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NAVIGATION 2021-03-24
01) After departure from Alexander Bay, the Master and the Bridge Team discuss the poor quality of
information available for the port.
(a) State EACH of the following:
(i) the means by which the Master can provide additional and corrected information to the UKHO
appertaining to the port; (3)
(ii) TEN of the topics that the UKHO specify as of interest regarding port information. (10)
(b) Whilst on passage the ship encounters a storm of force 10 for which no warning has been
received. SOLAS Ch V, Regulations 31, states that the Master must communicate the information.
State EACH of the following:
(i) the information required to be communicated in the danger message; (7)
(ii) the other specified circumstances when a danger message must be communicated. (5)
a) i) Hydrographic Note for Port Information.
b) i)
Winds of force 10 or above on the Beaufort scale for which no storm warning has been received.
1 A statement that these have been encountered.
.2 Time, date (Universal Co-ordinated Time) and position of ship when the observation was taken.
.3 As much of the following information as is practicable should be included in the message:
- barometric pressure, preferably corrected (stating millibars, millimetres, or inches, and whether
corrected or uncorrected).
- barometric tendency (the change in barometric pressure during the past three hours);
- true wind direction.
- wind force (Beaufort scale).
- true course and speed of ship.
1 The master of every ship which meets with
dangerous ice,
a dangerous derelict,
or any other direct danger to navigation,
or encounters sub-freezing air temperatures associated with gale force winds causing severe ice
accretion on superstructures,
is bound to communicate the information by all means at his disposal to ships in the vicinity, and also to
the competent authorities.
02) (a) Explain EACH of the following terms:
(i) Dew Point; (4)
(ii) Relative Humidity. (4)
(b) Outline the process of the formation of EACH of the following:
(i) Advection Fog (Sea Fog); (5)
(ii) Radiation Fog (Land Fog); (5)
(iii) Sea Smoke (Frost Smoke). (5)
(c) During the S. Atlantic passage, the following end of watch meteorological observations were
Time Dry Bulb Temperature Wet Bulb Temperature Sea Temperature
0800 hrs 16.0°C 12.5°C 14.5°C
1200 hrs 18.0°C 13.5°C 14.0°C
1600 hrs 16.0°C 13.0°C 14.0°C
2000 hrs 13.0°C 12.0°C 13.5°C
With reference to Datasheet Q3, determine, using the appropriate method the predicted time that
fog may form. (20)
i) The Dew Point temperature is the temperature at which a particular sample of air becomes saturated.
ii) Relative Humidity is the ratio of water vapour present in unit volume of air to the quantity required to
saturate it at the same temperature, expressed as a percentage.
i) Advection fog occurs when air moves over a surface that is at a lower temperature than its dew
The air at the surface is cooled by conduction below its dew point and condensation occurs.
ii) Radiation fog usually forms at night over land.
Radiation reduces the surface temperature.
The air in contact with the surface is cooled by conduction below its dew point and condensation occurs.
iii) Sea smoke
Cold air flowing over warm water may become saturated close to the surface by evaporation from the
Fog predicted approximately 04:15
08:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 00:00 04:00 08:00
03) On passage to the rendezvous, the Bridge Team are discussing the difficulties of locating the
yacht due to the prevailing meteorological conditions and the yacht's unreliable navigational
List TEN actions that should be considered if no visual contact is made with the yacht at the
estimated rendezvous time. (10)
• Contact the yacht and request their status.
• Switch on deck lights and ask the yacht whether they can see you and give directions to rendezvous.
• Request the yacht to show lights and fire pyrotechnics.
• Request the yacht to deploy a SART if available.
• Request the yacht to deploy high visibility sails or equivalent.
• Contact the relevant RCC and request assistance.
• Contact vessels in the vicinity requesting information if any have sighted the yacht.
• Commence an expanded square search from the Datum Position.
• Request assistance of vessels in the vicinity and execute a parallel track search if others are prepared to assist.
• Post lookouts high on the superstructure for best view.
04) Due to the deviation necessary to assist the yacht, the ocean passage plan has been amended.
The ship is now steering 290°T to the required end of ocean passage waypoint and has resumed
Service Speed. The ship's clocks have been adjusted to Argentina Standard Time in preparation for
port arrival. At 2200 hrs, Ship Time, 24ᵗʰ June, position 41°40S' 57°55'W, the Master compiles his
night orders in preparation for making landfall the following morning.
(a) State the factors and contents that the Master should consider when compiling the Night Orders
for the outlined scenario. (12)
a) Factors.
Availability of Navigation Aids during approach.
Availability of celestial observations during approach.
Probable visibility.
Ranges of available lights.
Probability of other lights which may obscure navigational lights.
Availability of radar targets for position fixing.
Height and profile of coastal features.
Strength and direction of tidal streams.
Strength and direction of currents.
Strength and direction of prevailing winds.
Availability of large scale charts.
Water depths in the area.
Available methods for ascertaining and monitoring position.
Ease of identifying features of shoreline.
Probable traffic density.
Probable time of day of landfall.
Probability of ice in the area.
Nature of coastline, ease of identifying landfall.
Currency of relevant publications.
NAVIGATION 2020-12-02
05) Prior to any sea passage, a Voyage Plan must be completed.
(a) (i) State the means by which a Voyage Plan is a statutory requirement for the intended voyage. (4)
(ii) State the Master's statutory obligation regarding a Voyage Plan. (5)
(iii) Outline how the requirements of the International Safety Management Code assist in the
completion of a Voyage Plan. (6)
(b) Outline how an Ocean Routeing Chart can be used to assist in the appraisal of the intended
passage. (12)
(c) State the purpose of EACH of the following stages of a Voyage Plan, outlining the information that
should be determined for EACH stage:
(i) execution; (10)
(ii) monitoring. (6) (43)
a) i) The Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations 2020 (“the 2020 Regulations”) implement
Chapter V of the Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (“SOLAS” or “the Convention”) and all
outstanding amendments to Chapter V. Chapter V was negotiated and agreed in the International
Maritime Organization (IMO).
ii) Regulation 34 of SOLAS Chapter V
This Regulation deals with safe navigation and avoidance of dangerous situations.
Guidance/ clarification of application in UK context
This regulation applies to all ships which proceed to sea. The regulation requires the voyage to be
planned in accordance with the IMO Guidelines for Voyage Planning - Resolution A.893(21) (issued as
SN/Circ.92). The regulation authorises the Master to take voyage planning decisions for safety or
environmental reasons. This regulation makes a properly prepared voyage plan mandatory, and the plan
is liable to be checked during port State control inspections.
iii) The ISM Code requires safe management of the vessel’s voyages and refers to International Maritime
Organization Resolution A.893(21), Guidelines For Voyage Planning where the stages of Voyage Planning
are described; appraisal, planning, execution, and monitoring.
b) Routeing Charts.
Show climatological data for each ocean and month of the year.
Wind roses.
Predominant ocean currents.
Shipping routes and distances.
Sea ice and iceberg limits.
Loadline Zone limits.
Inset chartlets of:
Air pressure and temperature.
Dewpoint and sea temperature.
Percentage fog and low visibility.
Tropical storm tracks and percentage wind greater than force 7.
These can be used to conduct weather routeing on a climatological basis to plan an optimum route
avoiding adverse elements and using favourable factors.
The proposed route can be plotted on the routeing chart and adverse elements on the route and
favourable elements close to the route identified.
The effects of these can then be quantified and an optimum route planned minimising the effect of
adverse elements and maximising the effects of favourable elements.
A greater distance than the direct route can lead to the achievement of the desired objectives.
c) i)
4 Execution
4.1 Having finalized the voyage or passage plan, as soon as time of departure and estimated time of
arrival can be determined with reasonable accuracy, the voyage or passage should be executed in
accordance with the plan or any changes made thereto.
4.2 Factors which should be taken into account when executing the plan, or deciding on any departure
therefrom include:
.1 the reliability and condition of the vessel's navigational equipment;
.2 estimated times of arrival at critical points for tide heights and flow;
.3 meteorological conditions, (particularly in areas known to be affected by frequent periods of low
visibility) as well as weather routeing information;
.4 daytime versus night-time passing of danger points, and any effect this may have on position fixing
accuracy; and
.5 traffic conditions, especially at navigational focal points.
4.3 It is important for the master to consider whether any particular circumstance, such as the forecast
of restricted visibility in an area where position fixing by visual means at a critical point is an essential
feature of the voyage or passage plan, introduces an unacceptable hazard to the safe conduct of the
passage; and thus whether that section of the passage should be attempted under the conditions
prevailing or likely to prevail. The master should also consider at which specific points of the voyage or
passage there may be a need to utilize additional deck or engine room personnel.
5 Monitoring
5.1 The plan should be available at all times on the bridge to allow officers of the navigational watch
immediate access and reference to the details of the plan.
5.2 The progress of the vessel in accordance with the voyage and passage plan should be closely and
continuously monitored. Any changes made to the plan should be made consistent with these Guidelines
and clearly marked and recorded.
2. The voyage requires a transit of the Dover Straits.
(a) Compare and contrast information shown in Tidal Stream Atlases with that available on a
navigational chart by use of tidal diamond data. (10)
Tidal Stream Atlases show:
tidal stream sets by means of arrows of varying length and weight;
spring and neap rates in tenths of a knot;
over the area of the chartlets at one hour intervals.
The range of tide at a Standard Port and the Spring and Neap Ranges at the position can be used to
determine tidal stream rates by interpolation over the area of the chartlets at one hour intervals.
Tide diamonds on navigation charts can be used with tide ranges at a Standard Port to determine the set
and rate at the position of the diamond at one hour intervals.
This information is only valid for the position of the diamond.
5. (a) Current Maritime and Coastguard Agency guidance recommends that manoeuvring information
in the form of a pilot card, wheelhouse poster and manoeuvring booklet should be provided.
(i) State the purpose of the Pilot Card. (10)
(ii) State the general topics of information that should be contained in the recommended
Wheelhouse Poster. (10)
(iii) State the seven sections of the Manoeuvring Booklet. (7)
(b) Current Maritime and Coastguard Agency guidance warns of the Dangers of Interaction.
State the key points of the Maritime Guidance Note on this subject. (6) (33)
i) The pilot card, to be filled in by the master, is intended to provide information to the pilot on boarding
the ship This information should describe the current condition of the ship, with regard to its loading,
propulsion and manoeuvring equipment, and other relevant equipment.
ii) The wheelhouse poster should be permanently displayed in the wheelhouse. It should contain general
particulars and detailed information describing the manoeuvring characteristics of the ship, and be of
such a size to ensure ease of use. The manoeuvring performance of the ship may differ from that shown
on the poster due to environmental, hull and loading conditions.
Ship’s Particulars.
Steering Particulars.
Propulsion particulars.
Anchor Chain.
Thruster Effect.
Draught increase.
Turning Circles.
Recommended information to be included in the manoeuvring booklet
1.General description
2 Manoeuvring characteristics in deep water
3 Stopping and speed control characteristics in deep water
4 Manoeuvring characteristics in shallow water
5 Manoeuvring characteristics in wind
6 Manoeuvring characteristics at low speed
7 Additional information
b) Key Points:
• Understand that sudden sheering may occur when passing another vessel at close range
• Appreciate the need to reduce speed in narrow channels
• Be aware of the dangerous effects on tugs when manoeuvring close to larger vessels
• Be aware that unexpected turning moments may result when stopping in shallow, confined basins
• Appreciate the need to make appropriate allowances for squat
• Note the results of laboratory work
NAVIGATION 2020-10-07
1) (c) State, giving reasons, whether a Great Circle or a Rhumb line passage would be the most
appropriate. (5)
c) The Great Circle is marginally more appropriate.
Shorter distance.
Less fuel consumed.
Less time.
2. The Arabian Sea and the North Indian Ocean experience significant changes of wind patterns and
predominant currents during the year.
(a) Using Worksheets Q2(1) January and Q2(2) July, indicate and name EACH of the following:
(i) pressure systems; (10)
(ii) wind patterns; (8)
(iii) predominant currents. (9)
(b) Explain, in detail, how the annual change of the SUN's declination affects the predominant
current direction in the Indian Ocean, North of the Equator. (13) (40)
a) on Worksheets.
Sun northerly declination.
Northern Summer.
Asian land temperature increases.
Asian air temperature increases.
Air density decreases.
Atmospheric pressure over Asia decreases.
Pressure gradient established from Southern Sub Tropical Anticyclone to thermal low pressure over Asia.
Air flows from Southern Sub Tropical Anticyclone toward thermal low pressure over Asia.
Flow deflected to the left in the southern hemisphere and right in the northern hemisphere.
South West monsoon winds in the North Indian ocean.
South West Monsoon winds drive the South West Monsoon Current eastwards in the North Indian Ocean.
Sun southerly declination.
Northern Winter.
Asian land temperature decreases.
Asian air temperature decreases.
Air density increases.
Atmospheric pressure over Asia increases.
Pressure gradient established from Asian Anticyclone to Equatorial Low Pressure.
Air flows from Asian Anticyclone toward Equatorial low pressure.
Flow deflected to the right in the northern hemisphere.
North East Monsoon winds in the North Indian ocean.
North East Monsoon winds drive the North East Monsoon current westwards in the North Indian Ocean.
3. The Singapore Straits are one of the busiest shipping areas of the world. There are limited
navigational waters, large vessels transit the area and there is a high density of crossing traffic.
IMO has implemented a Routeing Scheme in the area to assist in the safety of navigation.
(a) State the SEVEN objectives of an IMO Routeing Scheme. (7)
(b) Explain the practical implications, as specified in IRPCS, Rule 10, when passage planning for EACH
of the following situations:
(i) a passage through the full length of a traffic lane in a Traffic Separation Scheme; (10)
(ii) a passage in the vicinity of a Traffic Separation Scheme. (4)
(c) In preparation for the 4 hour passage of the Singapore Straits, the Master conducts a Bridge Team
meeting 12 hours prior to the transit. State the contents of the discussion. (10)
(d) State the Bridge duties and responsibilities of the Master immediately prior to the
commencement of the transit and whilst conning the ship through the Singapore Straits. (8) (39)
a) 1.2 The precise objectives of any routeing system will depend upon the particular hazardous
circumstances which it is intended to alleviate, but may include some or all of the following:
.1 the separation of opposing streams of traffic so as to reduce the incidence of head-on encounters;
.2 the reduction of dangers of collision between crossing traffic and shipping in established traffic lanes;
.3 the simplification of the patterns of traffic flow in converging areas;
.4 the organization of safe traffic flow in areas of concentrated offshore exploration or exploitation;
.5 the organization of traffic flow in or around areas where navigation by al l ships or by certain classes
of ship is dangerous or undesirable;
.6 the organization of safe traffic flow in or around or at a safe distance from environmentally sensitive
.7 the reduction of risk of grounding by providing special guidance to vessels in areas where water depths
are uncertain or critical; and
(.8 the guidance of traffic clear of fishing grounds or the organization of traffic through fishing grounds.)
b) i)
Rule 10
Traffic separation schemes
(a) This Rule applies to traffic separation schemes adopted by the Organization and does not relieve any
vessel of her obligation under any other Rule.
(b) A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall:
(i) proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of traffic flow for that lane;
(ii) so far as practicable keep clear of a traffic separation line or separation zone;
(iii) normally join or leave a traffic lane at the termination of the lane, but when joining or leaving from
either side shall do so at as small an angle to the general direction of traffic flow as practicable.
(c) A vessel shall, so far as practicable, avoid crossing traffic lanes but if obliged to do so shall cross on a
heading as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow.
(e) A vessel other than a crossing vessel or a vessel joining or leaving a lane shall not normally enter a
separation zone or cross a separation line except:
(i) in cases of emergency to avoid immediate danger;
(f) A vessel navigating in areas near the terminations of traffic separation schemes shall do so with
particular caution.
(g) A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid anchoring in a traffic separation scheme or in areas near its
(d) (i) A vessel shall not use an inshore traffic zone when she can safely use the appropriate traffic lane
within the adjacent traffic separation scheme. However, vessels of less than 20 metres in length, sailing
vessels and vessels engaged in fishing may use the inshore traffic zone.
(ii) Notwithstanding sub-paragraph (d)
(i), a vessel may use an inshore traffic zone when en route to or from a port, offshore installation or
structure, pilot station or any other place situated within the inshore traffic zone, or to avoid immediate
(ii) to engage in fishing within a separation zone.
(h) A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by as wide a margin as is practicable.
Passage Plan.
Bridge manning.
Engine Room status.
Traffic density expected.
Tidal streams.
Forecast weather.
d) Master.
In Command, makes executive decisions about the conduct of the passage.
Monitors performance of the OOWs, assessing the validity of information provided.
Monitors performance of Ratings.
May delegate conduct of the passage to the OOW but retains overall responsibility.
5b) At 2130 hrs the Third Officer informs the Master that a traffic situation is developing that
requires the Master to immediately attend the Bridge.
(i) The Master's Standing Orders should specify the actions that the Master requires the OOW to
undertake in such a developing traffic situation. In addition to calling the Master, state the other
actions that the Third Officer should complete in preparation for the Master's arrival on the Bridge.
(ii) On arrival on the Bridge, state the information that the Master requires from the Third Officer to
assess the situation. (5)
b) i)
Summon standby rating to the Bridge.
Engage hand steering.
Duty Engineer to Engine Room if UMS.
Warn Engine Room of probable manoeuvring.
Continue plotting.
Master’s Standing Order requirements completed.
For all targets.
Bearing and Tendency.
Range and Tendency.
Time to CPA.
NAVIGATION 2020-08-19
(ii) Outline whether a Great Circle, instead of the proposed Rhumb Line, from Brisbane to Honiara
would offer an appreciable saving of distance. (4)
(c) To assist in the passage across the Pacific Ocean, the ship is to be weather routed.
Describe, with the aid of a diagram, the process for determining a 'Least Time Track'. (18)
A Great Circle instead of a Rhumb Line from Brisbane to Honiara is unlikely to offer an appreciable saving
of distance.
The passage is in low Latitudes.
The Course is close to North.
c) Least Time Tracks
Performance data may be used to forecast speed in certain wave fields.
A wave forecast chart is used together with the performance data to find a least time track.
An isochrone (time front) is constructed by determining the forecast distance travelled in different
directions over a period of time.
Typically, the direct route toward the destination, and alternatives at 10° intervals on either side; and
the time period between forecasts.
From points on this isochrone a further isochrone is constructed.
This process is repeated until an isochrone reaches the destination or forecast information is exhausted.
The least time track reaches the destination first or achieves the least distance to go toward the
destination at the end of the forecast period.
02) E
Outline the contents, in relation to the TRS, of the Master's Night Order to be compiled on the
evening of the 8th January. (10)
e) All storm warnings are to be analysed and the forecast movement plotted.
Monitor the meteorological conditions.
Development of a swell, probably from east south east.
Increase of wind speed.
Change of wind direction, probably to south.
Decrease of atmospheric pressure.
Increase of cloud cover, initially cirrus.
Call the Master if storm warnings indicate a close approach of the storm, if any of these changes occur
and particularly if atmospheric pressure decreases by more than 3 hPa.
3. The International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) manual is a publication
required on UK registered ships.
(a) State the means by which IAMSAR Vol Ill manual is made a statutory publication for UK registered
ships. (4)
(b) Outline the primary purpose of the IAMSAR Vol Ill manual. (5)
(d) State EIGHT factors when determining which of the four ships should take the role of the On
Scene Coordinator. (8)
(e) State, giving reasons, which search pattern(s) would be considered the most appropriate. (6)
(f) If the initial search is unsuccessful, outline the use of EACH of the following charts to assist in the
search operation:
(i) Current Rose Chart. (3)
(ii) Vector Mean Current Chart.(3)
a) IAMSAR Vol III is required to be carried by SOLAS which is incorporated in UK law in the Merchant
Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations 2020.
b) The IAMSAR Vol Ill manual is carried on board to assist vessels and aircraft in the performance of a
search and rescue or on scene coordinator function and with aspects of search and rescue that pertain to
their own emergencies.
d) OSC factors.
ETA at the scene.
Qualification and experience of the Master.
Sufficient appropriate personnel to carry out the tasks required.
Adequate appropriate communications equipment to communicate with MRCC and search facilities.
Proximity to the scene of the operation.
Common language.
Adequate supplies to function for the expected duration of the operation.
Vessel type if to engage in the search.
First vessel to arrive, expanded square search, appropriate for a single vessel. Most effective when the
location of the search object is known within relatively close limits.
Subsequently, Parallel Track Search, appropriate for a number of vessels. Used to search a large area
when the search object location is uncertain, and a number of vessels are involved.
f) Current rose charts.
Current roses show the frequency and speed of currents in sectors.
The variability of the currents in an area may be judged.
They may be used to assess the range of probable movement of the casualty.
Vector mean charts
The vector mean is the mean of all observed current directions and speeds for a place and time interval.
The vector mean represents movement over a considerable time and is valid for estimating the average
drift of objects such as derelicts.
4. (a) Outline the considerations when planning a safe landfall at the end of an ocean passage. (10)
(b) Parallel Indexing is to be used for the passage through the Admiralty Inlet.
(i) Outline the considerations when determining an appropriate reference point for the proposed
index. (10)
(ii) State the precautions and checks, as outlined in current MCA guidance, regarding Navigation Use of Electronic Navigation Aids, when using Parallel Indexing techniques. (10)
a) Availability of Navigation Aids during approach.
Availability of celestial observations during approach.
Probable visibility.
Ranges of available lights.
Probability of other lights which may obscure navigational lights.
Availability of radar targets for position fixing.
Height and profile of coastal features.
Strength and direction of tidal streams.
Strength and direction of currents.
Strength and direction of prevailing winds.
Availability of large-scale charts.
Water depths in the area.
Available methods for ascertaining and monitoring position.
Ease of identifying features of shoreline.
Probable traffic density.
Probable time of day of landfall.
Probability of ice in the area.
Nature of coastline, ease of identifying landfall.
Currency of relevant publications.
i) Targets used should be:
Radar conspicuous.
Easily identified.
Unlikely to be confused with others.
Situated so as to provide continuous monitoring of the passage.
Unlikely to be obscured by ship shadow sectors.
At moderate ranges.
ii) MGN379.
Some older radars may still have reflection plotters.
It is important to remember that parallel index lines drawn on reflection plotters apply to one range
scale only.
In addition to all other precautions necessary for the safe use of radar information, particular care must
therefore, be taken when changing range scales.
The use of parallel indexing does not remove the requirement for position fixing at regular intervals using
all appropriate methods available including visual bearings, since parallel indexing only indicates if the
ship is on or off track and not its progress along the track.
When using radar for position fixing and monitoring, check:
(i) the identity of fixed objects,
(ii) the radar’s overall performance,
(iii) the gyro error and accuracy of the heading marker alignment,
(iv) that parallel index lines are correctly positioned on a suitable display, and
(v) the accuracy of the variable range marker, bearing cursor and fixed range rings.
SQA Navigation 2020-07-08
3 (c) (c) Explain how each of the forecast meteorological elements; low pressure and strong winds, can
influence the actual tide level in comparison to the predicted tide level. (12)
(d) Explain why the use of the Antwerp Tidal Curve may be inaccurate for the calculation of
Boudewijnsluis tides. (4)
Low atmospheric pressure increases the predicted tidal level by 0.01 m / hPa reduction of pressure.
Strong onshore wind increases the predicted tidal level.
Strong offshore wind reduces the predicted tidal level.
Strong winds blowing parallel to the coast may set up a long wave increasing the predicted tidal
level at
the crest of the wave and decreasing it at the trough of the wave.
Abrupt change in atmospheric pressure can cause an oscillation is sea level, a seiche, increasing and
decreasing predicted tidal level.
Prolonged onshore wind can cause a storm surge increasing predicted tidal level which may be
accentuated by low atmospheric pressure and spring tides.
Conversely negative surge due to prolonged offshore wind decreasing predicted tidal level can be
accentuated by high atmospheric pressure and spring tides.
Note c. For intermediate heights use Harmonic Constants implies that the use of the Antwerp curves
may give different results.
(This note is not on the secondary port page for Boudewijnsluis, it is on other pages.)
This is because the tidal characteristics at Boudewijnsluis are different from those at Antwerp
Therefore the Antwerp curves cannot be used to interpolate for intermediate heights at Boudewijnsluis.
(SQA Extracts. The following do not apply to these extracts. All references to Harmonic Constants.)
The passage from Antwerp to Oporto requires the transit of the Dover Straits.
(a) (i) Outline the purpose and functions Of the Channel Navigation Information Service (CNIS). (8)
(ii) State THREE topics about which the CNIS will transmit warnings. (6)
(b) CALDOVREP is a mandatory reporting scheme for ships over 300 grt transiting the Dover Straits.
(i) State the statutory information to be reported to CALDOVREP. (8)
(ii) State THREE sources of information regarding the requirements of CALDOVREP. (6)
(c) The meteorological forecast during the transit of the Dover Straits is N 'ly winds, force 8. Heavy
rain. Poor visibility. Traffic density is anticipated to be high.
Outline the bridge manning level, stating the duties of each member, for the Dover Straits transit.
(12) (40)
i) The Channel Navigation Information Service (CNIS) helps vessels navigate safely and prevents collisions
in the Dover Strait.
The functions of CNIS are to:
• keep the Dover Strait TSS under observation
• monitor the flow of traffic
• detect and report vessels which contravene the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions
at Sea 1972, as amended (COLREGS)
ii) CNIS broadcasts … to give warnings of:
• navigational difficulties
• weather conditions
• traffic information in the traffic separation scheme (TSS)
(This includes information about: misplaced or defective navigational aids, hampered vessels
deep draught bulk carriers and tankers, vessels under tow, surveying vessels
unorthodox crossings such as cross-channel swims)
i) The CALDOVREP report must contain the following information:
name of the ship, call sign, IMO identification number and MMSI number
position in latitude and longitude
course and speed of the ship
vessel’s draught
route information
hazardous cargo, IMO class and quantity (if applicable)
breakdown, damage and/or deficiencies affecting the structure, cargo or equipment of the ship
any other circumstances affecting normal navigation according to the provisions of the SOLAS and
MARPOL Conventions.
International Maritime Organisation.
Hydrographic Office. Sailing Directions.
Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
Marine Guidance Notices.
Marine Information Notices.
Master. In command.
Receives information from Bridge Team, analyses and issues commands.
Monitors bridge team performance.
OOW. Navigation.
Position, course and speed monitoring.
Informs Master accordingly.
Record keeping.
Monitors Master.
Monitors Ratings performance.
OOW. Traffic.
Monitors traffic in vicinity.
Informs Master.
Monitors Master.
Monitors Ratings performance.
Rating. Helmsman.
• Steers vessel to Master’s orders.
• Monitors steering performance, reports any anomalies.
• Monitors Master’s orders.
Rating. Lookout.
Keeps visual and aural lookout.
Reports to Master and OOW.
Rating. Standby.
On Call as required.
5 (c) The Third Officer informs the Master that the 1200 hrs observed position is approximately 16
miles westwards of the 1200 hrs GPS position.
(i) Identify, stating reasons, the probable cause of the discrepancy between the 1200 hrs Observed
and GPS positions. (6)
(ii) In light of the probable cause identified in Q5(c)(i), state any FIVE relevant points of discussion
that the Master may consider necessary with the Third Officer. (10)
The probable cause is an index error of approximately 12.5’ which has not been applied or
one of approximately 6.3’ which has been applied in the incorrect direction.
The magnitude of the Intercept is improbable for a sight based on a GPS position.
Applying an Index Error of 12.5’ or one of 6.3’ in the correct direction would lead to a small intercept
to be expected from an Assumed Position of a GPS Position.
The close correlation between the Meridian Passage observation and the Transferred Position of the
first observation reinforces this if the same sextant has been used.
ii) The OOW acted correctly in calling the Master in the circumstances.
A SW bearing for a morning sight is illogical.
A large Intercept for a sight using a GPS Assumed Position is extremely unlikely.
The working should be checked for application of the Index Error.
The sextant used should be checked for correctable errors if a different sextant has been used for
the Meridian Passage observation.
A single observation may be erroneous, a number of observations should be taken and
checked for consistency.
The OOW should consider the probability of the results obtained from celestial observations.
Considerable further practice is required.
SQA Navigation 2019-11-27
2. Whilst on passage, the Third Officer informs the Master that a series of stellar observations has
resulted in a confusing plot. The OOW is unable to determine the ship's position by the stellar
With reference to Datasheet Q2 and the following details of the observations:
Star A Observed at 1820 hrs lntercept 2.4' Away Bearing 062°T
Star B Observed at 1830 hrs Intercept 1.3' Towards Bearing 201°T
Star C Observed at 1840 hrs Intercept 1.4' Towards Bearing 158°T
DR position used for all observations 42°50'N 55°06'W.
Ship steering 080°T at the most economical speed.
Weather conditions good, no wind, clear sky and no evidence of abnormal refraction.
Chosen time of position 1830 hrs.
(a) Determine the most probable cause of the confusing plot. (10)
(c) With regard to the original star plot, outline any discussion that the Master may need with
The OOW. (10)
The observations have been plotted in the reverse order.
Observations taken before the Observed Position Time transferred Back.
Observations taken after the Observed Position Time transferred Forward.
The OOW has not appreciated the correct direction of transfer for observations taken
at different times.
Observations taken before the Observed Position Time have been transferred Back.
Observations taken after the Observed Position Time have been transferred Forward.
The OOW has not been able to detect the error in procedure.
The observations are to be plotted in the correct sequence.
Observations taken before the Observed Position Time transferred Forward.
Observations taken after the Observed Position Time transferred Back.
The OOW requires considerable further practice at Celestial Observations.
3 (b) Whilst proceeding to the rendezvous, consideration is given to obtaining medical consultation
And the possibility that medical evacuation may be required.
(i) Outline the information contained in the IASMSAR Medico-Medevac Action Cards. (12)
(ii) Outline the current MCA guidance on Helicopter assistance at sea. (8)
Medical assistance is available using telemedical assistance services (TMASs).
lnmarsat systems offer two special access codes (SACs) which can be used for medical advice
or medical assistance at sea.
SAR services may also provide medical advice either from their own doctors or via
arrangements with TMAS.
When medical assistance is required, information which should be sent to the RCC.
Requesting helicopter assistance. Procedure.
Preparing patient before arrival of helicopter.
Vessel preparation.
ii) Current MCA Guidance refers to The Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners, International
Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual Vol II “Guide to Helicopter/Ship
It also contains:
General remarks. Winching and Low Hover Areas. Contingency Plans, Drills and Communications.
4 To meet the requirements of ISM, a Shipping Company and the Master of a ship must provide
guidance for all aspects of the ship's operation and procedures.
(a) Outline the function of EACH of the following:
(i) Company Procedures and Policies; (4)
(ii) Master's Standing Order; (4)
(iii) Master's Night Orders. (2)
(b) The Master's Standing Orders should take into account particular aspects of the ship.
State FIVE factors that should be considered in this regard when compiling Standing Orders. (5)
(c) Outline FIVE elements, specific to making a landfall, which the Master should consider when
preparing appropriate Night Orders. (15)
i) Company Procedures and Policies detail company requirements specific to the management of its
vessels and operations in addition to statutory requirements.
ii) Masters’ Standing Orders contain the Master’s requirements for the duration of their command
relating to the management of the vessel in addition to other documents.
iii) Master’s Night Orders contain requirements relating to a period when the Master will be absent
from the Bridge.
b) Master’s Standing Orders should take into account:
The Safety Management System.
The Master’s experience.
The vessel.
The trade.
The number of personnel.
The experience of personnel.
c) The Master’s Night Orders for Landfall should remind the OOW to call the Master at any time if in need
of assistance and in the event of:
a) making the landfall unexpectedly.
b) not making the landfall as scheduled.
c) detecting unexpected features or failing to detect those expected.
d) Use the largest scale chart available for the approach period.
e) Inspect the chart for adequate under keel clearance on the intended track.
f) Employ primary and secondary position fixing systems at regular intervals.
g) Check performance of radar / ARPA.
h) Have the echo sounder operational and monitor the actual under keel clearance.
i) Avoid use of low lying islands and employ prominent Radar Conspicuous targets.
j) Employ a rising distance if and when approaching a lighthouse feature.
k) Take account of set and drift using parallel indexing to monitor position with regard to track.
l) Be aware of the increased probability of traffic and small craft.
m) Monitor weather forecasts.
n) Be aware of the effects of haze or low cloud.
NAVIGATION 2019-10-01
1. The vessel intends to use the following waypoints for the Ocean part of the voyage:
Durban 29°51'S 031°06'E
Adelaide 34°38'S 138°23'E
(a) The recommended eastbound route is a composite great circle route with limiting latitude of
(b) (i) State the main advantages of following the recommended eastbound track. (6)
(ii) State, with reasons, if the same route would be used in the westbound passage. (4)
i) It is the shortest distance given the limiting latitude.
It reduces the probability of adverse weather due to Polar Frontal Depressions.
It reduces the probability of encountering ice.
ii) Yes.
It reduces the probable severity of adverse weather due to Polar Frontal Depressions.
It reduces the probability of encountering ice.
A lower Limiting Latitude might be used, accepting a greater distance to further reduce the probable
severity of adverse weather due to Polar Frontal Depressions.
4. The Bridge team should be sufficiently resourced at all times to meet the operational
requirements of the passage plan.
(a) List TEN factors that should be taken into account while deciding the composition of the bridge
team. (10)
(c) State, with reasons and conditions, the appropriate manning level for navigation on an ocean
passage during daylight in clear visibility. (8)
The Bridge Team should be sufficiently resourced to meet the operational requirements of the
passage plan. When considering the composition of the Bridge Team and ensuring that the bridge is
never left unattended at sea, the Master should take into account the following:
• Visibility, sea state and weather conditions;
• Traffic density;
• Activities occurring in the area in which the ship is navigating;
• Navigation in or near traffic separation schemes or other routeing measures;
• Navigation in or near fixed and mobile installations;
• Ship operating requirements, activities and anticipated manoeuvres;
• Operational status of bridge equipment including alarm systems;
• Whether manual or automatic steering is anticipated;
• Any demands on the navigational watch that may arise as a result of exceptional circumstances; and
• Any other relevant standard, procedure or guidelines relating to watchkeeping arrangements or
the activities of the vessel.
OOW. Has the Con.
Monitors traffic in vicinity.
Navigation. Position, course and speed monitoring.
Record keeping.
Monitors Ratings performance.
Informs Master as required.
Rating. Lookout.
Keeps visual and aural lookout.
Reports to OOW.
Monitors OOW.
May report to Master if necessary.
5. Before using an admiralty chart to plan or navigate a passage, mariners should make themselves
aware of the quality of survey data that has been used to place the soundings on the chart.
(a) Explain how the survey information is presented in EACH of the following chart types:
(i) a paper chart; (5)
(ii) an ENC. (5)
(b) When approaching Adelaide the vessel's echo sounder indicates an actual depth which is
considerably shallower than the charted depth at that position:
(i) state the form that should be used to report this information and to whom it should be sent; (2)
(ii) state the general information that should be included in the report; (8)
(iii) state the information specific to shallow water, which should be included in the report; (8)
(iv) state the additional reporting requirements if the shallow water is considered dangerous to
navigate. (2)
i) Each chart carries a statement referring to the origin of the data used to compile it.
Sources of hydrographic information are shown by means of a Source Diagram.
ii) The object “Category of Zone of Confidence” (CATZOC) in an ENC gives an estimate of the
reliability in the source data.
b) i) Hydrographic Note.
To the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office or hydrographic office relevant to the ship or area.
Reference Number
Name of ship or sender
Tel/Fax/email address of sender
General locality
Position Lat Lon
GPS Datum
GPS accuracy
Admiralty charts affected
Latest Weekly Notices to Mariners held
Replacement copy of chart # is/is not required
ENCs affected
Latest update disk held. Week #
Publications affected and edition numbers
Date of latest supplement, page (and Light List No. etc)
Sounding obtained.
Echo sounder trace marked with information to identify vessel, dates and times, positions, maximum and
minimum depths, range scale changes.
Whether depth below waterline or keel.
Draught if below keel.
Probable squat if relevant.
Echo sounder manufacturer, model and type.
Copy of chart covering the area showing positions obtained.
Signature of observer/reporter.
To Coast Radio Station if judged to be a hazard to navigation for any vessel which may transit the area.
NAVIGATION 2019-07-11
4. On arrival at the rendezvous position own vessel picks up two casualties from the vessel in need
of assistance.
To provide medical attention to the casualties, own vessel decides to proceed to the nearest port.
However the condition of one of the casualties deteriorates and Master requests for helicopter
evacuation of the casualty.
(a) State THREE sources of information that should be consulted prior to helicopter operations. (3)
(b) Outline the factors to be considered on the Bridge prior to this helicopter operation. (20)
(c) Outline the preparations to be made on Deck to ensure a safe and effective transfer of the
casualty. (12)
ICS Guide to Helicopter ship Operations.
IAMSAR Manual Volume III Mobile Facilities.
Helicopter Operations at Sea.
Deviation to rendezvous.
Type of helicopter expected.
Current / forecast weather conditions.
Wind direction / speed.
Sea state and swell affecting vessel movement.
Cloud cover and precipitation.
Vessel’s helicopter landing / winching area.
Time of day.
Communications required.
Identification of the vessel.
Preparations to be carried out on deck.
Condition of casualty. Mobile /stretcher.
Casualty’s documentation.
c) Shipboard safety checklist to be checked by officer in charge
Have all loose objects within and adjacent to the operating area been secured or removed?
Have all aerials, standing or running gear above the operating areabeen secured or removed?
Has a pennant or windsock been hoisted where it can be clearly seen by the helicopter pilot?
Has the officer of the watch been consulted about the ship's readiness?
Does the leader of the deck party have a portable radio transceiver (walkie talkie) for communicating
with the bridge?
Are the fire pumps running and is there adequate pressure on deck?
Are fire hoses ready (hoses should be near to but clear of the operating area)?
Are foam hoses, monitors, and portable foam equipment ready?
Are dry powder fire extinguishers available and ready for use?
Is the deck party complete, correctly dressed, and in position?
Are the fire hoses and foam nozzles pointing away from the operating area in case of inadvertent
Has a rescue party been detailed?
Is a rescue boat ready for lowering?
Are the following items of equipment to hand?
Large axe Wire cutters Marshalling batons (at night) Crowbar Red emergency signal/torch First-aid
Has the correct lighting (including special navigation lights) been switched on prior to night operations
and not directed towards the helicopter?
Is the deck party ready, wearing brightly coloured waistcoats and protective helmets, and are all
passengers clear of the operating area?
Has the hook handler been equipped with helmet, strong rubber gloves and rubber-soled shoes to avoid
the danger of static discharge?
Is access to and egress from the operating area clear?
Has the radar been secured or placed in standby mode just before the helicopter arrives?
Landing on
Is the deck party aware that a landing is to be made?
Is the operating area free of heavy spray or seas on deck?
Have side rails and, where necessary, awnings, stanchions, and other obstructions been lowered or
Where applicable, have portable pipes been removed and have the remaining apex ends been blanked
Are rope messengers to hand for securing the helicopter, if necessary? (Note: only the helicopter pilot
may decide whether or not to secure the helicopter.)
Have all personnel been warned to keep clear of rotors and exhausts?
5. (a) The British Admiralty produces Ocean Routeing charts for each month of the year for the main
oceans of the world.
Outline the type of information found on such charts for EACH of the following specific categories:
(i) ocean wind patterns; (5)
(ii) ocean currents. (5)
(b) Vessels operating in Indian ocean region can encounter Tropical Revolving Storms (TRS) at various
times of the year.
(i) Outline the on board meteorological observations that could indicate the presence of a TRS. (8)
(ii) Explain how the on board observations of barometric pressure and tendency of change of wind
direction can be used to determine the vessel's position relative (quadrant) to the centre of a
southern hemisphere TRS. (6)
(iii) A vessel is in the storm field of an approaching South Indian ocean TRS.
The TRS has already recurved and the vessel lies in the advance quadrant of the southern half of the
State the actions and considerations that a prudent Master would take in this situation. (6)
(c) Mariners need to be aware of dangers associated with encountering fog at sea.
(i) State the conditions that are necessary for the formation of Advection fog to occur at sea. (5)
(ii) Outline how the OOW can use on board observations to predict the time when a vessel will
encounter Advection fog at sea. (10)
i) Wind roses show the proportions of winds from different directions and the proportions of wind force
for each direction. The number of observations used to compile the Wind Rose, the number of
observations of variable wind and the number of observations of calm conditions.
ii) Predominant ocean current arrows indicate the directions, rates and constancy.
Long, initially low, swell in addition to normal Trade Wind swell.
The swell approaches from the direction of the storm.
Atmospheric pressure.
Diurnal Variation ceases and pressure decreases.
Decrease of sea level pressure, corrected for diurnal variation, by more than 3 hPa below normal for the
area and season indicates probability of TRS presence.
Increasing wind speed and probably variation from the normal direction for the area and season.
Cirrus clouds increasing in density may be visible 300 to 600 NM from the storm and are followed by
Cumulonimbus clouds.
Exceptionally good visibility may exist in the vicinity of a Tropical Revolving Storm.
Preferably with the vessel hove to so that vessel movement does not influence the observations.
Decrease in atmospheric pressure from normal gives an indication of the distance from the storm.
Decreasing indicates observer is in Advance of the Trough Line.
Increasing indicates observer is to the Rear of the Trough Line.
Steady indicates observer is in on the Trough Line, or that the storm is stationary.
Application of Buys Ballot’s Law will indicate the direction of the storm centre.
Wind speed gives an indication of the distance from the storm centre.
Veering indicates observer is to the right of the Path / Track.
Steady indicates observer is on or close to the Path / Track.
Backing indicates observer is to the left of the Path / Track.
Southern Hemisphere:
Advance Left quadrant is Dangerous Quadrant, Right semicircle is Navigable Semicircle.
The vessel is in the Advance Right Quadrant, in the Southern Hemisphere this is in the Navigable
Steam with the wind on the Port Quarter at maximum speed;
Altering Course to maintain the relative wind direction;
Monitoring weather to confirm that the action is having the expected effect, or detect a change in
circumstances and the need for a change of action.
Steaming with the weather on the quarter may lead to heavy rolling, pitching, yawing, broaching,
shipping seas astern.
i) Advection fog forms when wind carries air over a surface with a temperature lower than the Dew Point
temperature of the air. The air is cooled below its Dew Point temperature and condensation forms in the
surface layer as fog.
ii) Regular observations of the dew point temperature of the air and sea surface temperature are taken.
A graph is constructed of these against time.
When no fog is present the sea surface temperature is greater than the dew point temperature of the air.
Converging temperatures, typically a decreasing sea surface temperature with little change in the dew
point temperature, indicate an increasing probability of fog. The tendencies can be projected and fog is probable
when the sea surface temperature is lower than the dew point temperature of the air.
NAVIGATION 2019-03-28
1) (b) outline the reasons for different routes East and West bound;
b) Polar Frontal Depressions produce high westerly winds, high wind waves and heavy swell in high
The prevailing Southern Ocean Current flows eastwards in high latitudes.
The westbound routes in lower latitudes avoid the most extreme of these adverse effects.
4. Weather routeing is often effectively used by vessels making trans-oceanic passages.
(a) Explain FIVE factors that should be considered when determining if weather routeing would be of
benefit to a proposed passage. (20)
(b) Describe THREE types of weather routeing currently available to vessels. (12)
(c) Outline the benefits of carrying out shipboard routeing. (8)
1. The weather along the route.
Wind speed and direction, therefore wave heights and direction.
Probable swell height and direction.
The probability of reduced visibility and fog.
The probability of ice along and close to the route.
2. Ocean currents, adverse and favourable, along the route and close to it.
3. The vessel.
Vessel type, hull form and susceptibility to wave action.
Service speed, relative effect of ocean currents.
Draft, likelihood of pounding in adverse seas.
Freeboard, likelihood of shipping seas.
Stability, susceptibility to heavy rolling.
Availability of Performance Data.
4. The cargo.
Sensitivity to temperature and humidity.
Deck cargo, susceptibility to heavy weather damage.
5. The voyage.
Destination and range of alternative routes available.
Distance, long voyages are more likely to offer alternatives.
Navigational hazards on the route.
Scheduling requirements.
Legal requirements and restrictions.
1. Onboard, by ship's staff, using available information from climatological data and broadcast forecasts.
The first approximation of the route is the shortest distance with adequate margins of safety.
Climatological and forecast information is used to decide whether a deviation from this is justified in
order to achieve the optimum route.
2. On board, using computer programs with data supplied from ashore.
The program holds information about the ship's performance in a variety of weather conditions.
The program holds climatological information.
Forecast information is received from ashore.
The program calculates an optimum route for the vessel.
3. Shore based Routeing Officers.
An organisation ashore has details of the ship's performance, climatological data and forecast
A Routeing Officer, using a computer program, calculates an optimum route for the vessel and advises
the Master accordingly.
Weather forecasts and further routeing advice are provided throughout the voyage.
Local meteorological conditions and changes can be observed directly.
Appropriate action can then be taken in response to changes as soon as they occur.
The performance characteristics of the vessel in different circumstances are known by the Master in
The performance of the vessel in response to the prevailing conditions can be directly assessed and
appropriate adjustments made.
The original plan can be modified quickly in response to changing conditions to maximise the efficiency
of the voyage.
Information obtained through the internet or otherwise can be used to improve forecasting.
Low cost.
5 (b) Outline the relevant information that should be contained in the Master's Night Orders pertaining
to making a landfall. (10)
b) The Master’s Night Orders for Landfall should remind the OOW to:
Call the Master at any time if in need of assistance and in the event of:
a) making the landfall unexpectedly.
b) not making the landfall as scheduled.
c) detecting unexpected features or failing to detect those expected.
• Use the largest scale chart available for the approach period.
• Inspect the chart for adequate under keel clearance on the intended track.
• Employ primary and secondary position fixing systems at regular intervals.
• Check performance of radar / ARPA.
• Have the echo sounder operational and monitor the actual under keel clearance.
• Avoid use of low lying islands and employ prominent Radar Conspicuous targets.
• Employ a rising distance if and when approaching a lighthouse feature.
• Take account of set and drift using parallel indexing to monitor position with regard to track.
• Be aware of the increased probability of traffic and small craft.
• Monitor weather forecasts.
• Be aware of the effects of haze or low cloud.
NAVIGATION 2018-11-29
5. UKHO produces charts that are specifically designed to assist mariners in planning of passages
through areas of heavy traffic and confined waters, such as the Singapore straits.
(a) Outline the SIX main categories of information that may be found on these charts. (18)
(b) Explain how co-tidal and co-range charts can be used by deep draught vessels transiting relatively
shallow areas offshore. (10)
(c) State, with reasons, FOUR other publications which should be consulted when appraising such a
passage. (12)
a) 5500 Mariner's Routeing Guide
North Sea and English Channel
Shows the following:
Admiralty Charts and Publications relevant to the Area.
1. Passage Planning Using This Guide.
2. Routeing: General Rules and Recommendations.
3. Routeing: Special Rules and Recommendations.
4. Passage Planning: Special Classes of Vessel.
5. Oil and Dangerous Cargoes: Marine Pollution.
6. Radio Reporting Systems Applying to Through Traffic.
7. Reporting to a Port of Destination in the Area.
8. Maritime Radio Services.
9. Tidal Information and Services.
10. Pilot Services.
Passage Planning Charts.
b) Co-tidal charts show isopleths of equal Mean High Water Interval and Mean Low Water Interval for an
area around an Amphidromic Point.
The values for selected Standard Ports are tabulated.
Co-range charts show isopleths of equal Mean Spring Range and Mean Neap Range for an area around an
Amphidromic Point.
The values for selected Standard Ports are tabulated.
Co-tidal charts are used to determine the times of high Water and Low Water at positions offshore using
the times at a Standard Port and the Intervals at the Point.
Co-range charts are used to determine the heights of high Water and Low Water at positions offshore
using the heights at a Standard Port and the ranges at the Point.
The Height of Tide at an offshore position at a particular time can be determined.
The time at which a particular Height of Tide occurs at an offshore position can be determined.
The tidal data for a port, ideally a standard port, in the area centred on the same amphidromic point as
the position being considered, is used.
This information allows planning and speed adjustment to maintain adequate UKC and pass critical points
at high water or with a rising tide.
c) Admiralty Sailing Directions.
Details of areas relating to the voyage, general information, landmarks, recommended routes,
approaches, anchorages, pilotage, berths.
Admiralty List of Radio Signals.
Details of sources of information concerning navigation aids, meteorological information and port
Admiralty List of Lights.
Details of lights and fog signals.
Admiralty Charts.
Positions of land and ports, navigation aids, depths of water, hazards.
Admiralty Notices to Mariners.
Corrections to publications.
Nautical Almanac.
Astronomical information, ephemera of the celestial bodies used for navigation, times of sunrise, sunset,
Admiralty Tide Tables.
Details of tides at the ports.
Admiralty Notices to Mariners – Annual Summary. Parts 1 and 2.
Long term information published in Admiralty Notices to Mariners.
Merchant Shipping Notices, Marine Guidance Notes, Marine Information Notes.
Information concerning requirements relevant to the voyage.
NAVIGATION 2018-10-02
4. Establishment of routeing measures is very important for safety of navigation and for pollution
prevention. This purpose is achieved through the control of navigation of vessels and their progress
(a) List the contents of the IMO publication, Ships' Routeing. (7)
(b) Explain the purpose of IMO's Ships' Routeing. (6)
(c) State the precise objectives of IMO's Ships' Routeing. (14)
(d) Explain the difference between 'ADOPTED' and 'NON-ADOPTED' traffic separation schemes. (8)
(e) State the publications where the mariner can gain information regarding 'ADOPTED' traffic
separation schemes. (5)
Part A - General provisions on ships' routeing
Part B - Traffic separation schemes and inshore traffic zones
Part C - Deep-water routes
Part D - Areas to be avoided
Part E - Other routeing measures
Part F - Associated rules and recommendations on navigation
Part G - Mandatory ship reporting systems, mandatory routeing systems and mandatory no anchoring
Part H – Adoption, designation and substitution or archipelagic sea lanes.
b) The purpose of ships' routeing is to improve the safety of navigation in converging areas and in
areas where the density of traffic is great or where freedom of movement of shipping is inhibited by
restricted sea-room, the existence of obstructions to navigation, limited depths or unfavourable
meteorological conditions. Ships' routeing may also be used for the purpose of preventing or
reducing the risk of pollution or other damage to the marine environment caused by ships colliding
or grounding or anchoring in or near environmentally sensitive areas.
c) 1.2 The precise objectives of any routeing system will depend upon the particular hazardous
circumstances which it is intended to alleviate, but may include some or all of the following:
.1 the separation of opposing streams of traffic so as to reduce the incidence of head-on encounters;
.2 the reduction of dangers of collision between crossing traffic and shipping in established traffic lanes;
.3 the simplification of the patterns of traffic flow in converging areas;
.4 the organization of safe traffic flow in areas of concentrated offshore exploration or exploitation;
.5 the organization of traffic flow in or around areas where navigation by al l ships or by certain classes
of ship is dangerous or undesirable;
.6 the organization of safe traffic flow in or around or at a safe distance from environmentally sensitive
.7 the reduction of risk of grounding by providing special guidance to vessels in areas where water depths
are uncertain or critical; and
.8 the guidance of traffic clear of fishing grounds or the organization of traffic through fishing grounds.
d) An Adopted Traffic Separation Scheme is one which the IMO considers that
.1 the aids to navigation proposed will enable mariners to determine their position with sufficient
accuracy to navigate in the scheme in accordance with rule 10 of the 1972 Collision Regulations, as
.2 the state of hydrographic surveys in the area is adequate;*
.3 the scheme takes account of the accepted planning considerations and complies with the design
criteria for traffic separation schemes and with established methods of routeing.
A Non-Adopted Traffic Separation Scheme is one which does not comply with the IMO criteria.
e) Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners
Ships’ Routeing
Passage Planning Charts.
5. In recent years, digital navigation tools have increasingly been used for the safe navigation of
(a) Approved ECDIS equipment can be operated in a number of different modes, depending upon
different chart types in use on the equipment. These different modes may cover all or some of the
requirements for the carriage of nautical charts on board.
For EACH of the following chart types, name the corresponding mode that the equipment is
operating in and outline the degree to which each mode fulfils the ECDIS functional requirements for
the need to carry nautical charts on board:
(i) Approved ECDIS equipment operating with ENCs; (4)
(ii) Approved ECDIS equipment operating with RNCs; (4)
(iii) Approved ECDIS equipment operating with unapproved Vector charts. (4)
(b) Outline the operational limitations of ECDIS equipment operating with RNCs when compared to
ECDIS equipment operating with ENCs. (16)
(c) Explain the difference between safety depth setting and safety contour display setting on an
ECDIS, whilst also outlining the importance of understanding this difference to a mariner for the
purpose of safe navigation. (12)
i) ECDIS Mode. Nautical charts need not be carried provided there is adequate backup, duplicate
ii) RCDS Mode. An appropriate folio of current paper charts is required to be carried.
iii) ? Mode. An appropriate folio of current paper charts is required to be carried.
b) RNCs cannot:
be interrogated,
provide alarms,
provide indications,
provide customised display,
Display may be cluttered with additional information.
Safety Depth
Set by the user.
ECDIS emphasizes soundings equal to or less than the safety depth whenever selected for display.
Affects the display of sounding colours
Soundings shallower appear in black
Soundings deeper appear in grey
Safety Contour
The primary safety feature in ECDIS.
Equivalent to a No Go line.
Set by the user to mark the boundary between safe and unsafe water
Shown emphasised over all other contours
Uses the next deepest contour (or boundary of depth area) in the chart.
The chart display logic assumes that the safety contour will never be crossed.
Dangers on the shallow side may not be shown.
NAVIGATION 2018-07-12
All questions refer to a General cargo vessel undertaking a passage from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
to Lisbon (Lisboa), Portugal in the month of January. The vessel has a service speed of 15.0 knots.
(b) Identify all the hazards to navigation while transiting the Grand Banks in the month of January.
b) January is outside the iceberg season.
Sea ice is likely on the Newfoundland coast and extending over the Grand Banks.
High winds and waves and heavy swell due to Polar Frontal Depressions.
Advection fog is probable in Easterly to Southerly winds.
In areas clear of sea ice:
Many fishing vessels.
Heavy traffic between USA and Europe.
Oil and gas drilling rigs and production platforms and associated vessels.
2. Vessels engaged on passage in the North Atlantic ocean may encounter pack ice or icebergs at
certain times of the year.
(a) List FIVE sources and types of information that are available to the Master regarding the presence
of dangerous ice in the North Atlantic. (15)
(b) Outline the factors that should be considered by a prudent Master when determining the risks
involved in encountering dangerous ice. (20)
(c) Outline the reporting procedure that is to be followed by the Master on encountering dangerous
ice. (5)
North Atlantic Ice Service (Canadian Ice Service, the International Ice Patrol, U.S. National Ice Center):
text messages
fax pictures
RT voice messages
Navtex text messages.
Sat C. SafetyNet messages.
Coast Radio Stations. Voice messages.
Text messages.
Fax pictures.
Satellite images.
Mariners’ Handbook. Description of climatological details of ice and icebergs.
Ocean Passages for the World. Description of climatological details of ice and icebergs.
Sailing Directions. Description of climatological details of ice and icebergs specific to the area covered.
Routeing Charts. Pictorial depiction of iceberg and pack ice limits.
Practicality of avoiding ice area altogether.
Types of ice likely to be encountered.
Concentration of pack ice, number of icebergs, tactics to minimize contact.
Currency of ice reports.
Availability of icebreaker assistance.
Availability of emergency assistance.
Expected time in the affected area.
Effect on ETA.
Power, manoeuvrability, response time.
Ice Class.
Draughts in relation to Ice Belt, rudder and propeller coverage.
Searchlights, effectiveness and positioning.
Number, training and experience.
Performance maximized.
Ice is a poor radar reflector.
Echoes may not be representative of the size of the ice formation.
Sea and rain clutter may reduce the detection range of ice.
Whether the vessel has Ice Radar.
The detection range is directly proportional to visibility.
Sea state is a factor, foam patches in high seas may obscure smaller pieces of ice.
Fog may be present in the vicinity of an ice field.
Whether the vessel has a sound detection system.
SOLAS. Chapter V, Safety of Navigation. Regulation 31
Danger messages.
a) The Master of every ship which meets with dangerous ice ... is bound to communicate the information
by all means at his disposal...
Regulation 32. Information required in danger messages
1 Ice...
1.1 The kind of ice...
1.2 The position of the ice...
1.3 The time and date UT when danger last observed.
5 (b) Discuss SIX important factors to be taken into account when choosing a safe
anchorage. (18)
Availability of recommended anchorage from relevant publications.
Recommended anchorage will have been carefully surveyed and should be most suitable.
Depth of water.
Must be adequate for the vessel's draught at all states of the tide, and over the whole area of the
swinging circle.
Must not be too deep for recovery of the anchor.
Extent of area available which is clear of obstructions.
Must be sufficient for the swinging circle of radius equal to the full scope of cable and ship's length
plus a margin of safety.
Nature of sea bed.
This will govern holding ability of anchor.
Probable weight on the anchor.
Governed by the windage and underwater form of the vessel, and the anticipated wind, tidal
streams and currents.
Shelter by land from prevailing winds.
Governs anticipated forces experienced.
Availability of marks for position fixing during approach and while at anchor.
Readily identifiable marks in appropriate directions will improve precision of approach and of
position monitoring.
Length of anticipated time at anchor, governs:
Number of tidal cycles.
Variability of wind, tidal stream and current experienced.
Position with regard to traffic movement.
Anchored vessel should not obstruct traffic.
NAVIGATION 2018-03-28
All questions refer to a General cargo vessel undertaking series of voyages between Karachi, Pakistan
and Durban, South Africa. The vessel has a service speed of 16.0 knots.
1. With reference to Datasheets Q1(1),Q1(2),Q1(3),Q1(4) and Q1(5):
(b) Detail the reasons for the multiple routes listed between the two ports. (15)
There are different routes in the North Indian Ocean in different seasons due to the seasonal effects
of the Monsoon system.
During the North-east Monsoon, Oct-Apr:
Westerly current in the North Indian Ocean.
Easterly Equatorial Counter Current in the vicinity of the Equator.
North-east winds, relatively light.
During the South-west Monsoon, May-Sep:
Easterly current in the North Indian Ocean.
Strong Northerly current near the African coast.
South-west winds, particularly strong near the African coast.
There are different routes in the Mocambique Channel because the Mocambique current is stronger on
the West side than the East side.
2. Whilst enroute from Karachi to Durban and in DR position 09°56'S 48°10'E, steering 210°T OOW
obtains following three celestial observations, during the evening twilight. At the time of taking the
sights, southern and western skies had thick cloud cover. Same DR was used to calculate all three
Ship's timeStar
True bearing
Calculated Altitude True Altitude
095° T
Arcturus 052° T
355° T
(b) Determine the amount of systematic error in each observation. (10)
(c) Discuss the criteria for selection of stars, ideal period of observation for star sights and correct
order of taking these observations to obtain vessel's observed position for a 4 star observation.
b) Systematic Error, radius of escribed circle, = 9.3 NM towards the bodies.
c) Criteria:
Brightest stars are easiest to observe and visible for longer periods of time.
A wide range of bearings gives good angles of intersection between position lines.
Ideally, for a 4 star fix, a pair bearing north and south and a pair bearing east and west.
Moderate altitudes avoid unusual refraction at low altitudes and difficulties of observation at high
Period for observation:
Morning. From midway between Nautical Twilight and Civil Twilight to midway between Civil Twilight and
Evening. From midway between Sunset and Civil Twilight to midway between Civil Twilight and Nautical
Both the horizon and stars will be visible during these periods.
Order of observation:
Dim stars first, as they will cease to be visible first, then brighter stars, which will remain visible longer.
Easterly stars before westerly stars because the eastern horizon will be visible first, and the eastern sky
brightens first, rendering stars invisible.
Bright stars first, as they will be visible first, then dim stars as they become visible.
Easterly stars before westerly stars because the eastern horizon will be cease to be visible first, and the
eastern sky darkens first, rendering stars visible.
5. Worldwide navigational warning service (WWNWS) has been established through the joint efforts
of International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) and International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
(a) (i) Outline the main principles and the purpose of WWNWS. (4)
(ii) State the obligation of a Master with regards to WWNWS. (6)
(b) Explain EACH of the following with relevant examples:
(i) NAVAREA warnings; (8)
(ii) Coastal warnings; (6)
(iii) Local warnings. (6)
(c) Outline the principles of EACH of the following:
(i) International safetyNET service; (5)
(ii) Navtex service. (5)
i) The World-Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS), is a co-ordinated global service for the
promulgation of navigational warnings.
Navigational warnings are designed to give the mariner early information of important incidents which
may constitute a danger to navigation.
ii) Masters are required to make arrangements to ensure that all navigational warnings or other matters
relating to safety of life at sea are brought to their notice, or that of the navigating officer on watch at
the time, immediately on receipt.
i) NAVAREA I Warnings contain information concerning principal shipping routes which are necessary for
the mariner to know before entering coastal waters, such as:
a. Failure of and changes to major navigational aids.
b. Failure of and changes to long-range electronic position fixing systems (GPS/LORAN-C).
c. Newly discovered wrecks or natural hazards.
d. Areas where SAR or anti pollution operations are taking place (for avoidance of such areas).
e. Seismic surveys and other underwater activities in certain areas.
f. Positions of mobile drilling rigs (RIGLISTS) and other oil/gas related activities.
ii) United Kingdom coastal warnings (WZ Messages) contain information relating to the principal aids to
navigation and other important hydrographic matters in waters around the British Isles, such as:
a. Casualties to major lights/fog signals, major floating lights and the more important buoys.
b. Drifting mines and derelicts in congested waters when the information is recent and sufficiently
c. Large unwieldy tows in congested waters.
d. Dangerous wrecks and new or amended shoal depths.
e. Establishment of salvage buoys in congested waters.
f. Areas where SAR and anti pollution operations are being carried out (for avoidance of such areas).
g. Negative Surges (see Annual Notice No. 15 for details).
h. Irregularities in the transmission of differential corrections to the Global Positioning System (DGPS).
i. New positions of mobile drilling rigs (RIGMOVES).
j. Cable operations or certain other underwater activities.
iii) Local warnings supplement the Coastal warning service by giving detailed information on aspects
which the ocean going vessel normally does not require.
i) SafetyNET is an international automatic direct-printing satellite-based service for the promulgation of
Maritime Safety Information (MSI), navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts,
Search and Rescue (SAR) information and other urgent safety-related messages to ships.
ii) Navtex (Navigational Telex) is an international automated medium frequency direct-printing service for
delivery of navigational and meteorological warnings and forecasts, as well as urgent maritime safety
information to ships.
NAVIGATION 2018-02-15
(c) state the THREE reasons other than meteorological factors due to which, the predicted and
observed UKC experienced by the vessel may be different.
Charted Depth incorrect due to scouring / silting.
Squat, as vessel is not stationary.
Dynamic change of Trim, as vessel is not stationary.
Errors of echo sounder.
Drafts different from those used in planning due to errors in weight amounts / positions.
Drafts different from those used in planning due to water density difference.
4. Enroute, Master receives a request from MRCC to participate in a search and rescue operation.
(a) State FIVE factors to be considered when choosing a vessel to act as on scene co-ordinator (OSC)
during search and rescue operations. (10)
(b) Describe the preparations and decisions to be made by the Master, whilst the vessel is proceeding
to the search area. (10)
(c) State FIVE factors that need to be taken into account when selecting a search pattern for SAR
operations at sea. (10)
Communications facilities of the vessel, GMDSS and Inmarsat.
Experience and training of the Master and crew.
ETA at the datum position. First vessel to arrive is OSC until relieved.
Language capability.
Sea keeping qualities of the vessel with regard to the situation.
Number of crew.
Constraints of fuel and legal factors such as Charter Party.
b) Proceeding to the area of distress
• Establish a traffic co-ordinating system among vessels proceeding to the same area of distress.
• Maintain, if possible, AIS data and active radar plots on vessels in the general vicinity.
• Estimate the ETAS to the distress site of other assisting vessels.
• Assess the distress situation to prepare for operations on-scene.
• A vessel en route to assist a distressed craft should prepare for possible SAR action on scene, including
the possible need to recover people from survival craft or from the water. LSA and medical facilities.
• Masters of vessels proceeding to assist should assess the risks they may encounter on scene, including the
risks such as those associated with leaking cargo, etc.
• Information should be sought as necessary from the distressed craft and/or from the RCC.
• Inform staff and crew of situation and intentions.
• Check navigation equipment.
Accuracy of Last Known Position and Datum.
Type of object of search; person in the water, liferaft, vessel, aircraft, etc.
Current / tide direction and rate.
Wind direction and force, leeway made by objects.
Sea state.
Time to arrival at Datum Position of different facilities…
Number of facilities participating.
Characteristics of facilities, aircraft, surface vessels…
5.Vessels on transoceanic passages have choice of multiple systems for monitoring the vessel's
position at different stages of the passage.
Discuss the availability, accuracy and sources of error in EACH of the following position fixing
(a) Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS); (10)
(b) Celestial observations; (15)
(c) Radar. (15)
Availability, accuracy and sources of error (both Random and Systematic)
a) GNSS.
Latitudes within system limits.
<100m , <10m if DGPS available.
Sources of Random Error.
Solar storms varying ionisation of upper atmosphere.
Malicious or accidental signal interference.
Input errors from ground stations.
Low number of satellites above the horizon.
Damage to satellites due to extreme solar radiation.
Sources of Systematic Error.
Input error from ground stations.
b) Celestial.
When cloud cover permits and the horizon is visible.
Twilight, planets and stars.
Daytime, Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter.
Throughout when cloud cover permits and an artificial horizon is available, all objects.
Approximately 1 NM in good conditions.
Sources of Random Error.
Variations in refraction affecting the horizon or objects observed.
Observational errors by the observer.
Incorrect course and / or speed applied when transferring position lines.
Sources of Systematic Error.
Sextant errors.
Chronometer error.
Errors in extraction of data.
c) Radar.
When in radar range of land with identifiable features which can be related to charts.
Land within 15 NM for accuracy.
Features suitable for measurement of bearings and ranges.
In good conditions:
Ranges ±0.1 NM
Bearings ±1°.
Sources of Random Error.
Misidentification of features.
Observation errors.
Inaccurate transfer of bearings due to unknown current / leeway.
Inaccurate charting of features.
Inaccurate measurement of radar ranges and bearings.
Sources of Systematic Error.
Compass errors.
Incorrect course and / or speed applied when transferring bearings.
Unknown errors in radar ranges and bearings.
All questions refer to a General cargo vessel operating between South American ports and Southern
Pacific islands. The vessel has a service speed of 14.5 knots.
The vessel is chartered to make series of voyages between Apia, Samoa and Valparaiso, Chile.
(b) state the reasons for the different recommended routes listed; (8)
East bound.
Away from adverse SE Trade Winds.
Westerlies are following winds.
Possible favourable current.
Shortest route.
West bound.
SE Trade Winds are favourable.
Light winds probable in vicinity of Sub Tropical Anticyclone.
Lower probability of adverse current.
Greater distance offset by favourable conditions.
2. Tropical revolving storms (TRS) are common at certain times of the year in the southern Pacific
(a) State the most probable months when a TRS may be encountered in Southern Pacific ocean. (4)
(c) Outline the warning signs of an approaching TRS. (7)
(d) Explain how on board observations of wind and air pressure can be used to determine the vessel's
position relative to the storm centre. (6)
The following weather observations are taken on board when vessel is already in the influence of the
storm: Wind force 9 and veering, while pressure is rapidly falling.
(e) (i) State the vessel's position in relation to the storm centre. (2)
(ii) State the action a prudent master should take to avoid the worst effects of the storm. (5)
(iii) State the dangers associated in taking such an action. (2)
a) December to April, most frequent January to March.
Long, initially low, swell in addition to normal Trade Wind swell.
The swell approaches from the direction of the storm.
Atmospheric pressure.
Diurnal Variation ceases and pressure decreases.
Decrease of sea level pressure, corrected for diurnal variation, by more than 3 hPa below normal for the
area and season, indicates probability of TRS presence.
Increasing wind speed and probably variation from the normal direction for the area and season.
Cirrus clouds increasing in density may be visible 300 to 600 NM from the storm and are followed by
Cumulonimbus clouds.
Exceptionally good visibility may exist in the vicinity of a Tropical Revolving Storm.
d) Preferably with the vessel hove to so that vessel movement does not influence the observations.
Application of Buys Ballot’s Law will indicate the direction of the storm centre.
Wind speed gives an indication of the distance from the storm centre.
Veering indicates observer is to the right of the Path / Track.
Steady indicates observer is on or close to the Path / Track.
Backing indicates observer is to the left of the Path / Track.
Decrease in atmospheric pressure from normal gives an indication of the distance from the storm.
Decreasing indicates observer is in Advance of the Trough Line.
Increasing indicates observer is to the Rear of the Trough Line.
Steady indicates observer is in on the Trough Line, or that the storm is stationary.
(Southern Hemisphere:
Advance Left quadrant is Dangerous Quadrant, Right semicircle is Navigable Semicircle.)
i) The vessel is in the Advance Right Quadrant, in the Southern Hemisphere this is in the Navigable
ii) Steam with the wind on the Port Quarter;
At maximum speed;
Altering Course to maintain the relative wind direction;
Monitoring weather to confirm that the action is having the expected effect, or detect a change in
circumstances and the need for a change of action.
iii) Heavy rolling, pitching, yawing, broaching, shipping seas astern.
5. The master of every vessel is required to compile a set of Standing Orders.
(a) Describe the context and content of Master's Standing Orders. (14)
(b) State the factors to be considered when compiling a set of Master's Standing Orders for EACH of
the following:
(i) Operating in Heavy weather; (8)
(ii) Operating in restricted visibility. (8)
a) Context.
In the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM
Code) one of the Master’s responsibilities is to “issue appropriate orders in a clear and simple manner”,
with regard to Navigation.
The Master complies with the responsibility by compiling appropriate Standing Orders which must be read
and signed by watchkeeping officers.
The Master’s Standing Orders are specific to the vessel and supplement official publications such as
STCW, Bridge Procedures Guide and Company ISM manuals and set out for OOWs the actions to be taken
in particular circumstances.
The trading pattern, ship type and manning scale must be considered.
Standing Orders:
• Set out the circumstances in which the Master requires to be called.
• Establish the responsibilities of the officers.
• Minimise the probability of error endangering the vessel.
• Establish practices of monitoring performance.
• Establish procedures for the transfer of responsibility for the navigational watch.
• Lay down ground rules for the conduct of the officers in various circumstances, restricted visibility,
• heavy weather, ice navigation, ocean passages, coastal passages, pilotage, anchored...
• Reinforce particular procedures which the Master requires to be followed, manning levels, compliance
with COLREGS, setting and use of navigation aids, margins of safety, acceptable CPAs.
i) Heavy weather.
Informing the Master.
Safety of personnel.
Watertight integrity of the hull.
Security of items on deck and inside the hull.
ii) Reduced visibility.
Informing the Master.
Compliance with COLREGS.
Appropriate speed.
Engines, readiness to reduce speed.
Noise reduction.
Watertight integrity, closing watertight doors.
5. Vessels engaged on passages through North Atlantic may encounter icebergs at certain times of
the year.
(a) State the generally accepted months that the icebergs may be encountered in North Atlantic,
whilst also stating the generally accepted extreme geographical limits where icebergs may be
encountered. (4)
(b) State the sources and outline the type of information that are available to the Master regarding
the icebergs. (8)
(c) Outline the factors that should be considered by a prudent Master, when determining the risks
involved in encountering icebergs. (14)
(d) Outline the reporting procedure that has to be followed by the Master on encountering dangerous
ice. (4)
(e) On which other similar instances is it mandatory for the Master to carry out Mandatory reporting
procedures. (5)
a) February 01 – July 31.
Icebergs unlikely south of 40 N or east of 040 W.
North Atlantic Ice Service. (International Ice Patrol + Environment Canada) Daily fax charts and text
messages, limits and concentrations..
Mariner’s Handbook: General description of icebergs, areas and seasons.
Routeing charts. Iceberg limits.
Sailing Directions. Areas, seasons and limits.
Mariners’ Handbook. General information.
Ocean Passages of the World. General limits.
GMDSS. Fax charts. Vessel reports.
Weather Routeing service. Relayed information.
Internet. Charts, satellite images, text messages…
Sizes and nature of icebergs expected.
Potential for altering the planned route to avoid ice.
Availability of information regarding current ice extent and conditions.
Probable visibility governing visual detection of ice, presence of fogs banks caused by ice formations.
Use of searchlights if available.
Use of sound detection equipment, if fitted.
Probable sea state, relates to detection of smaller formations in amongst foam patches.
Radar status, correctly tuned as adjusted.
Echoes from icebergs may not relate to the size of the formation.
Smaller formations may be difficult to distinguish from wind and swell wave echoes.
Personnel availability and experience with conditions expected
Briefing personnel, information in publications available.
Expected duration of passage through ice conditions with high personnel requirements, fatigue may
become an issue.
Adjustment of ETA due to reduced speed in conditions expected.
Availability of Ice Pilots.
Availability of assistance from other vessels in the event of severe damage to the vessel.
The master of every ship which meets with dangerous ice, is bound to communicate the information by all means
at his disposal to ships in the vicinity and also to the competent authorities:
• The kind of ice observed.
• The position of the ice when last observed.
• The time and date (UCT) when the ice was last observed.
A dangerous derelict,
Any other direct danger to navigation,
A tropical storm,
Sub-freezing air temperatures associated with gale force winds causing severe ice accretion on
Winds of Beaufort force 10 and for which no storm warning has been received,
Any other hazard to navigation.
1) A 4200 TEU container vessel has been engaged to carry out series of voyages between Durban, South
Africa and Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. The vessel has a service speed of 15.0 Knots.
Using Datasheets QI(I) and QI(2):
(a) Explain why there are multiple routes listed between Durban and Hobart. (7)
a) Courses are East / West.
The Southern Ocean Drift Current runs Eastwards in higher latitudes.
The area is subject to intense Polar Frontal Depressions, particularly during the Southern Winter, with
strong, predominantly westerly winds, south of approximately 40° south, therefore high wind waves,
heavy swell and occasional Extreme Single Waves.
The east bound routes lie in higher latitudes, achieving shorter distances.
The west bound routes lie in lower latitudes to avoid the adverse weather and current.
4. The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency publishes guidance to mariners in the form of Marine
Guidance Notes (MGNs).
With regard to the guidance issued:
(a) Outline the precautions to be observed when using parallel indexing on a Marine Radar. (16)
(b) Outline the dangers of misaligned heading marker. (4)
(c) Outline the procedure for rectifying a misaligned heading marker. (12)
(d) MGN 379 (M+F), Navigation: Use of Electronic Navigation Aids is one such MGN.
Summarise the key points of MGN 379. (8)
When Parallel Indexing, position fixing is still required; PI only indicates distance off track.
Targets used should be:
• Radar conspicuous.
• Easily identified.
• Unlikely to be confused with others.
• Situated so as to provide continuous monitoring of the passage.
• Unlikely to be obscured by ship shadow sectors.
• At moderate ranges.
Radar should be checked for:
• Display alignment.
• Accuracy of EBLs.
• Accuracy of range measurement and display.
PI lines correctly placed on radar display.
Display not cluttered with too many PI lines.
b) Misalignment of the heading marker, even if only slightly, can lead to dangerously misleading
interpretation of potential collision situations, particularly in restricted visibility when targets are
approaching from ahead or fine on own ship’s bow may cause errors in positions.
Confirm Heading Marker aligned with fore and aft line of vessel, and Compass Heading.
Steer the vessel so that a small, distinct target is visually right ahead, near the edge of the display.
Note the discrepancy between the relative bearing of the target and the heading marker.
Follow the manufacturer’s procedure for correcting the alignment of the heading marker.
This may involve mechanical adjustment or an electronic process.
The alignment of the berth when alongside should not be used.
Targets close to the vessel should not be used.
d) Key Points:• Be aware that each item of equipment is an aid to navigation.
• Be aware of the factors which affect the accuracy of position fixing systems.
• Appreciate the need to cross check position fixing information using other methods.
• Recognise the importance of the correct use of navigational aids and knowledge of their limitations.
• Be aware of the dangers of over-reliance on the output from, and accuracy of,
a single navigational aid.
5. Master/ Pilot interface is an important aspect of safe navigation within the mandatory pilotage
(a) State the specific responsibilities of EACH of the following when operating together as a bridge
(i) Master; (8)
(ii) Pilot; (6)
(iii) OOW. (6)
(b) State the additional responsibilities of the OOW, when the Master is not present on the bridge
during pilotage (5)
(c) With reference to Master/Pilot information exchange, list FIVE items that should immediately be
provided prior to commencement of pilotage:
(i) from the Master to the Pilot; (10)
(ii) from the Pilot to the Master. (10)
a) i) Master.
• Considers any amendments to the passage plan suggested by the Pilot.
• In Command, makes executive decisions about the conduct of the passage.
• Monitors performance of the Pilot, assessing the validity of the Pilot’s advice.
• Monitors performance of the OOW, assessing the validity of information provided.
• Monitors performance of Ratings.
• May delegate conduct of the passage to the Pilot, but retains overall responsibility.
ii) Pilot.
• Informs the Master of details of the port.
• Informs the Master of the proposed conduct of the passage.
• Advises the Master as to the conduct of the passage.
iii) OOW.
• Monitors the vessel’s position, course and speed; and relates to the Passage Plan.
• Monitors traffic, informing the Master and Pilot accordingly.
• Informs the Master of progress related to the Passage Plan.
• Informs the Master of any deviation from the Passage Plan.
• Monitors the performance of Ratings.
b) OOW becomes the Master’s representative and assumes the responsibilities stated above.
• Informs the Master of progress as required.
• Informs the Master if there is any concern as to the conduct of the passage.
c) (i)
• Ship’s head, speed, engine setting.
• Pilot Card, vessel’s dimensions, bulbous bow, thrusters, draught, displacement, air draft,
• manoeuvring characteristics, anchor details, type and cable length.
• Defects of Bridge equipment and machinery.
• Intended Passage Plan to Berth.
• Pilot’s LSA.
ii) Identity.
• Passage Plan to berth; speed variations, areas of shallow water or other features requiring
particular care, tide and / or current conditions, weather conditions, use of tugs and mooring boats,
berth and side alongside, mooring pattern.
• New hazards to navigation; shoals, wrecks, special operations.
• Traffic expected, particularly dredgers, restricted craft, deep draught vessels.
• New local regulations affecting the passage, reporting requirements.
2. On route across the North Sea the vessel will have to pass through or close to oil and gas field
development areas.
(a) State how the OOW can obtain the latest information about mobile drilling rigs or offshore
activities. (6)
(b) State the recommended distance that a safety zone extends around an offshore installation. (4)
(c) Outline the Master's instructions for EACH of the following:
(i) planning a passage through such a development area. (12)
(ii) navigating through such a development area. (8)
(d) Explain the hazards associated with submarine pipelines and cable with respect to anchoring.(10)
a) NAVAREA Warnings.
Safety NET Service.
NAVTEX A Navigation Warnings, includes mobile drilling rig movements.
Temporary and Preliminary Notices.
Notices to Mariners.
b) 500 m.
i) Consult relevant charts and Sailing Directions.
Consult NAVAREA Warnings.
Plot mobile rig positions on charts.
Set a Margin of Safety of at least 2 NM from all Safety Areas around installations and Development Areas.
Use Safety Fairways.
Allow 2 metres additional UKC for pipelines.
ii) Follow the Passage Plan.
Call the Master at any time if requiring assistance.
There may be installations which are not charted or in positions other than those published.
There may be mobile operations such as seismic surveying for which warnings have not been received.
Inform the Master if this is the case and deviate from the Passage Plan if necessary to maintain an
adequate Margin of Safety.
Be alert for supply and other craft operating near rigs.
Monitor VHF for warning messages.
d) Anchors may damage oil and gas pipelines resulting in the release of oil and gas.
This may present buoyancy, fire, and pollution hazards.
Anchors may damage power and communications cables disrupting power supplies and communications.
Power cables may present an electrical hazard if damaged.
Damage may occur on anchoring or if the anchor subsequently drags across the pipeline or cable.
3(d) Rule 6 of The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 outlines the
requirements for vessels to maintain a Safe Speed.
State the additional factors that should be taken into account by vessels with operational radar. (12)
Additionally, by vessels with operational radar:
(i) the characteristics, efficiency and limitations of the radar equipment;
(ii) any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use;
(iii) the effect on radar detection of the sea state, weather and other sources of interference;
(iv) the possibility that small vessels, ice and other floating objects may not be detected by radar at an
adequate range;
(v) the number, location and movement of vessels detected by radar;
(vi) the more exact assessment of the visibility that may be possible when radar is used to determine the
range of vessels or other objects in the vicinity
4. Tidal Stream information for UK waters is available on board UK vessels.
(a) Compare and contrast information shown in Tidal Stream Atlases with that available on a
navigational chart by use of tidal diamond data. (8)
Tidal Stream Atlas.
• Graphic presentation of data.
• Chartlets for each hour before and after HW at the Standard Port.
• Rates related to Neap and Spring Ranges.
• Rates determined by interpolation between Neap and Spring values.
Admiralty Chart.
• Numerical presentation of data.
• Table of numerical data for the Diamond positions.
• Set and Rate Data for Neaps and Springs related to a Standard Port.
• Data for each hour before and after High Water at the Standard Port.
• Rates determined by interpolation between Neap and Spring rates.
5.The voyage from Skagen crosses the North Sea and then crosses the North Atlantic.
(a) State 14 types of information found on a Routeing Chart. (14)
(b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Weather routeing for EACH of the following:
(i) crossing the North Sea; (6)
(ii) crossing the North Atlantic. (10)
Routeing Charts. Show climatological data for each ocean and month of the year.
Wind roses; direction and proportions of Beaufort Force.
Predominant ocean currents; direction, rate and constancy.
Shipping routes and distances.
Sea ice and iceberg limits.
Loadline Zone limits.
Inset chartlets of:
• Air pressure and temperature.
• Dewpoint and sea temperature.
• Percentage fog and low visibility.
• Tropical storm tracks and percentage wind greater than force 7.
Limited advantages due to short distances and navigational restrictions.
Forewarning of adverse weather enables appropriate preparation.
Distances are short, therefore options for deviation from direct routes are limited.
Greater distances give the opportunity to deviate from the direct route to minimize the effect of
adverse weather.
The lack of navigational hazards enables a wide range of alternative routes.
Forecasts are readily available as are Routeing services.
Due to the chaotic nature of Polar Frontal weather forecasts weather may change, and the process of
determining the optimum route may have to be repeated.
3. Vessels transiting across the Southern Ocean may encounter different environmental conditions.
(a) With reference to Southern Hemisphere icebergs: describe
(i) the sources and type of information that are available to the Master; (12)
(ii) state the approximate limits of icebergs in the South Indian Ocean. (4)
(b) SOLAS V requires the master of every ship to report dangers to navigation to ships in the vicinity,
and also to the competent authorities.
State the conditions likely to cause severe ice accretion on superstructures. (8)
(c) Radar waves can be affected by super-refraction "in high Latitudes whenever the sea surface
temperature is exceptionally low".
(i) Explain the phenomena of super-refraction and its effect on Radar waves. (6)
(ii) Explain why mariners should exercise caution when fixing the vessel's position if the above
conditions are suspected. (5)
Routeing charts. Iceberg limits.
Sailing Directions. Areas, seasons and limits.
Mariners’ Handbook. General information.
Ocean Passages of the World. General limits.
GMDSS. Fax charts. Vessel reports.
Weather Routeing service. Relayed information.
Internet. Charts, satellite images, text messages…
Extreme Limit of Icebergs, approximately 35°S off South Africa to 40°S off Australia.
Air temperature less than -2° C.
Low sea temperature.
Conditions producing spray: Factors are wind speed, wave height, relative wind / wave direction, vessel
Low sea temperature leads to low air temperature at sea surface level and a temperature inversion.
The radar signal is refracted toward the surface within the inversion layer.
The signal travels close to the surface for a greater distance than normal and targets may be detected at
greater ranges and displayed as second trace echoes.
Second trace echoes may be displayed at ranges less than the actual range of the objects.
These may be confused with targets within the display range and lead to erroneous positions.
4. On the approach towards Freemantle the vessel is engaged by the Australian Maritime Safety
Authority to assist in the search and rescue of a missing fishing vessel.
The vessel is currently assisting in a parallel sweep search on a track of 070° at 8.0 knots and is
positioned North West of the On Scene Coordinator (OSC) at a distance of 5.5 nautical miles.
At 1330 hrs the OSC requests the vessel to take up a new station due South of the OSC at a distance
of 3 nautical miles using the service speed.
(b) With reference to search and rescue, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different
patterns available. (15)
Expanding square search (SS)
• Most effective when the location of the search object is known within relatively close limits.
• The commence search point is always the datum position.
• Often appropriate for vessels or small boats to use when searching for persons in the water or other
search objects with little or no leeway.
• Due to the small area involved, this procedure must not be used simultaneously by multiple vessels.
• Accurate navigation is required; the first leg is usually oriented directly into the wind to minimize
navigational errors.
Sector search (VS)
• Most effective when the position of the search object is accurately known and the search area is small.
• Used to search a circular area centred on a datum point.
• Due to the small area involved, this procedure must not be used simultaneously by multiple vessels.
• An aircraft and a vessel may be used together to perform independent sector searches of the same area.
Track line search.
• Normally used when an aircraft or vessel has disappeared without a trace along a known route.
• Often used as initial search effort due to ease of planning and implementation.
• Consists of a rapid and reasonably thorough search along intended route of the distressed craft.
• Search may be along one side of the track line and return in the opposite direction on the
other side (TSR).
• Search may be along the intended track and once on each side, then search facility continues on its way
and does not return (TSN).
Parallel track search (PS)
• Used to search a large area when survivor location is uncertain.
• Most effective over water or flat terrain.
• Usually used when a large search area must be divided into sub-areas for assignment to individual search
facilities on-scene at the same time.
• Appropriate for us by several vessels.
• Track Spacing distance may be low, leading to vessels manoeuvring in close proximity.
5 (a) SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 34 - Safe navigation and avoidance of dangerous situations requires
that "an appraisal of all information available must be made before detailed plans can be drawn up".
(i) State the purpose of the appraisal process. (6)
(ii) Outline what the appraisal process should provide to the Master and the Bridge team. (12)
(iii) State EIGHT publications that would assist in the Appraisal of the voyage from Durban to
Freemantle. (8)
i) Appraisal is the process of gathering all information relevant to the proposed voyage, including
ascertaining risks and assessing its critical areas. The Guidelines list the items that should be taken into
ii) This appraisal will provide the Master and his bridge team with a clear and precise indication of all
areas of danger, and delineate the areas in which it will be possible to navigate safely taking into
account the calculated draught of the vessel and planned under-keel clearance.
Admiralty Charts.
Ocean Passages for the World.
Sailing Directions.
Routeing Charts.
Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals.
Admiralty List of Radio Signals.
Mariners’ Handbook.
M Notices.
Weekly Notices to Mariners.
Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners.
Nautical Almanac.
SQA NAVIGATION 2016-07-13.
2. During the afternoon of 12th March the Master and the Officer of the Watch simultaneously
observe meridian passage of Jupiter bearing South and an altitude of the Sun, with a DR position of
22°52'N 042°28'W.
Chronometer 7 h 01 m 22 s with an of error 3 m 39 s slow
Index error 0°03.1' off the arc Height of eye 12.7 m
Sextant altitude of Jupiter 85°57.1' bearing South
Sextant altitude of Sun LL 24°32.7'
(b) Outline any problems that may be encountered with the observation of this meridian passage. (6)
Difficulty observing Jupiter in daylight due to brightness of sky.
Difficulty measuring altitude due to high altitude, path is a shallow curve when swinging sextant.
Difficulty judging the moment of Meridian Passage, which may not be the moment of maximum altitude,
due to vessel movement.
3. After discharging in New York the vessel is directed to New Bedford (ATT 2786) Buzzards Bay,
with an ETA on the morning ebb tide of 6th April.
On arrival the vessel's draught is 7.4 m and must pass over a shoal with a length of 1.2 nautical miles
and a charted depth of 9.2 m. The Master decides to reduce speed to 6 knots to reduce squat and
maintain a minimum under keel clearance of 2.5 m.
(b) State the relationship between LAT and Chart Datum at Sandy Hook (New York Bay). (4)
(c) Explain the problem with calculating the tide if the vessel had been diverted to Cape Cod Canal
W. Entrance (ATT 2787), with a similar ETA. (10)
b) Sandy Hook
Tidal Levels relate to Chart Datum.
LAT = CD -0.4
The curves may not be used for a Duration more than 07:00.
Tidal Constants must be used or pass at HW.
5.(a) During the open water passage from New York to Buzzards Bay the vessel experiences a
complete heading input failure.
(i) Identify FIVE pieces of navigational equipment required on board that would be affected by such
an event. (5)
(ii) State the immediate effect on the Radar display of such an event. (4)
(iii) Explain the limitations of the Radar mode in Q5(a)(ii). (7)
(iv) Outline the Bridge procedure to be followed after such an event. (12)
(b) MSN 1842 (M) Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Hours of Work and Entitlement to Leave
Application of the Merchant Shipping (Hours of Work) Regulations 2002 and the Merchant Shipping
(Maritime Labour Convention) (Hours of Work)(Amendment) Regulations 2014 contain the current
guidance on Hours of Rest and Rest Periods.
(i) State the Minimum Hours of Rest and the associated Rest Periods listed in the Regulations. (10)
(ii) The STCW Code contains details of the keeping of a safe navigational watch.
State which Chapter makes specific reference to the principles to be observed in keeping a
Navigational Watch. (2)
a) i)
• Gyro compass repeaters, steering , Bridge and Steering Flat; bearing repeaters, bridge wings and
conning position.
• Autopilot.
• Radar.
• AIS.
• Course recorder.
• Voyage Data Recorder.
• GPS DR function.
Loss of display stabilisation.
Display becomes Head Up, Unstabilised.
Display becomes unstabilised.
ARPA does not function.
Bearings become Relative.
Head Up display must be used.
Target bearings change as vessel’s head changes.
True bearings must be derived using vessel’s heading.
Ranges can be measured.
Manual plotting required.
Inform the Master.
Select Magnetic Compass input to Autopilot
Engage hand steering if there is none and steer by magnetic compass.
Additional personnel as lookout.
Radar to head up display.
Use repeaters as peloruses for visual bearings.
Commence manual plotting of vessel targets.
i) The minimum hours of rest shall be not less than:
Ten hours in any 24-hour period; and
77 hours in any seven-day period.
The daily hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods, one of which must be at least
6 hours long and the interval between periods of rest must be no more than 14 hours. Those two periods
must in total provide at least 10 hours rest.
The regulations provide that a seafarer must have 10 hours of rest in any 24-hour
ii) Chapter VIII Standards Regarding Watchkeeping.
A 8000 GT Cargo Vessel, with a service speed of 16.5 knots, sails from port of Glasgow (United
Kingdom) to the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico.
1. The vessel sails from Port of Glasgow to a position 5 miles N of Inishtrahull (Republic of Ireland)
and then follows a route to a position South of the Grand Banks (BS) and then to N. E. Providence
(c) Outline why this is the recommended route, with respect to hazards that maybe encountered
around the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. (14)
Hazards that may be encountered in the vicinity of the Grand Banks:
• High traffic density.
• Intense Polar Frontal Depressions, high wind speeds, wind waves and swell.
• Advection Fog.
• Many fishing vessels.
• Many drilling and production rigs.
• Pack ice in Winter.
• Icebergs in Spring.
3. Fog may often be encountered in the many areas of the world.
(a) Describe conditions necessary for the formation of sea/advection fog. (4)
(b) State THREE ocean areas of the world where sea/advection fog may commonly be encountered.
Advection carries air over a sea surface with a temperature lower than the dew point temperature of
that air.
The surface layer of the air is cooled below its dewpoint temperature and condensation occurs in the
surface layer as fog.
Any area where humid air is adjacent to a sea surface with a lower temperature than the dew point
temperature of the air.
The Grand Banks off Newfoundland in the North West Atlantic Ocean over the Labrador Current.
The Eastern Atlantic over the Canaries current.
The North West Pacific Ocean over the Kamchatka current.
The Eastern Pacific Ocean over the California current.
The Eastern South Atlantic over the Benguela current.
The Eastern South Pacific Ocean over the Peru Current.
4. As the vessel is approaching the Grand Banks of Newfoundland a DSC message is received that a
vessel, 22 miles away, is in distress and requires immediate assistance.
A number of vessels are proceeding to the area.
(a) Outline SIX factors to be considered when choosing which vessel's Master will act as On Scene
Coordinator; there has not yet been any communication from an MRCC. (12)
(b) Outline the purpose of IAMSAR Vol. III. (8)
(c) IAMSAR Vol. Ill contains details of different search patterns.
Describe the circumstance when the following patterns should be used:
(i) sector search; (4)
(ii) expanding square search; (4)
(iii) parallel search. (4)
(d) Describe the preparations that should be done on the bridge on route to the distress position.
OSC factors.
• Qualification and experience of the Master.
• Sufficient appropriate personnel to carry out the tasks required.
• Adequate appropriate communications equipment to communicate with MRCC and search facilities.
• Proximity to the scene of the operation.
• Common language.
• Adequate supplies to function for the expected duration of the operation.
Carried on board to assist vessels and aircraft in the performance of a search and rescue or on scene
coordinator function and with aspects of search and rescue that pertain to their own emergencies.
i) Sector search. Most effective when the position of the search object is accurately known and the
search area is small.
ii) Expanding square search. Most effective when the location of the search object is known within
relatively close limits.
iii) Parallel search. Used to search a large area when the search object location is uncertain and a number
of vessels are involved.
Acknowledge receipt of the distress message.
Acquire appropriate information about the vessel in distress.
Carry out risk assessment for the operation.
Maintain continuous watch on relevant frequencies.
Maintain communications with vessel in distress and vessels engaged in the operation, exchanging
relevant information.
Maintain awareness of the position of the distressed craft.
Receive and assess the search action plan.
Prepare standard messages to be used.
Organise personnel for bridge and deck operation.
Organise preparation of equipment to be used in the operation.
5.SOLAS Chapter V requires that the vessels must carry up-to-date charts and that
electronic charts may be carried as an alternative to paper charts.
(a) State in full the meaning of the following acronyms:
(i) ECDIS; (3)
(ii) ENC; (2)
(iii) RNC. (2)
(b) With regard to ECDIS and ENC:
(i) explain how the information is stored; (3)
(ii) explain how the information is displayed; (5)
(iii) state the precautions that should be observed when the OOW selects the type of data to be
displayed. (8)
(c) Summarise the key points of the MCA's guidance contained in MGN 285 Electronic charts -the use
of risk assessment methodology when operating ECDIS in the raster chart display system (RCDS)
mode. (7)
i) Electronic Chart Display and Information System.
ii) Electronic Navigation Chart.
iii) Raster Navigational Chart.
i) The information is stored as ENC data in IHO S-57 format encrypted according to IHO S-63 security
ii) The ECDIS system converts the ENC data to the System Electronic Navigation Chart for display and
integrates the vessel’s position information from the Global Position System.
The user can select the data to be displayed according to the circumstances.
The density of data is appropriate to the scale of the chart.
iii) The data selected must be appropriate to the part of the passage.
Sufficient safety information to enable a safe passage.
Avoiding information overload.
Items to consider:
Safety settings and alarms.
Safety contours.
Look ahead and alarms.
Cross Track Distances.
Scale of display.
Density of information displayed such as depths.
Display palette.
1. Define the hazard.
2. Calculate the risk.
3. Decide if the risk is tolerable.
4. Control the risk and record procedures.
5. Review the risk and develop emergency procedures.
(b) Describe the precautions that should be considered when using Parallel Indexing to monitor the
vessel during the transit of the Eastern Archipelago. (10)
Targets used should be:
• Radar conspicuous.
• Easily identified.
• Unlikely to be confused with others.
• Situated so as to provide continuous monitoring of the passage.
• Unlikely to be obscured by ship shadow sectors.
• At moderate ranges.
Radar should be checked for:
• Display alignment.
• Accuracy of EBLs.
• Accuracy of range measurement and display.
3. (a) SOLAS Chapter V Regulations 4 and 31 "require the Master of a vessel to report encountering
dangers to navigation".
(i) to whom the information should be sent; (5)
(ii) the dangers that should be reported. (11)
(b) The accuracy of navigational chart information is vitally important for Voyage Planning.
State the Datum information that can be found on an Admiralty navigational chart with respect to:
(i) Depths; (3)
(ii) Heights; (6)
(iii) Positions. (3)
(c) Explain how Survey Source Data is displayed on:
(i) a paper chart; (4)
(ii) an ENC. (8)
i) Ships in the vicinity and the competent authorities.
• Dangerous ice,
• dangerous derelicts,
• any other direct danger to navigation,
• tropical storms,
• sub freezing air temperatures associated with gale force winds causing severe ice accretion on
• superstructures,
• winds of force 10 and above on the Beaufort Scale for which no no storm warning has been received.
b) The datums are stated on the chart.
i) The units used and the datum to which depths are reduced.
ii) The units used and the datums used for drying heights, the heights of objects and obstructions.
iii) The datum on which positions are based, with corrections to be applied to satellite derived positions
if this is not WGS84.
i) A Source Data Diagram is printed on the chart showing the sources of the hydrography and topography.
ii) ECDIS charts display Categories of Zones of Confidence (CATZOC) CATZOC which allow hydrographic
authorities to encode data against five categories (ZOC A1, A2, B, C, D) with a sixth category (U) for data
which has not been assessed. The categorisation of hydrographic data is based on three factors (position
accuracy, depth accuracy and seafloor coverage).
4 (b) If the vessel were to make the transit during the night, write Master's Night Orders to ensure the
successful Execution and Monitoring of the passage. (18)
Comply with Standing Orders.
Call me at any time if you require assistance or consider that a departure from the Passage Plan is
Follow the Passage Plan.
Monitor the condition and reliability of the navigation equipment.
Note the ETAs at narrows where tidal stream may be stronger than forecast.
Monitor meteorological conditions and note information given by the weather routeing service.
Consider accuracy of position fixing at night.
Monitor traffic, particularly in narrow sections of the passage.
Call additional personnel if required at hazardous points in the passage.
Fix the vessel’s position at appropriate intervals.
Monitor the Parallel Index lines set into the ECDIS / Radar.
Adjust course as necessary to counteract set.
Monitor the passage with regard to ETAs at the Waypoints of the Passage Plan.
Once clear of the Torres Strait, in position 10°37.0'S 141°27.0'E, the vessel receives a message from
an MRCC that a Search and Rescue Operation is taking place in position 09°57.0'S 138°24.0'E to
locate a small vessel, there are already 2 other vessels on the scene.
(c) Describe the preparations for the search and rescue operation that should be made on board,
both on the bridge and in other areas, whilst on route to the search area. (15)
Proceeding to the area of distress
Establish a traffic co-ordinating system among vessels proceeding to the same area of distress.
Maintain, if possible, AIS data and active radar plots on vessels in the general vicinity.
Estimate the ETAS to the distress site of other assisting vessels.
Assess the distress situation to prepare for operations on-scene.
A vessel en route to assist a distressed craft should prepare for possible SAR action on scene, including
the possible need to recover people from survival craft or from the water. See "Recovery of survivors by
assisting vessels" later in this section.
Masters of vessels proceeding to assist should assess the risks they may encounter on scene, including the
risks such as those associated with leaking cargo, etc.
Information should be sought as necessary from the distressed craft and/or from the RCC.
A vessel en route to assist a distressed craft should have the following equipment ready for possible use:
• Life-saving and rescue equipment:
• lifeboat
• inflatable liferaft
• lifejackets
• survival suits for the crew
• lifebuoys
• breeches buoys ?
• portable VHF radios for communication with the ship and boats deployed
• line-throwing apparatus
• buoyant lifelines
• hauling lines
• non-sparking boat hooks or grappling hooks
• hatchets
• rescue baskets
• stretchers
• pilot ladders
• scrambling nets
• copies of the International Code of Signals
• radio equipment operating on MF/HF and/or VHF/UHF and capable of communicating with the RCC and
• rescue facilities, and with a facility for direction finding (DF)
• supplies and survival equipment, as required
• fire-fighting equipment
• Rendering assistance
• portable ejector pumps
• binoculars
• cameras
• bailers and oars.
• Signalling equipment:
• signalling lamps
• searchlights
• torches
• flare pistol with colour-coded signal flares
• buoyant VHF/UHF marker beacons
• floating lights
• smoke generators
• flame and smoke floats
• dye markers
• loud hailers.
Preparations for medical assistance, including:
• stretchers
• blankets
• medical supplies and medicines
• clothing
• food
• shelter
Miscellaneous equipment:
• If fitted, a gantry crane for hoisting on each side of ship with a cargo net for recovery of survivors.
• Line running from bow to stern at the water's edge on both sides for boats and craft to secure alongside.
• On the lowest weather deck, pilot ladders and manropes to assist survivors boarding the vessel.
• Vessel's lifeboats ready for use as a boarding station.
• Line-throwing apparatus ready for making connection with either ship in distress or survival craft.
• Floodlights set in appropriate locations, if recovery at night.
SQA NAVIGATION 2015-07-08.
1 (c) Outline the factors to be considered when planning any EAST to WEST ocean passages. (15)
Great Circle track is least distance.
Great Circle track may have a Vertex in high latitude.
This may lead to encountering:
Polar Frontal Depressions with high adverse winds, high wind waves, high swell waves, extreme single
Extensive cloud cover and precipitation.
Adverse currents.
Pack ice and icebergs.
Load Line Limits and other limiting latitudes may apply.
2 (d) Describe the typical weather associated with the ITCZ. (9)
Warm humid unstable air mass.
Considerable convection cloud, cumulus and cumulonimbus.
Rain showers and thunderstorms.
Light and variable winds.
Tropical Revolving Storms in the western Pacific, also possible in the central and eastern Pacific.
3 (d) Discuss the hazards that a vessel would encounter if it came within 80 miles of the centre of a
hurricane. (8)
• Wind speed probably greater than Force 12.
• Wind wave height approximately 15 m.
• Swell height approximately 14 m.
• Swell direction across wind wave direction.
• Reduced visibility due to rain and spray.
• Lightening strikes.
4. On the passage across the North Pacific, the vessel transits through open seas and passes close to
some island chains.
(b) Outline the precautions a Master should take when passing the remote island chains. (11)
Positions of islands may be inaccurate if surveys are not recent.
Islands and shoals may change due to coral growth or decline.
Volcanic action may change depths and develop uncharted shoals and islands.
Plan adequate distances off islands and shoals.
Operate echo sounder throughout.
Maintain visual lookout for uncharted islands and shoal water
Relate GNSS and celestial positions to radar and terrestrial fixes to detect inaccuracies of charted
positions of land.
Relate terrestrial fixes from different objects to detect inaccuracies of charted positions.
5. (a) Describe the preparations on the bridge prior to arrival at the Panama pilot station. (10)
(b) Outline the information that should be exchanged by:
(i) the Master to the Pilot; (8)
(ii) the Pilot to the Master. (8)
(c) MGN 301 Manoeuvring Information on Board Ships contains details of the information that should
be provided to the Pilot on boarding the ship.
(i) Briefly outline this information. (8)
(ii) Identify SIX pieces of information on the pilot card. (6)
Pre-pilotage information exchange
Update the passage plan been updated following receipt of the Shore-to-Ship Pilot Master Exchange form
and all latest navigational warnings.
Send the ETA with all relevant Information required by local regulations
Consider whether it is necessary to rearrange cargo/ballast.
Check operation of course and engine movement recorders
Synchronise clocks
Confirm communications with the engine control room and mooring stations
Check signalling equipment including flags/lights
Check deck lighting
Confirm preparation of mooring winches and lines, including heaving lines
Confirm pressure on fire main
Organise clearing of anchors.
House stabilisers (and log tubes), if fitted.
Test the steering gear.
Engage manual steering in sufficient time for the helmsman to become accustomed before manoeuvring
Test the engines ahead and astern.
Complete the Pilot Card.
Confirm pilot embarkation arrangements.
Note VHF channels for the various services, VTS, pilot, tugs.
Note berthing instructions.
Conduct radio check.
Inform the port of any special berthing requirements that the ship may have.
Ship Identity.
Communication information.
Ship particulars.
Anchor details.
Manoeuvring characteristics.
Main Engine details.
Peculiarities of vessel.
Pilotage Authority details.
Boarding requirements.
Tug use.
Berth details.
Expected weather and sea state conditions.
Passage plan to the berth.
Regulations including VTS reporting, anchor / lookout attendance, maximum allowable draught.
Navigation hazards, traffic movements, dredging operations.
c) i) Pilot Card.
Describes the current condition of the ship, with regard to its loading, propulsion and manoeuvring
equipment, and other relevant equipment.
Wheelhouse poster.
Is permanently displayed in the wheelhouse. It contains general particulars and detailed information
describing the manoeuvring characteristics of the ship
Manoeuvring booklet. Contain comprehensive details of the ship’s manoeuvring characteristics and other
relevant data.
ii)Pilot Card.
• Ships name
• Date
• Call sign
• Deadweight
• Year built
• Draughts
• Displacement
• Ship's Particulars
• Length overall
• Anchor chains
Bulbous bow.
Type of engine
Maximum power
Speed (knots)
Manoeuvring engine orders rpm/pitch Loaded Ballast
Time limit astern
Full ahead to full astern time
Maximum number of consecutive starts.
Minimum RPM speed.
Astern power % ahead
Type of rudder
Maximum angle.
Hard-over to hard-over time.
Rudder angle for neutral effect.
Thruster details.
Confirm checks:
Radar 3 cm 10 cm
Speed log Doppler Yes/No
Water speed
Ground speed
Engine telegraphs
Steering gear
Number of power units operating
Rate of turn
Compass system
Constant gyro error.
Electronic position fixing system type.
SQA NAVIGATION 2015-03-26.
2 (d) GIBREP is a mandatory reporting system for vessels transiting through the Strait of Gibraltar.
(i) Explain the purpose of such a local reporting system. (6)
(ii) State TWO other similar reporting systems. (4)
i) Ship reporting systems contribute to safety of life at sea, safety and efficiency of navigation and/or
protection of the marine environment.
ii) In the Dover Strait / Pas de Calais (CALDOVREP)
Off Ushant (OUESSREP)
Or any others.
(a) The Maritime and Coastguard Agency issues information to the Maritime Industry in the form of
Marine Notices.
(i) State the purpose of Marine Guidance Notes. (5)
(ii) Summarise the key points relating to MGN 379: Navigation: Use of Electronic Navigation Aids. (15)
(b) An Automatic Identification System (AIS) is required to be carried by vessels over 300 GT.
(i) Outline the main features of AIS. (12)
(ii) Outline the dangers of using AIS for collision avoidance. (8)
i) Marine Guidance Notices give significant advice and guidance relating to the improvement of the safety
of shipping and of life at sea, and to prevent or minimise pollution from shipping.
ii) Key Points:• Be aware that each item of equipment is an aid to navigation.
• Be aware of the factors which affect the accuracy of position fixing systems.
• Appreciate the need to cross check position fixing information using other methods.
• Recognise the importance of the correct use of navigational aids and knowledge of their limitations.
• Be aware of the dangers of over-reliance on the output from, and accuracy of, a single
navigational aid.
i) The regulation requires that AIS shall:
Provide information - including the ship's identity, type, position, course, speed, navigational status and
other safety-related information - automatically to appropriately equipped shore stations, other ships
and aircraft;
Receive automatically such information from similarly fitted ships; monitor and track ships;
Exchange data with shore-based facilities
ii) Not all ships will be fitted with AIS, particularly small craft and fishing boats.
Other floating objects which may give a radar echo will not be detected by AIS.
AIS positions are derived from the target’s GNSS position. This may not coincide with the radar target.
Faulty data input to AIS could lead to incorrect or misleading information being displayed on other
Mariners should remember that information derived from radar plots relies solely upon the data
measured by the own-ship’s radar and provides an accurate measurement of the target’s relative course
and speed, which is the most important factor in deciding upon action to avoid collision.
Existing ships of less than 500 gt. which are not required to fit a gyro compass are unlikely to transmit
heading information
On the return voyage the vessel follows the recommended route, and is approaching the rock of
Gibraltar on a course of 227° T, with the intention to anchor in Gibraltar bay.
Europa Point is the southern-most point on Gibraltar and the Master has decided on a 2.5 mile crossindex
range to stbd. The radar is set up on a Relative Motion ground stabilised display.
(b) Describe the precautions that should be observed prior to using parallel indexing techniques. (12)
(c) State FIVE precautions the OOW should consider for this part of the passage. (5)
Tune radar for optimum performance.
Check gyro compass error and allow accordingly.
Align heading marker with vessel’s fore and aft line.
Align heading marker with vessel’s head.
Select appropriate range scale for the passage.
Check accuracy of Variable Range Marker, Electronic Bearing Marker and Fixed Range Rings.
Select targets which are readily identifiable and not liable to misidentification.
Place Parallel Index Lines with care as to range and alignment.
Select targets and Parallel Index Lines to provide continuous monitoring throughout the passage.
Local notices which may require modification of the Passage Plan.
Reporting requirements.
Pre arrival checks of bridge equipment, steering, engines.
Bridge manning appropriate to the situation.
Traffic entering and leaving the bay on a wide range of courses and travelling at a wide range of speeds.
Vessels anchored in the bay, possibly requiring a modification of the passage plan and anchoring position.
SQA NAVIGATION. 2014-11-27.
3. (a) The Maritime and Coastguard Agency issues information to the Maritime Industry in the form of
Marine Notices.
(i) State the purpose of Merchant Shipping Notices. (3)
(ii) Describe the contents of MSN 1781 The Merchant Shipping (Distress Signal and Prevention of
Collisions) Regulations 1997 - Amendments to Annex IV (Distress Signals). (6)
(b) Maritime Safety Information is broadcast via the World Wide Navigational Warning System
(WWNWS) and may be received by NAVTEX.
(i) Outline the function of the WWNWS and the different radio navigational warnings. (10)
(ii) State FIVE of the categories of information concerning principal shipping routes. (10)
(iii) Explain the function and purpose of a NAVTEX receiver. (6)
(iv) NAVTEX messages are grouped into different subjects:
(1) State those that cannot be rejected by a NAVTEX receiver; (3)
(2) State those that should not be rejected by a NAVTEX receiver. (2)
i) Merchant Shipping Notices are used to convey mandatory information that must be complied with
under UK legislation.
These MSNs relate to Statutory Instruments and contain the technical detail of such regulations.
ii) The MSN sets out amendments to the Distress Signals.
(d) a signal made by any signalling method consisting of the group ... --- ... (SOS) in the Morse Code;
This replaces the specification of a Radiotelegraph signal.
(l) a distress alert by means of digital selective calling (DSC) transmitted on:
(i) VHF channel 70, or
(ii) MF/HF on the frequencies 2187.5 kHz, 8414.5 kHz, 4207.5 kHz, 6312 kHz, 12577 kHz or 16804.5 kHz;
(m) a ship-to-shore distress alert transmitted by the ship’s Inmarsat or other mobile satellite service
provider ship earth station;
The World-Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS), is a co-ordinated global service for the
promulgation of navigational warnings.
NAVAREA I Warnings contain information concerning principal shipping routes which are necessary for the
mariner to know before entering coastal waters
COASTAL Warnings
1. Coastal warnings are issued for information which is of importance only in a particular coastal region;
they are not restricted to main shipping lanes.
LOCAL Warnings
1. Local warnings supplement the Coastal warning service by giving detailed information on aspects which
the ocean going vessel normally does not require.
a. Failure of and changes to major navigational aids.
b. Failure of and changes to long-range electronic position fixing systems (GPS/LORAN-C).
c. Newly discovered wrecks or natural hazards.
d. Areas where SAR or anti pollution operations are taking place (for avoidance of such areas).
e. Seismic surveys and other underwater activities in certain areas.
f. Positions of mobile drilling rigs (RIGLISTS) and other oil/gas related activities.
iii) A Navtex receiver is an automated medium frequency direct-printing receiver for navigational and
meteorological warnings and forecasts, as well as urgent marine safety information, transmitted to ships.
A Navigational warnings.
B Meteorological warnings.
D Search & rescue information, and pirate warnings.
L Navigational warnings — additional to letter A
4 (c) Discuss THREE possible courses of action the Master could take to avoid the worst of the storm
influence. (12)
(d) Explain which single action from 4(c) a prudent Master should take. (5)
The direction of movement of the storm indicates that it is recurving.
It is likely to continue recurving toward north and north east.
The speed of movement is likely to increase in higher latitudes.
It is likely to travel over water with lower temperature, decreasing in intensity.
1. Stop.
2. Proceed on the intended course at a speed sufficiently reduced to remain out of the storm field.
3. Proceed in a SxE direction remaining out of the storm field.
In all cases monitor storm warnings and meteorological elements to determine the movement of the
storm and act accordingly if the storm movement brings it toward the vessel.
Proceed in a SxE direction remaining out of the storm field.
This should maintain an adequate distance from the storm and its probable future positions.
Continue to monitor storm warnings and meteorological elements to determine the movement of the
storm and act accordingly if the storm movement brings it toward the vessel.
3. (a) SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 19 - “Carriage requirements for shipborne navigational systems
and equipment” details the navigational equipment to be carried by ocean going vessels.
List 15 items of the navigational equipment that must he carried for the voyage in Q1. (15)
(b) On the passage to Port Headland on 22nd January in position 019°48’S 107°35’E the 00W
observes Venus in the western sky just after sunset bearing 264°C.
Chronometer 11h 37m 07s with an error of 2m 27s slow.
Variation 1.5°E
(i) Calculate the deviation of the magnetic compass. (15)
(ii) Explain what the 00W and Master should do if a large Deviation is obtained. (10)
3 a)
All ships.
• Standard Magnetic Compass.
• Pelorus.
• Means of correcting heading and bearings to true.
• Nautical Charts or ECDIS.
• Nautical Publications.
• Back up arrangements for ECDIS.
• Radar reflector if less than 500 GT.
• Sound reception system if totally enclosed bridge.
• Means of communication between bridge and emergency steering position.
Ships of 150 GT and upward (and passenger ships.)
• Spare magnetic compass.
• Daylight signalling lamp.
Ships of 300 GT and upward (and passenger ships.)
• Echo sounder.
• Radar 9GHz.
• Log.
• Heading transmitting device for input to other equipment.
Ships of 300 GT and upward on international voyages, cargo ships of 500 GT and upward (and
Passenger ships.)
Ships of 3000 GT and upward
• 3 GHz radar.
• Second ARPA.
Ships of 10000 GT and upward
• ARPA, 20 targets.
• Autopilot.
Ships of 50000 GT and upward
Rate of turn indicator.
Ground speed and transverse speed indicator.
Sextant and chronometer
• Compare the observation with the Deviation Card and recent observations and inform the Master if
significantly different from either.
• Repeat the observation to confirm the finding.
• Repeat the calculation to check for errors.
• Examine the area around the compass binnacle for extraneous magnetic material which may be causing
the error.
• Check chart and Sailing Directions for a possible local magnetic anomaly.
(Unlikely in depths greater than 40 m.)
• Check the horizontal and vertical magnets, soft iron spheres and Flinders bar, against the positions
• recorded at the most recent compass adjustment.
• Orientation of the magnets.
• Positions of the horizontal magnets.
• Height of the vertical magnets.
• Distance of soft iron spheres from the compass bowl.
• Amount of soft iron in the Flinders bar.
• Restore to previous positions if found to be different.
• Repeat observations to establish deviations on the full range of headings.
• Consider correcting the compass.
• Arrange for correction of the compass by a qualified Compass Adjuster as soon as practical.
(b) Outline the factors that the Master must consider for EACH of the following actions, in light of the
proximity of Tropical Cyclone NARELLE:
(i) remaining in the port; (12)
(ii) sailing to an anchorage; (10)
(iii) sailing to the open sea. (12)
Availability of assistance from ashore.
Availability of additional mooring lines.
Changing water level due to storm surge.
Damage to mooring lines, including parting, due to wind pressure.
Damage to mooring lines, including parting, due to ranging.
Damage to the vessel due to high wind.
Damage to the vessel due to debris from ashore carried by the wind.
Damage to the vessel due to ranging or breaking free from the moorings.
Damage to the vessel by other vessels ranging or breaking free from their moorings.
Tugs not available in the event of breaking out.
Quality of the holding ground in the anchorage.
Space available in the anchorage.
Degree of shelter from land.
Depths of water.
Probability of contact with the sea bed if rolling or pitching.
State of loading, draft / freeboard.
Potential for damage in the event of own or other vessels dragging anchor.
State of the vessel’s windlass and anchor cables.
Navigational marks available for monitoring the vessel’s position.
Limited availability of assistance.
Potential difficulty of navigating to open water if the anchorage becomes untenable.
Vessel may be in the Dangerous Quadrant of the storm if it comes within the storm field.
Ability to take appropriate action in changing circumstances.
Availability of assistance.
Probability of the vessel foundering.
Probability of survival in the event of foundering.
Draft / freeboard and effects in extreme sea conditions.
Depth of water, probability of contact with sea bed if rolling / pitching heavily.
Sea room available.
Power of vessel.
Sea keeping properties of the vessel.
Fuel reserves.
Known and potential defects of the vessel’s equipment.
5. (a) In the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution
Prevention (ISM Code) one of the Master’s responsibilities is to “issue appropriate orders in a clear
and simple manner”, with regard to Navigation.
Explain how the Master complies with this responsibility. (10)
(b) Describe the contents of Master’s Standing Orders and outline the factors that should be taken
into account when compiling them. (25)
• The Master complies with the responsibility by compiling appropriate Standing Orders and Night Orders
which must be read and signed by watchkeeping officers.
• Emergency Bridge Procedures must also be compiled.
• A Bridge Team meeting held to discuss the proposed passage.
Standing Orders:
• Set out the circumstances in which the Master requires to be called.
• Lay down ground rules for the conduct of the officers in various circumstances.
• Reinforce particular procedures which the Master requires to be followed.
• Establish the responsibilities of the officers.
• Minimise the probability of error endangering the vessel.
• Establish practices of monitoring performance.
• Establish procedures for the transfer of responsibility for the navigational watch.
Night Orders:
Set out the Master’s requirements for a particular set of circumstances probably of relatively short
b) The Master’s Standing Orders are specific to the vessel and supplement official publications such as
STCW, Bridge Procedures Guide and Company ISM manuals and set out for OOWs the actions to be taken
in particular circumstances such as above, and:
Restricted visibility:
• Inform the Master.
• Inform Engine Room.
• Adjust speed appropriately.
• Engage hand steering.
• Post additional lookouts.
• Commence sounding appropriate fog signals.
• Switch on navigation lights.
• Monitor radar and commence plotting.
• Plot position at appropriate intervals.
Engine failure.
• Inform the Master.
• Exhibit NUC signals.
• Commence sounding appropriate fog signals.
• Use headway to manoeuvre away from hazards.
• Plot position at appropriate intervals.
• Note probable current, tide, wind effects.
Steering gear failure.
Inform the Master.
Exhibit NUC signals.
Engage emergency steering.
Take way off the vessel.
Note probable current, tide, wind effects.
Malfunction of navigational equipment.
• Inform the Master.
• Inform the ETO.
• Consider effect of malfunction.
• Use alternative methods of position fixing and directional control.
Extreme weather conditions.
• Inform the Master.
• Inform Engine Room.
• Inform heads of departments to initiate appropriate precautions.
• Adjust speed appropriately.
The following factors should be taken into account in compiling these:
• Ship type.
• Trading pattern.
• Relevant experience of the personnel involved.
NAVIGATION 2014-03-27
1. The vessel sails from NE Providence Channel to a position 5’ South of Bishop Rock.
(a) With reference to Datasheets Q1(1), (2) and (3):
(ii) state the season for icebergs near the Grand Banks of Newfoundland; (2)
(iii) state the general limits for icebergs near the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. (2)
ii) From March to July, greatest frequency April, May and June.
iii) Ice Bergs are not normally found South of 40 N or East of 040 W.
2. Ice can present a serious hazard to any vessel.
(a) Outline the guidance provided in the Mariners Handbook NP 100 on EACH of the
(i) the preparations before the vessel approaches ice; (8)
(ii) the considerations before entering ice; (14)
(iii) when making an entry. (10)
(b) Write a section of the Master’s Standing Orders regarding navigating in or near ice. (8)
i) Vessel winterization
The ship’s staff should take early precautions to avoid damage to hull and machinery, and to minimise
risk of commercial loss whilst in port by carrying out items on the following check-list, not necessarily
fully comprehensive, with respect to operations in ice:
Ice-operations draught, trim and stability permitting, empty or slack off all wing and double bottom
water ballast and fresh tanks, and slack all fresh water tanks.
However, ensure that draughts, trim and stability are in accordance with ice classification, allowing for
Ensure all the heating and air bubble tank systems are in working order.
Check bunker status, especially with respect to quantities of Diesel/Marine Gas Oil, taking into account
the increased manoeuvring, and add cold temperature additives as required.
All radars are fully operational and scanner heating arrangements functioning.
All searchlights are operational and availability of spare lamps.
Bridge window heating and wiper/clear view screen/window wash heating systems fully functional.
Protect mooring equipment and ropes from icing.
Test satisfactory operation of any superstructure heating arrangements.
Ensure all heating systems to deck machinery spaces are fully functional.
Drain external fire-main and deck line systems.
Ensure all deck machinery is protected by low temperature grease and anti-freeze.
Ensure all life saving equipment will be available in freezing conditions, lifeboats fitted with working
heaters, engines with anti-freeze, water tanks slack.
Ensure all ship’s staff supplied with cold weather and survival equipment.
Consider additional requirements for abandoning ship in what may be consolidated pack ice.
Check stocks of salt, or proprietary products, for melting ice and sand for anti—slip.
Ensure sufficiency and availability of wooden mallets/mawls, snow shovels etc for ice removal.
Consider employment of additional deck hands to permit relief systems in freezing conditions.
Ensure all rigging is set up correctly to withstand the shock of ice collisions.
Ensure availability of lower sea suctions, check heating/compressed air clearance systems and sea-water
recirculation systems.
Ensure bunker tank heating systems fully functional.
Ensure all main/auxiliary/steering/thruster/cpp machinery space heating systems fully functional.
Ensure status of cathodic protection, impressed current, is set for ice operations.
In port, never stop the hydraulic pumps for controllable pitch propellers.
Ensure that the rudder and rudder angle indicators are in alignment.
Ensure functionability of main and spare Not-Under Command lights.
ii) Considerations before entering ice
Ice should not be entered if an alternative, although longer, route is available. Before deciding to enter
the ice the following factors need to be considered:
Latest ice report detailing the type and concentration of the ice in the area.
Time of year, weather and temperature.
Area of operation.
Availability of ice manoeuvring modes from all equipment and machinery spaces.
Availability of icebreakers.
Availability of any airborne support.
Availability of potential mutual support/advice from other vessels in the area.
Vessel’s ice class in relation to the type of ice expected.
State of hull, machinery and equipment, and quantity of bunkers and stores available.
Draught, with respect to any ice strengthened belt, and depth of water over the propeller tips and the
Ice experience of the person in charge on the bridge.
iii) Making an entry
The following principles govern entry into the ice:
Where the existence of pressure is evident from hummocking and rafting, entry should not be attempted.
The ice should be entered from leeward, if possible, as the windward edge of an icefield is more
compact than the leeward edge, and wave action is less on the leeward edge.
The ice edge often has bights separated by projecting tongues.
By entering at one of the bights, the surge will be found to be least.
Ice should be entered at very low speed and at right angles to the ice edge to receive the initial impact,
and once into the ice speed should be increased to maintain headway and control of the vessel.
b) Master’s Standing Orders, Ice.
Call me at any time if in need of assistance.
Study Chapter 6 of the Mariner’s Handbook and note the items of relevance to ice navigation from a
watchkeeping perspective.
As relevant:
Monitor communications for ice information.
Transmit danger messages in accordance with SOLAS requirements.
Inform Master, Engine Room and Crew of ice conditions.
Close watertight doors.
Moderate speed in accordance with conditions.
Check that increased sounding frequency of tanks and bilges is being implemented.
4. (a) Rule 6 of The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 outlines
the requirements for vessels to maintain a safe speed.
(i) State why vessels should proceed at a safe speed. (5)
(ii) State the factors that should be taken into account by all vessels. (12)
(b) Approaching the Bishop Rock Traffïc Separation Scheme the vessel encounters thick fog with
visibility less than 0’.2.
The vessel’s course is 090°(T) and the speed has been reduced to 8.0 knots.
The OOW plots THREE targets, from 1736 hrs to 1748 hrs, on the 6 mile range as shown on
Worksheet Q4.
TARGET B is identified from AIS as an ODAS buoy moored at the start of the separation zone.
(i) Provide a complete analysis of TARGETS A and C at 1748 hrs. (10)
(ii) Determine the set and drift of the tide at 1748 hrs. (4)
(iii) On Worksheet Q4 determine the alteration of course or speed required at 1754 hrs to ensure
TARGET C passes with a CPA of at least 1 mile. (10)
(iv) Explain how the chosen course of action complies with Rule 19 of The International Regulations
for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972. (9)
i) Rule 6
Safe speed
Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can take proper and effective action to
avoid collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and
ii) In determining a safe speed the following factors shall be among those taken into account:
(a) By all vessels:
(i) the state of visibility;
(ii) the traffic density including concentrations of fishing vessels or any other vessels;
(iii) the manoeuvrability of the vessel with special reference to stopping distance and turning
ability in the prevailing conditions;
(iv) at night the presence of background light such as from shore lights or from back scatter
of her own lights;
(v) the state of wind, sea and current, and the proximity of navigational hazards;
(vi) the draught in relation to the available depth of water.
5 (c) IMO adopts certain Traffic Routeing Schemes; outline the stated criteria used in
deciding whether or not to adopt or amend a traffic separation scheme. (8)
Ships’ Routeing.
In deciding whether or not to adopt or amend a traffic separation scheme, IMO will consider whether:
.1 the aids to navigation proposed will enable mariners to determine their position with sufficient
accuracy to navigate in the scheme in accordance with rule 10 of the 1972 Collision Regulations, as
.2 the state of hydrographic surveys in the area is adequate;
.3 the scheme takes account of the accepted planning considerations and complies with the design
criteria for traffic separation schemes and with established methods of routeing.
NAVIGATION 2013-11-28
1 (b) Compare and contrast the use of great circle and rhumb line sailing. (10)
b) Great Circle Sailing.
Shortest distance.
A limiting latitude may apply.
Routes lie in higher latitudes.
Weather may be more severe.
Currents may be stronger.
Rhumb Line Sailing.
• Greater distance.
• Limiting latitude unlikely to be a factor.
• Routes lie in lower latitudes.
• Weather may be less severe.
• Currents may be less strong.
2(b) Explain the presentation of current information as displayed on Admiralty Routeing Charts. (8)
Current information on Routeing Charts is presented in the form of Predominant Current Vectors.
The predominant current is the most probable current.
The numbers of current observations falling within overlapping 90° sectors at 15° intervals is
The predominant direction is the mid direction of the sector with the highest number of observations.
The predominant speed is the arithmetic mean speed of all observations in the predominant direction
The constancy of the predominant current is the ratio of the number of observations in the predominant
direction sector to the total number of observations.
3 (c) Discuss the availability, accuracy and limitations of celestial observations in the
Southern Oceans in June. (12)
c) Availability.
• Sun approximately 07:00—17:00, less if adequate altitude is to be achieved.
• Stars and Planets during twilight, approximately between 06:30 ± 00:15 and 17:30 ± 00:15.
• Venus from morning twilight to early afternoon.
• Multiple object sights approximately 1 NM.
• Sun Run Sun, approximately 2 NM.
Altitudes of the Sun and Venus relatively low due to Northerly Declination.
Cloud cover is likely to limit ability to take observations.
Relatively long period of darkness.
4. SOLAS requires that ocean going vessels are to carry certain nautical publications.
(a) List the 14 publications a vessel is required to carry as detailed in the Mariners Handbook NP100.
(b) Describe the contents of these publications which would be of benefit in appraising the routes
described in Q1. (16)
Admiralty Charts.
International Code of Signals
International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and rescue manual Volume III
The Mariners’ Handbook
Merchant Shipping Notices, Marine Guidance Notes, Marine Information Notes.
Admiralty Notices to Mariners.
Admiralty Notices to Mariners – Annual Summary. Parts 1 and 2.
Admiralty List of Radio Signals.
Admiralty List of Lights.
Admiralty Sailing Directions.
Nautical Almanac.
Admiralty Tide Tables.
Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlases.
Operating and maintenance instructions for all navigation aids carried by the ship.
The Mariners’ Handbook
The Maritime environment; ocean currents, non-tidal changes in sea level, waves, characteristics of the
sea, the seabed, ice and icebergs.
Meteorology; general maritime meteorology, weather routeing of ships, weather related phenomena.
Admiralty Sailing Directions.
Details of areas relating to the voyage, general information, landmarks, recommended routes,
approaches, anchorages, pilotage, berths.
Admiralty List of Radio Signals.
Details of sources of information concerning navigation aids, meteorological information and port
Admiralty List of Lights.
Details of lights and fog signals.
Admiralty Charts.
Positions of land and ports, navigation aids, depths of water, hazards.
Admiralty Notices to Mariners.
Corrections to publications.
Admiralty Notices to Mariners – Annual Summary. Parts 1 and 2.
Long term information published in Admiralty Notices to Mariners.
Merchant Shipping Notices, Marine Guidance Notes, Marine Information Notes.
Information concerning requirements relevant to the voyage.
Nautical Almanac.
Astronomical information, ephemera of the celestial bodies used for navigation, times of sunrise, sunset,
Admiralty Tide Tables.
Details of tides at the ports.
Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlases.
Details of tidal streams in coastal areas and at ports.
Operating and maintenance instructions for all navigation aids carried by the ship.
Details relating to the operational characteristics of the equipment.
International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and rescue manual Volume III
Availability of Search and Rescue facilities in the area.
Procedures to be followed.
International Code of Signals
Little relevance to Appraisal.
5. (a) MSN 1767 provides guidance on Hours of Work, Safe Manning and Watchkeeping.
(i) Outline the factors to be taken into account in establishing Safe Manning requirements with
respect to navigational duties. (8)
(ii) State the Minimum Hours of Rest (Regulation 5). (8)
(b) (i) Outline the Bridge equipment that should be tested prior to departure from port. (16)
(ii) State the current MCA guidance on the testing of Heading Control Systems. (8)
a) i)
Frequency of port calls, length and nature of the voyage;
Trading area(s), waters and type of operations in which the ship or vessel is involved and any special
requirements of the trade or operation;
Navigational duties and responsibilities as required by STCW 95 including the following:
Plan and conduct safe navigation;
Maintain a safe navigational watch;
Manoeuvre and handle the ship in all conditions and during all operations;
Safely moor and unmoor the ship.
Minimum Hours of Rest (Regulation 5)
• The hours of rest shall be not less than:
• 10 hours in any 24-hour period; and
• 77 hours in any 7-day period.
• Note: Hours of rest may be divided into no more than 2 periods, one of which should be at least 6 hours
• long, and the interval in between should not exceed 14 hours.
• MCA may authorise exceptions to the limits.
b) i)
Within 12 hours of departure:
• Steering gear including manual, auto-pilot and emergency changeover arrangements and rudder
• Echo sounder
• Electronic navigational position-fixing systems
• Gyro and magnetic compass and repeaters
• Passage plan entered into integrated bridge system
• Radar(s)
• AIS data inputs made, speed/distance recorder
• Voyage Data Recorder.
• Clocks
• Bridge and engine room telegraphs.
• RPM indicators
• Emergency engine stops
• Thruster controls and indicators
• Controllable pitch propeller controls and indicators.
• Bridge to engine room / mooring station / steering flat communications
• Portable radios
• VHF radio communications with port authority.
Navigation and signal lights.
Signalling lamp
Morse light
Sound signalling apparatus.
Fog bell and gong system
Window wiper/clearview screen arrangements
Cargo and passenger details available
Bridge movement book/course and engine movement recorder .
Stability and draught information available.
ii) 2021-03-09
• There appears to be no direct guidance on the testing of Heading Control Systems.
• SOLAS V refers to their use and testing of steering gear.
• Ships’ SMS ISM will contain the requirements for testing.
3. (a) SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 34 — Safe Navigation and Avoidance of Dangerous Situations
requires that “An appraisal of all information available must be made before detailed plans can be
drawn up “.
(i) State the purpose of the appraisal process. (6)
(ii) Outline what the appraisal process should provide to the Master and the Bridge team. (12)
(b) The Admiralty produce Routeing Charts to assist in appraising and planning ocean voyages.
With reference to the route in Q1:
(i) state FOUR types of information from Routeing Charts that may be used during the appraisal; (4)
(ii) explain how the information from Q3(b)(i) would influence the selection of a route in the
Planning stage of Voyage Planning. (8)
i) The purpose of Appraisal is to gather all information relevant to the proposed voyage, including
ascertaining risks and assessing its critical areas.
ii) This appraisal will provide the master and his bridge team with a clear and precise indication of all
areas of danger, and delineate the areas in which it will be possible to navigate safely taking into
account the calculated draught of the vessel and planned underkeel clearance. Bearing in mind the
condition of the vessel, her equipment and any other circumstances, to achieve a balanced judgement of
the margins of safety which must be allowed in the various sections of the intended voyage.
Ice Limits,
• Pack Ice: minimum limit, average limit, maximum limit.
• Mean Maximum Iceberg limit.
• Fog, percentage frequency of visibility less than 1000m
• Percentage frequency of winds of Beaufort force 7 and higher.
• Tropical Storm Tracks.
ii) Ice Limits,
• Pack Ice: minimum limit, average limit, maximum limit.
• Mean Maximum Iceberg limit.
• Areas might be avoided, or noted for particular attention to be paid to sources of information
concerning actual ice presence and the need to alter the plan to avoid them.
• Fog, percentage frequency of visibility less than 1000m.
• Areas might be avoided, or noted for appropriate precautions to be taken.
• Percentage frequency of winds of Beaufort force 7 and higher.
• High winds led to high wind waves and swell. Areas of high wind speeds, particularly in adverse
directions, might be avoided, or noted for appropriate precautions to be taken.
• Tropical Storm Tracks.
• Areas of high frequency might be avoided, or noted for particular attention to be paid to the
sources of information relating to tropical storms and the indications of their presence.
4. (a) State the seasons and the most probable months when hurricanes may be encountered in the
Western South Pacific. (5)
(c) The following weather conditions are observed:
Wind SE Force 8 and slowly backing, swell NNE and pressure falling steadily.
(ii) State, with reasons, the actions the Master should take to manoeuvre the vessel to minimise the
effect of the storm on the vessel. (6)
(d) Some hours later the wind direction steadies and then starts to veer, with the pressure
continuing to fall.
(i) Identify any change in the storm’s movement. (5)
(ii) State, with reasons, any subsequent actions the Master should take in light of the changed
conditions and any safety considerations of such actions. (12)
The TRS Season is the southern summer.
TRSs are most probable from January to March.
C ) ii Standard answer.
• The Master should steer with the wind on the Port Bow;
• At maximum practicable speed;
• Altering course to maintain the relative wind direction.
• Monitor elements to confirm action or detect changes.
• Be prepared to change action if situation changes.
In order to take the vessel away from the Path and Eye of the storm.
The alteration of course should take the vessel toward the rear of the storm past the trough line.
Action may have to be changed if the situation changes.
d) i)
When the wind steadied the vessel was on the path of the storm.
When the wind veered the vessel was in the Navigable Semicircle.
The storm has changed direction, recurving southward.
The Master should steer with the wind on the Port Quarter;
At maximum practicable speed;
Altering course to maintain the relative wind direction.
Monitor elements to confirm action or detect changes.
Be prepared to change action if situation changes.
In order to take the vessel away from the Path and Eye of the storm, the alteration of course should take
the vessel toward the rear of the storm past the trough line. Action may have to be changed
if the situation changes.
The wind waves on the port quarter and heavy swell on the starboard beam will cause the vessel to roll
and pitch heavily.
There is a danger of shipping seas over the stern.
There is also a danger of broaching to.
The propellor may break surface and the engine overspeed.
Parametric Rolling is a possibility.
Visibility will be reduced by spray and rain, a good lookout must be maintained.
c) ii) Alternatively:
Wind is backing SLOWLY.
Vessel is on the Path, change of wind direction due to changing Angle of Indraft.
The Master should steer with the wind on the Port Quarter;
At maximum practicable speed;
Altering course to maintain the relative wind direction.
Monitor elements to confirm action or detect changes.
Be prepared to change action if situation changes.
In order to take the vessel off the Path, into the Navigable Semicircle then away from the Path and Eye
of the storm. The alteration of course should take the vessel toward the rear of the storm past the trough line.
This action will take the vessel off the Path into the Navigable Semicircle then away from the Path and
from the TRS.
As the storm moves the alteration of course will take the vessel toward the Rear of the storm.
Eventually the vessel will cross the Trough Line when pressure will begin to rise.
The wind will steady when off the Path then veer and decrease in intensity, the wind wave height
decreasing as it does so.
The swell direction will change toward Southeast then South, and the swell height eventually decrease.
d) i) Alternative:
When the wind steadied the vessel was in the Navigable Semicircle close to the path of the storm.
When the wind veered the vessel was further into the Navigable Semicircle.
The vessel has moved off the Path into the Navigable Semicircle.
The storm may also have changed direction, recurving southward.
Continue as above.
5. (a) IMO requires that a look-out must be maintained at all times while the vessel is on passage.
State what the purpose is of keeping a look-out. (7)
(c) Approaching Papeete, an unexpected shallow water sounding is observed on the Echo Sounder.
(i) State to whom the report should be sent and which form should be used to make the report. (4)
(ii) Describe the details that should be included on the form with respect to the shallow water
sounding. (10)
a) The purpose of keeping a lookout is:
to maintain a continuous state of vigilance by sight and hearing, as well as by all other available
means, with regard to any significant change in the operating environment;
to fully appraise the situation and the risk of collision, stranding and other dangers to navigation;
to detect ships or aircraft in distress, shipwrecked persons, wrecks, debris and other hazards to
navigation, and to allow precautions for security reasons, especially in areas with a known risk of piracy
or armed attack.
i) Hydrographic Note.
To the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
or hydrographic office relevant to the ship or area.
To Coast Radio Station if judged to be a hazard to navigation for any vessel which may transit the area.
Reference Number
Name of ship or sender
Tel/Fax/email address of sender
General locality
Position Lat Lon
GPS Datum
GPS accuracy
Admiralty charts affected
Latest Weekly Notices to Mariners held
Replacement copy of chart # is/is not required
ENCs affected
Latest update disk held. Week #
Publications affected and edition numbers
Date of latest supplement, page (and Light List No. etc)
Sounding obtained.
Echo sounder trace marked with information to identify vessel, dates and times, positions, maximum and
minimum depths, range scale changes.
Whether depth below waterline or keel.
Draught if below keel.
Probable squat if relevant.
Echo sounder manufacturer, model and type.
Copy of chart covering the area showing positions obtained.
Signature of observer/reporter.
1 On departure the vessel will have overloaded her Winter load displacement by 324 tonnes and the
daily consumption is 36 tonnes per day. The boundary between the summer and seasonal Winter
Zone lies along the parallel of 32°S.
The charterers ask the Master to follow the shortest legal route between the following departure and
landfall positions:
Departure position 23°29’.0S 70°25’.0W
Landfall position 27°30’.0S 153°00’.0E
(c) Explain why it would not be possible to do a direct great circle track, between the departure and
landfall positions, at any time of the year.
The direct Great Circle route cannot be used because it passes over New Zealand, South Island.
A diversion might be made through Cook Strait.
3 The vessel proceeds to Dampier to complete the final loading programme prior to departing for
South Africa. Pilotage in Dampier is compulsory.
(a) Outline the preparations to be made on the bridge prior to arrival in port, with specific reference
to the vessel’s propulsion and steering systems. (10)
(b) Outline FIVE items of information the Master should pass to the Pilot immediately the pilot
arrives in the wheelhouse. (10)
(c) Outline the duties and responsibilities of the OOW and under pilotage when working as part of
the bridge team in the absence of the Master on the bridge. (20)
• Propulsion.
• One hour notice of manoeuvring.
• Synchronise clocks.
• Test emergency means of communication.
• Bring engines to manoeuvring condition.
• Change from heavy fuel to diesel if relevant.
• Test engines ahead and astern.
• Proceed in manoeuvring condition.
• Steering
• Engage hand steering.
• Engage both steering motors.
• Check steering gear response visually during testing.
• Check time from hard over to hard over in both directions.
• Test all modes of steering.
• Use both connections between Bridge and Steering Flat if relevant.
• Test operation of Emergency Steering.
• Current status:
• Position, heading, traffic,
• speed, engine setting, steering mode,
• draught,
• defects.
• Safety:
• Location of Pilot’s lifesaving appliances.
• The OOW is the Master’s representative and is responsible for the safe navigation of the ship and
compliance with ColRegs.
• The presence of the Pilot does not relieve the OOW of these responsibilities.
• OOW is in charge of the Bridge and Bridge Team and ensures compliance with shipboard operating
procedures and Master’s Standing Orders.
• OOW is responsible for maintaining a lookout, surveillance of the ship, recording Bridge activities,
monitoring navigation equipment.
• OOW is responsible for monitoring compliance with the Passage Plan; position, course, speed.
• OOW is responsible for monitoring communications and acting accordingly.
• OOW informs Pilot of all information relevant to the conduct of the passage.
• OOW monitors the Pilot’s advice, ensuring that it is carried out appropriately.
• OOW queries Pilot’s advice if this seems inappropriate and must call the Master if a satisfactory
explanation is not received.
4 b) Outline the criteria for selecting stars for stellar observations. (12)
Magnitude. Bright stars are easiest to see and are visible for the longest time.
Bearings. Stars with bearings over a wide range around the horizon give good intersections between
position lines and minimise errors. Four stars in pairs on reciprocal bearings, and pairs nearly
perpendicular to each other; three stars at bearings approximately 120 degrees apart.
Altitude. Stars with a moderate altitude minimise the effect of abnormal refraction near the horizon and
minimise the difficulty of accurately observing stars at high altitudes. Ideally close to 45 degrees,
acceptable from 20 to 70 degrees.
1 Vessels operating in the Baltic Sea during the winter season often encounter ice conditions
(a) Outline the navigational hazards to be taken into account in EACH of the following situations:
(i) entering pack ice; (3)
(ii) manoeuvring the vessel in pack ice; (8)
(iii) approaching port in ice conditions. (10)
(b) With reference to the accuracy of navigational aids, outline the problems that may be
encountered in ice conditions and high latitudes, when using EACH of the following;
(i) Echo Sounder; (5)
(ii) Gyro compass; (5)
(iii) Radar. (4)
a) i)
Hull damage due to excessive speed.
Hull damage due to entering ice at an acute angle.
Damage to bulbous bow, propeller and rudder by ice due to inadequate draught.
Blockage of suctions by ice.
Fog due to presence of ice.
Damage due to excessive speed.
Damage to bulbous bow, propeller and rudder by ice due to inadequate draught.
Damage to hull when turning due to impacts aft.
Variable ice thickness.
Ice concentration increasing due to wind driven movement of ice.
Besetment due to inadequate power.
Blockage of suctions by ice.
Fog due to presence of ice.
b) i)
Lights obscured and sectors inaccurate due to icing.
Floating marks absent, or displaced by ice.
Navigation aids damaged or obscured.
Channels obstructed by ice.
Berth obstructed by ice.
Thermal stratification giving incorrect results.
Damage to transducer causing inaccuracy.
Water density different from standard.
Low directional force reducing stability of direction.
Speed errors if vessel speed does not match that fed to gyro.
Transient errors due to large course changes.
Incorrect measurement of range if fast ice is present around land.
Incorrect measurement of bearings if fast ice is present around headlands.
4 (a) The British Admiralty produces Ocean Routeing charts for each month of the year for the main
oceans of the world.
Outline the type of information found on such charts for EACH of the following specific categories:
(i) Ocean wind patterns; (5)
(ii) Ocean currents; (5)
(iii) Tropical Revolving storms. (3)
(i) Outline the warning signs of an approaching TRS. (I0)
(ii) Explain how onboard observations can be used to determine the vessel’s position relative to the
centre of the TRS. (6)
(iii) A vessel is in the storm field of an approaching N Atlantic TRS.
The TRS has already recurved and the vessel lies in the advance quadrant of the northern half of the
State the action that a prudent Master would take in this situation. (6)
(c) Outline how the OOW can use on board observations to predict the time when a vessel will
encounter fog at sea. (10)
(d) Compile a set of Masters Standing Orders for a vessel operating in restricted visibility. (10)
a) i)
Wind Roses for five degree squares.
Wind arrows in the direction of the wind.
Widths of sections of the shafts showing wind force.
Lengths of sections showing percentages of wind force.
Number of observations.
Number of variable observations.
Number of calm observations.
Predominant Current arrows.
Breadth of arrow indicates constancy.
Annotations indicate rate.
A statement that Tropical Revolving Storms lose their tropical characteristics in higher latitudes.
Arrows indicating past tracks of a selection of Tropical Revolving Storms during the month concerned.
b) i)
A heavy swell from the high wind waves being generated in the vicinity of the eye.
The loss of diurnal variation of atmospheric pressure.
A reduction of atmospheric pressure below the seasonal average for the area of 3 hPa or more.
A significant increase in wind speed.
Probably a significant change in wind direction.
A change of cloud types from trade wind cumulus to cirrus and cirrocumulus then cumulonimbus.
Increasing cloud coverage.
Possibly exceptionally good visibility.
Rain pattern of TRS visible on radar.
Bearing, Buys Ballot’s Law.
Face the wind.
• TRS is to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and left in the Southern Hemisphere.
• By ninety degrees plus the Angle of Indraft.
• Angle of Indraft approximatelty:
• Pressure starts to fall 4 points
• Pressure has fallen 10 hPa 2 points
• Pressure has fallen 20 hPa 0 points
• Pressure has fallen 5 hPa wind approximately Force 6 200 NM
• Pressure has fallen 10 hPa wind approximately Force 8 100 NM
• Pressure has fallen 20 hPa wind approximately Force 12 70 NM
The vessel is in the Navigable Semicircle.
Steam with the wind on the Starboard Quarter.
At maximum practicable speed in the circumstance.
Alter course to maintain the relative wind direction on the Starboard Quarter.
Report in accordance with SOLAS.
Monitor changes in Meteorological elements, reassessing position of the vessel with respect to the Eye
and the Path.
Be prepared to change the action taken if the circumstances change.
Observe and record Sea Temperature and Dew Point Temperature.
Plot these against Time.
Convergence will indicate higher probability of fog.
The point when the Sea Temperature will be below the Dew Point Temperature indicates when Fog
formation is likely.
Sea Temperature
Fog probable
In addition to general Standing Orders:
In restricted visibility:
Inform the Master.
Comply with International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea.
Sound the appropriate fog signal for the vessel’s condition.
Switch on Navigation Lights.
Place Engines on Standby, informing the Engineers of the reason for doing so.
Reduce speed as appropriate in the circumstances.
Engage Hand Steering.
Post Lookout/s as appropriate for the circumstances.
Set the Radar to an appropriate range.
Set ARPA to appropriate settings.
Set ECDIS to appropriate settings.
As relevant:
Close Watertight Doors.
Stop work on deck.
Any other actions appropriate to the circumstances.
1) (b) A deep low pressure area, located in the Southern North Sea, is causing Southerly offshore gales
across the whole of the area.
Outline TWO factors that may affect the accuracy of the tidal height predictions found in Admiralty
Tide Tables, given the current weather conditions. (6)
(c) Explain why interpolation between the neap and spring curves requires to be more accurate for
the flood tide than the ebb tide, for the port of Zeebrugge. (4)
Lower atmospheric pressure than Standard raises sea level by 0.01m per hPa difference in pressure.
Offshore winds reduce sea level, the amount depending on the wind strength, duration and depth of
The Flood curves are further apart than the Neap curves.
An error in interpolation between them will have greater effect on the resulting Interval when using the
Flood Curves than when using the Neap curves.
2 (c) Outline FIVE objectives of IMO approved Traffic routeing schemes which are
applicable to the Dover Straits. (10)
1. The separation of opposing streams of traffic to reduce ‘head on’ incidence.
2. Reduce the dangers of Collision between crossing traffic in established shipping lanes.
3. Simplify the patterns of flow in converging areas.
4. Reduce the risk of grounding where depths are critical.
5. Organisation of traffic flow around areas where navigation by all ships or classes of certain ships is
dangerous and undesirable.
6. Organisation of safe traffic flow in or clear of environmentally sensitive areas.
7. Guidance of traffic clear of fishing grounds or through fishing grounds.
8. Organise safe traffic flow in areas of offshore exploration’.
5 (a) Outline TEN factors to be taken into account when planning a landfall after a long ocean
passage. (20)
Availability of Navigation Aids during approach.
Availability of celestial observations during approach.
Probable visibility.
Ranges of available lights.
Probability of other lights which may obscure navigational lights.
Availability of radar targets for position fixing.
Height and profile of coastal features.
Strength and direction of tidal streams.
Strength and direction of currents.
Strength and direction of prevailing winds.
Availability of large scale charts.
Water depths in the area.
Available methods for ascertaining and monitoring position.
Ease of identifying features of shoreline.
Probable traffic density.
Probable time of day of landfall.
Probability of ice in the area.
Nature of coastline, ease of identifying landfall.
Currency of relevant publications.
1 b) State the relationship between the position of the vertex and the point where the GC
track crosses the equator, stating the longitude when the vessel crosses the equator. (5)
b) The DLon from Vertex to Equator is 90°.
2 (b) State THREE different sources where information on traffic separation schemes in the Red Sea
may be found. (3)
(c) Certain classes of vessels are permitted to use the inshore traffic zones of traffic
separation schemes. Detail the circumstances under which they may do so. (9)
1. IMO Routeing Manual.
2. Admiralty Charts
3. Mariners Routeing Guide, Gulf of Suez.
4. Admiralty Sailing Directions.
5. Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners.
6. M Notices
Vessels of less than 20 metres in length, sailing vessels and vessels engaged in fishing may use the inshore
traffic zone.
A vessel may use an inshore traffic zone when en route to or from a port, offshore installation or
structure, pilot station or any other place situated within the inshore traffic zone, or to avoid immediate
3(c) Explain why restricted visibility is often encountered in the vicinity of Suqutra. (5)
Dust blown from Africa during the southwest monsoon and from the Arabian Peninsula during the
northeast monsoon causes reduced visibility due to haze in the area.
During the northeast monsoon heavy rain squalls occur in the evenings, reducing visibility.
4 (a) State the appropriate manning levels on the bridge, outlining the duties of EACH
member of the bridge team, for EACH of the following situations:
(ii) navigation in clear weather, during darkness, on an ocean passage. (8)
(b) In general terms outline the factors that should be considered when writing a set of
Master’s Standing Orders. (22)
OOW. Has the Con.
Monitors traffic in vicinity.
Navigation. Position, course and speed monitoring.
Record keeping.
Monitors Ratings performance.
Informs Master as required.
Rating. Lookout.
Keeps visual and aural lookout.
Reports to OOW.
Monitors OOW.
May report to Master if necessary.
Masters Standing Orders (SO) should be used as a supplement to other available publications, such as
Bridge Procedures Guide and Company and ISM Manuals, to make it clear to the OOW exactly what his
duties and responsibilities are when on watch.
SO should be written with the particular vessel in mind as check lists in the Bridge Procedures Guide tend
to be generic.
SO should start with a general section which covers factors which are common to all watchkeeping
Amongst these that should be covered are:
Keeping a lookout
Manning on the bridge
Distress situations
Protection of the Marine environment
Use of navigation equipment
Passing distances
Calling the Master
Procedure for Master taking the con
This should be followed by more detailed advice covering the following watchkeeping situations:
Ocean Passages
Coastal Passages
Traffic separation schemes and confined waters
Navigation under pilotage
Restricted visibility
Heavy weather ice TRS
At Anchor
In Port
Preparation for Arrival and Departure
2 Weather routeing is often effectively used by vessels making trans oceanic passages.
a) Outline FIVE factors that should be considered when deciding to weather route a vessel. (20)
b) Describe THREE types of weather routeing currently available to vessels. (12)
c) Outline the benefits of carrying out shipboard weather routeing. (8)
1. The weather along the route.
Wind speed and direction, therefore wave heights and direction.
Probable swell height and direction.
The probability of reduced visibility and fog.
The probability of ice along and close to the route.
2. Ocean currents, adverse and favourable, along the route and close to it.
3. The vessel.
Vessel type, hull form and susceptibility to wave action.
Service speed, relative effect of ocean currents.
Draft, likelihood of pounding in adverse seas.
Freeboard, likelihood of shipping seas.
Stability, susceptibility to heavy rolling.
Availability of Performance Data.
4. The cargo.
Sensitivity to temperature and humidity.
Deck cargo, susceptibility to heavy weather damage.
5. The voyage.
Destination and range of alternative routes available.
Distance, long voyages are more likely to offer alternatives.
Navigational hazards on the route.
Scheduling requirements.
Legal requirements and restrictions.
1. Onboard, by ship's staff, using available information from climatological data and broadcast forecasts.
The first approximation of the route is the shortest distance with adequate margins of safety.
Climatological and forecast information is used to decide whether a deviation from this is justified in
order to achieve the optimum route.
2. On board, using computer programs with data supplied from ashore.
The program holds information about the ship's performance in a variety of weather conditions.
The program holds climatological information.
Forecast information is received from ashore.
The program calculates an optimum route for the vessel.
3. Shore based Routeing Officers.
An organisation ashore has details of the ship's performance, climatological data and forecast
A Routeing Officer, using a computer program, calculates an optimum route for the vessel and advises
the Master accordingly.
Weather forecasts and further routeing advice are provided throughout the voyage.
Local meteorological conditions and changes can be observed directly.
Appropriate action can then be taken in response to changes as soon as they occur.
The performance characteristics of the vessel in different circumstances are known by the Master in
The performance of the vessel in response to the prevailing conditions can be directly assessed and
appropriate adjustments made.
The original plan can be modified quickly in response to changing conditions to maximise the efficiency
of the voyage.
Information obtained through the internet or otherwise can be used to improve forecasting.
Low cost.
4 On departure from Wellington, the vessel sails a great circle track to Balboa (Panama). Whilst on
passage across the South Pacific Ocean, the Master wishes to verify the accuracy of the GPS using
celestial observations.
a) Discuss the accuracy of EACH of the following, with regard to verifying the vessels:
i) star sights; (3)
ii) consecutive sun sights with an intervening run. (5)
b) Discuss the factors that should be considered when selecting stars for determining the vessel’s
position. (10)
c) The vessel intends to take star sights during morning twilight on the 31st December, whilst in DR
position 22 42.0 S 124 36.0 W.
Ship’s time (UT -8hrs)
Using Datasheet Q4, determine each of the following:
i) the likely period of observation at the ship; (8)
ii) which stars are available for observation; (7)
iii) which are best suited for a four star fix, stating the reasons. (7)
a) i)
Star sights are taken over short time intervals.
Transfers are short and therefore uncertainties of transfer are minimised.
A number of bodies can be observed, minimising errors due to random and systematic errors.
Positions obtained from star sights should be accurate to one nautical mile in good conditions.
Consecutive sun sights with an intervening run are less accurate.
There are unknown effects of set and leeway affecting the accuracy of the run and therefore the
accuracy of the position.
Normally one body is observed twice or thrice, the range of bearings and therefore the angle of
intersection of the position lines is limited.
The limited range of bearings does not lead to elimination of random and systematic errors.
The precision of the position is rarely less than two nautical miles.
Magnitude, brightest stars preferred.
Bright stars are visible for a longer period, later at dawn and earlier at dusk.
Bearings; a wide range of bearings is preferred.
A wide range of bearings minimises the effects of random and systematic errors in the observations.
Altitudes; moderate altitudes preferred.
Observations of low stars are liable to errors due to abnormal refraction.
Stars with low altitudes are more likely to be obscured by cloud or haze.
Observations of high stars are difficult to take accurately.
The period of observation of stars is governed by the visibility of the horizon and that of the stars.
The horizon is unlikely to be visible at Nautical Twilight.
Stars are unlikely to be visible at Sunrise.
Dawn, from the time when the horizon is first visible to the time at which the brightest stars become
Dusk, from the time when the brightest stars become visible to the time when the horizon becomes
The period of observations is likely to be from between Nautical and Civil Twilight to between Civil
Twilight and Sun Rise in the morning, and conversely in the evening.
5a) Compile an emergency checklist to be followed in case of the vessel grounding. (15)
Stop engines.
Sound general emergency alarm.
Close watertight doors.
Switch to high sea suctions.
Maintain VHF watch on Channels 16 and, if appropriate 13.
Exhibit appropriate lights and shapes.
Make appropriate sound signals.
Switch on deck lighting.
Check hull for damage.
Sound all relevant spaces.
Visually inspect relevant spaces.
Sound around the ship externally.
Determine the direction of the slope of the sea bed.
Determine the nature of the sea bed.
Obtain tidal and current information.
Obtain weather forecast and consider additional ballast if severe wind forecast.
Reduce draught of the vessel.
Fix the ship’s position and program automatic systems.
Broadcast warning and distress messages as relevant.
Inform owners and charterers.
Prepare LSA if abandonment considered probable.
SQA Navigation 2011-07-12.
3d) State the possible actions that are available to the Master to ensure the vessel clears the area as
fast as possible and avoids the worst effects of the storm. (10)
d) Actions.
1. Steer with wind on Starboard Bow to move away from Path and TRS and eventually reach rear of
Trough Line.
Speed will be less than Service Speed, and less than option 2 due to head weather.
2. Steer with wind on Starboard Quarter to cross path into Navigable Semicircle and then move away
from Path and TRS and eventually reach rear of Trough Line.
Speed will be less than Service Speed due to weather.
In both cases:
• Proceed at maximum practicable speed.
• Alter Course to maintain relative wind direction.
• Report in accordance with SOLAS.
• Monitor changes in meteorological elements, and be prepared to alter action if circumstances change
due to altered TRS movement.
5 a) Several publications contain guidance to Masters on determining the composition of the Bridge
team under varying operational conditions.
Outline TEN factors that should be considered by the Master when determining appropriate manning
levels necessary on the bridge. (20)
b) Describe FIVE items of information that the Pilot should tell the Master, when proceeding up river
to the berth. (10)
Visibility, state of weather and sea.
Traffic density and other activities occurring in the area in which the vessel is navigating.
The attention necessary when navigating in or near traffic separation schemes or other routeing
The additional workload caused by the nature of the ship’s functions, immediate operating requirements
and anticipated manoeuvres.
The fitness for duty of any crew members on call who are assigned as members of the watch.
Knowledge of, and confidence in, the professional competence of the ship’s officers and crew.
The experience of each officer of the navigational watch, and the familiarity of that officer with the
ship’s equipment, procedures, and manoeuvring capability.
Activities taking place on board the ship at any particular time, including radio communication activities,
and the availability of assistance to be summoned immediately to the bridge when necessary.
The operational status of bridge instrumentation and controls, including alarm systems.
Rudder and propeller control and ship manoeuvring characteristics.
The size of the ship and the field of vision available from the conning position.
The configuration of the bridge, to the extent that such configuration might inhibit a member of the
watch from detecting by sight or hearing any external development.
Pilot boarding instructions. Time of boarding. Position of boarding. Side of embarkation. Approach course
and speed. Boarding arrangement required.
Berth and tug details. Intended berth. Berthing prospects. Side alongside. Transit time to berth. Tug
rendezvous position. Number of tugs. Tug arrangement. Bollard pull of tugs.
Local weather and sea conditions. Tidal heights and times. Currents. Forecast weather.
Passage Plan. Detail to include abort points and contingency plans.
Regulations. VTS reporting. Anchor and lookout attendance. Maximum allowable draught.
SQA Navigation 2011-03-29
2 (b) At 0620 hrs the OOW obtains a radar range and bearing of what is thought to be one of the low
lying islands south of Bermuda at a range of 26 miles.
The vessel's GPS receiver puts the vessel 0.5 miles to the south of the vessel's charted track, the
radar observation puts the vessel 4 miles to the south of the track and the celestial observation
above puts the vessel approximately 10 miles to the north of the vessel's track.
Discuss the reliability of EACH of the above observations. (I5)
(c) State, with reasons, what action should be taken by the OOW to ensure that the Master's orders,
regarding the passing distance off Bermuda, are complied with. (5)
GPS is normally reliable.
It is vulnerable to:
Loss of signal due to aerial damage.
Solar Flare interference.
Malicious interference, skewing.
Malicious jamming.
Unintentional jamming.
Radar Observations probably unreliable in this case.
The target is not clearly identified, low lying and at long range.
Celestial observations are reliable.
Clear skies, good visibility and calm seas.
Good horizon.
Bright stars, a good range of bearings and at moderate altitudes.
No apparent discrepancy between the four observations.
The OOW should inform the Master of the discrepancies between the positions.
The Celestial Position should be taken as accurate, it is also the worst case from a safety perspective.
Course should be set from the Celestial Position to pass 30 NM clear to the south of Bermuda.
The GPS should be checked for performance, signal strength and possible switch to DR navigation.
Further celestial observations should be taken, Sun, Moon and Venus if available, to confirm the vessel’s
3 The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency publish guidance to mariners in the form of Marine
Guidance Notes (MGN's).
Outline the current MCA guidance regarding EACH of the following topics:
(a) the precautions to be observed when using parallel indexing techniques on a modern marine
radar: (15)
(b) the dangers of a misaligned heading marker; (3)
(c) the procedures for rectifying a misaligned heading marker: (12)
(d) the alarms that must be fitted to ECDIS systems to ensure safety of navigation. (l0)
Targets used should be:
Radar conspicuous.
Easily identified.
Unlikely to be confused with others.
Situated so as to provide continuous monitoring of the passage.
Unlikely to be obscured by ship shadow sectors.
At moderate ranges.
Radar should be checked for:
Display alignment.
Accuracy of EBLs.
Accuracy of range measurement and display.
b) Dangers of Misaligned Heading Marker.
• Misalignment of the heading marker, even if only slightly, can lead to dangerously misleading
interpretation of potential collision situations, particularly in restricted visibility when targets are
approaching from ahead or fine on own ship’s bow.
• May cause errors in positions
c) Rectifying Misaligned Heading Marker.
• Confirm Heading Marker aligned with fore and aft line of vessel, and Compass Heading.
• Steer the vessel so that a small, distinct target is visually right ahead, near the edge of the display.
• Note the discrepancy between the relative bearing of the target and the heading marker.
• Follow the manufacturer’s procedure for correcting the alignment of the heading marker.
• This may involve mechanical adjustment or an electronic process.
• The alignment of the berth when alongside should not be used.
• Targets close to the vessel should not be used.
d) ECDIS alarms:
• Crossing safety contour
• Deviation from route
• Positioning system failure
• Approach to critical point
• Malfunction of ECDIS
• Different geodetic datum
• Area with special conditions.
• (Default safety contour
• Information over scale
• Large scale ENC available
• Different reference system
• No ENC available
• Customised display
• Route planning across safety contour
• Route planning across specified area
• Crossing a danger in route monitoring mode
• System test failure)
4 The vessel arrives in Istanbul and anchors to await a pilot, prior to transiting the Bosporus on the
northbound passage to Odessa. The Bosporus is covered by a Traffic Separation Scheme for its entire
length and in places the passage is extremely narrow (only 8 cables wide from shore to shore). The
passage is also very shallow in places with numerous banks, shoals and wrecks.
It is also dangerous due to the fact that there are strong currents, sharp bends and frequent close
quarters situations during the transit.
(a) Describe the preparations to be made on the bridge prior to undertaking such a passage. (20)
(b) Discuss THREE factors that the master must take into consideration regarding the
manoeuvrability of the vessel during the transit. (9)
(c) Outline the precautions that should be taken in the event of an engine or steering gear failure.(6)
a) Appraisal
Sources of information to be consulted.
Charts, Sailing Directions, Light Lists, Current Atlas, Tidal Atlas, Tide Tables, Notices to Mariners,
publications detailing traffic separation and other routeing schemes, radio aids to navigation, vessel
reporting schemes and VTS requirements.
Appropriate meteorological information.
• Prepare a detailed plan of the passage.
• This should cover the whole passage, from berth to berth, and include all waters where a pilot will be on
• Depending on circumstances, the main details of the plan should be marked in appropriate and
prominent places on the charts to be used during the passage.
• They should also be programmed and stored electronically on an ECDIS or RCDS where fitted.
The main details of the passage plan should also be recorded in a bridge notebook used specially for this
purpose to allow reference to details of the plan at the conning position without the need to consult the
Supporting information relative to the passage, such as times of high and low water, or of sunrise or
sunset, should also be recorded in this notebook.
Bridge Team Briefing.
Brief Bridge Team about details of the plan and their roles.
Bridge Equipment Testing.
• All Bridge equipment to be tested and accuracy ascertained.
• Gyro and Magnetic Compasses.
• Repeater alignment.
• Radar, Heading Marker, EBLs and Range measurement.
• Electronic Position Fixing systems display, degree of detail displayed, alarms set appropriately.
• Log Speed and Distance indication.
• Echo Sounder indication and recording.
• Clocks synchronised.
• Recording equipment and Bridge Movement Book.
• Engine controls and indicators.
• Communications, internal and external.
• Navigations and signal lights.
• Sound signalling apparatus.
• Steering gear in all modes and indicators.
• Prepare Master / Pilot Information Exchange.
Speed, turning circle, draught, beam, trim.
Depth and width.
Underkeel clearance, effects of squat, bank effect on course keeping.
Effects of tidal stream and or currents altering speed over the ground.
Interaction with passing and overtaking / overtaken vessels.
C) Engine failure
• Inform Master.
• Steer toward safest water.
• Prepare to anchor if practicable.
• Steering gear failure
• Engage emergency steering.
• Bring engines to manoeuvring condition.
Reduce speed.
Exhibit NUC lights and shapes.
Sound appropriate signals.
Broadcast Urgency messages if appropriate.
SQA Navigation 2010-11-30
2 (a) With reference to Worksheet Q2:
(ii) state TWO reasons why the route is ice free throughout the year. (4)
(b) Indicate on Worksheet Q2, EACH of the following, for the time of the year stated in
Question 1:
(i) the normal pressure distribution: (6)
(ii) the general wind circulation: (l0)
(iii) the maximum limit of sea ice. (3)
2 a ii)
The North Pacific Current is relatively warm and prevents ice formation in the area concerned, therefore
the Maximum Limit of Sea Ice is North of the Aleutian Islands.
The flow of currents is such that no ice bergs are carried into the area concerned.
b) i) Low approximately 50 N
High centred approximately 35 N 150 W
Low ITCZ approximately 10 N
ii) Circulation clockwise around High.
NE Trades and Westerlies.
SE Trades south of Equator.
iii) North of the Bering Strait. Northern Hemisphere, September, Summer.
4 (a) State the specific responsibilities of EACH of the following when operating together as a
bridge team:
(i) the Master: (8)
(ii) the Pilot: (6)
(iii ) the Officer of the Watch. (6)
(b) State the additional responsibilities of the OOW when the master is not present on the bridge
when a pilot is on board. (5)
(c) With reference to Master Pilot exchange, outline FIVE items of information that:
(i ) the Master should give to the Pilot immediately on reaching the bridge; (10)
(ii) the Pilot should give to the Master immediately on reaching the bridge. (10)
a) i) Master.
• In Command, makes executive decisions about the conduct of the passage.
• Monitors performance of the Pilot, assessing the validity of the Pilot’s advice.
• Monitors performance of the OOW, assessing the validity of information provided.
• Monitors performance of Ratings.
• May delegate conduct of the passage to the Pilot, but retains overall responsibility.
ii) Pilot.
• Informs the Master of details of the port.
• Informs the Master of the proposed conduct of the passage.
• Advises the Master as to the conduct of the passage.
iii) OOW.
• Monitors the vessel’s position, course and speed; and relates to the Passage Plan.
• Informs the Master of progress related to the Passage Plan.
• Informs the Master of any deviation from the Passage Plan.
• Monitors the performance of Ratings.
OOW becomes the Master’s representative and assumes the responsibilities stated above.
Informs the Master of progress as required.
Informs the Master if there is any concern as to the conduct of the passage.
i) Ship’s head, speed, engine setting.
Pilot Card, vessel’s dimensions, bulbous bow, thrusters, draught, displacement, air draft,
manoeuvring characteristics, anchor details, type and cable length.
Defects of Bridge equipment and machinery.
Intended Passage Plan to Berth.
Pilot’s LSA.
ii) Identity.
Passage Plan to berth; speed variations, areas of shallow water or other features requiring
particular care, tide and / or current conditions, weather conditions, use of tugs and mooring boats,
berth and side alongside, mooring pattern.
New hazards to navigation; shoals, wrecks, special operations.
Traffic expected, particularly dredgers, restricted craft, deep draught vessels.
New local regulations affecting the passage, reporting requirements.
5 The vessel completes cargo operations with a draft of 15.4 metres and en route to the open sea
is required to cross a shoal patch with a charted depth of 12.0 meters, in the approaches to
Cleveland Passage (ATT 8656). The Master requires that a minimum UKC of 1.2 metres is maintained
at all times.
The vessel is due to transit the passage on the PM ebb tide on the 2nd August.
(a) Using Worksheet Q5, determine the latest time that the vessel can cross the shoal. (25)
(b) State, giving reasons, how much reliance the Master should place on the tidal data obtained in
b) Annotations to Cleveland Passage in Tide Tables.
d Differences approximate.
x M.L. inferred.
The predictions should be treated with caution.
It may be preferable to cross at HW.
The Master should also consider the factors which may affect the Predicted Height and Time of Tide, and
actual UKC.
Atmospheric Pressure. High Pressure reduces, Low Pressure increases, water level.
Wind. onshore or offshore, may affect height and timing of tides.
Negative surge.
Accuracy of surveys.
5 Tropical Revolving Storms are common at certain times of the year in the South Pacific Ocean,
especially to the North of New Zealand and off the East Coast of Australia.
(c) Compile a set of Masters standing orders for use when the vessel encounters heavy weather for
EACH of the following:
(i) the OOW; (7)
(ii) general standing orders which are relevant to the safety of the vessel. (8)
Standing Orders. Heavy Weather. OOW.
Alerting personnel and initiating precautionary measures.
Call me at any time that weather deteriorates to the extent of causing concern.
Decrease in Atmospheric Pressure.
Wind greater than Beaufort Force 6.
Waves of sufficient height to cause water to be shipped on deck.
Check for fresh forecasts indicating probable severity of conditions.
Inform Heads of Department of anticipated conditions.
Stop work being carried out in exposed areas on deck.
Organise closure of watertight and weather doors.
Start second steering motor.
Engage hand steering.
Post lookout.
Record meteorological data hourly, monitor trends.
Monitor vessel motion and decrease speed and / or alter course if required, then call Master.
Be alert for synchronous rolling and alter course if experienced.
Standing Orders. Heavy Weather. General.
• Safety of personnel, watertight integrity of the hull, security of items on deck and inside the hull,
• Access to the deck and exterior accommodation decks to be appropriately controlled by Permit to Work
• All personnel to be informed of anticipated severity of conditions.
• All external watertight and weather doors to be closed.
• Air pipes to underdeck spaces, fuel and water tanks to be covered, or self sealing arrangements proved
• Lifelines to be rigged along essential routes on deck.
• Anchor lashings to be checked for security and additional lashings considered.
• Securing arrangements of cranes, derricks, gangways, accommodation ladders, and similar equipment to
be checked; additional lashings to be considered.
• Deck to be checked for loose items; these to be adequately secured or moved to protected locations.
• FFA and LSA in exposed locations to be adequately secured or moved to protected locations.
• Equipment in public spaces to be secured or moved to secure locations.
• Personal items in cabins to be secured.
• Improve stability as practicable:
fill or empty tanks
empty swimming pools
check that scuppers and freeing ports are clear.
1. Vessels are required to ensure that navigational charts and publications are corrected up to date
prior to commencing a passage. This is usually done by using weekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners
and chart tracings.
Vessels are also required to ensure that all relevant radio navigational warnings are taken into
account when received.
(a) Describe the context and content of EACH of the following:
(i) Admiralty Weekly Notices to Mariners; (8)
(ii) Navarea warnings; (12)
(iii) Coastal warnings. (8)
(b) Vessels are required to carry charts and publications sufficient to allow planning of the ships
intended voyage.
State the publications required, for the vessel in question. (12)
i) Admiralty Weekly Notices to Mariners
• Issued by UK Hydrographic Office weekly as paper documents and internet downloads.
• Admiralty NMs contain all the corrections, alterations and amendments for the UKHO's worldwide series
of Admiralty Charts and Publications.
• Publications List
• Index of publications affected.
• I Explanatory Notes. Publications List
• II Admiralty Notices to Mariners. Updates to Standard Nautical Charts
• III Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings
• IV Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions
• V Amendments to Admiralty Lists of Lights and Fog Signals
• VI Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals
ii) NAVAREA Warnings
• Issued by the World-Wide Navigation Warning Service for 16 NAVAREAS identified by roman numerals,
containing information concerning principal shipping routes which are necessary for mariners to know
before entering coastal waters.
• The coordinating authority of each area collates warnings for that geographical area.
• The coordinating authority broadcasts warnings through SafetyNet and NAVTEX, and printed in Admiralty
Notices to Mariners.
• Broadcast details are found in ALRS V3.
a. Failure and changes of major navigation aids.
b. Failures of and changes to long-range electronic position fixing systems (GPS Loran C)
c. Newly discovered wrecks or natural hazards.
d. Areas where SAR or anti-pollution operations are taking place (for avoidance of such areas.)
e. Seismic surveys and other underwater activities in certain areas.
f. Positions of mobile drilling rigs (RIGLISTS) and other oil gas related activities.
iii) Coastal Warnings.
• Issued for particular coastal regions and containing information to assist the mariner in coastal navigation
• up to the entrances of ports.
• Broadcast on NAVTEX and VHF by HM Coastguard MRCC.
• Usually identified by prefix WZ and numbered.
• Casualties to major light fog signals, major floating lights and more important buoys.
• Drifting mines and derelicts in congested waters when the information is resent and sufficiently
• accurate.
• Large unwieldy tows in congested waters.
• Dangerous wrecks and new or amended shoal depths.
• Establishment of salvage buoys in congested waters.
• Areas where SAR and antipollution operations are being carried out (for avoidance of such areas.)
• Negative Surges.
• Irregularities in the transmission of differential corrections to the Global Positioning System (DGPS).
• New positions of mobile drilling rigs (RIGMOVES).
• Cable operations or certain other underwater activities.
For the area and time of year concerned:
• International Code of Signals (IMO)
• The Mariner’s Handbook (UKHO).
• Merchant Shipping Notices, Marine Guidance Notes and Marine Information Notes (MCA).
• Notices to Mariners (UKHO).
• Notices to Mariners Annual Summary (UKHO)
• Lists of Radio Signals (UKHO).
• Lists of Lights (UKHO).
• Sailing Directions (UKHO).
• Nautical Almanac (HMNAO).
• Tide Tables (UKHO)
• Tidal Stream Atlases (UKHO)
• Operating and Maintenance Instructions for Navigation Aids carried by the Ship.
• Ocean Passages for the World.
• Navigational charts, to the largest scale available.
• Planning charts covering the area concerned.
• Routeing Charts.
• Mariner’s Routeing Guides
2. The vessel is due to depart Falmouth, in ballast, on the 4th February.
The owners have asked the Master to compare the distances between Bishop Rock and New York via
the following routes:
The recommended route as per Datasheet Q2( I) and Q2(2)
The direct rhumb line route
The following departure and landfall positions should be used.
Departure Position 49°47'.0N 6°27'.0W (5 miles South of Bishop Rock)
Landfall Position 48°20'.0N 73°50'.0W (Approaches to New York) Correction 40°20.0’ N
(b) Explain why the recommended route is preferred to the rhumb line track. (10)
c) Explain how a Gnomonic chart can be used in conjunction with a Mercator chart when planning a
great circle passage. (15)
b) The recommended route is preferred to avoid the hazards of crossing the Grand Banks 2.62.1.
These include:
• Many fishing vessels.
• Oil and Gas rigs and associated vessels.
• High incidence of fog.
• Probability of pack ice at this time of year.
• Possibility of icebergs at this time of year.
• High incidence of Polar Frontal Depressions, high winds, waves and swell.
• Strong and variable currents.
Gnomonic Charts have the property that Great Circle Tracks are straight lines.
In practice tracks followed are normally Rhumb Lines, which are straight lines on Mercator Charts.
Planning a Great Circle track may be done by:
Plotting the Great Circle on a Gnomonic chart.
Picking off the Latitudes of Waypoints at regularly space Longitudes, typically 5° apart, from the
Gnomonic chart.
Plotting the Waypoints on a Mercator Chart.
Following the Rhumb Line tracks by Mercator sailing between the Waypoints so plotted.
The route is plotted on navigational charts and checked for navigational hazards.
Routeing charts may also be used to check for meteorological hazards.
4(a) Describe the preparations that should be made when a vessel is due to encounter
heavy weather. (15)
Consider deviation to minimise effects of adverse weather.
Brief all personnel of anticipated conditions as relevant.
Monitor communications for forecasts of weather conditions.
Increase frequency of meteorological observations.
Inform all departments of anticipated severity of conditions.
Anticipate reducing speed.
Secure all loose items against anticipated vessel motion.
Consider additional securing of vulnerable items, anchors in particular.
Check the security and status of all items related to the watertight integrity of the hull.
Minimise free surface in tanks.
Rig lifelines on deck.
Move vulnerable LSA and FFE to safe locations.
Advise personnel to secure personal possessions against anticipated vessel motion.
Consider issuing motion sickness medication as required.
Plan work routines to allow for anticipated conditions, hand steering may be required.
Operate Permit to Work system for anticipated conditions.
ER change to low suctions.
Check navigation and communications aerials for security.
Plan catering provision for anticipated conditions.
5. Vessels trading between the East coast of the USA and ports in the Caribbean encounter numerous
navigational hazards when approaching and navigating through the Caribbean sea.
(a) With reference to Datasheet Q5(a), outline the main navigational hazards to be considered when
passage planning in these waters. (20)
(b) Vessels transiting the waters are encouraged to take part in the AMVER programme.
Describe the various types of AMVER reports to be made. (15)
Strong N winds over coastal waters in the Gulf of Mexico.
Most hurricanes track north of Cuba.
From May to December periods of heavy rain and thunderstorms are frequent.
High swells in the Caribbean, particularly in June and July.
Currents, west bound in the Caribbean, strongly northward through the Yucatan Channel, around the Gulf
of Mexico, East to the Florida Strait and strongly northwards through and out of the Florida Strait.
In the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico some charts are based on old and imperfect surveys, requiring great
care near cays and banks.
Depths over shoals may be reduced by coral growth since the last survey.
Many banks are steep to, giving little warning of shoal water.
Strong currents are to be expected in the entrance channels to the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico,
particularly the Florida Strait.
Caicos Passage is not lighted.
Turks Island Passage is not lighted at its southern end.
Mona passage is subject to heavy squalls.
Sombrero passage is not lighted in its southern approach.
Currents near Morant Cays are very variable.
New Bank and Alice Shoal are charted mainly from a survey in 1835.
Campeche Bank has not been recently surveyed.
Sailing Plan (SP) This report contains the complete routing information and should be sent within a few
hours before departure, upon departure, or within a few hours after departure. It must contain enough
information to predict the vessel's actual position within 25 nautical miles at any time during the voyage,
assuming the Sailing Plan is followed exactly.
Position Report (PR) This report should be sent within 24 hours of departing port and at least once every
48 hours thereafter. The destination should be included (at least in the first few reports) in case Amver
has not received the Sailing Plan information.
Deviation Report (DR) This report should be sent as soon as any voyage information changes which could
affect Amver's ability to accurately predict the vessel's position.
Final Arrival Report (FR) This report should be sent upon arrival at the port of destination. This report
properly terminates the voyage in Amver's computer, ensures the vessel will not appear on an Amver
SURPIC until its next voyage, and allows the number of days on plot to be correctly updated