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Year 4 Course Summary: End of Year Assessment Topics

Course Summary-2022-23
End of Year Summative Assessment -Term 3
Year 4
Topics of the Assessment
Arabic for Arabs
Arabic for Non-Arabs
Islamic Education for Arabs
Islamic Education for Non-Arabs
‫مي األطباء (قراءة‬
‫)أ ر‬
‫) فكرة تبذر الحلم (نصوص أدبية‬
‫)ما سبق دراسته باإلضافة (الجملة الفعلية – أنواع الفعل) (نحو‬
‫)فهم المقروء (نص خارج‬
‫– عالمات اليقيم – ألف الوصل ف األسماء – األلف اللينة ف األسماء‬
( ‫حروف تلفظ وال تكتب‬
‫(التعبي الوظيف‬
‫كتابة موضوع عن‬
( ‫) كتابة إبداعية) (أهمية القراءة أو األماكن السياحية ف دب‬
‫ األعمال والمهن‬The Business and Jobs
‫ دكان المالبس‬The Clothes shop
‫المطففي (حفظ ر‬
‫) (قرآن كريم‬11-1 ‫وشح اآليات‬
‫)الرفق (حديث شيف‬
‫) حسن المعاملة (قيم إسالمية‬
‫(سية وشخصيات‬
‫)صي النب صىل هللا عليه وسلم ر‬
‫) السي الرواتب (عبادات‬
The Holy Quran (Surat Al- Ghashiyah)
Noble Hadith (The moral of righteous)
Prophet’s biography (The Patience of the Prophet)
Acts of worship (My Fasting is for the Sake of my lord)
• The value and ethics of Islam (Good Treatment) textbook part one
• Character Analysis
• Report Writing
• Adventure Story
Reading Comprehension: Retrieval skills, simple and complex inferences and
authorial techniques
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG)
• Spellings
• Punctuation Capitals, full stops, commas, question marks, exclamation
marks, ellipses, brackets, apostrophes
Grammar Parts of speech, adverbials, phrase and clause, tenses, figurative
language, types of sentences, suffix & prefix, determiners, homophones,
synonyms and antonyms
Number: Place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and
Measurement: Perimeter and area
Geometry: Angles, triangles and quadrilaterals
Statistics: Line graph and time graph
Digestive System: functions of digestive system organs, types of teeth and
structure of tooth.
States of Matter: Properties of solid, liquids and gas, changes in matter,
factors affecting dissolving and evaporation, and, the water cycle.
Habitats: Food Chain, keys and adaptations