Student Name Jedidiah Jireh M. Anciano Course No./ EDLM 804 - CONTEMPORARY AND EMERGING THEORIES, MODELS AND PRACTICES IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Course Title Professor: Dr. Ma. Glenda De Lara FLA No. 5 Title of the Impact of transformational leadership on work performance, burnout and social loa ng: a mediation model Research/ Journal Article Date April 13, 2023 Accomplished Insights/Re ections regarding the given research: 1. Abstract During my masteral thesis writing days, my adviser reminded me, as I polish my paper for nal submission, to keep my abstract brief, concise, objective, and balanced. This warning means that I just had to stick with the main facts of my research with major emphasis on the methods and key results of the study so that the readers quickly grasp what to “take-home” from the paper. Truly, these characteristics are seen in the abstract of the reading assignment. Though there are few terminologies that I am quite unfamiliar, it is not the author’s fault. I took the responsibility to do my homework and research the terms so that I may fully grasp the “take-homes” of the paper. 2. Introduction In the introduction section of this article, transformational leadership was championed as highly in uencing factor that a ects work performance. It maximizes the positive outcomes and decreases negative possible outcomes such as work burnout and social loa ng. Speci cally, what impacted me that most in the introduction is about the four components of transformational leadership which are: (i) idealized in uence, (ii) inspirational motivation to enhance con dence, (iii) intellectual stimulation, and (iv) individualized consideration. Leaders are always challenged to maintain a balance between these four components. Since high quality performance of workers are fl ff fi fl fi fi fi fi fl 1 of 4 hinged on the quality of leadership, leaders should be responsible enough to identify their weaknesses and strengths among these four components. Intrinsic motivation was incorporated as a mediator in the study. I think this falls under almost all the components. As a mediator it was seen that it played a great role in decreasing negative outcomes like social loa ng and burnout. Leaders should be aware of the factors that promote intrinsic motivation. These are curiosity, involving in problem-solving/decision-making, challenge, recognition (not just of e orts but value of the person), sense of and sense of belongingness. 3. Literature Review In the rst paragraph of the review of literature, the statement “Transformational leaders, through clear enunciation, have their utmost in uence on the followers’ sentiments by cultivating a feeling of success and pro ciency in them” is hard not to re ect on. This truth should be translated in the life of leaders daily. Such questions should be asked: 1. Do I know the sentiments/aspirations of my subordinates that in uence their action/behavior in the workplace? 2. Ho do I maximize those sentiments to motivate them and remind them of their value? 3. Do my subordinates understand my sentiments for them and the company? There are many studies and sources presented in the paper regarding the the signi cant impact of transformational leadership and intrinsic motivation to work performance. It is without a doubt that majority of performance outcomes are hinged to the leadership style of leaders. 4. Methods The Model 4 of Process Hayes approach was used in testing the hypothesis. Upon encountering this model, I quickly did my readings about it and it turns out that it is used to measure the direct impact of a predictor variable to an outcome and the former’s indirect impact through a mediator. Also, signi cant relationship of the predictor to the mediator is tested. It is fascinating since this model tests the impact of components under the predictor towards the context of the dependent variables. In this paper, transformational leadership’s direct and indirect impact and relationship to the mediator — intrinsic motivation, to the variables work performance, fi fl fi fl fi fi fi fl ff 2 of 4 work burnout, and social loa ng was tested. I realized that any component under the transformative leadership can be used as the mediator for this research to test its impact to the performances of the respondents. Of course, it might yield the same or di erent results depending on the respondents and contexts of organizations, but nonetheless, this approach will explore relationships and impacts between variables hypothesized as signi cant to each other. 5. Results Among all the seven hypotheses, hypotheses 6 and 7 are nulled. It depicts that intrinsic motivation is insigni cantly linked to social loa ng and intrinsic motivation does not mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and social loa ng. It was explained through a literary support that transactional leadership is more e ective in inspiring followers to identify with a mission while rallying them to work together to achieve organizational objectives. This can mean that extrinsic motivation has its own bene ts in speci c instances. This explanation implies that a leader should be eclectic. It means that he/she needs to strike a balance between various types of leadership based on the situation. Implication of this study to other researchers is they can use this model to test other relevant mediators under a predictor that directly a ects work performance outcomes. It may a rm ndings of this study but tested in di erent contexts. It will widen the knowledge and insights about transformative leadership. 6. What are your main takeaways that will surely enhance your leadership/ managerial competencies? There are two major points I want to expound in everything I have shared: a. First is identifying the sentiments of your people and how are you going to utilize those sentiments to inspire them and perform e ectively in the workplace. Once a leader identi es what speci cally motivates their people, this can help in delegating and promoting autonomy. This will also help the subordinates ful ll their purpose in life and do what they love to do while contributing in the growth and success of the company. b. Second is the fact that a leader should be sensitive on balancing various leadership styles as implied by the nulled hypotheses 6 and 7. This principle reminds me of the contingency theory of leadership which states that e ective leadership is contingent upon the situation at hand. Essentially, it depends on whether an individual's leadership style be ts the situation. Transformational leadership is the popular leadership trend today, but it does not mean that we ff fi fi ff ff ff fi ff fi fi fi fi fi fi ffi fi fi fi ff 3 of 4 have to forego other leadership styles. As said earlier, leaders should be eclectic — always sensitive to the need of the time. 7. Cite speci c example that will articulate ethics, values, vision, mission, goals, and objectives for your future organizational development plan: Since the paper is themed on transformational leadership and intrinsic motivation, I want to create an organizational culture that is value-based. Speci c examples of these values are accountability, collaboration, ful llment of life purpose, integrity, encouragement, and self-awareness. These values are rooted in the person’s spirituality. If an organization is rst and foremost values-laden, integrity in work performance follows. Being a value-based organization means going beyond the surface of behavioral performance, but rather it reaches deep to the very core of people’s being which is the most important factor that drives appropriate actions. According to Carstens (2020) as depicted in the gure, values serve as lters of decisions that leads to actions of individuals. If an organization will focus on strong promotion and adherence to the core values of the company, it will produce desirable decisions and actions. Reference: 1. Carstens, C. (2020). The world needs a father: a trainer's guide. Fourth Edition. fi fi fi fi fi fi 4 of 4