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Creating Your Sacred Space
Unless you already have a special peaceful place set up in your home I suggest you
challenge yourself to create a "sacred space" somewhere within your living area. Perhaps
you are fortunate enough to have an extra room you can use to retreat to when you need
some time to yourself. When it is time for a child to leave the nest consider converting the
newly evacuated bedroom into a sacred space rather than making it into a guest room that
is only used occasionally. Do not feel as if you must wait until you have a spare room to
create this spirit filled space. Consider opening up any corner and building an altar there,
or empty a closet of its clutter and place a couple of pillows upon the floor for use in quiet
prayer or meditation.
Please share a photo of your sacred space on the facebook page or through you
assignments answer.
After Choosing Your Space
Once you have chosen the space, clear the entire room where your sacred space will exist
(even if only a corner is being used). A fresh coat of paint on the walls might be nice.
Incorporate household rules as to who is and who is not allowed into this space. Is this to
be your space alone or can other family members use it when you aren't using it? Select
pleasing visuals, I strongly suggest to find a picture of the four archetype animals and place
them in the corners, serpent in the south, jaguar in the west, hummingbird the north and
eagle in the east. This is your Sacred Space surroundings and it should be reflective of you
and your spiritual and other belief systems.
Filling Your Space with Personal Items
I like to fill my Sacred Space with an eclectic array of items that I have collected or been
gifted over the year. From a handful of seashells, coins (promised prosperity), a chunk of
amethyst, a my obsidian and rose quartz balls, my witches swords and wands, are all spittle
rocket to me. It is your space make it for you and enjoy the process.
Sacred Space Rituals
Once your space is in place you will likely want to honour it by doing some type of ritual, be
it Native American, casting a gypsy spell, giving a prayer of gratitude, or blessing it in
whatever way best aligns with your belief system. You will soon find yourself drawn to this
sacred space more and more as you seek the solace and restfulness it provides. You begin
to wonder how you ever lived without this Sacred Space that offers much healing, comfort
and warmth. I suggest you smudge the area with white sage and burn incense if it calls you.