Uploaded by Kurl Joseph Lopena

Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Project Report

The parameters included in this project are Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Carbon Monoxide
(CO), Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5), and Particulate Matter 10 (PM10). NO2 is a chemical
compound associated with combustion sources that can be found normally in ambient air. CO
on the other hand, is an odorless, colorless, and poisonous gas. With a long term exposure it
can cause serious problem such as death to a person. When levels are high, PM2.5, which are
microscopic airborne particles, decrease visibility and make the air look murky. Finally,
inhalable particles with dimensions of 10 micrometers or less are referred to as PM10.
According to World Health Organization, the given parameters should be involved and
must be measured since these parameters contribute greatly to the indoor air quality in the
area. Generally, these gases can be found either inside or outside of the house, but this project
focuses more on inside air pollution, which can cause health issues. Indoor air quality has a
significant impact on human health defending on how long a person is exposed to it and how
concentrated each parameters is. For instance, long term exposure to Carbon Monoxide can
cause increased blood pressure, headache and etc. and if left untreated can lead to organ
damage such as lung problems.
This project made use of various sensors that were designed for sensing specific gasses.
With the use of the sensors and a microprocessor was able to collect data of each parameter
every 30 minutes in two weeks. MQ9 was used in order to detect combustible gasses such as
LPG, Particulate Matter sensor can sense PM 2.5 and PM 10 while mics-6814 capable of sensing
Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Dioxide integrated to the microprocessor soldered to a 1 PCB.