1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Rationale “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out” - Robert Collier. The student’s gradual effort they put each day will pay off over time. In the forms of high grades, recognitions, medals, certificates, trophies, and praises, as we've always seen that honestly pleasing to the eyes and feeling that their efforts got payed off. But behind that pleasing feeling, that joy of being awarded after a tough fight and great effort to get those recognitions somehow equates the burden of pressure they are carrying academically, mentally, and physically. There are also problems associated with academic excellence, as high achieving students are more anxious, tend to perfectionism, have high sensitivity, and have a sense of loneliness and social isolation compared to ordinary students. Despite the high mental abilities, these students suffer from problems that may be endogenous, including an imbalance in mental and physical development, imbalance in mental and emotional development, high sensitivity, a multiplicity of interests, and the tendency to form systems and laws at an early age, a seek for perfection and excessive idealism, or external problems, related to their relationships with colleagues and companions, or with their relationship with parents, or teachers (Almousa et al., 2022). Despite being good and best at doing the things we want and ought to do, there are inevitable struggles and difficulties along the way. Especially those 2 individuals, students to be particular, who are molded and inculcated to be competent in any work and things they are doing. These students strive for an academic performance validation, they as well as struggles to do and maintain both their best at doing pure academics and engaging themselves in skills related activities. In which students who excels in academic and extracurricular relates. Contributing difficulties of focus and time management in their life not just as a student but as an individual as well. Some students were worried that participating in extracurricular activities may take away considerable time from their schoolwork, which is detrimental to their grades (Vargas et al., 2020). In Bangladesh one of the study indicates that both the type of extracurricular programs and level of participation may impact the individuals development. Involvement in extracurricular activities improves a higher level of academic achievement. It also finds out that involvement in school related activities was more strongly related with achievement than was involvement in activities outside of school. There is a strong correlation between student participation in extracurricular activities participation and improved attendance, behavior, and academic achievement and develops intellectual skill, managing the critical situation, leardership effectiveness, developing relationship management and creative decision making. Moreover, in Singapore, the results of the study showed that participating in extracurricular activities improved the academic performance of the students whilst some students were worried that participating in extracurricular activities may take away considerable time from their schoolwork, which is detrimental to their grades (Sabuj et al., 2018). 3 In the Philippines, particularly in Quezon City, a study shows that involvement in extracurricular activities is beneficial in some ways for students. It showed that the students who are involved with extracurricular activities have chances of increasing brain function compared with those who are not involved. This kind of activity increases positive self-development regardless of the location of the activities. And, extracurricular activities can improve their grades and outlook in school in general. It appears to be that participating in extracurricular activities can increase one's self-esteem. The more you succeed through activities that you are passionate about, the more your self-confidence will increase. However, by getting involved in these activities, students can become detracted from their studies, lose focus, and become stressed from this burden, which is disadvantageous to their academic performance (Vargas et al., 2020). Locally, in Pantukan, Davao De Oro, specifically in Bongabong National High School, there are skilled and academic competent students in the school in such that while there academic performance and involvement in skill related activities increases, the pressure in theirselves also increases and their focus is torn between the two. While some students, accustomed to this kind of school life, we can’t deny the fact that most of them struggles to balance their time, mind, and effort in being academically and extracurricularly efficient. In fact, as per initial interview with one of the competent student in BNHS in the person of Joanna Keith Pastolero, a Grade 11-General Academic Strand, with honors in their class and at the same time a sports active student, one of the qualifiers on the last provincial meet for volleyball. She said that being a competent student both in academic and 4 extra-curicular activities is not easy. It requires sacrificies in time, properly setting up priorities and even sometimes it cause worries and pressures on which things to be done first. There have been previous studies that assess experiences with this kind of student academic performance issue just like in the research of Vargas et al (2020) as aforementioned above which entitled Effects of Extracurricular on Academic Performance of Senior High School Students which shows advantages and disadvantages in light to the experiences of students of how extracurricular affects their academic performance. Nonetheless, here in Bongabong National High School, no one conducted this research on exploring the lived experiences of students in BNHS who excels in both academic and extracurricular and the related impacts of it to their academic performance. It only manifest that present study shall make distinct contribution on how to manage struggles and challenges in doing both their best in academic and extracurricular aspect. It is in this context, that the researchers are interested to know more the diverse experiences and strategies they have as an academic and extracurricular achiever, thus this study must be conducted. Purpose of the Study The aim of this phenomenological study is to explore and understand the lived experiences of students who excels in both academic and in extracurricular field. Aditionally, this study will focus on what challenges, difficulties, and problems they face along their way and despite the achievements they acquired. Moreover, we researches are determined and interested to delve more and know the real 5 experiences, how they deal things out of it, how did it help them as a student and how they manage themselves and grind amidst stress and pressure and how it affects their whole being and much especially their learning outcomes and academic performance. Research Questions 1. What are the lived experiences of students who excels both in academic and in extracurricular activities? 2. How do students excelling in academic and extracurricular activities cope with the challenges they encountered? 3. What are the insights of student excelling in both academic and extracurricular activities? Theoretical Lens This study is anchored on Zero-Sum Framework of Coleman (1961) which states that student’s society as a finite system in which commitment to academic, athletic, or social values represents a loss to the other two. Moreover, the ZeroSum framework theorized that Extra-Curricular Activity participation has a negative effect on academic performance because students were devoting more time for their ECA activities at the expense of their academic studies. Hence, ECA participation requires time commitments from students, and these time requirements are in direct competition with time that otherwise could have been spent on academic pursuits. In the context of this study, this theory is relevant because sometimes students do really dwell more in their extracurricular activities 6 leaving them behind in academic lessons and class and like neglecting or hardly paying attention anymore to their academic responsibilities. Another theory that supports this study is Developmental Framework of Broh et al (2002) states that ECA participation has a positive effect on academic performance indirectly as a result of the non-academic and social benefits associated with ECA participation. There are three ways which ECA participation indirectly boosts students’ academic performance. First, ECA participation helps students develop life skills and characteristics such as a strong work ethic, selfesteem, perseverance, locus of control, which are consistent with positive academic outcomes. Second, participating in ECA increases students’ social status and accords them membership into the leading-crowd of academicallyoriented peer group, thereby facilitating higher academic performance. Third, ECA participation provides students with greater interaction with fellow students and the school, thereby building social ties and developing social capital. ECA participation facilitates students to achieve better academic performance through acquiring life skills and attitudes. Truthfully, the context of this study is affliated because in participating and engaging with extracurriculars you get to learn and improved skills and attitudes that helps you academically and in other matters in life. Furthermore, Threshold framework of Marsh, et.al (1992) theorized that ECA participation has a positive effect on academic performance up till a certain point beyond which participation leads to negative academic outcomes. The Threshold framework attributes the point of diminishing academic benefits to students’ excessive time commitment which leaves students too little time for 7 academic pursuits, similar to the Zero-Sum framework. As such, the Threshold framework strikes a compromise between the Zero-Sum framework’s prediction that excessive time commitments result in declining academic performance and the Developmental framework’s prediction of positive non-academic developmental benefits. In context to this, having to excel in academics and active in extracurricular draws a diverge matter in students part because it can have positive effects but can also result to opposite due to various inconveniences of the two can bring might be if not handled well orderly. Significance of the Study It is believed that the result obtained from the study is of utmost significance to the following individuals to provide a better understanding of the lived experiences of students who excels both in academic and extracurricular activities. Students. This study serves as a guide for students to know how we should deal, manage, and grind despite stress, pressure, and challenges and difficulties. More than that, this research is a kind of help as this will tackle about experiences and strategies of those students on how to maintain and develop right and good academic performance, as well as to promote time management on the things they are doing and exert self-discipline and focus to every task they performed, that not just will help them out in academics but also in their other aspects of life. Parent. This study serves as an encouragement to them as parents to render moral and financial support. This study also inform parents about the struggles and difficulties that their children encountered, and with this, it will give them proper guidance and monitoring to their children. 8 Teacher. This study help teachers to assess and motivate students on what things they are passionate with, then they should go for it, as long as they could handle and maintain their focus academically, exert self-discipline and time management. Future Researcher. This study serves as a basis for the future research to be conducted. Particularly on the study of the experiences of students excelling in both field of education, academics and extracurricular. Moreover, they can also benefit from it in a way of giving them another idea of what study they will focus on. Definition of Terms To provide clarity and understanding regarding the specific terms used in this study, the following terms are defined in this research operationally and conceptually. Extracurricular Activities - In this study, it refers to a range of activities that the students engage, it could be sports, school clubs attended like school publications club, and others. It is also the activities done outside the classroom or lesson activities. Furthermore, the meaning of the prefix term “extra”, found in freedictionary.com by a study in the definition of extracurricular activities, it is defined as something: “More than or beyond what is usual, normal, expected, or necessary. Hence, extracurricular activities is defined as “activities being outside the regular curriculum of a school or college (Bartkus et al., 2012). Academics - In this study, this is the subjects and lessons that students must actively and efficiently participate to acquire a well academic performance. 9 Moreover, as stated by Collins Dictionary, it is describe as things that relate to the work done in schools, colleges, and universities, especially work which involves studying and reasoning rather than practical or technical skills. In the Limelight of Success - In this study it refers to the state of being at the center of public attention due to the achievement a student received and enjoyed. Limitations and Delimitation of the Study The study is delimited to the experiences of students excelling in both academic and extracurricular actvities, how they cope with the difficulties and the challenges they faced and what are their insights being a students that both excel in academic and extra-curricular activities. The participants of this study were the fourteen (14) academic excellent or with honors students in Bongabong National High School and at the same time actively engaging extracurricular activities who are officially enrolled in Junior High School and Senior High School for the school year 2022-2023. Seven (7) particpants for In Depth Interview (IDI) and seven (7) for Focus Group Discussion (FGD). We chose them, since they are literally our subjects of interest in our research. And truthfully, a lot of them are still struggling in managing their time for completing academic task and other things they are passionate about to do. With this, it cultivates certain kinds of attributes like self discipline, focus, and time management that will help them not just in their academic circumstances but also in life outside the school. 10 Organization of the Study This research provides evident and full grasp of struggles and difficulties face and experienced by those academic and extracurricular students that excels in both area. The researchers organizes this research paper in order to make better understanding about the study. Five chapters were developed and depicted for this research study. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the study, with the help of thoroughly checked and reliable informations we searched through internet. And immerse ourselves in the experiences and impacts on the students who are actively excelling in both field of study, academically and extracurricularly, to come up with a background of the study. Also, we determine the beneficiaries through the significance of this study and formulated the purpose of the study through brainstorming and thoroughly discussing of things on what we wanted to really know and more, and determine our goal as we conduct this study. This also comprises of research questions, theoretical lens, definition of terms, and scope of the study. Chapter 2 discusses different studies and references and other related literature on the experiences of students in academic and extracurricular aspects. We gather data in order to find concepts on which our study is anchored. Chapter 3 comprises research methodology to use that suits our purpose of the study. A research proposal was presented to the panelist for the approval of the study. After the panelist approved the study, we ask for consent through a letter to the administrator of the school particularly the principal and teacher to conduct 11 the study. An interview guide questions was submitted to Mrs. Floramie Gato, our practical research adviser then submitted and examined by the expert affirmation and was being used as a tool for data gathering from our research participant. The participants were picked randomly and before the interview, inform consent was given to the participants. Chapter 4 discusses our pre-analysis which specified on advance on how we analyzed the gathered data. Followed by data analysis, in which it is used to explore and understand the experiences of students who excels in academic and extracurricular activities so as to describe their experience, insights, and coping mechanisms on managing and well balancing their time and efforts in doing their studies and other things they are doing in life. It also concludes by validating the accuracy of the gathered information through member checking. Generally, we presented the results of analysis of the collected data in the form categorization and we use the corresponding core ideas to describe experience of those students. Chapter 5 presents the discussion and conclusion of the results which includes the summary of our findings in each of our main questions and the equivalent corresponding supporting literature and studies. Afterwards, it was followed by the synthesis of the study and its implications to the students. 12 Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Academic Excellence Academic excellence is defined as a person’s demonstrated ability to perform, accomplish, and excel in academic activities. Academic excellence is not limited to achieving good grades only, but academic excellence is characterized by its ability to achieve high grades and the ability to achieve unique performance among peers. In addition, academic achievements are the positive, demonstrable results of your academic performance. These include your grades, honors, awards, competitive results and experiences that demonstrate your academic prowess, engagement in student life, contributions to your commonly and resilience. Anything that you have completed such as a degree, certification or standardized test is also potentially an achievement. Moreover, academic achievement is important for the successful development of young people in society. Also achieving academic excellence is a process of both formal and informal education (Benjamin, 2016 ; Spacey, 2022). On the other hand, according to the DepEd Order or DO 36, S. 2016 of Department of Education in the Philippines(DepEd), academic excellence are awards that have been designed to formally recognize the outstanding performance and achievement of learners in academics, leadership, and social responsibility, among other aspects of student progress and development. These 13 awards are given to encourage learners to strive for excellence and to become proactive members of the school and community (DepEd, 2016). There are many factors that contribute to academic excellence, including :Taking responsibility, the student must realize that the responsibility for his academic achievement rests solely with him, and that the teacher is the guide and guide, and the help of colleagues is one way to achieve understanding, however, each person is responsible for his success. Self-control, students should prepare themselves to study or understand tasks every day for at least two hours, and study to achieve knowledge and understanding, not just to get a certain degree. Time management, time management is very important, as it allows the student to devote time to study and entertain himself, and it is necessary to avoid wasting time, which is one of the reasons for academic failure. Maintaining progress It is desirable for the student to advance in his class, and to learn more, by reading one or more books other than textbooks. Self-reliance, the student must do what he can to help himself improve his academic performance, by following different methods, such as increasing study time, forming study groups, studying with a partner, and then relying on other means such as reinforcement lessons, or resorting to specialists. Attendance Maintaining, attendance and avoiding absenteeism or tardiness provides students with first-hand knowledge of teachers’ comments and responses to questions and inquiries. Determination and not giving up, any personal crisis, problem or frustration that the student may face should not be an obstacle to him and to the pursuit of his studies, and here comes the role of parents, teachers and counseling coordinators in helping the student determine 14 how to manage or deal with these situations. Communication, in the event that for some reason it is not possible to attend, the student should communicate with his teachers and inform them, try to make arrangements to make up for missed assignments, and communicate with colleagues in order to achieve greater understanding (Dr. Bensaoucha, 2023). In addition, in terms of the student, achievement or excellence means reaching the objectives framed in the curriculum. In education institutions, however, the aim of this achievement is to improve and advance academically. Academic achievement is the knowledge, skills, success and development instilled in students by the teacher in schools. In order to enable academic achievement, it is expected that students will successfully carry out the tasks given to them, display a perfectionist approach, show resistance in the face of obstacles and develop strategies for overcoming difficulties that they face. Among the important factors affecting students’ academic achievement are the economic conditions they find themselves in, their habits for studying and for doing homework, their time management skills, their health conditions and their relationships within the family (Ozcan, 2021) Furthermore, Make effort and work hard, the student must focus on achieving the best grades and make the effort that is commensurate with the degree he aspires to achieve, even if he is unable to obtain it, and not to be lazy after the middle of the semester, as he must continue at the same pace that the student started at the beginning of the semester , and even enhance the effort expended over time. Resorting to support and reinforcement centers The student 15 can resort to some centers that provide academic support, such as credit centers, student support services, and the Academic Advising Office. Maintaining focus, you must maintain focus, avoid confusion, and eliminate as much as possible from negative influences that may prevent the achievement of the goal (Dr. Bensaoucha, 2023). To conclude, academically excellent students are more likely to have higher self-esteem, have lower levels of depression and anxiety, are socially inclined, and are less likely to abuse alcohol and engage in substance abuse. Positive selfesteem and self-confidence are critical factors in commitment to academic success. And they are also more likely organized, prepared and have an organizational plan, does better in school and will continue to be like that in their career and/or future doings. And thus, students who do well in school are better able to make the transition into adulthood and to achieve occupational and economical success (Regier, 2011). Extracurricular Activities Extracurricular activities are usually described as activities that are not belong to academic curriculum, but are offered by an academic institution. Extracurricular activities are to be done in class or out of school based on the demands and convenience of extracurricular activities. Meanwhile, it is also defined as activities that are unique from unorganized and unsupervised public activities such as interacting or enjoying activities with friends. Instead, they are structured structurally and contain supervision by teachers and under careful supervision, extracurricular activities could focus on group, interaction, 16 management, and other public skill-building and beneficial growth for the members. The supervision of extra-curricular activities enforces positive development for adolescents because it provides guidance for the students. Additionally, with supervised extracurricular activities, students are guided towards appropriate behaviors and activities while being challenged to help develop competencies and confidence. Human beings learn many things by doing or experiencing. Students who excel in extracurricular activities may improve themselves for real situations (Fuddin, 2018). Also, extracurricular has an important role in today’s high school programs. When one considers the large number of activities available, one realizes the variety of the programs. Included in ECA are athletics, publication, student government, fine arts, academic clubs, and many more. There is a huge amount of research focused on studying the relationship between student involvement in activities and student academic achievement. Also, students who participates in ECA can help them improve themselves and may improves the leadership skills of the students. It helps them to interact and to easily communicate to other people. These skills may help us in other ways of our lives. By participating in ECA in schools, it helps to decrease their behavioral problem such as having no confidence in meeting new people or friends. By engaging to ECA, it help to gain self-confidence, leadership, and other traits (Anjum, 2021). Extra-academic activities or extracurricular activities include sports, student government, community, service, employment, arts, hobbies, and educational clubs. The study found that engagement in extracurricular activities was positively 17 related to students general life satisfaction, benefit drawn from academics and extracurricular activities and levels of academic involvement. Participation in extra -curricular activities promotes greater academic achievement because school related activities are more strongly associated with achievement. Beyond demonstrating students interests and individuality, extracurricular activities prove they can make meaningful contributions, maintain a commitment, and manage their time and priorities (Barge, 2020). Furthermore, Extracurricular activities (ECAs) are natural and essential parts of one’s student life. Also defined as activities that fall outside the realm of the normal curriculum of a school education and are performed by students, ECAs are generally voluntary, nonpaying, social, and philanthropic compared to the mandatory and scholastic academic activities. may be divided into four categories: physical exercise, which includes gym- and sport related activities; music-related activities like playing an instrument, being in a choir or a band, or listening to music; reading; and social activities, which encompass political or religious involvement, university club involvement, community service, and volunteering. (Torres et al., 2022). Student involvement is defined as to the amount of sensible and active efficiency that the student uses for one’s academic experience. Another study stated that participating in extracurricular activities gives a student a greater sense of one’s school connection. In another fact, involvement in extracurricular activities gives a positive effect on a student, in terms of their academic and social life. According to the study and findings of Steinberg et al., students who focus on 18 participating in interscholastic athletics as an extracurricular activity are more enhanced than involved with the student’s academic aspirations or achievements (Espiritu, 2018). The supervision of extra-curricular activities enforces positive development for students because it provides guidance. Additionally, with supervised extracurricular activities, students are guided towards appropriate behaviors and activities while being challenged to help develop competencies and confidence. Human beings learn many things by doing or experiencing. Students who excel in extracurricular activities may improve themselves for real situations. Students sometimes cannot find opportunity to be open with teachers at college. And, language teachers know that participation of lessons is the key factor for better learning. Thus, students get disciplined and act well in real situations by joining extracurricular activities (Fuddin , 2018). Also, students who are involved in extracurricular activities help the students to determine or to know how they use their time, choose their preferred peers or friends and guide in building their character. Without a doubt, extracurricular activities helps a student (who is part or involved in it) in determining and choosing one’s peers to help the student in his or her growth and development especially in the stage of adolescence (Espiritu, 2018). Extra-curricular allow students to work in natural settings, and skills gained through practical learning have a more profound impact on students. They can build better collaborative working skills. In their study on business graduates, found that students who participate in ECAs rate their creativity, communication skills, 19 leadership and self-promotion skills higher than their fellow students who do not participate in ECAs. Few studies highlighted that participation in certain ECAs could help students access large firms, secure jobs, avoid unemployment and increase academic achievements and thus in which students linked high involvement in ECAs have higher marks in academics (Munir & Zaheer, 2021). Experiences of Students who Excels in both Academic and Extracurricular. Commitment or the affective, behavioral, and cognitive attachment is positively affected by ECA involvement. ECA’s participation helps in developing leadership skills and fosters the sense of obligation and responsibility, a characteristic that also promotes positive social relationship among the youth. Despite the positive effects of ECAs, several negative outcomes have been noted. Several students perceive that ECAs are mere distractions and hindrance to their academic requirements, causing them extra time for studying and coursework commitments. In addition, students feel pressured by their professors and parents to drop their ECAs to meet their academic expectations. Students also struggle balancing their time with their ECAs and academics and may compromise their performance in either endeavor (Torres et al., 2022). According to most high school students, their greatest academic stressors include tests, grades, homework, academic and achievement expectations and parental pressure. School-related stresses include inadequate instructional methods, teacher-student relationships, heavy academic workload, poor physical classroom environments, inability to balance one’s leisure time with school, and disorganization surrounding academic assignments and schedules. Additional 20 sources consist of a struggle to meet academic standards, worries about time management and concerns over grades and scores. Students are thus, seen to be affected by the negative causes of academic stress (Thakkar, 2018). Moreover, it has become clear from the study of the lived experiences of academically high achievers, that academic achievers spend their time, both in school and out of school, engaging themselves in academic related activities. The academic experiences of these students are helpful not only for them but for the other students of a school. This is due to the fact that they have a lot of academic experiences to share for the others. Findings of the study have shown that high academic achievers’ experiences/ behaviors (related with academic activities in school) can be observed from the activities they perform in the school. Accordingly, they engage themselves in academic activities in the class, out of class and at home. Thus, the behavior expressed overtly can be imitated and reflected by their classmates or by the other students. School leaders, teachers, and parents can play a role by facilitating opportunities to the other students of a school for imitation (Woldetsadik, 2014). The combined benefit was found to improve students’ mental health and social skills. Moreover, they found that students exhibited positive traits through their participation in sports, including teamwork and leadership. For example, in sports, peers were able to assist each other; experienced teammates were able to serve as mentors to one another; and teammates respected each other. The coaches played an integral part in creating a fair and a respectful environment where these positive behaviors thrived. Due to the close attachment amongst 21 peers, students felt that they were in a safe environment which decreased social anxiety (Fuddin, 2018). Coping Mechanism of Students Excelling in Both Academic and Extracurricular Being an academic achiever and extracurricular active can be very stressful. However, it is believed that certain factors may allow some students to succeed academically, such as stress coping skills. Coping skills are factors that determine how a person responds to a task and how well they succeed. When an individual has a sense of control over the stressful situation they are more likely to respond to the situation with confidence. Many students who are able to handle stress well have effective stress coping skills. It is said that when students face stressful life events, they typically use many kinds of coping strategies to deal with them. They use various coping strategies simultaneously, and strategies are also likely to change over time, depending on the effectiveness of the applied strategy (Yazon et al, 2017). Stress coping skills as “the ability to apply strategies that minimize and manage the stress response.” There are different types of coping styles, and the two major coping methods discussed are problem-focused coping and emotionfocused coping. While problem-focused coping is “individuals directly confronting and managing the source of their stress. Individuals prefer to deal directly with the stress by confronting, controlling, or managing stressful tasks.” Problem-focused coping is a form of active coping. It is defined that active coping is “the process of taking active steps to try to remove or circumvent the stressor or to ameliorate its effects.” (Earnest & Dawyer, 2010). 22 While, student achievers describe stress as when there in a state of pressure or in a situation where there is a lot of unfinished tasks to accomplish or things to do within a short period of time. These tasks are mostly related to school or in academic subjects. The most prominent stimuli of stress that they recognize is of circumstances regarding schoolwork(s) or academic matters. While also being the most prominent it is also the cause that students feel most stressed about. The coping mechanisms of the students involves stress eating or in the scenario they failed to fulfill their expectations thus inducing stress they all tried to contemplate what are the reasons why they failed after doing so they boost themselves up to keep going until they succeed. Student achievers also find it easier to cope with their stress with the comfort of their family and friends in order to help and guide them (Rendor et al., 2021). There are also identified eight types of coping strategies which include planful problem solving, seeking social support, confrontive coping, distancing, self-control, escape-avoidance, accepting responsibility, and positive reappraisal. These eight (8) ways of coping were further categorized as active coping strategies and passive coping strategies. (1)Confrontive coping (taking action and confronting the problem), (2) seeking social support (seeking informational and emotional support), (3) planful problem-solving (planning to solve the problem), and (4)positive reappraisal (creating a positive meaning and focus on personal growth) (5) distancing (expecting that the problem solves itself - involves emotional detachment), (6)self-controlling (making efforts to regulate feelings and actions), (7)accepting responsibility (accepting one's own role in the problem), and (8) 23 escape-avoidance (trying to avoid the problem by wishful thinking and behavioral efforts) comprise the passive coping mechanism (Yazon et al, 2017). Moreover, there are also certain behaviors are necessary for teenagers to effectively cope with stress. The behaviors focused on fell under three different strategies: problem-focused, avoidance-focused, and emotion-focused. Within these three strategies were behaviors that made students use their cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving skills and implementing active coping skills, to deal with stress. When students exhibited implementing emotional support by talking to someone, seeking comfort or reducing stress, these were identified as emotion-focused coping behaviors. Behaviors falling under avoidance-focusing coping involved denying problems, avoiding interacting with situations, and using behavioral disengagement. Research of adolescents’ lifestyles in relation to their academic performances leaned towards a strong sense of completion. Students were documented in setting values and beliefs based on the rewards they obtained related to their ambition and achievements . Furthermore, reported that students tried to balance their egos, attitudes, and their abilities to bring reality and their inner strivings together. However, it was stated that students had to be welladjusted to find the effort to reduce stress and help them resolve their problems by engaging in strategies that impacted their social and academic environment. And, these coping styles, when implemented, allowed adolescents to remain focused and relaxed, in control, and socially connected, which allowed them to solve problems effectively (Hudson , 2013). 24 Over and above, coping skills improve class attendance, participation, persistence even when faced with setbacks or failure in general, and arm them with stronger more resilient self who can lead to a much more positive learning experience. Similarly, academic coping strategies helped undergraduate students to perform in their academic through academic coping strategies factors i.e. approach, avoidance, and social support. Furthermore, there are also other variety of coping strategies ranging from healthy, problem-focused coping, to less adaptive, emotion focused, internal and external avoidance coping strategies (Yazon et al., 2017). Insights of the Students Excelling both in Academic and Extracurricular Activities Being involved in extracurricular activities offers important opportunities for students’ development, such as peer relations, appropriate social conduct, and basic skills for academic achievement. Students’ academic achievements are the basis of most of the curricular outcomes that teachers use to evaluate students’ success. However, it is becoming increasingly important that students have opportunities to learn much more than just the curricular outcomes. Students who participate in extracurricular activities demonstrate higher levels of academic achievement, greater character development, greater social development, and a greater sense of the importance of community involvement (Christison, 2013). And thus, studies of different types of Extracurricular Activities address various development experiences such as sports, performing arts, service clubs, and faith-based youth groups. Research shows differences between sports and artistic EA, based on the results they promote in youth. Thus, evidence shows that 25 artistic activities improve adolescent adjustment, as well as the participants’ selfknowledge, self-discipline, and artistic talents. Sports EA not only prevent risk behaviors, but also improve the social and academic abilities students. However, collective sports contribute to a lower level of academic, social, or preventive skills promotion than other types of EA. Classified students very involved in sports, spending more time with friends, and performing other EA in different groups, with high participation rates in school clubs, tasks, and reading for pleasure. Participation in sports and artistic activities predicts an increase of self-efficacy in academic competence, so EA provides a context in which students can face and overcome challenges and increase the level of their skill, thus building trust (Balaguer et al., 2021). Students who participate in extracurricular activities generally benefit from the many opportunities afforded them. Benefits of participating in extracurricular activities included having better grades, having higher standardized test scores and higher educational attainment, attending school more regularly, and having higher a higher self-concept. Participants in out-of-school activities often learned skills such as teamwork and leadership while decreasing the likelihood of alcohol use and illicit drug use and related problem behaviors. Those who participate in out-of-school activities often have higher grade point averages, a decrease in absenteeism, and an increased connectedness to the school (Wilson, 2009). Moreover, studies have shown that students who spend more time in extracurricular activities at a younger age express better emotional adjustment in the junior grades and in high-schools. Some have found that students who participate 26 in extra-curricular activities express less aggression, social struggles, and academic difficulties. This is also supported by Shulrufs finding (2010) as students in athletic extra-curricular activities are not only involved for academic reasons but also for social reasons. Another interesting finding from his work is that students who participated in athletic activities have better school attendance records, academic results, social relationships, and self-esteem (Fuddin, 2018). Defined engagement as “the quality and quantity of students' psychological, cognitive, emotional and behavioral reactions to the learning process, as well as to in-class/out-of-class academic and social activities, to achieve successful learning outcomes”. The construct of student engagement consists of three dimensions: emotional, behavioral and cognitive. A comprehensive study on the concept of engagement gave a detailed literature review of all the dimensions of engagement. They defined behavioral engagement as the student's involvement in learning and academic tasks, school-related activities and positive conduct. Emotional engagement deals with a student's feelings towards belongingness with the institution and the positive or negative reactions towards the institute and the activities. In contrast, it was explained cognitive engagement as a student's level of investment in learning and acquiring complex skills (Munir & Zaheer, 2021). The relationship between participation in EA and improvements in academic achievement have been extensively studied. How students decide to manage their free time is a protective factor related to academic achievement in higher grades, as well as to recovering from low grades. Participation in EA also relates to furthering the student’s permanence in the educational system by 27 improving their behavior and school attendance. Participation in EA improves other relevant aspects of curricular success, such as lower school dropout rates and the school climate, in terms of associations with friendship and prosocial behavior with peers, as well as less aggressive behavior toward them. Participants in sports activities experience lower academic achievement than those who participate in artistic activities. Reading books is a protective factor in preventing school failure, and it improves academic achievement in early and late adolescence. Students reading books during their extracurricular schedule has been related to higher academic aspirations (Balaguer, 2021). Furthermore, ECA involvement is beneficial to students because it positively affects their educational experience, youth development, and academic and social preparation. A plethora of literature noted that students who are involved in ECAs have better academic competence, defined in this study as the overall scholastic preparation of collegiate students, regardless of their background and prior achievement, various parenting, volunteering, and home learning. As a result, ECA involvement contributes to positive career development and nurtures interpersonal skills (Torres et al, 2022). 28 Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY This study aims to explore the lived experiences of students excelling in both academic and extracurricular in Bongabong National High School. This research is qualitative in nature. This chapter presented the research design, role of researcher, and trustworthiness that includes thru four criteria: credibility, confirmability, dependability, and transferability. Research Design This study employed phenomenological design, in which it collects, gather, analyze, interpret, and give data result that enable to achieve desirable answers to their questions and provide further recommendations. It seeks to explore and discover the experiences and challenges of students excelling in both academic and extracurricular; as they also inevitably encounter struggles and problems in their academic and life aspects. The qualitative approach is appropriate for this investigation because it confirms that it is good to adopt certain phenomenon for explorative research, where an analytical approach can be adopted by using theories to collate and investigate experiences or practices (Creswell, 2009). It is also suggested that the research on the quest to understand by entering in the field of perception of the participants, seeing how they experienced, live the display of phenomenon, and looking for the meaning of the participants experience. Therefore, this design was chosen to be the instrument of the researchers to 29 discover and explore more of the experiences they have as students who excels in both academic and extracurricular activities. Role of the Researcher The researcher's role in qualitative research is critical, as he or she collect data and implements analysis (Creswell,2007). Therefore, the researcher's role in this study was a sort of being an observer as participants. This means that data are mediated through inventories, questionnaires, or machines. To fulfill this role, consumer of the research needs to know about the human instrument (Denzil and Lincoln, 2013). Researchers were employed to advanced knowledge hence they have the capacity to develop independent, honest and critical thought. At some point there is a potential bias on researcher's part which could impact outcome of the study, making this a very challenging balancing act of being objective and nonjudgmental in the thoughts, observation and action of the researchers. Lastly, the researcher's role is to protect the rights, safety and the welfare of the subjects on its perspective study. Research Participants The participants in the study were the fourteen students of Bongabong National High School who excel in both academic and extra-curricular activities. Specifically, these were the students who are with honors and actively involved in different extra-curricular activities such as sports, journalism, school pageant, school governemnt council and others. Moreover, purposive sampling was used in the selection of particpants. Purposive sampling is a form of non- probability 30 sampling in which researchers rely on their own judgment when choosing members of the population to participate the study. It is also a technique used in research to select individuals or group of individuals that meet specific criteria relevant to the research objective. The name of the participants will be not revealed in as much as the study is quite non-argumentative in nature for the participants. As phenomenology aims to explore individuals lived experiences, Roulston (2010) propose that research must identify participants who are able to share about their personal experiences during the phenomenon under review. For those means, students who had experiences excelling on both extracurricular activities and academic performance about it were sought for the purpose of this study. There were cases in this study who encountered different challenges and struggles both extracurricular activities and academic performance from Bongabong National High School. Data Collection In obtaining the data relevant for this study, we organized and followed a step-by-step procedure. We secured a permission letter to the school principal to seek permission to conduct research. After securing permission, we personally interviewed the students of Bongabong National High School who excel in both academic and extra-curricular activities. Evmorpopoulou (2007) said that small focus groups or mini-focus groups are becoming increasingly popular because the smaller groups are easier to recruit and host and are more comfortable for participant. We let the research participants signed the consent form. This was done prior to the in-depth interview. We utilized 31 the use of instruments like cellular phones and like to obtain their responses, researcher assisted by a friend who is also colleague to take note while interview is in progress. This qualitative study entitled “In the Limelight of Success: Exploring The Lived Experiences Of Students Who Excels In Both Academic and Extracurricular Activities” used in- depth interview and focus group discussion. Within in-depth interview, the participants were interviewed in the school premise which thorough conversation is present that took 30 minutes and an hour of asking some further questions. Every interview was audio recorded and transcribed. Other researcher/s took notes during each interview and immediately afterwards, recording personal reactions, insights, connections, questions, and perceptions regarding gaps in response to interviewees comments. Conducting the first interview with every participant allowed us to get clarification, examples or simply confirm the information acquired in the first round. In addition, researcher/s noted any particular unique or thought-provoking statements from the participants and highlighted comments made or experiences reported that aligned with or diverged greatly from other participants experiences. In this interview, it digs deeper into the mentation, stream of the consciousness, and hidden needs to find the new solution for the particular problem (Tyrimia, 2004). Data Analysis A general inductive approach guided the analysis of the data. As explained by Thomas (2002), the purpose of this approach is to "allow research findings to 32 emerge from the frequent, dominant or significant themes inherent in raw data" (p.2). Moustakas promotes the need for a systematic process of interpretation of interview transcripts. Hycner (1985) outlines a disciplined process in order to stay true to the phenomenon in interview data. The analytical process began who listening to the audio recording of each interview for a sense of the whole, as recommended by Hycner. This holistic coding, as termed by Saldaña (2010) was a general 'lumping" on our part of ideas and information in order to grasp basic issues and possible themes. While listening, we took notes and got a general ideas of the information in the data in order to embark upon the initial stages of analysis. After simply listening to each interview and taking notes, we listened to each again while engaging in word-for-word transformation of both the initial and the follow-up interviews with each of the 3 participants. Keeping a separate journal during this process. We noted personal reactions, interpretations, and meanings in an effort to "bracket-out" or set aside these theme items and immerse in phenomenon in and of itself, intentionally suspending interpretations and "entering into the world or the unique individual who was interviewed" (Hycner, 1985, p. 281). Reduction involves being truly attentive to the essence of a lived experience as embedded in the words of the interviewees. Merleau-Ponty's definition of phenomenological reduction is simply a sincere attempt to describe the basic experience of the world (Van Manen & Adams, 2010). 33 Trustworthiness Interview data were transcribed and member checked by sending each participant copy of non-edited transcript to ensure the accuracy of responses. The multiple types of data such as the participant daily journal, an open-ended questionnaire, and two semi-structured interviews increased the trustworthiness and reflective journal also ducomented the whole process of the research and personal experience to ensure trustworthiness of the data and analysis. The researcher's reflective was the primary tool for documenting this process to help with barketing and wing nemos, which is similar to epoch, that are used while collecting and analyzing data. The process of noting personal experiences and thoughts helped to go beyond theoretical explanation (Cresswell, 2017). Also, the use of two columned filled collecting and analyzing data in order to have clearer perceptions and observation of the phenomena being collecting or analyzed. To institute credibility of the study, we ensured firmness of the data collection such as the interviews, which are directly taken from the participants and not a craft - up stories. We preferred that all - important data were included and those irrelevant one is related. During the interviews, we asked a colleague to assist me especially on taking down notes and of taking photos and videos. In addition, we asked a reliable person who could help me analyze the collected data. This result to more reliable findings of this study (Suter, 2012). To established, the dependability of the study, we use a coding-recoding approach and we are consistent in our data collecting and analysis, which helps to prove the study's reliability and filtered we made sure only relevant information was 34 included when we reduce datas. The use of peer debriefing and triangulation is then observe. Addressing confirmability or auditability of the study, we kept the audiotaped interviews, personal reflexibility journal or diary, transcripts, and note-takings. Confirmability or auditability (Polit, Beck, and Hungler, 2006; Streubert-Speziale, 2007) refers to the researchers paper-trail, decisions, methods, and documentations related to the study. We did not include our personal viewpoints, hypothesis, and conclusions to avoid misinterpretation of data. We refrained from putting our own biases that is why we used bracketing as one of my methodologies. We also used triangulation and peer debriefing to guarantee that the findings of the study have no biases and chauvinism. In transferability, we will provide the research setting and hypothesis in as much detail as we can to address transferability, in order to hold any enterprising person would transfer the findings of this study to another setting accountable for the making of the transfer, we made sure that the data are thick and rich in descriptions. Additionally the researcher conducted interviews with students excelling in both academic and extracurricular, cited an author who supported the study, and se fuched the internet for any relevant information. The validity and dependability of the findings are accurately represented by each of comperents, it was also anticipated that solid findings and a clear analysis would be made, and that when published, it would serve as a reference for other studies. 35 Ethical Consideration In respect to the right of the participants, we made sure that they were well-informed about the items to be discussed. We have provided from the consent , approved by the school administrators. Therefore, we have to ensure their safety, give full protection so they will not lose their trust to us. We followed ethical standards in conducting this study these are the following respects for person, beneficence, justice, consent and confidentially (Boyatzis,1998,Mack et.al 2005). Respect for Person. Researchers have a responsibility to respect people and refrain from taking advantage of research participants' vulnerabilities. In order to preserve participant relationship, trust, and confidence in the researcher, selfsufficiency was avoided (Creswell, 2012). Consent is another most important way of showing respect to person during research. This is to let all participants became aware on the purpose and objectives of the research study that they are going to involve written consent will provide for them to get thier approval. After getting nod, they have actually participated the in-depth interviews and individual discussion of course, they were informed on the results and finding of the study (Creswell, 2012). Beneficence In order to be charitable, one must make a commitment to avoiding risks to study participants rather than maximazing the rewards owned to them, in order to protect the safety of all participants the interviewer will maintain their anonymity. Participants were exposed or unaccompanied at all times (Bricki and Green, 2007). 36 Confidentiality Towards the results and findings including the protection of the participants, coding system were used. Meaning, the participants identities were not seen. All materials including tape on which sound is recorded, notes and others should be destroyed after the date were analyzed. Some of the importants were hesitant to be interview questions. We will extra careful and respect will given importance to this study (Maree & Van der Westhurizen, 2017). Justice Requires a reasonable allocation of the risks and benefits as result of the research, it is very important to acknowledge the contribution of all the participants as they generally part of the research. They must be given due credits in their endeavors. They were not able to spend any amount during interview. We hope that through this study, they will be set free into whatever negative experiences in both academic and extracurricular activity, to maintain a good contribution they could offer in this study (Bloom & Crabtree, 2006). 37 Chapter 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results and interpretations that come up from participants' descriptions of their experiences as students excelling in both academic and extracurricular activities are detailed in this chapter. To understand a phenomenon, the researchers used phenomenological analysis, which allowed them to move from a single idea to a set of shared ideas. This phenomenological inquiry allows students to describe their experiences as students who excels in both academic and extracurricular so that the people around could understand them. Lived Experiences of Students Extracurricular Activities excelling in Both Academic and We may see student achievers and extracurricular active as someone who are good at most things and tend to get achievement and success easily as they do their best in academic and/or extracurricular endeavors. But behind the achievements and success, are the pressures and challenges before and after they attain those things as they do both excel in academics and extracurricular aspect. And with that, they also had go through difficulties in responsibly maintaining their grades as honor students and at the same time actively participating in extracurriculars. These experiences can have an impact on their academic performance and well being as well. 38 Table 1. Essential Themes and Core Ideas on the Lived Experiences of Students Who Excels in Both Academic and Extracurricular Activities ESSENTIAL THEMES CORE IDEAS Struggling in Managing Time Self-Pressure and Others Expectation Academically Pressured Improvement of Knowledge and Skills Struggling in managing my time in doing my academic responsibilities and extracurricular activities. Difficulty in managing my time because academic tasks and extracurricular activities go together and when I get home, there are household chores that must be done also. It is difficult to manage time in both academics that extracurricular activities are even being disregarded or stopped because you have to cope up with your academics. Difficulty in coping up with a lot of tasks. Pressure on the expectations of teachers and others Pressure because you must excel in everything. Parents Expectation Pressure and expectation of people in your surroundings as they knew you as an achiever since you were young. Pressured because the grades must not be drop to line of 7 or be failed. You are being left behind with the lessons because you focus more on extracurriculars than academics and your honor title is in danger. Got a lot of learnings and my writing, grammar, and English skills got improved due to journalism (extracurricular activity). Writing and speaking skills got enhance. 39 Sleep Deprivation No proper sleep due to many tasks. I can't barely get sleep because my classmates rely on the reports because I'm the top student. Struggling in Managing Time Managing time is essential for all students and learners because it allows them to be well prepared, organized and focused to manage their tasks and responsibilities and to perform them efficiently. In this case, however, where students who are academically achievers and extracurricular active, must maintain their academic performance as with honors and at once must keep participating in such kind of activities. Many students who excels both in academic and extracurricular are having difficulty juggling with their academic responsibilities and extracurricular tasks, just like Alyssa expressed that; “Kanang nag struggle jud kay maglisod ug manage sa duha, sa responsibilities sa acads ug sa mga extra activities, kanang libog ug lisod jud siya kay murag kani ba imong unahon or kana ba..” (Alyssa,IDI 7_RQ1.1) (“It is a struggle because it is difficult to manage the two, your academic responsibilities and extracurricular activities, it’s confusing and hard because it’s like you have to do this first or that”). As a result to the situation above, there are also times that your school responsibilities and task go together with your household chores, which makes it more hard what to do or focus on first exactly. According to Aya; “Maglisod jud ko sa pag time management bitaw niya kanang naa pay imong mga trabahoon sa balay unya 40 daghan pakag buhaton nga activities diri sa eskwelahan nga kailangan humanon.” (Aya,FGD3 _RQ1.1) (“Time management is difficult for me because there are household chores at home and there are also a lot of activities in school to do and must be done”). Moreover, Aya also stated how the difficulty of time management can lead to one choice of activity be stopped. “Lisod isabay to the point nga undangan na nimo ang extracurriculars kay magbuhat paka sa academics nimo like assignments..” (Aya, FGD3_RQ1.2) (“It is difficult to keep up to the point that you will stop your extracurriculars because you have to do your academics like assignments ”). Furthermore, Janet also voice out her difficult experience in managing time with a lot of tasks. She stated that; “Pinakalisod na experience nako kay ang pag dungan sa kadagahang buluhaton...” (Janet, FGD6_ RQ1.2) (“The hardest thing I've ever experienced is doing a lot of task simultaneously …”). The difficulties that student encounters as academic achievers and extracurricular active appear to be a challenge to them; however, time management is a need so that they will be more focused and organized in doing their activities orderly and so that it will not badly affect their academic, extracurricular and other matters in life. Thus, the first theme that emerged from the participants' responses was their difficulties in dealing with this situation. As they stated, they encountered 41 difficulties, which resulted in numerous drawbacks upon managing their time in doing academic tasks and activities. Understanding students response on struggling to manage time were investigated in terms of how they use time management in completing academic tasks and extracurricular activities. Most students struggles because of the simultaneous task and activities that sometimes go together with their other chores like household chores and most especially, it confuses them what to do first because of the tons of activities they must be done, which added to their struggles. Most of the students student participants of the study were significantly struggling in managing their time and schedule with the heavy workloads given to them, the students were also facing personal problems in their households and unexpected events they can’t control. One student said, “sometimes you can’t actually control time itself and your schedule”. Sometimes, the tasks were too handful to be completed with the time set out for them. It has caused the students to pass requirements late and a backlog of workload (Hidalgo et al., 2020). Self Pressure and Others Expectation Pressure and expectation is common to the students known as achievers. And having to deal and experience these are truly challenging. Our participants discusses their experience of self pressure and others expectation on them as students who excels in both academic and extracurricular. Princess remarks that; “Maka feel kog pressure gud, kanang especially kay sir kay daghan kaayo siyag gina expect sa akoa na sa academic niya….” (Princess, IDI3_RQ1.1) (“I can really feel the pressure, especially from sir because he expects a lot from me in his academics”). 42 In connection to pressure, Joyce notes her side of pressuring herself to excel at everything . She stated; “…Pressured kay dapat mahulog nga moexcel ka sa tanan, kung honor ka ani, dapat moexcel or modaog pod ka ani..” (Joyce, FGD1_RQ1.2) (“…Pressured because you must excel in everything. If you excel academically then people expect you to excel or win in other aspect”). But usually, pressure doesn’t come only from ourselves or from other people because it can come even from our parents. “Tungod sa pagsabay-sabay sa mga buluhaton,makapangutana ka sa imong sarili kung kaya ba nimo, magdoubt ka, mapressure ka tapos maglisod kag apas sa mga expectations sa imong parents..” (Anna FGD2_RQ1.2). (“Due to the simultaneous tasks, you will ask yourself if you can do it, you will doubt, you will feel pressured and then it will be difficult to meet the expectations of your parents.”). More so, pressure builds up from the expectations of others because of your past background as an achiever. And Shaira gives remark on that; “Pressure as achiever since bata pa ka ug pagkadako nimo, unya masamot kag kapressure pero mas pressure pud ka sa naka surround nimo nga mga tao labi nag kabalo sila nga unsa jud ka gikan sa bata pa, so daghan nag silag giexpect nimo.”(Shaira, FGD4_RQ1.2) (“Pressure as an achiever since you are a child until you grow up, then the pressure will increase but you will also be under more pressure from the people who 43 surrounds you, especially since they know what you are from childhood, so they expect a lot from you..”). Academic and extracurricular achievers are pressured because of the expectations attach by the people around them and even by themselves. Since they shows a good image with their achievements and success however on the other side of the coin, the good image what people see and talks about doesn’t makes them always flattered but rather stress because of the expectations set by the people to them and within their minds, that puts the thought of ‘I should bet their expectations and that I should excel at this, and that, in everything because I don’t want to fail them’. Which is not totally a good mindset to have, because we should not be a slave of people’s perception and expectation on us. And with that, the second theme generated by the researchers is self pressure and others expectation . Expectation from their parents, teachers, other people and themselves drives them out in experiencing pressure in themselves. As a student known as who excels in academics and active in extracurricular, people admires them for their hard work they exert and put to things they do and achievements they acquired that which then creates tons of high expectations in everything they do, in which they tend to struggle to attain with which is pressuring and stressing to the part of students that might have adverse impact on their performance and academic outlook. Parents have too much anticipation from their children in academic performance which is highly the reason of students academic stress. In thought of parents pressurized their children in order to attain desirable grades without sometimes thinking the abilities of their children . Moreover, it is just also that 44 students have the fear of discouraging their parents in getting lower grades opposite to what they expect (Moneva & Moncada, 2020) . Additionally, not only parents but teachers also burden the students with a lot of pressure expecting them be good at everything. These expectations make the students work relentlessly and end up in creating more stress. With academics, the parents and institutions also veers on wanting students to participate in extracurricular activities too, which the current expectations from students as well is an all rounder. This demanding attitude from parents and teachers leave the students bewildered and builds up stress (Jain & Singhai, 2018) Academically Pressured Academic pressure can come in many forms, whether about stressing or overthinking about having low grades and scores, feeling and thinking you are not doing best in your school and feeling being left behind and that you might not get into the top. Just like in the case of Syrex when he’s pressured about being a top student and his grade must not be of line of 7. He stated that; “Mapressure gyud ka labi na ug kining parihas anang ma apil gani kag top o honor niya kinahanglan kay kining imong grado dili gyud siya ma line of 7 or wala dapat kay line of 7...” (Syrex, IDI5_RQ1.1) (“You will really be pressured just like if you are top or honor and your grade should not be line of 7 or you should not have a grade that is line of 7…”). Angelo on the other hand is pressured because he’s greatly behind of his academics because he focused more on his extracurriculars and that his spot for the top is in danger, saying; 45 “Behind na kay ka sa klasi, tapos pagsulod nimo is dako nakay ka behind within that quarter tapos pagkahuman naglisod nakag apas kay tungod wala ka nakaagi ana nga klasi , wala ka naka paminaw sa pag discuss sa teacher unya magoverthink ka basin matanggal naka sa top...” (Angelo, IDI2_RQ1.2) “You're already behind in the class, after you entered, you're behind within that quarter, and then it's hard to catch up because you didn't go through that class, you didn't listen to the teacher's discussion, then you overthink maybe you'll be removed from the top.”. Students who excels in academic and extracurricular are pressured when it comes to academics because their grades is the foundation of their excellence. Consequently, another theme emerged from the responses of students was being pressured academically. This issue examines the fear also of students in getting low grades and getting left behind with the lessons that could a reason to be not be on top again. And this pressure drives students to might be forcing and putting themselves in academic burnt outs. Students commonly self-report experiencing on going stress relating to their education, which we refer to as academic-related stress, such as pressure to achieve high marks and concerns about receiving poor grades. Moreover, high levels of academic pressure leads to overthinking and worrying about the marks will be receive as being afraid to face disappointment. (Pascoe et al., 2019 ; Hatuom, 2021) 46 Improvement of Skills and Knowledge Development and improvement of skills is important because it allows you to improve attributes and qualities vital to effective academic performance. The good thing you get to experienced as an academic achiever and at the same time actively participating in extracurricular activity is having a chance to improve your knowledge and skills on stuffs. Anna expressed that; “Sa academics kay actually ma ingon jud nako diraa nga daghang learning akong nakuha…. then sa kaning extracurricular activities kay since ang giapilan nako kay journalism man so naa diraa na improved ang akoang writing skills, kanang grammar nako, ug English skills nako.” (Anna, FGD2_RQ1.4) (“In academics, I can actually say that I got a lot of learnings.... then in these extracurricular activities, since what I participated in was journalism, so my writing skills, my grammar, and English skills have improved.”). On the same side, Nice remarks that there is enhancement in her writing and speaking skills due to actively participating in activities and it maintains her honor. She stated that; “Na enhance pud akoang writing skills unya akoa pod kanang pag tubag tubag ug pag-istorya gud like debate unya maka maintain pud ug honor..”(Nice, FGD5_RQ1.4) (“My writing skills got enhanced and my answering and communication ability like in debate and it can maintain honor…”). Improvement in knowledge and skills is important not just only for the students who are known to be achievers but for all students because it can help 47 in carrying out things and tasks proficiently and by developing these skills, students can build a bath in their personal development which can help them maximize their potential and achieve their goals. That being so, the fourth theme is generated from the responses of students that they have been getting and got improvement on their skills and knowledges upon engaging themselves in extracurriculars and excelling in academics. In joining extracurricular like publication club, they get to improve their skills like writing skills and communication skills as well as they learned a lot of knowledges. Some research evidence has shown that participating in extracurriculars activities experience higher levels of academic achievement. These effects have been researched since the early 1930’s. Students who participate frequently in extracurricular activities tend to have higher grades, better test scores, and more positive educational experiences in general. For example, participation in extracurricular activities is associated with a 2% increase in math and science test scores they understand that accomplishing goals often requires focus and hard work (Christison, 2013). Sleep Deprivation Due to simultaneous and loads of task and activities, academically or out of class, students experienced sleep deprivation in order to fully and completely done their duties and responsibilities. Just like what Glen went through because she chooses to finish her school works. He said that; “Nakaexperience kog dili kaayo tarong nga tulog or dili kaayo katulog kay mas gusto nako nga unahon 48 paghuman ang akoang mga buluhaton.” (Glen, IDI1_RQ1.1) (“I have experienced not sleeping well or not sleeping enough because I prefer to finish my tasks first.”). In addition to that, there are also students who have been deprive of sleep because her classmates always rely and depends on her in their reportings since she is the top 1 among the class. According to Celestine; “Kanang usahay kay halos dili na gyud ko katulog usahay kay for example mag report me unya ako man gong mga kauban Kay dili sila mo tabang mag salig sila kay ako daw top 1 sa amoa kay ako daw ok radaw para sa akoa..” (Celestine,IDI4_1.2) (“I can’t almost sleep because for example if we have report and then my groupmates will not help me, they always depends on me because I am the top 1 and they think that it seems okay for me”). The will of complying task completely without having to rest and sleep and dependency of others can have a bad impact not just in our body and brain but also in our school performance. So, the fifth theme emerged from the responses of students that they have been experience sleep deprivation in their choice to fully done their duties and responsibilities, academically and extracurricularly. Reliance of classmates because they are seen and known as smart and capable of doing things on herself and lots of task loads are the factors of their lack and not getting enough sleep which is unhealthy to thought to. As such, from the neuropsychological perspective, sleep deprived students tend to learn material less efficiently, which could lead to a lower grades. Also, 49 sleep deprivation leads in reduce of alertness and energy in daytime making students less likely to follow predetermined daily schedules for coursework and activities because they feel fatigued (Chen & Chen, 2019). Coping the Difficulties of Students Who Excels in Both Academic and Extracurricular Activities To cope with their difficult experiences, the students worked hard to overcome the impediments and deterrents to help themselves. They come to a point of not just purely working hard but also believing and nurturing themselves with positivity, faith, and moral and emotional support. Though they struggled with there situation at times, but still they exert best in their endeavors. Indeed, the experiences of these students play an importance, especially to those students who are struggling in managing time and under a lot of pressure. This section details their coping strategies and the plan they used in order to overcome the struggles they encountered as students excelling in both academic and extracurricular. Table 2. Essential Themes and Core Ideas in Coping the Challenges of Students Who Excels in Both Academic and Extracurricular Activities ESSENTIAL THEMES Motivating One Self CORE IDEAS Motivating difficulties. Motivate yourself by staying thinking positive, that you can despite the struggles. Making oneself as motivation, because it can better herself and it can improve her learnings. myself despite of the 50 Striving Hard to Cope Academic Task Managing Time and Task Properly Releasing Emotion Getting Encouragement from Families Praying to God Trying to catch up on the subjects and lessons that are being behind by studying and asking friends. Approach and ask friends and teachers about what are the lessons that are being behind that can be caught up. Diligently, ask teachers about what must be complied. I still strive hard no matter how smart they seem I am. Make your own schedule. Manage time, like setting a schedule and date to finish one and then another after. Prioritize what you should and feel is important to do, then do the least or not that really difficult to work on. I open up my feelings to my mother and talk to her about my problems in school and listen to her advice. I will have breakdown and after crying, I’ll be back and continue what I am doing and should do. You have parents who will motivate you that you can do it, don't give up and you can overcome your problems. Right motivation from your parents can have a really big impact on you, just their words saying that ‘you can’, will truly motivate you. Trust in the lord and pray. Prayer is powerful in overcoming our challenges, whether that be in life or in academics. 51 Think Positive When experiencing pressure, handle it by thinking positive and all your hard works will be paid someday. Don’t lose hope because all problems have solutions and be positive because negativities won’t give you a positive life. Be hopeful and positive in dealing with the challenges we encounter. Every one of us feel and face challenges but still think in a positive way. Motivating One Self Self-motivation drives students to keep going even in the face of setbacks, to take up opportunities, and to show commitment to what they want to achieve. When they feel dumped by their problems and struggles, motivating themselves plays a huge and vital part overcoming their struggles. With motivation, they don’t think problems as problems but rather a reason to keep going and fighting and that they can despite the doubts and difficulties they experiencing; “Ginamotivate nako akoang kaugalingon nga magpadayun gihapon ko despite sa kalisod.” (Glen, IDI 1_RQ2.1). (“I motivate myself to keep going despite the difficulties”). Motivating themselves coping mechanism scopes believing and thinking positive upon themselves and Rain supported that; “Salig sa akong kaugalingon ug nipadayon ra ko despite sa kalisod and stay positive lang jud 52 akong gihimo kay kung kaya sa uban, kayanon pud nako.” (Rain, FGD7_RQ2.2). (“I trusted myself and I continued despite the difficulties and I just stayed positive because if others can, I also can”). Glen added that her motivation on herself is for the betterment and improvement of herself and her learnings. He said that; “Ang sarili ang motivation, kay mas better para sa sarili ug moimprove ang learnings”.(Glen, IDI1_RQ1.3) (“My self is my motivation because it is better for myself and it improves learnings”). In difficulties and struggles, motivating themselves helps them to continue what they are doing and to never lose in their struggles. Hence, the first theme emerged from the responses of parents in coping their struggles as student excelling in academics and extracurriculars is motivating themselves. Motivating themselves helps them cope up with the difficulties they encountered and doubts they feel by reminding themselves that they can and staying positive and keep going despite the challenges. Self motivation is the best form of motivation for oneself and as a student becuase it stimulates the desire for performing and giving their best at tasks and helps them see and think things in a positive way that enables them to overcome challenges by developing an attitude that can withstand trials and failures. People and students as well who are self motivated always wants to give their best and 53 willing to take various responsibilities and helps them fulfill their own objectives despite drawbacks (Shiwani, 2019). Striving Hard to Cope Academic Task As students excelling in academics and actively participating in extracurricular, one thing who put them up in a their position is themselves, striving hard. And at times where they are more hooked up with their extracurriculars and is like slightly leaving out their academics unfocused leads them to strive hard and more in order to cope with the things they got behind. And one of their striving hard move is asking and approaching teachers and friends in help them follow up what they need to cope up. Joyce stated that; “Naningkamot ko nga na behind nga mga apsan sa pagdiscuss nagapangutana ko (Joyce, FGD1_2.1) ma apas nako akong mga subject nga wala nako na sa teacher by studying or sa akong mga friends” (“I work hard to catch up the subjects I get behind that I haven't caught up on when my teachers discussion by studying or I asking my friends”). Angelo shares the same coping with Joyce; “Nagapangutana ko sa akong mga friends and even teacher kay para kung unsa tong mga behind pwede pa nako maapas, unsa tong akong mga kulang pwede nako maapasan kay para dili ko ma behind as academic achiever” (Angelo, IDI2_RQ2.2) (“I ask my friends and even teachers to know what are those things I got behind, what are my lackings so that I can catch it up and so I won’t get behind as an academic achiever”). 54 Alyssa’s answer is similar to the former answers of Joyce and Angelo in which she also approaches her teacher and complied with the things she needs to comply; She stated that; “Niduol ko sa mga maestra ,nag comply sa akong mga dapat icomply ug unsa nalang pud nako kuntahay kaparihas anang mga lesson nga wala nako na naapilan kay nag training ,akoa nalang pud tong studyhan.” (Alyssa, IDI7_RQ2.1) (“I approached the teachers, complied with what I had to comply with and with those lessons that I hadn’t get to be with because I am on training, I also studied it ”). Furthermore, students seen as achiever still also strive hard despite of others perception on them; “Maningkamot lang gyud ko bisan pag unsa nila tan-aw nako nga bright” (Celestine, IDI4_RQ2.2). (“I'll just strive even if they think of me as smart”). In efforts to not get behind on their lessons and not leave their academic performance neglected, students tends to strive and not just purely relying on themselves but also seeking help from others. Therefore, another theme emerged from the responses of student achievers and extracurricular active in coping their struggles is striving hard to cope with academic task. Students sometimes are inclined with their extracurriculars that’s why they do exert more efforts in order to catch up their 55 academics and to cope with that is by striving hard, which encompasses working hard, asking and approaching for help also. Working hard is a necessary prerequisite for achieving success in school, and there is little doubt that being persistent, such as trying hard on (school) taskseven and especially when they are exhausted-is associated with academic success. Not surprisingly, effortful and persistent behavior plays a focal role in explaining academic success (e.g., achievement, grades). More so, working and trying hard on school tasks is linked to a variety of positive learning outcomes such as better grades, higher achievement, and lower dropout rates and is a key variable in theoretical models of academic effort tend to work accurately and show persistence when faced with difficult tasks. (Rieger et al., 2022) Managing Time and Task Properly Managing your time wisely improves work-life balance and helps you to be more in order. Good time management also reduces stress and pressure and allows you to achieve your goals expeditiously and efficiently. That’s why in coping time and task management difficulties, students establishes managing their time and task properly. One of the participants stated that; “Naa koy mabehind sa isa ka butang, paningkamotan nako siya nga ma cope up nako then maghimo ko ug kaulingon nako nga schedule.” (Glen, IDI1_RQ2.3) (“If I get behind, I'll try to cope with it, then I'll a schedule of my own”). make 56 In managing your time and task, making your own schedule helps you to cope with your task efficiently and lightly. Angelo emphasized his scheduling in terms of time management; “Imanage ang oras, like magset ug schedule and date nga humanon ang isa tapos another na pod..” (Angelo, IDI2_RQ2.3) (“Manage time, like setting a schedule and date and do or finish the task one after the other”). Additionally, to properly manage your time you need to organize your task in terms of its load weight to you just like Rain does; “Ginauna nako ang dapat unahon. If feeling nako mas importante unahon ni, unahon nako. Ipaulahi ang dili kaayo bug-at na trabahuon”. (Rain, FGD7_RQ2.3). (“I prioritize what needs to be prioritized. If I feel it is more important, I will prioritize it. Postpone less heavy work”). Time is very crucial, you can’t turn it back but you can able to manage it, that’s why time management is very important to students because it enables them to handle and balance things that are needed to be done most especially their academic task and other activities. Thereupon, the third theme emerged from the responses of students in coping their difficulties as students excelling in academics and actively participating in extracurricular. They manage their time and do their task with the help of making schedule and organizing the weight of loads of tasks in order to be more productive and efficient in doing the tasks. 57 Maintaining a strong grasp of time management was an important factor for the success of students as a whole and those engaged in both academic and extracurricular activities. There were several aspects of successful time management which included: breaking down task into smaller manageable pieces, making and maintaining to-do lists, working on one task at a time, and making a conscious commitment to achieve specific goals (Roll, 2015). Additionally, for students to better manage their curriculum and achieve learning objectives, time management behaviors or skills are argued to improve the positive academic output. Time management has also been defined as a form of self-management with a clear emphasis on time in understanding what activities to do; how to do them more efficiently; in what time it should be done and when is the correct time to the particular activity. (Alyami et al., 2021) Releasing Emotion Releasing their emotions is one way of venting out the burden of the problems and struggles they feel and gives them a sense of hope and also it opens them into acknowledging their vulnerability and helps their fight or flight response. “Mopagawas ko sa akoang gibati sa akoang mama moingon nga kung unsa ang problema gud sa skwelahan mo sulti ko sa iyaha unya naa rapud na siya maminaw ko sa iyahang mga advice.” (Princess, IDI3_RQ2.2) (“I take out and tell my mother what I feel, what are my problems in school,and then she’ll be there, I’ll listen to her advices ”). 58 Nice does have the same take in having breakdown as her coping mechanism to let out her feelings and after feeling unheavy, she’ll continue in doing what she needed to do; “Magbreakdown ko tapos after maghilak kanang back to what I need to do dayun” (Nice, FGD5_2.2) (“I'll breakdown and then after crying, I’ll be right back to what I need to do.”) The emotional satisfaction they feel after releasing their emotions by having breakdowns helps their emotional state in reacting to pressures and burnt outs by tasks and activities. Thus, the fourth theme emerged from the responses of students in coping their struggles as student excelling in academics and extracurricular is releasing their emotions. Emotional and mental breakdowns is the one of the coping of students in which it renders us emotional comfort and satisfaction upon letting all out our stress in the way of crying. Individual vary greatly in their response to stressful situations. Stress activates numerous coping mechanisms, including assessment and management of emotions. Emotion regulation is a process by which an individual is able to modulate his or her emotional experiences, unconsciously or consciously .It encompasses the ability to filter emotions and engage in healthy emotion management strategies and provides additional information about how individuals adapt to internal and external stressors (Monteiro et al., 2014). 59 Getting Encouragement from Parents Parents encouragement nurtures child's confidence and sense of self and helps them overcoming their challenges and giving them hope and motivation. Moreover, moral support not just gives a sense of hope but also gives a general sense of well-being restores, solution and progress become possible in facing difficulties. Anna expressed that; “Naa man kay parents nga nagamotivate nimo makaya rana ayaw suko diraa makaya ra na nimo malampasan rana nimo so ginamotivate ko nila nga maovercome ang mga kalisod” (Anna, FGD2_RQ2.1). (“You have parents that motivates you that you can overcome it, don’t give up and you’ll get through that, so my parents motivates me to overcome hardships”) Shaira also stated a similar view; “Sakto nga motivation sa imong parents dako na kay nang impact sa imoha, mga words palang nila nga kaya ra nimo” (Shaira, FGD4_RQ2.1). (“Right motivation from parents can really have a big impact to you, their words, their words enough saying that you can”). . Getting moral support from your parent’s is such a wonderful feeling because it is at the same time giving you motivation despite the doubts and struggles, and students excelling in academic and extracurricular remarks on how their parent’s encouragement have impacted them big. That’s why another theme emerged from the responses of students in coping their struggles as student achievers and active extracurricular participator. 60 The rendered moral support in the encouragement of their parents and families helped and impacted them big in terms of motivation and bringing back your self esteem in things. Family is the foundation and the supporter of their children whatever challenges it is, because family is the one who give hand to their children. The family is the one who motivate their children. Family motivates their children to study harder to have a bright future. However, there are certain families who have their own problem that badly affect’s the student self-motivation in their academic performance for instance family problem. Students have a complicated family with a poor standard of life. But then,t here are some children who are not happy with their family because there are students who have complicated family resulting to student de-motivation. In fact, there are students also are not happy even their family is complete and less motivated because they need another piece to complete their own motivation. Family and students should have a strong relationship for education and support (Costanos et al.,2020). Praying to God Students excelling in academics and actively participating in extracurricular, don’t just depend in their capabilities and skills but they as well as in having faith to the God almighty above and believes in the power of prayer. One participant stated that; “Salig lang jud sa ginoo, ipray lang kung feel nimo stress na kayka” (Eleah, IDI6_RQ2.1). (“Just rely on the Lord, just pray if you feel stressed”) 61 In addition, Shaira states how powerful can prayer be in overcoming challenges. She said that; “Prayer man jud ang powerful kaayo sa tanan para maovercome nang mga challenge sa kinabuhi man o sa academic.”(Shaira, FGD4_RQ2.1). (“Prayer is the most powerful thing for everyone to overcome challenges in life or academics.”) Praying to God as their coping act of the challenges they face is also building their spiritual connection and acknowledgement and that just as important as emotional, mental, and moral support, spiritual support is also a need when dealing difficulties and give students wisdom in coping with their task and struggles. And so, the fifth theme regarded from the responses of students in coping their struggles is praying to god. In which shows that students don’t just rely on their capabilities but also seeking spiritual and religious help on dealing with their hardships. Ten high achieving American first-year university students and ten high achieving Latino high school students respectively to describe how their religiosity had impacted on their academic performances .Four themes emerged from the students’ description, and these provide the bases for the assumption that high levels of religiosity amongst Christians should be positively related to high levels of academic performance: 1) God excepts them to excel in whatever they do, 2) God’s prohibition of the usual high school and college distractions such as wild 62 partying, pre-marital sex, drug use and excessive alcohol consumption enabled them to focus more on their academic work, 3) God was always there to help them be successful in their academic endeavors, and 4) Belief in God enabled them to see that education was an important part of their ultimate objective in being spirituality successful (Zubairu & Sakariyau, 2016). Think Positive Thinking positive helps in coping and dealing out negativities in struggles among students excelling in both academic and extracurricular, it gives them hope and most especially positive outlook and mindset in spite of the difficulties they experienced; ”Always think positive tapos maningkamot ug itatak sa imong utok nga ang tanang kahago nimo karon, mabayran ra puhon” (Shaira, FGD4_RQ2.4). (“Always think positive and then strive hard and imprint in your mind that all your hard work today, will pay off someday.”). Moreover, Eleah remarks that thinking negativities will not give us a positive life, thus always think positive. She said that; “Ayaw lang mo ka wala ug paglaom kay tanang problema naa man gyuy gihapon na siyay sulosyon ug be positive lang gyud ayaw lang sigig huna huna ug negative kay diman pud na makahatag sa imoha ug positive nga kinabuhi.” (Eleah, IDI5_RQ3.5). (“You just don't want to be without hope for every problem, no matter what it is, there is always a solution and just be positive, just don't keep thinking negative because that will not give you a positive life”). 63 In addition, Rain states that in encountering challenges let us be hopeful and positive. “Be hopeful and positive gud in dealing sa mga challenges na imong maencounter while nagalakaw ka sa path na imong gipili” (Rain, FGD7_RQ3.5). (“Be hopeful and positive good in dealing with the challenges you will encounter while you walk the path you have chosen.”) Furthermore, Nice says that challenges is inevitable to feel and face however stay and think positively; “Everyone of us will feel and face challenges but still thinking in a positive way lang jud gihapon.” (Nice, FGD5_RQ3.5) (“Everyone of us will feel and face challenges but still thinking in a positive way.”). Having a positive outlook and mindset creates a strong mental response in dealing out dilemmas and struggles, that’s why thinking positive is one important coping strategy that helps students a lot. Hence, the last theme is drawn from the responses of students in coping their struggles as stressed students who excels in both academic and extracurricular. In which they cope up with the difficulties by having a positive outlook on things, being hopefull, and unminding negativities. Researchers studied what they called lower order personality traits in high school students. Those traits were self-esteem, attributional style, and trait hope and are considered “positive thinking” variables. The previous traits listed are 64 believed to be important for academic performance as well as promoting resilience and helping individuals cope with adversity. The researchers wanted to prove that not only does intelligence, family factors, peers, and motivational factors lead to increased academic performance; but having an optimistic outlook is an overlooked trait that contributes as well. (Robinson & Cleveland, 2014) Insights of Students in their Lived Experiences as Students Excelling in Both Academic and Extracurricular. This part presents the realizations of students excelling in both academic and extracurricular of how hard works, organization, and even struggles can help us grow, give us learnings, satisfaction and happiness in achieving great and good things . Table 3. Essential Themes and Core Ideas in Realizations and Insights of Students who Excels in Both Academic and Extracurricular Activities Themes Acquire New Knowledge and Skills Core ideas I realized that you can also gain more knowledge and learn a lot. I realized that it is a big help because you can learn and get to improve your skills like in writing and communication. Learned Time Management I practice time management. I learned that we should know how to handle and do time management so that we won’t struggle hard. Striving and Thriving If you want to be an academic achiever or excel in academics, you just have to work hard and do also studying Don't give up right away because your hard work will be put into waste and no matter how difficult things are, if you want to succeed, just keep going. 65 Struggling Yet Fulfilling Make Parents Proud Keep going no matter how tired you are because difficulties as a student is inevitable. One thing that you need to do in order for you to finish the challenges you are facing is to work hard and strive best until you finish. I learned that if you are persistent in what you do, you will be successful. Tired but more on happy because I was able to overcome the difficulties. Difficult but happy because there are achievements. It feel good and I am proud that I excel in academics and actively participating in an extracurricular activity, and that not everyone can handle simultaneous tasks easily. Happy and worried because confused what to do first but happy because you have something to learn. I want to pay their hard work of sending and supporting me in my studies. I want to show them that I am doing good in school and raising me is not a waste. Since we are young, we are students, that is the only way of making them proud and to compensate for their sacrifices for us. To make my family proud of the achievements I got. It is okay because I get to make my parents proud and happy. Acquire New Skills and Knowledge As they are actively participating in fields of academic and extracurricular and exploring their full potential they most as well as gain and acquire new knowledge and skills in which a great help on the improvement of their learnings and skills; 66 ‘‘Na huna-huna-an nako na kung mu apil ko sa extracurricular activities kay maka gain pako ug more knowledge, daghan pakog lain matun-an.” (Joyce, FGD1_RQ3.1). (“I think that if I participate in extracurricular activities because I can gain more knowledge, I can learn a lot more. “). Shaira emphasizes her realization on how a big help joining in extracurriculars is. She said; “Big help kaayo ning extracurricular activity ilabi na sa akoa nga nag join ko sa Journalism nga surely naa koy ma learn like ma improve akoang writing skills og communication skills in talking English.” (Shaira, FGD4_RQ3.1). (“This extracurricular activity is a big help especially for me that I joined Journalism that surely I can learn something like I can improve my writing skills and communication skills in speaking English.”). The perks of engaging ourselves in many things like students excelling in both academic and extracurricular do is that we can acquire knowledge and skills that might help us in many ways possible. So, the first theme emerged from the responses of students on their realization as students excelling in both academic and extracurricular is they acquired new skills and knowledge. It introduces them to new knowledges and welcomes and opens them to new skills that may improve their potentials and capabilities. Extracurricular activities can have many benefits for students. They can help students learn new skills, make new friends, and explore different interests. These activities can also help students develop leadership skills and build 67 confidence. Participating in extracullicular activities can also help students academically. Studies have shown that students who participate in extracurricular activities have higher grades (Llego, 2022). Learned Time Management As students do most struggle in balancing their time, they truly prove that you can find and acquire learnings in your struggle. Like the students who excels in both academic and extracurricular, they learned time management from the struggle and challenge of time managing. Just like how Princess practice her time management upon struggling in time management; “Sa paglisod nakog balance sa time napractice nako ang time management.” (Princess, IDI3_RQ1.4) (“In my difficulty of managing time I get to practiced time management”). Angelo also states that he learned time management ; “Naa koy natun-an dapat jud diay nga kanang kabalo ta mo handle sa atoang oras or kabalo ta mo time management” (Angelo, IDI2_RQ3.2) (“I have learned that you should know how to handle your time or you should know time management”). Because by learning time management, students get to have more focus and be more order in managing time and task. Thus, the other theme emerged from the responses of students on their realization is they learned time management. It is truly said that in struggles you can get learnings after, struggle in time management leads also to students learned and practice time management in themselves and in doing their tasks. 68 Time management has been described such as having advantageous for both individual and organisation for some years. It is the most basic selfmanagement . Therefore, wecan control our daily academic or non-academic activity well.Guiding our time properly, it will carry out us to academic achievement. Wemust determine again from what we will start until the academic achievement can hold in our hand. Time management also is an ability for making a decision to what is most important for the academic, the organisation and life (Adiyanto, 2019). Striving and Thriving As students strive, they are also thriving. And that with effort and perseverance, we can achieve greater things, succeed, and grow. Moreover, struggles are inevitable in life thus keep striving and thriving and that is what they’ve realized; “Para gusto ka mahimong academic achievers or kanang ma excel nimo imong academic maningkamot lang gyud ka ug sagulan nimog pag study.” (Celestine, IDI4_RQ3.1) (“If you want to be an academic achiever or excel in your academics, you just have to work hard and study hard.”). Moreso, Joyce emphasized her viewpoint of striving ; “Natun-an nako na dili dapat mo give up sayang man pud imong gihagu-an kung mo undang nalang ka, maka agi ma jud ug mga pagsulay bisan paman ug dili about acads,dili lang jud mo give up kay giving up means you lose bisan paman ug unsa na kalisud ug gusto na nimo na malamposan need jud nimo na ipadayon.” (Joyce, FGD1_RQ3.2) 69 (“I learned that you shouldn't give up, it's a waste of your hard work, we will surely encounter challenges even if it’s not about acads, you shouldn't just give up because giving up means you lose anyway and how difficult it is and you want to succeed, you need to continue”). Struggles are inevitable however keep striving, that’s what Shaira remarks; “Padayon maskin unsa pa kakapoy kay dili man gud malikayan ang mga kalisod as a student” (Shaira, FGD4_RQ3.2) (“Keep going no matter how tired you are because difficulties as a student cannot be avoided”). Additionally, upon striving, we get to encounter difficulties, but we also get to learn lessons; “Nakatuon kog kalisud nakatuon pud kug maayo nga leksyon. One thing nga kailangan nimo buhaton arun makahuman ka sa imong mga challenges nga giatubang is maningkamot, lang ka sa tanan hantud mahuman” (Nice, FGD5_RQ3.2) (“I studied hard and focused on a good lesson. One thing that you need to do in order for you to finish your challenges that you are facing is to try, you just do everything until it is finished”). And that in striving and perseverance, nothing is impossible like Rain stated; “I learned na if pursigido jud ka sa imong gihimo, magmalampuson jud ka, ug walay impossible sa mga tao nga kugihan.” (Rain, FGD7_RQ3.2) (“I learned that if you are persistent in what you do, you will be successful, and nothing is impossible for hardworking people.”) 70 Their realizations opens a good inspiration to others that in striving we can thrive. That upon striving to overcome challenges and difficulties, there are learnings along our way that will surely help us grow. Thereupon, this theme emerged from the responses of students on their insights as student excelling in academics and extracurriculars. Striving and thriving depicts the students gradual efforts and things they get to learn and realize upon encountering difficulties that in order to achieve what we want and aspire, we should persevere and strive hard in order to thrive and get that. Students who believe that intelligence is a changeable trait that they can improve with effort and guidance are described as holding a “growth mindset.” These students are more likely to take on challenging tasks and persist through challenges by trying new strategies or increasing effort, ultimately achieving greater academic success. (Limeri et al., 2020). Struggling Yet Fulfilling Struggles are inevitable but seeing and realizing that in small and big ways we can get good things out of it is also fulfilling. As students also struggling keeping up with their academic and at the same time extracurriculars however the thought of handling the problem and acquiring achievements makes the struggle fulfilling just like they said; “Kapoyon ko usahay but more on nalipay ko kay nakaya nako ang mga kalisod ug na overcome nako ang mga challenges” (Rain, FGD7_3.3) (“I'm tired sometimes but more on I'm happy because I was able to handle the difficulties and I overcame the challenges”). 71 As stated by Princess also in terms of a fulfilling happiness by acquiring achievement in spite of the difficulties,; “Happy ko at the same time naglisod pero happy kay naay mga achievement..” (Princess, IDI3_RQ3.3) (“I'm happy at the same time it's hard but I'm happy because there are achievements”). They like also the feeling that they accomplish tasks that not everyone can easily do ; “Ganahan ko kay labi na nga honor japon ka unya nag excel ka sa acads ug nag apil pud kag mga sports unya taas taas na imong na abtan ganahan ko lami sa feeling maka proud jud tapos dili tanan maka-kaya nga magsabay ug mga buluhaton.” (Alyssa, IDI7_RQ3.3) (“I like it because I am still honor, then you excelled in acads and participated in sports and that you reached that high level. I like the feeling because it makes me proud because not everyone can easily do tasks simultaneously”). Moreover, even if struggling and sad and confused because of the loads of task, it makes them happy because you still get learnings just like Princess added; “Nalipay at the same time naguol kay libog kung unsay unahon, kay puro man sab important ang duha , ang academics ug extracurriculars pero naa kay makatunan so mahappy pod ka.” (Princess, IDI3_RQ3.3) (“I was happy at the same time I was sad because I was confused about what to do first, because both are important, academics and extracurriculars, but you have something to learn so you can be happy.) 72 This shows that struggles are not always bitter and sad because they also can bring sweet and joyful achievements. That being so, another theme drawn from the students realizations as excelling students in both academic and extracurriculars is struggling yet fulfilling. The tiring loads of tasks, tons of pressure, and improper and lack of time management makes it struggling however despite of that struggles are fulfilling fruits because students get to learn some things and they can attain achievements. Furthermore, the reason why your involvement in extracurricular activities is more important than actually winning a gold medal in these activities is, because it shows that you are an enterprising individual who realises that all work and no play makes a person dull. The reason why this will be your biggest academic achievement is because you are able to prove that you can manage several things at once while still performing well in your academics (Onawale, 2021). Make Parents Proud As a child, seeing your parents proud and making them happy is your joy and you doing good at school is your parents pride and honor. That’s why students want and excels in their academic and extracurricular pursuits in order to make their parents proud with what they’ve done and what they achieve. Just like they remarks; “Pamilya kanang makita man gud nako sila sa mga kalisod maong mag tarong gyud kog eskwela” (Syrex, IDI6_RQ1.3) (“Family, I can see them in hardships that is why I am doing good in school”). 73 Other’s point of view stated that they want to prove something on their parents like Alyssa; “Gusto nako ipakita sa ilaha nga nagtarong kog eskwela nga dili saying ilang pagpadako sa ako.” (Alyssa, IDI7_RQ1.3) (“I want to show them that I went to school without saying that they raised me”). Aya also said that making her parents proud is what she can do for now to pay off her parents sacrifices, for now; “Gusto kog nga ma proud akoang parents sa akoa kay bata pa biya ta no nga students paman ta mao pana atong kaya buhaton para ma proud atoang parents saatoa labi na sa mga sacrifice nila ma dungog nalang pud nila nga kong unsa ta sa school ka active so mao na dako na kaayo na nga part para sa ilaha.” (Aya, FGD3_RQ1.3) (“I want my parents to be proud of me because we are still young and students, and is what can we do to make our parents proud of us for now, especially for their sacrifices, and hearing us active in school is also a big part on them”). Furthermore, as they excel and participate in extracurriculars, they want to make their parents say that they are proud of them because they achieve something good; “Kay para maka ingon sila nga ay proud kay ko ani niya kay na achieve ni niya ug maga hunahuna pud ko sa akoang parents nga I want, I want them to make them proud gusto nako sila nga ma proud sila sa akoa” (Nice, FGD5_RQ1.3) 74 (“So that they can say that they are proud of me because they achieved this and I will also think of my parents that I want, I want them to make them proud I want them to be proud of me”). Moreover, it also makes them happy aside from yourself; “Narealize nga ang pag excel kay makapalipay sa atong parents and makaproud pod sa imong sarili..” (Eleah, IDI6_RQ3.4) (“Realized that excelling makes our parents happy and makes you proud of yourself.”). Their achievements in school is their kind of receipt that the struggles of their parents just to send and support them off school is valid and they are doing good and best and as their parents get proud, their hard work and struggles also in school are worth it. That is why, the last theme emerged from the responses of students in their insights as students excelling in academic and extracurricular is they want to make their parents proud. One wants to prove something, some wants to pay the sacrifices their parents do in supporting and sending them in school and most wants their parents proud that they get to achieve something in school and in life. Because their children’s recognition and achievements is there pride and honor. Parents live vicariously through their children. Hopes and dreams are rekindled and simple pleasures and joys are seen through new eyes. Aspirations emerge and disappointments simultaneously break hearts (Haddow, 2014). 75 Chapter 5 CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATION This chapter provides a summary of the study, findings, conclusions drawn from the findings, and recommendations for the study titled In The Limelight of Success: Exploring The Lived Experiences of Students Who Excels in Both Academic and Extracurricular Activities. Moreover, given the major themes, this chapter dealt primarily with the support for our study coming from the various authors. The discussion is used in this section because it provides factual support regarding the lived experiences of struggling parents with the new educational setup for their children. This phenomenological approach seeks to answer the research questions posed by delving deeper into the experiences of these students excelling in both academics and extracurriculars. Different authors' points of view were included in our discussion. Furthermore, it hopes to discover relevant perspectives and analyses based on its context. In general, the study's goal is to learn and understand about students experiences excelling both academics and extracurriculars. The Lived Experiences of Students Who Excels in Both Academic and Extracurricular Activities Pressure and difficulties are prior to students excelling known as achievers and excels in fields of their pursuits. And as student excelling in both academics and extracurriculars, they experience a lot and encountered struggles that pushed them in test of their capability and potential in handling stress and problems as 76 proficient students. Nonetheless, despite the struggles and difficulties, they still strive hard in overcoming those needs to be overcome. Implication as a Student The findings imply that both researchers and other students can have an impact on students issues as who excels in both academic and extracurricular to benefit from intervention that can help them overcome their struggles and able to adjust from it. The study’s finding suggest that students have various experiences which scopes struggles and difficulties overcame and realizations that helps them as students excelling and still to excel in both academic and extracurriculars. Think Positive. Students who have face difficulties and drawbacks should have a positive outlook and response to pressures, doubts, and negativities. Students should empower themselves with knowledge and skills, learn it and have a good use of it from the other students experiences of having to excel in academics and extracurriculars. Time Management. Students who are having difficulty juggling simultaneous academic task and extracurricular activities sometimes have improper organization and management of time. That leads in most, students do have a more pressured life due to the lack of orderliness in their time dealing with a lot of tasks that might be detrimental to their academic performance. That is why students must have time management in order to do things organizely and not be confused and messed up with their time and do things well and orderly. Proper Dealing with Pressure. As a student, the pressures putted on them is the root of having difficulties and causes deterrents in easily coping and 77 assessing academic and other tasks leaving them out in overthinking of “Will I still Can?”, “What If I Fail”, “What if I disappoint them”, “What if I am not that as good as they think?”, and more. Parents, teachers, other people and student themselves should not pressure that much students and put high expectations on them and instead of it, support and motivate them in many ways possible and let them enjoy and explore knowing great new knowledges and skills and discover and empower their potentials they are happy with and feel free doing it without the judgement of failures and disappointments after, that it’s not about having tons of achievements just to prove that they are worth it and valid but doing enough what is good and best. Furthermore, students should take and think pressure as an opportunity for growing rather than thinking of it always as negative. Motivation from Self and Parents. Being a student especially an active engager of extracurricula activities and at the same time consistent achiever academically is exhausting and there are times that there are thoughts of you’re done and in the verge of giving up however with motivation, the exhaustion and hopelessness fuels the sense of resilience within us and wakes up the will and inspiration to keep going and fighting which helps them build and establish courage upon facing challenges in school or in other matters in life and to respond to it boldly and confidently. Implication for Further Research All students who participated in this study had a positive and negative effects on their own, depends on their view and response to circumstances. The positive and negative effects on all students could be attributed to a variety of 78 learnings that will help students in their academic and other tasks and performance in school. However, with interventions, any student should be able to find what is required to aid students in providing information on how to manage challenges and difficulties as students excelling in both academic and extracurricular or students known to deal with multitasking. Moreover, because the findings of this study are not generalizable beyond the fourteen participants, future research on the experiences of students achievers and active in extracurricular with another group of participants may be conducted in order to strengthen the validity of the findings of this study. Furthermore, additional research could be conducted by re-interviewing some of the participants to see if their experiences, perspectives and insights as students excelling in both academics and extracurriculars have not changed over time. The finding of this study was gathered from the voices of student achievers and active engagers of extracurricular activities. Further research may be conducted to determine the parents, teachers, and other students as well on their views and insights on the students experiences excelling in both academic and extracurriculars to confirm the findings of this study. Concluding Remarks According to the findings of the study, researchers concluded that attention should be given to the lived experiences of students excelling in both academic and extracurriculars and how they cope with various situations. Students who felt 79 and faced heavy pressures and difficulties will have an impact on their school performance and learning outcomes. We definitely learn something after spending a long time conducting and revising our research. Yes, it is exhausting and difficult; however, as we develop deep understanding, cooperation and teamwork, we conclude that doing this research is enjoyable. We learn that we are doing this not just to comply, but also to help our participants' voices be heard and understand by because we are deeply concerned about their difficulties and struggles knowing to excel in academics and extracurricular which is not an easy thing to do. We felt mixed emotions of joy, sadness, and empathy to each students from the research, which affected us because having to excel in both academics and extracurricular is not easy and difficult to consistently keep up with. The tiredness, pressure, doubts, and hardship that the students experienced were indeed remarkable, and it leads them to use some life strategies to stay motivated, positive, and organized while doing many responsibilities and activities. This aspect helps them to overcome challenges while dealing pressures and tons of task and activities. It also indicates that there is a need more for attention to improve their ability in managing time, pressure, and stresses. 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