Contents: How To Improve Outreach With These 5 Methods 01 The Drastic Disrupt Outreach 05 The Irresistible Offer Outreach 06 The Copy Comedian Outreach 08 The Bait and Switch Outreach 10 The Loom Outreach Method TYSON'S PLAYBOOK SUMMARY 13 PAGE # How To Improve Outreach With These 5 Methods Part 1: These methods REALLY work. But don't take my word for it... OUTREACH - PART 1 PAGE 1 "Saved me so many months of outreach it's not even funny!" - Charles T. "daaaamn these outreach strategies closed me this $300 client" - Xenos OUTREACH - PART 1 PAGE 2 "You've helped me get over 90% open rates and over 10% reply rates!" - Taylor OUTREACH - PART 1 PAGE 3 Part 2: The problem with Old Outreaches Main Issues: They're boring, robotic, and void of substance. Prospects can tell it took you literally 0 effort. They sound ungenuine and clear you don't care about them or their product. They usually offer a free email sequence (which is not a gift). Prospects may not even know what an "email sequence" even is. So we'll make outreaches that are... Interesting, entertaining, or funny. Obvious you worked hard on it. Genuine and shows that you care. About them and what THEY want. Offering something beneficial to them. Coming from a place of authority instead of neediness. OUTREACH - PART 2 PAGE 4 Five Outreach Methods Method 1: The Drastic Disrupt Method 1: The Drastic Disrupt Come up with a disrupting opening that will stop your prospect dead in their tracks. For example: "Don’t shoot the messenger but, I have some bad news I feel obligated to bring to your attention. When I opened up your last email sequence entitled {The subject Line}, My heart sank… And my face went from caramel brown to as white as a sheet of paper." The Drastic Disrupt works because: It's over the top and hijacks their attention. (Much more than a shitty compliment) Give them a taste of how good you can actually write a copy. Can be playful and actually show your personality. Has the ability to make them laugh. THE DRASTIC DISRUPT PAGE 5 Method 2: The Irresistible Offer Method 2: The irresistible offer Lead with an extremly low-risk offer (LRO) that's so good that they would feel stupid not giving you a shot. For example: "I'll will work for you for free until I can make you at least $5,000" Or: "I'll work with you on a commission basis so you have nothing to lose. The Irresistible Offer is effective because: You will meet a lot less resistance. You can easily get on calls with people. Possibility of inbound leads If you post your low-risk offer on your page. You can easily get a client even if you have now prior experience. The knowledge and experience from working with someone is usually more valuable than the money anyway. Especially at first. THE IRRESISTIBLE OFFER PAGE 6 The Irresistible Offer in Action: Do you want to see more examples of this? Join our discord server (Link is in your email inbox) THE IRRESISTIBLE OFFER PAGE 7 Method 3: The Copy Comedian Method 3: The copy comedian Throw professionalism out the window. Come up with something completely out of left field that they genuinely have never seen before. Pictures work great for this. Helps to research and figure out what they find funny. Show your personality. Only rule is don't be extreme. The Copy Comedian is effective because: It makes you stand out. Shows you have a sense of humor. Will make them like you. Come off as more of a genuine human being. Highly personalized. Shows that you put in effort. THE COPY COMEDIAN PAGE 8 The Copy Comedian in Action: THE COPY COMEDIAN PAGE 9 Method 4: The bait and switch (nearly 100% reply rate) Method 4: The Bait and Switch Ask your prospect if they offer X / ask them about their product. They will answer you immediately thinking that you're interested in buying. Then ask them about a lead magnet or something that pertains to their email list etc. From there you can slowly and smoothly move into the pitch. Example: You: Hey, I had a quick question about your free dropshipping cheatsheet. Them: Hey! Thanks for reaching out! What's up? You: I noticed when I gave you my email I actually didn't receive any emails or newsletters in my inbox. Just curious. Are you running any email marketing campaigns? Them: No I'm not actually. I haven't been able to find anyone to write them and I'm too busy. You: I'm actually a copywriter myself. Would you be open to taking a sample package that I put together for your course? Them: Yeah sure, send it over. THE BAIT AND SWITCH PAGE 10 The Bait and Switch is effective because: They almost always reply thinking you're an interested customer. Prospects will usually be extra kind to you at first. It creates dialogue and back and forth. You don't come off as needy. It's a much more organic interaction. EXAMPLES: THE BAIT AND SWITCH PAGE 11 THE BAIT AND SWITCH PAGE 12 Method 5: The Loom Outreach THE OFFER: Speak about a specific problem that they have. (Don't just say hey I noticed this "thing", you will come up as super vague and not intriguing). Come off as giving a helping hand. Come off as giving a helping hand. Come up with a UM (Unique Mechanism), or tangible plan. Build intrigue. Build Authority. THE VIDEO: Be personal, super specific, maybe even make a joke Leave large info gaps, tell them what to do, why it is so effective. But not how to do, leaving them with more questions, continuing the conversation Show personality and charm, be articulate Give genuine value ( N0 3 EMAIL SEQUENCES BS) End with a CTA that compels them to ask questions THE LOOM OUTREACH PAGE 13 The Loom Outreach in Action: THE OFFER EXAMPLE: THE FOLLOW-UP EXAMPLE: THE LOOM OUTREACH PAGE 14 The Loom Outreach in Action: VIDEO SCRIPT EXAMPLE: THE FOLLOW-UP EXAMPLE: Do you want to see the loom outreach breakdown? Join our discord server Link is in your email inbox THE LOOM OUTREACH PAGE 15 Wanna get more VALUE like this? Join our discord server (Link is in your inbox) - Copy review by your peers, established copywriters, and Tyson 4D. - Progression system that boosts your abilities. - Golden resources you need to level up as a copywriter. - Limitless networking opportunities. V A TL HU EE D BR OANSUTSI C D I S R U P T P A GPEA G 1 6E 7 Happy hunting VALUE BONUS PAGE 17