DISORDERS OF PERSONALITY DR.HarshithMahadev PERSONALITY • Totality of the person’s emotion and behavioural traits that characterize their dayto-day living. • Enduring and habitual patterns of behaviour, cognition, emotion, motivation and ways of relating to others. PERSONALITY DISORDER: • Enduring pattern of experience and behaviour that is maladaptive, inflexible and pervasive which is affecting broad range of individual's personal and social situations and deviating markedly from the expectations of an individual's culture. • Clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. TRAITS IN PERSONALITY DISORDERS Cluster-A: Odd or eccentric Cluster B: Emotional or erratic. Cluster C: anxious or fearful. CLUSTER-A Paranoid. Schizoid. Schizotypal. Cluster A – odd or eccentric cluster • Severe mistrust or lack of interest in others. • Paranoid thinking. • Rarely seek psychiatric treatment. PARANOID PERSONALITY DISORDER Men>women. Touchy and umbrage. Belief of malevolent intentions. Insight is lacking Jealous and mistrust. Questioning the loyalty and trustworthiness. Diogenes syndrome. SCHIZOID PERSONALITY DISORDER Men>women. Social withdrawal. Aloof, detachment and emotional coldness. Enthusiasm in philosophy or art. Detachment Isolated with profession avoiding interactions.. SCHIZOTYPAL PERSONALITY DISORDER Equal among men and women. Isolated Capacity to form relationships . Inappropriate affect. Cognitive or perceptual distortions.. Ideas of reference, magical thinking and suspiciousness.. Cluster B: Anti social. Emotionally unstable. Histrionic. Narcissistic. Cluster B- Dramatic, emotional &erratic. • • • • • Emotional reactivity. Poor impulse control. Unclear sense of identity. High levels of aggression. At times self-destructive behaviour. HISTRIONIC PERSONALITY DISORDER Women>men. Seductive & over dramatic behaviour. Lability of mood & demand for praise and approval.. Briquet’s syndrome Centre of attention & superficial expression of emotion.. EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE PERSONALITY DISORDER: IMPULSIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER Outbursts disproportionate to any stressor. May have lowering of mood and remorse after outburst. Inability to plan ahead. Poor impulse control.. BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER Repeated selfharm Initial dependence later aggression. cause disharmony among individuals. Mood swings Projective identification. Fear of abandonment.. History of sexual or physical abuse is common.. Instability of behaviour, affect, mood and selfimage.. ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER Lack of empathy. Substance misuse, gambling, promiscuity. Short lasting relationships. Pleasure from hurting others . Projection. Thrill seeking.. NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER Grandiose sense of self Feelings of envy. Arrogant Exploitative interpersonal relationships. Criticism are poorly tolerated.. Cluster C- Anxious or fearful • • • • Propensity towards anxiety. Avoidant- fearful to other people. Dependent- fearful of losing people. Often seek treatment with good prognosis. Cluster C: Avoidant. Dependant. Obsessivecompulsive. OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER Men>women. Neat, stiff and formal. Rigid views. Need to be in control. Lack spontaneity DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISORDER Emotional reliant. Passive demeanour Lack in confidence.. Feels lonely. fears separation.. AVOIDANT PERSONALITY DISORDER Shy, tense and easily embarrassed Isolated and lonely. Unsure of self worth.. Social inhibition Hypersensitivity to criticism.. OTHER CATEGORIES: PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER Covertly express aggression. Procrastination intentional inefficiency and forgetfulness. stubbornness, Sulky or iritable when forced DEPRESSIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER . Lifelong depressive temperament with depressive cognitions low self-esteem. Judgemental and negative about others, Pessimistic and humourless. REFERENCES • Sims' Symptoms in the Mind: Textbook of Descriptive Psychopathology • Fish's Clinical Psychopathology THANK YOU!