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Sim 3 Rona B SCRIPT.docx

Script for Rona Berends
Rona Berends is a 36-year-old Caucasian female at 38 weeks’ gestation. This is her first
pregnancy. She had been determined to have a natural birth and had been holding up fairly well,
until she began to experience side effects of increasingly high blood pressure. She is now
becoming frustrated with the complications of high blood pressure, including a terrible
headache. Rona is tired and jittery as a result of the magnesium sulfate IV infusion she is
receiving. Her husband Mark is in the room with her. He is nervous and will become demanding
if complications are not well managed
Introduce yourself:
T = 98.6 F (37 C) BP = 178/116
P = 88
RR = 16
O2 Sat = 96% (room air) Fetal monitor: Monitor Strip 1
• FHR: 140
• Variability: Marked Contractions:
• Frequency: Every 2-3 minutes
This study source was downloaded by 100000843978511 from CourseHero.com on 06-07-2023 23:29:04 GMT -05:00
• Duration: 50-60 seconds
• Strength: Moderate to strong upon palpitation
• Heart sounds: Normal
• Lung sounds: Clear
• Bowel sounds: Present
• Pulses: 2+
• Edema: 3+ pretibial, general
• DTRs: 4+
• Clonus: 3 beats
• 20 mL dark, amber-colored urine in catheter bag
• Patient’s speech: Clear
What do you all think about your assessments? Explain.
After your assessment Rona tells you that she feels funny. She becomes unresponsive and starts
having a seizure.
What are your nursing interventions?
You look at the monitor strip:
What are your nursing interventions?
This study source was downloaded by 100000843978511 from CourseHero.com on 06-07-2023 23:29:04 GMT -05:00
Here is the next strip after 10 minutes
One of you will call the doctor. Write an SBAR report.
This study source was downloaded by 100000843978511 from CourseHero.com on 06-07-2023 23:29:04 GMT -05:00
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