fig(1:140,1:140,1) = [ones(140,20),ones(140,20), zeros(140,20), zeros(140,20), ones(140,20),ones(140,20), zeros(140,20)]; fig(1:140,1:140,2) = [ones(140,20),ones(140,20), ones(140,20), ones(140,20), zeros(140,20),zeros(140,20), zeros(140,20)]; fig(1:140,1:140,3) = [ones(140,20), zeros(140,20), ones(140,20), zeros(140,20), ones(140,20),zeros(140,20), ones(140,20)]; imshow(fig) DATA AND RESULTS OBS CON In this activity we generate a color bar figure that is 3-dimensional matrix figure with 140x140 size. The command listing shows the RGB information and x and y position. The color bar displays a vertical color up to the right side of the chart. The command ones,ones,ones is for the first column of white followed by ones,ones,zeros which indicated to be yellow and so on for the other colors. The "ones" command was most likely used to create values of 1 for the red and green channels, resulting in a yellow color combination. The "zeros" command, on the other hand, was used to assign a value of 0 to the blue channel, resulting in the lack of blue color The colors can be varied by the command 1, 2 and 3 on each figure. In addition, by identifying the combinations of 1,2 and 3 is it to generate other colors. The 140x140 size of the figure that consists of all pixels. Lastly, combining ones,zeros thus 1,2 and 3 and the array of codes we can create a color bar figure with the size of 140x140. Overall, this activity demonstrates the ability to create and manipulate a three-dimensional color bar using MATLAB, enabling exploration and experimentation with different color combinations for various applications.