HOW TO EXCEL IN TRANSACTIONAL WRITING! 11. What is the intention/ purpose of the piece? NB!!!!!! 4. Which format do I need to use? 12. Who is target audience? 33. What information from the article/ text must I use in answering the question? 5. What register needs to be used to enhance the transactional piece? What is the best way to get my VOICE across? How can I use my VOICE to enhance my writing? How can I “sell” my ideas to my marker? EMAIL To: (to whom the email is being sent- email address) From: (this includes the email of the person who is sending the email) Subject: Feedback on Ronan’s English task. (title that clearly indicates what the email will be about.) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dear Mrs Meltzer, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Paragraph 1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Paragraph 2 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Kind regards J. Klein • AN EMAIL CAN BE INFORMAL OR FORMAL- READ THE QUESTION WITH CARE. • AN EMAIL IS LIKE A LETTER BUT MODERN (WITH THE CLICK OF A BUTTON YOUR EMAIL WILL BE SENT, UNLIKE A LETTER WHICH COULD TAKE DAYS) Date Xxxx Dear Diary, Xxxx Paragraphs x 2 Xxxxxx Chat tomorrow/ will write again soon (End your diary entry with the closing but future concentrated action words) Xxxxxx Jess xxx - - Diary entries are personal, information should reveal your inner thoughts and feelings (Kind of like a soliloquy but written) INNER VOICE- we want to see how you feel and what you are experiencing. Draw your reader in. Informal register to be used. Ideas should reflect the topic. Ensure that you are always linking ideas back to topic. YOUR ADDRESS • This could be to a member of your family, to a friend, or to an acquaintance. • The register should be reasonably informal, depending on how close you are to the person to whom you are writing. • Content must have depth. YOUR ADDRESS THEIR ADDRESS • The register should be formal. • Your headline/subject heading should be precise and to the point. • You are writing a letter for a specific reason, make this clear in your letter, remember to be respectful in your writing. • You should discuss/ bring attention to the issue in paragraph 1 and the rest of the letter should be used to validate your point and perhaps suggest a way to move forward.