FALL Semester 2023-24 Class Group Course Code Course Title General (Semester) BCSE308P Computer Networks Lab Course Type Class Id Slot Embedded VL2023240101167 L13+L14 Lab Student Details: Student Name: Roll/Reg No: Email: Mobile: Faculty Details: Faculty Name: VENKATA PHANIKRISHNA B School: SCOPE Email: Venkata.phanikrishna@vit.ac.in As.No. 6 Assessment Title. Transport Layer: Socket program for client and server Date of Submission 13-July-2023 Format/Frame Work Question Professor will give it. Program or Should be typed content, Related It may be program, syntax, or theory. Content Screen Shorts are not acceptable. Output: Your Observation Note: Student name should be specified in given content (i.e., Include your name in comment) Probably Typed or copy-past content of your program output. If it is difficult, then put output-screen shorts. NOTE: Include your name in the comment. After the execution of this experiment what you learned. Questions: Develop a client server programs with considering following parameters 1. Execute both client and server programs in the same system by assigning an IP address and port number from the user for the chatting task (using both TCP and UDP, do it in separate programs) 2. Execute both client and server programs in the different systems by assigning only port number from the user (IP taken as per network automatically) for the chatting task (using both TCP and UDP, do it in separate programs)