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Synthesis Essay Peer Review Checklist

Dr. Bevill - AP Lang - Fall 2022 - Synthesis Peer Review
Steps to follow (for the peer editor):
1. Group with no more than two other people (3 per group) and share your papers over google docs.
2. Silently read each of your partner’s papers. DO NOT MAKE any changes or corrections. Read it all the
way through, once, before doing this.
3. Re-read the paper and highlight any areas you think need improvement. Use the commenting
function to add suggestions or questions directly on the paper.
4. Fill out a sheet for each paper you read.
5. Take turns going over these sheets with your partner, explaining your opinions and suggestions.
6. Submit your completed checklists to Canvas.
Author of the paper you’re reviewing:
MLA Formatting
12 pt font? _yes___
Heading is correct? _yes___
1” margins? _yes___
Double spaced? _yes____
Are the paragraphs indented? _yes____
No excess space between paragraphs? _yes____
An interesting, original title centered (but not bolded, underlined, etc.)? __yes____
Correctly formatted in-text citations after every quote or paraphrase? _yes____
Reverse Outline
In the space below, reverse outline your partner’s paper by writing a brief description of each paragraph in a bulleted list
(no more than a sentence per paragraph). Focus on both the topic of each paragraph and the function of each paragraph
in the paper.
Intro- explains how technology helps people rather than harming their minds.
body- helps with evidence that supports how technology is great for people.
body 2- continues to define how technology is good for you
conclusion- restates the thesis and gives her final ideas.
Does the organization of this paper indicate a logical progression of ideas? _yes___
○ If paragraphs could be combined or re-ordered, offer suggestions directly onto the paper.
● Is there an identifiable and defensible claim in the paper? _yes___
● Is the claim in the first paragraph? __yes__
● Does the rest of the paper continue to support this thesis? yes____
● Does the paper use at least 4 sources? _yes___
● Are these sources quoted effectively? (introductions, transition phrases, commentary) __yes__
○ If quotes in the paper can be improved, add a comment directly to the paper.
Does the writer effectively differentiate between their own position and the respective positions of their
sources? __yes__
Style and Voice
● Does the writer use advanced and non-repetitive word choice? __no____ Offer suggestions of improved word
choice, if applicable.
● Does the writer use a variety of sentence structures? __yes____ If sentences are consistently very short, very
long, or of the same structure, suggest improvements on the essay.
● Does the writer effectively transition between paragraphs? _it could be betterr____ Offer suggestions directly on
the paper.
● Does the writer engage you with his/her writing? _yes_____
● Does the writer use consistent active voice sentence constructions with vivid verb choices? yes_____
● Identify any spelling, grammatical, punctuation, or capitalization errors directly on the paper.
Given the AP rubric for the Synthesis essay, how would you score this paper?
Thesis (0-1): 1
Evidence and Commentary (0-4): 2
Sophistication (0-1): 1
Total (0-6): 4