ELECTRoC HEMI1STRY stoy Elechochemi involved is the study the POcesses interconvsion o elechical encgy in he and chemica eney" we on Passing elechic know that oleckolyte soluion an a chemical curent Hhrough eacion akes PlaceT current Can Cau se a chemical electic an othe wids, condihonS. The Jeachion to take plate unde suifable corrent Can genotate elechic also true he e is revohse Hence depend ng a chemical eochon Useg bthe electochemical Processes, thee upon these tuo res obte cells tuoPes Such as elecholyhe cell electochemical cell d i) s Convenled Toto Produce he bD device in which elechtcal end elechic Cnent Crent chenical enegy A Fassing Process destred chemical chonge and he cell : dy. Elecholyh A is called eleckolysi. wao yields ex: electroysis og wafe hrough through wate is Pa SSed alecnciN this. Poces5 n in og collecke d a Ha and add) dops having o C dlent eeleckodos )elecroche.micalcell An do vice elecochemical cell is a davice enog which Convots chemica gavanic ell. i5 albo callcd T e Ho cnd ino elect cal enogI Daniel cell Scanned by CamScanner EME 2edox ReachoO: C eleco Ho Hue F&ue) Any Subsfance tha loses dectrons be oxidiged and the one tohich gaåns elcchons Said b Said to be reduced. 6 Houeven in chemica seachop a substance Ca loe elactons onl these is Present anoth Substante, whích Can asn electons. This im plies ha Oxidahon Can take place only reduchon also oCtuTS u a he Same Hmee These Jeadions in shich reduchon Oxidalfon taka place ae Called edox eocHons. caDd a Tn this zn hence elechon, Electrode Cut 0ses two elechD Ds whee this a is a Sedox Yeachion. olenal olenal its own ions 15 gains tuc with A metal rod & plabe in ontact Called electode. cohen a melal is in on 10nS, iF Can undeif an electrode hendan oxicaton 8 reducion. The colled elechrode poenhal. to lose 8i gain elecons is to lose elec poleohal: fende0y o elechrode oith Contac Soluhon the oxidahon ZnT& +ge Zn Recduchon e qa dluch | alict to qåa u elecrode tendancy electoda Polenhal Cot is ge Co meas LNed electoda olen hal meas uied clectroda standand elechoce molar Concentraton e cndihons stencdabnd polen hial en Scanned by CamScanner Elechochemicacell LE 1S Convoed o cell &) galuan is Cedevice in shich elechical enogy L enea is aßo callec as volaic cel. galvanic cell möe. immsed fn one Elecrochanical cell 61, wo electo des chemical - uUSually su table Consists of elechrolyfes. chemfcal one oNaucHon DccLns in the cell resudhing into oxidahona electrode The electroda elechode and veduchon a he ohe is called abhode and he electoda whfch oxidahon ocuS a whic Yeduchon ocuS 15 called Cchode. hen the elecmdes abe exhonallconneced, a a change and galvanic cel ancde is vepvesenled ba Codhode is epesened b +changee one 15. oxidahon hallcell halells Con sists I i5 educhon takes placé and he oth oxidajon incohich which veduchon akes place. The two hul cells - Ln in too n hallcell a9e connected b a salt-bridge . Con Sist5 TF Consisls It cell Daniel cell. Daniel Sawanic exomple oxidahon nsoy soluhon, oher otdah0n z in rod dipping cooy 5° luion ohere 2inc rod diped in cell is ca cu takasplate and tuoo bea bea kers ae Soluions T Salt- bridge seduchon takesplae. wn Lon as SaltFube no kno uube Curren byan inVled o Conneched b ekhernally exketnally Connecfed eluchrodes cohen theye tuo CUrrent ouos dua elschic starnts JlowingThe rod CO rod Uto olachons PaSSage om o he to o Scanned by CamScanner zn At ano cla AF Cathocle cue + &e Coxidah) Cneckuction) CU znt+CU Zn+ cot2 sa bndae Cathocdo Anodc ) CU Zn C) -L E nSou Anoclo IMCHsH hal! cothede halj Cell el salt bidge Funchons elechical neutali circut complees he Nainlains a T Pravents tnfemixing T o oo Soluhons tn fuo ha ells cel elecrochami cellPokenhal CEMF e the one hese eluchodes electrodes tusd to hendeny mode p hendenyto higkhe Polenhal elecode highe pepl must have a his polep cel): An #he e lodem o JeSult A5 As a sesult othe the han ose elecons) lose dvom the electhons alechns lo elkckode dienence the lciwdo Poknhial to he elechode the a locwor potenhal. cell Potenhial nan as and highe This Poenhal n hehe measuned. otce elechomohiue Jotce denence volts cell. cel. 1S called This Potenhal the is alst Scanned by CamScanner ( Relocement encdanc The metls senies aJe shg reducina agens the metal belou it. of decrochani cal Cell represenled Pofnts C The hand Sid elecirode e metoal si ele on the a while t Ssist ond then Vsical lfne The the meta b keeping b hal cellin ohich on the lejt hand ght he can reduce hence hey yin epeseotahion naorî c cell is Anode 3top te a in oxfdabion cahodes C.e anode) is the elecrolye. he elecholtt may be thaollouing vieco is riten COrTten on he2 oCcS) by wrfhing tuo ate sepeiated he uten reesenecb Addihonal whole compound& by ionic Secfes. J&tmula also be menhioned in may concenrahion reganding inl&imaion ehe bvocke e zn/znt, zn fzn5o /205, ohfch reduchon Cat cell the ol this case right-hand sido. In The cahode wrtten on he is Hoist and he represenkd is vSrhicol line Seporabecd bA a e Zn me.lal CIm)/ CU sepahoa Thus Yepresent the aboue b consíderaions to takes phre the electrolyte The two CUSo co cabed indscahed brídge is ind salt A tuw hal-ells. theeel Cn) ae Ci) /cu nes, votfcal lines, too vettical may 'we ma cell, we Daniel cell, t as toim)fco / zn/zntci) Scanned by CamScanner Neune eqvahon The electrode rotenhial llic meta Pofenhal meta llc depends ions in dapend s opon Opon the Poenhal soluion. Poknial Sith the onc. Soluion. conc. h The he Concenhvaion vouahon vbiahion of by Neung st con Scloahons Taen tal The nftbs tbs elechrode metallic ion 5oluion soluion 5iS this can be obtain ed reachcn 5och as occuang OCCuung . bB aA elecods o iven x in 1e in the coll 4HY + ee eng change is An+ 303 Am RT 0 given Io axa aA. whore Bb. achifes e veactants and products ee eneg change veacion under stondadd a- A bythenmodyna o Condih ons An - Fvee change en@a cek electica An is elaled to An - FcellEroll constant) 7 F CFaodad 2.1 2. bsitui cell equaionL :303 RT 303FT log1o nF /mol 83 4 3/k 998 kk 998 = 96,SDOSDO these rorn the obtaîned vakes in aboe - nFEcell - oFEol Rnas CTempotatue) cell veacHon An=nFEll nF€ cell bySubshtahng4these e o LRoduchs [veaclants LRaducts C Ractans] ouloumbs eguafion equahon we aboue tn the vaues he values tn Scanned by CamScanner S ecol= Eroll o0543 tea, Teducts CRmctont5] whene Ecellelectrda pcfenhal q cell eectride polenhal unden standatd Condi hions electrons involved în he eachon. n No Redichon polenhal: Fcell +ne equaionn AC to nnst Evd = o red oc FredEred + oxidahon olental: ACC: Fo nennst Appli caions Uscd ahee is giveneluchrode undet F Eela 542oLnCH oxd Eoxd0598 n log C] Ered oxd E CH equahon = Eela loq Cm M-> n" +ne oxd Fcell oS99 log elachode polenhal of Condthons standotrd Condihons calulaion non- oq l° +005R Fpleo3R equiliium talulahonequilibium Ecell reduchon reachion_ I {T loq Cr log constant h oxidaian oxidaion 81 cell cell reachon veachion veachon =0 At bero-mi cell O059a spainga solubiliy nahion o O 059 lo C Fcell DerOminah on & n onleno soluble salts vatu pt pt vakue. Scanned by CamScanner es elechodes 6 Relcnence elechvodes:- The elechode Pohenhal pohenial, th which we can standad comPae the Poenhals electrodes, is called a rejenence elecode. T best loLence electrode. qed is a standad hydroqn electrode , shose elechoda Poenial a all empoaes s an othe as 3oD Fakoh Hdogen- elechvode T Consists a plalfnumn electrode coatecd SH plalnum black immehsed in a It Soluhion e H ons mntained at ectvode is sealed through the end oH| aglass tube. This Fube is Surrounded b anothe glass tube cith a Stde cotm a sst ng HagaS into he in-betuoeen space. The bottom g the oues tube is thed Toto a bell, avound the pt elechode. Hydrogen gas at am Pressu1e entois he glass hood ord bubbles ova s. the PlaRnum elechode The H as a the plainumm and elechode pases inhd he Soluion oimina Hions electvons Ha Ha Hgas at lah- H+ 2e lalf num wire n lass en velope -IR 4T 5olu7on at a5' PlecinumJul coveed wh Plah oum blade Scanned by CamScanner when hen it acts as ars HC) e E E- cabh ode, Yeduchon 303R nE -oo392v Yeachion takes Plae. loq CHg12 CHe lo Cug -0.6599V log CHoy 9 - o.o59RV pH LimttaionS The As, i) hydngen electrode is reodily affecled compounds b S ond bxidisng agents lke Fets tno, CYgo e It it Cont be used in he resence Q) ions o* many mefals Cant be used in soluhions tontaining redox sySkèms. ion electvodes hese elechades consiss Mela Hetal- in contac Zn soluhon q ihn aveedsoluhon a me tal CH) cahon n°y. i5 soljon as CC) + he re/pesenkd Hetal- roral inouble by Poe a od tdipping in inc sdphat olechro da nin Ha, f slt elacindes- m Consists o imm oise (() imnoise (1) soluble salt soluble sdt spoing' a laye of K) Common apion. X) a Commoh containing used) i5 Cormmany Oseds Commony mosl Cthe eloctode potenha calo mel The eloctrvda choda seli chlede elo chltude mecutous mecut calomel the mhcutHA ele ctrocle ve oith he ConcKe Scanned by CamScanner ke Conc O ekcrode plknial ble N O-333S (onsss It solable N Satuoaled o 28lo mouA sposirgly i conteck tkmoNcutous chlaide H,clg and a so lui on o chlaide ions Such as kel Contentration. e Sadt consucHon knoon consists a tube in the bottom ushich ch alayon merculY is ove of a pase cohi placed is H t acla The remaining P&Ron cell is lled uwith a soluion kcl e diNereot Concentrahion. A e Platinum wire dSppiog oto the the mer CuUY ayo, is Used dpping oto elacrcd Jamaka con tact. 7he sfde tube used J8makirg elachh ca -Confact LE or Ith a Salt bridge s kc wre -PEHg+ - when is the kcl called vespechvey Haçla ol luion as daciodmal So N ON and Sadurald n&ma and sausced Omeelechoda. Scanned by CamScanner eloctode eachon taking place hall-cellis Haga G) 2e in this - adtemdo +ad (cq) The electode an be Coupled wth hydogen centaining soluion o onknouwn pH Pt, Ha Ctam)/ Ht? CTheemothe let o599 O4L92 elecodess tnenenally Species speies existsn e non- reachue olecihons Ht tel, Ecellrigh Redoxx Hagca alacho dlucho de da tuwo uSith in fhis y_pi)y He d dlechmades djeent oxicaion soluion and ade staks, just & meal and elocne o CoiSuOS o c behaves a ainhydvone electrode behaues eechode Quinhydvogen measuun measuin used 8L is electode ond electrode bydogen of electro de a ndicato electrod an ndicat& n pH PA he te as Soluhons unone fn - m hydroquinone and Tons hydogen fons. pre sence e reveosible a rec redo sysk O +9H t+ 9e oH Hydoqinone Qinone P Scanned by CamScanner consruchon: construcion: unhydvone ading A Auphydone electrode b eectodQ Pinch mental soludion con l quinhadrone vay vy easily wth ancl easl be se andashgh Pocwder SR alght SHrig, rrira, Unšl Fo exesst remainsunil the soluhion elechode soluion the expu usually r is sanaed& ondissolved. Then sabaed The is inseed 7he insorted î'n ndicar& Polenhal e in it. is daveloped dovelope mme is d when sed în this sysem an inøt elecroda int elucroda Syskm is inst S givn by equahon ivn bright Ploinum ploinum 1 anc Anc he E E and H C Ha@ then, CaJ 8-303 2T F a . log loq takan in equinolat equrmolajL concenhrahions concnrahions loCH, Oo599 vPH EQ E 2.303 P2T E a303 2r F Et CHa0 C01 CeCH 0.052 ls Ea+.303Txla log fH). e0.09T pH ela chrod eolenhad Q qinhydrene elucodu urder standotd ConelShons is E O.6994 v O699LV PH isS dotemî ning ith ang cOmbinedJ Satwnaed O« 0Sq 1 othe v PH had|cell unknown Soluton; this usually electrode, Usually rejeence electrode talomel elecfrocle Scanned by CamScanner The The ccmplere cell Can be oupre senltd PEH@, a, H* Cunknoun) Folenhemelcou - as /kd(sot)H,chs)| Hgt Calo mel **** elactode Pt elocnde sduian ol onknoun- nch } P+a 6LúnhydneFce E calomel 0 &ua9 pH aunbydrone Co6944 v- .6994 - V - o-OSYA iS alkoli 0.o5992 vony Usejul in the I metals Ktvaion an acid isYapidy attaned ions the ionS the Resee oj O USed in the reseKe can be hydrgen elec kodo. which uSuall ec EquiEquit bvium 9 PH) O-94 99 +Ecel Acvantages: it V b an man Scanned by CamScanner Paachonns oxidaon ReduchOn zn ei)+ae nC) +2e> zn zn znCca)9303RT 6 log LD veltmeke 2n electrdo Sotbiden -Z eleckode zosoy (Ca) 1)ZnsO4 APplhcahons 0 TD e)TD 3 TD (4/T TD salls spadnga soluble slls solubili deermi ne Valenty o cahons the calculate transihon Point. debmine the CorroSSon in metals exlent Cakulae the Batteies 1Batteny Botton cels : electroclemia elactroclemica is an sevotad cell & Sevotas usec as a Souice elecochemi cal hat can be aeanged in Sees vblkage Cons tan a at DC Scanned by CamScanner Bateies ma veveisible. kRAN 1 elechicis pes Batnies one the 25 in which the ell reachon reoclonts is not Produted afe convaled onvaled inlo produds ind bathoy and betome deod. beome deod () Batoues e jDry ecel n which the cel con can be Yevotbeo revo sed reachon 6 YMsVe fassjog De b Dc oppo si}e dorechon. Secenda bateues in orposie direchon Secondasy may be osed used throuh throh chaging and dischanging des Leod Fuel acid tels, Battenes 4uelr uelt vechy fuel H-°9 N-td cells in shich du ioto elochcf cell, nethano and Th 7h . a longe lange numb numbo hium tels convetts chemica enaia oxyçen uel cell BRIMARY BATTERIES Dry cel Anode cathode decvolye : Laclan che cell Confaine nd) Carbon (gvaphie whichL to which and Mnog NHC 2nda Mto acddac o mak ft thick Pas. hfck fask Stnch is cop inc Meal .C collon o keep rd in Posihon EeJ zinc Cootaine and Mix oNtcl,zndHnOg (anbon nd Scanned by CamScanner sstitickud 5E CONDARY 3ATTER)CS EC Lead- Acfd stdage Ancde: Laod calhode Leod dioxido A no. Pb plaes be berween one powdot passed iob a qid P) CPase ol Pbop assed iho a yid o) .Haso4 C90-21 .) electolye (onstYuchon: C Leod cell It - Consisl5 leod anode plales ave conneckd in also connecled fn Posalle Peaorealle plaes The plohes nsulat&s ike ships ood Pbog he cbve bnd ad Pbog a calhode no-I P lead ploles Jt sarestabed Jron cdjatenl and enHore 5dup is B.HaSo fmmsed in Anode e) colhode Pb ve) Pbo 90. Dis chongg AE anode t Pb ULULOLUILU Hg SoL4 ndongoes oxidaion 4Je P ith tCombines t2 PL PL Pb The in PL S04 m Sou Soy HaSoy Pb s04 Scanned by CamScanner A cathode The the pbo pboa elecodo e released a anode and Causes reduchon PL+ Pbogt aHT +9e Pb PL+504 + Soy-4 2e1 oa A H+ 8 So4 P+Pb Pbog tu o Pbo HaO s_ Pb5oy ytt rbo+ Net reachon 8 lows to P P Sou+*Sa Hao+ en@g Pbsout Rechaging greakeL Dunng rechoangfna han vo & lts is an bateny exenoa emf cell veacho ns -WO pased Yeveise2d. Cathacla At PbSouta H+engy Ne Nr decreases ConCo SO changina es töred dunog chagîng conCO! acid is T ves the vol abou tage o abo Asoy cohi le the 18. electical véhicles Applfcoh ons exchanges 8) Telephone elechric trašns 5 Awo boli lesstanons ec Potwdr oc 5 9They T+ P Pb Pbogt 4H dischanging Duning Aduon toges > Pboa tyti+9y +2e Pb + So4 PbSO+ Hg0 + Pbsou+ 8e anode A The Corre nt5 have a long aJe yelaivey Provide cheap and provide high hah ekme Scanned by CamScanner 3These commony Ued to ae Common Stant known knouno a5 CaJl battettes, these Coul engoes and bunina enghne5 co otle once Once E the engine balfoy aasolfre asolfne e.t tuons an altenna o is runoin Jhich vechg L- L -ion Anode Cahode clecrolye: Construchon Baby Canbon9 USually 9etaphite Chiaed Jam o a transihon m oxide Sdd Solid lithium salt in ganic Solvent(ef Li PF6 LiBFu 8 The The boton idoa in ran Conists a onode o dissalved as ions ioto a CabonThe Cattho de matial is modeup vom Lithium ibiarn Com pounds ke tnium cobol oxide , Limiummanga nese oxide and fhium libjum Nickol oxide. The should ha away the lihíum ton o the calhode eledcolykes ate seleced in be an eechve trans pött cathode duing Socl o dischalge. Amode clecok Dfsthanq iRe change wking The kradi hona galvanic achon 6n snhcalai on bt batenies Tithium on based on bateny depends e mechanism Scanned by CamScanner This inva crystali ne insohon o 1thium lalhfce thium ions in Cstal (ystal struchme stch. the host elecrode. ions the he without changing îts These elechodes Open cystal too cey struchune, have is the shich allos the pvopi es oe au lithum ion and the insorhon edvach on inso Second Com pen S Second is the abihy to aing elec rons at cept at obe called the Same Hme Such oluctvodes intorcalaion bosts DischaJging Duin dischange ions cnode and miqrae into ysral Structune ae diss o ialedvDr e the echolale and aoa inso Jes across o cobfhode. he Aanode A cothode Lix to og Net Rachbn Lix C6 x L+xe Lia 6C+li tLioOg Og Co Og Recho rechanging ithium cadhode is oni aed and ayen to layen anc inso fed igto anode. Duning moves om A anode LiCo Li Co Og A cathode liT+ xe 6c+x (NeF readh Co Og 6CLi Co Og+x Lit+ xe cgs ux 2 Lix C6+ Li Co Og Scanned by CamScanner Apli caions uSe ) in Caman as CcadeulalS emars eLccommanicaion CandiaC Anct cand e}ha and o}ho implan implan tabic table odeufce eg pment, insl umeols, Phabe raoi TV Used opoae. malîle b phooeS, lap teps ane Advantages e The less oeight volfage o abo Produce He esisance chnge FaSF v to ovochaJge and dis chatge vale Disadvaotage e They expensive not avaihble e heThed standan in cell ypes. Batienes Ni- cd Cacdmum Anocde cathode elecholhe Fhe he mela The cel The needed J ro cd PaS5 Cathode wbich ane chge Cha eohich cohich t olu olH provides coH this Povides pvoviding asos Pvovidung a Con aJso also or ohile Ch on Yea ch o Solid the rea Consiss anode The anode Dischanging ions meclum hadroxide fckel ox Ko H Solion S Cosisls transJDmed trans med cdot pase pase H) Nio 6H) a in n2 ions 3ions Ni hydrvxide N Nfckal hydxide inrd nít Scanned by CamScanner Advan lages ess s high emporatup SenSihv to ohon battenies than al ofhe baltonies KeRe changee ard dis choge is betto thon iion baltoi oiSadvantages gh cost e cells Some aein ecell, Combushon ithou oxfdized. be Fuel E Hen enet chemical oblained, obraned ls elechic ca Can tha that gas a a as oxyaen and om the Con Vets cel enenaa he dlirechy uel uels elochica) elochf ca oxídaion prodocs engy + elacici +oXugn Fue Anode - Elec de elecholyk cell Föras) 4 raphile Cinut 4Pöoor) Cinet Cnrap hie koh &S batonies reacFanls Zn this cell. Heneu s ootside OK achieve ho 9iven voltage cel Fvel needed s ies gen. thngh he Hydroqen anodu anc and one pt is gas 4 oxidant ases a ublec Ha o nrespecHuely. cadhoc Scanned by CamScanner Lithum Lithu cells Paunan ) The cols havinga Likiom andes o thium colls calhode uRd okd. the cothoda Peche 15s thium cels e classied ioto tuwo Caegtues. Called Lithium cells cadhodes olls i Hh liquid caJhdes. Lithium u cells Lhum Solid h cahodis 5olid -MoO Anodo - Cohod - Li MnO9 elecmle- ae bee A vol he Cent Lit+e cahode ag Apli to haed to: e hiakd calhode. so n inc8påtahng Li anoda A ehane should pvove f can ma tne o Rn°R cathod 3Qmoue Mix didh te direthy conbonak and 1 onbonaR pylene fre 3 VollS catons oe Cylindnical cels coin cells calculat&5 ded in in ae ued s.s watche and y amauy audmahc autmonc Caneu4 elctonic dauices Scanned by CamScanner Fac Lthis m colls Anong-tasmuitf_liqd ctkc cells-toith liquaadcahock Li50 Anoclo sed. Li caulhd A ectle acglonitsle o, - a 9Li50a + aLi Ropylene (asbana ) nixt +3e &Li+ a Li +&S0g yoltaap 3 igsqDy volts Li- socl Anade Cothode elecok A ano ca A couhock Socl Socl Lf tit USed Milta Used Licl 4 aSoClg voltae -3 3-35 Arelicahbns LLicl4 Sgt 5 ue+2 Socl- S°a+ vo}s beasds in elec Fanic ciscwt and in Space applicaions medca deuices shmulatns drug-dilivon iko neuo. Sslens e - Scanned by CamScanner