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Nuclear Material Transport Accident Response Regulations

Approved by
of the Federal
and Nuclear Supervision Service
dated December 12, 2006 No. 8
from June 1, 2007
This regulatory document establishes the requirements for planning and ensuring preparedness
for elimination of consequences of accidents during transportation of nuclear materials and
radioactive substances by all modes of transport and defines the procedure for development and
approval of the Plan of organization of work for elimination of consequences of accidents during
transportation of radioactive materials in accordance with the requirements of the Safety rules for
transportation of radioactive materials.
First issue <*>.
This document has been developed with consideration of proposals of experts of the Federal
Atomic Energy Agency, Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Central Command of the Internal
Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport of the Russian
Ministry of Transport, Federal Air Transport Agency of the Russian Ministry of Transport, Department
of the National Policy for Roads, Motor and Urban Passenger Transport of the Russian Ministry of
Transport, Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, Department of Transportation Management of
JSC "Russian Railways", FSI "Kurchatov Institute", JSC " Murmansk Shipping Company", SUE MosSPA
"Radon", RTC Nuklon LLC.
It has been developed on the basis of regulatory legal documents of the Russian Federation,
federal rules and regulations in the field of atomic energy use, as well as IAEA Safety Guide No. TS-G1.2 (ST-3) Planning and Preparing for Emergency Response to Transport Accidents Involving
Radioactive Material, 2002.
This regulatory document has passed legal examination in the Russian Ministry of Justice (Letter
of the Ministry of Justice dated February 2, 2007 No. 01/820-AB).
-------------------------------<*> This regulatory document has been developed by the authoring team consisting of:
Bukrinskiy A.M., Kaliberda I.V., Kovalevich O.M., Slutsker V.P., Sharafutdinov R.B., Shempelev V.P.,
Shulgin A.Ya. (SEC NRS), Pluzhnikov I.M., Reka V.Ya., Ulanov S.A. (Federal Environmental, Industrial
and Nuclear Supervision Service).
This document has been developed with consideration of proposals of experts of the Federal
Atomic Energy Agency, Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Central Command of the Internal
Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport of the Russian
Ministry of Transport, Federal Air Transport Agency of the Russian Ministry of Transport, Department
of the National Policy for Roads, Motor and Urban Passenger Transport of the Russian Ministry of
Transport, Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, Department of Transportation Management of
JSC "Russian Railways", FSI "Kurchatov Institute", JSC " Murmansk Shipping Company", SUE MosSPA
"Radon", RTC Nuklon LLC.
DDS - duty dispatcher service
RMS - radiation monitoring station
RSb - radioactive substances
RM - radioactive materials
PPE - personal protection equipment
TP - transport packing
NM - nuclear materials
1.1. These Rules "Requirements for planning and ensuring preparedness for elimination of
consequences of accidents during transportation of nuclear materials and radioactive substances"
(hereinafter - the Rules) have been developed according to the requirements of the federal rules and
regulations in the field of atomic energy use regulating safety issues during transportation of
radioactive materials, and establish:
- requirements for planning and ensuring preparedness for elimination of consequences of
accidents during transportation of nuclear materials and radioactive substances;
- a procedure for development and approval of the Plan of the organization of work for
elimination of consequences of accidents during transportation of RM consignments (hereinafter - the
Plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents).
1.2. These Rules apply to the planning and ensuring preparedness for elimination of accidents
during transportation of RM, including as part of products, by all modes of transport, and are valid
throughout the Russian Federation.
1.3. These Rules do not apply to the planning and ensuring preparedness for elimination of
consequences of accidents during transportation of:
- RM in the course of activities related to the development, manufacture, testing, operation and
disposal of nuclear weapons and nuclear power installations for military purposes;
- RM making an inseparable part of a vehicle;
- natural materials and ores containing natural radionuclides which are either in their natural
state or have been processed only for purposes other than the extraction of radionuclides and which
are not intended to be processed for the use of these radionuclides provided that the specific activity
of these materials does not exceed more than 10 times the values specified in the safety rules for
transportation of radioactive materials, or have an effective specific activity of not more than 10 Bq/g;
- RM which specific activity or total activity of the consignment does not exceed the values
specified in the safety rules for transportation of radioactive materials.
1.4. These Rules do not apply to the planning and ensuring preparedness for elimination of
consequences of accidents during internal (i.e. without entering public communication routes) moving
of RM on the territory of enterprises where these materials are produced, used, and stored.
2.1. In order to eliminate the consequences of accidents which may occur during the
transportation of the consignment of RM, the operating organization (consignor or consignee in case
of transportation of the consignment of RM) shall develop and approve a Plan of work for elimination
of consequences of accidents taking into account the specific conditions of transportation and the
degree of potential radiation hazard arising from a possible accident during the transportation of the
consignment of RM.
In addition, other hazardous properties of these materials or packaging materials shall be taken
into account, as well as the possibility of the formation of products with hazardous properties as a
result of the interaction of RM or packaging materials with atmospheric air, water or exposure to high
temperatures or open flames due to fire.
When developing a Plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents, the following
shall be taken into account:
- rules for transportation of hazardous consignments with a particular mode of transport;
- design characteristics of TP, containers used for transportation of RM;
- design characteristics of vehicles used for transportation of RM consignment.
2.2. The plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents shall provide for distribution
of duties and responsibilities between the consignor, consignee, carrier and other organizations and
agencies involved in the transportation of RM, as well as coordination of their actions along the entire
route of transportation of RM taking into account the degree of hazard of an emergency.
2.3. The plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents shall provide for:
- timely warning of a threat (fact) of an accident with possible radiation consequences of the
competent executive authorities in which territory the accident occurred;
- communication of current information on the development of the accident and radiation
situation in the radiation accident zone.
2.4. The plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents shall provide actions for
elimination of malfunctions and breakdowns of vehicles which do not affect the consignment of RM,
which shall be eliminated in a prescribed manner on each type of transport in compliance with the
requirements for radiation safety under the supervision of a person in charge of the escort of the
consignment of RM, and (or) taking into account the information contained in the hazard signs
installed on the consignment and vehicles, as well as the requirements of sanitary rules during the
transportation of RM which shall be reflected in the instructions for the accompanying personnel.
2.5. Appropriate instructions and documents (hereinafter - documents) shall be developed and
attached to the plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents. The list of documents
attached to the plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents is given in Appendix 2. All
documents shall be approved by the operating organization.
2.6. The plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents shall provide for holding
events, undertaking actions, work (hereinafter - actions) for emergency response in the event of an
accident during transportation of RM consignment all along the route of transportation. Requirements
for measures for ensuring preparedness for elimination of consequences of accidents are given in
Section 4 hereof.
2.7. The plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents shall be approved by the
operating organization not later than one month prior to transportation of RM.
2.8. The plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents shall be coordinated with the
organizations and departments participating in transportation of RM and emergency response in case
of possible accidents with RM consignment during transportation. Appendix 1 provides a list of
organizations with which it is recommended to coordinate the plan of work for elimination of
consequences of accidents.
2.9. The plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents shall be supported with
necessary materials and hardware and be ready for implementation.
2.10. All structural units (employees) of the operating organization participating in actions of
emergency response in planning and carrying out the actions (works) aimed at ensuring preparedness
and elimination of consequences of accidents possible at transportation of consignments of RM shall
be familiarized with the plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents.
2.11. The development of a new Plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents,
introduction of amendments and additions to the approved plan shall be subject to change in
conditions of transportation of RM consignment based on the requirements of the authorities of state
regulation of safe use of atomic energy in case of introduction of new regulatory documentation and
if otherwise required subject to the requirements set out in item 2.2. The new Plan of work for
elimination of consequences of accidents shall be developed according to items 2.3 - 2.11 hereof.
3.1. The development of the Plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents shall use
the classification of accidents by categories according to the federal rules and regulations in the field
of atomic energy use regulating the safety of transportation of radioactive materials.
3.2. In the development of a plan of work for elimination of consequences of accidents, activities
to be undertaken for elimination of consequences of accidents shall be divided into three phases:
phase 1 - "Initial phase"; lasts from the moment of occurrence of accident to the moment of
arrival of a rescue team (specialized emergency crew) to the place of accident;
phase 2 - "Phase of the accident control"; lasts from the moment of arrival of the rescue team
(specialized emergency team) to the accident site until the restoration of control over the radiation
source (RM consignment) and elimination of the consequences of the accident;
phase 3 - "Post-accident phase"; lasts from the end of phase 2 and the decision on the possibility
of further transportation of the RM consignment to the rehabilitation of the territories exposed to
radioactive contamination.
3.3. Depending on the category of possible accident, the plan of work for elimination of
consequences of accidents shall provide the following measures:
3.3.1. In case of category I accident: Elimination of consequences of accident by the personnel together with employees of
the transport organization. Actions of the personnel accompanying the consignment of RM on
communication of information on the fact of the accident and elimination of its consequences shall
be stated in the instruction of the accompanying personnel developed on the basis of the plan of work
for elimination of consequences of accidents. Elimination of the accident consequences by employees of the transport organization
and (or) officers of authorities of internal affairs which arrive to the scene of the accident based on
the information contained on the labels and the radiation hazard signs on the RM consignment, and
vehicles (in case of loss of active capacity of the personnel accompanying the RM consignment, or in
the absence of these personnel). Calling a representative of the operating organization to the place of
the accident to determine the possibility of further transportation of the RM consignment.
Actions of employees of the transport organization performed in the absence of personnel
accompanying the consignments of RM shall be specified in the emergency chart. Making a decision on the possibility of further transportation of the RM consignment by
the person accompanying the RM consignment, and in his absence - by the representative of the
operating organization together with employees of the transport organization after bringing the
vehicle and RM consignment in good condition and drawing up a certificate of emergency.
3.3.2. In case of accidents of categories II and III: In the "Initial phase" (phase1), actions undertaken by the person accompanying the RM
consignment, and in his absence - by employees of the transport organization. Actions of the
personnel accompanying the RM consignment in case of accident shall be stated in the instruction of
the accompanying personnel developed on the basis of the plan of work for elimination of
consequences of accidents; actions of employees of the transport organization performed in the
absence of the personnel accompanying the RM consignment shall be specified in the emergency
chart and include: Immediate notification of the consignor, consignee, carrier, authorities of state
regulation of safe use of atomic energy, authority of management of the use of atomic energy on the
fact and place of the accident, time and category of the accident. Taking necessary and available measures to provide first aid (before arrival of health
care workers) in case of accidents, threat to life or overexposure of people to radiation. Fire prevention and fire-fighting. Primary determination of the radiation hazard of the accident and communication of
information about the radiation situation at the accident site. Evacuation of people from the zone of the accident in accordance with the
requirements of the emergency chart and instructions for the person accompanying the shipment of
the RM; in the absence of the emergency chart and the person accompanying the RM consignment evacuation of people to the windward side to a distance (if possible) of at least 100 m from the
accident site until the arrival of experts on radiation monitoring with appropriate equipment. Setting up radiation hazard signs at the boundary of the radiation accident zone. Communication of updated information on the situation at the accident site and the
required assistance in accordance with the established communication scheme, instruction and
emergency chart. Taking primary urgent measures to prevent the development of radiation accident
and its consequences. Registration of persons who may have been exposed to radiation in the accident
(exposure to radiation, contamination with radioactive substances). Establishing (if possible) control of the radiation situation at the boundary of the
radiation accident zone on the windward side. In the "Accident control phase" (phase 2), the actions (activities, work) by emergency
rescue teams (special emergency crews) arriving to the scene shall be as follows: Conducting radiation and general examination of the accident site for clarification of
the radiation hazard, boundaries of the radiation accident zone and hazardous areas (sections), state
of the RM consignment and vehicle, and prompt communication of the results to the emergency
control center - to the supervisor of emergency operations. Assessment of data of radiation and general examination of the accident site and
vehicle by the emergency response manager for decision-making on restoration of control over the
radiation source (RM consignment), elimination of radiation consequences of the accident and
measures for radiation protection of workers (personnel) and the public. Establishing, based on results of radiation and general examination of the accident
site, a radiation accident zone and radiation accident observation zone. Enclosing the radiation accident zone with installation of radiation hazard signs and
blocking free access of people to the radiation accident zone in cooperation with local self-governing
authorities and internal affairs authorities. Establishing a radiation monitoring station (RMS) at the boundary of the radiation
accident zone on the windward side to control the established order of access of people and vehicles
to the radiation accident zone and exit of people and vehicles from it. Exercising continuous radiation monitoring in the radiation accident zone and periodic
monitoring of the radiation situation in the radiation accident observation zone (for all radiation
factors which can produce an impact at working with the RM in question). Arrangement of areas for decontamination of vehicles, PPE, areas for sanitary
treatment of workers (personnel), areas for collection and temporary storage of PPE and equipment
contaminated with RSb at the RMS. Restoration of control over the source of ionizing radiation (consignment of RM) and
elimination of consequences of radiation accident. Medical support of actions (works) on elimination of consequences of radiation
accident, providing the following:
- preparation of places for the provision of first (primary medical) aid to victims;
- provision of storage of medical devices, medications and property, including individual antiradiation first aid kits, control of their storage;
- provision of first (primary medical) aid to victims;
- application of anti-radiation medications;
- evacuation of victims from the radiation accident zone to health care institutions for provision
of specialized aid;
- urgent hospitalization of the injured exposed to individual radiation dose over 1 Sv;
- sending to medical examination of persons who were exposed to individual dose of radiation
exceeding with a factor of 5 the dose limit established by radiation safety standards. Ensuring physical protection of RM consignment. Protection of public order in the radiation accident zone, providing the following
- termination of traffic in the radiation accident zone for all modes of transport and people,
except those involved in the elimination of the accident consequences;
- blocking access to the radiation accident zone by officers of internal affairs authorities;
- patrolling the area around the radiation accident zone by officers of internal affairs authorities;
- regulation of movement on routes of evacuation by officers of internal affairs authorities. Material and technical support of emergency rescue units s and hardware, food,
water, fuel and lubricants, transport. Determination of the following conditions under which work for elimination of radiation
consequences of accident (phase 2) is considered complete: The control over the ionizing radiation source (RM consignment) is restored. TP,
containers, packings accommodating RM allow for further transportation of RM in accordance with
the established requirements. Decontamination of the vehicle has been carried out, there is a sanitaryepidemiological opinion issued by the state sanitary-epidemiological supervision authorities on
compliance of conditions and methods of transportation of radioactive substances, nuclear materials,
devices and installations with radiation sources and radioactive waste with the sanitary rules. The traffic safety of the vehicle with the RM consignment has been ensured and the
traffic along the transportation route has been restored. Decontamination of the territory and facilities of the radiation accident zone has been
carried out, and its sufficiency was confirmed by radiometric monitoring. Actions (activities) in the "Post-accident phase" (phase 3): Preparation of a certificate on elimination of radiation consequences of the accident.
It shall be accompanied with:
- a radiation and hygienic opinion of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authority
on the completion of elimination of radioactive contamination;
- a document of the transport organization confirming the safety of transportation by the
specified vehicle of RM consignment according to the rules of transportation of hazardous
consignments for this mode of transport;
- report (cartogram) of radiometric monitoring of the territory and facilities of the radiation
accident zone which were exposed to contamination with radioactive substances. Making a decision by the consignor or consignee (in case of transportation of RM
consignment by it), supervisor of emergency work for possibility of further transportation of the RM
consignment. Informing local authorities about the results of elimination of radiation accidents and
absence of radiation hazard to the public. Handover to local self-governing authorities of lists of individuals exposed as a result
of radiation accident to exposure to radiation beyond the limits of doses established by the radiation
safety standards for this category of exposed persons (for sending them to special medical
examination). Handover to the heads of the organizations and departments which employees
participated in the transportation of the RM consignment and (or) elimination of radiation
consequences of the accident of lists of individuals exposed as a result of radiation accident to
exposure to radiation beyond the limits of doses established by the radiation safety standards for this
category of exposed persons (for sending them to special medical examination). Sending to special medical examination of personnel exposed as a result of radiation
accident to exposure to radiation beyond the limits of doses established by the radiation safety
standards for this category of exposed persons.
Measures to ensure preparedness for elimination of consequences of accidents during
transportation of RM consignments shall be determined by the Plan of work for elimination of
consequences of accidents and shall include:
4.1. Determination of a structural unit (department, shop, service) and (or) an official in charge
of the preparation of RM consignments for transportation.
4.2. Implementation of a set of measures for the preparation of RM consignments for
4.3. Appointment of an official in charge of training of accompanying personnel.
4.4. Procedure for training of accompanying personnel, including practical drills of actions in an
accident with RM consignment during transportation.
4.5. Control over the transportation of goods by the DDS forces in cooperation with the DDS of
the emergency rescue unit of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency and the DDS of the carrier (if
4.6. Criteria for the introduction of "Emergency preparedness" and "Accident" conditions.
4.7. Actions of the DDS of the operating organization at introduction of the "Emergency
preparedness" and "Accident" conditions.
4.8. Initiation of emergency response activities.
4.9. Sequence of the key measures for emergency response (algorithm of actions).
4.10. Procedure and frequency of practical drills for actions according to the Plan of work for
elimination of consequences of accidents in the course of training sessions, classes, or drills.
Appendix 1
1. Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency.
2. Department for Decommissioning of Nuclear and Radiation Hazardous Facilities of the Federal
Atomic Energy Agency.
3. Emergency Technical Center of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency.
4. Organization engaged in the transportation (carrier).
Appendix 2
1. Instructions for accompanying personnel.
2. Emergency charts for types of RM consignments under transportation.
3. Instruction on handling a damaged RM consignment.
4. Scheme of the route of RM transportation on the topographic map (plan).
5. Plan (scheme) for arrangement of RM consignment on the vehicle.
6. Calculation-substantiation of dimensions of zones of contamination with radioactive
substances in an accident accompanied with release of RSb and (or) NM.
7. Plan of communication and warning for all DDS operation modes.