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IELTS Writing Course: Achieve Band 7+ with Expert Tutor

Writing course that you need
Nigina Rashidova
Your personal writing tutor with Writing band 7
Nigina is an experienced tutor with exceptional skills who can provide well qualified tutoring
and make sure that students understand the topic well. Hitting the band score 7.5 in IELTS
(Writing 7) she has helped many students to achieve their goals and understand the writing
system in IELTS. Working for more than 4 months individually she strengthened her teaching
skills to the perfection.
The course WRITE covers all topics and types of Task1 and Task2 in the IELTS writing
section. In 2 weeks you will be given the wonderful experience of learning structures, topic
vocabulary and strategies for overall improvement of your writing skills.
1. Analyze all 8 types of Task 1 - Line Graph, Bar Graph, Line graph…etc
We will learn how to:
Analyze and understand given chart properly;
Use complex structures;
Identify the mosts and the leasts in charts;
Describe rises, falls, and intersections between trends;
Specific language usage;
2. Analyze all types of Task 2 - Opinion Essay, Advantage/Disadvantage Essay… etc
We will learn how to:
Analyze the topic of Essay;
Formulate complex ideas on topics related to global , environmental, political
and social issues;
Learn transitional and introductory words;
Technical Details
Course will last 2 weeks From Monday to Friday. Lessons will be held online on the
Telegram app. Time will be discussed after the formulation of the group.
Your essays
Will be checked and analyzed by your tutor and you will have personalized feedback on
how to improve your score.
Level of English at least B1
Lessons will be held in English, so we need to make sure that you are understanding
the curriculum.
Strong dedication and discipline
Online tutors can not ensure your full preference for the lesson. You need to have
strong self-control to do all tasks given to you as homework.