Unit 1. Introduction to Macroeconomics Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 SUBTOPICS FOR INTRODUCTION TO MACROECO. 1)What is Macro economics all about 2)Key Macro economic issues 3)Activities engaged in by the Macroeconomists 4)Classical & Keynesian approach to macroeconomics Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 ECONOMICS : as a subject all about economic problems – Ltd res & unlmtd wants, Eco is decision science -making decisions regarding choices, Opportunity costs of those choices & decisions. Decisions at different levels – small & big Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 ECONOMICS - Two broad areas in eco- Micro and Macro - Eco as a subject of study was earlier known as -Political economy - Adam smith 1776 – Wealth of Nations – invisible hand* - Great Depression 1930 changed the subject matter widely - RAGNAR FRISCH of OSLO univ coined the terms Micro & Macro in 1933 Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 RAGNAR FRISCH Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch was a Norwegian economist and the co-recipient of the first Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1969. He is known for being one of the founders of the discipline of econometrics, and for coining the widely used term pair macroeconomics/microeconomics in 1933. Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 In 1969 Norwegian Ragnar Frisch, along with Dutch economist Jan Tinbergen, received the first Nobel Prize for economics “for having developed and applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes.” Frisch received his prize for his pioneering work in econometric modeling and measurement; indeed, Frisch invented the word “econometrics” to refer to the use of mathematical and statistical techniques to test economic hypotheses. Frisch founded the Econometric Society in 1930. Frisch believed that econometrics would help establish economics as a science, but toward the end of his life he had doubts about how econometrics was being used. “I have insisted that econometrics must have relevance to concrete realities,” he wrote, “otherwise it degenerates into something which is not worthy of the name econometrics, but ought rather to be called playometrics.” In a paper on business cycles, Frisch was the first to use the words “microeconomics” to refer to the study of single firms and industries, and “macroeconomics” refer to 2the study of the aggregate economy. Dr. Mallikato Kumar. Semester Frisch spent most of his professional life at the University of Oslo in Macroeconomics : is the study of the structure and performance of national economies and of the policies that governments use to try to affect economic performance. SCOPE INCLUDES : National Income , Output , Employment Concept of NI Accounting & Distribution Theory of Business Cycle Inflation & Deflation Eco Dev & Growth Theory of Distribution of NI Among Its Contributors Policies Related To Eradication Of Economic Fluctuations Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 MACRO ECO TIMES https://youtu.be/U56mZf1GxPI Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 SIGNIFICANCE Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 SIGNIFICANCE : • Enriches knowledge about functioning of an economy • To understand the the nature of economic fluctuations & control its severity • Useful in solving prob of unemp, inflation , eco instability & eco growth • Understand leverage effect in all economies in the world • Knowledge of aggregates imp in framing micro eco laws • Compare standard of living of various nations(NIA) • Formulation of govt policies to promote growth & stability Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 Macro Economics seeks to offer answer to these QUESTIONS : What determines a nation's long-run economic growth? What causes a nation's economic activity to fluctuate? What causes unemployment? What causes prices to rise? How does being part of a global economic system affect nations' economies? Can government policies be used to improve a nation's economic performance? Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 KEY MACRO ECONOMIC ISSUES 1. LONG RUN ECO GROWTH – rich /poor nation -What determines growth , rate of growth, SOL 2. BUSINESS CYCLE – Different phases of business cycle –trough, recovery, peak, recession 3. INFLATION –general rise in prices – Invisible robbery(CN Vakil)-stimulate eco activity w/o inf 4. UNEMPLOYMENT –G.Dep unemp 24.9% - dev of macroeco- govt intervention to reduce unemp 5. FISCAL POLICY-Taxes & exp – deficit budget –expansionary FP during slump & contractionary FP during inf 6. MONETARY POLICY-Changing interest rates or money supply- high interest (tight), low int. rate stimulate de 7. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY – open economies now, pattern of international trade & borrowing to understand link among countries Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 1. LONG RUN ECO GROWTH – travelled in a developing country, observe the difference in living standards relative to developed countries. Rich nations –sustained eco growth – ave labour productivity increasing . The rates of growth of output and, particularly, of output per worker ultimately determine whether a nation will be rich or poor Hence,an imp goal of macro eco is what determines growth ? -rate of growth of output. -rates of saving and investment -rate at which technological change and other factors help increase lab & machine productivity Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 Average labor productivity in the United States, 1900-2008 Average labor productiv ity (output per employed worker) has risen over time, with a peak during World War II reflecting increased wartime pro duction. Productivity growth was particularly strong in the 1950s and 1960s, slowed in the 1970s, and picked up again in the mid 1990s. Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 2. BUSINESS CYCLE Macroeconomists use the term business cycle to describe short-run, but sometimes sharp, contractions and expansions in economic activity. Growth of o/p isn't always smooth but has hills and valleys. Trough : Bottom point is abnormally deep , it is called slump Recovery or expansion: rise in emp, income & consumer spending Peak: top of bus cycle. Abnormally strong recovery is called boom An imp. task of macro eco is controlling these phases of bus. Cycle.- Eco stability Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 The downward phase of a business cycle, during which national output may be falling or perhaps growing only very slowly, is called a recession. A long lasting recession is called depression 3)UNEMPLOYMENT ECO FLUCTUATION – AFFECTS EMPLOYMENT Recessions is that they usually are accompanied by an increase in unemployment, The best-known measure of unemployment is the unemployment rate, which is the number of unemployed divided by the total labor force (the no. of people either working or seeking work). G.Dep unemp 24.9% - dev of macroeco- govt intervention to reduce unemp Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 4. INFLATION The percentage increase in the average level of prices over a year is called the inflation rate. Rates of inflation may vary dramatically both over time and by country, from 1 or 2 percent per year in low-inflation countries (such as Switzerland) to 1000°/o per year or more in countries (such as a number of the former Soviet republics in the early 1990s When the inflation rate reaches an extremely high level, with prices changing daily or hourly, the economy tends to function poorly. High inflation also means that the purchasing power of money erodes quickly.. INVISIBLE ROBBERY Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 AGGREGATION Macro eco focusses on national totals. The process of summing individual economic variables to obtain economywide totals is called aggregation. The use of aggregation and the emphasis on aggregate quantities such as aggregate consumption, aggregate investment, and aggregate output are the primary factors that distinguish macroeconomics from microeconomics. Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 MICRO ECONOMICS & MACRO ECONOMICS ECO MAFIA –https://youtu.be/wvwgIiP4gjY Basic economic ideas and methods in common; The difference between them is the level at which the economy is studied. Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 Micro Economics Macro Economics 1)Greek word : MIKROS, meaning small • 1)Greek word MAKROS,meaning large 2)studies small parts or individual units• consumer ,Producer , Firm or small group of ind firms • 2)Study of economic system as a whole • Aggregate-. prod,consumption,Sav & Inv, emp,economy as a whole ( national totals) • 3)known as Price or Value theory • Product & factor pricing , mkt • • • • • • 4)Price determination & allocation of resources • 5)Ascertain price of product & other FOP • 6)Adam Smith to Alfred Marshall 3)Also called Aggregate economics NI, General Price level, Emp level, level of Sav & Inv , Agg saving , Agg o/p, BOT, BOP 4)Determination of level of Income & emp 5)Maintain stability in gen.price level & solving various eco prob 6)Became more popular after the publication of J.M Keynes,’General Theory of Employment , Interest & Money in 1936. Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 TD WHICH IS MORE IMP MICRO OR MACRO ? INOMICShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbWj_kHCJQ Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 WHAT MACROECONIMIST DO 1. Forecasting 2. Macroeconomic analysis 3. Basic research. 4. Data development for government, non profit organizations, and private businesses. diffic FAR-D Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 1.FORECASTING Forecast the performance of the economy difficult understanding of how the economy works is imperfect, Impossible to take into account all the factors- eco & non eco that may affect eco trend macroeconomist offer not single prediction but "most likely" forecast with "optimistic" and "pessimistic" alternative scenarios.* If exact forecasting not possible as in meteorology or cardiology but can talk about probabilities Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 2.MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS Analyzing and interpreting events as they happen Macroeconomic analysts monitor the economy and think about the implications of current economic events. TD – WORLD -INDIA Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 3. MACROECONOMIC RESEARCH- understand the structure of the economy in genera The goal of all macroeconomic research is to -make general statements about how the economy works -developing economic theories and testing them empirically How is macroeconomic research carried out? Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 ECONOMIC THEORY. Macroeconomic research proceeds primarily through the formulation and testing of theories. An economic theory is a set of ideas about the economy that has been organized in a logical framework. Most economic theories are developed in terms of an economic model, Model- a simplified description of some aspect of the economy, usually expressed in mathematical form. . Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 MODEL Model is a simplification of reality, Consist of a group or set of eco relationships Each group involves atleast one variable and appears in atleast one other relationship which is part of the model It becomes possible to determine the magnitude of endogeneous variable from the given magnitude of exogeneous variable Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 BASIC TERMS USED IN MACRO ECO Variable - a qt or magnitude of qt that changes in its value over a period of time Macro eco is the study of certain economic variables . The value of some variables affect the value of some other variables directly or indirectly. INDEPENDENT -The variables which affect the value of other variable DEPENDENT -The variable whose value is determined by another indep. variable ENDOGENEOUS VARIABLE -The value of some variable can be estimated from the given set of equations EXOGENEOUS VARIABLE – The value of some variable is not given in the system and have to estimated from outside system of equations STOCK VARIABLE – Value can be estimated at any given point of time FLOW VARIABLE – Value can be determined over a period of time EXANTE –Estimate of the variable at the beginning of a specific period (planned anticipated & intended value) EX-POST-Magnitude of the variable at the end of the period ( realised, actual, real value) Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 Main steps in developing and testing an economic theory or model Step 1. State the research question Step 2 Make provisional assumptions Step 3. Work out the implications of the theory. Step 4. Conduct an empirical analysis to compare the implications of the theory with the data. Step 5. Evaluate the results of your comparisons. Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 4) DATA DEVELOPMENT Vital part of macro eco . By govt – joint effort of skilled professionals collected on the basis of who is expected to use the data and how. data providers must guarantee the confidentiality of data Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 WHY MACROECONOMISTS DISAGREE An insight into why macroeconomists disagree can be provided by drawing the important distinction between positive and normative analyses of economic policy. A positive analysis of an economic policy examines the economic consequences of a policy but doesn't address the question of whether those consequences are desirable. A normative analysis of policy tries to determine whether a certain policy should be used. Economists may agree on the positive analysis of a question yet disagree on the normative part because of differences in values Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 TO DO Find out which Org./ institutions / thinkthak in India does following dev. Research , anaylsis , forecasting Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 CLASSICAL APPROACH ORIGIN : of the classical approach go back to the famous Scottish economist Adam Smith published in 1776 ,his classic, The Wealth of Nations, in which he proposed the concept of the "invisible hand." ASSUMPTIONS : The various markets in the economy, including financial markets, labor markets, and markets for goods and services, must function smoothly and without impediments such as minimum wages and interest rate ceilings. Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 CLASSICAL APPROACH The classical approach to macroeconomics builds on Adam Smith's basic assumptions -people pursue their own economic self-interests and - prices adjust reasonably quickly to achieve equilibrium in all markets. Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 POLICY IMPLICATIONS Normative proposition : The government should have, at most, a limited role in the economy. Positive proposition : government policies will be ineffective or counterproductive at achieving their stated goals. Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 DEPRESSION IN 1930 Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 Source : balance.com . THE KEYNESIAN APPROACH. ORIGIN : The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, by British economist John Maynard Keynes, appeared in1936 ,160 years after Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations In the Keynesian theory, unemployment can persist because wages and prices don't adjust quickly enough to equalize the number of people that firms want to employ with the number of people who want to work. Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 POLICY IMPLICATIONS Advocate a role for government in improving macroeconomic performance. Solution to high unemployment was to have the government increase its purchases of goods and services, Newly hired workers would have more income to spend, creating another source of demand for output that would raise employment further. Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 The Evolution of the Classical-Keynesian Debate. Keynesian approach dominated macroeconomic theory and policy from World War II until about 1970. 1970s, the United States suffered from called stagflation, or stagnation plus inflation ie both high unemployment & inflation This weakened economists’ &policymakers' confidence in the traditional Keynesian approach Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 Starting in the early 1970s, a modernized classical approach enjoyed a major resurgence among macroeconomic researchers In the past three decades, advocates of both approaches have reworked them extensively to repair their weaknesses. Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 A UNIFIED APPROACH TO MACROECONOMIC based on a single economic model, or on components or extensions of the basic model. It draws heavily from both classical &Keynesian traditions, has the following characteristics. 1. Individuals, firms, &the govt interact in goods, asset & labor markets. 2. Based on the analysis of individual behavior- Bottom up approach 3.Keynesians and classicals both agree that, in the long run, prices and wages fully adjust to achieve equilibrium in the markets for goods, assets, &labor. 4. The basic model may be used with either the classical assumption that wages and prices are flexible or the Keynesian assumption that wages and prices are slow to adjust. Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 KEY TERMS Aggregation Average Labor Productivity Closed Economy Deflation Economic Model Economic Theory Empirical Analysis Equilibrium Fiscal Policy Inflation Invisible Hand Macroeconomics Monetary Policy Normative Analysis Open Economy Positive Analysis Stagflation Trade Deficit Trade Surplus Unemployment National Income Exports Imports MP FP Macro eco diff. b/w micro & macro Significance Real example Current issue – covid Key issue Activity Classical Keynesian Authors Central prob Business cycle Opportunity cost Great depression Leverage impac t Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 Free rider Growth Stability Invisible robbery Thinktank Millennials PRODUCTIVITY NORMATIVE Questions 1. What steps are involved in developing and testing an economic theory or model? What are the criteria for a useful theory or model? 2. Might two economists agree about the effects of a particular economic policy but disagree about the desirability of implementing the policy? Explain your answer. 3. Compare the classical and Keynesian views on the speed of wage and price adjustment. What are the important consequences of the differences in their views? 4. What was stagflation, and when did it occur? How did it change economists' views about macroeco.? 5. Which of the following statements are positive in nature and which are normative? a) -A tax cut will raise interest rates. b) -A reduction in the payroll tax would primarily benefit poor and middle-class workers. c) -Payroll taxes are too high. d) - A cut in the payroll tax would improve the President's popularity ratings. e) -Payroll taxes should not be cut unless capital gains taxes are cut also. Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2 For internal circulation Source : Macro economics by Abel, Bernanke and Croushore: Chapters 1 Economics times You tube Inomics Eco Mafia Balance.com Dr. Mallika Kumar. Semester 2