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Compare & Contrast: Why Students Need This Skill

Why Students Always Compare and Contrast Information Before
Using them as a Reference
Students should always compare and contrast information before using them as
a reference because to help understand how you currently use comparative thinking in
your classroom and to explain the strategic teacher approach to the compare and
contrast strategy and I agree!
Because comparative thinking is one of our first and most natural forms of
thought. For example, when we are just an infant the first difference we must identify is
that between mother and other. Without the ability to make comparisons to set one
object or idea against another and the similarities and differences much of what we call
learning would quite literally be impossible. Although comparative thinking is a natural
operation of the minds and is essential to learning, mostly because most students have
a difficult time making use of comparison in school. To better understand how to reach
success when asking your students to make comparisons, it is important to first
understand your own attitude toward comparisons and how you use them in your
To make this more specific I have evidence to make you believe me. Cause
when students are comparing and contrasting it will help increase the students'
comprehension so students will be more creative and to think even wider. And it simply
means to give students more knowledge.
Also, it is important to first understand your own attitude toward comparisons and
how you use them in your classroom. You probably wondering how the classroom is
related to this theme. It acts as a higher order of thinking. And it will improve
comprehension by highlighting important details and reducing the confusion between
related concepts. And it is also necessary for interaction with the environment. Finding
differences helps students organize both new and known information.
I could be more specific. It also affects students' habits of mind which means we
give them tools they need to use their minds well, thus increasing their chance for future
successes and it basically means to help them find what is right.
Just like when you’re in school you need to gain more knowledge that why you
want to go to the school that’s why we have teachers to give us building blocks in our
brains and help us teach us the right things to do and at the same time protecting us.