AGREEMENT No: SC-XX-47T-DB-L2L 20211015 Transaction Reference Code:144A:S:G4639DVY8 Delivery Date: 16 MAY 2023 PAYMENT GUARANTEE LETTER TO: STRONG CONFIDENCE HOLDINGS LIMITED Transaction €47,000,000,000,000 (FORTY-SEVEN TRILLION EUROS TOTAL TRANSFER AMOUNT: €47,000,000,000,000.00 (FORTY-SEVEN TRILLION EUROS) LEDGER TO LEDGER I, MR. XXXX, with Passport NO. XXX XXXX, as CEO of the company representing XXX XXXXXX, having its office address at XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX . Here with referred as the Receiver, under penalty of perjury do hereby irrevocably confirm and irrevocably accept to pay all intermediaries and fee holders as per below PGL and with AGREEMENT №.: No: SC-XX-47T-DB-L2L 20211015 Transaction Reference Code: 144A:S:G4639DVY8 I, MR. XXXX, with Passport NO. XXX XXXX, as CEO of the company representing XXX XXXXXX, irrevocably confirm that we will order and direct our bank to endorse automatic payment orders to the beneficiaries named below; furthermore, we, the Receiver, confirm that all pay orders shall automatically transfer funds as directed into each beneficiary designated bank account within 1 (one) day after the date of receive each tranche of investment funds payment for during the contract term plus any/or extensions and rollover ofthe specified contract. For the purpose of clarity, we confirm that the closing and completion of each payment shall be deemed to take place when the Receiver has been received the funds into Receiver bank account for each tranche. I, MR. XXXX, with Passport NO. XXX XXXX, as CEO of the company representing XXX XXXXXX, agrees to provide all beneficiaries with written evidence of the pay orders lodged with our bank together with acknowledgements of their acceptance. Furthermore,our bank shall be instructed to provide duly signed and stamped acknowledgement of this instruction as set out in the annex. Forming part of this agreement it is understood that for the purposes of this Master Fee Protection Agreement, our bank shall be the same bank and this IMFPA acts as an integral part of it. AGREEMENT No: SC-XX-47T-DB-L2L 20211015 Transaction Reference Code:144A:S:G4639DVY8 Delivery Date: 16 MAY 2023 I, MR. XXXX, with Passport NO. XXX XXXX, as CEO of the company representing XXX XXXXXX, being Receiver or the Receivers named legally authorized representative as stated within the signed and legally binding main transaction, contract unconditionally agree and undertake to approve and originate all payments in EURO currency to all beneficiaries named below as their rightful and payable fees to all consultants and intermediaries involved. This agreement also acts as a record confirming the amounts of the fees for each named beneficiary as set out below: TOTAL FEES SHALL BE PAID BY RECEIVER AS FOLLOWS: The amount delivered should be settled as herein stated to be transferred into the account as follows I, MR. XXXX, with Passport NO. XXX XXXX, as CEO of the company representing XXX XXXXXX, hereby has no right to change this document after signature and hereby agree to adhere to this document without fail. Should I also acknowledge should I ignore this signed Payment Guarantee Letter (PGL) I can be held legally responsible! PAYER: INVESTOR: STRONG CONFIDENCE HOLDINGS LIMITED NADIYA ZAYATS ROOM B, 10/F., TOWER A, BILLION CENTRE, 1 WANG KWONG ROAD, KOWLOON BAY,KOWLOON HONG KONG PASSPORT Nº: YA3430932 ISSUE PLACE: ITALY ISSUING DATE: 01.08.2012 EXPIRING DATE: 31.07.2022 AGREEMENT No: SC-XX-47T-DB-L2L 20211015 Transaction Reference Code: 144A:S:G4639DVY8 Delivery Date : 16 MAY 2023 SENDER/PARTY A: 25% ( TWENTY FIVE PERCENT) - PAYMENT OF TRANCHE AND FOR THETOTAL CONTRACT WITH R&E AND NOMINATED PAYMASTER AND BANK DETAILS: WALLET ADDRESS SENDER (GROUP 2) : 3 0 % (THIRTY PERCENT) USDT (ERC 20) QR CODE NOTE : * Beneficiary has the right to change Bank Account or Wallet at least 48 hours before payment CONSULTANT FEE SENDER Sender Side Fund Share: (SENDER’S PAYMASTER TO MAKE PAYOUT AS PER GIVEN SHARE) PARTY A2: SENDER CONSULTANT: 2.5% (TWO PIONT FIVE PERCENT) PAYMENT INCLUDING ROLLS AND EXTENSION, AS FOLLOWS: SENDER (GROUP 3) : 2.5% (TWO PERCENT) WALLET ADDRESS USDT (ERC 20) QR CODE 2.5% PARTY A2: SENDER CONSULTANT: 2.5% (TWO PIONT FIVE PERCENT) PAYMENT INCLUDING ROLLS AND EXTENSION, AS FOLLOWS: SENDER (GROUP 3) : 2.5% (TWO PERCENT) WALLET ADDRESS USDT (ERC 20) QR CODE 2.5 % PARTY A3: SENDER CONSULTANT: 2.25% (TWO PIONT TWO FIVE PERCENT) PAYMENT INCLUDING ROLLS AND EXTENSION, AS FOLLOWS: SENDER (GROUP 3) : 2.25% (TWO PIONT TWO FIVE PERCENT) WALLET ADDRESS USDT (ERC 20) QR CODE 0xE5Be8ace9d24a4a7077BD9377bf999B623a0c30 F 2.25 % PARTY A4: SENDER CONSULTANT: 2.25% (TWO PIONT TWO FIVE PERCENT) PAYMENT INCLUDING ROLLS AND EXTENSION, AS FOLLOWS: SENDER (GROUP 4) : 2.25% (TWO PIONT TWO FIVEPERCENT) WALLET ADDRESS USDT (ERC 20) QR CODE 0x22d25712A76F817B34A5Ab79ab228CDd10c2b d97 2 .25% PARTY A5: SENDER CONSULTANT: 1.5% (ONE PIONT FIVE PERCENT) PAYMENT INCLUDING ROLLS AND EXTENSION, AS FOLLOWS: 1. AMOUNT €940.000,000,000.00 WALLA TADDRE SS WALLA TADDRE SS 3LCTMaPmC76wKbjcF3djwdJzEawB8o6sHg USDT ERC20 BENEFICIARIES: JQLSERVICES LTD1.0% CHINAHUADAINDUSTRIALCO.LIMITED1.0 QRCODE AGREEMENT No: SC-XX-47T-DB-L2L 20211015 Transaction Reference Code: 144A:S:G4639DVY8 Delivery Date : 16 MAY 2023 RECEIVER/ PARTY B: 64% (SIXTY FOUR PERCENT) - PAYMENT OF TRANCHE AND FOR THE TOTAL CONTRACTWITH R&E AND NOMINATED PAYMASTER AND BANK DETAILS: RECIEVER ER (GROUP 1) : Xxx% (SIXTY PERCENT) WALLET ADDRESS USDT (ERC 20) QR CODE Xxxx% NOTE : * Beneficiary has the right to change Bank Account at least 48 hours before payment AGREEMENT No: SC-XX-47T-DB-L2L 20211015 Transaction Reference Code:144A:S:G4639DVY8 Delivery Date :16 MAY 2023 CONSULTANT FEE Sl RECEIVER Reciever Side Fund Share: (SENDER’S PAYMASTER TO MAKE PAYOUT AS PER GIVEN SHARE) Receiver Side Fund Share: INVESTOR PASSPORT COPY: AGREEMENT No: SC-XX-47T-DB-L2L 20211015 Transaction Reference Code: TBA Delivery Date : 25 JULY 2022 PAYER PASSPORT/ID COPY: PAYER: INVESTOR: STRONG CONFIDENCE HOLDINGS LIMITED NADIYA ZAYATS ROOM B, 10/F., TOWER A, BILLION CENTRE, 1 WANG KWONG ROAD, KOWLOON BAY,KOWLOON HONG KONG PASSPORT Nº: YA3430932 ISSUE PLACE: ITALY ISSUING DATE: 01.08.2012 EXPIRING DATE: 31.07.2022 AGREEMENT No: SC-XX-47T-DB-L2L 20211015 Transaction Reference Code: TBA Delivery Date : 25 JULY 2022 PLANNING OF THE SWIFT MT103 TRANSFER TRANCHE No. TRANCHES FACE VALUE TRANCHE 1. €500,000,000,000.00 (FIVE HUNDRED BILLION EURO) TRANCHE 2. €600,000,000,000.00 (FIVE HUNDRED BILLION EURO) TRANCHE 3. €500,000,000,000.00 (FIVE HUNDRED BILLION EURO) TRANCHE 4. €1,000,000,000,000.00 (ONE TRILLION EURO) TRANCHE 5. €4,850,000,000,000.00 (FOUR TRILLION EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY BILLION EURO) TRANCHE 6. €10,000,000,000,000.00 (TEN TRILLION EURO) TRANCHE 7. €10,000,000,000,000.00 (TEN TRILLION EURO) TRANCHE 8. €10,000,000,000,000.00 (TEN TRILLION EURO) TRANCHE 9. €10,000,000,000,000.00 (TEN TRILLION EURO) TOTAL €47,000,000,000,000.00 (FORTY SEVEN TRILLION EURO) FOR A TOTAL DOWNLOAD AMOUNT OF €47´000’000’000’000,00 (FORTY SEVEN TRILLION EUROS): BY AFFIRMING THEIR SIGNATURE ON THIS PAGE BOTH PARTY-A AND PARTY-B WILL DEEM THIS AGREEMENT AS LEGALLY BINDING AND ENFORCEABLE. AGREED AND ACCEPTED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF: PAYER: INVESTOR: STRONG CONFIDENCE HOLDINGS LIMITED NADIYA ZAYATS ROOM B, 10/F., TOWER A, BILLION CENTRE, 1 WANG KWONG ROAD, KOWLOON BAY,KOWLOON HONG KONG PASSPORT Nº: YA3430932 ISSUE PLACE: ITALY ISSUING DATE: 01.08.2012 EXPIRING DATE: 31.07.2022 AGREEMENT No: SC-XX-47T-DB-L2L 20211015 Transaction Reference Code: TBA Delivery Date : 25 JULY 2022 BANK ENDORSEMENT: WE, XXXX BANK AND THE BANK OFFICERS WHO HAVE AFFIXED THEIR NAMES AND CONTACT DETAILS HERETO, LOCATED AT HEREBY CONFIRM WITH FULL BANKING RESPONSIBILITY AND WITH FULL LEGAL LIABILITY, THAT THIS PAYMENT GUARANTEE LETTER HAS BEEN LODGED WITH US AND WILL BE EXECUTED AS PER INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE MENTIONED. FOR AND ON BEHALF OF PAYER: INVESTOR: STRONG CONFIDENCE HOLDINGS LIMITED NADIYA ZAYATS ROOM B, 10/F., TOWER A, BILLION CENTRE, 1 WANG KWONG ROAD, KOWLOON BAY,KOWLOON HONG KONG PASSPORT Nº: YA3430932 ISSUE PLACE: ITALY ISSUING DATE: 01.08.2012 EXPIRING DATE: 31.07.2022 AGREEMENT No: SC-XX-47T-DB-L2L 20211015 Transaction Reference Code: TBA Delivery Date : 25 JULY 2022 EDT (Electronic Document Transmissions) EDT’s shall be deemed valid and enforceable in respect of any provisions of thisContract. As applicable, this agreement shall: Incorporate U.S. Public Law 106-229,‘‘Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act’’ or such other applicable law conforming to the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signatures (2001) and ELECTRONIC COMMERCE AGREEMENT (ECE/TRADE/257, Geneva, May 2000) adopted by the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT). EDT documents shall be subject to European Community Directive No. 95/46/EEC, as applicable. Either Party may request hard copy of any document that has been previously transmitted by electronic means provided however, that any such request shall in no manner delay the parties from performing their respective obligations and duties under EDT instruments. ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSIONS: Each party is to sign and initial this Agreement and send copies to the other party via Electronic Mail and shall be considered the same as an original. When each party has completed copies of this Electronic Mail from the other party, the Agreement is considered to be finalized by all parties. The parties consent and agree to be bound contractually by electronic communications relative to the matters addressed in this Agreement. By executing this Agreement both parties acknowledge that they have the hardware and software required to receive and transmit communications (emails and email attachments) electronically to each other, in generally-acceptable business formats (such as, but not limited to, Microsoft ExcelPowerPoint).Both parties specifically agree to do business with each other electronically. The Parties hereto covenant and agree that each of them will execute such other and further instruments and/or documents as may become reasonably necessary so as to effectuate the purpose of this Agreement. In Witness whereof, the Parties have executed this Agreement the date first above ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE IS VALID AND LEGALLY – BINDING AS AN ORIGINAL IF TRANSMITTED IN SECURE AND CERTIFIED *.PDF FORMAT ***** THE END OF THE AGREEMENT *****