VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY “JNANA SANGAMA”, BELAGAVI, KARNATAKA, INDIA-590018 A Mini Project Synopsis on “MORSE CODE CONVERTER” For the requirement of 6th Semester B.E in Computer Science & Engineering For the award of degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Submitted by MD TAHA KHAN NEYAZI(1KT19CS093) SANJEEV KUMAR(1KT19CS079) Under the guidance of: Internal Guide Mrs. Sowmya C V Assistant Professor Dept. of CSE, SKIT Head of the Department Dr. Shantharam Nayak Professor & Head Dept. of CSE, SKIT DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SRI KRISHNA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Bengaluru-560090 VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY “JNANA SANGAMA”, BELAGAVI, KARNATAKA, INDIA-590018 A Mini Project Synopsis on “MORSE CODE CONVERTER” For the requirement of 6th Semester B.E in Computer Science & Engineering For the award of degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Submitted by MD TAHA KHAN NEYAZI(1KT19CS093) SANJEEV KUMAR(1KT19CS079) Under the guidance of: Internal Guide Mrs. Sowmya C V Assistant Professor Dept. of CSE, SKIT Head of the Department Dr. Shantharam Nayak Professor & Head Dept. of CSE, SKIT DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SRI KRISHNA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Bengaluru-560090 SRI KRISHNA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Hesaraghatta Main Road Bengaluru-560090 Department of Computer Science &Engineering CERTIFICATE Certified that the mini project work prescribed in 18CSMP68 entitled “MORSE CODE CONVERTER” carried out by MD TAHA KHAN NEYAZI (1KT19CS093), SANJEEV KUMAR(1KT19CS079), bonafide students of Sri Krishna Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in partial fulfilment of the award of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering of the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2021-22. It is certified that all corrections /suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been incorporated in the report deposited in the departmental library. The miniproject report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements with respect to project work prescribed for the said Degree. ………………………… ………………………… ……………………… Signature of the Guide Signature of the HOD Signature of the Principal Mrs. Sowmya C V Assistant professor Dept of CSE, SKIT Dr. Shantharam Nayak Professor & HOD Dept of CSE, SKIT Dr. Mahesha K Principal SKIT, Bengaluru EXTERNAL Name of Examiner Signature with date 1. ………………………… ……………………… 2. ………………………… …………………… Table content EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2022 OLD TANK PROJECT OLD TANK PROJECT STAFF INCHARGE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATE-B DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGNEERING-JSSATEB EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2022 OLD TANK PROJECT Restoration of an existing tank Aim: ✓ To increase the capacity of the tank which is reduced due to silting ✓ To strengthen the existing bund. Introduction The storage irrigation that utilizes the water stored on the upstream side of the smaller earthen dam called as bund. Earthen bund which retains water is called as tank. A large sized tank will termed as the reservoir. This may be formed by the materials such as masonry dams, concrete dams, whereas the tank is formed by means of earthen bunds only. The tanks are meant for storing water in it. During the rainy season due to the surface runoff a large amount of silt will be deposited into the tanks hence it reduces the capacity of the tank. This reduced capacity of the tank may be improved by removing the deposited silt from the tank (restoration) or sometimes due to the bad maintenance the existing slope of the bund may get deteriorated. For this increase in the bund height should be done. So that the slope may regained and hence increase in the storage capacity of the reservoir. Necessity of tank restoration The primary purpose of an irrigation tank is to act as reliable source of water for agricultural uses. If within the design period of the tank, the command area is supposed to irrigate if not served, then the possible reason for this decrease in the capacity would be the deposition of silt at the basin of the tank rendering the tank unusable over a period of time. It is due to this reason that restoration of the tank is essential in order to maintain in order to maintain efficient in order to maintain efficient operation of the tank. Restoring of these tanks involves bringing the tank to its original capacity either by Desilting or by raising the height of the embankment without disturbing the upstream slope. The original capacity of the tank can be increased by two ways they are follows as Raising the full tank level (FTL) Raising the full Tank level of the reservoir after suitable modifications in the profile of the existing bund. Desilting the reservoir This would require the employment of sophisticated equipment such as hydraulic dredgers. Before taking up the project it is necessary to study whether the proposal would yield minimum cost to restore the original capacity of the reservoir and also to know the soil type in run off zone DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGNEERING-JSSATEB EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2022 OLD TANK PROJECT Requirements The field work includes ➢ Reconnaissance survey of the site ➢ Fly leveling ➢ Longitudinal and cross sectional along centre line of the existing bund ➢ Capacity contours of existing tank and proposed full tank levels ➢ Block leveling at the waste weir. Description of the survey work Instruments used 1) Theodolite 2) Chains and tapes 3) The compass plane table with stand 4) Ranging rods, pegs etc… Capacity contouring Capacity contours were plotted by the direct contouring using plane table and dumpy level. The live storage and dead storage were worked out by multiplying the contour area by the contour interval. Introduction to the Planimeter Planimeter is an instrument which measures the area of the plan of any shape very accurately. There are three types of planimeter • Amsler polar planimeter • Roller planimeter • Electronic planimeter. Principle of working The manual planimeter are based on the principle of rotation of the anchor wheel but the electronic planimeter is based on principal of sensor system which while moving over an area collects the data by the use of sensor system. Use of Electronic Planimeter DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGNEERING-JSSATEB EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2022 OLD TANK PROJECT The Planimeter is used to calculate the area enclosed between the contours. The electronic planimeter is using the sensor system to calculate the area bounded between two contour lines. This planimeter is having self recording system which collects the data through the sensor system and stores into it. After the completion of the movement of the sliding arm the final area is displayed in the display system of the planimeter hence this does not require any manual procedure to solve the area related problem. Procedure to calculate the area by the electronic Planimeter • The counter sheet is placed on the leveled and cleaned ground for which the area is to be calculated and any movement of the sheet is stopped. • The planimeter is switched on the scale with which counter are plotted is fed to the planimeter. • Now the planimeter is kept on the in such a way that is parallel to the longer side of the drawing. • The lenses of the planimeter is now moved on to the contour line, the planimeter lenses is operated in such a way that it comes back to its starting point. • The area enclosed in between the contours are displaced directly in the planimeter • Hence the area obtained by this is most accurate. Salient Features of Electronic planimeter • It is an automatic area calculation device which does not require any manual calculations • The data is stored in it. And same is displayed in the display system • Scale conversion is done automatically based on the data fed to it and the area calculated is very much accurate.. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGNEERING-JSSATEB EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2022 OLD TANK PROJECT Design Earth work calculations Sl.No. Chainage Depth of filling Area in m2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Data: Top Bund RL Bottom Bund RL Maximum Water Level (M.W.L) RL Lowest RL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGNEERING-JSSATEB Volume in m3 EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2022 OLD TANK PROJECT CAPACITY OF RESERVIOR SLNO CONTOUR 1 Contour 1 (L.RL) 2 Contour 2 (M.W.L) REDUCED LEVEL ‘m” Volume of water b/w contour 1 & 2 DESIGN OF CANAL LINING Let us use cement concrete for lining for the length of600.00m Therefore, The total quantity of the cement concrete required for canal lining Q= L X W X T DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGNEERING-JSSATEB WATER SPREAD AREA m2 EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2022 OLD TANK PROJECT Where T=Thickness of the lining = 0.10m W=wetted perimeter=4.405m L=length of lining=100m Q=100 x 4.405 x 0.1 Q=44.05 m³/s Conclusion The capacity of the existing tank had considerably eroded, mainly due to its age, and owing to other factors such as change in the atmospheric conditions, improper usage of the tank over a period of time. The project work carried out concludes that the tank can be restored to its design capacity by compacting soil to calculated height and making rise in the masonry work. Top width = 4.16 m Depth = 1.04 m OTP FLY LEVELLING BACK SIGHT INTERMEDIATE SIGHT FORE SIGHT HIEGHT OF INSTRUMENT RL DISTANCE REMARKS Actual Bund Level DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGNEERING-JSSATEB EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2022 OLD TANK PROJECT OTP LEVELLING BACK SIGHT INTERMEDIATE SIGHT FORE SIGHT HIEGHT OF INSTRUMENT DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGNEERING-JSSATEB RL DISTANCE REMARKS EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2022 BACK SIGHT INTERMEDIATE SIGHT FORE SIGHT OLD TANK PROJECT HIEGHT OF INSTRUMENT DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGNEERING-JSSATEB RL DISTANCE REMARKS EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2022 OLD TANK PROJECT OTP BLOCK LEVELLING BACK SIGHT INTERMEDIATE SIGHT FORE SIGHT HIEGHT OF INSTRUMENT DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGNEERING-JSSATEB RL DISTANCE REMARKS EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2022 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGNEERING-JSSATEB OLD TANK PROJECT EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT 1. AIM The main object of new tank is to construct an earthen dam in Kaiwara village to full fill the requirement of irrigation and drinking water supply. Since the irrigation land is very small and population of town is very less. If it is not necessary to construct a major work but it is sufficient to provide minor tank project. 2. INTRODUCTION New tanks are constructed to provide water for multipurpose. Tanks and reservoirs requires careful planning, design, and operation for which certain observations relating to selection of site, relative merits of different types of tanks, storage capacity, coordinated use of storage for different purposes etc. are studied in detail. The formation of new tank near KAIWARA has taken up as mini project work as per university regulations. 3. OBJECT OF NEW TANK PROJECT The main object of the new tank is to construct an earthen dam across the steam for the purpose of irrigation. Since the land to be irrigated is very small and population of the town is very less, it is not necessary to construct a major work but it is sufficient to provide minor tank project. The new tank project (NTP) involves three major operations: The Selection of site for proposed dam The selection of site for waste weir The selection of site for canal alignment. 4. RESERVOIR A storage structure for irrigation is formed by an embankment or dam across a natural water course or river and the water collected on the upper side of the structure. Water is drawn by means of the sluices in the dam, through the channels which supply water to the irrigation land. Necessity: Storage reservoirs are very much necessary for the following reasons; 1. When in an area, the usual rainfall is not enough for the crops, water is stored in reservoirs and allowed to lands whenever necessary. 2. In some areas, the rainfall may be confined to certain parts of the year, and even here water will have to be first stored and then distributed to the lands during the other periods of the year. DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT 3.In the places like Baluchistan and Rajasthan where the streams flow like torrents for only a few days in the year, storage is a necessity to endure the proper water supply to the crops. 5. REQUIREMENTS OF A STORAGE RESERVOIR An ideal reservoir should satisfy the following conditions: 1. It should have a channel bringing down an ample supply of water. 2. There should be a board expense of nearly level ground in front of embankment or dam to form the bed of the reservoir, having a slight dip towards the bund. 3. The land to the rear or the downstream side of the bund should be much greater extent than the bed and slightly lower in level, in order that every portion of it may be commanded by the tank and the water to the fields. 4. Rock or other foundation, impervious to water, should be met at only a small depth from the surface. 5. Stone, fuel, lime and other materials required for the construction should be available within a reasonable distance for a masonry dam and good suitable earth, as well as stones for pitching, for an earthen dam. 6. The soil for the construction of earthen dam for the reservoir should be retentive nature. 7. Valuable garden lands or wells or village sites submerged under the reservoir contour. 8. The site selected should give the required storage with the shortest length of the dam. 9. The site should be favorable to locate the waste weir preferably in a saddle, so as to pass off all the flood water into the natural drainage steam without artificial ones and protects the embankment. 6. DAM A Dam is an impregnable and impervious barrier thrown across a natural drainage line to impound water up to a certain limiting height which is usually lower than the top of the dam on its upstream side. Its main function is to store water either for irrigation or water supply or produce power. 6.1 CLASSIFICATION OF DAMS Dams are usually classified as DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT 6.1.1 Rigid dams 1. Gravity dam 2. Arched dam 3. Arched buttress dam 4. Steel dam 5 .Timber dam 6. Reinforced cement concrete panel and buttress dams. 6.2.2 Non – rigid dams 1. Earthen dams. 2. Rock fill dams. 6.2 EARTHEN DAMS Earthen dams and earthen embankments are the most ancient type of embankments as they can be built with the natural materials with a minimum of processing and with primitive equipment. Earthen dams are classified as follows: Type A – Homogeneous embankment type Type B – Zoned embankment type Type C – Diaphragm type 6.2.1 Homogeneous embankment: The simplest type of earthen embankment consists of a single material and is homogeneous throughout sometimes a blanket of impervious material may be placed on the upstream face. A purely homogeneous section is used when only one type of material is economically or locally available such sections is used for low to moderately high dams and for large dams are designed as homogeneous embankment. 6.2.2 Zoned embankment: Zoned embankments are usually provided with a central previous core, covered by a comparatively previous transition zone which is finally surrounded by much more previous outer zone. The outer zone gives stability to the central impervious fill and also distributes the load over a layer area of foundation. 6.2.3 Diaphragm embankment: Diaphragm type embankments have a thin impervious core, which is surrounded by earth or rock fill. The impervious core DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT called diaphragm is made up of an impervious soil, concrete, steel, timber or any other materials. Its acts as a water barrier to prevent escape through the dam. The diaphragm may be placed either at the central or at the upstream face as a blanket. The commonly adopted standards used for finding the dimension of tank bund in the south India. SL No 1 2 3 4 Depth of deep bed level below F.T.L(m) 1.5 to 3.0 3.0 to 4.5 4.5 to 6.0 Over 6.0 Free Board (m) 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 Width of top of bund(m) 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.7 The favorable soil, such as red and white gravel, red and black looms, etc… the slide slope of the bund may be kept as 1.5:1 fir smaller tanks with water depth not exceeding 2.5 and 2.1 for larger ones above 5m depth. In tight sandy soil per black cotton or clay soil however the slope may be kept between 2.1 and 2.5:1. The upstream face of the tank bund is generally lives bed against stone apron or so as to protect it against erosion and if this is done then the upstream face is generally adopted and .1.5:1 even up to 6m depth for inferior soils are greater depth however the riveted slope may be flatter, say 2:1. 7. TANK IRRIGATION Tank irrigation may be defined as the storage irrigation scheme which utilize the water stored on the upstream side as a smaller earthen dam called as “Bund” These earthen bunds reservoirs are thus in fact called as “Tanks”. Especially, in the south India, where such works are very common. This terminology is limited to India only. There is no technical relationship between the reservoir and tank except that a large sized tank will be termed as reservoirs. More over a reservoir will be generally formed by dam of any materials such as masonry dam. Concrete dam, earthen dam whereas tank is generally said to be formed to earthen dam as earthen bund Most of the existing tank. South India passes a maximum depth 4.5m while a few is as deep as 7.5m to 9.5m and only a few are exceptional one which exceeds 11m depth. When the depth of the tank exceeds 12m or so then the tank is generally to as a reservoir. Like all earthen bunds, tank bunds are generally provided with sluice or outlets for discharging water from the tank for irrigation and other purposes. These tank sluice may be pipes or rectangular as arched opening passing near the base of the bund. For carrying the water to the dam downstream side channel below the bund transporting DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT at distance where required through pipes or canals. Sometimes these supply sluices may not be carried adjacent to it through hill side one end of the bond. Similarly, tanks are provided with the arrangements for the spilling the excess, surplus water that may ne enter into the tank so as to avoid over lapping of the tank bund. These surplus escape arrangements may be in the form of the tank bund or some other arrangements like siphon spillway may be provided in the case of the earthen dam project. The surplus escape weir in a masonry weir with its top i.e. crest level equal to full tank level [F.T.L] when the tank is full of up to F.T.L and extra water come in, then it is discharged over the surplus escape weir, surplus escape weir will also be designed that water level in the tank never exceeds the maximum water level, the top of the tank bund will be kept at a level so as provided a suitable free board and the maximum water level [M.W.L]. Since the surplus escape weir is a masonry weir then it will have to be properly connected to the earthen bund by suitably designed tank connection. 8. TYPES OF LEVELING 1. Direct leveling 2. In-Direct leveling 8.1 DIRECT LEVELING: 8.1.1 SIMPLE LEVELLING: When the difference of the level between two points is determined by setting the leveling instrument between the points. This process is called as simple leveling. Suppose it is required to know the difference of level between A and B. The instrument is setup at O exactly mid where between A and B. After a proper adjustment. The staff reading on A and B are taken. The difference of these reading gives the difference of points between A and B. 8.1.2 DIFFERENTIAL LEVELLING: This is adopted when 1. The points are at a great distance part. 2. The difference of elevation between the points is large. 3. There are obstacles between the points. This method is also known as a compound levelling or continuous levelling. In this method the level is setup there at several suitable positions and staff readings are taken at these points. DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT 8.1.3 FLY LEVELLING: When the differential levelling is done in order to connect benchmark to the starting point of alignment of any project is called as fly levelling. In such levelling only back sight and fore sight readings are taken at every setup of the level and known distances are measured along the direction of levelling. The level should setup just mid where between back sight and fore sight. 8.1.4 LONGITUDINAL OR PROFILE LEVELLING: The operation of taking levels along the centre line of any alignment (Roadway, Railway, Central) at regular intervals is known as longitudinal levelling or profile levelling. In this operation, the back sight, intermediate and fore sight readings are taken at regular intervals at every setup of the instrument. The chainage of points are noted in the level book. This operation is carried out in order to determine the undulation of the ground surface along the profile line. 8.1.5 CROSS – SECTIONAL LEVELLING: The operation of taking levels transverse to the direction of the longitudinal level is known as cross – sectional levelling. The cross – sectional are taken at regular intervals along the alignment. Cross sectional levelling done in order to know the nature of the ground across the centreline of any alignment. 8.1.6 CHECK LEVELLING: The fly levelling is done at the end of the day’s work to connect the finishing point with the starting point on that particular day is known as check levelling. It is undertaken in order to check the accuracy of the day’s work. 9. IRRIGATION Irrigation may be defined as the process of artificial supply of water to soil for raising crop. It is a science of planning and designed of effective low cost, economical irrigation system tailored to fit the natural condition s. It is the engineering of the controlling the various natural sources of the water by the constriction of dam and reservoir, canal and headwork and finally distributing the water to the agricultural field. Irrigation engineering involves the study and design of work in connection with river controlled drainage of water logged areas and generation of the hydroelectric power. 9.1 METHODS OF IRRIGATION: Irrigation is classified as two methods: 9.1.1 Flow irrigation 9.1.2 Lift irrigation 9.1.1 FLOW IRRIGATION: DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT Flow irrigation is the method of taking water to the land to be irrigated by the by the flow of gravitation. The water is stored at such a level in reservoirs, tanks that it can be easily transmitted to the irrigable lands by gravitation through canals. The classifications of flow irrigation are: 1. Perennial irrigation 2. Inundation irrigation 3. Direct irrigation or River canal irrigation 4. Tank irrigation or Storage irrigation 9.1.2 LIFT IRRIGATION: When the water available for irrigation is at a lower level than the land, then it has to be lifted by pumps or other water lifting devices and this method is known as lift irrigation. This water is sometimes stored in the tanks and then distributed to the lands by gravity system. 10. SURVEYS CONDUCTED FOR THE NEW TANK PROJECT 10.1 RECONNAISSANCE: A site for the new project will be fixed based on the following preliminary investigations: 1. Catchment area of a place. 2. Average rainfall of a place. 3. Suitable site for the bunds, weirs and sluice. 4. Extent land to be irrigation with nature of the crop. 5. Available of the construction materials. 6. Financial feasibility of the project. 10.2 LONGITUDINAL AND CROSS SECTION ALONG THE CENTRE LINE OF THE BUND 1. From the permanent benchmark fly levels are carried out to establish a benchmark on the left bank or right bank wherever the work is to be started. 2. The end points of the bund are fixed and the wooden pegs are driven at regular intervals. 3. The centre line bearing is noted using prismatic compass. DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT 4. From the both the ends of bund bearing to the permanent object such as transformer electric pole, building etc... 5. Above the centreline of the bund already fixed longitudinal section at every 15m interval on centreline and cross section at 30m interval up to or beyond the embankment cases on either side taken 5m interval. Height of the bund = tank bund level = ground level base = width of the bund = [U/S slope X Height + Top width + D/S slope X height] The day’s work is constructed at temporary benchmark established. 10.3 BENCH LEVELLING AT WASTE WEIR: 1. The top of the weir should be at FTL. Fix the centreline and mark left and right points. 2. Construct a block of 60m length on U/S side and 40m length D/S side. 3. Carry out block levelling at every 5m level. 4. Work is started and closed at established bench mark. 10.4 BLOCK LEVELLING AT TANK SLUICE: 1. RL of the canal at tank, take a point on the centre line of the bund. 2. Construct a block of 30m along the centre line and 60m on side of the centreline. 3. Divide this entire area into smaller block of 5m X 5m 4. Carryout the block levelling along with the point. 5. Start and close down the work with respect to the permanent benchmark. 10.5 SURVEY FOR THE CAPACITY CONTOUR: In order to plot the contour FTL, LWL, MWL, surveying for water spread contours was conducted due to certain physical constraints, indirect levelling is adopted. Radial levelling is carried out at U/S side using the following procedure: 1. Prismatic compass wasfixed on the centreline of the bund such that main area could be covered on the U/S side. 2. Radial lines at an angle of 0,30,60,90,120,150 and 180 were set out from the compass point. 3. Fly levelling was adopted to carry benchmark from permanent benchmark to compass point. DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT 4. Staff readings were taken along the radial lines at 15m interval. 5. Cross – section were taken along with radial lines at 15m intervals. 6. The cross section was increased along the radial lines such that the whole upstream side is covered. 7. The work is closed by the fly levelling on established benchmark. 11. IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS: 11.1 Crop period: it is the time taken by crop from the instant of its sowing to its harvesting. 11.2 Base period: It is the period during which the water supplied to the crops to bring the crop to maturity. The base period is slightly less than the crop period. It is donated by the letter B. 11.3 Duty of water: It is defined as number of hectares brought to maturity by a constant flow of water per second during the crop period or it is the relative ship between the volume of water and area of crop brought to maturity. It includes both cultivable and non-cultivable area. It is given by the formula : D= 864 B/∆ Where, D in Cm. [delta] B in days [Base period] ∆in hectares /cumecs [Duty] 11.4 Delta: Each crop requires certain quantity of water at regular intervals of time throughout its period. If this total quantity of water is made to stand without any lose on an area, the depth of water required per hectare for the full growth of crop is called as delta. It is expected by a symbol. Delta = depth of each watering X number of watering 12. WATER REQUIREMENT OF CROPS For the full successful growth of the crops, every crops require a definite quantity of the water, suitable agricultural soil, good irrigation and the proper method of cultivation. The total quantity of water required by a crop from the instant of sowing till it comes to the harvesting is known as water requirement of crops. It depends upon the following. 1. The season in which the crop is growing 2. Its period of the growth i.e., its crop period 3. The climate condition of the region DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT 4. The rainfall in the season 5. The water requirement of a crop varies from the place to place from season to season 13. INVESTIGATION FOR THE RESERVOIR PLANNING The following investigations are required for reservoir planning: 13.1 Engineering survey 13.2Geological investigation 13.3 Hydrological survey 13.1 ENGINEERING SURVEY: The area of the tank site is surveyed in detail and a control point is prepared from the plan. The following physical characteristics are obtained. 1. Area of elevation curve 2. Storage elevation curve 3. Map of the area 4. Suitable site selection for tanks 13.2 GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION: - In all most all civil engineering projects geological advice is most essential. Geological investigation cost very little in the comparison to the total cost of the project. Geological investigations are required to give detailed information about the following items. 1. Water tightness of reservoir basis 2. Suitability for foundation of the bund. 3. Geological and structural features as floods and faults 4. Type and depth of the rocks at basin. 5. Location of permeable and soluble rocks if any. 13.3 HYDROLOGICAL INVESTIGATION: The hydrological investigations are very important aspects of reservoir planning. These investigations may be designed in two needs 1. Study of run – off patterns at the proposal bund site to determine the storage capacity corresponding to the given demand. DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT 2. Determination of hydrograph of the worst flood at reservoir site to determine the spillways capacity and design’. 14 STORAGE ZONES OF RESERVOIR 14.1 DEAD STORAGE: It is the volume of the space provided for the deposition of the sediments in a reservoir. It is the level below which water is not stored. It is not of much use in the operation reservoir. 14.2 LIVE STORAGE: The volume of the water stored between dead storage and full tank level is called the live storage. Live storage assures the supply of water for specified period of time to meet the demand. 14.3 MAXIMUM WATER LEVEL: The maximum level to which the water level rises during high flood is known as maximum water level. During floods, the maximum water level run – off will take place and water level rises to this level. 14.4 FULL TANK LEVEL: It is the maximum elevation to which the reservoir water surface rises during normal operation condition. 14.5 SILL LEVEL OF SLUICE: It is provided at the minimum storage as dead storage level. 14.6 TOP OF THE BUND LEVEL: It is fixed considering the aspects of the free board to prevent overtopping of the dam. 15. SELECTION OF SITE FOR THE RESERVOIR The final selection if site for a reservoir depends upon the following factors; The geological conditions of the catchment area should be such that percolation losses are minimum and maximum runoff is obtained. The reservoir site should be such that quantity of the leakage through it is minimum, reservoir site having the presence of the highly permeable rocks reduce the tightness of the reservoir. DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT Suitable dam sit must exist. The dam should be founded on water tight rocks base and percolation below the dam should be minimum. The cost of the dam is often a controlling factor in selection of the site. The reservoir basin should make narrow opening in the valley so that length of the dam is less. The cost of the real estate for reservoir including road, soil, road welling, etc.., must be less as for as possible. The topography of the reservoir site should be such that it has adequate capacity without submerging excessive properties. The reservoir site should be such that it avoids as excludes water from these tributaries which carry high percentage if the silt in the water. The reservoir should be such that the water stored in it suitable for the purpose for which the project is undertaken. 16. WEIR Weir is a structure constructed at right angles to the direction of the flow. Its purpose is to raise the water level and then divert it into the canal. As the tanks are the small storage works constructed to meet the local requirements obvious by attempting is not made to contain full run off coming down from the catchment area. It is therefore necessary to make suitable arrangement to pass from the excess water beyond F.T.L. The structure constructed to provide passage to excess water is called as “escape weir”. It is also called as a “Tank surplus weir”. The Water starts spilling over the weir as soon as tank is filled up to its crest. However, temporarily due to rush of incoming water. The level in the tank raises above F.T.L., the new level is reached is called as “maximum water level” [M.W.L.]. It depends on the extent of the flood for the design purpose M.W.L is calculated taking into the account maximum flood discharge likely to carry and water may be available at the site for escape weir. The surplusing as spill way water is carried down through a channel which is generally a natural discharge and has an enough capacity. As weir may be constructed in the masonry, rock fill, cement concrete etc. 16.1 TYPES OF WEIR: Escape weir constructed in the tank irrigation system is similar to a diversion weir are constructed across the river channel. It may be classified as following types: 1. Masonry weir 2. Masonry with the horizontal floor 3. Masonry weir with depressed floor. 4. Masonry weir with stepped floor. DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT 5. Rock fill weir 6. Concrete weir. 16.2 SELECTION OF SITE FOR A WEIR: Following are the point may be taken into consideration while selecting a site for a tank weir. 1. Tank weir performs the function of the surplusing excess flow therefore it is preferable to locate the weir in a natural saddle away from the tank bund. 2. To carry surplus flow existence of a well-defined escape channel is very necessary at a site selected for the construction of a weir. 3. The saddle where natural surface level us approximately same as tank level [FTL] should be given first performance 4. Hard foundation if available at the site reduces the cost of the construction. 5. When a site is away from the tank bund is not available as for as possible weir may be located on one end of the tank bund. 6. Surplus weir may be hosed in the body of the tank bund only as a last resort. 7. Care should be taken to see that escape channel surplusing water is not likely to damage cultivated land. 17. CANAL Canal is passage for the flow of the water from reservoir or tank to an irrigational field or any other field necessary. Water in a canal flow under gravity and the upper most surface of the water is sometimes stored in the tanks and then distributed to the lands by gravity system. 17.1 CLASSIFICATION OF CANALS: 17.1.1 BASED ON THE CANAL ALIGNMENT: 1. Contour canal 2. Water shed canal 3. Side slope canal. 17.1.2 BASED ON DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: 1. Main canal 2. Branch canal DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT 3. Major distributary 3. Minor distributaries 4. Water courses. 17.2 GUIDELINES FOR ALIGNING A CANAL: The alignment should follow a falling contour and shall be in cutting 1. The depth of the cutting should be minimum 2. Alignment should be straight 3. Curve should be long, minimum radius should be twenty times the bed width of the canal. 4. Number of cross drainage works should be minimum 5. Longitudinal slope of the canal bed should provide non – silting and non – scoring velocity of flow. 6. Alignment shall progress as far away from natural drain to yield large command area. 17.2 LONGITUDINAL SLOPE FOR CANAL: Longitudinal slope for can shall be as a possible and is guided by minimum permissible velocity in the channel should neither be silting non – scoring. The value generally varied from 1 in 2500. It depends natural terrain and type of the canal. 17.4 SLIDE SLOPE OF THE CANAL: Slide slope of the canal is an important feature in canal generally steeper slope section, narrower, deeper, increased velocity and discharge permits width. It also decrease evaporation and percolation loses. Slide slope is filling 1.5:1 is generally used in the hard and rocky soils. 17.5 TYPE OF CANAL CROSS – SECTION: Fully embankment Partial cutting and partial filling Fully cutting 17.6 LINING OF CANAL: The impervious layer which protects the beds and sides of the canal is called canal lining. DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT 17.7 NECESSITY OF CANAL LINING: Following are the necessity of the canal lining. 1. To minimize the seepage losses in the canal. 2. To increase the discharge in canal selection by increasing the velocity. 3. To prevent erosion of the bed and sides due to high velocity. 4. To reduce maintenance of canal. 17.8 REQUIREMENT OF CANAL LINING MATERIALS: 1. The materials used for lining should provide the water tightness. 2. The materials chosen should be strong and durable. 3. The materials should withstand the high velocity. 4. The materials used should resist to the growth of weeds and attack of animals 5. The material should permit the construction of the required slope easily. 17.9 TYPES OF CANAL LINING: The Canal lining are of following types: 1. Cement concrete lining. 2. Brick lining 3. Cement mortar lining 4. Asphaltic lining 5. Soil – Cement lining 6. Sodium – carbonate lining 7. Precast concrete block lining. 17.10 SILTING OF CANAL: Silt is allowed into the canal causes much annoyance and expense. Instance are nor rare, where the silt, etc… carried into the canal during high floods, so depleted its capacity, that it could not carry the water needed for irrigation and it becomes necessary to close the canal and clean it during the height of irrigation, season at great expense and to the great injury to the crops. Hence measures should be adopted DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT to prevent the entrance of silt and sand into the canal. Water carrying capacity of the canal gets reduced due to the deposition of the silt. 17.11 SILTS ARE OF TWO TYPES: 1. Bed silt- which is also called which is also called the dragged or rolled silt 2. Suspended silt - The nature of silt depends upon topography of the area and rainfall. Silt must be prevented as far as possible from entering into the canal, but it is impractical to do so, measures should be adopted to remove the same from the canal. 17.12 THE MEASURES ADOPTED TO REMOVE THE SILT: 1. When the canal is not carrying the water, the silt is removed by the manual labour 2. Silt is removed by increasing the velocity of the water 3. Using dredges silt can be removed 4. Silt entry into the canal can be prevented by the silt excluder 5. Silt ejector is used to remove the silt that has entered into the canal. 18. RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION: The deposition of sediment in the reservoir is known as “reservoir silting” or “reservoir sedimentation”. Every river carries certain amount of sedimentation load. The sediment particles try to settle down at the bottom of the reservoir due to gravitational force that may be kept in the suspension due to upward currents in the turbulent flow which may overcome the gravity force. These sediments will settle down in the reservoir because of less velocity inside the reservoir. The deposition of the sediment will automatically reduce the storage capacity of the reservoir and if this process of deposition continues longer a stage like to reach when the whole reservoir gets silted up and becomes useless. In order to see that the capacity of reservoir does not fall short for requirements even during the design period. The silting should be taken into the account, the total volume of the silt likely to be deposited during the designed life period of the dam is therefore estimated and approximately that much of the volume is left unused to allow the silting and it is known as a dead storage. DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT 19. SELECTING A SUITABLE PRELIMINARY SELECTION OF AN EARTHEN DAM 19.1 WIDTH: The top width of large dams should be sufficient to keep the seepage line well within the dam, when reservoir is full. It should also be sufficient to withstand earthquake shock and wave action. For small dam, this top width of (A) of the earth dam can be selected as per the following recommendations: A= H/5+3 (for very low dam) A= (0.055H) X0.5+0.2H (for dams lower than 30m) A= 1.65(H+1.5)/3 (for dams higher than 30m) Where, H is the height of dam. 19.2 UPSTREAM AND DOWN STREAM SLOPES: The side slopes depend upon various factors such as the type and nature of dam and foundation materials, height of dam etc., the recommended values of side slopes as given by Terzaghi’s table are upstream slope adopted is 2:1 and downstream slope is also 2:1. The various dimensions of low earth dams for preliminary section may sometimes be selected from the recommendations of strange, as given in the following table: Height of dam in meters Maximum freeboard in meters Top width (A) in meters Upstream slope (H:V) Downstream slope (H:V) Up to 4.5 1.2 to 1.5 1.85 2:1 1.5:1 4.5 to 7.5 1.5 to 1.8 1.85 2.5:1 1.75:1 15 to 22.5 3.0 3.0 3:1 2:1 Table1:Dimensions of low earth dams for preliminary section 20. DESIGN CALCULATION 20.1 EARTHWORK CALCULATION OF HOMOGENEOUS BUND Side Slope along U/S = 1:1.5 Side Slope along D/S = 1:2 Top width of bund = 2.00m DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 CHAIN AGE EXISTIN G RL RL OF FORMATI ON CUTTING DEPTH FILLING DEPTH NEW TANK PROJECT MEAN DEPTH D (m) CENTRAL AREA (BXD) in (m2 ) [1] U/S AREA1 [SD2 ]/2 in (m2 ) [2] D/S AREA -2 [SD2 ]/2 in (m2 ) [3] TOTA L AREA [1]+[ 2]+ [3] (m2) DIST ANC EL (m) Total Table 2 :Earthwork Calculation of Homogenous Bund DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] FILL ING (m 3) C U T T I N ( 3 m EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT The Total Quantity of earth required for construction of new tank of top width 2.0m wide, U/S 1.5(h):1(v) and D/S 2(h) : 1(v) is 6656.643 m3 20.2 DESIGN OF HOMOGENOUS EARTHEN DAM: 1 Types of Bund HOMOGENOUS EARTH DAM 2 Length of bund 3 Top width of bund 4 Maximum height of bund 5 Top level of bund (TBL) 6 Maximum water level (MWL) 7 Full tank level (FTL) 8 Dead storage level (DSL) 9 Lowest bed level (LBL) 10 Free boar 11 Upstream slope 12 Downstream slope 13 Rock toe 14 Upstream pitching 15 Sluice sill level Table 3: Design of Homogenous Earth Dam 20.3 CAPACITY OF RESERVIOR SL NO: CONTOUR 1 Contour 1 2 Contour 2 3 Contour 3 REDUCED LEVEL (m) Difference b/w RL (h) WATER SPREAD AREA (m2 ) Table 4 : Capacity of Reservoi DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT USING TRAPEZODIAL RULE: 1. Volume of water b/w contour 1 & 2 Volume of tank V1= [ A1+A2 /2]× h 2 V1 = V1 = m³ 2. Volume of water b/w Contour 2 & 3 Volume of tank V2= [ A2+A3/2 ]× h 2 V2 = V2 = Total Capacity of Reservoir=V1+ V2 = m³. 20.4 DESIGN OF WASTE WEIR SURPLUS WEIR The excess surplus water is spilled from a tank, into the downstream channel. So as to avoid the rise of water in the tank above the maximum water level (MWL). In fact, the water will generally starts spilling over the crest of this escape weir, as and when it rises above full tank level(FTL), and the discharging capacity of this weir will be designed such as to pass the full maximum flood discharge with a depth over the weir equal to the difference between FTL and MWL. Although the effective storage capacity of a tank is limited by FTL, the area submerged by the tank bund and revetment is dependent on MWL and hence, in order to restrict the dimensions of this, it is desirable to keep the difference between FTL and MWL to a smaller value. The usual difference between FTL and MWL 1m or smaller value. DESIGN DATA AND ASSUMPTIONS: TBL -903.120m MWL -902.620 m FTL -902.120 m Ground level -898.100m Lowest bed level -898.100 m Foundation level -897.600 m (assuming that the good foundation is available at 0.5 m below the lowest bed level) Estimation of flood discharge entering the tank: Q= (CM2/3)-(cm2/3) Where C – Combined catchment constant – varies from 6.8 to 15 assume 9.0 c – Intercepted catchment constant – varies from 1/3 to 1/6 of C, take 1/6 of C m – Intercepted catchment area in km2 – assume 5.0 km2 M – Combined catchment area in km2 – assume 7.5 km2 DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT Therefore the flood discharge Q = m3 /s 1. LENGTH OF SURPLUS WEIR: Q= (2/3) x Cd x L1 x √ (2g) x H3/2 Head of discharge over weir H = MWL – FTL =1m Assume Cd – 0.60 Therefore the clear length of weir L1 = m Assume interval between dam stones as 1.0 m, therefore no. of dam stones =L1 – 1 = No’s Assume size of dam stone 0.20 x 0.20. Hence overall length of weir L = [L1+ (width of dam stone x no’s of stones)] L= 2. DIMENSIONS OF WEIR Structural height of weir Crest level - m (FTL) Top of dam stone -902.620 m(MWL) Ground level -898.100 m Top of foundation concrete TFL -897.600 m Height of weir above foundation H = (FTL – TFL) = 1.0 m Structural height of weir = H + (top of dam stone level – crest level) = 2.0 m Crest width / top width a =0.55(√ (H) +√ (h)) Where, h = head over weir = (MWL – FTL) = 0.5m Therefore, top width of weir a =1.17 m Base width, b= (H+h) / √(S – 1) Where, Specific weight of masonry, S = Therefore, base width of weir b = m 3. PROTECTION WORK Abutment Height of abutment above foundation (TBL-TFL) Ha= 5.5 m Top width = 0.50 m (min) Bottom width (0.4xHa) = 2.2 m Upstream wing wall and return wall Height of U/S wing wall above foundation DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT HU/S = (MWL+0.3)-(TFL) = 5.3m Top width = 0.50 m (min) Bottom width (0.4XHU/S ) = 2.1m Provide a splay of Downstream wing wall and return wall Height of D/S wing wall above foundation HD/S W =(MWL)-(TFL) = 5.02 m Top width = 0.50 m (min) Bottom width (0.4X HD/S W) = 2.0m Provide a splay of Design of apron 1. Upstream apron The apron are designed based on the seepage theory therefore the maximum seepage pressure is given by Max seepage pressure = (MWL-GL) = m Assuming hydraulic gradient (HG) = 5.0 Length of apron = uplift head x HG = 25.1m say its 26m since the length of apron is too long from structural consideration provide length of apron about half the value i.e., length of apron = 13 m Provide two stepped apron of length L1= 8m and L2 = 5m Thickness of solid apron = residual seepage pressure / (Sc – 1) Where: residual seepage pressure = max seepage pressure – seepage pressure lost =max seepage pressure - (seepage length/ HG) Note: Seepage length = length of apron therefore residual seepage pressure = 2.19 Sc= specific gravity of concrete = 2.25 Therefore thickness of 1 st apron = 1.6008 say as 1.60 m DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT Hence provide thickness of 2 ndapron of about 50% of 1 st apron i.e =0.80 m 3. Downstream apron Generally no aprons are required on D/S side of weir however, cement grouting and sheet piling is done on the area immediately above weir to avoid percolation of water into soil 20.5 DETERMINATION OF DISCHARGE REQUIRED Assume, Culturally Commanded Area= 600 hectares Area under Crop 1 (Ragi) = 60 % of CCA Crop 2 (Vegetables) = 40 % of CCA The major crops grown in this region and necessary data are calculated and tabulated below : CROPS RAGI VEGETABELS AREA UNDER[A] CROP - hectares 402 268 BASE PERIOD[B]- days 120 90 AMOUNT OF WATER REQUIRED( ∆ m) 0.30 0.20 DUTY[D] D = 3.64 x ( B / ∆ ) (hectare/cumecs) 3456 3888 Table 5 : Major crops grown in Kaiwar Total Discharge Q =m³/s Considering 20% conveyance losses therefore discharge Q = m³/s Also Assuming Time Factor as 0.7therefore the discharge Q = m³/s For future expansion of water supply etc. assuming the discharge as 2Q Total discharge to which canal is to be designed is Q = m³/s 20.6 DESIGN OF PLUG SLUICE Sluice vent way: DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT The area of vent way of the sluice must be such that it can draw normal supplies of water when the tank is at a low water level or a level at which the tank supply will always be available to be drawn during the normal crop period. Assuming a minimum driving head of 0.3 m i.e. h=0.3m above the centre of sluice barrel we get discharge by using the formula. Q= Cd x A √ ( 2 x g x h) Q=discharge in comics = 0.80 m³/s Cd=coefficient of discharge= 0.60 g=acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m / sec2 h=driving head = 0.30 m From above equation A = 0.549 m2 , therefore providing circular vent Diameter D = 0.836 say; D=0.85 m. Sluice barrel: The sluice barrel is buried under the tank bund. The barrel will have masonry side walls. The roof can be either of RC slabs laid in situ or precast RC slabs with levelling course of concrete laid over it. Since the vent way is 0.85m, the size of the barrel can be adopted as 90cm x 100cm. The sluice barrel consists of two masonry walls covered by an RC roof slab. The thickness of the roof slab may be assumed as 15cm. Top level of barrel = Sill level of sluice + Height of barrel wall +Thickness of slab = 890.920 + 0.5 + 0.15 = 891.570 m. Design of head wall: In order to easy facilities to operate the sluice gearing etc. a head wall in front of the sluice opening with its top level at least 0.50m above MWL is necessary. The head will be resting on the roof slab directly. Top level of head wall = MWL + 0.5 = 903.120 m Height of head wall = Top level of head wall – Top level of barrel = 11.55 say as 11.6m Bottom width of head wall = 0.40 x height of head wall = 4.64m DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT Minimum top width of head wall = 0.50 m 21. DESIGN OF CANAL Let us adopt LACEY’S METHOD of silt theory for design of Canal to suite following data: Discharge Q = 0.80 m3 / s Assume silt factor f = 1 Side slope n = 1(H): 1(V) W.K.T, (a) Critical Velocity V= ( 𝑸𝒇𝟐 ) (1/6) = 0.423 m / s 𝟏𝟒𝟎 (b) From Q = A x V, we have A = 1.89 m2 (c) By Lacey’s perimeter equation, P = 4.75 √Q, we have P = 4.25 m and also, P = B + 2D √ (1+n2 ) Where: n = 1 therefore by solving B = 4.25 – 2.83D (d) According to Lacey’s theory the cross sectional area of canal for Side slope = 1(H) : 1(V) is given by : A = BD + nD2 1.89 = (4.25-2.83D)D + 1xD2 solving for D we have , D = 0.599 say as 0.60 m thus by providing 0.30 m free board total depth of canal is 0.90 m. Therefore the bed width of canal is B = 4.25 – 2.83x0.9 = 1.703 say as 1.70 m (e) Bed slope S = f 5/3 / (3340 x Q 1/6 ) We provided the bed slope 1 in 5000 is moderately flat considering the critical velocity provide a steep bed slope of 1 in 1000. CHECK FOR DESIGN: W.k.t Hydraulic mean depth R= A / P i.e. R = 0.444 m Also from lacey’s equation we have hydraulic mean depth R = 5V2 / 2f, i.e. R =0.447m Since the hydraulic mean depths from two equations are same. Hence the above design values of canal [from (a) to (e)] based on Lacey’s silt theory is correct. DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT 21.1 EARTHWORK CALCULATION OF CANAL: CHAINAGE RL OF GROUND (m) RL OF FORMATION (m) CUTTING DEPTH (m) FILLING DEPTH (m) MEAN DEPTH D (m) CENTRAL AREA (BXD) in (m2 ) [1] SIDE AREA 2*[(1/2)*b*D) [2] TOTAL AREA [1]+[2] Total= Table 6 : Earthwork Calculations Of Canal The volume of earth work between the cross section may be calculated from the following methods: 1. By trapezoidal rule V= D x ((A1+An)/2) + (A2+A3+A4+A5…….An-1) 2. By prismoidal formula V = D/3 ((A1 +An) + 4(A2+A4+A6…) + 2(A3+A5+A7..)) 3 DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 NEW TANK PROJECT Where, V = volume of earth work – m3 D = common distance b/w sections – m A1, A2, A3, ........... An = area of sections – m2 VOLUME OF EARTH FILLING 1. By prismoidal formula V = D/3x ((A1 +An) + 4(A2+A4+A6…) + 2(A3+A5+A7 .. )) 3 V = m3 . 2. By Trapezoidal rule V= D x ( (A1+An)/2 + A2+A3+A4+A5….An ) V= m3 22. CONCLUSION sThe survey carried out at KAIWARA was effective as the site is suitable for the proposal of dam or reservoir. The required surveys were carried out for dam or reservoir for economic and safe design. A new road over the dam is proposed to connect right bank and left bank canal for communication and maintenance purpose. DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB [Type text] EXTENSIVE SURVEY CAMP-2021 DEPARTEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATEB NEW TANK PROJECT [Type text] HIGHWAY PROJECT STAFF INCHARGE Department of Civil Engineering, JSSATE, Bangalore CONTENTS: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. HIGHWAY ALIGNMENT 3. ENGINEERING SURVEYS 4. STEPS IN NEW PROJECT WORK 5. HIGHWAY GEOMETRIC DESIGNS 6. DESIGN OF PAVEMENT 7. CONCLUSION 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 HIGHWAY ENGINEERING Highway engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the development of a system of roads, which can be used by vehicles and people, for the transportation of people and materials. The road pavement are generally constructed on small embankments, slightly above the general ground level wherever possible, in order to avoid the difficult drainage and maintenance problems. The term ‘road’ or ‘roadway’ has therefore termed ‘HIGHWAY’ and the science and technology dealing with road engineering is called ‘HIGHWAY ENGINEERING’ .In a nutshell, highway engineering deals with various phases like development, planning, alignment, highway geometric design and location, highway traffic operations and its control, materials, pavement design, constructing and maintenance, finance and administration of a road system. 1.2 CHARACTERISTICS OF ROAD ❖ For short distance it saves time. ❖ Speed of movement is directly related with casualty. ❖ It is the only means of transport that offers itself to the whole community alike. 1.3 CLASSIFICATION OF ROADS 1. National Highways (NH) 2. State Highways (SH) 3. Major district roads (MDR) 4. Other district roads (ODR) 5. Village Roads (VR) 2. HIGHWAY ALIGNMENT The position or layout of the centerline of the highway on the ground is called the alignment. The horizontal alignment includes the straight path, the horizontal deviations and curves. Changes in gradient and vertical curves come under the vertical alignment. A new road should be aligned very carefully as improper alignment would result in one or more among the following disadvantages: ❖ Capital loss initially in construction ❖ Recurring losses in cost of maintenance and vehicle operation. ❖ Increase in accident rate. Once the road is aligned and constructed, it is not easy to change the alignment due to increase in cost of adjoining land and construction of costly structures by the roadside. Hence the importance of careful considerations while finalizing of a new road need not be over emphasized. 2.1 REQUIREMENTS OF A NEW ALIGNMENT The requirements of an ideal alignment between two terminal stations are that ion cost is it should be: 1. SHORT - a straight alignment is the shortest alignment between two points, though there may be several practical considerations which would cause deviations from the shortest path. 2. EASY – the alignment should be such that it is easy to construct and maintain and operate vehicles. 3. SAFE – the alignment should be safe for construction and maintenance and traffic operation with safe geometric features. 4. ECONOMICAL – the alignment would be economical only if the total cost including initial cost, maintenance and vehicle operation cost is lowest. 2.2 FACTORS CONTROLLING ALIGNMENT For an alignment to be the shortest should be straight between two terminal stations. This is not always possible due to various practical difficulties such as intermediate obstructions and topography. The shortest route may have very steep gradient and hence not easy for vehicle operation. Similarly, there may be construction and maintenance problems along a route which may be otherwise short and easy. Roads are often deviated from the shortest route in order to cater for intermediate places of importance or obligatory points. A road which is economical in the initial construction cost need not necessarily be the most economical in maintenance or in vehicle operation cost. It may also happen that the shortest and the easiest route for vehicle operation may work out to be the costliest of the different alternatives from the construction view point. Thus it may be seen that an alignment can seldom fulfill all requirements simultaneously. The various factors that control the highway alignment are: 2.2.1 OBLIGATORY POINTS These are the control points governing the alignment of the highways. • These control points may be divided into two categories • Points through which the alignment is to pass • Points through which the alignment should not pass 2.2.2 TRAFFIC The alignment should suit the traffic requirements. Origin and destination study should be carried out in the area and the desired lines are drawn showing the trend of traffic flow. The new road should be aligned keeping in view the desires lines, traffic flow patterns and future trends. 2.2.3 GEOMETRIC DESIGN Geometric design factors such as gradient, radius of curve and sight distance also govern the final alignment of the highway 2.2.4 ECONOMY The finalized alignment based on the above factors should be economical. In working out the economics, the initial cost and the cost of maintenance and the vehicle operation should be taken into account. The initial cost of construction can be decreased if high embankments and deep cuttings are avoided. 2.2.5 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Various other factors may govern the alignment are drainage considerations, hydrological factors, political considerations and monotony, sub-surface water level, seepage flow and high flood level. In hill roads additional care must be taken as follows: ❖ Stability ❖ Drainage ❖ Geometric standards of hill roads ❖ Resisting length 3. ENGINEERING SURVEYS Before a highway alignment is finalized in the highway track. The engineering surveys are carried out. The surveys may be completed in the four stages. The first three stages consider all the possible alternative alignment. 3.1 Map study 3.2 Reconnaissance survey 3.3 Preliminary surveys 3.4 Final location and the detailed surveys 3.1 MAP STUDY If the topographic map of the area is available, it is possible to suggest the likely routes of the road. In India topographic maps are available from the survey of India, with 15 or 30 meter of contour intervals. The main features like rivers, hill, valleys, etc… are also shown on these maps. By careful study of the maps, it is possible to have an idea of several possible to have an idea of several possible alternate routes so that further details of these may be studied.later at the site. The probable alignment can be located on the map from the following details available on the map. 1. Alignment avoiding valley, ponds or lakes. 2. When the road has to cross a row of hills, possibility of crossing through a mountainous pass. 3. Approximate location of the bridge site for crossing rivers, avoiding bend of the river. 4. When a road is to be connected between the two stations, one at the top and one at the bottom of the hill, then alternate routes can be suggested keeping in view the permissible gradient. 3.2 RECONNAISSANCE SURVEY The second stage of surveys for highway location is the reconnaissance to examine the general character of the area for deciding the most feasible routes for the detailed studies. A field survey party may inspect a fairly broad stretch of land along the proposed alternative routes of the map in the field. Only very instrument like abbey level, tangent clinometers, barometer, etc are used by the reconnaissance party to collect additional details rapidly. All relevant details not available in the map are collected and noted down. Some of the details to be collected during the reconnaissance are given below; 1. Valleys, ponds, lakes, marshy land, ridge, hill, permanent structures and other obstructions along the route which are not available in the map. 2. Approximate value of gradient, length of gradients and radius of curves alternate alignments. of the 3. Number and type of cross drainage structure, maximum flood level and natural ground water level along the probable routes. 4. Soil type along the routes from the field identification tests and observation of the geological features. 5. Sources of the construction materials, water and location of the stone quarries. When the road passes through hilly or mountainous terrain, additional data regarding the geological formation, type of rocks, dip of strata, seepage flow, etc… may be observed so as to decide the stable and unstable sides of the hill for highway alignment. A rapid reconnaissance of the area, especially when it is vast and the terrain is difficult may be done by an aerial survey. 6. From the details collected during the reconnaissance, the alignment proposed after study may be altered or even changed completely. As a result of the reconnaissance a few alternate alignments may be chosen for the further study based on the practical considerations observed at the site. 3.3 PRELIMINARY SURVEY The main objectives of the preliminary survey are; 1. To survey the various alternate alignments proposed after the reconnaissance and to collect all the necessary physical information and details of topography, drainage and soil. 2. To compare the different proposals in view of the requirements of good alignment. 3. To finalize the best alignment from all considerations. 4. To preliminary survey is carried out to collect all the physical information which is necessary in carried out to collect all the physical information which is necessary in connection with the proposed highway alignment. The preliminary survey may be carried out by any one of the following methods. 5. To finalize the best alignment from all considerations. 6. Conventional approach, in which a survey parts carried out surveys using the required field equipment, taking measurements, collecting topographical and other data carrying out the soil survey. 7. Modern rapid approach, by serial survey taking the required aerial photographs and by the photogrammetric methods and photo interpretation techniques for obtaining the necessary topographic and other maps including the details of the soil and geology. 3.4 FINAL LOCATION SURVEY The alignment finalized at the design office after the preliminary survey is to be first located on the field by establishing the center line. Next detailed survey should be carried out for collecting the information necessary for the preparation of the plans and construction details for the highway project. Location The centerline of the road finalized in the drawings is to be translated on the ground during the location survey. This is done a total station and by staking of the center line. The location of the centre line should follow as closely as practicable, the alignment finalized after the preliminary surveys. Major and minor control points are established on the ground and the center pegs are driven, checking the geometric design requirements. However, modifications in the final location may be made in the field, if found essential. The center line stakes are driven at suitable intervals say at 50 m intervals in plain and rolling terrains and at 20 m in hilly terrains 4. STEPS IN NEW PROJECT WORK 4.1 MAP STUDY With the help of available topographic map of the area. 4.2 RECONNAISSANCE SURVEY A general idea of topography and other features, field identification of soil and survey of the construction materials by an on spot inspection of the site. 4.3 PRELIMINARY SURVEY Topographic details and soil survey along the alternate alignments, consideration of geometric design and other requirements of the alignment, preparation of the plans and comparison of alternate routes, economic analysis and selection for the final alignment 4.4 LOCATION OF FINAL ALIGNMENT Transfer of the alignment from the drawings to the ground by driving pegs along the center line of the finally chosen alignment, setting out the geometric design elements by location of tangent points, apex points, circular and transition curves, elevation of the center line and super elevation details. 4.5 DETAILED SURVEY Survey of the highway construction work for the preparations of the longitudinal and cross sections, computations of the earth work quantities and other construction materials and checking details of the geometric design elements. 4.6 MATERIAL SURVEY Survey of the construction materials, their collection and testing. 4.7 DESIGN Design details of the embankments and cut slope, foundation of the embankments and bridges and pavement layers. 4.8 PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION Preparation of the sub grade, construction of the sub base and surface courses. 4.9 CONSTRUCTION CONTROLS Quality control tests during the different stages of the construction and check for the finished road surface. DETREMINATION OF OPTIMUM ROAD LENGTH There are 3 new roads A, B & C out of which one best route has to be selected.. Adopting utility unit of 1.0 for serving a village with population range 2000-5000,or for catering for 1000t for agriculture product or for 100t for industrial products. Following data are collected from the field. TABLE 1 ROAD LENGTH 9(KM) NO OF VILLAGES SERVES POPULATION PRODUCTIVITY,1000 tones <2000 2000-5000 8 >5000 3 (AHRICULTURE) (INDUSTRUAL) 15 1.2 A 15 B 12 16 3 1 11 0 C 158 20 10 2 20 0.8 10 ROAD LENGTH (km) A 15 B 12 C 18 TOTAL UTILITY UNITS SERVED BY THE ROAD UTILITY PER UNIT LENGTH PRIO RITY TABLE 2 5. HIGHWAY GEOMETRIC DESIGNS The geometric design of a highway deals with the dimensions and layout of visible features of the highway such as alignment, sight distances and intersections. The geometries of highway should be designed to provide optimum efficiency in traffic operations with maximum safety at reasonable cost. Geometric design of highways deals with the following elements: 5.1 Cross section elements 5.2 Sight distance considerations 5.3 Horizontal and vertical alignment details 5.4 Intersection element Highway geometries are greatly influenced by the topography, locality, traffic characteristics and the requirements. The factors which control the geometric design requirements are speed, road user and vehicular characteristics, design traffic, traffic capacity and benefit-cost considerations. However, speed is the one factor which is important, governing most of the geometric design elements of roads. The geometric design of highways depends on several factors, the most important of which are: ❖ Design speed ❖ Topography ❖ Traffic factors ❖ Design hourly volume and capacity ❖ Environmental and other factors. 5.1 HIGHWAY CROSS SECTION ELEMENTS The various cross-sectional elements in a highway to be designed are as follows: 1. Pavement surface characteristics. 2. Cross slope or camber. 3. Width of pavement or carriageway. 4. Kerb 5. Road margins. 6. Right of way. 7. Width of roadway. PAVEMENT SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS The pavement surface depends on the pavement type which is based on the availability of materials and funds, volume and composition of traffic, sub grade and climatic conditions, construction facilities and cost considerations. The important surface characteristics of the pavement are friction, unevenness, light reflecting characteristics and drainage of surface water. CROSS SLOPE OR CAMBER Cross slope or camber is the slope provided to the road surface in the transverse direction to drain off the rain water from the road surface. Drainage and quick disposal of water from the road surface is important to prevent the entry of surface water into the sub grade soil because the entry of water affects the stability and life of the pavement. Recommendation Values of Camber for Different Types of Road Surface (IRC-1959) TABLE 3 Sl.No Type of road surface Range of chamber in areas of rainfall range Heavy to Light 1 Cement concrete and high type bituminous surface 1 in 50 (2.0%) to 1 in 60 (1.7%) 2 Thin bituminous surface 1 in 40 (2.5%) to 1 in 50 (2.0%) 3 Water bound macadam and gravel pavement Earthen surface 1 in 33 (3.0%) to 1 in 40 (2.5%) 4 1 in 25 (4.0%) to 1 in 33 (3.0%) WIDTH OF CARRIAGEWAY TABLE 4 SI. No. Class Of Road Width Of Carnage Way 1 Single lane 3.75m 2 Two lanes without raised kerbs 7.00m 3 Two lanes with raised kerbs 7.50m 4 Intermediate carriageway 5.50m 5 Multi-lane pavements 3.50m/ lane The pavement or carriageway width depends on the width of traffic lane and the number of lanes. The lane width is determined based on the width of the vehicle and the minimum side clearance which may be provided for safety. Keeping these and other factors in view, the width of the carriageway for various classes of roads has been standardized by the Indian Road Congress. The width of carriageway for a single-lane pavement is taken as 3.75m. The width of roadway is the sum of the widths of carriageway and the shoulders. Based on the IRC standards, the width of roadway for a village road is taken as 3.75m. Recommendation Values of Width of Roadway for Different Types of Road (IRC-1959) TABLE 5 SL.NO Road classification Roadways width in meters Plain & Rolling Terrai Mountain & steep strain 1 2 3 National & State Highway a) Single lane b) Two lane 12.00 6.25 12.00 8.60 Major District Roads a) Single lane b) Two lanes 9.00 4.75 9.00 --- 7.50 9.00 7.50 4.75 — 4.00 Other District Roads a) Single lane b) Two lanes c) Village Roads 5.2 SIGHT DISTANCE Sight distance available from a point is actual distance along the road surface, which a driver from a specified above the carriageway has the visibility of stationary or moving objects. Three sight distance situations are considered in the design: 1. Stopping or absolute minimum sight distance 2. Safe overtaking or passing sight distance 3. Safe sight distance for entering into uncontrolled intersection. Design values of stopping and intermediate sight distances for various speeds (IRC-1959 TABLE 6 Speed (kmph) 20 25 30 35 40 50 Design values in meters Stopping sight distance 20 25 30 40 45 60 Intermediate sight distance 40 50 60 80 90 12 Criteria for measuring sight distance TABLE 7 Sl.No Sight Distance Driver eye height Height of object 1 Safe stopping sight distance 1.2m 0.15m 2 Intermediate sight distance 1.2m 1.2m 5.2.2 OVERTAKING SIGHT DISTANCE The minimum distance open to the vision of the driver of a vehicle intending to overtake slow vehicle ahead with safety against traffic of opposite direction is known as the minimum overtaking sight distance or the safe passing sight distance available. The overtaking sight distance depends on the following factors: ➢ Speed of overtaking, overtaken and oncoming vehicles. ➢ Spacing between the vehicles. ➢ Skill and reaction time of driver. ➢ Rate of acceleration of overtaking vehicle. ➢ Slope of the road. 5.3 HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT In general horizontal curves should consist of a circular portion flanked by spiral transitions, at both ends. Design speed, super elevation and coefficient of side friction affect the design of circular curves. Minimum radius curves should be adopted only when absolutely necessary at reverse curves, sufficient gap should be ensured between the two curves for introduction of the requisite transition curves. Compound curve may be used only when it is impossible to fit in a single circular curve. 5.3.1 DESIGN SPEED The designs speeds for various categories of roads should be as given in the table. Design speeds of various categories of road (km/h) (IRC-1959) TABLE 8 5.3.2 SUPER ELEVATION: Super elevation to be provided on curves is calculated from the following formula. e = V2 / 225R Where: e=super elevation v= design speed in ‘km/h’ R= radius of the curve in ‘m’. The change over from normal section to super elevation should be achieved gradually over the full length of the transition curve so that the design super elevation is available at the starting point of the circular curve. 5.3.3 MINIMUM CURVE RADIUS: On a horizontal curve, the combined effect of super elevation and side friction balance the centrifugal force. The basic equation for this condition of equilibrium is: v 2 /gR = e+f or R = V2 /127*(e+f). Where, V = vehicle speed in m/s v = vehicle speed in km/h G = acceleration due to gravity in m/s e = ratio of super elevation f = co-efficient of side friction between vehicle tyres and pavement. (Taken as 0.15) Radii for horizontal curves corresponding to ruling minimum and absolute minimum design speeds are shown in the table. Minimum radius of horizontal curves for various classes of roads (IRC-1959) TABLE 9 SI. Road classification No. Mountainous terrain Steep terrain ruling min ruling min 1 National & state highways 50 40 40 30 2 Major district roads 40 30 30 20 3 Other district roads 30 25 25 20 4 Village roads 25 20 25 20 5.3.4 TRANSITION CURVES Spiral curve should be used for transitions. These are necessary for smooth entry of vehicles from a straight section into a circular curve. The transition curves also improve aesthetic appearance of the road, besides permitting gradual application of the super elevation and extra widening at curves. Minimum length of transition curves for various radii is given in the table. Minimum transition length for different speeds and curve radii (IRC-1959) TABLE 10 Design Speed(km/h) Curve Radius (m) 50 15 25 30 35 40 50 55 70 80 90 100 125 150 170 200 40 30 25 20 300 400 500 The above table indicates the horizontal curves without transition curves. In such cases, the super-elevation is provided as follows. First, calculate the length of transition curve though it is not provided. Let L= length of transition curve Also, calculate the amount of super-elevation E, to be provided. Now, 2/3E is provided at the straight portion in a length equal to 2/3L, also a remaining 1/3E is provided in the curved portion in a length equal to 1/3E In a similar way the calculated extra widening We is also provided, i.e., 2/3We in the straight portion and l/3We in the curved portion. Also, the extra widening is introduced on the inner side of the curve for curves without transition curves also in hilly roads. 5.3.5 WIDENING OF ROAD AT CURVES At sharp horizontal curves, it is necessary to widen the carriageway to facilitate safe passage of vehicles. The widening required has two components. ‘Mechanical widening' to compensate the extra width occupied by a vehicle on the curve due to tracking of the rear wheels, and 'Psychological widening' to pem 1 it easy crossing of vehicles since vehicle in a lane tend to wander more on a curve than on a straight reach. Based on the above considerations, the extra width of carriageway to be provided at horizontal curves on single and two-lane roads is given in the table. Widening of pavement at curves: TABLE 11 Radius of curve (m) Extra width (m) Two lane Single lane Up to 20 21 to 40 41 to 60 61 to 100 101 to 300 Above 300 5.4. VERTICAL ALIGNMENT The vertical alignment should provide for a smooth longitudinal profile consistent with category of a road and the terrain. Grade changes should not be too frequent as to cause kinks and visual discontinuities in the profile. 5.4.1 GRADIENT Recommended gradients for different terrain conditions except at hair-pin bends are given in the table. Recommended gradients for different terrain conditions (IRC-1959) TABLE 12 Classification of gradient Mountainous terrain and steep terrain having elevation not more than 3000 m above MSL Steep terrain up to 3000m height above MSL Ruling gradient 5% (1 in 20) 6% (1 in 16.7) Limiting gradient 6% (1 in 16.7) 7% (1 in 14.3) Exceptional gradien 7% (1 in 14.3) 8% (1 in 12.5) 5.4.2 VERTICAL CURVES 5.4.2 VERTICAL CURVES Vertical curves are introduced for smooth transition at grade changes. Both summit curves and valley curves should be designed as square parabolas. The two types of vertical curves are: 1. Summit curves 2. Valley curves The design procedure of calculation of length of vertical curves is as follows: 1. SUMMIT CURVES The length of summit curves is governed by the choice of sight, distance, whether stopping sight distance of the intermediate sight distance. The required length may be calculated from the following formula: A. For safe stopping sight distance: Case (i): when the length of the curve exceeds the required sight distance, i.e. L is greater than S. L = NS2 /4.4 Where N = deviation angle, i.e. the algebraic difference between the two grades L = length of the parabolic vertical curve in meters S = sight distance in meters. Case (ii): When the length of the curve is less than the required sight distance i.e. L is less than S L = 2S-4.4/ N B. For intermediate sight distance: Case (i) When the length of the curve exceeds the required sight distance, i.e.L is greater than S L = NS2 /9.6 Case (ii) When the length of the curve is less than the required sight distance, i.e. L is less than S L = 2S - 9.6 /N 2. VALLEY CURVE The length of the valley curves should be such that for night travel the headlight beam distance is equal to the stopping sight distance. Based on this criterion, the length of curve may be calculated as under; Case (i): when the length of the curve exceeds the required sight distance, i.e. L is greater than S. L = NS2 /1.5+0.035S Case (ii): when the length of the curve is less than the required sight distance, i.e. L is less than S L = 2S- 1.5 +0.035 S/N In both cases: N= deviation angle, i.e. the algebraic difference between the two grades L = length of the parabolic vertical curve in meters S = sight distance in meter. 6. TOTAL STATION A total station is an electronic optical instrument widely used in modern surveying. The total station surveying instrument is a combination of an electronic theodolite (transit); an electronic distance meter (EDM), which is a measuring device to read distances; and software running on an external computer. The modern versions of survey total stations called robotic total stations let the user control the instrument from a distance with the help of a remote control. 6.1 WORKING OF TOTAL STATION A total station determines coordinates of an unknown point relative to a known coordinate by establishing a direct line of sight between the two points. Angles and distances are measured from the total station to points under survey, and the coordinates of surveyed points relative to the total station position are calculated using Trigonometry and, triangulation. Some total stations have a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) which doesn't require a direct line of sight to determine coordinates. 6.2 ANGLE MEASUREMENT BY TOTAL STATION Most of the modern total stations have digital bar-codes on rotating glass cylinders or discs that are installed within the instrument. Angle measurement is done through electro-optical scanning of these digital bar-codes. Quality total stations can measure angles to 0.5 arc-second. Cheap models of total stations like the construction grade total stations do not have such level of accuracy and can usually measure angles to 5 or 10 arc-seconds. DISTANCE MEASUREMENT BY TOTAL STATION: 6.3 SURVEY TOTAL STATION A total station has a small solid-state emitter within its optical path. They generate modulated microwave or infrared signals that are reflected by a prism reflector or the object under survey. The computer installed in the total station reads the modulation pattern in the returning signal. The distance is thus determined by emitting and receiving multiple frequencies and determining the integer number of wavelengths to the target for each frequency. A well-built total station can measure distances with an accuracy of approximately 1.5 millimeters + 2 parts per million over a distance of up to 1,500 metres. The total stations that do not carry reflectors are capable of measuring distances to any object which light in color, to a few hundred meters. 6.4 DATA PROCESSING BY TOTAL STATION The data recorded by the instrument may be downloaded from the total station to a computer and application software generates a map of the surveyed area. Many advanced models of total station have internal electronic data storage to record distance, horizontal angle, and vertical angle measured. Some other total stations can also write these measurements to external data collector like a portable computer. 6.5 TOTAL STATION FUNCTIONS As is known by reading the working of total station, the main functions performed by this surveying instrument include coordinates determination, angle and distance measurement and data processing. However, these broad functions of total station can be divided into detailed functions: A total station with motor drive and scanning function at a given pitch of angles in horizontal and vertical direction. They can be manually operated for measuring single points or can be automatically tracked or driven with a motor drive. Some of these instruments come with hand held digital camera to take stereo terrestrial photographs near the set total station. The camera is calibrated for subsequent procedures. 6.6 APPLICATIONS OF TOTAL STATION Total stations are mainly used in land surveying tasks. They are also used by archaeologists to record excavations and also by police, crime investigators, private accident Reconstructions and insurance companies to take measurements of scenes. Some of its area of application includes: ❖ Land Surveying ❖ Mining ❖ Road Mapping ❖ Aerial photogrammetric ❖ Calibration Labs/Test Houses 6.7 FIELD PROCEDURES FOR TOTAL STATION IN TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS Total station can be sued in any type of preliminary survey, control survey, or layout survey. They are most suitable for topographic surveys in which the surveyor can find the x, y, z (easting, northing, elevation) positions of a large number of points (about 2 - 3 times of those using conventional techniques) per day. 6.8.1 INITIAL DATA ENTRY The initial data entry could be all or some of the following ❖ Project description ❖ Data and crew ❖ Temperature ❖ Pressure ❖ Prism constant ❖ Curvature and refraction setting ❖ Sea-level correction ❖ Number of measurement repetitions ❖ Choice of Face 1 and Face 2 positions ❖ Automatic point number incrimination ❖ Choice of units 6.8.2 SURVEY STATION DESCRIPTORS Each survey station or point must be described with respect to surveying activity, station identification, and other attribute data. Generally, the total stations prompt the data entry and then automatically assign appropriate labels. Point description data can be entered as alpha (for example, back sight as BS) or numeric (for example, back sight as 20) codes. 6.8.3 SURVEY STATION ENTRIES Code: say 20 (BS), 30 (IS), 40 (FS) Height of instrument Station number (say) 110 Station identification code Co-ordinates of occupied station Co-ordinates of back sight station 6.8.4 SIGHTED POINT ENTRIES Operation code Height of prism Station number: 120 (BS) Station identification code 6.8.5 PROCEDURE • Enter the initial data and occupied station data. • Sight at station 120; press the zero button to set the horizontal circle at zero. • Enter code 20 (BS). • Measure and enter the height of the prism. • Press the appropriate measure buttons, e.g., slope distance, etc. • Press the record button after each measurements in the automatic mode, all the three x, y, and z measurements are made after pressing just one button. • After the station measurements have been recorded, the data recorded on board will prompt for the station for the station point number (e.g., 120), and the station identification code. • For next sights, repeat steps 4 - 7 using appropriate data. • When all the topographic details in the area of the occupied station (110) have been recorded, the total station is moved to next traverse station and the process is repeated. • Download the data to a computer, where it is stored into a formats that is compatible with the computer program that is to process the data. • If the topographic data are for a closed traverse, the traverse closure is calculated, and then all adjusted values of x, y, z are computed. From the data stored in co-ordinate files, the data required for plotting by digital plotters is assembled, and the survey can be quickly plotted at any desired scale. 6.8 ADVANTAGES OF THE TOTAL STATION • Monitors': battery status, signal attenuation, horizontal and vertical axes status, collimation factors. • Computers co-ordinates. • Traverse closure and adjustment • Topography reductions • Remote object elevation • Distance between remote point • Investing • Resection • Horizontal and vertical collimation corrections • Setting out • Vertical circle indexing • Records, search and review • On-board software • Transfer of data to the computer • Transfer of computer files to the data records 6.9 PLANNING SURVEYS Assessment of road length requirement for an area (it may be district, state or the whole country). Preperation of master plan showing the phasing of plan in annual and or five year plans. For assessing the road length requirement, field surveys are to be carried out to collect the data required for determining the length of the road system. The field surveys thus required for collecting the factual data may be called as planning surveys or fact finding surveys. 7. DESIGN OF PAVEMENT 7.1.CROSS SECTIONAL ELEMENTS OF PAVEMENT Cross sectional elements according to the I R C recommendation: 1. Road width = 3.5 m for a village road of single lane width. 2. Shoulder width= 1.0 m on each side. 3. Type of Pavement Surface= Thin bituminous surface for low rainfall region based on 4. Design speed = 50kmph 5. Camber value: for thin bituminous surface 2.0% at slope of 1 in 50 7.2 GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF PAVEMENT 7.2.1 SIGHT DISTANCE 7.2.1(a) STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE (SSD, m): The minimum sight distance available on a highway at any spot should be of sufficient length to stop a vehicle travelling at design speed, safely without any collision with any other obstruction. SSD (m) = Lag distance + Braking Distance = vt + v²/ 2gf Where, V= Design speed in kmph. = 50kmph f= coefficient of lateral friction based on design speed. = 0.37 t=2.5sec, g=9.81m/sec V is in Kmph, Therefore, V = 50*0.278= 13.89m/sec SSD = 13.89*2.5+13.89^2/2*9.81*0.37 SSD = 61.30m. 7.2.1(b) OVERTAKING SIGHT DISTANCE (OSD, m): The minimum distance open to the driver of a vehicle intending to overtake slow vehicle ahead with safety against the traffic of opposite direction is known as Overtaking sight distance. OSD = 2 x SSD OSD = 2 x 61.30m OSD = 122.60m 7.3 HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT DETAILS For the smooth change in each direction, horizontal curves are introduced; super elevation is provided by raising the outer edge with respect to the inner edge of the pavement to counteract the centrifugal force developed on a vehicle traversing a horizontal curve. 7.3.1 DESIGN SPEED The design speed is the main factor on which the geometric design element depends TABLE 13 Design speed in kmph for various terrain Terrain Plain Rolling Mountainous Steep Road Classificati on Ruling Minimum Ruling Minimum Ruling Minimum Ruling Minimum NH&SH 100 80 80 65 50 40 40 30 MDR 80 65 65 50 40 30 30 20 ODR 65 50 50 40 30 25 25 25 VR 50 40 40 35 25 20 25 20 7.3.2 RADIUS OF HORIZONTAL CURVE. Radius of horizontal curve is given by the relation: R = V 2 127÷(e + f) Where: V=Ruling/Min. speed = 50kmph (since VR) e=Rate of super elevation =0.07. f=Coefficient of lateral friction =0.15 R ruling =V^2/127(e+f) = 50^2/127(0.07+0.15) = 89.48m R = 89.48 say as 90 m 7.3.3 SUPER ELEVATION. Super elevation is given by the relation. e = V 2 225R Where, e= rate of super elevation V= speed of the vehicle in kmph R= radius of horizontal curve e = 502 ÷225×90 =0.123 Super elevation calculated is more than the design standards; Hence provide a design super elevation of 0.07. 7.3.4 WIDENING OF PAVEMENT ON HORIZONTAL CURVE. Widening of pavement on horizontal curve is given by the relation. 𝐧𝐥^𝟐 We= 𝟐𝐑 + 𝐕 𝟗.𝟓√𝐑 Where, n = Number of traffic lanes. = 1 no’s l = Length of wheel base of longest vehicle = 6.00 m. V = Design speed, (kmph). = 50 kmph R = Radius of Horizontal Curve =90.00 m We = 1*6^2/(2*90) + (50/9.5*90^1/2) = 0.755m Therefore We = 0.755 m. 7.3.5 LENGTH OF THE TRANSITION CURVE Rate of change of centrifugal acceleration is given by: 𝟖𝟎 C = (𝟕𝟓+𝐕) == 𝟖𝟎 𝟕𝟓+𝟓𝟎) = 𝟎. 𝟔𝟒 𝒎/𝐬𝐞𝐜 ^𝟑 {0.5 < 0.64 < 0.8} Hence the value is acceptable i. Length of transition curve Ls is given by: Ls= 𝟎.𝟎𝟐𝟏𝟓 𝐕𝟑 𝐂𝐑 = 0.0215 (50)3 0.64 x 90 = 46.65 m =say as 47.00 m ii) Based on rate of introduction of super elevation Length of the transition curve Ls is given by, Ls=E/2*N E=B*e, B=W+We Ls= (W+We) e x N 2 Where, W = width of the road = 3.5 m We = extra widening = 1 m e = rate of super elevation = 0.07 N = assume the pavement to be rotated at the rate of 1 in 150 in rolling terrain Ls = 27.56m say as 28 m iii. Based on IRC empirical formula Ls=2.7V2R = 2.7 x 502 \ 90 = 75.00 m The length of the transition curve is maximum of the above three Therefore the length of the transition curve Ls = 75.00 m Shift transition curve= S = Ls^2/24*90 =75^2 / (24*90) S = 2.604m 7.4 VERTICAL ALIGNMENT DETAILS The vertical alignment consists of grades and vertical curves; it influences the vehicle speed, acceleration, deceleration, stopping distance, sight distance and comfort in vehicle movements at high speeds. 7.4.1. GRADIENTS Gradient is the rate of rise or fall along the length of road with respect to the horizontal. TABLE 14 Terrain Plain or Rolling Ruling Gradien 3.3% Limiting Gradient 5% Gradient selected = 3.3% 7.4.2 SUMMIT CURVE Length of summit curve for stopping sight distance We have SSD = 61.30m Experimental Gradient 6.7% N = Deviation angle = 1 + 30 1 = 30 S = Stopping sight distance in m H=height of eye level of diver above the road surface h=height of subject above the roadway a) When L > SSD L = NS^2/((2H)^1/2+(2h)^1/2) 𝑁𝑆2 L= 4.4 =0.067*61.3^2/4.4 = 57.32m Therefore, L = 57.32 m a) When L < SSD 2𝑆−4.4 L= 𝑁 Therefore, L =56.388 m Since L < SSD, Hence INADEQUATE So provide the length of summit curve equal to stopping sight distance A) Length of summit curve for overtaking sight distance OSD = 2 x SSD = 2 x 61.30 = 122.6m N = Deviation angle = 1 + 30 1 30 = S = overtaking sight distance in 122.6 m a) When L > S L = NS2÷ 9.6 = 0.067*122.6^2 / 9.6 Therefore L = 105.00 m b) When L < S L = 2S – 9.6 N =2*122.6 – 9.6 /0.067 = 101.90m Therefore, L =102.00 m L < OSD. Hence UNSAFE So provide the length of summit curve equal to overtaking sight distance c) Length of valley curve d) L = 0.38(NV3 ) 1/2 e) L = 3.471m 7.4.3.DESIGN of FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT as per IRC: 37 – 2001 COMPUTATION OF DESIGN TRAFFIC The design traffic is considered in terms of the cumulative number of standard axles to be carried during the design life of the road. This can be computed using the following equation: Therefore, A= P (1 + r) x Where, A = Number of commercial vehicles per day =500CVPD P = Number of commercial vehicles at last count r = Annual growth rate of commercial vehicles = 7.5% x = Number of years between the last count and the year of completion of Construction = 2 yrs. F = VDF = Vehicle damage factor = 3.5 (IRC 37-2001) n = Design life years = 15 yrs Cumulative number of standard axels (N) CSA = 365 [(1+r)n – 1] x A x D x F 0.075 N = 365 [(1+0.075)15 –1] x 500 x1 x 3.5 0.075 N = 16.68 MSA ➢ PAVEMENT DETAILS Considering the CBR value of 4 %, referring to the IRC: 37 – 2001, page:31 For value of CBR 4 % & standard axels = 16.68 MSA a) Total thickness of pavement = 720 mm b) Granular sub base course (GSBC) = 330 mm c) Granular base course (BC) = 250 mm d) Binder course (BC) = 40 mm e) Wearing course / dense bituminous mix (DBM) = 100 mm CBR = 4% TABLE 14 Chain RL of RL of Cuttin Filling Mean age Groun Formatio g Depth Depth d n Depth Width Central Side Total Distance Area Area Area Cutting Filling 7.4.4 EARTH WORK CALCULATION Total quantity of cutting =5146.239 m3 Total quantity of filling = 5381.152m3 The difference in cutting and filling is = 234.913m3 CONCLUSION • The primary and detailed investigation to align a new road between two obligatory points was completed effectively by conducting necessary surveys. • The transportation is increasing day by day and for a good transportation it is required to be economical and safe. • Out of the three routes, route A is selected as the best alignment. • The project was carried out on a rolling terrain and is designed for village roads. The difference in cutting and filling is 234.913m3. WATER SUPPLY AND SANITARY PROJECT STAFF INCHARGE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATE-B 3. WATER SUPPLY AND SANITARY PROJECT 3.1 Objectives • To formulate and design a water supply scheme to the given village/town, considering the water available at the reservoir of the New Tank Project as main source of supply. • To ensure treated water availability at all times of the year at adequate pressures. 3.2 Basic design consideration • Fore casting of design population by a. Demographic method b. Arithmetical Increase method c. Geometrical Increase method d. Incremental Increase method e. Graphical projection method • Design period is 30 years and stage of expansion for another 10 years • Per capita water supply: 135 lpcd • Water requirement • Water quality as per Indian standards… 3.3 Data to be collected • Population data for the past 5 decades and floating population of people. • Area of village and present population density. • Details of present supply per capita and water qualities, Data on existing sources and its potentialities for additional requirements. • Data on existing distribution network-size and type of pipes laid in the streets and their age. Pressure available at different points of network. • Sanitary survey of the proposed, source of supply - collect water samples for every 1 km for 5 km along upstream of intakes and 2 km downstream. Analyze the same for the physical, chemical and bacteriological impurities. State the source of pollution… 3.4 Design of Treatment Units, Transmission main and Distribution System Design the various units after calculating the design flow. Make provisions for variation in demand. Design the pump for the necessary head taking into account the difference of RL’s between pumping station and high-level distribution reservoir, resistance offered by pipe and appurtenances. Steel pipes may be preferred if diameter exceeds 900mm. 3.5 Drawings to be prepared ➢ Index plan to a scale of 1cm=2km depicting the proposals in general outlines indicating the roads, location of source, treatment works, alignments for conveying main and location of community to be served. ➢ A schematic diagram showing the levels of the salient components of the schemes ( in section) and a line diagram indicating the direction of flow and sequence of operation. ➢ Contour plan of treatment plant site to a scale of 1=100 to locate various units appropriately to make use of the gravity heads available. Contours of 0.5m interval required. ➢ Layout of the village should be plotted with RL’s at various points to a scale of 1:2000 ➢ Longitudinal section of transmission main (horizontal scale 1cm=20 m vertical scale 1cm=1m) showing the pipeline appurtenance used and hydraulic gradient. Line with particular of length, HW co-efficient and diameter. ➢ Detailed structural drawings of different units of treatment works to a scale of 1:100 giving all dimensions and hydraulic design parameters. 3.6 Guidelines 3.6.1 Location of Underground Water Source Underground water source should be as nearer to treatment plant as possible. 3.6.2 Plant Siting A falling ground or hill is advantageous to accommodate the head loss. The treatment units may be so located to have sufficient head, resulting in smooth flow from first unit to the last unit under gravity. The head available at each unit with references to lowest water level at the reservoir may be checked. Preferably the plant site should be nearer to a nala to discharge the sludge. 3.6.3 Distribution System The net available head at the consumer point may be limited to 7m, as higher pressures increase the cost of installation of stronger pipes, costs of operation leakages and wastes. If the terrain of the city is undulated, the area may be divided into zones having 30 m difference in head. Pressure relief values should be necessarily placed at places where the pipes passthrough lowlevel area to ensure safety against bursting due to high pressure. Population densities in each zone should be marked as this helps to supply adequate water and therefore the capacity of zonal distribution reservoir can be determined. 3.7 Project Survey Work 1. Block level at treatment plant site: Equipments: 1.Dumpy level 2.Levelling staff 3.. Arrows 4. Ranging Rods 5.. Tape and Chain 6. Cross staff 7.. Compass 8. Wooden pegs An area of 100m X 100m is chosen for construction of treatment units. Using chain and cross staff construct blocks of 5m dimension in an area of 100m X 100m. Using compass and tape, fix the corners of the block. Find the bearings of the borderline. Fix pegs at corners of each block. Determine the RL’s at these pegs. Draw contours with an interval of 0.5 m (Scale 1:100) 2. Longitudinal section and cross section of transmission main From the intake point to the treatment plant site and from the location of the pumping station at the treatment plant site, to the high level distribution reservoirs, align the transmission line (to be short route but economical). Determine ground levels along this line at an interval of 15 m and cross section at 90 m. along the cross section determine the RL’s at an interval of 5 m for a distance of 15 m on either side of transmission line. 3. Layout of Distribution System Equipments iPlane table and its accessories ii. Ranging rods iii. Dumpy level and leveling staff iv. Tape and chain Plot the layout of the village to a scale of 1:2000 using plane table, show the plan, the proposed pipelines. RL’s at every 10m intervals and at junctions, pipe detail like length, diameter and Hazen William’s co-efficient. The pressure available at tapping point should be marked. The direction of flow position and type of valves, population density should be marked on this plan. Future expansion should also be marked on the plan. 4. Block level at Wastewater treatment plant site: Equipments: i. Dumpy level ii. Levelling staff iii. Arrows iv. Ranging Rods v. Tape and Chain vi. Cross staff vii. Compass viii. Wooden peg An area of 100m X 100m is chosen for treating wastewater at low lying area. Using chain and cross staff construct blocks of 5m dimension in an area of 100m X 100m. Using compass and tape, fix the corners of the block. Find the bearings of the borderline. Fix pegs at corners of each block. Determine the RL’s at these pegs. Project Report: The water supply project report for the village should consists the following 1. Historical retrospect Leading to the demand of the project 2. General considerations Short description of the existing facilities, present area served, future areas to be included, topographical and hydrological features of the area and surroundings, present and design population including floating population, facilities for transport etc. 3. Water requirements Facts and assumptions made in arriving at average daily demand, industrial and fire demand components, variation in consumption. Anticipated total water demand under the project. 4. Source of supply Description of available nearby source, sanitary conditions of the source and chances of contamination. Suitability and potentialities of the source and nature of its developments. 5. Methods of purification Quality of water with respect to various characteristics recommended for drinking. Line diagram of the treatment process. Expected results and special treatments if any. 6. Pumps and pumping stations Type and HP of pumps, stages, stand-by imported, mode of motive power. units, heads 7. Distribution system Location of distribution reservoirs (ground level and elevated), minimum pressures available in the distribution system. Provision for firefighting: type and No. of hydrants. 8. Cost Analysis Assumptions made for the availability of funds for an economical design. Estimation of cost of the project. 9. Summary Review of whole scheme in brief and achievements in relations to objectives. ANNEXURE –I Forecasting of Future Population Data required: 1. Number of existing houses in the layout. 2. Total number of houses in the layout when all the houses are constructed in future. 3. Location and nature of the existing source. 4. Distance from source to overhead supply tank, L. Assumptions: 1. Number of people in each house: 6 2. Per capita water consumption: 135lpcd 3. Hours of pumping: 8 hours 4. Velocity of flow of water in pipe: 1.5 m/sec. ➢ Forecasting of Future Population using Incremental Increase Method Year Population Increase in Population Incremental Increase in Population X= Y= 1983 1993 2003 2013 The future population Pn = 𝑃0 + 𝑛𝑥̅+ 𝑛 (𝑛+1) /2 .Y Where Pn = Population after n decades from present (i.e., last known census) 𝑥̅= Average increase of population of known decades 𝑦̅ = Average of incremental increase in population of the known decades.. ANNEXURE –II Calculations for Design flow: Existing Population=Existing number of houses x 6 Future Population = 1127say X Quantity of water required per day ie. Average daily demand = 1127 x 135 = 152145sayY lts/day Assuming maximum demand to be 1.8 times the average demand Maximum demand = 1.8 x 152145 = 273861 say Z lts ➢ Design of Pump for lifting water from Borewell to Treatment Plant Location of Underground Water Source: Since there are no surface water sources in Kaiwara, public water supply mainly depends on underground water sources. The site located for borewells should be nearer to treatment plant unit. Submersible pumps should be designed for lifting water from underground water source to treatment plant. Since the pump has to lift water from borewell to treatment plant discharge should be three times the maximum demand i.e., 3Zlts Let us assume that the borewell yields 3 inches i.e., 9329 lts of water per hour at depth of 800 ft. Since the Discharge required = 3xZx10/ 3 24𝑥60𝑥60 = 0.0727say d cumecs, hence 2 borewells are required and the submersible pumps are working for 13 hours a day to supply full days demand. Maximum discharge from each pump = 𝑑𝑥24 /13 = 0.134 say e cumecs Now, assuming the flow velocity through the pressure pipe to be 2 m/sec Area of the delivery pipe = Q/V = 𝑒 2 = 0.067 say f m2 Diameter of the delivery pipe = √ 𝑓𝑥÷4 Deliver Head = Staging height + pipe bend = 8.25 + 1.0 = 9.25 m The static head is 800 ft i.e., 244 m Head loss due to friction in the delivery pipe can be calculated using Darcy-Weisbach formula HL = 𝑓 ′𝐿𝑉 ÷ 2𝑔D HL = Head loss in meters L=Length of pipe in meters D= Diameter of the pipe in meters V=Mean velocity of flow through the pipe in m/sec G=Acceleration due to gravity=9.18 m/S2 f’ = Dimensionless friction factor varying b/w 0.02 (for new smooth pipe) to 0.075 (for old rough pipes) Total head lift required = Delivery Head + Static Head + Head loss due to friction in delivery pipe Break Horse Power of Pump = 𝜔𝑄𝐻÷ 0.735𝜂 = 9.81𝑄𝐻 0.735𝑥0.8 = 466.275 Hp Water Horse Power of Pump = 𝜔𝑄𝐻 ÷0.735 = 9.81𝑄𝐻 0.735 = 373.02Hp Design of Treatment Plant Units ➢ Design of Screens Assume that the velocity through the screens is not allowed to exceed 0.8 m/sec The net area of screen openings required =Max.discharge in cumecs Velocity of flow Using rectangular steel bars in the screen, having 1 cm width and placed at 5 cm clear spacings, we have The gross area of the screen required =Net area of the screen x 6 = 0.0795say, S m2 5 Assuming that the screen bars are placed at 600 to the horizontal, we have The gross area of the screen = S 5in600 = ➢ Design of Rectangular Sedimentation Tank with Mechanical Sludge Removal Arrangement Quantity of Water to be treated in 24 hours = 273.861say Z cumecs Assume a detention period of 6 hours and the velocity of flow through the tank as 20 cm per minute Therefore, quantity of water to be treated during the detention period of 6 hours = 𝑍.6 24 i.e. the capacity of the tank required = 68.46cubic meters Velocity of flow to be maintained through the tank=20cm/minute=0.2 m/minute Therefore, the length of the tank reqd. = Velocity of flow x Detention period = 0.2 x (6x60) = 72 m Cross Sectional area of the tank required = Capacity of the tank Water depth i.e 4 m Using a free board of 0.5m, the overall depth = water depth + 0.5 m = 4 + 0.5 = 4.5 m. ➢ Design of Filtration Unit Since it is a small village Slow Sand filter with 6 filter beds is enough to treat the water Assume rate of filtration as 180 liters/hr/sq.m Therefore, rate of filtration per day= (180 x 24) liters/sq.m/day Total surface area of filters reqd. = 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑑𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑙𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦 = Now, 6 units are to be used; out of them, one is to be kept as stand by and hence only 5 units should provide the necessary area of filter required Therefore, the area of each filter unit=1×total surface area reqd 5 Now, if L is the length and B is the breadth of each unit, then assume that L=2B L x B = Area of each filter unit i.e. 2B x B = Area of each filter unit B=√ 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡 2 = And L = 2 x B= ➢ Disinfection by Chlorination Let us assume that 0.3 ppm of chlorine is required for disinfection and the bleaching powder contains 30% chlorine Therefore, amount of chlorine required daily (based on annual average consumption) = chlorine dose x Max. daily demand = 0.3 x Max. daily demand Since the chlorine content in bleaching powder is 30% , then 30kg of chlorine is contained in 100 kg of bleaching powder. Therefore, amount of bleaching powder required daily (based on annual average consumption) 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑×100 30 = Annual consumption of bleaching powder = Amount of bleaching powder required daily x 365 = ➢ Design of Pump for lifting water from Treatment Plant to Over head Tank Maximum demand= Assuming that the pumps are working for 4 hours a day to supply full days demand Maximum draft required, Q= Now, assuming the flow velocity through the pressure pipe to be 1.5 m/sec Area of the pipe required, A = Q/V= Diameter of the pipe required = D =√A×4÷π Head loss due to friction can be calculated using Darcy-Weisbach formula HL = 𝑓 ′𝐿𝑉 2 ÷2𝑔D HL = Head loss in meters L=Length of pipe in meters D= Diameter of the pipe in meters V=Mean velocity of flow through the pipe in m/sec G=Acceleration due to gravity=9.18 m/S2 f’ = Dimensionless friction factor varying b/w 0.02 (for new smooth pipe) to 0.075 (for old rough pipes) Total head lift required = The difference in elevation or head difference between treatment plant and supply tank + Head loss due to friction. Break Horse Power of Pump= Water Horse Power of Pump= 𝜔𝑄𝐻 = 0.735Ƞ 𝜔𝑄𝐻 = 0.735Ƞ ➢ Design of Supply Tank or Overhead Tank Dimension Capacity of supply tank or over head tank = 2 x Z= Capacity of supply tank = T lts w.k.t. 1m3 = 1000 lts Therefore, T lts = Let us assume a Rectangular Overhead Tank with 3 meters height herefore, volume of the tank = L x B x H w.k.t for a rectangular tank L = 2B then, volume of the tank = 2B x B x 3 𝑻 𝒎^𝟑 =6B^2 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝟎 B=√ 𝑻 𝟔𝟎𝟎𝟎 =9.6m Therefore L=√ 𝑻 𝟔𝟎𝟎𝟎 × 𝟐=19.2mm ANNEXURE –III ➢ Design of Main Supply Pipe Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING TOWN PLANNING STAFF INCHARGE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING JSSATE-B CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 1 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This is a technical report on urban town planning carried out at Kaiwara under the guidance of Prof.Shashikumar. We thank Dr. Nagabhushana, Professor and head the department for constant support and encouragement. Also, we sincerely thank Prof. Shashi Kumar and camp officer Prof. S Vivek for motivation and timely suggestion in the preparation of this report. CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 2 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING CONTENT 1. Introduction: Definition Importance Objectives Types of survey Zoning and importance of zoning 2.Statutory guidelines URDPFI guidelines BBMP bylaws BDA master plan Karnataka municipalities Model building bylaws-2017 National Building Code (NBC-2016) 3.Surveys Conducted o o o Socio-Economic Survey Demography survey Human population Religious or caste Growth of population over last ten years Future projection for next 10 years Land use/utilisation survey Reconnaissance survey Contour map of selected property Excavation plan CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 3 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING o Layout plan (conceptual and working plan) o Block levelling o Infrastructure survey 4.Design of layout elements Road Water supply lines Sewer lines Overhead tank Water treatment plant Sewage treatment plant 5.Summary/Conclusion 6.Reference CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 4 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING 1.Introduction: Town planning in India is not new. The planning of towns and villages was done in a scientific manner even in Vedic times. Some of the principles on which this was based, are valid even today. The science of ancient town planning is expounded in the Shilpa Shastras, Niti Shastras and Smriti Shastras and also in the treatises on astrology and astronomy. Descriptions of towns and villages occur very frequently in the Vedas. Vedic civilization recorded remarkable progress in village and town planning. The content of all treatises on Shilpa Shastras reveal that the problems of town planning and architecture were resolved scientifically. It reflects scientific knowledge, methodical treatment and implementation of Shastras in planning towns and building edifices. The Shilpa Shastras stressed on town planning schemes to be carried out according to its suitability and with reasons (Yukta). An individual was allowed full play for his imagination within the norms laid down by Shilpa Shastras. The profession of Sthapati (Architect, Town Planner) was well recognized and the Sthapati and his sub-ordinates were considered the upper crust of society. The scope of ancient Indian town planning included all relevant requirements for a healthy civic life. It includes descriptions of temples (mandira, devalaya), market (apana), streets and lanes (path, vithi), royal palaces, housing of citizens (sarvajana-grihavasa), arched gateways, sheds for drinking water (prapa), pleasure garden (aram-griha), tanks and reservoirs, wells, city wall, moats, forts, etc. The Kaiwara village has population of 6106 of which 3103 are males while 3003 are females as per Population Census 2011. In Kaiwara village population of children with age 0-6 is 645 which makes up 10.56 % of total population of village. Average Sex Ratio of Kaiwara village is 968 which is lower than Karnataka state average of 973. Child Sex Ratio for the Kaiwara as per census is 955, higher than Karnataka average of 948. Kaiwara village has higher literacy rate compared to Karnataka. In 2011, literacy rate of Kaiwara village was 79.23 % compared to 75.36 % of Karnataka. In Kaiwara Male literacy stands at 84.35 % while female literacy rate was 73.96 %. History of kaivara: Kaiwara is a small town in the Chickballapur district of Karnataka state, located northeast of Bangalore, India. Chintamani Town is the nearest Taluk Centre and a business hub of this part of Karnataka. Kaiwara’s latitude :13.3393 and longitude: 77.9892. According to census of 2011 the population of kaiwara was noted to be 6106 which includes male population of 3103 and female population of 3003.Kaiwara is famous for Saint Narayanappa (1730-1840 AD), popularly known as Kaiwara Narayana Thata of Lord Vishnu, in both Kannada and Telugu languages. CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 5 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING Definition : Town planning is a technical and political process concerned with the development and use of land, planning permission, protection and use of the environment, public welfare, and the design of the urban environment, including air, water, and the infrastructure passing into and out of urban areas, such as transportation, communications, and distribution networks. Urban planning is also referred to as urban and regional planning, regional planning, town planning, city planning, rural planning, urban development . It is considered an interdisciplinary field that includes social, engineering and design sciences. Urban planning is closely related to the field of urban design and some urban planners provide designs for streets, parks, buildings and other urban areas. Importance: Planning the town involves the intricate details of understanding the requirements of the towns and its various divisions and utilizing the land to the best of benefit. It is like promoting development by implementing decisions and turning the town into a planned city, without interfering with the environmental features. The planners work in two ways to go about the planning. They either chalk out the structure of a brand new area of the town or inject suitable ways to reform the existing land to ensure spatial relief to the eyes, adequate light everywhere, proper drainage system and clean drinking water. In broad terms Town Planning can be separated up into two parts; strategic planning and land use management. Strategic planning is a long term plan of what will be happening in a year, or two years etc. This is used for future developments in Town Planning for whole new towns and also, for redesigning or developing existing towns. Land use management is what each part of land will be used for, this is includes building restrictions, zoning, water systems, sewerage etc. Town planning can be the most interesting subject for an architect or an engineer. It is one of those rare moments that you can cherish for life of being a part of something that’s creative and fulfilling. The task of town planning will involve several aspects of modern life that have to be considered and even included within its purview as well as leave enough scope for the inclusion of newer developments with time for the betterment of its people. If planning is not done then houses may emerged before installation of electricity grids and water supply systems. Hospitals can be raised at the unapproachable area and industries may raise before installation of the transportation system. And it is important to keep in mind that town planning is not limited to the development of streets and civic amenities. It’s motto shall be encompassing all the facilities with aesthetic surroundings and to provide the better standards of living to the people. CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 6 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING Environmental protection is also one of the reasons why companies offer urban planning services Sustainable infrastructure is one of the reason why most of the urban areas are seeking the services of urban planning companies There is need for urban areas to implement effective plans that aim to make the urban areas more conducive for human population Urban planning aims at reducing some of the problems such as pollution that is usually caused by human activities One of the importance of urban planning is to enable corrections of mistakes that had earlier being made in design of urban areas. Objectives: To create and promote healthy conditions and environments for all the people. To make right use of the land for the right purpose by zoning. To ensure orderly development To avoid encroachment of one zone over the other social, economic, cultural and recreational amenities,etc. Recreational amenities - open spaces, parks, gardens & playgrounds, town halls stadiums community centers, cinema houses, and theatres. To preserve the individuality of the town. To preserve the aesthetics in the design of all elements of town or city plan. To promote planned, economic, scientific and artistic development of towns, cities and rural areas. To promote the general interests of those engaged in the practice in town and country planning. To foster the teaching of subjects related to town and country planning and assist in providing such teaching. Types of survey: These are broadly classified as 1. Socio‐Economic Survey : Demographic survey is concerned with collection of socio economic data regarding characteristics of human populations, such as growth, density, distribution, and vital statistics. This survey forms base for not only understanding current socio demographic CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 7 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING characteristics of specific area but also projections of future population and related infrastructure. 2. Land Use / Utilization Survey : Land use survey is commonly undertaken with the purpose to identify developed and undeveloped areas for analysis of physical distribution and condition of existing development for future projections. In case of ground verification of the land use map prepared by remote access or by various secondary sources. 3. Density Survey : Density surveys are done to understand the relationship between built up area and population density. It is taken up for assessment of infrastructure requirement to reduce congestion, appropriate availability of land for activities and services required by residents for good quality of life. 4. Infrastructure Surveys : Infrastructure survey includes the survey of existing infrastructure within and surrounding the study area in terms of its population. Physical infrastructure indicators: transportation, water supply, wastewater, sewerage, and solid waste management infrastructure. Social infrastructure indicators: educational, civic and utilities, health care. Zoning and importance of zoning: Zoning is the process of dividing land in a municipality into zones (e.g. residential, industrial) in which certain land uses are permitted or prohibited. The type of zone determines whether planning permission for a given development is granted. Zoning may specify a variety of outright and conditional uses of land. It may also indicate the size and dimensions of land area as well as the form and scale of buildings. These guidelines are set in order to guide urban growth and development. Areas of land are divided by appropriate authorities into zones within which various uses are permitted.[4] Thus, zoning is a technique of land-use planning as a tool of urban planning used by local governments in most developed countries. The word is derived from the practice of designating mapped zones which regulate the use, form, design and compatibility of development. Legally, a zoning plan is usually enacted as a by-law with the respective procedures. In some countries, e. g. Canada (Ontario) or Germany, zoning plans must comply with upper-tier (regional, state, provincial) planning and policy statements. There are a great variety of zoning types, some of which focus on regulating building form and the relation of buildings to the street with mixed-uses, known as form-based, others with separating land uses, known as use-based or a combination thereof. The reasons that good land use guidance is important can include preserving property values that might decline if someone pops an undesirable business down in the middle of a residential neighbourhood. The regulation of matters such as setbacks (meaning the number of feet from a street or an adjoining property line that must be maintained free of structures) helps with a solid urban design. Two homes inappropriately close together in a neighbourhood where there is some real CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 8 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING room to roam around each house would tend to detract from the neighbourhood and therefore property values. IMPORTANCE : Provides stability for land market by predicting future land uses Fosters economic development Protects aesthetic and environmental resources Provides efficient provision of public services Protects community character The population is distributed throughout the town by zoning regulation so that there is no concentration of population in any one particular zone It prevents encroachment of one zone upon another adjacent to it Business or commercial areas are also separately located with their garages and service stations at a distance from the residential areas 2. Statutory Guidelines: URDPFI GUIDELINES: [Urban And Rural Development Plans Formulation and Implementation] Introduction: The first National level planning guidelines ‘The Urban Development Plans Formulations and Implementation Guidelines’ (UDPFI) were framed in 1996. Since then, many changes have taken place in the field of urban development especially in view of emerging needs and requirements of urban settlements due to rapid population growth and other reasons like globalization and liberalization. The towns and cities have been more dynamic in nature and are subject to unprecedented changes in terms of requirements of infrastructure and other basic services/ amenities. Besides, new emerging aspects like inclusive planning, sustainable habitat, land use and transport integration at planning stage, preparation of Comprehensive Mobility Plans (CMP) for urban transport, Service Level Benchmarks, disaster management, environmentally sustainable transport and urban reforms have given a new dimension to the planning process. Therefore ,it necessitated to revisit the UDPFI Guidelines,1996. Need of guidelines: System that is dynamic, flexible and efficient. Process that is less time consuming. Innovative ideas of land assembly and fiscal resource mobilization. CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 9 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING Simple and effective form of laws, rules and regulations. It consist of : 1. Perspective Plan - To develop vision and provide a policy framework for urban & regional development and further detailing 20‐30 years & Long Term Perspective 2. Development Plan - To prepare a comprehensive Development plan for urban areas, Peri urban areas under control of Development authority/ Metropolitan Planning Committee. 20‐30 years 3. Annual plan - To translate Development Plan in the context of annual physical & fiscal resource requirement. To monitor plan implementation with performance milestones. 1 year 4. Project/ Research - To focus on project related investments, Costing and returns & for the studies required to or post plan formulation. This should be a continuou process to support planning and implementation 5‐20 years. CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 1 0 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING STRUCTURE OF THE URDPFI GUIDELINES Introduction Plan Formulation Resource Mobilisation Regional Planning Approach • Need for revision of UDPFI Guidelines 1996, Recommended planning system for India • Planning Process, Contents of various level of plans • Land assembly , fiscal resource mobilisation, good governance, institutional set up • Aspects of regional Planning & classification of region in Indian context & its plan implementation Urban Planning Approach • Guidelines for study on location & settlement setting , distribution of land use , city topology , planning for townships Sustainability Guidelines • Planning for impact of climate change , environment policies & statuary distribution & Disaster management Infracture Planning • Safety management, Commercial activity.Details for transportation planning General Recommendation • Recommendations to s2.1.everal Ministries,State Governance CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 1 1 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING BBMP Byelaws: Byelaw is the construction of any building, certain restrictions are laid down by municipal bodies, urban development authorities and other government departments as town planning trusts to clear open space to be left around the building. Objectives of building byelaws: Allows systematic and disciplined growth of buildings and towns. Protect safety of public against fire, noise, health hazards and structural failures. Provides proper utilisation of space. Hence maximum efficiency in planning can be derived from these byelaws. They give guidelines to the architect or an engineer in effective planning and useful in pre-planning the building activities. They provide health, safety and comfort to the people who live in buildings Due to these byelaws, each building will have proper approaches light, air and ventilation which are essential for health, safety and comfort. Some Terminologies : Amenities : It means the roads, open spaces, parks, recreational grounds, gardens, water supply, electric supply, lighting, sewerage and conveniences Apartment : It means a part of the property intended for any type of independent use including one or more rooms in building intended to be used for residential and other purposes Authority : It means the Commissioner of the Bangalore Mahanagara Palike to whom the power of sanction of building licenses are delegated by the Commisioner Balcony : It means a horizontal cantilever projection including a handrail or balustrade, to serve as passage or sit out place Building : It is a house, out-house, stable, privy, shed, well, verandah, fixed platform, plinth, door step and any other such structure whether of masonry, bricks, wood, mud, metal or any other material whatsoever CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 1 2 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING Building line : It means the line upto which the plinth of buildings may lawfully extend within the plot on a street or an extension of a street and includes the line prescribed, if any, or in any scheme Common wall : It is a wall built on land belonging to two adjoining owners, the wall being the joint property of both owners. Corporation : It is the Bangalore Mahanagara Palike established under the Act, which is also called as the Bangalore Mahanagara Palike Covered area : It is the area covered by building / buildings immediately above the plinth level Floor area ratio(FAR) : It is the quotient obtained by dividing the total covered area of all floors by the area of the plot. Floor area includes the mezzanine floor also. Frontage : It is the width of the site abutting the access road Height of Building : It is the vertical distance measured, in the case of flat roofs, from the average level of the ground around and contiguous to the building up to the highest point of building High rise building or Multi-Storeyed Building : It is a building of a height of 24meters or more above the average surrounding ground level Licence :It is a permission or authorisation in writing by the Authority to carry out work regulated by the bye-laws Open space : It is an area forming an integral part of the plot, left open to sky. BDA Master plan: [Bangalore Development Authority] Introduction : A Master Plan is a comprehensive document which provides the broad framework and direction for the growth and development of the city Aim : A Master Plan aims to integrate the various sectoral plans taking into consideration the overall requirements in terms of land, infrastructure services, physical and social amenities, environmental aspects etc. over a 10-20 year time frame CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 1 3 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING The plan aims to project the population, lay down the overall space, and provide direction for the future growth and development of City keeping in view the larger perceptive Contents : PART 1 - Legal Provisions, Scope, Content, Limitations and FAQs PART 2 - Extent Of Local Planning Area Op Bangalore Development Authority PART 3 - Population Projections PART 4 - Rationalization Of Jurisdictions Of Planning Districts For RMP 2031 PART 5 - Transport Sector PART 6 - Water And Waste Weir PART 7 - Solid Waste Management PART 8 - Electricity/Powe Supply PART 9 - Development Scenarios PART 10 - Tentaive Schedule For Stakeholders Consultants Karnataka municipalities model building byelaws-2017: Karnataka Municipalities Model Building Bye where the Government of Karnataka proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section 325 of the Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964 (Karnataka Act 22 of 1964) is published as required by sub-section (1) of section 325 of the said Act. All mandatory Master Plan or Zonal Regulations regarding use, land use, coverage, FAR, setback or open space, height, number of stories, number of dwelling units, parking standards etc. for various categories of buildings including modification are available in these Bye-Laws 2.4.2 Contents : Title, Commencement, Application Definitions Jurisdiction/Applicability And Procedural Requirements For Obtained Building License Development Regulations General Building Requirements And Services CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 1 4 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING Provisions For High Rise Development Provisions For Structural Safety Land Use Zones Provisions For Differently-Abled, Elderly Persons And Children Rain Water Harvesting Green Buildings And Sustainability Provision Fire Protection And Fire Safety Requirements Conservation Of Heritage Sites Including Heritage Buildings, Heritage Precincts And Natural Feature Areas Streamlining Of Building Plan Approvals Climate Resilient Construction – Integration Of Environmental Clearance With Sanction. National building code (NBC-2016): Introduction: The Natinal Building Code of India is a national instrument providing guidelines for regulating the buiding construction activities across the country . The Code mainly contains administrative regulations, development control rules and general building requirements, fire safety requirements, stipulation regarding materials, structural design and construction and building and plumbing service Salient Features of NBC : Inclusion of a complete philosophy and direction for successfully accomplishing the building projects through integrated multidisciplinary Approach right from conceptual stage through planning, designing, construction, operation and maintenance stages A series of reforms in building permit process CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 1 5 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING Provision for ensuring safety of buildings against natural disaster & certificate of structural sufficiency by structural engineering Permission of two stage permit for high rise residential and special buildings Fire safety norms completely revamped through detailed provisions on fire prevention,life safety and fire protection. Promotion to new or innovative building materials or technologies Up gradation of provision of safety in construction Provision on rain water harvesting. 3. Surveys conducted: Socio-Economic Survey : Demography Survey - Demographic survey is concerned with collection of socio‐ economic data regarding characteristics of human populations, such as growth, density, distribution, and vital statistics. This survey is to be done in rare cases only as Census of India provides detailed information of demography. It includes ƒ Population and its distribution, ƒ Population density Age‐sex composition and literacy rate Growth of population (natural and migratory) Population projection based on scenarios Human Population - The Kaiwara village has population of 6106 of which 3103 are males while 3003 are females as per Population Census 2011. In Kaiwara village population of children with age 0-6 is 645 which makes up 10.56 % of total population of village. As per URDPFI Guidelines based on census classification and State experiences ,Small towns can be referred as ‘transitional towns’ mentioned in the 74th CAA whe re a Nagar Panchayat (as a municipality) is to be formed for an area in transition from a rural area to an urban area. CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 1 6 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING Religious/caste-Heritage or Religious areas and cities with historical and tangible or intangible cultural values ; preserved , conserved and evolved by socialinteractions and changing economic factors have given shape to tourism in thes e cities. As per URDPFI Guidelines, proposed land use structure of religious city. PERCENTAGE OF SL.NO LAND USE CATEGORY 1 Residential 35‐40 2 Commercial 5‐7 3 Industrial 4–5 4 Public and Semi‐Public 10‐12 5 Transport and Communication 12‐14 6 Recreational & water bodies 10‐12 7 Special areas (including religious areas) 7‐10 TOTAL 100 DEVELOPABLE AREA Growth of population over last ten years: CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 1 7 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING The "population growth rate" is the rate at which the number of individuals in a population increases in a given time period, expressed as a fraction of the initial population. Specifically, population growth rate refers to the change in population over a unit time period, often expressed as a percentage of the number of individuals in the population at the beginning of that period. As per 2001 Indian census , Kaiwara Population was 5488. Population increases by 11.3% according to 2011 Indian census of population 6106 over last ten years. 6200 6100 POPULATION GROWTH 6000 5900 5800 5700 5600 KAIWARA 5500 5400 5300 5200 5100 2001 2004 2008 2011 YEAR Future projection for next 10 years: Forecasting Of Future Populatoin Using Incremental Increase Method Year Population Increase in Population CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB Incremental Increase in Population 1 8 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING 1991 4880 2001 5488 608 2011 6106 618 10 x̅ = 613 y̅ = 10 The Future Population , Pn = Po + nx + 𝑛(𝑛+1)y 2 Where , Pn = Population after n decades from present (i.e. last known census) x̅ = Average increase of population of known decades y̅ = Average of incremental increase in population of the known decades For 2021 , P2021 = 6106 + (1X613) + 1(1+1)X10 2 P2021 = 6729 For 2031, P2031 = 6106 + (2X613) + 2(2+1)X10 2 P2031 = 7362 By Interpolating , Future Projection for next fifteen years is given by P2026 = 7046 Land use/utilisation survey: 1. Reconnaissance Survey - This survey does not require direct contact with population of the study area. It is quick overview of the area. Visual or Reconnaissance surveys are direct inspection surveys, which are performed by survey teams moving in a vehicle or walking. This type of surv ey can be used in the initial stages of the investigation, often after preparing initial checklist. It p erforms variety of functions, such as: Familiarize with study area. CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 1 9 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING Give initial impressions of the physical and social state of an area. Identify selected areas for further investigation. Generate ideas for development of checklist. 2. Contour map of selected property - The regions that have contours defined by seamless connectivity of people and economic activities. 3. Excavation Plan - Excavation is the process of removing earth to form a cavity in the ground.On small sites or in confined spaces, excavation may be carried out by manual means using tools such as picks, shovels and wheelbarrows. Larger scale excavation works will require heavy plant such as bulldozers and backactors. 4. Layout Plan (Conceptual & Working Plan ) - They are a crucial part of construction management, as sites can be very complex places involving the co-ordination and movement of large quantities of materials as well as high-value products, plant and people. Effectively and accurately laying out a site can help ensure that the works are undertaken efficiently and safely. Careful sizing and positioning of temporary facilities can help reduce travel times, congestion, waiting times, and so on, and help to make the site a more effective workplace with better worker morale. 5. Block levelling - In this method, the whole area is divided into number of squares, the side of which may vary from 5m to 30m depending upon the nature of the ground and the contour. The square may not be of the same size throughout. 6. Infrastructure survey - Transport, utility and public services create unique demands on measurement survey requirements. How do you get what you need accurately and quickly, and still ensure that the infrastructure remains unaffected, Plowman Craven, with its experience and technical expertise, is well positioned to operate in these scenarios. CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 2 0 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING 4. DESIGN OF LAYOUT ELEMENTS: Calculation for Design flow Existing population=1412 X 4= 5648 Future population =7045 Average daily demand =7045 X 135 = 951075 lts/day Maximum demand = 1.8 X 951075= 1711935 lts/day Design of main supply pipe: −3 Maximum demand = 1.8∗951075∗10 = 0.01981 cumecs 24∗60∗60 Assume peak factor =2 for 10 hours of pumping −3 Peak discharge = 1.8∗951075∗10 ∗ 2 = 0.09501 cumes 10∗60∗60 Assume velocity through pressure pipe as 1.5 m/s Area of pipe A = 𝑄 = 0.09510 = 0.0634 𝑚2 𝑉 1.5 𝐴∗4 Diameter of the pipe required = D =√ 𝜋 0.0634∗4 D=√ 𝜋 D = 0.284m = 28.4cm D = 284mm Gradient required is given by : V = 0.849 x C x 𝑅0.63 x 𝑆0.54 C = 140, R = 𝐷 4 for PVC CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 2 1 Survey Report -2021 1.5 = 0.849 x 140 x ( TOWN PLANNING 0.284 0.63 ) x 𝑆0.54 4 S = 6.515 x 10−3 S = 1:154 ≈ 1:150 Design of Sub-Mains: Discharge of each sub-mains = 0.09512 = 0.04756 cumes 2 𝐴 = 𝑄1 = 1 0.04756 = 0.03170 1.5 𝑉 0.03170∗4 𝐷=√ 1 = 0.2009m = 20.09cm 𝜋 𝐷1= 200mm Gradient required is given by: 1.5= 0.849 x 140 x ( 0.2009 4 0.63 ) x 𝑆0.54 S= 9.978 x 10−3 S= 1:100 Design of branches: 𝑄2= 6 x 135 = 810 lpcd Q 2= 810 24∗60∗60∗1000 Q2= 9.375 x 10−3 A = Q2= 2 9.375∗ 10−6 V 1.5 A2∗4 𝐷2=√ = 6.24 x 10 −6 𝑚2 𝜋 6.24∗ 10 =√ −6∗4 𝜋 𝐷2= 2.82 x 10−3 ≈ 3mm CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 2 2 Survey Report -2021 1.5= 0.849 x 140 x ( TOWN PLANNING 0.63 2.82∗ 10−3 ) 4 x𝑆 0.54 S= 1.44 ≈ 1:10 Design of pump for lifting water from Borewell to treatment plant : Location of Underground Water Source : Since there are no surface water sources in Kaiwara, public water supply mainly depends on underground water sources. The site located for borewells should be nearer to treatment plant unit. Submersible pumps should be designed for lifting water from underground water source to treatment plant. Since the pump has to lift water from borewell to treatment plant discharge should be three times the maximum demand i.e. 3Zlts Let us assume that the borewell yields 3 inch i.e 9329 lts of water per hour at depth of 800 ft. −3 Since the discharge required = 3∗𝑧∗ 10 24∗60∗60 −3 = 3∗1711935∗ 10 24∗60∗60 = 0.0594cumecs Maximum discharge from each pump= 𝑑∗24 = 13 0.0594∗24 13 = 0.1096 cumecs Area of delivery pipe(assume velocity)= 𝑄 = 𝑉 = 𝑒 2 0.1096 2 = 0.0548𝑚2 0.0548∗4 Diameter of delivery pipe= √ = 0.264m 𝜋 Delivery head= 8.25+1.0= 9.25m The static head is 800ft i.e 244m CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 2 3 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING Head loss due to friction: 𝐻𝐿= 𝑓𝐿 𝑉2 0.0548∗415∗4 = 2𝑔𝐷 2∗9.18∗0.264 𝐻𝐿= 19.86m Total head lift required = delivery head+ static head+ head loss due to friction in delivery pipe = 9.25+244+19.86 = 273.11m 𝑊𝑄𝐻 Break horse power of pump= = 0.735∗ ᶯ Water horse power of pump= 𝑊𝑄𝐻 = 499.38 0.735∗0.8 9.81∗0.1096∗273.11 = 0.735 9.81∗0.1096∗273.11 0.735 = 399.51 Design of treatment plant units: Design of screens: The net area of screen opening required = 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑐𝑠 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 = 0.1096 2 = 0.0548 The gross area of the screen required = 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛∗6 5 = 0.0548∗6 𝑠 The gross area of the screen = 5 = sin 60 = 0.06576𝑚2 0.06576 = 0.0759𝑚2 sin 60 Design of Rectangular Sedimentation Tank with Mechanical Sludge Removal Arrangements: Quantity of water to be treated in 24 hours = 1711.935 m/day Quantity of water to be treated during detention period of 6 hours = 𝑧∗6 24 = 1711.935∗6 24 = 427.98𝑚3 i.e the capacity of the tank required = 427.98𝑚3 CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 2 4 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING Therefore the length of the tank required = velocity of flow x Detention period = 0.2 x (6 x 60)= 72m 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑘 C/S area of tank required = = 427.98 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑘 Width of tank = 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑘 = 427.98 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ = 5.94𝑚2 72 = 106.995m 4 Using a free board of 5m, The overall depth = water depth+0.5m = 4+0.5 = 4.5m Design of filtration unit: Rate of filtration per day = 180 x 24 l/sq.m/day = 4320 l/sq.m/day Total surface area of filter required = = 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑑𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦 1711935 = 396.28 sq.m 4320 Therefore the area of each filter unit = (1) x total surface area 5 = 396.28 = 79.25sq.m 5 Disinfection of chlorination: Assume 0.2ppm of chlorine Amount of chlorine required daily = chlorine dose x max. daily demand = 0.2 x 1711935 = 342387mg = 3.42kg Amount of bleaching powder required daily CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 2 5 Survey Report -2021 = TOWN PLANNING 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒∗100 20 = 17.1kg Annual consumption of bleaching powder = 17.1 x 365 = 6241.5kg The Amount of bleaching powder required daily = (amount of chlorine X 100 ) / 20 = 17.1 kg Annual consumption of bleaching powder = 17.1 X 365= 6241.5kg Design of pump for lifting water from treatment plant to overhead tank: Maximum demand = (1.8 X 951075 X 10^-3) / (24 X 60 X 60) = 0.01981 cumecs (M) 4 hours a day Q = (0.01981 X 24) / 4 = 0.1188 cumecs(N) Velocity = 1.5 m/sec Area = Q/v = 0.1188/1.5 = 0.0792 m^2 D= √ (0.0792 X 4) / 3.14 = 0.3176m H= fLv^2 / 2gD Design of supply tank or overhead tank : Dimensions : capacity of supply tank= 2 X 1711935 = 3423870 lts (T) capacity of supply tank = 3423870 lts WKT , 1 m^3 = 1000 lts 3423870 = 3423870 /1000 m^3 Assume Rectangular overhead tank with 3m height Volume of tank = L X B X H L= 2B Volume of tank = 2B X B X 3 CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 2 6 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING T / 1000 m^3 = 6B^2 B= √ T / 6000 m B = √ 3423870 / 6000 m = 23.88m L = √( T X 2 ) /6000 = √ (3423870 X 2 )/ 6000 = 47.77m Volume of tank = 47.77 X 23.88 X 3 = 3422.24 m3. Low water level ( invert level ) of OHT : Average ground level of OHT = 978.88 m Adding staging height = 10.5 m LWL of OHT = average GL of OHT + staging height =978.88 + 10.5 = 989.38m Residual head : Distance between OHT to Farthest point = Friction loss in pipe = distance between OHT to farthest point X slope = Head available at the farthest point = LWL – friction loss = Residual head available = Sewer design : Total water supplied = 1712178 lts Waste water produced = 80% of water supply = 0.8 X 1712178 = 1369742.4 lts / day = 1369.7424 m^3 / day = 0.0158 m^3 / sec Peak discharge= 2X0.0158 = 0.0316 m^3 /sec CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 2 7 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING V= ( 1 / N )X R^(2/3) X S^(1/2) Q/A = ( 1 / N ) X R^(2/3) X S^(1/2) (0.0316 X 4) / 3.14 X D^2 = 1/ 0.012 X(D/4)^(2/3) X (1/100)^(1/2) D= 191.39 mm Provide minimum diameter of 200mm , V= ( 1 / N ) X R^(2/3) X S^(1/2) V= (1/0.012) X (0.20 / 4)^(2/3) X(1/100)^(1/2) V= 1.13m/sec Design of effluent treatment plant : Design of oxidation pond : Depth of pond = 2.5m Organic loading = 150 kg / hec / day BOD of untreated sewage = 200 mg/L Eff. Of TP = 90% BOD of treatment effluent= 0.1 X BOD of U.S Total W.S to village = 1712178 lts/day Waste water produced= 0.8 X 1712178= 0.0158m^3/sec Effluent load = WW produced X BOD of U.S = (0.0158 X 200) / 1000 X 1000 = 3.16 X 10^-6kg/day Area required = BOD load / organic loading = 200/150 = 1.33 m^2 Assuming two ponds , area of each pond = (total area in m^2) / 2 = 1.33/2 = 0.665m^2 CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 2 8 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING Assuming Rectangular pond L = 17.5m Width = 17.5m Check for detention period : Detention period = volume of tank / quantity = (17.5 X 17.5 X 2.5 ) / 4400 = 0.92 days = 22.08 hours Computation of design traffic : N = (365 X ( ( 1+r) ^ n – 1 ))/r X A X D X F N = (365 X ( ( 1+0.075) ^ 10 -1 )) /0.075 X 100 X 0.75 X 1.5 N = 580914.7803 N= 5.8 MSA Assume CBR = 6% From IRC-37-2001 pg no-25 1) Total pavement thickness = 547.8mm 2) Bituminous surfacing : a) Weaving course = 27.4(SDBC)mm b) Binder course = 52.4 (DBM)mm 3) Granular base = 250 mm 4) Granular sub-base = mm 5. Summary: With the overall development of the economy increase in land price is inevitable. But, the galloping land prices is detrimental to the investment in housing and other economic activities and effective participation of individual household in such activities is also affected. The main factors influencing increase in the land price in urban areas are overall increase in the level of inflation, rise in the income level of the household or what we can say the rise in the paying CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 2 9 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING capacity, scarcity of developed land, speculation by some sections of the society, black money, existing tax structure of the economy, legal problems, employment avenues for growing labour force, physical as well as geological aspects, development of service sector especially Information technology / information technology enabled services, etc. The goal of a new integrated approach to planning the use and management of land resources is to make optimal and informed choices on the future uses of the land. It will be achieved through interactions and negotiations between planners, stakeholders and decision-makers at national, provincial and local levels. It will be on the basis of efficient, comprehensive data gathering and processing in a appropriate storage and retrieval system, through a network of nodal institutions. The smooth flow of the resulting evaluation of the data will be output in an understandable, userfriendly format. The plan will enable all stakeholders to co-decide on the sustainable, equitable and economic use of the land and follow it through to successful implementation. SUMMARY ON PLANNING AREA 1. Name of the Planning Area : KAIWARA(Chintamani Taluk) 2. District/State : Chickballapur/Karnataka 3. Location (Co-ordinates) : The intersection of 13.3516̊ North Lattitude and 77.9938̊ East Longitude 4. Total Area (2011) : 592.82 Hectares 5. Population (2011) : 6106 persons 6. Projected population 2021 : 6729 2031 : 7362 7. Administrative status 8. Year of establishment 9. Category : Municipal Council 1920 : Town 10. Urbanization status : Medium population growth 11. Decadal growth rate : 11.3% (2001-2011) CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 3 0 Survey Report -2021 TOWN PLANNING 6.Reference: URDPFI Guidelines BBMP Byelaws BDA Master Plan Karnataka Municipalities Model Building Bye Laws – 2017 National Building Code(NBC – 2016) Indian Roads Congress(IRC) Code 37 CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, JSSATEB 3 1