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Human Respiratory System & Health: Middle School Biology

4.1 Human Respiratory System
✉Every cell in our body needs a supply of oxygen. The cell use the oxygen for respiration and
produce carbon dioxide as a waste product.
✉There is 20% in the air contains oxygen and 0,04% is carbon dioxide.
✉Respiratory system is organ that help to get oxygen (inhale) from the air into our blood
the air into our blood and to get rid (exhale) of carbon dioxide.
4.1 Human Respiratory System
✉Process of respiration:
✐ When we are breathing, air flows through trachea then
to bronchi which carry deep it deep inside the lung.
✐ Inside the lungs, oxygen from the air passes into the
blood and carbon dioxide passes out of the blood into
the air which called as gas exchange.
✐ When we breath out, air flows back in the opposite
4.2 Gas Exchange
✉Air sacs or alveoli are tiny, balloon-shaped air
sacs in our lungs. The function of the alveoli is to
move oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2)
molecules into and out of your bloodstream.
4.2 Gas Exchange
✉Process of gas exchange:
✐ The air inside alveoli comes from the air which contains
a lot of oxygen and less of carbon dioxide (oxygenated).
✐ Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the blood capillary
(in the red blood cells). Then carbon dioxide diffuses
from the blood capillary into the alveoli.
4.2 Gas Exchange
✉Process of gas exchange:
✐The blood inside the capillary comes from the
heart. The cells inside capillaries used up
oxygen and produced carbon dioxide. Then the
blood is deoxygenated.
4.3 Aerobic Respiration
✉Living cells need energy to live and they get energy
from nutrients, especially glucose.
✉Glucose contains chemical potential energy. Inside
cells, glucose takes part in a chemical reaction which
is called as respiration. Glucose combines with oxygen
so energy released that can be used for cells’
4.3 Aerobic Respiration
✉Aerobic respiration is the
release of energy from glucose
that combines with oxygen
inside living cells.
✉The energy that released during
respiration is heat energy.
4.4 Keeping Fit
✉ A fit person can do moderate exercise easily without
getting too tired quickly.
✉ During the exercise, our muscles need energy.
Energy from combining glucose and oxygen released
inside the muscle cells by respiration. The energy
transferred to movement energy inside the muscles.
4.4 Keeping Fit
✉ Glucose and oxygen are brought to the muscles in
the blood. That’s why our heart beats faster when
we exercise because the heart pumps blood more
quickly to the muscles.
✉ We also breath faster to move air in and out of the
lungs more quickly. That means more oxygen get
into the blood from alveoli each minute.
Diet & Fitness
✉ Keep balancing nutrients (balanced diet) and enough exercise (fitness)
make ourselves fit and healthy.
✉ Eat too much makes someone get overweight and unfit because:
♳ The extra mass of the body so we need more energy to move
♴ The heart works too much to push the blood around the larger
♵ The space inside the arteries may get narrower because fat
deposits build up inside them.
4.5 Cigarettes & Health
✉Estimation data of World Health Organization
(WHO) that:
♳ More than 8 million people die early due to
smoking cigarettes regularly per year (June
♴ The death of smokers is the second after
high blood pressure.
4.5 Cigarettes & Health
✉Content of cigarette:
♳ Nicotine
Nicotine is a drug (substance that changes
the way the body works), yet the harmful
one. It is an addictive one which means once
we get used to it, then it will be difficult to
stop intake it.
4.5 Cigarettes & Health
✉Content of cigarette:
Nicotine is dangerous because it could make
our blood vessels narrower so the heart needs
to work harder to push the blood through them.
The smokers more likely to have heart disease
rather than no-smokers.
4.5 Cigarettes & Health
✉Content of cigarette:
♴ Tar
Tar causes cancer (a disease in which
some cells divide uncontrollably and
forming a lump called tumor). Smoking
cigarettes increases the risk of developing
especially lung cancer.
4.5 Cigarettes & Health
✉ Content of cigarette:
♵ Carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide is an invisible gas. If it diffuses and binds
hemoglobin inside red blood cells, then it creates
carboxyhemoglobin (COHb). Lack of oxygen in cells also forces
the heart to work harder to distribute oxygen around the body.
This makes CO a major contributor to heart disease, including
heart attacks and atherosclerosis (plaque builds up inside
your arteries).
4.5 Cigarettes & Health
✉ Content of cigarette:
Carbon monoxide
Atherosclerosis develops slowly as cholesterol, fat,
blood cells and other substances in your blood form
plaque. When the plaque builds up, it causes your
arteries to narrow. This reduces the supply of
oxygen-rich blood to tissues of vital organs in the
4.5 Cigarettes & Health
✉Content of cigarette:
♶ Particulates
Particulates are tiny particles of soot and
other substances that get into the lungs and
damage the cells, then break the alveoli
down. This makes difficult for oxygen to
move from alveoli into the blood.
Buah ROH.
Karunia ROH diberikan untuk
kepentingan tubuh KRISTUS.
Diberi kuasa
Tujuan Kerajaan ALLAH: membawa orang
kepada ALLAH, bukan kepada diri sendiri (bnd
Kis 14).
Menjadi pengikut RAJA, bukan pengikut
mujizat. Tanda dan mujizat akan
mengikuti orang percaya (Mrk 16:15-19).
Mujizat yang benar (“demi
namaKU”), bukan label Kristen
(Kis 8).
Tetapi dasar yang diletakkan Allah itu
teguh dan meterainya ialah: "Tuhan
mengenal siapa kepunyaan-Nya " dan
"Setiap orang yang menyebut nama
Tuhan hendaklah meninggalkan kejahatan."
2 Timotius 2:19