Name : L1S1 Converting Fractions to Percents A) Convert the following fractions to percents. 1) 1 10 = 2) 9 20 = 3) 2 5 = 4) 1 2 = 5) 53 50 = 6) 7 4 = 7) 8 25 = 8) 27 20 = B) Match each fraction with its equivalent percent. 1) 5 2 70% 2) 7 10 36% 3) 9 25 250% C) Which of the following is equivalent to a) 20% b) 3% Printable Worksheets @ 1 ? 50 c) 5% d) 2% Answer Key Name : L1S1 Converting Fractions to Percents A) Convert the following fractions to percents. 1) 1 10 = 10% 2) 9 20 = 45% 3) 2 5 = 40% 4) 1 2 = 50% 5) 53 50 = 106% 6) 7 4 = 175% 7) 8 25 = 32% 8) 27 20 = 135% B) Match each fraction with its equivalent percent. 1) 5 2 70% 2) 7 10 36% 3) 9 25 250% C) Which of the following is equivalent to a) 20% b) 3% Printable Worksheets @ 1 ? 50 c) 5% d) 2%