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ACSD HW 3A: Control Systems Homework

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Problem 1 (ping pong lev model and equilibrium; TF). To be discussed in class, and
then a write-up will be provided with detailed requirements.
Problem 2: The simplified model of a power transmission system of a ship (as discussed in
class) is shown below.
(a) The equations needed to show how the propeller speed, ωJ , is related to the input speed,
ωe (t), and to the load torque, τL , were presented in class1 . It is assumed that the engine
is an ideal source of rotational speed, ωe (t). Show the steps required to derive the system
equations. Note the change in variable notation from class notes.
(b) It is found that when the system is running at steady state (a stationary equilibrium), the
following conditions hold: ωJo = 0.95ωeo , the load torque is τLo = BL ωJo , and B2 = B1 /20.
Use these conditions to solve for B1 and B2 in terms of BL .
(c) After the engine has been running steadily under the conditions in (c), the speed is
suddenly dropped at t = 0 to one half its initial value. Find the response of ωJ to this
change in the input ωe (t), assuming the shaft stiffness K is such that the system damping is
0.5. Let the load torque be modeled by a linear damping, τL = BL Ω3 during this transient.
You can use Matlab to simulate this system (either an ode solver or lsim() routine).
See slides acsd 02 models for control 4.pdf, page 7
R.G. Longoria, Fall 2022
ME 364L/397, UT-Austin
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Problem 3 (Ogata B-4-3). An open-loop transfer function is G(s) = 4/s(s + 5) is put
into unity-feedback system (H = 1).
(a) Find the closed-loop transfer function for output to reference, c/r
(b) Use a partial fraction expansion approach to find the analytical solution for the output,
c(t), for unit-step response in the reference input, r(t).
(c) Use Matlab (or Python) to confirm your results and plot the response for a unit step
input (r = 1).
Problem 4 The block diagram shown below is for a space-vehicle attitude control system
(cf. Ogata B-4-7).
r +
K(τt s + 1)
(a) Assuming the time constant, τt , of the controller is 3 seconds and the ratio of torque to
inertia, K/J, is 2/9 rad2 /sec2 , find the damping ratio, ζ of the closed loop system.
(b) Solve for the unit step response analytically, and compare that result with results from
a computation (Matlab or Python). Plot on the same graph and label accordingly.
(c) Characterize the transient result in terms of any relevant time-domain specifications (e.g.,
overshoot, rise time, etc.).
(d) Derive a transfer function that relates the attitude torque, τ , to the reference input, r.
R.G. Longoria, Fall 2022
ME 364L/397, UT-Austin