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Career Assessment Portfolio: Interests, Values, Skills

Focus 2 Portfolio
Krityug S Nischal
Work Interest Assessment
Completion Date September 11, 2021
The Creators
The Helpers
The Persuaders
Your Holland Code Is:
Prefer to be expressive and like the opportunity to create new things and be innovative.
Typically do not like structure or conformity.
Prefer to use their imagination and be creative.
Enjoy activities such as: writing, poetry, photography, designing, singing, acting, dancing,
painting, attending theaters and exhibits, and reading.
The Creators
Prefer to work with others with the team approach to problem solving.
Enjoy teaching, caring for others, volunteering, mediating disputes, meeting new people,
and working in groups.
Highly verbal, express themselves well, and get along well in groups.
Describe themselves as cooperative, friendly, and understanding.
The Helpers
Enjoy selling and promoting, having power and status, giving talks and speeches, and
leading groups.
Enjoy in!uencing others and being in a leadership position.
Often use their skills to in!uence others.
Often enjoy discussing politics and competitive activities. Self-con"dent, talkative and
The Persuaders
Prefer orderly, systematic work such as keeping records, and organizing written and
numerical materials according to a plan.
Like to see things run e#ciently and smoothly.
Pay attention to administrative details.
Enjoy working with numbers, using a computer, keeping accurate records, and organizing.
The Organizers
Have a strong desire to understand cause and e$ect and solve puzzles and problems.
Often work in jobs that are scienti"c in nature. Their work often involves the analysis of
data, using formulas, graphs and numbers.
Enjoy using computers, solving math problems, interpreting formulas, and thinking
Prefer to work independently with minimum supervision.
The Thinkers
Prefer to work with objects and things.
Enjoy being physically active, repairing equipment, rebuilding cars, "xing electrical things,
solving mechanical problems, playing sports, and working outdoors.
Enjoy creating things with their hands and using tools and machines.
May enjoy working with large, powerful machines like tractors. Prefer precision machinery
such as X-ray or electronic equipment.
The Doers
! Occupations Matching Your Results
Values Assessment
Completion Date September 12, 2021
Artistic Creativity
Helping Others
Being able to express creative ideas through the arts.
Create new ideas, programs, things, or anything else not previously developed by another person.
Being involved in helping other people in a direct way either individually or in a small group.
! Occupations that match all 3 Values that you have selected
! Occupations that match 2 of 3 Values that you selected that you may want to
Personality Assessment
Completion Date September 12, 2021
You approach projects and work with a sense of responsibility for getting the
job done in a systematic way.
You like to work on projects where the goals and procedures can be clearly
You are practical and prefer to work on projects where you can use your
abilities to organize the tasks and deal with the facts in an e#cient and sensible
You place great emphasis on the accuracy of the facts. You make decisions
based on logic and work steadily towards thorough completion of a job.
Your Personality Type
Choosing Your Career:
People with your personality type are attracted to occupations where you can combine your talents for doing things accurately,
and for logical organization of details. Examples of such occupations can be found in "elds such as engineering, business
administration and accounting, health technology, industrial technology, production, and construction.
! Occupations Matching Your Results
# Additional Occupations Matching Your Results
Skills Assessment
Completion Date September 12, 2021
Fine Arts
Painting, drawing, crafting, sculpting and creative designing.
Actively looking for ways to help people.
Paying attention to what other people are saying, and taking time to understand the points being made.
! Occupations that match all 3 Skills that you have selected
! Occupations that match 2 of 3 Skills that you selected that you may want to
! Additional Occupations that match 2 of 3 Skills that you selected that you may
want to consider
Leisure Interest Assessment
Completion Date September 12, 2021
The Thinkers
The Thinkers
The Doers
The Persuaders
The Organizers
The Helpers
The Creators
The Doers
The Persuaders
Like to be involved in activities that have to do with ideas and thinking and search for
facts and "gure out problems mentally.
Like to observe, learn, investigate, analyze, evaluate, or solve problems.
Prefer working with ideas rather than with people or things.
Often described as being analytical, curious, methodical, rational, cautious, independent,
precise, reserved, complex, intellectual, and modest.
Prefer hands-on activities, and tend to focus on things in the physical world.
Enjoy working with tools or machines, and often gravitate to toward careers that can be
performed outdoors.
Often described as being frank, genuine, humble, practical, natural, and persistent
Like to in!uence others.
Enjoy persuading others to see their point of view.
Like to work with people and ideas, rather than things.
Often described as being adventurous, energetic, optimistic, agreeable, extroverted,
popular, sociable, self-con"dent, and ambitious.
Like to be involved in activities that follow set procedures and routines.
Like to work with data and details, have clerical or numerical ability, and carry out tasks in
great detail.
Often described as being conforming, practical, careful, obedient, thrifty, e#cient, orderly,
conscientious, and persistent.
Enjoy helping and advising people.
Tend to be concerned about peoples' welfare.
Promote learning and personal development and are very interested in human
Often described as being helpful, responsible, warm, cooperative, idealistic, sociable,
tactful, friendly, kind, sympathetic, generous, patient, and understanding.
Tend to be creative and intuitive.
Enjoy activities like writing, painting, sculpturing, playing a musical instrument,
performing, etc.
Enjoy working in an unstructured environment where they can use their imagination and
Often described as being: open, imaginative, original, intuitive, emotional, independent,
idealistic, and unconventional.
! Occupations Matching Your Results
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