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Basic Electronics Exam: Diode Theory, Transistors, Digital Circuits

Subject Name: Basic Electronics – Theory
(2010204201) Semester: 2nd
Unit : 01 Diode Theory And Application
Short question:
1. Define following terms:
(a) Conductor.
(b) Insulator.
(c) The depletion layer.
(d) Barrier potential.
(e) Knee voltage.
(f) Peak inverse voltage.
2. Give summary of diode approximation. (First, Second and third).
3. What is important of study of diode circuit?
4. What is Surge limiting resistor or Bleeder resistor?
5. Write a short note on surface mount diodes.
6. Describe choke and capacitor input filter with its advantages and disadvantages.
7. The Zener diode circuit in a figure has V= 20V, R 1=620Ω and a 1N755 zener diode. Calculate
thediode current and power dissipation. Here Vz =7.5V for 1N755.
Long Question
1. Explain VI characteristic of PN junction
2. Explain half wave rectifier with circuit diagram, waveform and required derivations.
3. Describe the circuit that uses two diodes for full wave rectification with circuit
diagram, waveform and required derivation.
4. Explain bridge rectifier using circuit diagram, waveforms and required derivation.
5. Explain all type (biased/unbiased) of Clipper/limiter circuit with appropriate waveforms.
6. Describe all type of clamper circuit.
Unit : 02 Bipolar junction transistors and its biasing.
Short question:
1. Classify the Transistors.
2. Give details of different operating region of transistor.
3. What is Biasing? What is the need of biasing circuits?
4. Write short note on Thermal Runaway.
5. Which are the factors that affects the stability of Q point?
Long Question:
1. Draw the construction and symbol of NPN and PNP transistor. give details of differentoperating
region of transistor.
2. Explain working of Bipolar Junction Transistor in Active region.
3. Explain Common Base configuration (CB) of transistor in detail with necessary derivation, input
characteristic and output characteristic.
4. Explain Common Emitter configuration (CE configuration) of transistor and explain it indetail with
necessary derivation, input characteristic and output characteristic.
5. Compare CB, CE and CC configuration of transistor.
6. Establish the relationship between current gain α, β and γ.
7. Explain the concept DC Load line and Operating point Q. Also derive the equation ofoperating point
Q for CE configuration.
8. Explain Voltage Divider Bias circuit in detail with necessary circuit diagram and alsoderive the
equations of Q.
9. Explain comparison of Fixed bias, Collector to Base bias, Emitter Resistor bias and Voltage Divider bias
with neat sketch diagram.
10. For a silicon transistor, a base bias circuit as in figure given below has RB= 470kΩ, Rc=2.2kΩ, Vcc=
18V and the transistor has hFE= 100. Determine IB, IC and VCE.
Unit : 03 Special purpose diodes and transistors.
Short question:
Write a short note about zener effect.
Why zener diode use as a Voltage Regulator?
Draw and explain physical layout of seven segment display also draw schematic diagram of it.
What is reverse recovery time?
Explained the varactor diode and varistor.
Define tunnel diode.
Give a short note on Dot matrix LED display.
8. Explain the sixteen segment display and its application with the necessary circuit diagram.
Long Question:
Explain LED diagram with necessary circuit diagram.
Briefly describe about the Schottky diode.
Explain construction of solar cell with I-V characteristic and efficiency.
Explain photo transistor with V-I characteristic.
What is breakdown diode? Explain working of zener breakdown and avalanche breakdown.
Unit : 04 AC Analysis of BJT circuits and small signal amplifier.
Short question:
What is the AC load line in the transistor? Write it's significance.
Explain the working of transistor as a switch.
Why h parameters are called hybrid parameters? also give merits and demerits of h parameters.
What is saturation region?
What is cut off region?
Long Question:
1. Briefly explain the h parameter and draw h parameter based equivalent circuit for CE transistor and
derive equation for input impedance, output impedance and voltage gain.
2. Draw and explain the transistor A.C equivalent circuit.
3. Explained the selection of a Q point for a transistor bias circuit and discuss the limitation on the
output voltage swing.
Unit : 05 Field effect transistors(FET) and its biasing.
Short question:
Define Field effect transistor.
Draw the schematic symbol, off set gate symbol and P-channel symbol of JFET.
Define transconductance.
Give full name of MOSFET and draw the schematic symbol for N channel and P channel of
What is the depletion mode MOSFET?
Give advantages of JFET.
Give difference between MOSFET and JFET.
What are the advantages of n channel MOSFET over p channel MOSFET?
Long Question:
Give difference between BJT and FET.
Explain the drain characteristic of JFET and also explain Ohmic region and active region.
Explain the JFET analog switch.
Write a short note on E MOSFET as an amplifier.
Explain C MOS inverter with circuit diagram and input output graph.
Unit : 06 Digital Circuits.
Short question:
Give comparison between analog and digital system.
Give advantage of digital system.
Define : Fan in, Fan out, Noise margin, propagation delay time.
What is switching time?
Define : Fall time, Rise time.
Explain RTL with circuit diagram for NOR function.
7. Write truth table of NAND and NOR gates.
Long Question:
1. What do you mean by the logic gate and its types? explain the universal logic gates.
2. Explain the logic families and their types describe the characteristic of the same.
3. Give comparison of different logic families.