Health Centre /Clinic/Hospital Integrated Adolescent and Youth Health Service Register Region Zone/Subcity/Woreda Health Facility Name Begin Date End Date Instruction for Integrated Adolescent and Youth Health Service Register Location information to be completed at front of the registry Region Zone/Sub-City /Woreda Name of Health Facility Register begin date Register end date Col. Number Write region name where the facility is located Write Zone/Sub-City /Woreda name where the facility is located. Write the name of the health facility where the service was provided. Write the date of the first entry in the register, written as (EC) Day / Month / Year (DD/MM/YY) Write the date of the last entry in the register, written as (EC) Day / Month / Year(DD/MM/YY) Data Elements Description 1 S.N Sequential serial number in registration book; to be entered on client’s registration card for later identification in the register 2 MRN Write Medical record number 3 Full Name 4 Age (YY)/Sex ( M/F) Write full name of the adolescent or youth Write the client age in years(YY) in the upper row , write the sex M= Male ;F=Female in the lower row 5 Woreda/ Kebele Write Woreda in upper row and Kebele in the lower row 6 Gott/Ketena Write Gott or ketene 7 Marital status Write code M for married ; S for single ; D for divorced and W for widowed 8 Date of visit Write DD/MM/YY in Ethiopian calendar ; write with two digits of day, month and year 9 Comprehensive information and counseling on AYH Package () 10 Referred from(write code) Tick () if comprehensive counseling and information on AYH standard of service package is given , this includes menstrual hygiene management, HIV/AIDS, pregnancy and CAC ,nutrition , etc Write code 1. Self-referral 2. internal referral 3. Other facility Note : internal referral is from OPD; Triage , One stop center, maternity (ANC, delivery ,PNC), CAC , Psychiatric of the facility . HIV Testing 11 HIV testing accepted (√) Tick ( √) if the adolescent or youth accepts testing for HIV 12 HIV re-testing accepted (√) Tick ( √) if the adolescent or youth have already tested and know her/his status negative but risk for HIV 13 HIV test status ( P/ N) Write P in red pen if the test result is positive, write N in normal color if the result is negative. 14 Known HIV positives (linked from ART) (√) Tick ( √) if the adolescent or youth is known HIV positives and linked from ART Write the code target population category listed below the register. an individual needs to be assigned only in one category that best describe him/her. A. Female Commercial Sex workers B. Long distance drivers C. Mobile/Daily Laborers 15 Targeted population category write code D. Prisoners E. OVC F. Children of PLHIV G. Partners of PLHIV H. Other MARPS I. General population Family Planning provided 16 New acceptor (√) Tick (√) if client is new acceptor at the time of registration. A new acceptor is someone who has not received a contraceptive method from a recognized Provider before registration.* 17 Repeat acceptor (√) Tick (√) if client is repeat acceptor at the time of registration. A repeat acceptor is someone who is not a new acceptor; in other words, a repeat acceptor has received a contraceptive method from a recognized Provide before registration. Write the abbreviate of Contraceptive method provided (record modern methods only) as follows: MaC- Male Condom FeC- Female Condom OC- Oral Contraceptive 18 Contraceptive Method provided Inj- Injectable EC- Emergency Contraception Diaph-Diaphragm IUCD- Intrauterine Contraceptive Device Imp -Implant 19 HCG(Pregnancy) test L=link or refer If HCG test provided write code P for positive ; N for negative and N/A if not applicable Abortion care 20 Safe abortion care (√) 21 Post abortion care(√) 22 STI syndromic approach diagnosis Tick (√) if client provided with safe abortion care Tick(√) if client provided with post abortion care Write code 1. Virginal discharge; 2. Ureteral discharge; 3.Genital ulcer; 4.Lower Abdominal pain; 5.Scortale swelling 6.Ingunal bubo and 7. other specify) If the adolescent or youth use substance write code for 1. Alcohol use 23 Substance abuse 2. Drug use 3. Tobacco/Smoking 24 Psychotic problem 25 SGBV survivors 26 Non communicable illness screening 27 Menstrual hygiene management / counselling and provision 28 Refer/link to other service 29 Providers name 30 Remark 4. Khat consume 5. Others Write code 1. If Anxiety disorders; 2. Depression; 3. Psychosis; 4.Bipolar disorder;5. Behavioral disorders; 6.other (specify) white N/A if not applicable Write Code for SGBV survivors if sustained 1 for physical violence 2. For psychological violence 3. For sexual violence 4. For more than one violence (specify) 5. For all listed violence. N/A if not applicable Write code 1. If BP taken for hypertension; 2. If fasting Blood sugar and urine sugar tested for DM; 3 asking if vaccinated for HPV ( age appropriate) ; If 4 Breast examination done or counselled for breast ca . 5. More than one done ( specify) 6. If all are done Write 1. if counselled on menstrual hygiene management 2. If counselled and provided material for menstrual hygiene If the adolescent and youth referred for service within the facility, write Code For internal linkage or referral 1. For maternity (ANC, Delivery, PNC) 2. For CAC 3. For FP 4. To one stop center (from SGBV) 5. Referred/ link to other facility Write service providers name and signature If provided additional service like condom …); appointment date or any other concern 9 10 11 12 13 Count HIV R Marital Status col(7) S-single W-Widowd D-Divorced C-Cohabited Reffered from Col(10) 1 .Youth Center 2. School 3 internal referral 4. other facility Contraceptive Method Col(18) Mc=Male condom FeC=Female condom EP= Emergency pills OC=Oral contraceptive Inj=Injectabile IUCD= Intra uterine Device Imp=Implan Diaph-Diaphragm refer L=link or refer 16 17 Targeted population category col(15) A. Female Commercial Sex workers B. Long distance drivers C. Mobile/Daily Laborers D. Prisoners E. OVC F. Children of PLHIV G. Partners of PLHIV H. Other MARPS I. General population ND 18 20 21 22 23 Menstural hygiene 1= counselling 2. provided material 24 26 SGBV survivor (Write code) STI write code Post abortion care(√) Safe abortion care (√) Subtance abuse (write code) HCG( Pregnancy test) result write (N/P/ NA) 19 25 27 28 29 Remark 30 Count Test NR Contraceptive Method provided (Write code) Repeat acceptor (√) 15 New acceptor (√) 14 Provider’s name and signature 8 Refre to other service(write code) 7 Screened for non-communicable diseases 6 Abortion care Psychiatric problems (Write code) 5 Targeted population category (write code) 4 Known HIV positives linked from ART) (√) 3 HIV test status ( P/ N) 2 Got/ Ketena HIV re-testing accepted (√) 1 Age Woreda (YY)/ Sex / (M/F) Kebele HIV testing accepted (√) Full Name Family planning ( if Applicable) HIV testing Refrred from(write code) MRN Marital status(Write code) S.N date of visit(DD/NMM/YY) E.C. Personal Identification Comprehensive information and counselling on AYH Package (√) Integrated Adolescent and Youth Health Service Register New Rep STI col(22) 1. Viginal discahrge 2. Uretral discharge 3.Genital ulcure 4.Lower Abdomianl pain 5.Scortale swelling 6.Ingunal bubo 7. Other( specify) Safe abortion 10-14 Post abortion 10-14 Safe abortion 15-19 Post abortion 15-19 Safe abortion 20-24 Post abortion 20-24 Safe abortion 25-29 Post abortion 25-29 substance use Col(23) 1.Alcohol use 2. Drug use 3. Tobacco/Smoking 4. Khat consume 5. Other Psychotic Problem col(24) 1. Anxiety disorders; 2. Depression; 3. Psychosis; 4.Bipolar disorder; 5. Behavioral disorders; 6.other (specify) SGBV : Col(25) 1.Physical 2. Psychological 3. Sexual 4. For more than one specify 5. All 6. NA None Communicable Refere to Other service Col(28) illnes: Col(26) 1.ANC,Delivery ,PNC 1. BP for HPT 2.CAC 2.Blood and urine sugar 3.FP for DM 4. One Stop Center 3.Check if HPV vaccinated 3.NCD Clinic ( age appropriate) 4.Mental Clinic 4 Breast examination 5.referred/Linked to other facility 6.Other specify 5. Other (Specify) 6. All