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Find Home Run Products to Sell Online

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Shopify Ninjas Facebook Group
Official Kevin David Facebook Page
Module 1: How to Find Home Run Products to Sell
(Reverse Engineering Method)
Who are the best buyers?
• Women - are better buyers, more willing to engage, control spending in household, and are
normally the people who buy (gifts)
• Baby boomers - 97 million older people, used to computers, have disposable income, gift
buyers (cosmetics anti-aging, home decor, recreation, romance, convenience)
What do they buy?
• Specialties - Christmas, hunting, garden supplies, cyclist, hobbyists, enthusiasts, accessories
Finding a Niche:
It comes down to basic human desires. Love, sensory pleasures, material wealth, self-confidence,
social success, self-actualization. These desires are basically universal, at least within contemporary
Western culture.
They revolve around things that people want on a very deep and fundamental level, in ways they’re
not necessarily even fully aware of.
Love and friendship. For the most part, humans want to find a romantic partner with whom they can
share both emotional and sexual intimacy, someone to love them and support them.
Social success. People want others to like them. This ties into things like beauty and getting in
shape, although that also relates to the desire to find a mate. It also ties into self-help topics, like how
to be more confident, how to get better at public speaking, etc.
Material wealth. Good old “how to make money”, whether it’s investing in real estate, starting a small
business, or whatever, people are always looking for ways to make more money. Again, this also ties
into the concept of social success.
Entertainment. People like to have fun. They like humor. They like to laugh. They like to read about
celebrities or whatever, vicariously reveling in the sumptuous glamour and sexy scandals of the rich
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and famous. A lot of late 20th century sociologists and thinkers wrote about the concept of the “culture
industry.” Think of that kind of thing.
Self-actualization and personal fulfillment. People want to feel content in their lives. They want to
find a sense of peace with the imminent reality of their own existence. They want to find ways to
create meaning and infuse their lives with a sense of purpose that makes them feel complete. As I
mentioned, there might be some cultural variance here. I am not a psychologist, nor a sociologist,
anthropologist or historian. Someone more knowledgeable on these subjects might be able to weigh in
So, here’s a list of the specific “mass market evergreen niches” I’m referring to, each of them ties into
at least one of the general human desires I mentioned above.
• Mass media. Celebrity bios, stuff about TV shows or entertainment history, that kind of thing.
Also “geek stuff,” pop culture stuff, etc. Think “pop culture,” which kind of runs the gamut from
trashy tabloids, to comic book and TV show fandoms, and everything in between. Everyone
partakes of the mass media culture industry. There are radically different audiences within it -from housewives who devour the latest from TMZ, to sophisticated urbanites with a refined
appreciation of contemporary interior design and decor, to people who are geeks and proud of
it, guys who play D&D or have an encyclopedic knowledge of Star Wars trivia. Sports stuff is in
this category, too, even fashion fits here.
• Diet and weight loss. This is America. We’ve got a massive obesity epidemic going on. We’re
constantly surrounded by foods that are bursting with calories, but that aren’t very filling.
(Seriously, take a look at the nutrition facts on those little cans of Coke and stuff. It’s insane.)
People are always trying to lose weight -- and unfortunately, in most cases, failing at it. It can
take some time to find a regimen that works for their personal tastes and their lifestyle.
• Fitness. Another thing people want is to get fit and get in shape. This one pairs well with
weight loss and dieting, but it’s really its own distinct niche. Getting fit doesn’t always mean
losing weight.
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• Self development. Self-help books are always a perennial bestseller. One of the most
important things we need to do in this life is to understand ourselves, and sometimes even
better ourselves. I mean, think about it. None of us chose to be here, and if we did, we don’t
remember it. We’re thrust into this world, as conscious beings capable of joy as well as
suffering, facing down the eternal coldness of the hard problem of consciousness. People look
for ways to infuse their lives with meaning and a sense of purpose. They look for a compass to
guide them through life’s confusing twists and turns.
• Cooking. Everybody eats food, some more, others less, so cooking is another perennial niche
you can consider. Cookbooks sell like crazy, believe it or not.
• Dating and relationships. Finding a romantic partner is another big part of human life, at least
for the majority of people. There are also the many problems of long term relationships and
marriage -- dealing with disagreements, keeping sex interesting after multiple decades,
rekindling romance in the wake of an empty nest, etc.
• Gaming. This one’s maybe a little more recent and modern than the others, but it really is a
golden niche. I guess you could really stick this into the “mass media entertainment” category,
but I thought it deserved a mention on its own.
• Making money. Everyone wants to find ways to bring in some extra cash. Money doesn’t buy
happiness by any means, but what it can do is secure the base of the Maslow Pyramid, and
that’s really important.
Example Niches That Have Been Successful
Be forward thinking, you probably can’t sell the next oculus rift but you could provide accessories;
similar with Drones such as cases accessories, skins.
• Aquariums
• Golf
• Specialty Bow Ties
• Specialty Sunglasses (Bamboo)
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Official Kevin David Facebook Page
• Matcha
• Chalk Paint
• Vintage/Retro/Futuristic/Minimalist Clothing, Furniture and Accessories
• Fishing
• Enamel Pins
• Specialty Socks
• Jewelry for Aunt, Sister, Grandma (less competitive)
• Minimalist Wallets for Men
• Specialty Jewelry - Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets
• Vintage wedding dresses (wedding dresses are FAR TOO COMPETITIVE)
• Craft supplies (search trends on Pinterest, YouTube)
• Yoga
• Coffee
• Cosmetics
• Tea
Questions to ask yourself about a potential niche you are considering
• Are products easily available from a supplier?
• Are products in demand in this chosen market?
• Are people willing to pay for the products in this chosen niche?
• Do you have an interest in this niche product?
• Can the products be obtained at a low enough cost and sold at a high enough profit margin?
(you want to aim for a 50% margin).
• Could you leverage into a brand, or create an informational/digital product for the niche
• Is the product a temporary trend?
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Shopify Ninjas Facebook Group
Official Kevin David Facebook Page
Things to remember
• Cars are a niche, you want a sub niche, mustang interior parts and wheels are more
• Stay AWAY from commodities, toothbrush, toilet paper etc
• IMPORTANT: Higher ticket products for higher profits, less orders to track, less help
desk and orders to deal with (also consider shipping)
• Average orders should be 50 or 75 dollars, with 50 to 75% profit margin
• Average Weight - lighter is better
• The more random the better - train horns, Christmas ornaments, Halloween costumes,
speciality items like flags for hard to find countries but with big searches from google
keyword planner!
• You want weird and embarrassing things that people don’t want to sell publicly
• Sexual stimulation, baldness, nail fungus, yeast infections, it’s a great niche if you can
find the right products
• You want to make sure that what you choose is NOT available at Walmart or big box
• To avoid ridiculous delivery times you need to choose ePacket shipping which is 12-20
days rather than up to 40
Product requirements
4.4lbs 2kg can’t exceed $400 in value ships to 30 countries
As of February 2017, 30 countries support ePacket deliveries.
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Great Britain
Hong Kong
New Zealand
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United States
AliExpress Product Research
SuperDeals - jewelry, women accessories, bracelets, rings, hats, scarfs, watches (high perceived
value - but in reality are inexpensive to make)
• Look for products that have multiple variations/colors because people like variations, or they
want to buy multiples in different colors
• NO glass, no electronics
• We are looking for products that look expensive but are cheap
• Look at jewelry from hot sellers and then scroll down and look at related
products - a general rule of thumb is you want to sell it for 10x or more than the
aliexpress price
• You can ask the seller for other images/unbranded images if they have their logos
• You can click the seller themselves, see the number of orders and then see if they have other
products, potentially finding others that way
Aliexpress and chrome extensions you need to use!
Aliexpress.com - Sort by number of orders - shows exactly how many people are actually ordering
what product
Chrome extensions - Aliprice assistant (shows historical pricing of aliexpress products), Aliexpress
seller check (shows detailed seller metrics), and Oberlo (automates drop shipping integrated with
To view which stores have the most traffic based on IP
• Make note of what sales tactics these websites take advantage of – Free Shipping over 50$
increases cart value, and incentivizes customers to spend more money, 10$ off first order in
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Shopify Ninjas Facebook Group
Official Kevin David Facebook Page
exchange for email address etc.
• To view best selling products by store, append this to the end of any shopify website URL
Example: https://colourpop.com/collections/all?sort_by=best-selling
To view the most popular products and Shopify stores related to any niche
Use Intelligynce: https://goo.gl/1ZF6kr
Finding Trending Products
• Google keyword planner - search for new keyword and ad group ideas, research your
product category to get ideas for new keywords and for niche ideas
• Targeting - you can choose United kingdom, Australia, USA, whatever your target market, can
also search based on keyword, search cycling jerseys, add to plan all the ones that are related
and then review your plan and keywords - exact match by number of clicks per day and traffic.
• Alexa.com/siteinfo - paste in your competitors you find via google to see engagement,
Top keywords with search engines, related sites – IMPORTANT
Slickdeals.net/deals (look at popular deals)
Slickdeals.net/forums (look at number of views and replies)
Google Image Search - find any product via google, and right click and search google for that
image, and look for how many times that photo is posted online
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Shopify Ninjas Facebook Group
Official Kevin David Facebook Page
Terapeak.com - to find best selling items on eBay
Pinterest.com - search for trending cat jewelry for example, look for the products near the top
of the search as Pinterest sorts based on popularity
Amazon.com - Search the product trust, amazon organizes it in such a way to show you the
best products most likely to sell, because when those products sell amazon makes money, so
amazon shows you the products selling the most related to your query
Watchcount.com - Shows how many people are watching items on eBay, and you can then
see how many orders any particular item has to determine sales velocity and interest
Google alerts - if you’re doing a niche put your main keyword into google alerts to get ideas of
new products, and see the most recent news and publications related to your niche, and to
give you ideas of how to advertise etc
Popular.ebay.com - you can browse all these types of niches to get ideas of niches to find sub
niches within
Top sellers on Amazon - look at niches and sub niches to give you ideas of niches, look at
the top 100 products and then decide if there is a way to narrowly target these products via FB
▪ Look at successful seller stores, and filter for fulfilled by merchant (look at number of
reviews), and assuming a 2-5% you can estimate sales, take the name of the product,
and look at the top result for the brand name or product name
▪ Filter by price and by FBM (you choose fbm so it’s not available via prime) and set price
above 100 dollars, too often dropshippers focus on inexpensive products but the
margins are thin and the customer service requirements are much higher
Research what categories are RESTRICTED by Amazon and sell them (but also important to see if
they are restricted to advertise on facebook, finding the gaps here makes people rich)
To find successful shopify storefronts using expensive app subscriptions (assuming that only
successful sellers making money would pay for expensive apps)
https://apps.shopify.com/?sortby=popular - Look for paid apps here, and then look at the
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Shopify Ninjas Facebook Group
Official Kevin David Facebook Page
comments, assuming people with successful stores pay for apps
Look at trade show websites and look at the companies who are exhibitors, look at their
companies and review their product offerings
• If people are buying exhibitor booth space at these tradeshows you can make a general
assumption that they are at least mildly successful
• You can contact these people directly from their sites to inquire about dropshipping
• Search tradeshow directory in google (by category)
• Americasmart.com directory or market
Niche Item #1: Heart Rate Monitors
These are used by athletes and gym bunnies or by people who need to keep an eye on their heart
rate. Why they are an exciting niche item:
• They have a 75% success rate on eBay - 75% of all monitors listed on eBay in the last
three months sold
• They are lightweight and easy to ship and store
• One size fits all
Niche Item #2: Plus Size Shoes
Many bigfoots out there find it very difficult to find shoes that will fit them comfortably from regular
retail stores. Why they are a super niche item:
• While these are commonly made by popular shoemakers, stores often order only a
handful of pairs in larger sizes, which means that more and more, our big-footed friends
must turn to buying online to get what they need.
• They have a high success rate on eBay (women’s size 11 sell at 61.9% and men’s size 14
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Shopify Ninjas Facebook Group
Official Kevin David Facebook Page
at 75%)
• Both men and women alike can require plus size shoes (Hot tip: women's size 11+ high
heels could make a great little niche)
Niche Item #3: Plus Size Maternity Wear
Another plus-size item with huge success on eBay. It's a profitable niche because:
• Maternity and baby gear always works because people are always going to have babies,
so you'll never run out of customers!
• Clothing items are easy to ship as they light and not fragile.
Niche Item #4: Military Insignia
Collectibles always make great niches and you can dig really deep to find the best ones. They are also
perfect for people who are interested in them – you'll find it much easier and much more rewarding
when you sell something you enjoy. To really niche it up, go for US military insignia from the Vietnam
War which is big on eBay.
Why military insignia makes an excellent niche:
It rarely dates or goes out of fashion
There are so many sub-niches to discover like Russian war medals and World War 2
Niche Item #5: Antique Clocks
Another great collectible item. They are a first-rate niche because:
You'll appeal to both collectors and home decorators
They have an eBay success rate of over 67%
You can often pick these up very cheaply from flea markets and yard sales, then sell them
to make a profit!
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Shopify Ninjas Facebook Group
Official Kevin David Facebook Page
Thieve.co - Thieve products are hand selected by a group of awesome creatives around the world,
bloggers, photographers, designers and heaps more. Thieve lets you skip the search and get straight
to buying the good stuff!
How to find your hungry buyers (and target them)
To view similar websites and get analytics related to site traffic
Use www.similarweb.com to view analytics related to website traffic, total visits by geographic
location and so much more!
To view social shares related to any product or topic
Use www.buzzsumo.com - search necklace, look for something unique, review the links and follow
them, look for something you can easily source or find on www.aliexpress.com
REMEMBER: most people only think to find their buyers AFTER they find a product. This is actually a
reversal of how you should do it! You should find your buyers BEFORE you find your product. Find
your Facebook audiences BEFORE you invest in products (most people ignore this)
Audience insights, make sure you have interests, make sure there is community and interest on
google trends and buzzsumo and pinterest
Audience Insights (Facebook ad tool)
Shows popularity and demographics of most search terms, and more importantly shows what
Facebook pages people who are interested in the topic you’ve searched ALSO like, which is hugely
important when you are targeting people on Facebook to Advertise to!
https://adespresso.com/academy/ads-examples/ - Shows examples for most products and services
of successful Facebook ad campaigns.