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Resolving Ethical Business Challenges
Resolving Ethical Business Challenges
1. Describe the stakeholders involved in this ethical dilemma. What stake do they have in
the situation?
Ahmed has a direct stake in the state since he knows about Bill's wrongdoing and has
exchanged money. Ahmed is interested in maintaining his moral character, preserving his
academic position, and acting ethically. The university administration has a vested interest in
preserving the credibility and reputation of the organization. They are in charge of upholding
moral standards, enforcing rules, and dealing with criminal activity on university property
(Ferrell et al., 2021). Bill: He is engaging in unethical and criminal acts by downloading and
disseminating pirated content using the university's systems.
2. Are Bill’s actions an ethical issue, a legal issue, or both? Explain your reasoning.
Bill's activities raise moral and legal concerns. By downloading and disseminating unauthorized
content, he is acting dishonestly and fraudulently. He is infringing on the rights to intellectual
property, which could hurt the content's authors and owners. His activities may be considered
copyright infringement, which the law prohibits.
3. What are some of the risks Ahmed faces if he becomes a whistle-blower? What are the
risks if he remains silent?
If Ahmed becomes a whistleblower, he will face the following dangers; If Bill learns that
Ahmed reported his actions, he can get furious; hence this will endanger their relationship.
Repercussions from the university administration, despite Ahmed's lack of involvement in illegal
activities, his awareness of and connection to Bill's behavior raises questions about Ahmed's
moral character.
Ahmed runs the following risks if he doesn't speak, Ahmed's conscience can be troubled
by the fact that he knows about and profits from illicit acts. He can feel guilty and lose
confidence in his integrity. Ahmed can experience legal repercussions if he keeps receiving
money from Bill and becomes connected to the wrongdoing, including being labeled as an
accomplice or taking part in a criminal business. His academic and career prospects can be
negatively impacted in the long run.
Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J., & Ferrell, L. (2021). BUSINESS ETHICS: ethical decision making
and cases (13th ed.). Cengage Learning.