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ANSI X9.24-1-2017 Symmetric Key Management Standard

American National Standard
for Financial Services
ANSI X9.24-1-2017
Retail Financial Services
Symmetric Key Management
Part 1: Using Symmetric Techniques
Accredited Standards
Committee ¥ 9
Financial Industry Standards
Accredited Standards Committee X9, Incorporated
Financial Industry Standards
Date Approved: June 8, 2017
American National Standards Institute
American National Standards, Technical Reports and Guides developed through the Accredited
Standards Committee X9, Inc., are copyrighted.
Copying these documents for personal or commercial
use outside X9 membership agreements is prohibited without express written permission of the
Accredited Standards Committee X9, Inc. For additional information please contact ASC X9, Inc., 275
West Street, Suite 107, Annapolis, MD 21401.
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ANSI X9.24-1-2017
FIQUIFOS ........cescessssesceecesesecseesseassaeseneneenseessassesassasenseesessnssessassessessassessnsseessssessessesaeseeseeeaeeessaesaesassassaneeseaseeesaseaseaseaeeases iii
Table ......ccscssscsssseeseeesseesseesessaessesseesseeseeessessessaeeeeesensseesseesaessessesseeesaasceeeseasessausseeseeeseessesssusseesaesseeseeeseesenessessasenessansens iv
FOPQWOT .....eccecsessscesseseeeecseenssessaeeeecessnsseesassassessesenseeseessnseessessessesaeseesenseessessesaesaesesseeseeseesessaesassessenseeeessessessessassassessenees Vv
INtPOCUCTION .......... ee eeeeseeseeeeececesseeseeeseeseceaeesaeesessaaesaeeaeesaeeaeseaeesessaaeaeeaeeeaceaassaesaaseaaesaseaeeeaessaseaeeneseaseaesaaseeesassaaesnenees vi
PULPOSG ......eecessessesnseseesseeaeeceeesneeseesaesaeeseceseesaeesaeesessasesessaceceesaessaeesesenssseesaneseesaeesaesaessassaasseessesenseassanssensseeees 12
SCONE ooo. eeececseseesecseecsaeeseeseceseessesseeesessaaeseseaeeseesaeseeecsessaeeseseseeseecseseesesaseaesaeeaeeseeesessaeseassaessaceeeseeseasesessaeeseseags 12
GeMe ral .......eeseeseesesessseeeseceecensensseesessessecseseesseseesasseesaesaesassensaeseeseeseesassassassesseesesseesessassassasenseessessessessesseseeseesees 12
Application ...........cccccscecssessseesseesseesseessecessecssneeseeseseeesueseseesseessnsesseecseesenseesaeesueesuessauseseeeseeeesaeecsneesensesnseenees 12
REfEreNCES .......cceccsccsscssssecsccsecaessecsessesaecaecaesaesassaesassassessaesassanseesessassessesseseaesessessesensesseeeeeeeesesenseessnseneeesaneees 13
Terms and Definitions ......... ee ccceccsceseseeseeseeseeeeseeaseaeesenseeeeeeceaeeassaesansaeeaseeseaesaseassaseesseseeseeseensaseeseenseneeeas 14
Standard Organization ...........ceccsccsccssseeeseeeseeseesecsesessseseeseeeeeeeseassessassenseeeesseseessessasseseeseseeseeseeseeseeseeseesenees 21
Payment Environment..........:ccscccscssssssesseseesseeseessesseessesseesseeseeeseessessaeseeaseesseeseeessessesseseeesseesseeseeeseessnssaesenses 22
GeMe ral ........eceeeessssesssssesecseceeeseeseeseeeesecseseeeseeseeaseaessecaesassaneaesaesensaesassassasaseaeseseeesassassassaseeseesseseessassasseseneeatees 22
Cardholder and Card ISSUGP ..........:csccsscesesseesseseeesseceecaeeenecesecseceecaseaseacenseeeseeseesassassasaseneeesseseessassaseaseneatess 22
Card ACCeptol .........cccccsccsccssesceseeseesecsecsesseeseceeaeeaecaesaecaesaeeaesaeeaecaecaesassaseaseaesaeeaesaesassassaseeeseseeseesaesseseeseesatens 22
ACQUIIEL .......2.c2ccceccesccesssscssscesecsnseseesseeseeseeesnesaecsusnsesseeeseesueesnssaessssesesseecaesessesessaesanscaesassseseseesnssaessaseesenseanseaes 22
SWItCH ooo. eeeeeeeesecsecsecseeseeseesessessecsecseeseeseesesaeeseesecaeeaesaesaecaceaeeaseassassassassaeeeeeaesessassassasseseseeseeesaseassensessesenees 22
Key Management Requirement .............:ccscssssessssssssesseseeeseeseesaeeaseassaceseeeseeseesassassasseseeesessesseseeseatsesenseeees 23
GeMe ral ........ecesseesesesssssesecsecensensseeseesessecsesensensaneaseaessecaesaesaneeesaeeeeseecassassaseaseaseasseesassassassasenseeseesessassassesensasens 23
Dual Control and Split KnowWledge............:eccessecceecsscssseeeeeeeeeeceesseeaseasenseeesesseesassessasesenseesseseesenssassesensesens 23
Permissible Key Forims...............c:ccsccsscssscssssssessessessessesseecseesaeeseessesseessaesaessnssaeseeeseesseessaeeaesseesanseaesonseanssnseas
Key Strength ..... ce cccscscssesseseesseesessessesseseessesseseeseessesesenseeseseeseesaesessesseeseesesseusessessegseaseseeseessessesessesseseesenees
Key LOCAtIONS 0... sesecsesseseeseeseeeseesesseseesenseessesenseeseseesausnceesedsenseesessesseeseseesseuseusessedsessesensseusesseseessessesenssasees
Production Key USage ........:ccsescsscsesesseseeeseessesseeesesseesseeseessaesseseesssesseeseesseesseeenessesssensensseesenseasseesseessenees
Single Purpose Key USC ..........cecceccecceceseeeeeeeeceeeeeecseeaeesnesnesecaecaesaeeaseassaseassansensaeeassasseseaseeseeneeseaseaseneeeesateas
Secure Cryptographic Device (SCD) ............sceccesscesseeeeseeeeseeeeeeseeeesesaesenaesenaeseeseeasseaesesaneenaenenaetaneeneneenaees 25
Environments ..........:cccccccecceeseeseeseesecseceseeesecsecaeeaecsecaecaesaeeaecaeeaecaecaeeassaseaseaesaesaesaesassassaseeeeesseseeseeeesseeeeeaeens
Minimally Controlled Environment ...........cccccscssssesssseeseesseesseesessnseseeseeeseeseeesnessessasssenseeeseeseesasssassenssesees
Controlled EnvironMent...........cccsscsssecssssssessessessseesesseeeseeseeesseesessessseeseeseeseeesneesessassseeeeesseseenseasssnssenssaseas
Secure ENVirOnMent.........ceccecessessecsesssseeesseesseesesseessesseneseeseeesaeesessasserseeeeeseeeesaeeessasssesseeeseseaessaesenseaeseeeegs
Key BIOCKS .......ccccsssesccssecsesseeseessecseeseeseesessaeesaessessaeesessaeesessaecaaesseseasesessaeseeesaeseaseseseaesaesaeseeseaeseaesonseaeesaseas
Overview of key DIOCKS..........ccccccscssessesesseesessesseessesseeseesaeesaessessaessaesaeseaesaeseeeeessaesaaeeaesseseaaseaesoeseaessaeeas
Key attributes occ ccceseseeseeseeseeeecseseeeeeseeseesecsecsecaesaessesaenaesaecaeeassaseaseassaesensaeeaseassaseeesesseneeseessasseseeseateas
Integrity of the key DIOCK «0.0.0... cccsscscsssesseseseesseeecsececsesseesceseseeseecassassacaseeeseeseesaseaseassesenseeesessessassansasensatees
Key and Sensitive Attributes Field oo... eeecssssssssessesesesecseceeeeseecseceeeseeseesaseassassesenseeeseseeseessassesensseeees
Key Creation..........ccccccccsscssscssessecsessessessecsecaesacseesaesessaesaeeassaeseesassassassasseseassessessaseessasseseeeseseeseeseessesseseeseatees
Random Key Genreration............ccccccccsccssessessescesecsecsecseeseeseesecaecaecaecaeeaseaseaeeaesaesaseassassaeeaeeaseeseeseassasseeeesasens
Key Derivation............:cccccsssssssssssessecsssssessessseessessesseessessaussessaeeseesesseesseesaessuesaessesssessaessassessessaneseeseeseanssaseas 28
Key Calculation (Variants) ............c:cccsscsssssssesssssessessseeseessecseessessesssaesaesseesaesseessessaesaaeseesessaessassoesennssaseas 29
Key Component and Key Share Creation ........cccscscsesesessessessessssessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessessenens 29
ChecK Value ......ccsescscssessseeeeseeecseseeeeseeseseneseesseesesseesaessensseeseeeseesaessaeeeesseeeseesaeesaesnesseseensseneseesensseessessaetenees
INGPOCUCTION . 0... eee eccccteeeeeeseneeeeseeseesaeesaeeeeesaeesaesaeesaeesessaesseeeaeeaaeeseseeesaeesaeseeesaeeeaeesessaesaaesaeseeseaeseaeseeseaessaeeas
Check Value Calculation..........ccccccsccsssssssscsesecsecsecsessecsessesaecaesaecassasseesaesaeseesaesassasseseaesasseseessassasenseessntons
Key Distribution « ceeeeecceceeececeseeeeeeeseesaeeseeeaeeseesaeeseeeaeesaeeseseasesaesaeeseseaeeeaeeseseaesaaesaeeeeseaeeeaeseeseeeesaeeas
INtrOAUCTION 00.0... eececceceeceeeseeeeeeeesetsecseseeeeeaeeaeeaecaecaecaesaeeaesaceaecaecaseassassaseaesaesassaseassasseseeseaseeseeesassateeseesaeens
© 2017 ASC X9, Inc. — All rights reserved
ANSI X9.24-1-2017
Personal Conveyance of Cleartext Components or Shares..............:ccsceseeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeneeeseneeneeneeseats 30
Transporting Cleartext Components or Shares ..........csccsssssssesceeseeessessesessasseceeeeeeseesaesaseessesseesessesseseesents 30
Transporting Cleartext Keys Using a Portable Key Loading DeViCE...............::cscseesesseeesseeeeesenseneeeeees 31
Key LOading ........ceccecseeeseseesesseeseseeseeseeseeseesesseseesensaeeesenessesaesaasaceeseeseesseesassassaseeseassessessassaseaseesessesseseeseesents 33
G@Me@r Al... ee eseescssececssseesceseeesneesecsesceeeseeeeeseessaseseecanseaesaeeeessessassaeeeasseeseaeseaesaassaeeaeseaeeseesaessaessassassaneesessaeeaeseaes
Loading Key Components or Shares......ccccsssssscessessseessessssesseeeeseeseesseesessessesseseeeseeseesesseaseasessessessensensensens
Cleartext Key LOading.......ccccsssssssesssseeseesssseesseseeseseeseeseseuseeseeseeseesseseaseasessesseeseuseusedseaseaseseessessensensetonts
Key UtiliZation .......
ccc ccccsecsecsecseesseeseecsesseseseseaecseesseeseeesesseesaeseaeseeseaesnscaassaeeseseaessaeeaeseaessessaeeseeneeseaesonseaes
Cleartext Key Component and Share Storage .........csscsssssssceseeeseeceeseeserssseseeeseeseesensnsesseseesseesensensenents
Key Replacement ............esccsscsseseessseeseeseeseesesseesesseeseeseceeesessesansaceeseeeseeseesassansassaseeesesseesassassessassessersesseseeseats 36
Key De@Struction oo... eeescsessesseesseeeseeseeseesessessessneeseeeseessessesassacsaseesseeseesassassasseseeesesseesassassasseseessessesseseeteats 37
Gemeral ......cceccsccsssessessessseesessecseeseeesensseeesenssaeeseseesensaceaeeeessesaesaaseceeseesenesaesassaseaseeseessessessassaseaseeseessesseseesensents 37
7.14 —
7.15 —§
Key Destruction from an SCD oe eecscssssssseeeesseeeseeseeeseessesaneceeseeessceseessassaeeseeeseeseesaessaessateaesaesesessaeeseseaes
Destruction of a Key in Cryptogram Form ..........:ccsscssccssssscssssssesesssessessessaesseseensseesaesssessusseessnsesessaeeanesaes
Component and Share Destruction .........cccscccecsssessesessessecsesenseeseeeesesssessaeseeeseeseesaeseaeesessasssnsseesseesenseaes
Key Archiving ......ecscscsssssseseeseessesseseeseeseeseessesseseeseeseeseeseeseesesseceesseeseeseesedseaseaseseeeseuseusedseaseaseseesseusensensensens
Key Compromise .......cccccscsecsessessesssessecerseeseesesseseeceeceeseeseseeseasecseseeeseeseeseasessessesseeseuseusedseasesseseesseusensenseneets
Symmetric Key Management Specifications ............eecssssessccseseeeeeeseeseessesseeesesseesesssessaessesseeesesseeeeneees 39
GeMe ral 0... .eceeesescescescesceseeseeseeaeeseeseeaeeaeeaesaesaesaesassaeeaesaesaesaesassassaesaeeaesaseaesassassassaesaeseseseaseassaseeseseeneeseetasaas 39
Method: Fixed KeYS ........c:ccscccsscsssssecsessesssecsecseeesesseesessaesseessesseeesessaesaescaesseesseseeseeesaesaesesessessaeesesesessaeeaseaes 39
Method: Master Keys / Session KeYS ......:cssscssssssessesessesessesesseeeeeessesessesesesaseseesesseseesesaesesasesseneeseseesenaess 39
Annex A (Normative) Key and Component Check Values..........c:cscsscsssscsscssssessesessessessesaeseessssassassassessessessessatons 40
Annex B (Normative) Split Knowledge During Transpott............:cssscsssesseeseessssesessesseeseeseeseesasseseaseeseessenseseesentans 43
© 2017 ASC X39, Inc. - All rights reserved
ANSI X9.24-1-2017
Figure 1 — Example of XOR Function to Combine Key Component ............c ccc ceesssesseesseneeeesseseeeesessseeensesenenaes 26
Figure 2 — Key Block Overview Example.........cccceeesceceeseseeeessesensesescesecscsssesecesessesesesseseseesscsesesssseenasassenenaes 27
Figure 3 — Legacy Generation of Key Check Value...
cece eeeeneneeeeneeecesnescecsseneesssseeessssereesasssieassesssenenaes 40
Figure 4 — CMAC Generation of Key Check Value..........:ecececeeeecceeeseeeesseseseesssesecesacsesaesessesecsesaesesaseesseeeseseaseaeasens 41
© 2017 ASC X39, Inc. — Alll rights reserved
ANSI X9.24-1-2017
Table 1 - Complete Hex Values for R,
© 2017 ASC X9, Inc. — All rights reserved
ANSI X9.24-1-2017
Approval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for due process,
consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer.
Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement
has been reached by directly and materially affected interests.
Substantial agreement means much more than a
simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered,
and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution.
The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not in any respect preclude
anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using
products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards.
The American
Institute does
not develop standards
and will in no circumstances
give an
interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue
an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute.
Requests for interpretation should be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title
page of this standard.
CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures
of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this
standard no later than five years from the date of approval.
Published by
Accredited Standards Committee X9, Incorporated
Financial Industry Standards
275 West Street, Suite 107
Annapolis, MD 21401 USA
X9 Online http://www.x9.org
Copyright © 2017 Accredited Standards Committee X9, Inc.
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without
prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.
© 2017 ASC X9, Inc. — All rights reserved
ANSI X9.24-1-2017
The user's attention is called to the possibility that compliance with this standard may require use of an invention
covered by patent rights.
By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the validity of this claim or of any patent rights
in connection therewith. The patent holder has, however, filed a statement of willingness to grant a license under
these rights on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms and conditions to applicants desiring to obtain such a
license. Details may be obtained from the standards developer.
Today, billions of dollars in funds are transferred electronically by various communication methods. Transactions
are often entered remotely, off-premise from financial institutions, by retailers or by customers directly. Such
transactions are transmitted over potentially non-secure media. The vast range in value, size, and the volume of
such transactions expose institutions to severe risks, which may be uninsurable.
To protect these financial messages and other sensitive information, many institutions are making increased use
of the American National Standards Institute Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) and the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES). Specific examples of its use include standards for message authentication, personal
identification number encryption, other data encryption, and key encryption.
AES and the TDEA are in the public domain. The security and reliability of any process based on AES or the
TDEA is directly dependent on the protection afforded to secrets called cryptographic keys. This part of this
standard deals exclusively with management of symmetric keys using symmetric techniques.
ANS X9.24-2
addresses management of symmetric keys using asymmetric techniques.
A familiar analogy may be found in the combination lock of a vault. The lock design is public knowledge. Security
is provided by keeping a number, the combination, a secret. Secure operation also depends on protective
procedures and features which prevent surreptitious viewing or determination of the combination by listening to its
operation. Procedures are also required to ensure that the combination is random and cannot be modified by an
unauthorized individual without detection.
Suggestions for the improvement or revision of this Standard are welcome. They should be sent to the X9
Committee Secretariat, Accredited Standards Committee X9, Inc., Financial Industry Standards, 275 West Street,
Suite 107, Annapolis, MD 21401 USA.
This Standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the Accredited Standards Committee on
Financial Services, X9. Committee approval of the Standard does not necessarily imply that all the committee
members voted for its approval.
At the time this standard was approved, the X9 committee had the following members:
Roy DeCicco, X9 Chairman
Angela Hendershott, X9 Vice-Chairman
Steve Stevens, Executive Director
Organization Represented
ACI WorldWide uu... cccccccccsccscccsssssecsscssecsecsesseecsssseecseseeecseseeessesseseassseseaesaeesaeeaees
American Bankers ASSOCI&tION ........0..:cccecceteeseeseeeeseeeeeeceesecsecaeceeceecesaesesesaesaeeetens
American Express COMmpany .......cccccccccscssssscssessecssessesseesessesssesseserscsesereseseesesresas
Bank Of AMELICA ....... cee eececcescceeeeneecseeeecseceeccaeecsesesesessescaeceeeesecesesestaeeneseaeeneeeaeensees
Dan Kinney
Diane Poole
David Moore
Daniel Welch
Blackhawk Network .......c:cccccccescssesecsessecseeseeseeessesseceseeseeeeeseeseeseesesssessesseseeseesaeeneens Anthony Redondo
© 2017 ASC X9, Inc. — All rights reserved
ANSI X9.24-1-2017
Bloomberg LP uuu... ceeeceseseeseeeeeseeeecsecsecaeeeeeeecaecaeceecaeeaeeeseeseescaeseeceseeseeseeseeseeseaseaserees Corby Dear
Capital ONG oo... ccc ccccccccsccsscssecsssesccsscssecseccsesesessessccsescsecsecsseeatessesececeseseetenseeresaees Marie LaQuerre
eee eceeceeseececeecseescececsecsecsecsecsessessecsesaecaesateeecaessesaeseesatsateaseassaesaterees Karla McKenna
CLS Bank... ccccceccessesssseececeecseescsecsecsecsecsecsessessecseseesaessecaeeeecaecaecaesseseeeeseeseaesaesaserees Ram Komarraju
COMEXXUS, INC. .....eeecceceseececcececeecsececeecsecaecsecsessecsessesaecaecaeceecaecaesaeceesaeeeseeserseaesaeerees Michael Davis
CONEXXUS, ING. oo. ccccceccccscessessecsscssecseccsecsecsecssecsesseecsessaecsesssscaesssessesaeesaesaeseseaseaees
Delap LLP .......c ce ccecccccccsecsecessecsessecssecsesssecsesesescsecsessaeceescaeceescessasssessaeseaseaesessseassaees
DelUXe COrporatiOn oo... ccccecessseeseeseeteeeeeeessesseseeeeseeseesessesseseeseeeeeeeseeeneseneeeeeeens
Diebold NiXCOrF .........cccesccsccessessccsssssecsesssessecceessecessaeseessseseeesseseseseesaeserssesersserssates
Discover Financial S@rviCes............ccccecccceessesceeesseeeeceecseeecaeeacececeecseeesaceesaecaseetateeees
Gray Taylor
Darlene Kargel
Angela Hendershott
Bruce Chapa
Michelle Zhang
OCUITENCY oa. ceceecececeececeececcsceeceecsceecsesecaesecsecaesesaceecaeeesaecetaeceeeesaeeesaeeesaeeeteeetesseneesaees David Wen
Federal Reserve Bank ........ccccccccccccsesseessesccsecsecsecsecsesseceseescsecsecseseseaseeseseessaeseeerees Mary Hughes
Federal Reserve Bank ........c.ccccccccssscesseseeseesecsecsececseeeseeseeecaecsecseeseseseeseeseessaeseseeees Janet LaFrence
First Data Corporation ......cccccccccccescccscesscescesseesecsecssscsseeeceeeenseeseeessecesesesseeeneeeaees Andrea Beatty
FIS voecccccccscccsccssccseccsessecssecseccssecsessesesecsessaecsescsssssecsessaessescaeseescsessasessecaecsussnessasseaeeates Stephen Gibson-Saxty
FISCLV oo. .ececceccecesccsecseeseeseeseeeeeecaecaesaecaecaeceeeeececcaeceesaeseeceseeeceecaecaeceeeeseeseeseeseaesaseaseeees Dan Otten
FIX Protocol Ltd - FPL occ
cccseesceceeceeceenessesseseceeeeeseeeessessesseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseneseeeeens Jim Northey
GiIDAL CO... ee eeeeeceeeeeceeeececcsceceeeseeeseeecaeeecaceneaevseeesseeecaececeeeessssesesseseceeeacersarsasieeeenees
Harland Clarke ........cccccccseccescssessssessecsecsecsecsecsessecsesececseeseeeecessesseseseseeeseeseesereseeeeees
Hewlett Packard... .ccccccccccsesssssesecsecseceesecessecseseceeseesseeecsecseceeeeseseesseeseeeeaeeeseeees
IBM Corporation........cccccccccsscesccscesccsecsessessecsessecsecsecsesseseeessaecsesaeseesaeseseaseeseeseaeeatees
Independent Community Bankers Of AMETICA ...........:.cceceseesesseseeteeeeseeeseeessesseeseees
Bruce Welch
John McCleary
Susan Langford
Todd Arnold
Cary Whaley
TINGONICO oe. eeeececeeececescesccseecseeesecsecseceesssececcseceseeseecseceessecceecssessesseseaeseeseseecseseeeneens Rob Martin
SITCo oeeccccecccccsecssessecseceseceeecsecssessecsseceesesececcsecssesseecseceeseeccseseessesseseeseeeeaeesseseeeneees Jason Brasile
J.P. Morgan Chase .....ccccccccccseseneenecceceeeceeneenecsesseceeceeaeeaeecessesaesaesaeeaeeaeeeseeseaeeeeeees Roy DeCicco
KPMG LLP ue. eeeeececcecesceccsesseneesesesacecaeeecaeeesseseesesaceecaceecaeeassersenessceesaceesaesasesaeseees Mark Lundin
MagTeK, INC. 2... eeecceceeceeceeteeeeeecsecaeeseceeceeeeeeecaeceecaecaeeeseeseeecaeseeceseeseeseeserseeseaeeaeeeees Roger Applewhite
MagTekK, INC. .......ccecececeesceseceeceesececeseceseneceeecseccseceseaeseecaesneseeesaeseessaesenssanesneseeseaees Mimi Hart
MasterCard Europe Spr ........cccccescccsccsscscessecsecseccsecsescsecseeeeeeseeescsecseeseesseeeeenees Mark Kamers
NACHA The Electronic Payments ASSOCIATION ..........c:cccecceceeseeteeteeeeeseeseeeeetetseteeeeees Priscilla Holland
National Security AQ@NCY.........ccccceccccsccscsscesseeseesecessesseesecseeetsesseesessecsseseesseeeeeaee
Na@utiIUS HYOSUNG.......
cc ecccccesecsceseeesecsecesecceceeessecsecesecesscseceeessseesecsessseseeeseseeeenseeaees
NCR Corporation .......cccccccccessecsscssccsecsescsecseccssccsessescsesescsecsescsesssessessaesassaeseeesseesaees
Office of Financial Research, U.S. Treasury Department ...........ccccccccesseteeteeeeeees
PCI Security Standards Council .......ccccceccsseseessneceeeecceeeeseesenerseesseeeseeeseesseereeseeas
Paul Timmel
Joe Militello
David Norris
Justin Stekervetz
Troy Leach
ROULCONE LA... ce eeeeececesscssesceteeseesecsessecsecseeseeseeeessessecsecsecseeeseeecsesseceeessessesseaeeneeaesaserees
ROULCONE Ln... eeceecccescesceeeteesessecseesecaecsecseeseeeeesecsesaecaeeseeeseeecsesseceseesesseeserseneeseeseerees
SWIFT/Pan AMETICAS 00... ccecceeseeseneceeceecseceeecsecseceecaecaecseesecsecsecseseesaeeseeaseeseneeaserees
SYMCOM ING. 0... .eeeececescesceccececeececeecseceecsecsessecsecsessecsesaesaecaeseeesecaesaesseceeseeeeseassesaesaseeees
TECSEC Incorporated 0.0... ccc cceccecsscssscsecesseeseceessecseesseceeceeeesesseeseceeseseceesseeeseenes Ed Scheidt
The Clearing HOUSE... ececeeeseseesecceeceeceenesecsecsecaecaecaeeaeeaesaesaeeaesaeeaeeaseaseeeeateasees Sharon Jablon
U.S. Bank...
ee ccccceccccceccsceeceecsenecseecsceecseeecaeeessecsesecaeeecaeeecaeaeneceeseseeeesaeeesaeseesesaeseees John King
U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) ......cccceecceteceeteteeeneeeteees Robert Stowsky
USDA Food and Nutrition Service oo.
e ei ceeeeesesseeceeceeseeeestessesseteeeeeeeeeeseeesaeseeseees Kathy Ottobre
VaAMtiv LLC ooo. eeecceecececeseecceecceecsesececeececsesaeceseececeesaceesaceesaceeseesaceesaceesaeeeseeaseetaeeetaes
VOErIFONE, INC. oe ee eeccecceccsccsecsseeesecececsecseenecsessecsecaecaecaeeaeeaessecseseesaeeaeeaeeeseessaeeeseess
VISA oe cecceccccceceesceseneceeceecnecececsecsecsecsececsecaeessenecsecaecaecaecaeeaseaessecsecaeeaeeaeeaeeeesaesaeeeseees
Wayne Fueling SYStems ........ceeeceececceceeceenecneesecsececaecaeeaeeaessesaeseesaeeaeeaeeeeeaesateesees
Gary Zempich
Dave Faoro
Kim Wagner
Steven Bowles
Wells Fargo Bank ........cccccccccscessecsecssssscseceneessesseesseceeseseceeseeessecseesseceesesecesenseeaeenes Mark Schaffer
© 2017 ASC X39, Inc. — All rights reserved
ANSI X9.24-1-2017
At the time this standard
the X9F
following members:
Dave Faoro, Chairman
Organization Represented
ACI WorldWide .........ceccccecececesceseeseeceecsceecseeecaeeecaecassecaeeecaecesaecesaeeeccesaecesaesesiesateeaeees Doug Grote
ACI] Worldwide .......ccccecceccescesceceteeeceseeeeesseeceeeeececeseeesessaseeceeceeeceeessessessecaeeaesaesaeenes Dan Kinney
ACI WorldWide uu... ccc ccccccseccsesssccseessecsecssccseecssessessecsssesecsacessecsesssecsasesseseeasecsees
American Bankers ASSOCIatION............ccccccccscesccssecsscssecseessecsecacessecsesaesseseaecseesaeesaees
American ExpreSS COMpany.........cccccccccsscsscssecssecsscssecsecescesesseeeseecsesaseeescaessessaeeaees
American ExpresS COMpany.........ccccccccccsscsscssecssecsssssessessseceesseeecsecsesaeseescsessuseaeecsees
American ExpreSS COMpany ........ccccccsccsscsscsscseecsesssecessseceesseeecseceeseassessatsaeseatesaees
Bank Of AMETICA oo... cc eccccccccsescctsetecsecsecsecseeseeseesecsecsesesseeeeseeseseessssessessesesesaeeneees
Bank Of AMETICA .........cccccccescsscsssecssecsecseessesesesseecseceecsessescaeseesesescsesseseassaeseaeseessaeesates
Bank Of AMETICA «0.0... ccccesccsccssecssecstesscesecsscaeecasesssesecseseaecssseseccsscssseaeesasesecseesseecates
Bank Of AMETICA ........cccccesccsccssccssecssessccsecsscsseecsecsscssecsscaecsaeaeecsecseseaeesseeseeeesseecsees
Bank Of AMETICA ....... ccc cccescccccssccssecseessccsecssesesssecsscssecsacaecsscseecsecsesaeessecseeeesaeecstes
Bank Of AMELICA oo... ee eecceccecceseeneeeeseceeeeeceeecenecaeceeeeeteseaceaseeseseesnesesnecneseesereaeeneens
Bank Of AMETICA ....... cece ceccceccsscessecseenseceeceeceseecsecseeesessescseceeseseccsecseessesnseeseseeseeensees
BlackBerry LiIMited ........... ccc ccccscccsecsscssccsecseccseecsecssessessessaessescsescsecsesesssseeeseseseneessees
BlackBerry LiIMited ...........ccccccccscccsecsscssecsecsesseecseceessessescaesescaescaecsesssssseeeseseseaeesstes
Blackhawk Network ........::cccccsccssccssecsscssecsecsseseecsecesessesessaeseessseecaeseseassessaeseseneesaees
Bloomberg LP oe. secseccecsseeeeceeesecneeeceeceeceeeeeeeseesaeeecceseeseeseseseseeseeseesesaeseesrsaeeneens
Julie Samson
Tom Judd
Farid Hatefi
John Timar
Kevin Welsh
Amanda Adams
Peter Capraro
Andi Coleman
Lawrence LaBella
Will Robinson
Michael Smith
Daniel Welch
Daniel Brown
Sandra Lambert
Anthony Redondo
Erik Anderson
Bloomberg LP oo... .ecceccessccsccscesecseeecsecsecsccseeseeeceeeceseeseeseeseeceeseeseeseessesesseseeseecneeneens Corby Dear
Capital ONG... ecccccecsecseeccecesecsecsessessesaceeceeceeecseeesesseseeceeseecaeeesesesseseececaesaeenees Marie LaQuerre
Capital One... ccccccccccecseeseessesessecsecseseeseseeseessesceeseeeesseseseesaesaeeeseseseseessesaesaeenees Johnny Lee
CIPHerithM oo...
cece ccsccsccssccssceceseecsecseccssessssecsesessessecsasaecsessaeecaessssesecseseaeeseseaeeeaes
COMForte 21 GMDH 0.0... cececescesccsecsecseeeeeeeeeceeeceeceeeeeeeseseesesesesseseeseeseseesesaesaeeaees
COMForte 21 GDH 0... ceecccsscesccseccsecssccseessecsesceeeseecaessessaeseessaescesssesssessessaeseesesesonss
Communications Security Establishment ........ cc cceecseseceeecceeenesetetseteseeeeeeeeaeeee
Communications Security Establishment occ eeeeneecceeecceeenessetesseesaeeeeaeeeeaeeees
COMEXXUS, INC. oe. .ecccccececccessecesecessecsseccsuecsesessecsuecceuesesecessecsuescauescssecesesesessnseseratenseees
CUSIP Service Bureau uu... ccccccccceccsccssccseessecseceeeessecsecssccsecsaceaeccaecssccsecseceaeesssesecenes
Delap LLP uo... cccssecsscesscsscsscessecseessecsecesessececessesseessecsesessseccsecseeassnsseseceesseensees
Scott Spiker
Thomas Gloerfeld
Henning Horst
Jonathan Hammell
David Smith
Alan Thiemann
Scott Preiss
David Buchanan
Delap LLP oo. eeeecceceecseececceeececseesecsessecaeeeeeeccaesseeeseeseaceaseeseeseeseessesnesesersersaeentens Darlene Kargel
Deluxe@ Corporation... cecccccccsccssecssessecsecsseeseccseceeesessescseceeseseccsecesssessseseseesseensees
Deluxe Corporation ........ccccccccccecesseeneeseseecceeseeseeeeeeceeeeeneseaceaceecneseesnesessesseseeseesaeeneens
Deluxe Corporation .........cccccccccscccsecsscssecsecssscseecsecseecsesessaesescseecsesessasseseseseeseasecaees
Diebold NIX ........cccccsccessssessecssecsecssecsecseesseceeeceesceesescaesescsescaesessasseseseseesensesaees
Diebold NiXCOrt ........ cee cccecceseeeessecseeneccseceeceeceeeeseecsessescaeceeeeeeecsecnesseeeneseaeseeseaeeneees
Diebold NixXCOr$ ........ccccccecceccescesecssetececseesccseeseeecesececesseseeceeseeseseesesssessesseseeseesaeeneens
Diebold NiXCOrt ........ccccccccccsccsscessecseessecseccsessecescessecsesseesseceesssescsecseesstessesseseeesseenstes
Diebold NixXCOrt ........cccceccecceccesceceeseenecsecseesecseeeeeeceaeeecessneseeceeseeseeseeseesesnesseseeseeeaeeneens
Diebold Nixdorf ........ccccccccsccsccssccssecsscssccsecssccsecseecssessessescaecsascaeecsecsesaesseecseeseeaeecates
Discover Financial S€rviCeS ..........cccccceccccescescceseenseeseeeccsecneceseccseceesseseeseseseesseenaees
Discover Financial Services ..........ccccccecssccssccesscecsseesssesseccscceseesesssessessseeceeccseeenseees
Discover Financial S€rviCeS .........c cc cceesecseceseeseeeeceeeseeseccaeceeeeseecseceeseeseeeeeeeeeeeeensees
Angela Hendershott
Margiore Romay
Andy Vo
Bruce Chapa
Michael Ott
Dave Phister
Christoph Bruecher
Andrea Carozzi
Michael Nolte
Cheryl Mish
Diana Pauliks
Jordan Schaefer
CCUITONCY occ ecceceseeseneeseeeesceeesceecseeseecsesecaececaeeececnecessessesecaceeeacesnesessesessecaeeeeaeeeeaeeae David Wen
Federal Reserve Bannk.........cccccccsssecsenecseceeeeseecsecseeeseeeccaeceeceeessecesseeeeseaeseeeeaeensees Patrick Adler
Federal Reserve Bank.........cccccccseseseeseeseeseseetseecseesseesceeeeceeceeseesnssessesseseeseeeeeneens Guy Berg
Federal Reserve Bank .........cccccccccsseseseeseeceseseeteesessesseeeseeceeceeseeeeeseeseseseseeseeceeneens Marianne Crowe
Federal Reserve Bank .........cccccccssseseseeseeeeseeseeeeesseeeeneseeceeceeceeseeseessessesseseesereaeeneens Amanda Dorphy
Federal Reserve Bank..........ccccccccsecssessecsecssesssecsecssessecsescseceecssescsecseeesesseesseseesseensees Mary Hughes
Federal Reserve Bank ........cccccccccscssecssscessccsseccsseecseeesssesseccsseceseeseessessessseseeeceseeestens Heather Hultquist
© 2017 ASC Xg, Inc. - Alll rights reserved
ANSI X9.24-1-2017
Federal Reserve Bank .........c:ccccccsccsscsssssesseccseesseceecsaeseeecseseeeseessaeserssaeseeesesersseessaees Janet LaFrence
Federal Reserve Bank ........ccccccsescscssceseeseeseesecsesecsecseeeeeeecsesseceeeeseseeeseeseeseneeeseeees Susan Pandy
Federal Reserve Baik ...........ccccccecceseeeeeeeeeeecceeeeseceeceaeeeeeeaeceeceeseaeseeesaeseeesiesereseeseees Patti Ritter
Federal Reserve Bank ........cccccccccccsscssseseesecsececsecsecsecseeeseescsecseceeessseseeseeseessaeeaterees Daniel Rozycki
First Data Corporation ........ccccccccccsccscsscessesecseeeesececsesseeeseescaecsecseceseeseeseeseeseaeseeerees Andrea Beatty
First Data Corporation ......c..ccccccccsccsccsscesccsescssccsececcsecesscsecsescsescseeseecaessaesaeseseeaseaees Lisa Curry
First National Bank Of OMaha@..........cecccceesseceseeseeseeseeseeeeeeecaecsecseeeseeeeeseeseesaesaserees Kristi White
FIS vieccccccccccsccssesscecsecsecsecseesessecsecsecsecsessecsecsessecsecsecsessecseceecesssessessscsssaeeaseasnessesseaees Chelsea Lopez
FIS coe eeccccceeeeceeececeecsecaecaeceeceeeecaecaecaecaecaeceeeeecaecaecaecaecaeeeseeeeeecaeceeceseeseeseeseeseaeeaseaseeees John Soares
FIS ooeeecececcsccseeccsccecceccsceecaceeceececeeseceecacsecacsesaesacsesaceesaceesaseesacsassecaseceseesaseesaesaseetateeeas Sunny Wear
FISOMV 0... eeeccceceescesceesecsecenecaeceseeceecaeceecaeseaecaeecseecsecseseaesaeeeaesereseescaeseesaeseneseesnrserseaees Bud Beattie
FISCLV oo. .ceccececcssesccccseeseesesaeeseesecaecsecseceesaeseesaececssessesaecaeeasascescaesaecateaseaseasasenteaeeaterees Dan Otten
GEOBRIDGE Corporation ...........ccccceccscsseescesseeecseceecsecsecseeeecaecsecseseeseeeeseeseesaeseesrees Donna Gem
GEOBRIDGE Corporation ...........cccccccccccsccssessesscsecsecsecsecsecsecsecsecsessecsecseeeesnesseeaeeates Jason Way
GID ACO... eee ceecccecescesceeeeeeceececsecsecaecsecaecaecaesaecsecseceesaecaesaeeeesaecaesaeseesaeeasesseaesaesaeeates Scott Turner
GID ACO... cee cececcecescesceceeeeceececeecsecseceecaecaecaeesessecaecaesaesaecaeeeesaecaecaecaesaeeeseeseaesaesaseates Bruce Welch
Harland Clarke .......cccccccccccccsssescecseccseceecececceeesecssececcneceeeeeceeesneessesneeseceeeseeeeeeeeeeeaees Joseph Filer
Heartland Payment SySteMs 00.0... cccceccecsecesseeseseeeteeeeseeeesessesseeseeeeeeseeeenesaeeeeeeens Scott Meeker
Hewlett Packard .......cccccccsccscssseesecsecsecseesessecessesececseeseeeessessecsesseceeeeseeseesenessseeees Susan Langford
Hewlett Packard... .ccccccccccsesssssesecsecseceesecessecseseceeseesseeecsecseceeeeseseesseeseeeeaeeeseeees Luther Martin
Hewlett Packard ........ccccscsssccscssccsessecseeseesessecsecsecsesseceseeseesssesseseeceseeseeseesessaesaserees Terence Spies
IBM Corporation ........cccccccccccccsscsscssccssccsecseecssccsseseecsecsesaecseecssecaeessscsessessaeeneecaeessens
Independent Community Bankers of AMETPICA .........ccececcccseesseeteeteecseeseeeeecseeeeeneess
INQENICO eee eeeeeeeeeceeeneeneesceseeeeseesesaecaeeaeeaecsecsesaesaeeaeeaeeaeeeeeaeeaesaeseseaeeeeeaseaeeaeeaeeatees
eee eeeeeeeeceeeneeneesceseeeeseesesaecaecaeeaecsessesaesaeeaeeaeeaeeaeeaesaesaeeaseaeeeeeaseaeeaesaeaeees
ITS, Inc. (SHAZAM Networks)........ccccccccccecceessessssececeecsceeeeceeesesseneseceecaeeesaesesereeseees Manish Nathwani
J.P. Morgan Chase .....ccccccccccesesesecseceeseececnecnececsesecsecaeeaseeesaeceecaecaseaeeeseeseeseateases Bruce Geller
J.P. Morgan Chase ........cceccccecseccceeeesceeesceeceececeeceeeecacecacesaceesesaceesaeeesaeeesaeeeteesateetaes Kathleen Krupa
J.P. Morgan Chase ......cccccccccsssesessesecsscsecseceecsecsecsececaecaecaeeaessecseseesaeeaeeaeeeseessaeeeseees Jackie Pagan
ec cecccccccecceneeneeeesececsecsecseesesseesecsesaecaeceeeeeeeecaecaeeeseeseeeeeseeseeeaeeeserees Azie Amini
KPMG LLP ooo. ceceeccesceceeneeteeseceeseecaeceeeaeeeeeeeeaesseseecaeceeeeeeeecaesaeseeeeeeeeeaseeeeneeaseaseeens Mark Lundin
MagTeK, INC...
ccc cccccsccscesseeseeecssecseceseccecesessesseceseceeecseceeeeeeesesseeseseeeseesseeeeeeaees
MagTeK, ING. ...... cc cccccccesecsscsssecsecssccsececcsecseccseccsecsessaecsescseceecessaesessaeeeesaeesseseeesaees
MasterCard Europe Spr...
cc cccccsccsscsscssesecseesecsecsecsesseeeesecsecsessesseseseeesesseseeeeees
MasterCard Europe Spr) .....cccccccccccccsesssesseseeseeecsecsecsecsseeessecsecsessseseeeseeesnesseeseeeees
MasterCard Europe Spiro... ccccscccsccssccssessecsecssccseccsecsecsesssecssessecseceeeseteseseaeenees
MasterCard Europe Spr .....c.ccccccescccsccsscssessseseeseccsecsssesecseeeeeessesscecseesetsnesseeeaees
MasterCard Europe Spr ......cccccccescccscsssccscesseeseeseccecseecsecseeeseesseeescsecssessetenseseeenees
Jeff Duncan
Mimi Hart
Mark Kamers
Joshua Knopp
Larry Newell
Adam Sommer
Michael Ward
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) .........:ccccceseeseeseseeeeeteeseeeees Elaine Barker
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) ........ccccscsccseeseeeseeeteeseeeees
Security AGENCY...
cc ceccecceceeteecseeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeessesseeeeseeeeeeeseeseesaeeeseeees
Security AGENCY... eecsescecceceetseeeeneesesteceeseeseeeessesseeeeeeeeeeeeseeseaeeaeeeeeeens
eee eccteneeseeeeeeeeseeceesessesseeseeaeeeeeceeeessessesseseeeeeeeeeeseeseneseeseens
Lily Chen
Mike Boyle
Paul Timmel
Joe Militello
Jay Shin
NCR Corporation .......ccccccceccsccssescsceecsceecsceecaececeececeesacsesaseesseasecesseseseesaseesaseesersaserees Tanika Eng
NCR Corporation .......ccccccccccssecsecsscssscssccsecsecescesesseccsecsescseceeeessesssessscseeseesaeesesenseeaees Charlie Harrow
NCR Corporation .......ccccccccessecsecssesscsecssecseeessecsecsescsecsesssecseeeneeessesseecsseseesseseneeenees David Norris
PCI Security Standards Counc ........ccccccecceseseeseeeeeeeeceeseeeeceeseseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeseeees Leon Fell
PCI Security Standards Council .........cccccccccseescesecesseeecteceeeesseeeensesteceeeseeeseeseesaees
PCI Security Standards Counc .......ccccccceseseeseeteeeeeceeeeeecnessesseeeeeeeeeeeeeeesaeeeeeeees
RSA, The Security Division Of EMC uu... cccccccscscesecceeecsecsessessecseceeseseecsreeseeeees
SafeNet, INC. oo... cccccccccssccecsssecesseccecssecesseececsssesesseececssececssececsssesesstecceeecessseesesseesenss
SOE CUrILY INNOVATION ooo. ee eee eeeeneeneceeceececceeesseesesecaeeaeceeecessessessesaeeeeeeeeaeeaseneeseeeees
Troy Leach
Ralph Poore
Steve Schmalz
Amit Sinha
Mark Etzel
SO@CUrILY INNOVATION 00... eeeececceceesenseseceeceecsecseesecsecsecsecaecaecaecsessessesseseeseecaseaseeseneeeserees William Whyte
SO@CUrIty INNOVATION 00... eee ecececeesenseneceeceecsecseeseesecsecsecaecsecaeeeecaessesieseecaeeeeesseeseneeeserees Lee Wilson
Se@CUrity INNOVATION 0... ee eececcecseesctseneceeceececseeseesecsecsecaecaeceeeaecsecaesaessecaeeseeaseeseneeateeees Zhenfei Zhang
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ANSI X9.24-1-2017
INCorporated ........cccccccscssccssessecseccsccsseessesesseessecseccsecsatssssssesaeesseeeceaeesreens Ed Scheidt
TECSEC Incorporated ........ccccccccecsesseseeseeseeseeeseeceseseesseseceeceececeeesesesesseceeseeeeaeeaes Dr. Wai Tsang
TECSEC Incorporated .........ccccscsccccssssssessesseesseseecesesseessesessessesceecesessessesesaesaesaeeaes Jay Wack
Thales UK Limited .........cccceceescssccecessesesseesseeeeeceeceseeesesseseessessescessesesesaessesaesaesseeees Larry Hines
Thales UK Limited ...... cece cccccccssccsecssecsecssccssesseeseessesssecsecsescsaesaeessecaessaeeseseeesueess
The Clearing HOUSC..........ccccccccccsesseeseessecsecsecsseeeeseceseessececesecseeenesteecseesaeceeseeeetreees
TTUStWAVE oo. eccccececseesseseceeececsseeseesseesseeaeceeccsecuesseeesesssecssceeeceessessesaeseaeseceeeeaeeegs
TTUStWAVE ...ceecccceeeesseensesseceeceecsecseessessaseaeceeccaeceuesseeesessaecaeceeeeceesneseesaeseaeeteseeeeeeegs
U.S. Bank... ccccesccscssecsscssessecseecssecsessessseseessaeseeecescsessessaeseesssescsessesssesessaeserseneessees
U.S. Bank....ccccccccccsesccsccsecsecsecsecsecsecsecsessessessecassassseceecesseseaseaseeseescasesesseseeseesarsatseeees
James Torjussen
Henry Farrar
John Amaral
Tim Hollebeek
Stephen Case
Peter Skirvin
Vantiv LLC ooo. eeccceccccecesceeesceececcceececeececsesaceesaceeseeceseeceseesaseesaseeserseseeseseesseesaseesareass Jeffrey Singleton
VAMtiV LLC occ ccccecceseescescescesceeeeseeseseseeseececececeseeeseeseceeseeceecneeeesessesseceeeaesneseenes Bill Weingart
VAMtiV LLC occ cccecceeseeecesceeceeceeeesesseeeseeeeeceececeeseeeesesseceeseeceeseestesesesseceeeaeeeseeees Gary Zempich
VANtiV LLC occ ccceeceeceeeeeeeceeceaeeseeseseeeeseeceeceeceeeeseeesesseceecneceeeeseesesesseceeceeeeaeeaes
VeriFONG, INC. oo... ecccceccescescescesceeceecesceeeeeceseeseesaeseeeceesessesesaesaescensesesesaesesatsatsaesees
VeriFONE, INC. oo... eccccescesceeecceeceeceeceeceeceeceeseesseceeceeeeeeeseseesesaescenceseeseesesrsaesaesaesees
VeriFONE, INC. oe. ceeccceceeseeeecceeceeceeceeceeeeeceseeseseeseeeeeseseseesesaesceeceseesesaesrsaesaeeaeeees
VELIFONE, INC. oo... eeceeesssceeesscccesscceessseeessessessccccsueecesssesesseecesseccesssesessesessteeceaueccesates
VErIFONG, INC. cocci cece ccccccccccssccccesseccesseecesecceeeccsesseesessseceessccesueceesseesesssecetseecennees
VOrIFONE, INC. oe. ceececeeecescescescesceseeeceseeeeeeeeececececseseeseeseceeceeceecsesessessesseceeeaesesaeeaes
VISA. cecccccccsceeesessessccsecsessesecsessessaeeecssesessesseseesseseessessessesseseessesaescesseseesesaesaesaesatsaesaes
James Zerfas
John Barrowman
David Ezell
Dave Faoro
Doug Manchester
Brad McGuinness
Joachim Vance
Shahzad Khan
VISA. ce cccccccsceseescesesccsesseeseeaesesecsaeeecsscessessessesseserseessessesseseessesaescescesesesaesrsaesaesaeeaes Kim Wagner
Wayne Fueling SYSt€Ms...........ccccccsecsccssccsecssccssesecssessesseecseesescsssseesseecasesaecsessaeessenes Steven Bowles
Wells Fargo Bank .........ccccccccccscccssesecseessccseceseccseesecseesseessececeseccseeseeseesseesaeseeseeeeeeegs William Felts, IV
Wells Fargo Bank .........:ccceccecceceesseecsseeseesceseeeceeeeessseseeeeseceecnecneeseesesesessecneeaeeateaeeaes Phillip Griffin
Wells Fargo Bank ......... cc cecceccecseseeceseessesceeeeeeeeseessseeeseseceecnesneeseeseseesessesnesaeeaeeaeenes Jan Kohl
Wells Fargo Bank .........:ccceccecsecseeseececeeeeeeeeeeeeseeceeceeeeeseeseeseesesaeeceseeseeseesesersesaesaeeees Garrett Macey
Wells Fargo Bank .........cccececsecseneeeceeeseeeeeeseeseeceeceeeeeseeseeseesaesaeeceteeseeseesaesneeaeseeaeeaes Kelly O'Donnell
Wells Fargo Bank .........:ccececcecsecceeceeeeeeeeeeeseeseeceeceeeeeeeeseseeseseeceeeeseeseesesneeaesieeaeeets Mark Schaffer
Wells Fargo Bank .........:ccccccecceccesseeceseesseeceeceeceeceeeeseeeeseeseceeceeceeetseeesessesseceecesneeeeaes Jeff Stapleton
XYPRO Te@CHNOIOGY ........cccccesscscssscscssessessesseseceseecssessessesecsecsecsecssessesessessecaecseeaessaeaes Steve Tcherchian
Under ASC X9, Inc. procedures, a working group may be established to address specific segments of work under
the ASC X9 Committee or one of its subcommittees. A working group exists only to develop standard(s) or
guideline(s) in a specific area and is then disbanded. The individual experts are listed with their affiliated
organizations. However, this does not imply that the organization has approved the content of the standard or
guideline. (Note: Per X9 policy, company names of non-member participants are listed only if, at the time of
publication, the X9 Secretariat received an original signed release permitting such company names to appear in
At the time this standard was approved, the X9F6, Cardholder Authentication and ICC's group which developed
this standard had the following active members:
Scott Spiker, X9F6 Chairman
Darlene Kargel, X9F6 Vice Chairman
Andrea Beatty, Technical Editor
John Spence, Technical Editor
Organization Represented
American Express Company ..........cccccccccesesceseeeeseeseseescseeesaceeeaecaneesaeeesaeeesaeeetaeeesereas Alan Fong
Bank Of AMETICA.......
ce ceececcesecceeesessenesseneeseeeceeenessesevsssevsceesaceecaenesnesssnersseesaceesaeenenens Andi Coleman
Delap LLP ooo. eccecccccsccsseescssseeseessecsecscsecsecsseesseesseesecseseseceeeeseessesseseseseessseseeenees David Buchanan
© 2017 ASC X9, Inc. - All rights reserved
ANSI X9.24-1-2017
Delap LLP oo... eceeceeeeeeceeceseeeeeeeeeseeseeseseeeeesessesesececaeseseeseesecesesecaesersersneeneeas Darlene Kargel
Diebold NixOrt..........cccccccscccseessessecsscssecsecsseeesecsecsecsscsseseeessesessessseeeessseceesesesatenaees Bruce Chapa
Diebold NixXCOSF..........ccccccccsscessssesssseesecsecseecsecesessesessessessessesessesaessesaesaesaesaesnessesaeeas Anne Konecny
Federal Reserve Bank ..........ccccccccssssssssseseecsesseeececeecsessesaessesseseseseesaesaesaeseesesesaeas Amanda Dorphy
First Data Corporation ...........ccccccscsssssceseecseeseeeceeceesecececseseseseseseecesaeseeseesesaeeas Andrea Beatty
First Data Corporation..........ccccccccccsccsscsscsssccsecsscssececcsessesessscsecsescasesesssessueeessatenaees Lisa Curry
First National Bank Of Omaha...
ee eeeceeeeeeseteeeeeeeeeeseeeceecseetseeesaeeetaeeaseetaeeetatees Kristi White
FISCIV oo. eeseceeseeseeseeseeeceececseceeeeeeessececneceeneeessesseceececnecaecesesessesaesecaeeaesnesnesneeneegs Dan Otten
FULUIOX .....ceeececsceescesseesesseesnesceesseeseecaeseecsessueecsessessaesseseaesaesesescsessessaesessaesauesessaeeaaees Ryan Smith
GEOBRIDGE Corporation ...........cccccececssceceeceeeseeeseeecseeceeeeseecesseceseesaseesaeseseeseneesaees
GEOBRIDGE Corporation ..........ccccececcecesceeeeeeseseeeeeeeeesececeeseecesseceseesaseesaeceseeseseeeaees
GEOBRIDGE Corporation ...........cccceccessesccsecseessesseseeeceesecseeeeeeesseseseseesaeseeseessesaeeas
GID ArCO oo... eeceecceceseesceseescescesecsecseceeeseseseesceeceesesseseassaseesaesaeseeseesseseeseesaesaeseesesaesaeeas
eee ecceeneeeneseesessenessesececsceescesseressececeececeececeessessssessceesecedeeevesseseesesanes
Donna Gem
Dean Macinskas
Jason Way
Scott Turner
Bruce Welch
Heartland Payment SySteEMs ..........ccccccsccsccsecsscssecsscssecseessscssesessaeesesssesueeeesatenaees
Hewlett Packard .........cccccccscsccsccsscssecsecsssscsecsecssesessseseessesssessesssesessaesaesenessatenaees
IBM Corporation ........cccccccecssesessesscsssescsecsseesessessscessecesesseessesessessecsesaecsesseeeesesseenes
INQENICO Le cece eeesscececeeceteeseesseeeeseceecececseeseeeeeseeseecesaeeaeeesessessesesaeeatenessessesaeeaes
John Masden
Susan Langford
Todd Arnold
Rob Martin
INQEMICO.. ee eeeseeeeescescesceseceecseeseeeseceeceecsecaceseeseeseseesececaecaeesessessessececaecaeeeesessesseeats
INQEMICO.. ee eeeeeceseescescescesecsecseeseseesececeeceecseeseeseeseseesecaecaecaeenessessesseseececaeesesesaesaeeats
JP. Morgan Chase ........cccescccccscessesesseeeeeccsceseesseseseessesseseseessessessesaesaessesaesaesaesaees
JP. Morgan Chase ........:ccecccccessesceseseeeeeecescesseeseessessessesaesessessesseseesaesaesaesaesesaesaees
cc cceseeseneresecseeescescesseesseessceesceesacessessssessseesaceesaseesnessenesaanes
Steve McKibben
John Spence
Kathleen Krupa
Darryl Scott
Azie Amini
K3DES LLC... ccccccccceeseeseeseesecceceecseceteessecsecaeceeseseceeseesesessessseseeseeceeeeeseaeenaees James Richardson
Maiinsall Trim, INC. ......cccccccccccccssccesscccccssccecsssecessseecessecccsececssstsessstecesusecesseeecesteeeente Norman Cecil
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) oo... ceeecececceceteeeteeteneeenes Elaine Barker
PCI Security Standards Councl........cccceccceceesseceseeseeceecseceeseesneceeseecneseserseesneeaeens Ralph Poore
Thales UK Limited 0... ee ceccccceeceeeeeeseeeeeceeeeeceeseeseeseeseseseeseeseesesiesesiesaeeaesiesaeeaeed Colette Broadway
Thales UK Limited... eccccceseessescecesceeesseeseesseeceeeeeseecneceesessesseceeceececaeeaeeaeenesaeed Larry Hines
Thales UK Limited... ececcceseeseecceceeceeesseeeeeesseceeceeceecneceeseessesseceeseesneseeeeesnesaeed James Torjussen
TTUStWAVE.... see eeeeccceseccececcnessesseseseseccaceeesceeeesassessesecacetsaceeesesiesessesecaeedcaeeseesienesaeeted Tim Hollebeek
U.S. Bank wo... cecccccccccsccsseccssecessecseeccssccsecessecesesessesessccseecseessssssesaeceseeecseeesseensesenee
eee ccccccccccesecssccssecsccecssecsecsaeccssssecsaecsessaessessessesecaessascsesaesaeecsesaesneeeass
VErIFONE, INC... cccecccecssscecsscecesscecessseceseseccstecesseecesssececseeesesstecesssecesseecersatesersesenea
VErIFONE, INC. ......cccecccesseseecsseecesscecesssecesseeecesstecesseecesssecesseeecesstecesseecesseecensatesssseeenes
VeriFONE, INC...
ccc ccccsccecsscecessscccsesecccsesecsssesescececssececssseserssesescesesrecesaversnsesenss
Stephen Case
Gary Zempich
Dave Faoro
Doug Manchester
Joachim Vance
VISA ceecceccssesesessesessceeecceeeccnecsesessesevsccaceecaeaeeesasseseceesaceesaceeenesaeeesaeecaeeecaeeeenesaenesaeerta Adam Clark
VISA ceccccssessesessesessceeeceneecceecsevsesesavsceaceecaceaecesassessceccaceesaceeseessenesseecaeedcaeeeenesaenesaeeeea Shahzad Khan
VISA voecccccccccceccsecsecseesesseeeeeseeecseseceeseasesseseesaeseeseessaseaseesaesaeserssessesseseesaesaesaeseeseesaesaess Michael Stefanich
VISA coecceccccccccsscsseesecesccsecssecseceseeseeesecssecsesesecsecssecseessesesessesesecsessesssecesesscseessessseeneesges
Wayne Fueling SySteMs ....... ce eeccceceeeeeeceeceeeeeeeeceeceeceececnesessesseceeceesiesaeeesseraeraeed
Wells Fargo Bank........cccccesssesseeeecceceeceecsseeseeesseceeeeeseesneceesessesseseeceecieceeaeeesneraeed
XYPRO Technology .....cececceeeseseeseesccesceesenecsenecseeeceeeceeeenessenesseneceeeeeeeeseesaenesaeees
Kim Wagner
Steven Bowles
Jeff Jacoby
Steve Tcherchian
This document cancels and replaces the 2009 version of X9.24 Part 1.
As part of the ANSI 5-year review process, this standard underwent significant modifications that resulted in an
extensive rewrite. It reflects updates in key management security requirements, includes AES algorithm use, and
leverages advancements in hardware devices used for protecting cryptographic keys.
Implementation details for TDES and AES DUKPT have been moved to part three of X9.24.
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Retail Financial Services
Symmetric Key Management
Part 1: Using Symmetric Techniques
This key management standard, utilized in conjunction with the National Institute for Standards and Technology
Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) (see Reference 1) and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) (see
5), is used to manage
keys that can be used to protect messages
information in a financial services environment.
and other sensitive
The security and reliability of any process based on AES or the
TDEA is directly dependent on the protection afforded to secret parameters called cryptographic keys.
interoperability of keying operations.
for the
14, and 16), for encrypting Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) (see Reference
for encrypting other keys, or for other purposes.
Such keys could be used for authenticating messages (see References 11,
10), for encrypting other data,
This part of this standard
both the manual
of keying
financial services such as point-of-sale (POS) transactions (debit and credit), automated teller machine (ATM)
transactions, messages among terminals and financial institutions, and interchange messages among acquirers,
switches and card issuers. This part of this standard deals exclusively with the management of symmetric keys
using symmetric techniques. Requirements for symmetric keys protected by asymmetric keys are addressed in
X9.24-2. Any requirements stated in this part are not meant to invalidate the requirements provided for in Part 2.
This part of the standard specifies the minimum requirements for the management of keying material. Addressed
are all components of the key management life cycle, including the generation, distribution, utilization, storage,
archiving, replacement and destruction of the keying material. An institution's key management process, whether
implemented in a computer or a terminal, is not to be implemented or controlled in a manner that has less
security, protection, or control than described herein. The intention is that if two nodes implement compatible and
secure versions of key management
key identification techniques, and key separation methods
accordance with this part of this standard, they will be interoperable at the application level.
Other characteristics
may be necessary for node interoperability; however, this part of this standard does not cover such characteristics
as message format, communications protocol, transmission speed, or device interface.
The definition of the DUKPT algorithm is addressed in X9.24 Part 3. Information contained in previous versions of
this standard related to the implementation of DUKPT has been moved to that standard.
This part of this standard is applicable for institutions implementing techniques to safeguard the cryptographic
keys used for the authentication and encryption of messages and other sensitive data. For example, this applies
to institutions in the financial services industry implementing References 10, 11, or 18.
Mandatory standard techniques and procedures are indicated by the word 'SHALL'.
Guidelines are indicated by
the word 'SHOULD'.
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This part of this standard SHALL be used in conjunction with the following publications.
NIST SP800-67, Recommendation for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher
ANS X9.82, Random
Number Generation, Part 3: Deterministic Random Bit Generators
ISO 13491 - 2016 - all parts, Financial services — Secure cryptographic devices (Retail)
ANS X9.24-2, Retail Financial Services Symmetric Key Management Part 2: Using Asymmetric
Techniques for the Distribution of Symmetric Keys
FIPS 197: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), November 26, 2001
NIST SP 800-38A: Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation:
(December 2001)
and Techniques
NIST SP 800-38C: Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: the CCM Mode for
Authentication and Confidentiality (July 2007)
NIST SP 800-38D: Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)
and GMAC (November 2007)
ANS X9.24-3, Retail Financial Services Symmetric Key Management Part 3: Derived Unique Key Per
Transaction (Ballot Note: This is to be published in 2017)
The following publications are applicable and may be referenced in this part of this standard.
10. ANS X9.8-1, Personal Identification Number (PIN) Management and Security
11. ISO 16609, Banking — Requirements for message authentication using symmetric techniques
12. ISO 7812, Identification cards - Numbering system and registration procedure for issuer identifiers
13. ISO 8583, Bankcard Originated Messages — Interchange message specifications — Content for financial
14. ISO 9797-1, Information technology — Security techniques — Message Authentication Codes (MACs) —
Part 1: Mechanisms using a block cipher
15. ISO/TR 14742, Recommendations on cryptographic algorithms and their use
16. NIST SP 800-38B: Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation:
Authentication (October 2016)
The CMAC Mode for
17. ANS X9.102-2008, Symmetric Key Cryptography For the Financial Services Industry - Wrapping of Keys
and Associated Data
18. ANS X9.119, Retail Financial Services - Requirements for Protection of Sensitive Payment Card Data Part 1: Using Encryption Methods
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ISO 11568-2, Financial Services - Key management (retail) — Part 2, Symmetric
ciphers, their key
management and life cycle
20. NIST SP 800-57: Recommendation for Key Management — Part 1: General
21. ANS TR-31, Interoperable Secure Key Exchange Key Block Specification for Symmetric Algorithms
The versions listed were current as of the publication of this document; however, these documents are
routinely updated and reaffirmed. The current versions SHOULD be referenced when using this part of
this standard. If a date was indicated on the reference above, there may be a specific section cited. This
is not meant to preclude the use of the newer version, only to signify the section was related to this
specific version of the standard.
Terms and Definitions
see “Card Acceptor”
the institution (or its agent) that acquires from the card acceptor the financial data relating to the transaction and
initiates that data into an interchange system
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
the algorithm specified in Reference 5
see “Advanced Encryption Standard”
a Clearly specified mathematical process for computation; a set of rules which, if followed, will give a prescribed
American National Standards Institute
Archived Key
an inactive key that is being saved in a secure manner for a non-operational purpose
the act of determining that a message has not been changed since leaving its point of origin.
originator is implicitly verified
The identity of the
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Base Derivation Key (BDK)
key used in a derivation process to generate initial DUKPT keys.
The same key is used by the host to derive the
current transaction key
see “Base Derivation Key”
a 32 bit value that identifies the Base Derivation Key.
This was formerly known as the Key Set Identifier (KSI) in
the TDEA DUKPT specification
Card Acceptor
party accepting the card and presenting transaction data to the acquirer
Card Issuer
the institution or its agent that issues the card to the cardholders
Chain of Custody
the chronological documentation or paper /digital trail showing the custody, controls, transfer, access, and
disposition of the controlled item
Check Value
a non-secret value that is cryptographically related to the key (or component) and is used to verify that the
underlying value is as expected. It is possible for different keys or components to have the same check value
data in its enciphered form
data in its original, unencrypted form
Component Check Value (CCV)
see “Check Value”
in cryptography, the breaching of secrecy and/or security.
A violation of the security of a system such that an
unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information may have occurred
Cryptographic Key
a secret value used in the operation of a cryptographic function such as:
a) the transformation from cleartext to cipher text and vice versa
b) synchronized generation of keying material
computation or verification of a Message Authentication Code
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Cryptographic Key Synchronization
the ability for two nodes that cryptographically process a transaction, to determine the identical Transaction Key
Cryptographic Strength
the computational cost of the best-known attack against a given cryptographic algorithm and key size.
cryptographic strength is usually a function of key size, but different algorithms may have a different cryptographic
key strength even though their key sizes are the same. See Reference 15 and 20 for guidance about the security
strength (i.e., cryptographic strength) of keys used with particular algorithms. The strength of a given algorithm
and key size may vary depending on the use of the algorithm. For example, uses with few or no plaintextciphertext pairs may be more resistant to attack than uses with many pairs
the time span during which a specific key is authorized for use, or the time span during which the keys for a given
system will remain in use
a process of transforming cipher text (unreadable) data into cleartext (readable) data
a cryptographic transformation process that is used to derive one value from another value.
It is typically used in
the context of this standard to derive one cryptographic key from another key
Derivation Identifier/ Derivation ID
a 32 bit value that identifies the specific initial key derived under the Base Derivation Key specified by the BDK ID.
This was formerly known as the 19-bit value Device ID (DID) or TRSM
Derivation Key
a key that is used to cryptographically compute another key using a derivation process.
Normally a single
derivation key is used in a transaction-receiving (e.g., acquirer) SCD to derive or decrypt the Transaction
used by a large number of originating (e.g., terminal) SCDs
Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT)
a key management method that uses a unique key for each transaction, and prevents the disclosure of any past
key used by the transaction-originating device. The unique Transaction Keys are derived from a base derivation
key using only non-secret data transmitted as part of each transaction
Double-Length Key
TDEA key having a length of 128 bits, consisting of 112 key bits and 16 parity bits, which is typically represented
in 32 hexadecimal digits transaction
Dual Control
a process utilizing two or more separate individuals, operating in concert, to protect sensitive functions or
information. Each individual is equally responsible for the physical protection of materials involved in vulnerable
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control ensures
that no one
is able to access
or to utilize the materials
cryptographic key) alone. For manual key generation, conveyance, loading, storage, and retrieval, dual control
requires split knowledge of keys among the entities. Also, see “Split Knowledge”
see “Derived Unique Key Per Transaction”
a process of transforming cleartext (readable) data into cipher text (unreadable) data for the purpose of security or
a mathematical measure of the amount of unpredictable information
Exclusive-Or (XOR)
a mathematical operation, symbol “XOR’, defined as:
1XORO=1 = 1XOR1=0
Equivalent to binary addition without carry (modulo-2 addition)
Initial DUKPT Key
a unique key loaded into an SCD that has been derived from a DUKPT BDK
Initial Key ID
a 64 bit value that identifies the specific initial key derived under the Base Derivation Key.
It is a concatenation of
the BDK ID and the Derivation ID
an establishment responsible for facilitating customer-initiated transactions or transmission of funds for the
extension of credit, or the custody, loan, exchange, or issuance of money
mutual acceptance and exchange of messages between financial institutions
the institution holding the account identified by the primary account number (PAN)
International Organization for Standardization
see “Cryptographic Key”
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Key Check Value (KCV)
see “Check Value”
Key Component
one of at least two parameters having the format of a cryptographic key that is combined using XOR with one or
more like parameters to form a cryptographic key. A component is equal in length to the resulting key
Key Encrypting Key (KEK)
a key used exclusively to encrypt and decrypt other keys
Key Injection Facility (KIF)
a physically secure room in which cryptographic keys are loaded into SCDs
Keying Material
the data (e.g., keys, attributes, and
relevant metadata
initialization vectors) that comprise a complete
key and
Key Separation
a process for ensuring that a key is used for only its intended purpose
Key Set
a group of keys that are all determined by a common cryptographic procedure and differentiated by non-secret
input to this procedure such that knowledge of one key does not disclose any other key in the group
Key Set Identifier (KSI)
a non-secret value that uniquely identifies a key set
Key Shares
the result of dividing a key into multiple (m) pieces (shares or fragments), such that a designated minimum
number (n) of pieces are required to reconstitute the key. Each key share is constructed in such a manner that
access to n-1 shares does not disclose any information about the key
see “Key Injection Facility”
see “Key Set Identifier”
see “Message Authentication Code’
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Master Key
in a hierarchy of Key Encrypting Keys and Transaction Keys, the highest level of Key Encrypting Key is known as
a Master Key
a set of data elements used to exchange information
Message Authentication Code (MAC)
a cryptographic value used to confirm that the message came from the stated sender and has not been changed
in transit. see References 11, 14, and 16 for further information
any point in a network that does some form of processing of data, such as a terminal, acquirer or switch
National Institute of Standards and Technology
the person, institution or other entity that is responsible for and authorized to originate a message
see “Primary Account Number”
the result of a calculation of the number of ‘1’ bits in a string of ‘0’ and ‘1’ bits, that indicates whether the number
of ‘1’ bits is odd or even
Personal Identification Number (PIN)
string of numeric digits established as a shared secret between the cardholder and the issuer, for subsequent use
to validate authorized card usage
Primary Account Number (PAN)
an assigned number, composed of an issuer identification number, an individual account identification and
accompanying check digit as specified in ISO/IEC 7812-1, that identifies the card issuer and cardholder
see “personal identification number”
Pseudo-Random Process
a process that produces a value which is statistically random
generated by a deterministic algorithm
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and essentially unpredictable even though it was
ANSI X9.24-1-2017
a value in a set that has an equal probability of being selected from the total population of possibilities, hence is
the process of sending
perpetrating a fraud
a message
which contains all or part of a previously sent message,
as a method
see “Secure Cryptographic Device”
Secure Cryptographic Device (SCD)
a device that provides physically and logically protected cryptographic services and storage (e.g., PIN entry
device (PED) or hardware security module (HSM)). The SCD may be integrated into a larger system such as an
ATM or POS terminal
the person, institution, or other entity transmitting a message
Split Knowledge
a condition under which two or more parties separately and confidentially have information (e.g., key components)
that, individually, convey no knowledge of the resulting combined information (e.g., a cryptographic key)
Symmetric Key
a cryptographic key that is used in a symmetric cryptographic algorithm
symmetric key that is used for encryption is also used for decryption
(e.g., TDEA
or AES).
a node that can route data from a node to other nodes
any unauthorized modification that compromises the security properties of a device or security container.
Examples include insertion of active or passive tapping mechanisms into a device to determine, record, or modify
secret data; or the attempt to penetrate or open a security container or device
Tamper Evident and Authenticable (TEA) Bag
the one-time use packaging that is designed in such a way as to make it infeasible to access the contents without
detection, and
has a pre-printed unique identifier that cannot be changed without detection to allow for
authentication. TEA packaging alone may not offer privacy, but rather provides a means to detect unauthorized
access. The form of the packaging is not necessarily restricted to a bag
see “triple data encryption algorithm”
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see “Tamper Evident and Authenticable Bag”
a device/system that initiates a transaction
a series of messages to perform a predefined function
Transaction Key
a key used to cryptographically process the transaction.
functions, each key may be a
If more than one key is used for different cryptographic
variant or derivative of the Transaction Key.
A Transaction Key is sometimes
referred to as a data key, communications key, session key or working key
Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA)
algorithm specified in Reference 1
Triple-Length TDEA Key
a TDEA key having a length of 192 bits, consisting of 168 key bits and 24 parity bits, that is typically represented
in 48 hexadecimal digits
Variant of a Key
a new TDEA key formed by a reversible process (which need not be secret) with the original TDEA key, such that
one or more of the non-parity bits of the new key differ from the corresponding bits of the original key
the process of associating and/or checking a unique characteristic
see “Exclusive-Or”
Standard Organization
The remainder of this part of this standard is divided into these sections.
Section 6
describes the environment in which key management techniques operate
Section 7
establishes the requirements applicable to key management
specifies key management methods, key identification techniques, and the additional requirements
for each specific method
Annex A — describes key and component check values
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AnnexB _
specifies requirements for maintaining split knowledge during transport
Payment Environment
In order to provide insight into key management requirements, this section provides a generic description of each
of the entities involved. Transaction processing systems are composed of subsystems operated by one or more
of these entities. The method of identification in such systems has considerable effect on the overall security
requirements. While this part of this standard primarily addresses transaction-processing systems (e.g., ATM
systems, POS networks) using cards as part of the identification process, other applications of this standard are
not precluded.
Cardholder and Card Issuer
The card issuer guarantees payment to the acquirer for transactions or services rendered to the cardholder upon
proper authentication and authorization of the cardholder, providing that all required conditions have been met.
The card serves to identify the cardholder and the card issuer. In addition, the card may carry other information
such as period of validity (e.g., the expiration date) and security related information (e.g., the PIN offset).
The cardholder and the issuer share a customer’s secret Personal Identification Number (PIN) (see Reference
10) to be used during transactions. The transaction processing system has an obligation to maintain the PIN
secrecy while transporting the transaction from the cardholder to the card issuer. Note that the card issuer may
delegate responsibility for verification of the PIN to an agent.
Card Acceptor
Organizations acting in this role accept cards to access the cardholders’ account(s) or as a means of payment for
goods or services.
This may be a retailer, service company, financial institution, etc.
The security of the
transaction information exchanged with the acquirer is important.
Security features may include message
authentication (see Reference 11), secrecy of the PIN (see Reference 10), the protection of the sensitive payment
data (see Reference 18), etc.
This role manages the transaction-originating SCD, into which the payment
information (e.g., PIN, PAN) is entered by the Cardholder.
Organizations acting in the role of acquirer provide transaction processing to card acceptors and submit
transactions into interchange. For some transactions, the acquirer may authorize a transaction acting as an agent
of an issuer. In other cases (e.g., the transaction value exceeds a certain threshold) the transaction information is
sent to an issuer or its agent for authorization.
For the acquisition function, the acquirer needs facilities that provide secure processing for the translation of PINs
in node-to-node systems, message authentication for transaction exchanges, etc. For combined acquisition and
authorization functions, the acquirer needs security facilities to satisfy the requirements of the issuer it represents.
Organizations providing services of routing a transaction message to one of multiple destinations. Other terms for
this function include, but are not limited to, Interchange, EFT Networks, Processors, Payment Brands, Payment
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Key Management Requirements
Cryptographic algorithms used to protect information are not
interoperability. However, the encryption key must remain secret.
Key generation, storage, loading, transport, use, and destruction are points at which a key management strategy
is established and enforced to ensure the secrecy of the keys. The impact of a compromise of a given key should
be taken into consideration when deciding the strategy for its management.
It is necessary to employ mechanisms that detect or prevent the use of modified or substituted keys, or the replay
of keys.
This section includes general requirements that apply to the management of keys.
Dual Control and Split Knowledge
The management of a cleartext component or share throughout its lifecycle SHALL ensure dual control and split
knowledge of the resulting key.
Throughout the lifecycle of a key, an individual SHALL never have (or have had)
access to all cleartext components or shares necessary to form the key. Each person or group of persons (e.g.,
Custodian) responsible for each key component or share SHALL have received adequate training and signed an
acknowledgement of the responsibilities to keep secret the key component or share entrusted to them. The chain
of custody for each cleartext component or share SHALL be documented and such documentation maintained.
Each person or group of persons responsible for injecting cleartext keys from one SCD to another SHALL have
received adequate training and signed an acknowledgement of the responsibilities entrusted to them.
Permissible Key Forms
Cryptographic keys SHALL only exist in one or more of the following forms:
Ina Secure Cryptographic Device (SCD) as specified in Section 7.2 below
lf encrypted and outside an SCD:
as acryptogram of the key that SHALL have been created inside an SCD using a TDEA or AES
Key Encrypting Key and satisfies the key block requirements in Section 7.4
as cryptograms
of key shares or key components,
where the cryptograms
have been
created inside an SCD using a TDEA or AES Key Encrypting Key and satisfies the key block
requirements in Section 7.4
as cryptograms of the key, key shares or key components, where the cryptograms SHALL have
Reference 4
If not encrypted and outside of an SCD, a key SHALL exist only in the following forms:
as two or more full length key components that are managed
thereby achieving dual control and split knowledge of the key
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in accordance with Section 7.1.1,
ANSI X9.24-1-2017
as two or more key shares that are managed in accordance with Section 7.1.1, thereby achieving
dual control and split knowledge of the key
as a cleartext key while being injected in accordance with Section 7.9.3 under dual control in an
environment meeting the requirements of Section 7.3.3
All instances in which cleartext key components or shares are created, received, accessed, transported, loaded,
stored, or destroyed, SHALL be recorded. A policy that defines the length of time such records are maintained
SHALL exist and be in use. Consideration SHOULD be given to the possible need for those records for a finite
length of time after the key is removed from service. At a minimum, records SHALL reflect the date, time,
person(s) involved, activity type (e.g., generation, destruction, shipment), reason for activity, and TEA bag
Instances where cryptographic keys are created, transported, received, replaced, or destroyed without manual
intervention (e.g., dynamic key exchange) SHOULD
event occurred.
be logged in such a way as to provide evidence that the
Key Strength
The weakest algorithm and key size used within the key hierarchy to provide cryptographic protection, determines
the strength of the protection. The cryptographic strength of a key SHALL be at least 112 bits as defined in Table
1 of Reference 19. TDEA cryptographic keys SHOULD be triple length, but SHALL be at least double length
keys. AES cryptographic keys may be 128, 192, or 256 bits in length.
The cryptographic strength of a key SHALL
be considered the minimum
of the strength of that key and the
strength of any cryptographic key that has ever been used to encrypt it. For example, encrypting an AES 128 key
with a triple-length TDEA key reduces the AES key’s cryptographic key strength to that of the TDEA key, which is
112 bits (see Table 1 of Reference 19).
Key Locations
Cryptographic keys SHALL exist in the fewest number of locations consistent with the operation of the system.
Production Key Usage
Keys that are known, or have ever been protected by known keys SHALL NOT be used in production.
Any key created or protected in equipment that does not meet Section 7.2 SHALL NOT be used in production.
Any keys used in a production system SHALL be handled in accordance with the requirements in this document.
Single Purpose Key Use
A key SHALL be used for one purpose only. At a minimum, purposes include:
A PIN Encryption Key SHALL only be used to protect PINs
A Key Encryption Key SHALL only be used to protect keys
A Data Encryption Key SHALL only be used to protect data
An Authentication Key SHALL only be used for authentication
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A Derivation Key SHALL only be used for deriving keys
Secure Cryptographic Device (SCD)
A device used for key management SHALL be a Secure Cryptographic Device (SCD) that meets the Tamper
characteristics (based upon the SCD functionality) in Part 2 of Reference 3.
The SCD SHALL NOT rely exclusively on Tamper Evident characteristics, regardless of the key management
method employed. For any SCD that is not being used as a transaction-originating device, Part 2 of Reference 3
SHALL be used to demonstrate the applicable functionality of the SCD.
An SCD that meets the Tamper Resistant requirements in Reference 3, but does not meet the Tamper
Responsive requirements therein, SHALL only be used in cases where the compromise of that SCD would not
compromise keys or secrets not held within the SCD. Examples include, but are not limited to:
Smart cards used for component or share transport or storage
Smart cards containing public/private key pair(s) used to facilitate management of HSMs
SCDs used to authorize or enable key management functions
If multiple cleartext components or shares sufficient to form a key are stored or transported within a single SCD, it
is equivalent to having a clear key in the SCD, therefore, the SCD SHALL meet Tamper Responsive
requirements in Part 1 of Reference 3. The SCD SHALL enforce management of the components or shares in
such a way as to ensure Split Knowledge of the key in accordance with Section 7.1.1.
When an SCD is used to generate a key or key component, the SCD SHALL use a random or pseudo-random
process such that certain values are not statistically more probable than others from the set of all possible values,
in accordance with Reference 2.
When a key is entered as components, the SCD SHALL combine all the components using an XOR operation.
Figure 1 is an example of the XOR process used to combine key components.
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Figure 1 — Example of XOR Function to Combine Key Components
When an SCD is used to fragment a key into shares, the SCD SHALL use an n of m secret-sharing scheme.
example of this would be Shamir Secret Sharing.
The management and control of an SCD SHALL comply with all parts of Reference 3.
Furthermore, if an SCD does not have a Tamper Responsive mechanism, or if that mechanism is not enabled, the
SCD SHALL be stored in an environment that meets at least the criteria of a Minimally Controlled Environment as
identified in Section 7.3.1, with additional controls providing reasonable assurance that any unauthorized access
to the SCD can be detected. Because the SCD cannot respond to an attack, the additional controls minimize the
probability of unauthorized modifications.
An SCD is decommissioned when it is removed from service for repair, ownership is transferred to another
organization, or the SCD is to be destroyed. When an SCD is decommissioned, the financial keys SHALL be
erased in accordance with Part 1 of Reference 3.
from service as practical.
The keys SHOULD
be erased as close to the time of removal
When an SCD is lost or stolen, all keys contained in that device SHOULD
Minimally Controlled Environment
A Minimally Controlled Environment is an environment that has been
Reference 3, and all answers to applicable items are TRUE.
Part 2, Annex
H.3 of
Controlled Environment
A Controlled Environment is an environment that has been measured
and all answers to applicable items are TRUE.
be considered compromised.
using Part 2, Annex H.4 of Reference 3,
Secure Environment
A Secure Environment is an environment that has been measured using Part 2, Annex H.5 Reference 3, and all
answers to applicable items are TRUE.
Key Blocks
Overview of key blocks
An encrypted
key is carried in a structure called a key block.
along with other data associated with it.
The key block contains the encrypted
key itself
The key block is protected so that secret data cannot be disclosed
(encryption) and so that neither the encrypted key nor the associated data can be modified without detection
(integrity). Figure 2 is a high-level illustration of the structure a key block may have but is not intended to be
Non-Sensitive Key Attributes
Key and Sensitive Attributes
Integrity Protected
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Figure 2 — Key Block Overview Example
The key and its sensitive attributes SHALL be encrypted. If the secrecy of the attribute is important to security of
the key and key block, it SHALL be considered a sensitive attribute.
The encrypted key and its attributes in the key block SHALL have integrity protection such that they cannot be
modified without detection. Modification includes, but is not limited to:
changing or replacing any bit(s) in the attributes or encrypted key
interchanging any bits of the protected key block with bits from another part of the block
The key block SHALL contain the entire encrypted key (or component or share) and any attributes that are
required according to this standard. In addition, either the encrypted or the unencrypted portion of the key block
may have additional data that is outside the scope of this standard.
is an example of a key block that meets the requirements in Section 7.4.
Key attributes
The key attributes are values associated with the key that define how the key can be used and other pertinent
information. Ata minimum, the attributes SHALL include the following:
One or more attributes that define the operations for which the key can be used. Examples of attributes
that define permitted operations include ones that specify that the key can be used only for PIN block
encryption, only for encrypting other keys, or only for computing message authentication codes (MACs).
Other attributes might define sub-categories, for example specifying whether a MAC key can be used to
generate a MAC, to verify a MAC, or both.
One or more attributes that define the cryptographic algorithm and mode for which the key can be used.
These attributes are intended to prevent the misuse of a key using a
mode that could facilitate an attack to determine the value of the key.
different cryptographic algorithm or
Security requirements for key attributes are specified in Section 7.4.1.
Integrity of the key block
Acceptable methods of implementing the integrity requirements specified in 7.4.1 include, but are not limited to:
a MAC computed over the concatenation of the cleartext attributes and the enciphered portion of the key
block, which includes the encrypted key itself
an asymmetric digital signature computed over the concatenation of the cleartext attributes and the
enciphered portion of the key block, which includes the encrypted key itself
an integrity check that is an implicit part of the key encryption process such as that which is used in the
AES Key Wrap process specified in Reference 17
Before the key in the key block is used, the SCD that will use it SHALL verify the integrity of the key block using
the appropriate method for the integrity check process that was used on that block. The key SHALL NOT be
used if the integrity check fails.
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Key and Sensitive Attributes Field
Content of the field
At a minimum, the Key and Sensitive Attributes field of the key block SHALL contain the value of the key, but may
also contain other data. For example:
Padding that has been used to extend the length of the cleartext key to some desired length before it is
encrypted. One purpose of this is to pad a key to the block size of the algorithm used to encrypt it.
Another purpose is to hide the true length of the cleartext key, for example by padding so that all keys
have the same encrypted length
Information indicating the length and location of the key to assist in parsing
Any sensitive attributes of that key that need to be kept secret
Wrapping of the Key and Sensitive Attributes Field
Electronic Code Book mode SHALL NOT be used to encrypt this field if the field is longer than one block.
The Key and Sensitive Attributes Field SHALL be wrapped with TDEA or AES in accordance with Reference 17
or using one or more of the following modes:
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) (see Reference 6)
Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM) (see Reference 7)
Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) (see Reference 8)
Key Creation
Random Key Generation
Keys SHALL be generated by using a random or pseudo-random process such that certain keys are not
statistically more probable than others from the set of all possible keys. The strength of the random number
generator SHALL be equal to or greater than the strength of the key it is generating.
See Reference 2.
Keys SHALL be generated within an SCD.
Key Derivation
Key derivation is a technique by which a (potentially large) number of keys are created (“derived”) from a single
key and non-secret variable data. The original single key is called a “derivation key” and each key generated
from it is called a “derived key”. Key derivation can be used with a variety of key management methods and
It SHALL be cryptographically infeasible to recover the derivation key from the derived key.
For example, DUKPT key derivation can be used to provide a (statistically) unique key for each cryptographic
device without the need to manage a large number of separate, unrelated keys. This eliminates the need to store
the cipher text of each initial DUKPT key at the acquirer or receiving node.
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Key Calculation (Variants)
Applying a variant is a reversible technique for obtaining a set of keys from a single key, with each resulting key
having a different key type.
This technique provides
separate, unrelated key of each required type.
key separation while eliminating the need to manage
Each variant key is calculated from the original key and one
constant from a set of non-secret constants using a reversible process. An example of such a process is the
modulo-2 addition (i.e., XOR) of the key and a non-secret value. The disclosure of one key calculated in this
manner discloses the original key and all other keys calculated from it.
A variant of a key SHALL be used only for key separation based on usage. Except for TDEA
variants is deprecated, thus SHOULD NOT be used. AES keys SHALL NOT use variants.
If a key is compromised, then all variants of the key are also compromised.
use of
If there are multiple variants of a key,
and any one of those variant keys is compromised, then all variants and the original key are also compromised.
Key Component and Key Share Creation
Cleartext keys maintained outside of an SCD SHALL be managed under the principles of split knowledge and
dual control.
In support of this, the key can exist as multiple components or shares.
Components can be
generated individually and combined to form a key, or created from an existing key. The process to manage a
key as shares requires the generation of the key and then fragmentation into shares. Creating components or
shares of a key can be done at the time of key generation or at a later date.
Key components SHALL be generated by using a random or pseudo-random process such that certain values
are not statistically more probable than others from the set of all possible values. See Reference 2.
Key shares and components SHALL be generated within an SCD.
The creation of components or shares of a key after generation SHALL occur within an SCD. If component
generation or fragmentation into shares produces clear, human readable values, the process SHALL occur in
Controlled Environment or a Secure Environment as defined in Section 7.3.
During the generation process, cleartext components SHALL only be displayed or printed on a device that meets
the criteria of an SCD. Cleartext components produced during generation displayed on the SCD may be recorded
on paper by the assigned key custodian.
Check Values
A Check Value (CV) can be instrumental in validating that a key existing in two places is the same key without
disclosing the key itself. For example, an organization receiving a key from another organization may wish to
have a method to confirm that the components received have been loaded correctly.
different keys may have the same CV.
CVs generated on keys are called Key Check Values (KCVs).
Component Check Values (CCVs).
Within a large set of keys,
CVs generated on key components are called
If a KCV is used to verify keys and the calculated KCV does not match the expected KCV, the key SHALL NOT
be used until an investigation is performed to determine the cause of the mismatch.
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Check Value Calculation
A Check Value SHOULD be calculated with a key or component at the time of generation. When a check value is
calculated for a key or key component, it SHALL be calculated by a cryptographic process such that all portions
of the key or key component are involved in calculating the check value. It is a significant security risk to calculate
check values on portions of the key individually (for example, a separate check value for the right and left halves
of a double length TDEA key). Thus, in the description of this algorithm, the term “Key” always refers to the entire
key (for example, all 112 bits of a double-length TDEA key and all 192 bits of a triple-length TDEA key).
If calculating CVs for TDEA keys, Section A.2 or 0 of this standard SHALL be used.
If calculating
for AES
keys, Section 0 of this standard SHALL be used.
When displaying or recording the component check value or key check value computed according to Section A.2,
no more than the six hexadecimal digits of the cipher text SHALL be used.
When displaying or recording the
component check value or key check value computed according to Section 0, no more than the ten hexadecimal
digits of the cipher text SHOULD be used.
Key Distribution
Cleartext keys are distributed as components or shares of the key, or by using an SCD to transport the entire
cleartext key. Keys, components, and shares encrypted in accordance with Section 7.1.2 of this standard can be
transmitted through unprotected communication channels. Regardless of key distribution method used, it SHALL
NOT be possible for any person to ascertain the final key during the distribution process.
In some cases, it is expedient to have authorized individuals carry (i.e., convey) components or shares of the key
from one place to another (e.g., from the point of storage to the point of loading). Requirements for this type of
situation are covered in Section 7.8.2 on Personal Conveyance. The sections covering Transporting Components
or Shares (Sections 7.8.3 and 7.8.4) describe the requirements that apply when the transportation of the
component(s) or share(s) is not under the physical control of authorized persons at all times (e.g., when mailing).
Personal Conveyance of Cleartext Components or Shares
When conveying keys, each cleartext component or share not in an SCD SHALL be in the physical control of only
the authorized Custodian and SHOULD be in the possession of the authorized Custodian only for the minimum
practical time required to transport the component or share, enter it into an SCD (if applicable), and either
securely store or destroy it.
The authorized custodian
physically carrying a component or share in printed form SHALL
ensure that the
component or share value is not visible to any unauthorized individual during conveyance.
Transporting Cleartext Components or Shares
Transporting Cleartext Components or Shares in an SCD
Cleartext key components or shares can be transported in one or more SCDs. Transporting multiple components
or shares of a given key within a single SCD SHALL be considered equal to transporting a cleartext key within the
SCD, and is covered in Section 7.2.
This section covers the transport of a single component or share of one or more keys using an SCD (e.g., a single
SCD containing “Custodian 1” components for one or more keys).
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The management of a component or share (including the SCD in which the component or share resides) SHALL
ensure dual control and split knowledge of the resulting key.
For cleartext components or shares transported within an SCD, that SCD SHALL meet the following requirements
in addition to those in Section 7.2:
Have logical controls to limit access to authorized individual(s)
Have logical controls that include protections against attacks (e.g., repeated failed login attempts)
Support authentication controls that render the device or user account unusable and/or remove
keys when the number of invalid authentication attempts exceeds a pre-defined limit
The process to transport the SCD SHALL comply with Annex B.
Transporting Cleartext Components or Shares in Printed Form or on Transport Media
Transport Media refers to any device that is used to contain a component or share that does not meet the criteria
of an SCD (as defined in Section 7.2).
The sender and receiver have equal responsibility for the secrecy of the cleartext components or shares that are
transported in printed form or on transport media. Both parties SHALL have procedures to ensure the secure
handling of the components or shares throughout the process in accordance with the principles of Dual Control
and Split Knowledge as described in Section 7.1.1.
The process to transport key components
SHALL be in compliance with Annex B.
or shares that are in printed form or contained
in Transport Media
Transporting Cleartext Keys Using a Portable Key Loading Device
Cleartext keys can be distributed using an SCD as a Portable Key Loading Device (PKLD) intended to be used for
injection outside the KIF. This section addresses the loading of entire keys into the PKLD; the loading of key
components and shares into the PKLD is addressed in Section 7.9.2.
The PKLD is prepared within a Key Injection Facility (KIF) and one or more cleartext keys (and associated key
identifiers, if required) are transferred into the PKLD from another SCD. The PKLD is then physically transported
to one or more other SCDs (e.g., for injecting transaction-originating SCDs). The loading and operation of the
PKLD is performed under dual control. This differs from the preceding cases where the key is under dual control
because the key components or shares are under dual control. Requirements related to the use of the KLD to
install the keys into target SCDs are covered in Section 7.9.3.
When PKLDs are used to transfer cleartext keys to other SCDs, the PKLD SHALL be prepared (including key
loading and any sensitive user configurable settings) within a KIF that meets the criteria of a Secure Environment
as described in Section 7.3. User credentials with access to change configurable settings (e.g., inactivity timeout) on the PKLD system SHALL NOT be used to inject keys in the field.
The cleartext keys being loaded into the PKLD
encrypted keys into a PKLD need not occur at the KIF.
destination SCD is covered in Section 7.9.3.
be loaded in compliance with Section 7.9.
Transfer of
Use of the PKLD to load the cleartext keys into the
In the case of a known or suspected compromise of a PKLD (including one that is lost or stolen), all keys that
reside in the device SHALL be considered compromised and the response SHALL be in accordance with Section
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Each key loaded to the PKLD SHALL be assigned a lifespan for existence within that PKLD. When setting the
lifespan for each key consideration SHOULD be given to the risk of compromise to other keys not installed in the
device, if the PKLD were lost.
For example, if the PKLD is loaded with a BDK, the loss of the PKLD would impact
every device that was injected with a key derived from that BDK, therefore, the lifespan may be shorter.
If the
PKLD only contained the Initial DUKPT Keys to be injected, the risk is only to those Initial DUKPT keys; therefore
the lifespan of those keys may be longer. The PKLD used to transport cleartext keys SHALL meet the following
Have Tamper Responsive characteristics as defined in Part 1 of Reference 3, using Part 2 of Reference 3
to evaluate the applicable functionality of the SCD
Have controls to:
a) — Limit access to the PKLD to authorized individual(s) by
separating the administration, key custodian, and operator (injection) functions
requiring at least 2 users authorized for the same function to authenticate to the PKLD
before the function is available
| Support the authentication controls that render the device or user account unusable and/or remove
the keys when the number of invalid authentication attempts exceeds a pre-defined limit
Log user activities
d) — Protect against unauthorized modification of internal logs
Be designed and configured to:
Minimize the possibility of intercepting the cleartext key using radiated electromagnetic signals (e.g.,
using a shielded cable)
Prohibit the cleartext display of entered passwords
Erase each key that remains inside the PKLD longer than its defined lifespan
d) — Limit the total number of injections that can be performed before the PKLD is reloaded
Provide a means for the operators to confirm the number of injections performed since the PKLD
was prepared
Disable any unnecessary functionality during key injection
| Have amechanism to log SCD identifiers (e.g., serial number) injected
Confirm to the operator that the key was loaded successfully
Delete the emitted cleartext key from the PKLD after injection into the target SCD(s)
The process to transport keys using a PKLD SHALL be in compliance with Annex B.
When not in use and not housed within a KIF, a method is used to store the PKLD that ensures that unauthorized
access attempts would be detected before its use (e.g., storage within tamper evident and authenticable
packaging, locked in a dual control container, or showing unauthorized access attempt count).
Documented chain of custody SHALL extend from the time of departure from a KIF until it is securely returned
including any shipment. Management of the PKLD SHALL
unauthorized PKLD access or use is detected.
include the review of log information to ensure that
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Key Loading
Key Loading as described in this section includes loading of key components or shares, and loading of cleartext
keys (it does not include the loading of encrypted keys). Key loading can be done with the full key being passed
between directly connected SCDs, or as components or shares loaded individually to the SCD. This section
covers the specific requirements related to each method. Regardless of key loading method used, it SHALL be
infeasible for any person to ascertain all or part of any final key during the key loading process.
To facilitate the detection of errors in key loading, the check value for key components and keys SHOULD
Key loading activity SHALL be recorded in an automated and/or manual log that contains:
An identifier specific to the physical device of any hardware involved (e.g., Serial Number)
The Custodian(s) involved
A key identifier (e.g., a key name, KCV, BDK ID)
The key type
The component(s), or share(s) loaded, if applicable (e.g., Component 1, Share B, Check Value)
The date and time of the activity
Loading Key Components or Shares
The integrity and authenticity of the physical mechanism protecting a cleartext key component or share SHALL
be verified prior to installation into the target SCD. Physical mechanisms include but are not limited to:
TEA bags
Transport SCD
cleartext component
not in an SCD
be in the physical
of only the
authorized Custodian and SHOULD be in the hands of the authorized Custodian only for the minimum practical
time required to transport the component or share, enter it into an SCD (if applicable), and either securely store or
destroy it.
The authorized custodian physically carrying a cleartext component or share in printed form SHALL ensure that
the component or share value is not visible to any unauthorized individual during conveyance and entry.
A key component or share SHALL be entered into a target SCD using one of the following methods:
Entered directly into an input mechanism that is integral to (i.e., within the SCD) the target SCD in such a
way as to protect against monitoring (e.g., using the EPP of ATM)
Inencrypted form as outlined in Section 7.1.2
Entered from a directly connected portable source SCD (i.e., a KLD or other SCD) that was used to
transport the components of the key to be loaded into the target SCD as described in Section
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Once a cleartext component or share has been loaded, it SHALL either be destroyed immediately or transported
securely for subsequent storage or destruction. Transportation of component(s) or shares(s) SHALL be in
compliance with Section 7.13.3. Whether destruction of key component(s) or share(s) is done immediately or
subsequent to secure transport, it SHALL be in compliance with Section 7.13.
Cleartext Key Loading
A cleartext key SHALL only be transferred (i.e., injected) directly from one (source) SCD to another physically
connected (target) SCD. The source is a Key Loading Device, which is an SCD with specific injection functions.
The authentication by at least two KLD operators SHALL
the target SCD.
be required to enable the KLD to transfer the key into
Users that authenticate to the KLD during key injection SHALL only have access to the functionality necessary for
key injection.
Password entry SHALL be protected against monitoring.
The transfer of a key from the KLD to the SCD SHALL only occur after confirmation that the SCD is legitimate
and has not been subject to unauthorized
target SCD as legitimate prior to injection.
have a mechanism
to confirm the
Keys SHALL NOT be retained within the KLD after they are emitted to the intended SCD(s).
A Base Derivation Key SHALL NOT exist in any transaction-originating SCD at any time.
If multiple instances
of a BDK
are loaded
to one
(or more)
there SHALL
be a method
ensures each Initial DUKPT Key (IDK) derived from each instance of the BDK and KSI is unique.
Methods could include, but are not limited to:
1. Use unique BDK IDs
2. Use of device serial numbers in place of an incrementing Derivation ID
3. An assignment of a range of Derivation IDs for each KLD on which the BDK is loaded
KLD Use in a Key Injection Facility
A Key Injection Facility (KIF) SHALL be an area that qualifies as a Secure Environment as described in Section
7.3.3. The process to use a KLD to inject keys inside a KIF SHALL include:
Prior to use, an inspection to ensure that the KLD, cables to be used, and target SCD, show no signs
of tampering
Dual control is maintained by at least two authorized injection operators from the time of inspection to
completion of the key transfer activities
Ensuring that the input of user authentication information is not monitored
Confirmation prior to injection, that the target SCD is legitimate and the intended device
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Electronic and/or manual logs depicting the date, time, operator(s), target SCD identifier (e.g., SCD
Serial Number) and injection outcome for use of the KLD
Provide reasonable assurance that the integrity of the logs has been maintained (e.g., electronic logs
that are secured by the system against manipulation or manual logs stored in the dual-control KIF)
Key injection organizations SHALL
authorized injection requests.
have a mechanism or procedure in place to reconcile actual key injections to
KLD Use Outside a Key Injection Facility
Loading keys and other security-related preparation of a KLD SHALL take place inside a KIF (see Section 7.8.4).
The process to use a KLD to inject cleartext keys outside a KIF SHALL include:
Validation that the KLD has not been substituted.
Such validation SHALL be performed by an
authorized person other than the one transporting the KLD using an identifier or authentication
mechanism that cannot be altered after the KLD has been prepared within the KIF
Prior to use, an inspection to ensure that the KLD, cables to be used, and target SCD, show no signs of
Dual control is maintained by at least two authorized injection operators from the time of inspection to
completion of the key transfer activities
Ensuring that the input of operator authentication information is not monitored
Confirmation prior to injection, that the target SCD is legitimate and the intended device
Electronic and/or manual logs depicting the date, time, operator(s), target SCD identifier (e.g., SCD
Serial Number), sufficient attribute(s) to uniquely identify the key used (e.g., a key name, BDK ID, KCV)
and injection outcome for use of the KLD
Protection of the logs to ensure their integrity
Reconciliation of the logs reflecting the use of the KLD to ensure only authorized injections occurred
while outside the KIF
have a mechanism to confirm the target SCD as legitimate prior to injection.
7.10 Key Utilization
A host is a single organization that may include multiple locations, systems, and devices.
Any key used by a communicating pair (e.g., host to host or PED to host) SHALL be unique (other than by
chance). While a communicating pair could be a transaction-originating terminal and its host, this requirement is
not meant to imply that a base derivation key has to be unique to a PED or a single merchant.
be used for one purpose
only, for example
the encryption
of data or the protection of a PIN.
However, with TDEA keys, a variant of a key may be used for a purpose different from that of the original key
(e.g., to differentiate between key types). Controls SHALL be provided to prevent key misuse. A variant of a key
SHALL exist only in a device that possesses or has possessed the original key.
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A key shared between two hosts SHALL be unique to that relationship, ensuring that compromise of a key shared
with one host does not impact the security of the relationship with any other host.
Any key resident in a transaction-originating SCD SHALL exist only in that device and those facilities that are
authorized to have the key. If the transaction-originating SCD has multiple cryptographic relationships, there
SHALL be unique keys for each cryptographic relationship.
For example, a PED that communicates with
Acquirer 1 and Acquirer 2 would have different keys for each Acquirer. In the case where a PED communicates
with an Acquirer with multiple locations, the same key can be used at each location.
Entities using DUKPT or other key management strategies using derivation methods SHOULD incorporate a
segmentation strategy (e.g., by financial institution, injection vendor, market segment, processing platform, sales
unit, etc.) in their environments to limit the impact of a compromise.
The SCD SHALL have a means to ensure the separation of keys according to cryptographic function.
Except for TDEA DUKPT, use of variants is deprecated, thus SHOULD NOT be used. AES keys SHALL NOT
use variants.
Except for AES
as specified
in Reference
9, a key SHALL
to encrypt
itself or its
7.11 Cleartext Key Component and Share Storage
storage of cleartext components
be sufficient to ensure
that only the authorized
custodians similarly entrusted with that component or share can obtain access to the component or share.
Components and shares SHALL be stored in sealed TEA bags. Each component or
SHALL be stored in a separate TEA bag.
Components or shares of different keys
separate TEA bags. When multiple components or shares of different keys are stored
without being in separate TEA bags within, and that TEA bag is opened, logs SHALL
component or share that was contained in the TEA bag.
share of the same key
SHOULD be stored in
in the same TEA bag
record access to each
The chain of custody of a key component or share SHALL be maintained for the life of the key.
Each time a TEA bag is placed into or removed from storage, there SHALL
tampering and validation that the TEA bag identifier is as expected.
be an inspection for evidence of
Key Replacement
A key rotation policy SHALL exist that defines the cryptoperiod for keys owned by the organization. At or before
the conclusion of the key’s cryptoperiod, it SHALL be replaced. Considerations for the rotation schedule may
include (but are not limited to):
key type
key strength
amount of sensitive data being encrypted
key management history
key management method (See Section 8.1)
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A key SHOULD be retired if it has been managed
component has not been maintained.
as components
or shares, and clear history of a single
An unauthorized attempt to enter a key or restore a replaced key (e.g., replay) SHALL be precluded or detected.
7.13 Key Destruction
Keys are destroyed when they are no longer operationally necessary.
locations and at multiple organizations.
Keys can exist in multiple forms in multiple
The process of destroying a key SHALL
involve all known forms of the
7.13.2 Key Destruction from an SCD
The method of destruction for keys inside an SCD SHALL be sufficient to ensure that it is infeasible to recover the
keys by physical or electronic means.
All manually initiated destruction activities, including the purposeful initiation of a Tamper state SHALL be logged,
with appropriate records retained for audit trail purposes.
7.13.3 Destruction of a Key in Cryptogram Form
In order to destroy the cryptogram form of a key, the destruction process SHALL include one or more of the
removing the key cryptogram(s) from the operational environment(s)
destroying all forms of the key used to create the cryptogram
Operational processes SHALL ensure that destroyed keys are not reintroduced.
Component and Share Destruction
Components or shares stored on non-paper media SHALL be destroyed so that it is infeasible to recover the
component or share by physical or electronic means. The destruction SHALL be completed by the authorized
component holder, and be witnessed by another authorized individual.
destruction SHALL
or shares SHALL
be destroyed
by crosscut shredding,
burning or pulping.
be completed by the authorized component holder and be witnessed by another authorized
7.14 Key Archiving
An archived key is an inactive key that is being saved in a secure manner for a non-operational purpose.
Legal or
regulatory requirements and forensic investigations are examples of instances that could require recovery of an
archived key.
Archived keys SHALL be managed in accordance with this standard.
Archived keys SHALL NOT be restored into the operational environment.
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7.15 Key Compromise
In the situation where a key’s integrity is in question, an investigation SHALL be initiated to identify the possibility
of exposure. A suspected compromise is when the management of a key or its components would present the
opportunity for exposure or unauthorized use.
Examples of situations where a key’s integrity may be in question include (but are not limited to):
An SCD showing signs of or displaying an alert that indicates possible tampering
Inconsistent key activity logging
Components not stored in TEA bags
TEA bag records inconsistently maintained, or gaps in the TEA bag history for any one component of the
If components or shares of a key are compromised, as defined in Section 4.19, and the result is that one person
could have knowledge of the key, the entire key SHALL be considered compromised, and its use discontinued.
For example, if the key exists as two components, and a single component is no longer secure, and the legitimate
custodian of the remaining component were to discover the lost component, he would then have had access to
the entire key. If the key exists as more than two components or shares, and a single component or share is lost,
then the key is not necessarily considered compromised.
In a situation where a single person is not able to gain knowledge of the entire key, but one or more components
or shares of a key has been lost, compromised, or suspected compromised, the entire key SHOULD be replaced.
The use of a key SHALL be discontinued if its compromise is known or suspected. The amount of time for which
the compromised key remains active SHOULD be consistent with the risk to affected parties.
use of a key protected
by a compromised
be discontinued.
If the compromised
key is a
derivation key, then use of any key derived from that key SHALL be discontinued.
Key destruction SHALL be in accordance with Section 7.13.
In the case of a compromised key, a new key SHALL be generated or derived in accordance with Section 7.5 or
Section 7.5.2. If the new
replacement key.
key is derived,
no compromised
be used
in the process to create the
The notification of a key compromise SHALL be communicated to all parties that may be relying on the secrecy of
the compromised key.
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Transaction Key Management Techniques
This section specifies the methods of transaction key management
. Key management methods used singularly
or in combination SHALL be restricted to the following:
Fixed Transaction Keys
Master Keys / Transaction Keys
Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT) as described in Reference 9
Method: Fixed Transaction Keys
For this method, the fixed transaction key SHALL be either physically loaded (see Section 7.9) or remotely loaded
as per Reference 4.
The fixed transaction
key is used for transaction processing
until a new key is similarly
Method: Master Keys / Transaction Keys
In this method, there is a Master Key used to protect other keys during distribution. The Master Key is a Key
Encrypting Key (KEK) used for the distribution of new or replacement Key Encrypting Keys, Derivation Keys,
and/or Transaction Keys. This method is also known as the Master Key / Session Key method.
In a two-layer hierarchy, the Master Key is used to encrypt Transaction Keys directly.
Alternatively, multiple levels
of Key Encrypting Keys may be used. In that case, the highest-level KEK SHALL be either physically loaded (see
Section 7.9) or remotely loaded as per Reference 4. A key SHALL NOT be used to encrypt itself or its
replacement (except as permitted in Section 7.10).
The effective and minimum strength of an encrypted key (e.g., transaction key) SHALL be determined according
to Section 7.1.4. Since the Master Key is a Key Encrypting Key, it SHOULD have cryptographic strength equal to
or greater than the keys it encrypts.
Within a
using a
cryptographic relationship, if one organization is storing or transmitting the key shared between them
key that is not of equal or greater strength, that organization SHALL notify the sharing party. The
strength of a key shared between two organizations SHALL be equivalent to the lowest effective
in either organization. For example, if two organizations share a 128 bit AES key, and one organization
encrypts the key under a 112 bit (double-length) TDEA Master File Key and the other organization encrypts the
key under an 128 bit AES Master File Key, the strength of the shared key for both organizations is 112 bits, based
on application of the logic in Section 7.1.4.
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Annex A
Key and Component Check Values
A check value is a cryptographic function of the key that is used to verify the correct key or component. The
check value is not considered a secret parameter, which places significant security requirements on the check
value algorithm and its usage.
Legacy Approach (deprecated)
The previous version of this standard recommended computing the check value by encrypting an all-zero block
using the key or component as the encryption key, see Figure 3. When using this method, the check value is the
leftmost n-bits of the result; where n is at most 24 bits (6 hexadecimal digits).
There are a number of known security problems with this approach. First, if the check value consists of the entire
ciphertext, then it is possible that the check value can be used to enter a known ciphertext into the system. For
example, the check value for a key wrapping key is identical to the ECB key wrap of a single-DEA key with a
value of all zeros.
Even with a check value of only 4 or 6 digits, revealing the partial encryption
of all zeros can cause security
problems with some modes of operation, particularly counter mode and CMAC.
DEA Decrypt
DEA Encrypt
DEA Encrypt
: --
Figure 3 — Legacy Generation of Key Check Value
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CMAC-based Check values
this approach
are calculated
by MACing
an all-zero
the CMAC
algorithm as specified in Reference 14. The check value will be the leftmost n-bits of the result, where n is at
most 40 bits (10 hexadecimal digits). Note that the block cipher used in the CMAC function is the same as the
block cipher of the key itself. A TDEA key or a component of a TDEA key will be MACed using the TDEA
cipher, while a 128-bit AES key or component will be MACed using the AES-128 block cipher.
With a fixed input of the all-zero block, the CMAC value is calculated as shown in Figure 4.
Block Encrypt
{ Ne
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Block Encrypt
Figure 4 — CMAC Generation of Key Check Value
The values of R, are a bit string determined by the number of bits in the block where b is the block length. R123 =
0'°10000111 which is a 128 bit value for AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256 and Rea = 0°'11011 which is a 64 bit
value for TDEA. Table 1 reflects these values in numeric form. These values are static for CMAC when used
with all 128 bit block ciphers and 64 bit block ciphers respectively and they are calculated according to the CMAC
specification in Reference 14. Note that the definition of 0'”° is the zero bit repeated 120 times and 0° is the zero
bit repeated 59 times.
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Table 1 - Complete Hex Values for R,
Block Size _ | Value
|: 128 bits
64 bits
Algorithm | Key
Check Value
1234567890ABCDEF 1234567890ABCDEF 1234567890ABCDEF
0000111122223333444455556666777788889999AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFF | F665910B72
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Annex B
Split Knowledge During Transport
When two or more items must remain separate during transport (when not in the possession of the authorized
custodian, which is covered in Section 7.8.2) to support management of a key with split knowledge, it is
necessary to implement a process to detect (and prevent where possible), any unauthorized access during the
transportation and provide adequate evidence to demonstrate that no exposure occurred. Such items include but
are not limited to:
components or shares of a key
an SCD used to carry keys for intermediate loading to an SCD, and the authentication parameters used
to enable or access it
an SCD used to carry components or shares, and the authentication parameters used to enable or
access it
This annex describes the required procedural elements and the evidence to maintain in order demonstrates split
knowledge during transport.
The packaging that protects the item during transit includes all barriers put around the item that are meant to
protect it from disclosure.
All items not contained within a Tamper Responsive SCD SHALL be sealed within a TEA bag.
For written items,
It SHALL not be feasible to reveal the secret, even with manipulation of any interior barrier without
opening the TEA bag (e.g., unfolding a trifold piece of paper or opening an unsealed envelope that are
contained within the TEA bag)
The packaging SHALL
be sufficient to ensure the value can’t be read through the TEA bag.
This could
be a combination of a security envelope inside a TEA bag or could depend upon the TEA bag itself.
courier mailer is not sufficient to prevent disclosure
For items shipped within electronic media,
Packaging SHALL be sufficient to protect items stored within electronic media such that it cannot be read
or accessed through the packaging
for electronic media,
be given to the fact that it is
possible to access various forms of media through certain types of packaging material without detection.
For example, a magnetic stripe card needs to be protected from being read while remaining inside the
TEA bag.
Separate Shipment
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Separation of the items SHALL be achieved by one or more of the following:
Different communication channels (in permissible forms)
Use of at least two transportation couriers
Different dates
When choosing the method with which to separate
if the key were to be compromised during transit
warrant separation by both courier and date. A
confirmation of receipt for each shipment before the
item shipment, consideration SHOULD be given to the impact
(e.g., a key already protecting production information may
Master File Key already protecting other keys may warrant
next package is sent).
Receipt Confirmation
Participation from the sender and receiver is necessary to ensure that the package received is the package
that was sent, and that it was received intact. The process SHALL include:
Designation of the individuals (not roles) authorized to send and receive items (i.e., “John Smith” not
“Component Holder 1”)
Use of a transportation channel(s) that allows for tracking (for items being shipped)
An inspection by the receiver for signs of tampering
Confirmation that the package was not substituted (e.g., matching tracking and TEA bag numbers)
If an SCD, verification that it was not substituted using information that was received separate from the
package itself (e.g., confirming the device serial number or a cryptographic means to validate the SCD
was not substituted)
Transport Logging
Logs detailing the activities for shipping and receiving SHALL be consistent with Section 7.1.3, and SHALL
also include:
Items transported
Method of transport
Evidence that the package the package was not substituted and showed no signs of tamper
Evidence indicating the device was not subject to substitution
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