum size of your collage must be an 8 ½ x 11" piece of printer paper…go larger if
Reflection Questions:
1. Briefly describe the theme/meaning of the collage…How or in what manner is it
depicting your self-esteem?
2. Why did you decide on the design you used and what steps did you take when planning
out the creation of your collage?
3. Did any insights/emotions come about while making the collage? Or when viewing your
final product?