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Physics & Biology Worksheet: SI Units, Classification, Diseases

Q. 1 Fill in the balnks - 3 mks
1. The SI unit of force is _____________
(Dyne, Newton, Joule)
2. The air pressure in our body is equal to ___________ pressure. (Atmospheric,
Sea bottom, Space)
3. The SI unit of pressure is_________________ (N/m3, N/m2, kg/m2, Pa/m2)
Q.2 Complete the five kingdom method of classification using-living organism,
prokaryotes, eukaryotes, multicellular, unicellular, protista, animals, plants,
fungi - 2mks
Q.3 Answer in one sentence:- 3 mks
1. Which are various media of spreading the infectious diseases?
Answer - Means of spread of Infectious disease
Air-borne diseases: Microbial agents can move from an affected person to
someone else through air. It occurs through the little droplets thrown out by an
infected person who sneezes or coughs.
Water-borne diseases: They can be spread through water.. If the excreta from
someone suffering from an infectious gut disease such as cholers or amoebiasis
gets mixed with drinking water used by people living nearby.
Mosquitoes are vector of a disease called malaria.
2. Give the names of five non-infectious diseases other than given in the lesson.
Answer: Asthma, cataract, diseases of kidney such as kidney stones and renal
failure, arthritis, Alzheimer
3. Which are the main reasons of diabetes and heart diseases?
Answer - High blood pressure, cholesterol, no exercise etc.
Q.4 Who am I ? - 2 mks
1. I don’t have true nucleus, cell organelles or plasma membrane.
Answer - Prokaryotic Organisms
2. I have nucleus and membrane bound cell organelles.
Answer - Eukaryotic Organisms
Q.5 Distinguish Between - 2 mks
1. Infectious and non- Infectious disease
Infectious disease
non-infectious disease
It is caused by pathogens like
It is caused by some factors like genetics,
bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
environment, malnutrition, and lifestyle.
It is also known as communicable or It is also known as a non-communicable or nontransmissible disease.
transmissible disease.
Examples include AIDS, cholera, Examples include cancer, color blindness, and
and tuberculosis.
Q.6. Answer in Brief - 4 mks (Any one)
1. A plastic cube is released in water. Will it sink or come to the surface of water?
The density of plastic d(say) is less than the density of water. Hence when released in
water, the weight of the plastic Vdg acts downwards, and the buoyant force Vρg acts
Since d<ρ, the buoyant force is greater than the weight and hence the plastic blocks
comes to the surface.
2. Why do the load carrying heavy vehicles have large number of wheels?
We know, Pressure = Force / Area
So, greater the area of contact between two surfaces, lesser will be the pressure. So, the
load carrying heavy vehicles have large number of wheels so that the pressure on the road
is reduced due to larger contact area. Also, using large number of wheels ensures that the
force due to the load is shared among the tyres and no single tyre is under stress.
Q.7 Explain the importance - 4 mks (Any one)
1. Balanced Diet
A diet is all that we consume in a day. And a balanced diet is a diet that contains an
adequate quantity of the nutrients that we require in a day. A balanced diet includes
six main nutrients, i.e. Fats, Protein, Carbohydrates, Fibre, Vitamins, and Minerals.
The requirements of the nutrients depend on the age, gender, and health of a person.
2. Physical exercise / Yoga Asnas
reduces the risk of heart diseases such as attacks or strokes., helps in
maintaining proper weight.
helps in maintaining blood pressure levels., helps in maintaining proper
cholesterol level of blood.
lowers the risk of cancers and type 2 diabetes. , helps in maintaining stronger
muscles, bones and joints.
lowers the risk of osteoporosis disease., makes you feel relaxed by boosting
energy levels
Q.8. Give Reasons - 3 mks (Any one)
1. Write the characteristics of viruses.
They are smaller and simpler than bacteria. They are ultramicroscopic and visible
only under an electron microscope.
They are considered to be on the boundary line of living and non-living things.
They are obligate parasites and cannot live on their own.
They cannot multiply on their own. They require living machinery to multiply.
2. Explain the nutrition in fungi.
Fungi obtain nutrients from dead, organic matter that's why they are
called saprophytes.
● Fungi produce some kind of digestive enzymes for breaking down complex food into a
simple form of food.
Fungi obtains its nutrients from the decaying organic matter.
Q.9 Draw the diagram of paramecium. - 2 mks