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FitMe App: Healthy Lifestyle & Fitness Project

Most people nowadays want to improve their health and fitness, and they take steps to do so.
Almost every family's routine has been altered as a result of this transformation. Everyone these
days wants their plates to be piled high with nutritious and healthful options. Therefore, in order to
achieve a healthy and well-balanced living in such a demanding and fast-paced workplace, healthy
eating and nutritious food have become crucial components of everyone's daily routine.
As a result, I developed an Android app called "FitMe" to give people a holistic perspective on
improving their quality of life via a healthy and balanced diet and exercise.
The program begins by logging the user into FitMe. The signup and login interface will let users
control their app activity. The app offers an activity tracker, food planner, reports, and a health blog.
I'd want to thank my friend Paul Patience, a fitness practitioner, for being a mentor to me as I
worked to finish this project. As an Android developer, I'd also like to thank Kelvin Rimui for his
encouragement and help. Thanks to the two's consistent support and direction throughout the
project, I was able to acquire thorough expertise in Android Development and a broad grasp of the
fitness industry, and integrate these insights into a fully functional software.
According to the world health organization, More people die as a result of being overweight or
obese than from being underweight. People are overweight or obese at a higher rate than they are
underweight everywhere on the planet with the exception of some parts of Asia and sub-Saharan
Africa. Obesity and overweight are caused by consuming an excessive number of calories relative
to the amount of energy used by the body. The rate of overweight and obesity among women in
Kenya is high and possibly increasing. The chance of getting the most common and fatal chronic
diseases can be reduced by as much as 80% if four healthy lifestyle variables are combined:
maintaining a healthy weight, exercising consistently, and adopting a healthy diet. While it's
common knowledge that living a healthy lifestyle has numerous benefits, a shockingly low
percentage of adults really adhere to this philosophy, and this percentage is actually on the decline.
People today are increasingly focusing on physical fitness and wellness. Almost every family's
current way of life has been altered by this transition. Thus, in order to achieve a healthy and
balanced existence in such a demanding setting, healthy eating and nutritious food have become
crucial components of everyone's daily routine. However, an unhealthy diet can have serious
consequences for one's health, increasing the risk of developing conditions like obesity, diabetes,
and other related conditions. But conventional diseases and their symptoms can be mitigated or
avoided altogether with a more active lifestyle and a more nutritionally dense diet. Therefore, those
who want to eat well have turned to the internet to learn about the nutritional content of various
foods. There was a significant uptick in the use of health applications in 2016, with usage increasing
by 62% year over year, as reported by Flurry Analytics . Thus, numerous businesses and
programmers have released mobile health care applications. In the fitness and android market place,
numerous application have been created to monitor physical activity, moreso tracking of steps
throughout the day. However, most of these application are not fitted with a nutrition package. No
amount of exersise can outdo bad eating.
Proposed Solution
Knowledge representation and semantic web technology will be incorporated into the Personal
FitMe android app in this project through the usage of food ontology APIs to generate customized
meal plans for users. As an added bonus, the software will feature an activity tracker that can keep
tabs on how far the user has walked, how high they have climbed, and how fast they have run. An
application programming interface (API) is used to access the Android device's accelerometer and
gyroscope for the purpose of creating an activity tracker.
The app's built-in meal planner will make it easy to record the user's daily food intake by providing
suggestions for what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Using the user's demographic statistics
(Height, Weight, Gender, and Age) and his or her activity level, the app determines the user's BMR
(Basal Metabolic Rate) and displays the precise number of calories the user needs per day. By
simply clicking icons in both activities (Activity Tracker and Meal Planner), the suggested
application will allow the user see his or her activity by presenting the weekly progress report in bar
chart format.
Target Group
The proposed system is intended for two groups of people. First one are those indiviaduals who are
conscious about there own weight and would like to make some lifestle changes by eating healthy.
Second group of people are those individuals that lack time to plan for their meals manually. The
system wil provide them with a platform to make meal plans so as to prevent impulsive eating
which leads to weight gain.
Problem Statement
One of the most common health problems in young people nowadays is obesity. According to
regional studies conducted in Kenya, 43.4% of women and 34.0% of men were overweight or
obese, respectively. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in Kenya is rising, and with it comes
an increased risk of diabetes and hypertension. With this ever rising problem, comes the need for a
sytem to oversee a change in eating and physical habits.
The project's output is a mobile fitness program called FitMe for Healthy Lifestyle, which users can
employ to monitor their physical activity levels and calorie consumption. Meanwhile, the mobile
app will have a blog area where users can read up on a plethora of material to learn how to live
better lives.
Project Objectives
General Objective
The goals of this project are straightforward: first, users should be able to use the app on a regular
basis to record their own physical activity, dietary intake, and fitness-related statistics; second, users
should be able to access this information whenever it's convenient for them to do so; and third, the
project should result in a database that can store, process, and present this information.
Since the data may be kept and viewed in a logical fashion, consumers can gain a clearer picture of
their current way of living. Each of the app's three primary modules—the Activity Tracker, the Meal
Planner, and the Health Blog Module—is designed to help users lead healthier lives by recording
and providing relevant data.
Specific Objective
Similarly, the second goal is to encourage users to maintain regular exercise and dietary habits by
providing them with extrinsic rewards based on the results of an analysis of the data they have
provided. Due to the fact that most individuals eat whatever they want and end up taking in too
many calories on a daily basis without working off those extra pounds through regular exercise,
obesity and other chronic diseases are on the horizon for a large percentage of the population.
An individual's caloric intake should leave them feeling full rather than bloated; humans, in reality,
consume only what their bodies require (Robinson, Segal Ph.D. and Segal, 2017). Because of this,
the project's goal is to encourage individuals to take responsibility for their health.
Project implementation
To access the application, one must first sign up themselves with the FitMe. The registration process
requires users to disclose personal details such as email address, name, height, weight, date of birth,
gender, degree of physical activity, dietary preferences, and any known food allergies. If any of the
fields are not entered correctly, the application will throw an error. There may be formatting issues
with the provided contact information, such as a phone number that isn't exactly ten digits long or
an email address that isn't properly formatted.
When a user submits a registration form with appropriate information and clicks the submit button,
a request is sent to the server using the user's information and the correct Registration endpoint API
URL, which is encoded in JSON format. Any usernames, passwords, or other authentication
information submitted by the user will be permanently recorded. User registration is followed by
the application's "Login" screen, where users can actually log in.
User Login
Upon completion of registration, the user will be directed to the login screen. The FitMe app is
accessible to everyone who has registered and created a username and password. After logging in,
the app will send the user to their dashboard, from which they can navigate to different portions of
the app via the navigation drawer or the dashboard's main screen.
User Dashboard
The user interface will include a navigation drawer, an exercise journal, a diet planner, and a health
blog. This way, the user can pick and choose which features to employ at any given time. The
navigation drawer will provide access to several user features, such as the user profile, track me,
user log activity screen, and log out button.
User Profile
Users who have already registered for the app may go back and change any of the basic details they
entered. You can access this feature by utilizing the user dashboard's navigation drawer.
If the user wants to modify their profile, the app will make a POST request to the server containing
their information. The user's data will be submitted to the database via a POST request enclosed in a
JSON object.
When uploading a picture in the profile section, the Glide android library will be used to encode the
file in an easy to use interface.
Activity Tracker
This function will log a user's activity throughout the day using data collected from motion sensor
APIs. An accelorometer, one of the the three hardware base motion sensors will be used .
The application needs to log a users steps even when the app is not active, therefore, a broadcast
receiver will enable the app to run in the background.
Meal Planner
Meal plans for users will be generated using application programming interfaces (APIs) based on
food ontologies. The Nutritionix application programming interface (API) will be utilized by the
FitMe application. The user can easily and quickly enter the food products consumed over the three
meal interval of the day through this procedure.
Health Blog
The FitMe app includes a health blog where the user will keep up with the most recent posts on the
topic of health and fitness. You will be signaling your intention to initiate the Health Blog activity
with this click.