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Internship Report: ERP Systems & Business Planning

Meet Shah
INT 570
MS Graduate Internship
April 16, 2023
Westcliff University
One of the key areas of focus for the work completed on the job during the internship is
business resource planning (ERP) technologies. The word "enterprise resource planning" (ERP)
refers to a collection of business tools used to manage projects, analyze data, regulate risks, and
purchase supplies. ERP outputs like as Netsuite, SYSPRO, and Epicor can assist users with timeconsuming everyday chores. Users save a significant amount of time as a result of this. You'll
have more time to focus on your most critical and core job goals if you don't squander time every
day completing repetitive chores or setting rules based on multiple regulations. An ERP system
assists a firm in meeting its objectives by boosting output, effectiveness, and persuasiveness. The
significant information interchange has directly reduced the time it takes to respond. By
establishing an ERP network, you may make the majority of your company's numerous activities
easier to do.
Accounting, human resources, buying, and marketing are just a few examples of corporate
functions that might benefit from ERP software's capacity to connect, standardize, and
streamline business operations. ERP systems assist firms in a variety of ways to become more
effective and efficient. By integrating all of a company's financial data on a single network, ERP
technologies unify and simplify financial reporting. They combine several operations, including
as order processing, charge preparation, production, stock management, analysis, and
measurement, into a single technique that is less prone to errors. Most ERPs also include client
relationship management (CRM) features, which allow users to examine how they interact with
clients and learn more about their habits and requirements. They can connect, automate, and
standardize the purchasing operations of a company's many departments. An ERP strategy may
assist HR in developing a suitable plan for duties like as time tracking, payment follow-up,
training, skill assessment, and other related tasks. It may also make it considerably easier for a
company to give the information required by legislation in finance, human resources, and the
supply chain (Kisova & Shatilova, 2021).
I had to spend a lot of time thinking about business in my most recent employment. As a
result, I had to gradually become an expert in my industry. The quantity of labor required was
enormous. We worked hard on a recent update to accomplish one goal: get the necessary
workout done before the event began. When I urge somebody to accomplish something, I make a
point of praising their bravery and abilities. For example, one of the committee members at my
previous employment never took use of the opportunities provided by the project. Every
morning, I made it a point to do my job at his desk as a way of saying thank you and showing my
support. By taking the lead on certain initiatives, you not only demonstrate your worth as a
committee member, but you also have the opportunity to make a future impact. Getting more
customers at work not only helps you feel better about yourself, but it also demonstrates that you
are willing to make the sacrifices required to advance in your personal or professional life. Job
dissatisfaction occurs when a person is uncomfortable or irritated with their workplace or the
environment in which they work. There are a lot of typical behavioral tendencies that might
make someone unhappy at work, some of which are included below. Despite the fact that their
lives are difficult, that they have a lot of work to do, that their salary isn't very high, that they
don't have much promotion or possibilities to advance in their jobs, and that they don't get much
credit, some of them are wealthy.
An employee's talents, morality, and competencies may be developed or improved. There
is opportunity for improvement in how appointments are made, laws are enacted, groups
collaborate, and news is disseminated. Chen and Lin (2008) As part of their occupations, these
people frequently use a variety of the talents and abilities mentioned here. The committees I've
seen were able to operate and even develop in situations where there were both people and
violence because of their self-confidence, expertise, and defined positions.
More people and things get done when these three elements are prioritized. Physical
growth aids brain development as children get older and learn more about the features and talents
of many things as they explore their surroundings.
The first few years of a child's existence are filled with items designed just for them.
These approaches consider the child's complete potential and provide opportunities for learning
through assignments that are neither too simple nor too difficult. A corporation may assist its
employees learn and improve by planning and leading tours of the various locations and
divisions. It may also lead to current concepts and designs, which assist employees better
comprehend their part in the organization as more of your personnel sees what the company
accomplishes. Playing with other kids teaches children how to get along with and understand
others. By playing, children can develop their language abilities and expand their vocabulary.
Listening to other people communicate, whether with peers or adults, can help children develop
their speaking abilities.
Chen, S., & Lin, Y. (2008). An evaluation method for enterprise resource planning systems.
Journal Of The Operations Research Society Of Japan, 51(4), 299-309.
Kisova, A., & Shatilova, E. (2021). Methods to improve enterprise resource planning with
enterprise resource planning. Innovative Economics And Law, (2), 28-35.