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Brandon Lucero's - 72 Hour DM Revenue Generator(FIXED)

DM Revenue Generator
Get people asking how to work with you
WITHOUT you ever pitching anything
Brandon is an online marketing expert, serial entrepreneur, and
host of the New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast. He teaches
entrepreneurs how to build fulfilling and profitable businesses
by helping them master their craft, remember who they are,
and use the psychology of selling for good.
As a multi-decade veteran of the online course space, Brandon
has dedicated his career to helping people understand how
to communicate in order to form deep connections that get
audiences asking to buy without even knowing what it is you
are selling!
If You’re Ready For 7-Figure
Messaging - Apply Here!
If you want to close
a client in the next
7 days then pay
close attention to
this PDF and all the
information in it. I
will be introducing
a concept you likely
haven’t heard before,
however, when
mastered it could
be one of the most
powerful messaging
elements you use
within your brand.
It is important to note that this concept may be new,
different and take time to fully master. But, it’s super
simple once you understand it. We’ve seen people close
clients within hours and some it took a few days and
some a few weeks. Again, once you understand it it
becomes very powerful.
This concept is a messaging element that can be used in
ads, emails, content, webinars, sales funnels or anywhere
else you communicate. In this PDF, we will be using it
primarily within content in order to help you close a
client from your existing audience in the next 7 days. For
those of you who want to go deeper with this concept
and learn other ways to use it; we offer no-cost live mini
masterminds 2-4 times a month and you can register for
the next one here.
When I introduced this concept to our students in Oct. 2022 we saw them
closing clients within 24 hours. We saw sales upwards of $20,000 and
another client got almost 200 DMs from one post! Here are just some of the
other comments we were seeing from our students just 24-48 hours after
using the same info you’re about to get:
MY PROMISE TO YOU - Our goal is to get your audience asking to work
with you in the DM’s. When you get a result, DM me @iambrandonlucero on
IG and I will personally respond and tell you what to do to continue getting
DM’s and what to do to close them!
IMPORTANT NOTE - You do not need to do these as videos. You can do
them as emails, images or videos. In fact, I think you should do them all as
multiple types of content.
What’s Happening Right Now?
There is an oversaturation of content, ads, course creators, programs and
experts. This means the days of simply titling a piece of content “How To
Lose Weight”, “How To Get More Engagement”, “How To Become Super
Confident” and then delivering ONLY really good information are over.
Why? Because those types of content are competing against thousands and
thousands of other content. Everyone is doing the same thing.
It’s like trying to get on the New York Time Best Seller list with an
encyclopedia. The best sellers are always books that shift your perspective,
make you aware of things you were unaware of or explain things that have
been unexplained. It’s kind of like a TedTalk. They are very engaging, eye
opening, and educational. But, they aren’t boring tutorials with standard
“How To” titles.
Now, I could do an entire training on titles alone. Things like identity, small
promises, numbers, etc are all ways to transform boring “How To” titles into
subconsciously attractive titles but I will save that convo for another PDF.
The point?
Things change and if you don’t adapt you will start to see the consequences
from it.
Here are the top 4 consequences you
will likely experience and may be
experiencing now:
You post content you’re proud of, it’s gold,
but you never get anyone asking “How
do I work with you”, “How did you get
inside my head”, or “Can I get into your
When you do sell it feels like you have to
convince and explain, rather than them
waiting and wanting what you have to
offer. Your content feels like you’re almost
You’re posting a minimum of 3 times a
week and it seems like no one interacts,
engages, or likes the content. You get
views but nothing beyond that. Even if you
ask people to do something in the content
no one ever follows the CTA.
If I asked you to name 3 specific problems
you solve for people you couldn’t tell me
in under 60 seconds. In fact, right now you
are probably thinking about what those
problems are because you don’t know
them off the top of your head.
This is happening because you are
likely doing 1 of the following:
You focus most of your content,
messaging and marketing on your
solution, knowledge, benefits or
transformation you bring. In other
words, you say a lot of “I do…” instead
of “I solve…”. You’ve never really focused
on the specifics of what your audience
is experiencing right now that they don’t
want to experience anymore.
Your content and messaging is focused
on explaining why/solution your way is
better, best, or the right way.
Your messaging is focused on teaching
and educating and the idea of validating,
explaining the unexplained, or relevance
communication without a solution has
never been something you focused on.
When you launch, sell, or do a
webinar it’s focused on an overview of
everything you do.
It’s time to stop guessing at what will work. And
let the behavior of your audience tell you what
will work. When you do, they will reach out to
you asking how they can work with you.
The Concept. Here’s What You Will Be Doing.
Before we move on I have to
be totally transparent with
you. There are 4 areas of
content you need in order to
have effective, profitable, and
persuasive messaging. Those
are educational (Yes, you
can be educational without
using How To tutorials),
Thought Reversal (this is
another training for another
day but it helps you shift
perspective), connection, and
self identifying or diagnosing
content. Again, we will have
live mini-mastermind covering
a lot of this and you can
register here.
Today’s focus will be on self
identifying or diagnosing
content and we have several
ways of doing this but I am
going to give you the most my
favorite one in this PDF.
Here’s the concept.
Think of a doctor. What happens when you see a doctor? They do 3 things:
Ask your symptoms. AKA your problems. And when you describe the
symptoms you’re usually specific, right? You tell them when it started,
what it feels like, the pain scale, where you feel it, what you did, etc.
Then they diagnose you based on your problems. They tell you what
you have, right?
This is VERY important for a few reasons because almost NO ONE
does this in their messaging or content. When they diagnose you,
you feel a sense of relief. You now know what you need to fix/cure.
You can create a plan. If you do this for your audience they too feel a
sense of relief. You are now adding value without having to give more
and more information.
Additionally, the problem now becomes a part of their identity. If a
doctor told you that you had the flu, your thinking now becomes “I
have the flu”. It is who you are… you are someone with the flu and
you now know what specifically needs to be fixed.
Lastly, when you’re the one diagnosing them they will feel an instant
feeling of “I need to fix this. I need to cure this”. Think about it. When
you get diagnosed by a doctor do you start to feel more of a demand
for the medicine, solution or prescription? Of course. Your audience
will feel the same thing. They start to feel a demand for your solution.
Lastly, they give you a prescription. In other words, they give you the
solution. Most entrepreneurs start with this step. You start teaching
more and more of your solution without ever getting your audience
to self identify and say “That’s ME!”. In fact, you may have never even
identified what problem you solve.
When you can specifically describe a problem and why it is
happening the audience feels a sense of “Wow thats me and I am
making that mistake!”. You bring them high levels of awareness, value
and realization. But, you also create “ah ha”, breakthroughs, and
demand for your solution.
Hopefully you realized that is how I opened this PDF. I brought you
realizations you never saw before and now we are about to go through
the solution. I just brought you through the diagnose stage in this PDF. If
you feel any ounce of excitement to see the solution then you know it’s
Imagine if you were to use this concept in emails, ads, PDFs, webinar and
more. What would that do for your business?
Now, remember, this is only one concept we teach but it has helped us
craft webinars and workshops that have done over 7-figures in sales and
ads that cut our cost per lead in half. I am hoping you’re starting to see
how messaging and communication can INSTANTLY and DRAMATICALLY
change the results you’re seeing with your content and marketing.
Without further adieu, let’s get you some clients and reveal the LIST
NOTE - I like to provide a lot of examples when we teach. If you are familiar
with The Holistic Psychologist, her IG content is a great example of this
style of content. She uses a lot of specific problems, actions that lead to
unwanted results in your adult life. But, those posts never really talk much
about the solution. She isn’t the only one doing this. Almost all the top
experts leading their space are using this sort of communication.
Common Enemy Post
Start with symptoms that the audience
is dealing with in the current moment.
These should be symptoms that your
product solves.
These symptoms are their specific pains
and problems. We call them symptoms
because we will use them to get your
audience to self-diagnose themselves as
having a problem.
The common enemy will be a name you
create of the “cause of the problem”.
In this post you will need to:
Come up with 3-5 specific problems. Must
be specific.
Come up with 1-3 mistakes they are doing
that created the specific problems.
Come up with 1-3 mistakes they’ve made
to try and fix the problem, but haven’t
been working.
Name the cause or the problem.
Do a post where you call out the identity
of your audience and ask if they have
been trying to hit a certain result. Be
specific on what that result is. Then
tell them they are trapped with/in your
common enemy if they haven’t hit it
yet. Then ask if instead have they been
experiencing any of the problems you
listed in a).Then tell them you know they
have been trying to get the result they
want by trying the mistakes in b). Then
tell them you know they have done the
mistakes in c). And then give you CTA to
DM you to fix it
Here is an example post:
If you’re a course creator who is trying to get their message out there and
create demand for your products then you may be stuck in The Content
Circle of Death.
If you’re stuck here you have likely been plateaued in sales and audience
growth for 3 months or more, you are posting at least 3 times a week, you
see people who know less than you make more than you, and you struggle
to get anyone to understand why they need to buy from you.
The reason this is happening is because your content is focusing mostly
on “how to” and educational content so it blends in with everyone else.
And you never focused on things like standing out, connection, or shifting
And in order to fix it I bet you tried posting more, you think it will just get
better over time if you stay consistent or you focus on a different posting
strategy without taking into consideration that it’s what you’re saying and
how you’re saying it.
If you think you’re stuck in The Content Circle of Death send me a DM today
at @iambrandonlucero on IG and let me know! I may have something for
you that can help you break that cycle.
Here are a few examples of our
past posts that follow this format:
IG Post
We Didn’t Add a CTA or a
lot of mistakes causing the
symptoms. But, hopefully
you get the point.
We open with problems
and then mistakes to
diagnose people before
we get to the solution
Here is an example of how
we use this in email:
What To
Do Next?
Well, obviously go post! Give
it a try and get specific on the
problems and mistakes.
Remember, this isn’t a matter
of whether or not it works.
It’s a matter of whether or
not you’re getting specific
enough on the mistakes and
problems so people get an
automated feeling of “wow
this is me”.
If you need more help, we
have two NO-COST options
for you.
Listen to
this podcast
episode where
we dive a little
deeper and
give you two
more ways of
doing this.
Join our next
LIVE minimastermind
(No replays are
given out. Must
be there live)
Apply for our
program where
we work with
you on ALL of
your messaging
content, webinar,
emails and ads.