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Multilateral Productivity Comparisons: Superlative Index Numbers

Multilateral Comparisons of Output, Input, and Productivity Using Superlative Index
Author(s): Douglas W. Caves, Laurits R. Christensen and W. Erwin Diewert
Source: The Economic Journal, Vol. 92, No. 365 (Mar., 1982), pp. 73-86
Published by: Wiley on behalf of the Royal Economic Society
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2232257 .
Accessed: 03/08/2014 11:27
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Journal,92 (MarchI982),
Printedin GreatBritain
andW. ErwinDiewert
DouglasW. Caves,LauritsR. Christensen
Early in this century economistsbegan to give seriousattention to making
comparisonsusingindex numbertechniques.There was extensivedebateas to
which index number formulaswere the most appropriatefor carryingout
The debate was extensivein no small part due to the lack of
agreementas to criteriafor preferringone formulaover another.In recent
decadestherehas beena resurgenceof interestin indexnumbers,resultingfrom
discoveriesthat the propertiesof index numberscan be directlyrelatedto the
propertiesof the underlyingaggregatorfunctionsthat they represent.The
underlyingfunctions- productionfunctions,utility functions,etc. - are the
buildingblocksof economictheory,and the studyof relationshipsbetweenthese
functionsand index numberformulashas been referredto by Samuelsonand
Swamy(I974) as the economictheoryof indexnumbers.2
A key developmentin the economictheoryof index numbershas been the
demonstrationthat numerousindexnumberformulascan be explicitlyderived
fromparticularaggregatorfunctions.Thisdevelopmentprovidesa powerfulnew
basisforselectingan indexnumberprocedure.Ratherthanstartingtheselection
processwith a numberof plausibleindex numberformulas,one can specifyan
aggregatorfunction with desirablepropertiesand derive the corresponding
indexnumberprocedure.The resultingindexis termedexactforthatparticular
aggregatorfunction.Diewert(I976) makesa strongcase for limitingthe considerationof aggregatorfunctionsto thosewhichareflexible,i.e. thosewhichcan
providea secondorderapproximationto an arbitraryaggregatorfunction.He
has termed index numbersthat are exact for flexible aggregatorfunctions
Thereare two superlativeindexnumbersthatare of particularinterest- the
index.Fisher(I 922) dubbed
the followingindex Ideal since it best satisfiedhis severalcriteriafor choosing
Ikl =={[ISi(Zkil4iz)]l[lSli(Zci/l4i)]}
whereSli and Skj are value shareweightsfor the two economicentitiesor time
periodsbeingcompared,and the Zi are the corresponding
pricesor quantities.
Thisindexis widelyknownas the geometricmeanof the Laspeyresand Paasche
* This research has been supported in part by the National Science Foundation. Dale Jorgenson
provided helpful comments on a previous draft of this paper.
I Ruggles (I967) provides an interesting brief survey with extensive references.
2 See Diewert (1979)
for a recent survey of the economic theory of index numbers.
[ 73 ]
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indexes. It has also been long (but not widely) known to be the exact index for
the quadratic mean of order two aggregator function.' Diewert (I974) showed
that this aggregator function is flexible, implying that the Fisher Ideal index is
The most widely utilised superlative index is the Tornqvist-Theil-translog
In Tki = E 1(Sli + Ski) ln (Zk
It was discussed by Fisher (I922), has been advocated by Tornqvist (I936) and
Theil (I965), and has been used extensively by ChristensenandJorgenson (I973)
and others. Diewert (I976) established that the translog index is superlative by
showing that it is exact for the homogeneous translog aggregator function
Jorgensonand Lau, I97I,
a flexiblefunctionalformwhich
has been widely used in recent empirical economic research.
The indexes (i) and (2) define binary comparisons.One of the principal issues
in the index number literature early in this century was whether use of various
indexes gave rise to transitive comparisons. One of Fisher's (I922) criteria for
choosing among index numbers was whether they satisfied the following 'circularity' test:2
'ki =km/mn
Fisher found that many indexes that satisfied the circularity test were not
attractive on other grounds. On the other hand, his preferred Ideal index did
not satisfy circularity. This led Fisher to reject circularity as an important
criterion for choosing among index numbers.
In essence Fisher'sdiscomfortwith the circularity test was due to the fact that
it conflicted with using value shares weights that are specific to the two entities
being compared. Dreschler (I973) has used the term 'characteristicity' to
indicate the degree to which weights are specific to the comparisonat hand. The
Fisher Ideal index utilises weights that are perfectly characteristic. Dreschler
(I973, p. I7) succinctlysummarised
circularityare always ... in conflict with each other.' The implication is that some
degree of characteristicitymust be sacrificedto obtain circularity. In this paper
we demonstrate that superlative index numbers that maintain circularity and a
high degree of characteristicitycan be used for making multilateral comparisons.
The problem to which multilateral comparative techniques have most often
been applied is that of multicountryoutput comparisons.The best known studies
in this area are those of Gilbert, Kravis, and their associates.3These studies have
not made use of the economic theory of index numbers. In fact, Kravis and his
associatesconsidered and rejected a superlativeindex as being 'too mechanical'
1 Diewert (I 976, p. i I6) attributes proof of this result to Byushgens (I 925), Konyus and Byushgens
(I926), Frisch (I936), Wald (I939), Afriat (I972) and Pollak (I97i). The fact that this result is not
widely known is attested to by statements in the literature such as the following by Kravis, Heston and
Summers (I978, p. 70): 'The Fisher or "ideal" index - that is, the geometric mean of the partnerweighted and U.S. weighted indexes - is also presented. This index is not easy to justify in theoretical
terms ....'
2 This criterion is often referred to as transitivity. In the remainder of the paper we use the terms
circularity and transitivity interchangeably to refer to the requirement specified by (3).
3 See Gilbert and Kravis (i954), Gilbert and associates (I958)
and Kravis et al. (I975, 1978).
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while settling on a non-superlative index that sacrifices much more characteristicity.1
Multicountry comparisons of input and productivity are closely related to
comparisonsof output, but they have received much less attention than output
comparisons.2In this paper we develop in parallel the methodology of all three
types of comparisons. In particular we develop superlative output and input
indexes that can be combined to provide a superlative productivity index.
Although multicountry comparisons are a natural application of superlative
multilateral indexes, there is wide scope for other applications. Multilateral
indexes can be used for time series as well as cross section comparisons and for
combinations of time series and cross section data. Multilateral superlative
indexes are attractive for firm and industry data in addition to country data.
For an economic entity, s, using the vector of inputs XS to produce the vector of
outputs ys, we representthe structureof production by a flexible functionalform,
the translog transformationfunction:
F(lnYs, ln Xs,s) = I.
We include s as an argument of F to indicate that the structure of production,
and hence productivity, is allowed to differ in a non-neutral manner among
economic entities. This is achieved by permitting the first order translog parameters to differ across economic entities:
I Yis + E fls Iln Xs + 1
aqo Otln
a?ij Iln YisIln Yjs+ 1
n m
f.BnlnI X,s Iln X2s.
Yl (5X)=
i n
where oxtj= tjl,j and 8/, -= 6.3We
restrict attention to economic entities
exhibiting constant return to scale, which is imposed on (5) through the following restrictions:
flgs = I
S = I, ... S, ...In
= o for m =
In ...
= O for n=I,
... N,
for i=I,...I.
Kravis et al. (I 975, p. 70).
For an exception see Denison (I967).
3 A functional form can be defined as flexible if it can represent an arbitrary set of revenue shares,
cost shares, and elasticities of revenue and cost shares at a specified base point. Our form in equation
(5) is flexible in a more general sense because it can represent arbitrary revenue shares and cost shares
at multiple base points; each value of s, and hence each entity, constitutes a distinct base point. The
form is restricted, however, in the sense that the second order coefficients are independent of s, implying
equal elasticities of revenue and cost shares for all entities.
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To ease exposition we refer henceforth to the economic entities as countries,
without noting further that they could be firms or industries. In this case the
comparisons are naturally thought of as cross section comparisons, but they
could just as well be time series comparisons or combined cross section, time
series comparisons.
Observationsfrom any two countries (values of s) are assumed to fall on the
translog transformationfunction (4). A comparison of output for countries k
and 1could use country k as a base or country 1 as a base. Consider using k as
the basis of comparison. In this case we define the ratio of output of k to I as the
minimum proportional decrease in all elements of Yk such that the resulting
vector of outputs is producible with the input and productivity levels of 1. Since
we are using k as the basis of comparison,we denote the factor of proportionality
by ak, which is the solution to the following equation:
lnXI, 1] = I
We can solve for &k as a function of all the output relatives, Yk/Yt, by using the
quadratic identity (QI) due to Diewert (1976).1 Using (4) we can rewrite (6) as:
ln XI, 1]-F(ln Y, ln XI, 1) = o
and applying the QI, we obtain:
{-Fi-ln (Yk/&k), lnX ,1] + jF?(lnY1,lnX1,l)}[ln(Y /&k)-ln Yl] = o,
where the Fi are the partial derivativesof F with respect to the logarithms of the
individual outputs for either country. The constant returns to scale restrictions,
noted below (5), imply:
and FJ[ln(Yk/4k), lnXI, 1] = F (lnYk, lnXI, 1).
Use of (g) allows us to solve (8) for ak:
[2Fi(lnYk, ln XI, 1)+ 2 Fi(lnY1, ln XI, 1)]ln (Y/Y)7 .
( IO)
Now consider using country 1as the basis of comparison. In this case we define
the output of k relative to I as the maximum proportionalincreasein all elements
of Yt such that the resulting vector of outputs is producible with the input and
productivity levels of k. We denote this factor of proportionality by &1,which is
the solution to the following equation:
F(ln41Y1,lnXk,k) =
1 The QI states the following: Let z be an n dimensional vector and F be a quadratic function of the
elements of z. Denote the vector of first derivatives of F by f. Then we can write,
F(z') -F(zO) = i[f(ZI) +f(zo)]T
where X and o represent two observations on the vector z, and T denotes vector transposition.
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Following the same procedure as above, we can solve for 41as a function of the
output relatives Y1/YI:
ln 1 =-
[?Fi(lnYl, lnXk, k) + Fi(lnYk, ln Xk, k)]ln( Y/Yk ).
We have two alternative definitions of the relative output in k and 1. In one
case k is treated as the base country and in the other 1 is treated as the base
country. It would be desirable to have a base-country invariant definition of
relative output. A natural definition is the geometric mean of &kand &1,
which we
denote as &kl:
ln&kl = (lnak+ ln 4,) /2.
Using (I o) and (I 2), equation (I 3) can be written in the following form:
ln 6kl
[j?Fi(lnYk, lnXk, k) + 1F (lnY1,In XI, 1)]In(Yk/Yt)
+ 4Z
4 [Fi(lnYk, ln Xk, k) - Fi(ln Y, ln Xk, k)] ln(Y4k/JY)
+ 1E [Fi(InYI, InXI, I)-Fi(ln Yk, InXI, I)] In(Yi'
The terms in the brackets in the second and third lines of
leaving the simplified expressionfor akl:'
in &kl = ~-[2Fj(lnYk,
sum to zero,
ln Xk, k) + 1F (InY, ln XI, 1)]ln(Y/Y)k
If economic entities maximise revenue conditional on the input levels and output
prices, then F*is equal to the negative of the share of output i in total revenue,
-Ri. Thus
can be rewritten as:
(Re+ R) ln(VY1/
(i 6)
Equation (i 6) provides an index number of the Tornqvist-Theil-translog form.2
We referto it as the translogbilateraloutputindex.This index has been derived from
an unrestrictedconstant returns to scale translog transformationfunction; thus,
I Note that
~ ~
In Xk, k) = a4+
Fi(ln Yl, In Xk, k) = ak+
aij In Yk+ iij
aii In YJ+
In Xk,
gi In Xk.
Thus the second line of (I4) is
X aij (In Yk-In
i i
YI) In (Yk/kY). Similarly the third line of (I4) is
cai (In Y1>-In Yj) In (Y/ Y'). Hence the second and third lines sum to zero.
2 The derivation of (i6) depends upon the equality of second order coefficients,
aci, across entities.
If this equality does not hold, it can be shown, from (14) and footnote i, that In 8kl is equal to the
translog bilateral index plus an expression that depends upon the discrepancies in the aij and the log
output ratios. This expression can be used to incorporate estimates of the aii to correct the translog
index or to test the sensitivity of the index to hypothesised differences in the aic.
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the index does not entail separability of inputs and outputs nor neutrality of
differences in productivity.
The translog bilateral output index is attractive for making base-country
invariant binary output comparisons.But a set of such binary comparisonsdoes
not necessarilyresultin a transitivemultilateral comparison.Introductionof any
third country, say m, resultsin three bilateral comparisonsthat do not in general
satisfy the circularity requirement, i.e. ln 3k * lnkm -ln&lm. It is possible,
however, to modify the definition of output comparisonsso that transitiveresults
are obtained in the multilateral setting. We define the output of country k
relative to the output of all S countries as the geometric mean of the bilateral
output comparisonsbetween k and each of the countries:
Substituting the translog bilateral output indexes into
In4, =
[(Rk+ Rj)(Inyk
7) yields:
n Yj)+ RFi
lnYi- Ri InYi],
( I 8)
where the bar indicates the arithmetic mean over the S countries of the variable
or product under the bar. Finally, the translogmultilateraloutputindex,3kl, is
defined as:
ln 6kln
d*- In
(ln Yi- ln
+ Ri) (ln Y,-ln Y-).
Yj)-1Ei (JM
(I 9)
Translog multilateral output comparisonsare easily seen to be transitive:
In4kcl =In d;;*-In
The translog multilateral output index, k*,,reduces to the translog bilateral
outputindex,Rkl, whenS is equalto 2.
The translogmultilateraloutput index can be derivedin an alternativemanner
by considering a hypothetical representativecountry (h) with the output vector
ln Yi,the input vector ln Xi, and the revenue sharesRi. A translogbilateraloutput
comparison of country k with this hypothetical country results in the following
ln 4kh = j (Rt + R-) (ln Y-lnI Y),
providing an alternative path to (i 8) ln 4kl = lna'kh-lnmah.
The foregoing development of output comparisons can be easily adapted to
the problem of input comparisons. We denote by Pk and p, the proportional
changes in input that are analogous to 4 and 41.For example, p is the minimum
proportional increase in all elements of XI such that the resulting vector of
inputs is sufficient to produce yk with the productivity level prevailing at k;
i.e. Pk iS the solution to the following equation:
F(lnYk, lnpkX1, k) = I.
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Proceeding as above we define Pkl as the geometric mean of Pk and Pl If
economic entities minimise total cost conditional on output levels and input
prices, we obtain the translogbilateralinputindex:
where the Wnare sharesof input n in total cost. Expanding the input comparison
to the multilateral setting provides the translogmultilateral
lnPk1= lnpPk-lnp
+ Wn) (ln Xn-ln
(Wn+Jn) (lnXn'-lnXn). (24)
The translog multilateral input index is transitive:
P -Inpn
Inlp,*l= Inp
and it reduces to a translog bilateral input index, ln Pkl, when S is equal to 2.
Productivity comparisons can be interpreted as comparisons of outputs
relative to inputs. Thus, we might expect that the translog output and input
indexes could be combined to provide translog productivity indexes. This is
verified at the end of the next section.
Writersfrom Solow (1957) to Diewert (I980)
have identifiedchangesin pro-
ductivity with shifts in the production function. This notion of productivity
change is unambiguous for infinitesimal shifts in continuous time, but actual
productivity comparisons must be based on discrete data points. Productivity
comparisonsof such points are closely related to output comparisons,as discussed
in the previoussection. Indeed productivitycomparisonscan be viewed as output
comparisonswith input levels controlled to be equal.
As in the previous section we assume that observationsfrom any two countries
fall on the translog transformationfunction. A productivity comparisonbetween
k and 1can be based on either k or I or on some average of them. Consider using
k as the basisof comparison.In this case we define the productivityof k relative to
1 as the minimum proportional decrease (Ak) in all elementsof yk such that the
resulting output vector is producible with the input levels of k and the productivity level of 1. Thus Ak is the solution to the following equation:
which is equivalent to:
JnXk' l] = I,
F(ln Y1, ln XI, 1)-F[ln(Yk/Ak),
ln Xk, 1] =
Applicationof Diewert'sQI to (27), alongwith (9), yields:
lnAk = [?(ln Y, ln XI, 1)+ Fi(lnyk, ln Xk, I)]ln(Y4"/Y4)
E [Fn(lnY1, lnXI, 1) + Fn(lnyk,
ln Xk, 1)] ln(Xk/X,
where the FJ(Fn) are the partial derivativesof F with respect to the logarithmsof
the individual outputs (inputs) for either country.
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Now consider using country 1as the basisof comparison. In this case we define
the productivity of k relative to 1 as the maximum proportional increase (Al)in
all elements of Y1such that the resulting output vector is producible with the
input levels of I and the productivity level of k. Thus Al is the solution to the
following equation:
F(lnAlY1, lnXi, k)
Subtracting F(lnyk, In Xk, k) from both sides of
In Al-2E
[Fi (InY', InXi,
E [F.
and applying the QI
k) + Fi(lnyk, InXk, k)] Iln( Yik/lY,1)
(ln Y, ln XI, k) +F(lnYk,
lnXk, k)] In (Xk/X) .
We have two alternative definitions of the productivity of country k relative
to the productivity of country 1. In one case k is treated as the base country, and
in the other 1 is treated as the base country. A natural base-country invariant
definition of the relative productivity of k and I is the geometric mean of Ak
and Al,which we denote as Akl:
lnAkl= (InAk+lnAl)/2.
Equation (3 I) can be written in the following form:
lnAkl =-1X[Fi(lnY1,
lnXi,l) +Fi(lnYk, lnXk,k)]ln(Y4"1/Yj)
--E[Fn(In Yl, InXI, I) + Fn(lnyk, InXk,
[F (lnYk,
InXk, I) -Fi (In Y, In XI, I)
+ F (In Yi, InXI, k) - F (lnyk, In Xk, k)] ln( Ykl Yj')
-t [Fn(lnyk, In Xk, I) -Fn (In Yl, In XI, I) + Fn(InYa,In XI, k)
-Fn(InYk, InXk, k)] ln (XnklXn) *
By writing out the derivatives Fi and F., it is straightforwardto verify that the
expressionin the third and fourthlines of (32) is equal to zero, as is the expression
in the fifth and sixth line of (32).
If economic entities minimise costs conditional on output levels and input
prices, and maximise revenues conditional on input levels and output prices,
then the Fi are equal to the negative of the revenue shares (Ri), and the F. are
equal to cost shares (Wn).Thus (32) can be rewritten as:
k) (I1nYik /Yl)
- 1 E (WIk-+ Wnl) Iln (Xk,/ X,'),
which is the translogbilateralproductivityindex proposed by Christensen and
Jorgenson (I 970) . Its derivation in this paper is based on an unrestrictedconstant
returns to scale translog transformation function. Thus, it does not entail
separability of inputs and outputs, nor neutrality of differences in productivity.
The translog bilateral productivity index is attractive for making base-country
invariant binary productivity comparisons. But a set of such binary comparisons
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does not satisfy the circularity requirement, i.e. In Akgt Aknz- An. We must
extend the definition leading to the bilateral productivity comparison to obtain
a transitive multilateral productivity comparison. Proceeding as above, we
define the productivity of country k relative to the productivity of all S countries
as the geometric mean of the bilateral productivity comparisons between k and
each of the S countries.
ln Aks.
ln Ak
Substituting the translog bilateral productivity indexes into (34) yields:
(Rk+ Rj) (ln YI4-n
(RiIn Yi- Ri In Yj)-E
WnJ)(ln X -IXn)
(WnIn Xn + WnIn X.) .
index,ln A*, is defined as:
Finally, the translogmultilateralfproductivity
lnA* = lnAk-lnAl =
(R +R) (ln Yik-lnY.)
+ Wn) (ln Xn-ln
+1R) (ln Y7-ln
+ Wn)(ln Xl-ln
Xn) + 1E (Wn'
The translog multilateral productivity index is transitive:
ln A* = ln Am
ln A*,
and it reduces to the bilateral translog productivity index, ln Aki, when S is
equal to 2. The alternative approach of comparing each country directly to a
hypothetical representative country (h), which has output vector ln Y, input
vector lnXn, revenue shares Ri, and cost shares WJ, results in the following
lnAkn =
(R7t + Rj) (ln Yi-ln I Y+)-(
Wn) (ln X,-ln X).
This approach also leads to the translog multilateral output index,
A* = In Akh
At the end of the previous section we suggested that one might expect a
relationship between translog output and input indexes and a translog productivity index. It is now clear that the relationshipis very simple. The translog
bilateral productivity index is the difference between the translog bilateral
output and input indexes:
ln-Akl= ln ikl -lnPkz.
Similarly, the translog multilateral productivity index is the difference between
the translog multilateral output and input indexes:
lnkA = lnk*-ln P
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As we emphasised at the outset, the multilateral indexes that we have proposed
are applicable to cross-section data, time series data, and combinations of crosssection and time series data (panel data). The attractions of multilateral methods
are quite clear in the case of cross-section data, but not as clear in the case of
time series data. Contrary to cross-section data, where there is generally no
natural ordering of the data points, chronological order is considered to be
natural for time-differentiated data points. This is the justification for the
standard practice of comparing adjacent observations directly, while nonadjacent observations are compared only indirectly, using the intervening
observations as intermediaries. This practice, which is called 'chain-linking',
results in transitive time series comparisons.
Time series comparisons based on superlative bilateral chain-linked indexes
have many desirable properties; their primary unattractive feature is the
indirect nature of the comparison of non-adjacent observations. Superlative
multilateral indexes compare adjacent and non-adjacent observations directly.
Such symmetry of treatment is generally desirable, but in this instance it has the
troublesome consequence of destroying the fixity of historical comparisons. As
time passes new observations become available that expand the set of comparisons. The chain-linked bilateral index approach leaves the historical
comparisons intact, but the multilateral index approach results in new comparisons for the entire time series. The choice between the two approaches
appears to rest with the importance attached to the conflicting traits of symmetry of treatment and fixity of historical comparisons.
Although there are no clear grounds for choosing between the multilateral and
the chain-linked bilateral approaches for time series data, there are strong
grounds for preferring the multilateral approach for comparisons based on
panel data. The reason is that the lack of symmetry of treatment with chainlinked bilateral indexes, which might be considered unimportant in the case of
a single time series, becomes magnified in the case of several time series, i.e. panel
data. The set of time series comparisons could be linked together via any single
cross-section, but the results would differ from those obtained by choosing any
other cross-section.1 An equally unattractive alternative would be to construct
all the cross-section comparisons and combine them by chain-linking the results
through an arbitrarily chosen country; the results would differ from those
obtained by choosing any other country. The multilateral approach to panel
data comparisons treats all countries and time periods symmetrically and is
therefore more desirable than either approach involving chain-linking.2
Jorgenson and Nishimizu (1978) provide an example of this approach.
See Caves, Christensen, and Tretheway (I98I) for an application of the translog multilateral
productivity index to a panel of airline firms.
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Interest in international comparisons predated recent developments in the
economic theory of index numbers. Performing comparisons required that
empirical procedures be chosen, and various criteria have been used to make the
selection. In some instances the methods chosen turn out to be justified in terms
of the analysis developed in this paper.
Dreschler (I973) brought to the attention of English-speaking economists a
method of multilateral output comparison (the EKS method) that had been
independently proposed by Elteto and Koves (i 964) and Szulc (i 964). Dreschler
(p. 28) described the EKS method as follows:
'... a method by which circularity can be achieved paying the least possible
price for it in respect of characteristicity. The least possible price here means
that for the ensemble of the comparisons the deviations of the EKS indices
from the characteristic binary (Fisher type) indices is minimised (least
squares method).'
Thus, the EKS method attains transitivity while departing as little as possible
from the Fisher Ideal bilateral index. It turns out that EKS multilateral comparisons can be obtained from Fisher Ideal bilateral indexes in exactly the same
way that translog multilateral indexes are obtained from translog bilateral
indexes. It is not known whether the EKS can be derived directly from a flexible
transformation function that is non-separable in inputs and outputs and permits
non-neutraldifferences in productivity among countries.1Nonetheless, Theorem 6
of Diewert (I978) assures us that the EKS method will provide a second order
approximation to multilateral translog comparisons.
As we alluded in the opening section, Kravis, Heston and Summers (I978) rejected the EKS method, as being too mechanical, and adopted instead a procedure
that they call the Geary-Khamis method. It does not appear that the GearyKhamis method has the theoretical justification possessed by the superlative
indexes that we have discussed. Thus, we would recommend reconsideration of
the methodology used in subsequent comparisons by Kravis and his associates.
In spite of their rejection of the EKS method, Kravis et al. (I978, Table 3.4)
did complete an EKS output comparison. This allows us to infer whether the
different methods can lead to substantially different results. Their Table 3.4 indicates that comparisons amongsimilar countries (developed or developing) did not
differ much, but that comparisons among dissimilar countries differed by as much
as 20 %.2Kravis etal. have not provided any comparisons using the translog index.
They did, however, provide results based on a Walsh index, which - although
not a superlative index - is similar to the translog index. The results were quite
similar to those of the EKS method, and we conjecture that use of the translog
index would also provide results that are close to those of the EKS method.
1 It is straightforward to derive the EKS index in the separable, neutral case, but we have not
succeeded in deriving EKS in the general case.
Per capita output in the United Kingdom in 1970 was estimated to be 6 38 times that in Kenya
by the EKS method but only 5.29 by the Geary-Khamis method.
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Kloek and Theil -(I 965) have carried out an international comparison of
quantities consumed rather than produced. They (KT) argued in favour of
making comparisons in logarithmic terms because interest generally focusses on
relative differences. This led KT to use bilateral indexes of the translog form. To
obtain transitive multilateral comparisons KT argued along lines similar to
EKS, which led to a similar least squares criterion. The end result was an index
having the form of the translog multilateral indexes derived in Section II. Thus,
the KT method of comparing consumption among countries can be viewed as a
superlative index based on the translog direct utility function.
We have proposed definitions for bilateral output, input, and productivity
comparisons for neoclassical structures of production, and we have shown that a
widely used bilateral index, the Tornqvist-Theil-translog, is very attractive for
making such comparisons. The indexes can be derived from a flexible multiproduct, multifactor representation of the structure of production - the translog
transformation function - restricted to constant returns to scale. These functions
are flexible, and therefore the resulting indexes are superlative, as discussed by
Diewert (I976). The indexes for output and input comparisons have the same
form, and their ratio coincides with the appropriate index for productivity
We have generalised the definitions for bilateral output, input, and productivity comparisons to the multilateral case. Using these definitions, we have
derived the indexes that are implied by the translog transformation function.
These indexes provide transitive multilateral comparisons that maintain a high
degree of characteristicity.
The superlative multilateral indexes that we have proposed are very attractive
for cross section comparisons and for panel data comparisons, but they are not
necessarily preferable to chain-linked bilateral indexes for time series comparisons. This follows because chronology provides a natural ordering of time
series data that is lacking for cross-section or panel data.
Extensive cross-section and panel data sets, suitable for multilateral comparisons, have become more readily available in recent years. The economic
theory of index numbers provides powerful tools that can be used in making
such comparisons. Unfortunately, however, these tools have not been widely
used in developing empirical methods of comparison. For example, Kravis and
his associates, in their large and continuing international comparisons project,
have adopted a non-superlative multilateral index procedure that sacrifices a
large amount of characteristicity. Their own calculations indicate that some of
their results differ substantially from those that would be obtained from the
translog multilateral output index proposed in this paper.
Universityof Wisconsin-Madison
Universityof BritishColumbia
Date of receiptoffinal typescript:June I98I
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