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Write of Passage Syllabus: Online Writing Course

Write of Passage Syllabus
This syllabus covers the main topics for each live session. It also includes
assignments and lesson videos to watch before you come to class. The course
covers three phases of the writing process: Build, Write, and Share.
Session 1: Initiation
Welcome to Write of Passage. To kick off the course, we’ll focus on why you’ve
committed to writing online. What’s the window of opportunity in your life?
What are the biggest challenges to writing online for you to overcome? Topics
Promise of the course
Your opportunity
Initiation Workshop
Course overview
12 Favorite Problems exercise
Article #1: Your Frequently Asked Question
Write of Passage
David Perell
Video modules:
• Initiation Workshop (website, Start Here page, Info Capture system)
• The Age of Leverage
• Article #1: Your Frequently Asked Question
• Your 12 Favorite Problems
• Complete Initiation Workshop
Session 2: POP Writing
When you write online, you don’t have a captive audience. To cut through the
swirl of distractions and meet your readers, your writing needs to be
memorable. It needs to POP. We’ll cover:
The Pillars of POP
Getting personal
Tools for observational writing
The Sizzle Spectrum
Playful writing toolbox
Video modules:
• WOP Guide to Feedback
Write of Passage
David Perell
Session 3: Social Writing
Writing is not a solo pursuit. The internet lets you share and refine ideas
through iterative feedback. Giving and receiving critical feedback drives the
modern writing process. Topics include:
Asking great questions
Output from inputs
Feedback principles
CRIBS framework
Rubber Band theory
Live feedback demo
Video modules:
• Information Capture (Strategic)
• Intro to Personal Monopolies
Session 4: Writing from Abundance & Intro to
Personal Monopolies
Modern writing isn’t created. It’s assembled. By building a system to capture
information you encounter and ideas you generate, you’ll create a wealth of raw
material to fuel your writing process. We’ll cover:
Creativity demystified
Write of Passage
David Perell
Digital diaries
Automatic citations
Emergent creativity
The Personal Monopoly path
Start Here pages
• Article #2 Your Unique Perspective
Session 5: Divergence & Convergence
Creativity is a mix of playful exploration and focused concentration. Before you
sit down to write, you will already be gathering ideas through small shifts in
your day-to-day patterns. Writing is so much more than putting words on the
page. Topics include:
Writing from abundance
Ambient creativity
FAST writing overview
Divergence and convergence principles
Note-taking case study
Perspective Era distribution
Video modules:
• The Content Triangle
• FAST writing
Write of Passage
David Perell
Session 6: Compression
A single article won’t cover your entire worldview. Each piece you write will aim
to convey a single idea in high resolution – your Shiny Dime. Panoramic thought
pieces condense down into distilled points that convey your thinking and impact
others. We’ll cover:
Choosing a topic
The Shiny Dime
Simple complexity
Optimize for interesting
Sketched compression
Paragraph compression exercise
• Article #3: Coin a Phrase
Session 7: Imitate, then Innovate
Creativity is combinatorial. Rather than feeling the pressure to write from a
vacuum, your writing will emerge from a blend of your inputs and experiences.
As you build upon the work of others, your own creative voice will emerge.
Topics include:
Idea roots
Get Wonky
Write of Passage
David Perell
Where ideas come from
Finding and combining ideas
Combinatorial case study
Exercise: Your obscure bowl
Session 8: Stories, Metaphors, Coining Terms
The world doesn’t reward people with the best ideas. It rewards people who
communicate ideas best. Your writing impacts others when you share your
ideas in the form of stories, metaphors, and memorable phrases that stick with
your reader. We’ll cover:
Start near the end
The Story Rollercoaster
Cause and effect
Constructing metaphors
Creating language
Exercise: Coin a term
• Article #4: The Curation Assignment
Video module:
• Distribution
• The Ladder of Expertise
Write of Passage
David Perell
Session 9: Distribution & Serendipity
Don’t expect your readers to find you. When publishing good ideas, you have an
obligation to focus on distribution. By sharing your writing consistently and
intentionally, the impact of your writing will grow over time. Topics include:
Public to private bridge
Your Serendipity Vehicle
Planting your flag
Strong and weak ties
Burnt ends
Exercise: Your Digital Postcard
Video modules:
• Cold Email
• Digital Postcards review
• Personal Monopoly Advanced
Session 10: Psychological Blocks
Writing online is hard. It requires choosing to start, intense focus, overcoming
doubts, silencing your ego, and the courage to share your work with the world.
Online writers who make an impact overcome these challenges through
consistent action. We’ll cover:
Writing consistently
Where we get stuck
Write of Passage
David Perell
Marathon thinking
Writer’s block
Imposter Syndrome
Crickets of Indifference
• Digital Postcard
• Article #5: Our Changing World
Session 11: The Personal Monopoly Path
What’s your unique combination of skills, ideas, and interests? Personal
Monopolies let you define yourself in a world of abundant information. No
matter your stage of evolution, writing consistently allows you to carve a
unique niche on your Personal Monopoly path. Topics include:
Your unique lens
Personal Monopoly spectrum
Niche fame
Intellectual frequencies
Exercise: Personal Monopoly hot seat
Write of Passage
David Perell
Session 12: Celebration
The end of Write of Passage marks the start of a new creative chapter. You’re
on an upward trajectory. What have you achieved? How will you keep pushing
forward? What steps will keep you consistent? We’ll cover:
Write of Passage snapshots
The Write of Passage method
Living like a writer
The Go-For-It Window
Celebration of achievement
Reflections and close
Write of Passage
David Perell