Phenotype/Genotype Inheritance in Humans Classroom Activity Name: Karin Deutsch Human have several single-gene traits that are easy to observe and which are controlled by genes that have only two alleles. Based on the specific combination of alleles (AA, Aa = dominant phenotype; aa = recessive phenotype) the trait is either present or absent. There is no “in between”. Many other human traits, such as eye color and height are due to several pairs of genes, and the phenotypes show a continuous range of variation. For the traits described in the following list, determine your phenotype and possible genotype. Trait l. Facial dimples: Best seen when smiling. With dominant phenotype, you may have a dimple only on one side, or on ,"_both. _ _ _ _ 2. Bent little finger: A dominant allele causes the last joint of the little fmger to dramatically bend inward toward the 4"‘ fmger. Lay both hands flat on a table relax your muscles, and note whether your have a bent or straight little fmger. 3. Eye Color: Eye color, as well as hair and skin color, is a complex trait. The main pigment is melanin, and the more melanin, the darker the color. While the genetics of eye color - is complex, alleles for the production of melanin dominate those for lack of melanin. Evaluate your eyes as either brown {M} or non-brown {ml-. _ 4. Free ear lobe: Dominant trait is for lobes to hang free. With recessive phenotype, the lobes are attached directly to the head. 5. lflid-digital hair: Some people have hair on the middle segment of one or more of their fmgers, while others don’t. Any hair at all is the dominant phenotype. Complete absence _ ofhair is recessive. ' 6. Hand clasping: When the hands are clasped (without thinking about itl), most people place their left thumb on top of their right. __ 7. Early Onset Myopia (childhood):-Nearsightedness is a complex trait with at least 4 gene loci involved, however the heritability of myopia is very high and shows a dominant _pattern. 8. Achondroplasia: The most frequent or of short-limb dwarfism. Affected individuals (Aa) exhibit short stature cause by shortening of the limbs. (AA individuals die before birth}. l 9. Chin cleft: A prominent cleft in the chin is inherited as the dominant phenotype. The cleft is due to the bond structure I which underlies the Y-shaped fissure of the chin. Females _ appear to be less conspicuously affected than males. 10. Achoo syndrome: Autosomal dominant trait also called photo sneeze reflex, usually 2 - 3 successive sneezes, when a dark-adaptedperson suddenly is exposed to bright light. Hair VVhorling_ PTC tasting Symbol I Dominant _ Phenotype dimples ' D, d Your _PhGI10lH‘l6 d (no dimples) _ _. B, b Your genotype bent b dd ' bb _ E, e _ _ brown E _ I _ I F. f free H, h _ ' hair Ee (I know cause my dad has brown eyes but nobody else but not my mum or brothers) but theoretically EE would be a correct answer too ff f _ h hh L LL, Ll m mm a aa , L,l left on top M, m myopic _ A, a C,c _ ' A, a _ W, w P, p achondropla | sia cleft sneezing clockwise whorl Taste 'c A W P cc AA, Aa _ WW, Ww PP, Pp This assigmnent is from the Virtual Cell Biolo_:_-1 ft-' Classroom (http:/ ) on the free science education website Science Prof Online ( Visit the website to find more science education resources such as lecture PowerPoints, practice test questions, review questions, science photos, videos and assigmnents. Widow’s Peak _ Tendons in Wrist _ Ann folding Toe Length {Second Bigger or Big Toe Bigger} — w ww T, t present T TT, Tt I missing h left top second longer present A T f w s hh AA, Aa T, t F, f W, w Eyelid Fold __ Peak H, h A, a _ Hitchl‘n'ker’s Thumb Web Fingers Six Fingers Fing_e_r Length _ Handedness W, w T _ , Traits — S, s F, f H,h i present 6 fingers short — ll-uminant l right — TT, Tt ff ww ss f (normal length) ff HH, Hh ( I am H bothhanded but since i have to decide for one...) _ Recessive Baldness [in males) Presence Body hair Abundant Little “T Absence l T L Bent pinkie Able to bend Not able to bend Blood pressure rate High Low Cleft in chin Absence Presence ‘ll Crossing of thumbs Left thumb over right thumb — u in _ _ Right thumb over left thumb I_ Dimples I Earlobes — _ _ _ __ _ flittaizhed earlobes Long eyelash Short eyelash Freckles Presence Absence Hairline widow's pealr Straight White hair streak Normal hair color Hair color _ Right handedness Absence Pres enoe Bro ad lips Thin lips Presence Absence Mongolian eye fold Presence Abs en ce Nose shape Roman nose (bump) Straight Nose width Broad nose Narrow nose Lips width I F — Left handedness Handedness Hiti:hhiker's thumbs Mid-digital hair C _ Absen oe Definite free earlobes Eyelash length J __ Presence 1' Number of fingers Six fingers —l=iu'e fingers Rh factor in blood _ -1- Rh factor positive l._+) Rh factor negative [-1 Toe length Second toe longer than first toe First toe longer than second toe Tone hearing Tone deafness Normal hearing Tongue rolling [side -edges up] Ability to roll tongue Inability to roll tongue Vision Astigmatism Normal vision Webbed fingers Presence Absence This assignment is from the Virtual Cell Biology Classroom (htlpzf/www.scienceprofonline.comfvirtual-cell—main.html ) on the free science education website Science Prof Online ( Visit the website to find more science education resources such as lecture PowerPoints, practice test questions, review questions, science photos, videos and assigmnents. n LIST OF 5‘ . HUMAN S u — DOIYEWIANT REGESSIVE Right handedness Roll tongue Roman Absence of smell PIYE-fl‘lfl;lll1'E gray hair Astigmatism Piebald suntan Free eru'lohe.s Rolled ear time Taste PTC Left hantiedness Not roll tongue Normal. nose Presence? of smell 1"-To prlcnlatute gray hair: Normal vision Noi'1na.l skin color Attached earl lobes Ear rims not rolled Not taste PTC.‘ E€u'|.y baldness in males Nolmfll Brown eye color l-lazel or green eye color Darlr hair color Blue or grtty eye color Blue or gray eye color Light hair color ID-arl-t sltin. GDIDI Light Skin color Wavy or curly hair Polytlacliyl {E fingers and toes} Straight hair [in Asians} Blood types A, E. AB Blood type Rh positive Near sighted vision Green eyelcolor Straight .l1aiir Norrrtal fingers Curly hair Blood type 0 Blood Rh negative vision Blue eye color Gray eye color Blue eye color Green eye color Wid%ow’s peat; Hair on mitl-tligital knuckle Gray eye color No Witiow’s No hair on tttidedigital Dimplcs 1"-lo dimples Second toe longer than big toe “lrIli.‘l.-cit-l-lii~:cr"* ‘thumb A Short fingers Non-l-red hair Nomial coior vi?:si.on Second. toe shorter than big to-e i*iDl'I!1i1i thumb Normal length fingers Red hair Red--green color hlind. [Sex‘i) Abundant. hotly hair Little body hail‘ White forelock “Mongolian “ fold” eyes F-ersightedness Broiacl lips Large eyes eyelashes nostrils No white foneloclt No fold NEll'l11-ill vision Thin lips Small. eyes Short tcyelashes liarrow nostrils Short stature {many genes} Tull stature Webbed. fingers I-Iigh blood pressure Normal Noimal fingers Normal blood pressure Hemophilia Norrnzal Di.abotcs- mcl.litu5 such as lecture PowerPoints, practice test questions, review questions, science photos, videos and assignments. i_