DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE GRADE 11 Physical Science I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the 60-minutes discussion, at least 95% of the students are expected to: 1. Describe how energy is harnessed from different sources. II. SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: How energy is harnessed B. References: Merriam Webster Dictionary and Grade 11 Physical Science PDF C. Materials: Laptop, Manila Papers, Markers, Tape, Chalk, Projector (optional) D. Concepts: To understand how energy is harnessed from different sources. E. Values Integration: Respect to each others idea; cooperation; and appreciation III. LEARNING PROCEDURE TIME FRAME TEACHING HINT TEACHER’S ACTIVITY A. Preliminary Activities 1. Greetings 1 min. Greet the students. 2. Prayer 1 min. The teacher will ask for a volunteer to lead the prayer. 3. Classroom Management 3 min. Let the student pick-up the pieces of papers and plastics’ scattered around. 4. Checking Attendance 3 min 10min Ask the monitor to check the attendance. 5. Motivation Short discussion of what learners know about electricity. Ask the learners if they ever wondered where the electricity in their power outlet comes from. How is electricity generated? What is the main source of electricity in the Philippines? Why are we asked to always conserve electricity? Will electricity run out or is it from a perpetual source? Ask learners to name different sources of energy and list them on the board. Add on the list sources that are not mentioned by the learners. 2min B. Lesson Proper 6. Presentation of the objectives Learning Objective: At the end of the 60-minute discussion, at least 95% of the students are expected to: 1. Describe how energy is harnessed from different sources. 22min. 7. Discussion Present a diagram showing the different sources of energy in the Philippines and the percentages of each source. This is to give the learners an overview of the energy situation in our country. Allow the learners to compare the main source of energy from the different regions of the Philippines. Guide Questions: Fossil fuel - What are fossil fuels? What are the different examples of fossil fuels? - In brief, how are fossil fuels formed? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of using fossil fuel? You may answer in terms of efficiency of use, availability, hazards, environmental effect, price, etc. Electrochemical Cells - What are electrochemical energy sources? - How is electrochemical energy produced? - What is a primary cell? - What is a secondary cell? - What are the different examples of a primary and a secondary cell? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of using electrochemical cells? You may answer in terms of efficiency of use, availability, hazards, environmental effect, price, etc. Geothermal - What is the source of geothermal energy? - How is geothermal energy harnessed from the earth? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of using geothermal energy? You may answer in terms of efficiency of use, availability, hazards, environmental effect, price, etc. Hydroelectric - How is hydroelectric energy harnessed? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of using hydroelectric energy? You may answer in terms of efficiency of use, availability, hazards, environmental effect, price, etc. Wind - How is wind energy harnessed? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of using wind energy? You may answer in terms of efficiency of use, availability, hazards, environmental effect, price, etc. Solar Cells - How is solar energy harnessed from the sun? You may answer in terms of what happens to the solar panel material when exposed to sunlight. - What are the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy? You may answer in terms of efficiency of use, availability, hazards, environmental effect, price, etc. Biomass - What is biomass? What are examples of biomass? - How is biomass used as an energy source? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of using biomass? You may answer in terms of efficiency of use, availability, hazards, environmental effect, price, etc. 10min. IV. Activity Group discussion and creation of checklists on how to conserve electricity. Divide the class into three groups. Ask them to come up with concrete steps that they can take in order to help conserve electricity on a daily basis. On a manila paper, have the learners create a checklist of things that they will do to conserve electricity. Provide different settings such as what to do in school, at home, in the car, etc. Have the groups post the lists around the classroom for the class to read. 4min (WRAP-UP) V. Generalization Energy from bond breaking and formation in fuels is converted to heat energy. This step is not necessary if power generation that does not require burning of fuels. E.g. Geothermal and hydro thermal plants. Heat energy is used to convert water to steam which has kinetic energy. Steam’s kinetic energy becomes mechanical energy that makes turbines turn. Mechanical energy from the turbines create electricity via electromagnetism Energy can be harnessed from fossil fuel, batteries, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind power, solar cells, biomass. 5min. VI. Evaluation Written assessment 1. Enumerate renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. 2. Give two advantages and disadvantages of one source of electricity of your choice. Briefly explain your answers. 3 min. VII. Assignment Bring cleaning materials and cosmetics product labels. Prepared by: ARRA A. ARISPE, LPT Substitute Teacher