2017 IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensors Modelling of Intelligent Intrusion Detection System: Making a case for Snort Rashidah Funke Olanrewaju#1, Ku Afiza Ku Zahir#2, Ani liza Asnawi#3, Mistura L. Sanni##4 Abdulkadir Adekunle Ahmed*5 # Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia 1frashidah@iium.edu.my, 2kuunorafiza@gmail.com, 3aniliza@iium.edu.my ## Department of Computer Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria 4misturasanni@gmail.com * Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria 5abdulkadiradekunle@live.com implementation was done (MATLAB), and Snort. Abstract—Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a dynamic network security defense technology that can help to provide realtime detection of internal and external attacks on a computer network and alerting the administration for necessary action. However, the inconsistent nature of networks has resulted in a high number of false positives which makes many network administrators thought IDS to be unreliable for today’s network security system. Nowadays, hackers and attackers have created many new viruses and malware to invade one’s computer network system. Hence, this study proposes a method for early detection of an intrusion by using Snort software. The data collected was used to train the Multilayer Feedforward Neural Network (MLFNN) with Back-propagation (BP) algorithm. This MLFNN with BP algorithm was simulated using MATLAB software. The performance of this classifier was evaluated based on three parameters: accuracy, sensitivity, and False Positive Rate (FPR). Preprocessing was done to classify the output data into normal and attack. Performance evaluation was done using confusion matrix on the data. The results showed that network-based intrusion detection system could be employed for early detection of intrusion due to the excellent performance recorded which were 94.92% of accuracy, 97.97% for sensitivity, and 0.69% for FPR. Keywords—intrusion artificial intelligence detection system; network MATrix LABoratory The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 provides a review on IDS; Section 3 describes the methodology; Section 4 provides analysis of the experimental results and Section 5 concludes the paper and offers our plan for future work. II. INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM Nowadays, the internet is accessible from all over the place. With the growing number of electronic devices connected to the web, computer network security could be endangered. This problem has risen the question on how to effectively defend the computer network from internal and external attacks [3]. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) could be the first line defense mechanism to detect intrusion before computer network is endangered. This section covered the discussion of all elements of this study which includes an introduction to IDS, types of IDS, software used for detection, evaluation of IDS, limitations, and challenges. The implementation of IDS can be as Host-based IDS (HIDS) or Network-based IDS (NIDS) which are the two types. According to Vijayarani and Syllviaa [4], HIDS is used to detect intrusions that cannot be detected by NIDS due to the system’s more massive scale and comprehensiveness. Achieving realtime detection and prompt response in NIDS are possible through a collection of information from the network rather than from each host [4,5]. It can also retain the evidence of the attacks. Although they are different types of IDS, the functionalities are quite similar which is to detect intrusions in a computer network and alert the user accordingly [5]. HIDS acts like a virus scanner, where it scans-traffic-destined-for-the hostand generates-alarm for any sign of malicious activity [4]. As for NIDS, the concept is much simpler than HIDS. It connects the device to the network like a network protocol analyzer [5]. NIDS closely monitors all network traffic and generates an alarm to the user upon sensing any form of intrusion. IDS is a system which can help to reduce the risk of losing all the information and data security; I. INTRODUCTION Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a component of a computer network system acting as an alarm. Generally, IDS alerts the user before the network of equipment is endangered when it detects internal and external intrusion. Over the years, operating system security technology has been enhanced to prevent issues of confidentiality, integrity, and availability in a network [1]. Initially, system administrator implements IDS manually by monitoring the network through a console [2]. The primary objective of this study was to design a network security system implementing the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) using Back Propagation (BP) algorithm. The study developed an ANN model to investigate the performance of IDS. The 978-1-5386-1971-1/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE using 1 2017 IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensors stored on the network as it contributes to strengthening the security of a system. Meanwhile, traditional IDS are known as signature-based, which only detect known patterns [4], which may give rise to the problem as the nature of the network varies from time to time [6]. A good system should not be a "black box," which means the inside of a working system should be examinable from outside [7]. A sound system must be adaptive. Although every system has a different usage pattern, a suitable defense mechanism should be able to adapt quickly. There is mainly two major software used for IDS, which are Snort and Suricata [8]. Suricata is a better software to be used as it shows higher accuracy than Snort. Also, Snort has less-control-alertstriggered-by-the-attack than Suricata. However, Suricata requires more considerable processing compared to Snort to reach its operational capacity faster [9]. IDS was evaluated using Support Vector Machines (SVM) as a mechanism in the study presented by Mohammadpour et al. [10]. It was a review of various techniques of IDS using SVM as a classifier with false alarm and detection rate as a measure of performance. Brindasri and Saravanan [5] used Markov Chain implementing K-Means as classifier and Apriori algorithm to remove infrequent data from the database and used to evaluate the performance of NIDS. K-Means clustering is also used in our design of ANN for the phase classification and clustering the data. There are other approaches to evaluating IDS such as Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Linear Model [11]. In data formatting, most organizations used KD 99 Cup dataset to test the performance of IDS which are also used for research purposes. Parkinson’s disease database obtained from Oxford Parkinson’s Disease Detection Dataset was used in Olanrewaju et al. [12]. Classification can be done using K-Means, an unsupervised algorithm that defines an unlabeled class to which the clustering is performed [5]. Sometimes the system alerts the user when there is no intrusion in the computer network [13], this is called False Positive. Although the percentage of False Positive is minimized, it is still not a 100% accurate system where it is unable to detect every single intrusion whenever it happens [14]. Fig.1. Methodology A. Materials and Methods Fig. 1 shows Intrusion Detection System (IDS) step-by-step implementation procedure using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with Back-Propagation (BP) algorithm. Snort, a free open source software is available for download from http://www.snort.org/ [8], is compatible for use on both Linux and Windows platforms. III. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Detection and Classification are the two required steps which were implemented using Artificial Intelligence (Snort) and MATLAB respectively. Fig. 1 shows the methodology of this study. I) Create rules for Snort: Snort is pre-installed with all the ground rules. However, rules can be added based on the requirement of the system. From Fig. 2, there are three major types of rules in Snort software [9]. A received packet by Snort is checked using the rules sequentially in the order shown in Fig. 2. First, the received packet will go through all Alert rules before it is allowed to pass if no threat is detected. This order can be set in many ways. However, this is the most secure way since no packet passes through without being checked first. Alert rules Fig.2. Pass rules Log rules Three basic types of rules in Snort The order for this rule is written in the snort.conf file which is stored in C:/Snort/etc/snort.conf. There are many preinstalled rules when Snort is downloaded. However, some rules 2 2017 IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensors are added to meet this study’s requirement. The additional rules added to Snort software is shown in Fig. 3. C. Performance Evaluation In this study, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) was evaluated using three main parameters. These are accuracy, sensitivity and False Positive Rate (FPR). Accuracy is the percentage of correct alerts to all recorded warnings or how close are the predicted values to the actual values; this is computed in this study as given in (1). Fig.3. Additional experimental rules in Snort (1) Where, TP is True Positive TN is True Negative B. Feature Extraction For result analysis, only 35 features out of 41 were used to examine the performance of IDS. Four broad categories of attacks were considered in the dataset; this includes Denial of Services (DoS), Remote to Local (R2L), User to Root (U2R), and Probing [15]. Table I shows the Classification of attack types to four broad categories of attacks. TABLE I. ∗ 100 = II) Train and format data: All the data and information of the attacks are stored using the logging command in Snort. However, data training and formatting were done separately using MATLAB software by the nntools application. The dataset used was to determine the performance of IDS using Snort. All the data stored from Snort is called as Snort_dataset. FP is False Positive FN is False Negative, for all equations. Sensitivity is the measure of predicted output with respect to the change in input or the ratio of true positives that are identified correctly. Sensitivity can be calculated using the confusion matrix. Theoretically, it can be calculated as shown in (2). CLASSIFICATION OF ATTACKS = ∗ 100 (2) False Positive Rate (FPR) can be described as the percentage of normal data in a database which is wrongly recognized as an attack and is computed as given in (3). = 100 (3) IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT AND ANALYSIS 500 of the sorted data during formatting phase have been selected to analyze the performance of the classifier. In MATLAB, nntool (Neural Network Toolbox) was used to classify and train data into the respective category of attack: Normal, Denial of Services (DoS), Remote to Local (R2L), User to Root (U2R), and Probing. For performance analysis, the metrics used are accuracy, sensitivity and False Positive Rate (FPR). A DoS attack is a category of attack in which the hackers make the memory resources too busy in serving the network requests hence causing the system to deny the users access while in U2R attacks local root privileges are invaded by unauthorized access [13]. Hackers will first send a packet to the system over the network, then invade the network’s vulnerabilities to gain local access illegally in an R2L attack while Probing attack is another trick the hackers used to get information about the target host [16]. 3 2017 IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensors TABLE II. PRE-PROCESSING RESULT Table II shows the product after pre-processing phase where features from the data were converted into the target data. After pre-processing, the dataset was then trained using MATLAB software with the nntool. From this dataset, only 100 from each category of attack concerning for the training and data evaluation purposes. In Table III, the result shown is the illustration for data training process including the model proposed in this study. The Neural Network model was generated from MATLAB software with specification as indicated in Table IV. Fig. 4 is the proposed Neural Network model. TABLE III. 35 Hidden nodes 5 Learning Rate 0.9 Epoch 405 iteration from 500 0.7 Transfer function for output layer Linear transfer functio n (pureli n) The training and testing datasets are compared to the target data. The Neural Network with Back Propagation algorithm was trained until the desired mean square error (MSE) of 0.001 is achieved. Table IV shows the performance of neural network training algorithm. The bottom row indicates the overall accuracy of the training phase. TABLE IV. Time 0.00.4 Networ k training functio n Levenver gMarquardt back propagati on (trainlm) Output nodes Performan ce mean squared error Transfer function for hidden layer Weight/bia s function TRAINING PERFORMANCE FOR PROPOSED NEURAL NETWORK Category of attacks % of correctly classified data Normal 100 100 DoS 100 92.35 U2R 100 91.54 R2L 100 93.21 Probing 100 97.50 Overall Accuracy for classification = (Accuracy(normal) + Accuracy (DoS) + Accuracy(U2R) + Accuracy (R2L) + Accuracy (Probing)) / 5 DATA TRAINING SPECIFICATION Input nodes Momentu m constant Fig.4. Proposed neural network model 5 0.001 Hyperboli c tangent sigmoid transfer function (tansig) Gradient descent with momentu m (learngd m) % of training data for each attack Accuracy 100% 92.35% 91.54% 93.21% 97.50% 94.92% The values obtained from confusion matrix was used to calculate the sensitivity and false positive rate. Table V shows the confusion matrix data for the training set. TABLE V. 4 CONFUSION MATRIX 2017 IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensors The sensitivity of the system can be calculated by taking the recall value as stated in the 6th row. Theoretically, the sensitivity is calculated as, = = + . REFERENCES [1] 100 [2] . . = 97.97% [3] It shows that the proposed neural network model has a suitable detection mechanism. As for the False Positive Rate, the column (labeled class 5) in confusion matrix can be indicated as the detected attacks to be normal. The first four values are misclassified as an attack thus, resulting in the False Positive Rate (FPR). FPR can be calculated as follows, FPR = . . . . [4] [5] × 100 = 0.69% [6] V. CONCLUSION In this study, Intrusion detection and classification was done using Artificial Neural Network with Back Propagation algorithm. The attributes are classified into 40 types, and only 35 of them were used as the primary attributes. 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