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Monkeys: Primate Characteristics, Types, and Behavior

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Written by Colin Peter Groves
Fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
Last Updated: Jan 4, 2023 • Article History
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monkey, in general, any of nearly 200 species of
tailed primate, with the exception of lemurs,
tarsiers, and lorises. The presence of a tail (even if
only a tiny nub), along with their narrow-chested
bodies and other features of the skeleton,
distinguishes monkeys from apes. Most monkeys
have a short, relatively flat face without great
prominence of the muzzle, although baboons and
mandrills are notable exceptions. The vast
majority of species live in tropical forests, where
Old World and New World
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Related Topics: cuscus • Old World
monkey • New World monkey •
they move on all four limbs. All but the durukuli of
tropical Central and South America are active
during the day moving frequently in bands as
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during the day, moving frequently in bands as
they search for vegetation, birds’ eggs, smaller
animals, and insects to eat. Monkeys are capable of sitting upright, and, consequently,
their hands are freed for many manipulative tasks. Except for a few Old World forms,
monkeys are predominantly arboreal, leaping from limb to limb in their travels among
the trees. Their hands and feet are both used for grasping and typically have five digits,
the thumb and big toe being divergent from the others. Commonly, the digits have
flattened nails, but the marmosets have claws on all digits except the big toe, which
bears a nail. On the ground, monkeys walk with the entire sole of the foot touching the
ground but with the palm of the hand raised. They almost never walk on two legs
(bipedally) and can stand erect for only short periods, if at all.
Monkeys have large brains and are known for
their inquisitiveness and intelligence. Brain
development, combined with the freeing of the
hands and well-developed vision, allows them a
great latitude of activity. Most are good at
solving complex problems and learning from
experience, but they do not quite reach the
cognitive levels of great apes. Some, especially
the capuchins (genus Cebus), spontaneously use
common squirrel monkey
objects as tools (e.g., stones to crack nuts).
Others, such as baboons, readily learn to use
sticks to obtain food. However, in strong contrast to the great apes (gorillas,
chimpanzees, and orangutans), most monkeys do not appear to be very good at learning
from each others’ experience—individuals more or less have to learn new behaviours for
themselves. A significant exception is the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata). In field
experiments, these monkeys were introduced to new foods such as sweet potatoes and
candies wrapped in paper. Once a few individuals had solved the problems of getting at
the new foods, their innovations gradually spread throughout entire troops. These
experiments have had implications in redefining cultural behaviour.
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Monkeys are highly social animals, and almost all live in
troops consisting of several females with young and either
a single male (as in hamadryas baboons, mandrills, most
guenons, and most langurs) or several males (as in
savannah baboons and macaques). Usually, but not
universally, the females stay in the troop in which they
were born and are thus closely related to each other. Males
join new troops on maturity, and so they are unrelated to
each other and somewhat antagonistic. Like humans and
apes, female monkeys nurse their young and have a
menstrual cycle, albeit less copious. In some species,
sexual activity is strictly confined to the period around
ovulation (estrus); in others, there appears to be little or
no restriction. Some species breed all year round; others
have a period several months long during which they
experience no sexual cycles (anestrus).
Old World monkeys versus New World monkeys
Monkeys are arranged into two main groups:
Old World and New World. Old World monkeys
all belong to one family, Cercopithecidae, which
is related to apes and humans, and together
they are classified as catarrhines (meaning
“downward-nosed” in Latin). The New World
monkeys are the platyrrhines (“flat-nosed”), a
group comprising five families. As their
saki; macaque
g oup co p s g ve a
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taxonomic names suggest, New World
(platyrrhine) and Old World (catarrhine)
monkeys are distinguished by the form of the nose. New World monkeys have broad
noses with a wide septum separating outwardly directed nostrils, whereas Old World
monkeys have narrow noses with a thin septum and downward-facing nostrils, as do
apes and humans. Old World monkeys have hard, bare “sitting pads” (ischial callosities)
on the buttocks; New World monkeys lack these. Many Old World monkeys have
thumbs that can be opposed to the other fingers and so can handle small objects
precisely. None of the New World monkeys has such manual dexterity. Indeed, in the
hands of many species, the main divergence is between the index and middle fingers; in
a few species, the thumb is reduced or even absent. Some New World monkey species
have prehensile tails capable of supporting the entire body weight or of grasping, for
example, a proffered peanut. No Old World monkeys have this ability, and macaques are
nearly tailless.
New World monkeys live primarily in tropical
South America, especially the Amazon
rainforests; the range of a few species extends
northward as far as southern Mexico or
southward into northern Argentina. Among the
smaller New World forms that have endeared
themselves to humans with their antics and
their tamability are the alert marmosets, often
tufted and colourfully arrayed, and the
inquisitive squirrel, woolly, and capuchin
monkeys—all of which exhibit in marked degree
the curiosity and cleverness ascribed to
cotton-top tamarin
monkeys generally. Larger New World species
include the acrobatic spider monkeys and the
noisy howlers. Other New World monkeys include uakaris, sakis, and titis.
Old World monkeys live throughout Africa, on
the Red Sea coast of Arabia, and in Asia from
Afghanistan to Japan and southeast to the
islands of the Philippines, Celebes, Bacan, and
Timor. Some Old World monkeys have been
successfully naturalized in Gibraltar, France,
Mauritius, Belau, and a few islands of the West
Indies. Old World monkeys include many that
are often seen in zoos, especially the beautifully
coloured African guenons (e.g., mona, diana,
white-nosed, green, vervet, and grivet
monkeys), colobus, mangabeys, and the chiefly
Asiatic macaques. The macaques include the
moustached monkey
(Cercopithecus cephus)
Barbary “ape” of North Africa and the Rock of
Gibraltar—the only macaque outside Asia and
the only wild monkey inhabiting any part of Europe today—and the rhesus monkey of
the Indian subcontinent, which has been used considerably in medical research. The
graceful langurs include the hanuman, or sacred monkey, also of southern Asia. Among
the more unusual monkeys are the large and strikingly coloured African drills and
mandrills, the proboscis monkey of Borneo, and the rare and bizarre snub-nosed
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monkeys of China and Vietnam. The Old World monkeys are divided into two
subfamilies: Cercopithecinae and Colobinae. The cercopithecines have cheek pouches, in
which they store food; these include baboons, macaques, guenons, and their relatives.
The colobines lack cheek pouches but have complicated three- or four-chambered
stomachs, where bacterial fermentation of cellulose and hemicellulose occurs and
thereby enriches the nutrient content of their diet, which consists partially of leaves and
seeds. Colobines include colobus monkeys, langurs, and their relatives.
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Because the ecological niches that they occupy are similar, there are many parallels
between Old and New World monkeys. In particular, the squirrel monkeys (genus
Saimiri) of the New World and the talapoin (genus Miopithecus) of West-Central Africa
are remarkably convergent; both are small (about 1 kg [2.2 pounds]) and greenish, live
in large troops along rivers, and breed seasonally. Other aspects of each group’s
evolution, however, are unique. No New World monkey lives on the savanna or has a
multichambered cellulose-fermenting stomach, and no Old World monkey is nocturnal
like the durukuli. The closest analogue to the complex society of the spider monkey is
found not in an Old World monkey but in the chimpanzee.
103 or more species in 21 genera from Africa and Asia. The number of species stated within a given genus
may vary, depending on the taxonomic criteria used.
Subfamily Cercopithecinae
63 or more species in 11 genera.
Cercopithecus (guenons)
20 or more African species.
Macaca (macaques)
20 or so Asian and African species.
Cercocebus (mangabeys)
7 African species.
Papio (baboons)
5 African and Arabian species.
Lophocebus (mangabeys)
3 African species.
Mandrillus (drills and mandrills)
2 African species.
Miopithecus (talapoins)
2 African species.
Allenopithecus (Allen’s swamp monkey)
1 African species.
Chlorocebus (vervet, or green monkey)
1 to 6 African species.
Erythrocebus (patas monkey)
1 African species.
Theropithecus (gelada)
1 African species.
Subfamily Colobinae
40 or more species in 10 genera.
Trachypithecus (brow-ridged langurs)
10 or more Southeast Asian species.
Presbytis (leaf monkeys)
8 Southeast Asian species.
Colobus (black-and-white colobus monkeys)
5 African species.
Procolobus (olive colobus monkeys)
5 to 10 African species.
Rhinopithecus (snub-nosed monkeys)
4 Asian species.
Pygathrix (doucs)
3 continental Southeast Asian species.
2 to 8 South Asian species, including the Hanuman langur.
Nasalis (proboscis monkey)
1 Indonesian species.
Procolobus (red colobus monkey)
1 African species.
Simias (simakobu, or pig-tailed langur)
1 Indonesian species.
PLATYRRHINII (New World monkeys)
94 or more species in 5 families from tropical Central and South America. The number of species stated
within a given genus may vary, depending on the taxonomic criteria used. Formerly, only two families were
recognized within the group: Callitrichidae (marmosets and tamarins) and Cebidae (all others, including
capuchins, titis, squirrel monkeys, and howler monkeys). Molecular evidence, together with reassessments of
morphological evidence, now indicates that marmosets are more related to the capuchins, with spider
monkeys and their relatives being more divergent. Recent classifications, therefore, tend to recognize
additional families: Atelidae (spider monkeys and their relatives), Pitheciidae (sakis and uakaris), and Aotidae
(durukulis); Callitrichidae and Aotidae are sometimes lumped into the Cebidae.
Family Callitrichidae (marmosets and tamarins)
27 or more species in 4 genera. Sometimes included in the family Cebidae as a subfamily.
Saguinus (tamarins)
12 or more species.
Callithrix (“true” marmosets)
10 to 20 species.
0 to 0 spec es.
Leontopithecus (lion tamarins)
4 species.
Callimico (Goeldi’s monkey)
1 species.
Family Pitheciidae
29 or so species in 4 genera.
Subfamily Callicebinae
Callicebus (titis)
20 or so species.
Subfamily Pitheciinae (sakis and uakaris)
Pithecia (sakis)
5 species.
Chiropotes (bearded sakis)
2 species.
Cacajao (uakaris)
2 species.
Family Atelidae
19 or more species in 5 genera.
Subfamily Atelinae ( spider and woolly monkeys)
Ateles (spider monkeys)
4 to 8 species.
Lagothrix (woolly monkeys)
4 species.
Brachyteles (muriquis, or woolly spider monkeys)
2 species.
Oreonax (yellow-tailed, or Hendee’s, woolly monkey)
1 species.
Family Cebidae (capuchin and squirrel monkeys)
10 or more species in 2 genera.
Cebus (capuchin monkeys)
5 to 8 species.
Saimiri (squirrel monkeys)
5 to 8 species.
Family Aotidae
Aotus (durukulis, or night monkeys)
9 species.
Colin Peter Groves
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fossil primate genus
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Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
Last Updated: Article History
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Sivapithecus, fossil primate genus dating from
the Miocene Epoch (23.7 to 5.3 million years ago)
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and thought to be the direct ancestor of the
orangutan. Sivapithecus is closely related to
Ramapithecus, and fossils of the two primates
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have often been recovered from the same deposits
in the Siwālik Hills of northern Pakistan. Other Sivapithecus remains have been found
at sites in Turkey, Pakistan, China, Greece, and Kenya. Some authorities maintain that
Sivapithecus and Ramapithecus are in fact the same species. Though Sivapithecus was
slightly larger than Ramapithecus, it was only a small-to-medium-sized ape about the
size of a modern chimpanzee. The fossil remains of Sivapithecus reveal that it shared
many of the same specialized facial features of the orangutan—i.e., eyes set narrowly
apart, a concave face, a smooth nasal floor, large zygomatic bones, and enlarged central
Sivapithecus’ place in primate evolution was poorly understood until the 1980s. Prior
to this, the genus, along with Ramapithecus, was interpreted as having both apelike and
humanlike features and thus was presumed to be a possible first step in the evolutionary
divergence of humans from the common hominoid stock of the apes. But new
Sivapithecus finds and the reinterpretation of existing remains convinced most
authorities in the 1980s that Sivapithecus was the ancestor of the modern orangutan
and diverged from the common lineage of the African apes (i.e., chimpanzees and
gorillas) and humans more than 13 million years ago. The earliest Sivapithecus remains
found so far are about 17 million years old, and the most recent are about 8 million years
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