Uploaded by Florin Pappa

Big History

the moment where time and space where created.
the universe expanded from something tiny into a huge universe extremely quickly
the first law of thermodynamics
matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed
the matter that is your body has been there since 13.8 Billion years ago, it only changed
it used to be unimaginable hot but eventually cooled down which allowed matter and
radiation to separate
matter is enegery
cosmic background radiation
also called the fingerprint of the universe
if hydrogen and helium wouldn't have clumped together, nothing would have ever happened
gravity sucked H and HE together to form thick clouds and tiny islands started to form
in the middle pressure started to build up and the first stars flared into life (100 mio after big
as core regions of the gas clouds heat up, the atoms get jumpy, move around faster and
faster and collide with ever-increasing ferocity.
eventually it's ferocious enough to overcome the electric repulsion between the atoms, they
fuse and the cloud officially becomes a star.
our neighbor galaxy is set to colide with us in 3.75 billion years
we do not know if the universe is infinite because of the cosmic horison
we can only see the light that has reached us from the start of the universe
our cosmic bubble is a vast bubble with a lot of empty space and a light dusting of galaxies
VIDEO 2, 7:20
the sun is a massive H bomb
when it comes to stars, size matters. If an inital cloud is smaller than 8% of the size of the
sun it will never form a star.
if the initial cloud is 60-100 times our sun, it will probabably split into two or more regions of
stellar formations.
as stars run out of H and HE as fuel, the outer edges of the star swells
"we are made of star stuff"
wrinkles created stars, stars created elements and some of those elements came together to
form life.
the sun was likely created in a massive supernova
the dust in the solar system was floating around and was able to create better elements.
Electrostatic elements then allowed the dust to stick together and got bigger over time.
All these small elements kept colliding and the bigger swallowed the smaller and after about
1 mio years we were left with big planets. The we did this for another 10 - 100 mio years and
we’re left with the 7 big plants of today
back then it was still so hot that the gasses could start to become illiquid and the earth was
boiling which caused heavy elements to sink into the center and lighter elements to float to
the surface. The very light elements like gasses then formed the atmosphere of the earth.
Even more water vapor came to earth though comets.
A big planet crashed into earth and the part that broke away is the moon.
As the earth cooled down water vapor that accumulated in the atmosphere fell and cause
rain that lasted for millions of years. This further cooled down earth and once it got bellow
100 degrees water could stay and we created the first oceans.
Eventually we had the first singular cells and stayed down in the oceans for billions of years.
But eventually some evolved, drifted to the surface and absorbed sunlight, water and carbon
dioxide and their waste product was oxygen.
The multi celular cells evolved and they invented sex.
one of the most important evolutionary advancements
they then evolved to balls that kept reproducing
Eventually symbiosis started and cells started working together. Each done something for
the other. A mass extinction happened and the earth froze. Thus killing many species which
caused adaptive radiation, the surviving species are able to grow and evolve very fast and
multicellular life spreads.
Over times the photosynthesizers made first steps to get out of the water and waters filled
with similar species like fish and sharks.
Then the next mass extinction arrived and earth heated up. After that more animals came to
the water and causing more oxygen, up to 33% and allowing news species to quickly evolve.
next extinction…
reptiles managed to live fully on land and started laying eggs.
next extinction woooow, probably caused by volcanoes from siberia
90% of marine life and +70% of terrestrial life got purged
that allowed the reptiles to further grow and evolve
extinction, volcanos again
now it’s the dinosaur period
you guessed it, extincion. A giant rock crashed into earth
Humans and Chimps share 98.4% of DNA
We gradually evolved and our brains started to grow bigger and bigger
eventually we started with social learning and tools increased rapidly
collective learning is what really gave us the advantage, the ability to retain and pass on
knowledge from one gen to the next
About 11000 years ago the first foregers settled down.
It is assumed that they settled down in gardens of eden where food was abundant.
But after a few generations food good scarce and they where forced to get more which lead
to agriculture
Agroculturists increasingly adjusted the environment to their needs.
As technology became more advanced it was possible to share ideas faster and thorugh
resources like coal and iron factories and farmers could produce more which lead to a larger
population that could be supported.
Now at the height of technology humanity is in terms of building blocks and networks the
most complex system that we know of in the universe
the two main drivers of collective learning are population numbers and connectivity
China was very advanced technology wise with wet rice farming increasing their population
to 120 mio
The revolution happened in england, no one knows why since china was way more
more energy = higher complexity