Uploaded by Michelle Lee

Genesis 1 Worksheet: Creation Story for Kids

Genesis 1 Worksheet 1
Genesis 1:
Reading the actual stories in Genesis Chapters 1, 2 and 3 in your blue bible is optional.
Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teu7BCZTgDs
And this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiYhoBHpyEA
and fill in the gaps on this sheet to explain what happened on each of the days.
You should provide the words and also a picture (cut and paste from the internet or hand
drawn) to illustrate the words for each day.
You should only spend one lesson on this Genesis 1 activity.
Try to time yourself and work within the time limit.
DAY 1: In the beginning earth was empty and formless, but the spirit of God was always
there. And God said “let there be light” and there was light. God saw that light was good, so
he separated the light from the dark and called the light “Day” and the dark “Night”.
DAY 2: On the second day, God made a vault to separate the water above the vault and water
below the vault. God then called the vault “Sky”
DAY 3: On the third day, God gathered all the water in one place and let dry ground appear.
God called the water “Sea” and the dry ground “Land”. Then God said “let the land produce
vegetation” and made trees, fruits, plants and vegetables.
DAY 4: On the fourth day, God made lights in the vault of the sky and called them “Stars”.
Then he made a light to govern the night called “Moon”. God then made a light to give earth
light and he called it “Sun”
DAY 5: On the fifth day, God said “let the water thrive with living creatures and let birds fly
across the vault of the sky”. So, God created the great creature of the sea and created every
living bird according to its kind.
DAY 6: On day six God created the creatures of land, he created the livestock, according to
its kind and wild animals according to its kind, and the animals moved around the land
according to its kind. Then God said “let us make mankind in our own image” he created the
first male called Adam and then made a female from one of Adam’s ribs and called her Eve.
Adam and Eve were allowed to live happily together in God’s kingdom. God told Adam and
Eve to fill the earth and subdue it, to rule over every living creature.
DAY 7: On the seventh day, God saw that all the creations he made were good, so on this
day, God rested, making this day a holy day.
In Judaism, the 7th day is a day of rest. It is called the Sabbath day. In Hebrew,
it is called “Shabbat” which means Sabbath.
Some Christian groups and people also have a rest day once a week to
remember the 7th day.
In the New Testament, Jesus explained, that the opportunity for people to rest
on the 7th day (or once a week) was made for their health and benefit.
Mark 2:27