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RAC Case Study Review: Marketing & Sales Strategy

In Azerbaijan, I had the responsibility of managing my own business team. My experience made me aware of
the significance of balancing tradi�onal retail channels and online stores to ensure con�nuous growth and
profitability. The analysis of the Rideau Ar�sanal Chandlery (RAC) case study highlighted numerous challenges
faced by the company. Therefore, I recommend a strategic plan to op�mize RAC's overall performance.
To enhance RAC's marke�ng and distribu�on strategy, my first proposal is to adopt a mul�-channel approach.
Even though RAC Online has been profitable, it's vital to con�nue engaging with current customers and
acquain�ng poten�al clients with RAC's products through conven�onal retail channels. An op�on to consider is
exploi�ng RAC Online as a means of boos�ng brand recogni�on and direc�ng shoppers to tradi�onal retail
Throughout my travels in Europe, I discovered that similar businesses were able to provide customers with
unique offerings that couldn't be found anywhere else. Therefore, I propose that RAC also consider this
approach by providing exclusive fragrance op�ons or special promo�ons that are exclusively available in-store.
This could encourage customers to physically visit the tradi�onal retail channels. In addi�on, RAC could also
form partnerships with retailers to organize in-store events that introduce new scents and educate customers
on the advantages of purchasing ar�sanal candles.
To regain HomeSense's aten�on, RAC could try a different approach. Firstly, a more customized strategy could
be implemented by RAC. To really impress HomeSense, it would be smart for RAC to share detailed monthly
sales data about ar�sanal candles at each store. This will show HomeSense that RAC understands the market.
RAC could also offer uniquely personalized promo�onal pricing during holiday seasons.
Addi�onally, RAC may provide exclusive scents or offers to HomeSense stores as a selling point and incen�ve to
con�nue the partnership. Furthermore, joint marke�ng ini�a�ves could include in-store events or social media
campaigns designed to raise brand awareness and drive traffic towards HomeSense loca�ons.
Thirdly, to alter RAC's online/store pricing strategies I propose employing a dynamic pricing strategy. U�lizing
data analy�cs to monitor customer behavior and demand, this dynamic pricing approach would allow RAC to
adjust their prices instantly in real-�me to op�mize profit and sales. Many entrepreneurs u�lize this strategy,
with RAC increasing their online pricing during periods of high demand to capture addi�onal profit while
offering discounts or promo�ons during periods of lower demand. Addi�onally, RAC could implement �ered
pricing strategies for their scents; popular scents could be priced higher than less popular op�ons to capture
more profit while s�ll providing customers with plenty of choices.
To effec�vely manage RAC's salespeople, I suggest ins�tu�ng a performance-based compensa�on system.
Incen�vize salespeople for driving sales across mul�ple channels with bonuses awarded when reaching or
exceeding sales goals. Salespeople could also be assigned specific territories or accounts to manage, enabling
them to build rela�onships with key customers while providing tailored service. Salespeople could benefit from
receiving ongoing training and development opportuni�es to ensure they possess the skills needed to
effec�vely sell RAC's products. By crea�ng clear paths to success and incen�vizing performance, RAC can
ensure its salespeople remain mo�vated and engaged with driving revenue across mul�ple channels.
In conclusion, I believe the proposed strategies aim to op�mize RAC's overall performance by addressing its key
challenges. By employing mul�channel approaches, personalized partnerships agreements, dynamic pricing
strategies and performance-based compensa�on plans, RAC can achieve sustained growth and profitability.