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International Student Applications in BC

JAN. 23-FEB. 5, 2023
International student applications are booming
But some international students wary of subsidizing Canadian higher education
ew international study
p er m its for st ud ents
coming to B.C. experienced t hei r slowest a n nu a l
growth in 2022 since at least
2015, excluding the massive oneyear drop during 2020, when the
onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
brought travel and in-person
studies to a standstill.
But even so, applications from
international students for the upcoming school year are through
the roof, according to Randall
Martin, executive director of the
B.C. Council for International
“ E v e n P r i n c e G e o rge a n d
places like that that often have
troubles attracting or retaining
international students are just
booming right now,” Martin said.
T he nu mber of new i nternational study permits issued for
B.C. last year grew by only 0.36
per cent compared with 2021.
By comparison, the next slowest
growth year was in 2019, when
Randall Martin is executive director
of the B.C. Council for International
Education | SUBMITTED
permits increased by 5.5 per cent.
But slowing growth in new
study permits is not necessarily
a sign that international interest
in B.C. education is waning.
Chris Bottrill, vice-president,
international, at Capilano University said B.C. remains a top
destination for international students. He added that many of the
reasons to attend post-secondary
school in Canada pre-pandemic
still exist today: A safe environment, the quality of education
a nd good job oppor tu n it ies
among them.
Bottrill’s comments are supported by the findings of an
international student survey
completed by the Canadian Bureau for International Education.
The survey found the safeness of
the country and the quality of the
education as the top two reasons
students chose Canada.
The No. 3 factor was the country’s international reputation as
an inclusive nation for immigrants. The influence of this,
Bottrill says, has waned in recent years.
Whatever the reason for selecting Canada – or B.C. – as
an education destination,
what remains consistent is the
March 5-11, 2023
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March 11, 2023 • 6-7pm VIPs; 7-11pm partygoers
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post-secondary sector’s need to
attract international students.
The business case for B.C. colleges and universities relies both
culturally and economically on
students from abroad.
In 2023, international students
can expect to pay more than four
times as much in tuition as domestic students, according to
Statistics Canada. And in 2018,
the most recent year for which
there is data, international students contributed $22.3 billion
to the Canadian economy, $4.7
billion of which made its way to
B.C., according to data from the
Government of Canada.
Beyond the high-level economic
benefits they bring to B.C., international students help improve
the overall educational experience for all students at post-secondary institutions.
T he i ntercu ltu ra l lea rn i ng
opportunities that come with a
diverse student body are rewarding, said Bottrill.
“International students are
critical to the educational system
in British Columba and post-secondary especially,” he said.
It is no surprise, then, that the
Canadian government has made
it a priority to work with the sector to grow the international student population in Canada.
Doi ng so won’t be w ithout
competition – from Pacific U.S.
states, Australia and New Zealand, particularly in attracting
students from Asia.
Australia is heavily competing
with Canada for international
students, said Martin. He says
that the country has put a target on Canada’s back and wants
back the international students
Canada was able to poach when
Australia closed its doors during
Competition from the U.S. is
less strong, Martin said, because
the country lacks a unified national strategy to attract international learners.
But some are wary of countries’
efforts to attract international
students, and the significant
amounts of tuition they pay.
WeiChun Kua, an organizer
with the international student
group Migrant Students United
at Simon Fraser University, said
that while Canada remains a
desirable destination for prospective students, the attractiveness of Canada fades when
students arrive and are confronted by expensive tuition,
expensive housing and the expensive cost of living.
“One issue I think the universities need to address to really
Even Prince George and
places like that that
often have troubles
attracting or retaining
international students are
just booming right now
help international students is
the post-secondary education
funding model – because it’s not
sustainable,” said Kua. “It’s just
relying on and exploiting international students to subsidize
post-secondary education in
Canada overall.”
Kua says that there are things
that institutions could do to help
mitigate the financial burden
faced by incoming students, such
as providing additional student
housing, like Capilano University
did last year.
For some international students, Kua says that there’s not
much they can do to deal with
high and rising costs once they
arrive in B.C.
“It rea l ly depends on each
student’s circumstances. Some
people are just forced to kind of
adapt, take on more jobs, figure
out a way to get more money. And
some people just can’t afford it
anymore and they have to terminate their study program because they can’t afford to pay for
tuition fees,” he said.
Outside of leaving school or
absorbing unexpected costs,
K u a s a y s t h e re’s n o t m u c h
international students can do.
And even with the high level of
competition B.C.’s post-secondary institutions face from their
counterparts in the Asia-Pacific, it’s not easy for international
students to leave one country for
Martin said he sympathizes
with the high costs of living and
tuition paid by international students, but noted that Canadian
tuition costs are better than those
competitors abroad.
He added that Ottawa subsidizes education for those who have
paid into the Canadian tax system, i.e. domestic students. •
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