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Macbeth Essay: Lady Macbeth's Role

Macbeth Essay
Lady Macbeth is responsible, icon.
The murder of King Duncan is a turning point in the William Shakespeare’s 1606 tragedy of
Through manipulation, it was Lady Macbeth who drove Macbeth to kill his king and continue
on a murderous path, erasing everyone who might steal his throne. Shakespeare has subverted
the typical gender roles for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, as she defies everything that an
Elizabethan woman was supposed to be. She is a very persistent and clever woman who knows
how to get what she wants. Lady Macbeth uses several tactics to persuade her husband into
the murder, which are all fueled by her powerful ambition and her excessive desire and greed.
She employs emotional blackmail through their relationship which is clearly also subverted as
Lady Macbeth has the most dominance in their relationship. She shames and belittles him,
emasculates him, to therefore force him into the act. Lady Macbeth is painted as the villain as
she is almost the complete opposite of femininity, alluding to the point, why would
Shakespeare create her as this abomination if she wasn’t responsible? He had positioned his
Elizabethan audience to perceive Lady Macbeth as the villain by making her character someone
who would be greeted with such hate by his viewers. She would have been on the bottom on
the great chain of being. She would have been submissive and respecting of her husband, so
why did Shakespeare give her so much power? So she would be the antagonist and ultimately
the one held responsible for King Duncan’s murder.
Manipulation is an extremely powerful tool of which can be utilized to achieve whatever dark
desires the manipulator may have. In the case of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth manipulates her
husband to fulfill her lust for the crown. She goes above and beyond to getting what she wants,
blackmailing him, guilt tripping him, intimidating and very easily overpowering him. This
intention is clear from the start, after Lady Macbeth starting plotting her evil plans. “Hie thee
hither. That I may pour my spirits in thine ear; And chastise with the valour of my tongue”. This
quote exhibits a powerful metaphor which very clearly shows her manipulative skill and her
certainty that this is what will happen. The use of the word “spirits” has connotations to the
supernatural world and further gives a feel of dark magic, giving Lady Macbeth a possessive and
powerful nature. Lady Macbeth emotionally blackmails Macbeth into the murder. The common
theory that the couple is grieving over the recent loss of a child is used to Lady Macbeth’s
advantage. She uses this recent trauma to display her loyalty after Macbeth refuses to go on
with her plan. She responds “...(I) know how tender ‘tis to love the babe who milks me: I would,
while it was smiling in my face, have pluck’d my nipple from its boneless gums, and dash’d the
brains out, had I sworn as you have done to this.” This quote displays horrifying imagery, which
through very descriptive and emotive language, paints a very clear picture for the reader. She
describes it in a very realistic way, which implies this really happened. If it did, it would be
perfect material to reinforce his motive to continue with the murder, blackmailing him with the
loss of their child to instate her trust in him. This would make Macbeth not to want to let his
wife down, therefore she also guilt trips him. This manipulation indeed shows Lady Macbeth’s
conviction to the crime, rendering her guilty for the murder.
Ambition and greed can completely change a person for the worse. Lady Macbeth’s cruel
desires are stemmed from her overflowing greed and ambition. These values are the opposite
of the expected stereotype of the Elizabethan woman. She is an abomination of femininity as
she is domineering instead of subservient, merciless and cruel instead of gentle and kind. She
believes that her femininity is what makes her unable to go ahead with the crime. This is
illuminated in the quote “Come, you spirit that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill
me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty!” Lady Macbeth pleads to have these
feminine traits taken away which further shows how ambitious she is as she would change
every part of herself for the power and the throne. The metaphor suggests her absolute
confidence that she will get the crown. The motif of the supernatural comes again with the
word spirits, giving her not only the celestial feel, but a chilling one too, making the audience
fear her. As she longs to not be a typical woman to do this crime, she further subverts the
gender roles. This would have definitely angered the Elizabethan audience and positions them
to perceive her as the villain. She not only subverts her own roles and values, but her
relationship with Macbeth too. She is the controlling one and hold the most power in their
relationship. This is exemplified in the quote, “Was the hope drunk wherein you dress’ d
yourself? Hath it slept since? And wakes it now, to look so green and pale at what it did so
freely?”. This anger is inflamed by her ambition and the horror that her husband would betray
her. The sensory imagery and metaphors shows her great disgust and how she really views her
husband in that moment- weak, stupid and deceitful, values that never fit the typical masculine
traits. She belittles him to try and convince him that, if he was a man or strong, he would do
this. In this quote she insults him, and he obliges in the end. Macbeth is manipulated to further
subvert the roles and create a strange juxtaposition between the two, yet again portraying Lady
Macbeth more culpable.
In conclusion, Lady Macbeth is the main culprit in the murder of King Duncan. Yet she didn’t
actually carry out the murder, she was the one who mercilessly manipulated her husband into
doing so. She stopped at nothing and was utterly determined to effectuate her desire for more
power, manipulating her husband in a variety of ways. Her ambition was endless and her greed
was overfilling. She disregarded everything that she was supposed to be as a married woman
living in the Elizabethan age, and therefore being depicted as evil, cruel and conclusively, the
villain. She would appear this way indefinitely to The Bard’s viewers, however, she is also seen
to be the villain in a modern context as well, as the themes and concepts explored still are
relevant to a modern context. Shakespeare’s plays are always open for interpretation, but the
facts clearly support that Lady Macbeth is responsible for King Duncan’s death.
But she is still so cool and the best character.