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Dark Psychology and Manipulation The Definitive Guide to Learning the Art of Persuasion Hypnosis and Mind Control How to W

The Definitive Guide to Learning the Art of
Persuasion, Hypnosis and Mind Control. How to Win
People Using Subliminal Manipulation and Body
Language Analysis
Michael Bradberry
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Understanding Persuasion
The Importance of Persuasion
Basic Principles of Persuasion
Social Proofing
Rules of Persuasion
Chapter Two: What Is Dark Persuasion
Common Dark Persuasion Techniques
Mind Games
Undetected Mind Control
Advanced dark persuasion techniques
Stealthy Emotional Manipulation
NLP Techniques and Their Implications
How to Persuade Anyone Using Dark Persuasion
Usage of Force
Asking Leading Questions
Dark Seduction
Chapter Three: Mind Control Techniques
Manipulating the mind through NLP
Sensory Acuity
Recognizing the Art of Manipulation
Persuasive Language
Theories on Psychological Manipulation
Amplification Hypothesis
Conversion Theory
Scarcity Principle
Information Manipulation
Social Manipulation
Chapter Four: Hypnosis
What is Hypnosis?
Stage Hypnosis
Types of Hypnosis
Embedded Technique
Traditional Hypnosis
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
NLP Anchoring
NLP Flash
NLP Reframe
Ericksonian Hypnosis
Hypnotic Tactics
Hypnotic Techniques for Practical Use
Future Pacing
Chapter Five: Secret of Deception
Understanding Deception
Deception Spectrum
Deceptive Topics
Deceptive Tactics
Chapter Six: Psychology of Influence
How to Influence Others
The Analysis
The Manipulation
The Persuasion
Secret Manipulation Techniques
Creating an Illusion
Putting Another Person Down
Techniques of Deception
Chapter Seven: The Dark Triad
Machiavellian Characteristics
Psychopathic Characteristics
Narcissistic Characteristics
Chapter Eight: Covert Emotional Manipulation
Chapter Nine: Mind Games
Chapter Ten: Dark NLP
How to NLP Is Used in Relationships
Chapter Eleven: Brainwashing
Chapter Twelve: Favorite Victims of Manipulators
Chapter Thirteen: How to Defend Yourself from Persuasion and
Act Fast
Get Assistance Quickly
Have Confidence in Your Instincts
What is psychology? Psychology is the science of the soul, the great mind
that existed before we can be described as having its beginning and its end
with the mind. However, it is not just science, as it includes components
which can be conscious or unconscious. It also includes behavior patterns.
Many found that the mind is very puzzling and fascinating and has therefore
worked in the fields of psychology, scientific science, and philosophy to
undermine this enigma of man's mind. They listen and help us navigate
through issues such as depression or anxiety. With your help, the darkness in
us is suppressed, and we can live our lives.
In neuropsychology, a branch of psychology that addresses the way the brain
relates to behavior and emotions that focus on the human mind. How is brain
gathering information? How is the information processed? How do you
finally store that information? These problems concern neuropsychology.
Understanding how your mind works go beyond visiting a shrink, providing
advice and some pills or basic understanding of the brain. It's a lot deeper. It's
a lot deeper. It's lovely and bad in us all. According to Colin McGinn, bad
people usually enjoy pain and vice versa. We have emotions, fear, happiness,
joy, pain, sadness, and sometimes, if we cannot control our feelings, we can
damage others.
Now, what is dark psychology? Dark psychology is the study we use to
deliberately and deliberately harm others around us. Dark psychology is
about control and manipulation of the mind. It is said that we all have
darkness as human beings within us. Man is also said to have evil or sin
intrinsic to Christian scriptures. The darkness in us sometimes makes us do
something unexpected. Take an example of a person, you knew they were
good, then one day they suddenly do the unexpected thing, and we don't want
to associate more with them.
Dark psychology is about mind control and manipulation. This manipulation
and somehow affecting individuals to do their work starts with a child
screaming early so parents can come to their salvation. Whenever the kid
wishes something, it's repeated. Parents sometimes see that no parent likes to
see their child cry. Parents who do not stop this behavior make sure that this
manipulation stays in the child's life later. It is dark psychology. It's dark. Get
into the mind of a person and comprehend his behavioral patterns.
After clarifying this otherwise broad subject, let us now attempt to familiarize
ourselves with the various consequences of dark psychology. The victim and
the perpetrator both feel the consequences of dark psychology. To
comprehend the impacts, certain aspects of dark psychology must be
investigated. People with certain personality traits, such as narcissism,
psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, may have issues in all aspects of their
If all three characteristics exist in one person, they are more likely to commit
a crime. The above three personality traits have specific characteristics.
For example, a sense of rightness, feelings of supremacy, deep envy for other
people's achievements, and exploitative conduct. Psychopathy has a lack of
guilt, the absence of empathy, destructive, self-centered, and unresponsive
behavior. Machiavellian characteristics are egoistic, ruthless and
manipulative indicators. These characteristics are separately problematic but
can be coupled to cause orthography issues. In specific, in the association
between a person and others. If you have met a person that is characterized
by these experiences, leave them for your health and well-being. Their lives
pay a heavy emotional cost. If on the other side, you experience this, you are
searching for better psychological help. No matter how deeply rooted these
issues are, by using the correct type of treatment you can enhance your
conduct and experience. The first step is to know what the situation is,
recognize that you have a problem and seek help rapidly. It drains us all
mentally and emotionally into people who have the features I have mentioned
above. Sometimes the impact can be physical and deadly in extreme cases.
The lovely neighbor whose horrible experience led me to write this book
physically lost all on this journey. His house, his enterprise, his finances, but
his loss was much deeper and larger. We had no relationship with the
perpetrator, but we, too, were victims. Not as monumental as yours were our
losses, but we endured losses too. At the start, we lost our nice neighbor. She
didn't die, but from experience, she never recovered. We have lost our ability
to trust foreigners. Even our relationships seemed to demand an additional
degree of confidence. The biggest impact of dark psychology on anyone is
that it creates a strong sense of loss. We are losing our valuable stuff, we lose
our ties, and I will explain that in a little while we will lose our lives for those
who are extremely unhappy. It is safe to say that the impact of this obscurity
is profound, taking all things into consideration. When one person shows one
of the dark characteristics, experts claim that the person has a very high
tendency to show others. In general, if larger members of society have these
characteristics, it is safe to say that the crime rate will be significantly high in
this community.
Chapter One: Understanding Persuasion
The Importance of Persuasion
There are also four advantages to learning persuasion. They are the
instrumental function, the debunking. The instrumental role is that if you
know more about persuasion, you will improve it and have a more efficient
way to convince individuals. You will be able to explore the workplace and
the audience to develop different policies and techniques for that specific
audience. For instance, a friend goes up and tells you to do something illegal
because it's cool. Naturally, if you wanted to fit the "in-group" poorly, you
would do anything to satisfy them. But if you knew the hazards of doing so,
you would have persisted or gone. Of course, if you knew how to use
persuasion properly, you may not even have to listen to them and comply
with the group standards. You can discover a way to fit into this.
The consciousness and understanding role is to know more if you know more
about persuasion. The more information an individual has, the more
knowledge and process you are about. When individuals become used to
studying persuasion, it becomes for them and their practices something
secondary. You can convince individuals to stop bothering you with pointless
stuff you refuse. It contributes to the defensive function of the third function.
The greater the knowledge an individual gains, the more information they
have to safeguard themselves against unethical persuasion or even ordinary
persuasion if they do not wish to be affected. If they do not want to be
affected, your friends are asking you to drink binge because that's your
birthday? Use their persuasion! Tell them, no, drinking binge is harmful to
your health, and you won't be arrested for something you haven't remembered
doing. The last role is to break myths or find out the truth behind some data.
You won't be affected by stuff that sounds too nice to be true.
Basic Principles of Persuasion
The principle of reciprocity is the first weapon of influence. This principle
states that if one person, the agent, gives a certain value to the other person,
the subject will try to reimburse the agent in its way. If the agent performs a
type of service, the person will feel that he or she should perform a service
that is similar to the agent at some time. While the two services may not be
the same, they have the same value to equal each obligation. The act of
reciprocation leads to a sense of obligation in the subject that the agent can
then use in the interests of motivation as a powerful tool. The rule of
reciprocity is very effective as it helps the agent to put the subject in the right
context by instilling and overpowering the subject with a sense of duty. The
agent may be more likely to convince the subject to do or act in some way, as
the subject has a sense of obligation over them. A further advantage for the
agent in reciprocity is that the agent's obligation is not only a moral standing
but also a status held by social codes. The agent will not have to worry that
the subject has the right moral code to give the favor back. If this is not the
case, the agent has certain tools available to inspire them to act. As a
company, people don't like people who neglect to return their favor or
payment if a gift or service is offered. If the agent does not have the feeling
that the subject reciprocates, he can turn it into his social group. You can do
this by telling other friends or colleagues how you did a favor for the subject,
but when necessary, it never returned to the subject. Now, when it was
necessary, the agent forced social standards to return it. The agent has now
forced social standards on the subject by saying the favor, which makes it
even more likely to convince the subject to do something. The subject will
most of the time be happy to reciprocate with the agent without external
forces. When the favor is granted, the subject starts looking for ways to
reimburse the agent, so the result is even and does not appear greedy or
egotistical. The agent will then be able to give the subject an easy solution on
how to reimburse this debt, and the subject will feel grateful for the easy
solution and is more likely to follow what the agent intends.
The next to be discussed, the weapon of influence is commitment and
coherence. If the agent wants to persuade everyone to change their views, it
will have to use these two. They are much easier to understand when things
are consistent so that the subject can make better decisions. It is not good that
the agent always changes the facts it uses or changes other information
necessary to help the subject process the information. Instead of helping to
persuade, the agent constantly keeps away from consistency and looks like a
liar, and someone with no trust, leading the persuasion process to failure.
Consistency is a great tool as it enables the subject to decide and process
information correctly. If the agent wants to persuade the subject to succeed,
he must ensure that his message is consistent. False evidence can be found
later on, and the whole procedure can be ruined. Keep the facts true and
concise and convince the subject much better. An act of commitment is
something that is connected with coherence. It is important to have some
commitment in place if the subject is truly persuaded and the effort is paid. It
can only mean that the subject will buy the product in advertising, or that in
politics the subject will vote for a particular candidate. Depending on the
nature of persuasion, the commitment made will change. Under the concept
of coherence, a person is much more likely to fulfill the commitments they
make if they engage, either in writing or orally. It has been demonstrated to
be even truer in writing, as the topic is psychologically more specific and
there is some hard evidence that you have agreed to the undertaking. It makes
a great deal of sense; many people will orally promise to fix something or to
turn around and not to do it. Certainly, some people do what they say, and
they are more likely to do that if they are orally promising than they are
promising at all, but often the results they want are hard to achieve.
Furthermore, since an oral agreement just will become a discrepancy, he said,
and nobody will win. If the agent can give a written undertaking from the
subject, on the other hand, they will have proof that the thing has been
Social Proofing
A persuasion is a form of social interaction, which means that social rules
will need to be followed where they occur. The subject will be influenced by
those around it; instead of doing their own, they will be more likely to want
to do what others do. The topic will base its beliefs and actions on what other
people are doing, how they act, and how they believe. When a subject grows
up in a city, for instance, it is more likely to act like others from that area. In
contrast, if you grow up in a highly religious community, you can spend a
great deal of your time praying to help others. According to this belief, it can
be very effective to say "crowd power. “The topic will want to know what
other people around it always do. Although people will tell you how they
want to be different and how they want to be an individual, it almost has
become an obsession in this country to do what others are doing to adapt. An
example of how people do something because others do it can be found with
a telephone-a-thon. If the host says something like "Operators are waiting,
please call now," the subject may think that there are no operators because no
one calls them. This reduces the chances of calling the subject because if
someone else doesn't call then he shouldn’t. The results could be very
different if the host changes a couple of words to "if the operators are busy,
please call again. "
The matter now assumes that the operators are
engaged in calls from many other subjects, so the organization. The subject
will be much more likely to call if it gets through or must be stopped
immediately. The convincing technique of social evidence is the most
effective when the subject is not sure what they are doing or when many
similarities seem to exist in the circumstances. In situations that are
ambiguous or uncertain and similar in situations. The subject will often
choose to conform to what others around him do in ambiguous or uncertain
situated situations that have multiple choices or possibilities. This is because
the choices are so similar that one of them works, but they assume the other
people make the right choice. The other way to use social evidence is if
certain similarities occur. For instance, the topic is far more likely to conform
to and change around those like it. If someone is similar to the person
responsible, the subject will probably be more likely to listen to and follow
them than if the person in charge is very different from the subject. The agent
can use the idea of social evidence to help his persuasion process. The first
way to do this is to look at the wording they say. The examples given in the
game show said the same thing for both quotes, but they had two different
meanings by changing the wording. Both were not a lie; they only worked
effectively to generate another kind of response. If the agent can look at how
things are spoken, it can generate a correct answer from its subjects and
persuade the subject to follow the same ideas and beliefs. Also, if you can get
those like you to share the ideas, the agent will find that there is more
success. That is why politicians are trying to campaign for groups that have
the same ideas. To make these new groups more attractive, if they need to
reach a larger group, they will change their ideas.
Rules of Persuasion
The agent will work very hard to make it look like the subject. There is one
very simple reason or one; if you like the agent, you can say' yes' to it much
more likely. Two main factors contribute to the way the subject likes the
agent. The first is a physical appeal, and the second is similitude. For the
first, if the agent physically appeals to the topic, it will be more convincing
since it can get what it wants more easily while changing other people's
This attraction factor has been shown to send positive messages and
impressions of other traits, including intelligence, kindness, and talent, to the
agent. This entire works together to make it easier for an attractive person to
convince the subject. The similarity is the second factor, a bit simpler. The
idea states that if the topic is similar to the agent, it is much more likely to
answer the question in the affirmative. This process is fairly natural, and the
subject often doesn't have to consider whether or not it is the right thing to do
when they like the agent and are similar.
One way the agent succeeds in convincing the subject is to become a body.
Most people tend to believe that something an expert says about a topic is
true. The topic will more likely be pleased to listen to an agent who is
credible and knowing, meaning that if the agent can bring both things to the
table, they are already on the way to get them to listen and trust.
Scarcity is another form of convincing but often underestimated, that people
can understand. Scarcity
If a product or idea is limited, a higher value
is assigned more likely. While it might sound like a child who tries to get into
the cookie jar when no, he can also describe how adults are going to act
regularly. When the problem of scarcity is being taken into account, the
context will also matter. This means that the idea of scarcity could be an
advantage in certain contexts. The persuasion agent can take advantage of the
idea of scarcity. You must find a way of making the subject think the item is
scarce by explaining why the item is so unique and what nothing can do else.
The agent will have to work on his topic properly. Instead of explaining how
the client gains by this item or idea, the agent may explain, by not having the
item, what they lose. They may also go the other way.
This scarcity principle works for two reasons. First off, they usually gain
more value when items or products are hard to get. The higher the value an
item has, the better it will appear, even if it doesn't. Secondly, when
something is not as available as it was before, the subject will begin to realize
that it will be lost in the future. After this begins, the subject starts assigning a
higher value to the service or item which is scarce simply because it becomes
more difficult.
Chapter Two: What Is Dark Persuasion
Now, what's psychological darkness? Dark psychology is the study of our
strategies to hurt others in our environment voluntarily and intentionally.
Dark psychology deals with manipulation and control of the mind. It is said
that all of us as human beings have this' darkness inside. ' Man is said to have
inherent evil or sin even from Christian scriptures. That darkness in us
sometimes does unpredictable stuff for us. You know that you are good, and
one day they suddenly do the unforeseen things, and then we won't associate
with them more. Take the example of a person.
Dark psychology concerns mental control and tampering. This manipulation
is often the case and somehow influences an individual to do their bidding
begins with a child crying at an early age, so that his parents can rescue her.
Every time the child wants something, this is repeated. Parents sometimes
consider this harmless; that is, no parent likes seeing their baby cry. This
manipulation is carried on later in the child's life by parents who do not deter
this behavior. It's about dark psychology. Get inside a person's mind and
understand his patterns of behavior.
After clarifying this otherwise wide topic, let us now try to get acquainted
with the multiple impacts of dark psychology. Both the victim and the
perpetrator feel the impacts of dark psychology. To understand the impact,
we have to examine some aspects of dark psychology. Persons with some
personality characteristics that are deemed obscured, like narcissism,
psychopathy or Machiavellianism, are susceptible to difficulty in all its
If all three characteristics exist in a single person, they are more likely to
commit a crime. The three-character features referred to above have
particular features.
For example, a sense of right, feelings of superiority, a fit of strong jealousy
towards others, and exploitative activities are characteristic of narcissism.
Psychopathy has an absence of culpability, lack of empathy, destructive
impulsivity, self-centeredness, and the impossibility of acceptance of
accountability. Machiavellian features are indicators of egotism,
despondency, and manipulation. These features are difficult individually but
can be combined in spelling difficulties. Particularly with an individual and
others. If you have met a person whose intercourse is characterized by such
experiences, keep them clear for the sake of your health and well-being. The
cost is highly emotional. If, on the other hand, you experience this, you need
to seek the support you need to improve. No matter how profoundly rooted
these problems are, you can improve your behavior and your experiences by
using the right way of treatment. The first step is to recognize what the
situation is, recognize that you have a problem and seek assistance quickly. It
makes us, for the remainder of us, mentally and emotionally drained to
confront individuals with the features I listed earlier. In extreme cases, the
effect can sometimes be physical and fatal. The nice neighbor, whose terrible
experience caused me physically to write this book, lost everything on this
trip. His home, his business, his finances, but his loss was much deeper. We
did not have any connection with the offender, but we were also the victims.
Our losses were not as great as yours, but we also suffered losses. In the
beginning, we lost our sweet neighbor. She never died, but she never
recovered from the experience. We have lost our capacity to trust strangers.
We also seemed to have a further layer of truth to thrive in our relations. The
greatest impact of dark psychology on everyone is that it gives a strong sense
of loss. We lose our valuables, we lose our connections, we lose ourselves
[I’ll clarify that a little], and for those who are very dissatisfied, our lives are
lost. Given everything, it is safe to say that the impact of that darkness is
profound. According to experts, if someone has one of the Dark personality
features, the person is very likely to show others. In general culture, it's
secure to say that the crime rate in the community if the bigger members of
society have these features.
Common Dark Persuasion Techniques
Mind Games
Mind games are likely the most misunderstood, but most significant, topics of
dark persuasion. Many individuals pretend to experience everyday mental
games, but generally, that is never the case. As many say that they are
depressed without understanding what depression is today, mental games are
suffering the same destiny. Not every mind game is aimed at an evil action.
For example, when you plan a surprise birthday, your friends must often play
gameplays to make sure they don't suspect anything. This is good use because
the parties concerned do not suffer. Looking at mind-games from the
perspective of obscure persuasion, the individual's intentions tend to lean
toward the darker areas of our innermost wishes. Researchers from around
the world have gone a step further to debunk this phenomenon and given that
any psychological system aimed, as well as authority, at the health of the
person is what makes mind games the most hazardous among Dark
Psychology methods. It is perhaps because the manipulator wants to play
with his victims like a marionette. You do this just because of the excitement
that is lacking in any particular desire for results. Manipulators often lack
consideration for the victim's wellbeing so much so that a comparison with a
child testing a fresh toy may be drawn. A manipulator will continue to play
mental games with his victim in a smart way to mask his real nature and
intentions, either by taking a sarcastic attitude to the matter, which in many
instances makes it harder to spot and very harmful to deploy.
Deception is a key theme that resonates within the broad field of dark
psychology. Just like the majority of themes in this book, it may be a bit
challenging to decipher whether a particular act of deception constitutes of
dark desire or not. Before diving into this distinction, we must, first of all,
have an understanding of what deception is. The majority of people who
claim to know what deception means, classify it as being in the same
category as lying. It is, however inaccurate as deception bears a bit more
weight than lies. Put more correctly; deception may be considered to be a
consequence of a particular lie that has a specific intention of making another
individual believes a lie, to misrepresent or conceal a particular truth. How
then does deception manifest itself if our normal lives? Deception tends to
manifest itself in several ways in our lives in the form of, omitting certain
truths, fraudulently providing evidence of something that you know full well
to be false and lying. Not all actions of deception can be classified; however,
as in the immediate proximity of Dark Psychology, as human beings, we
often tend to deceptive one another, for several reasons. It is clear when you
look at dating sites. Men and women often lie about them, so they are more
attractive to the opposite sex. Apart from the blank lines in the databases,
there is also a range of problems that individuals tend to deceive themselves,
not only about ambition, health conditions, or overall happiness with life.
These daily uses are no dark disappointment.
Undetected Mind Control
Without any doubt, the deadliest form of mental control is undetected mental
control. That's just because, if an individual thinks they're under some mind
control, they can easily reject this will-power influence. People will often be
in a position to spot someone who would invade their minds with malicious
intentions and take control by preventing the manipulator from doing any
harm. If the dark mental controller is undetected, it becomes a whole different
scenario. There are main tactics often used by dark manipulators when this
attack is deployed on the human mind. They include the use of interpersonal
media and interactions. The only type of undetected mind control not entirely
available to most people was media control when they took a trip down the
memory lane as it was primarily reserved exclusively for the large
conglomerates. Individual mind controls could only exercise interpersonal
mind control. It is not the case in this digital era. Laptops and smartphones
have given the media mind control power to manipulators, who are just your
average Joe, with the wide availability of the internet. Like all other twisted,
dark manipulators, undetected intellectual controllers are often driven by the
urge to influence others for themselves. In general, an unrecognized mind
controller is very shy but logical in his approach to planning. Before deciding
to implement the plan, the psychopathic impulses, often irrational in their
approach, will carefully analyze every stage and act only in case they see a
positive result as a result.
Advanced dark persuasion techniques
If they know what the brainwashing is, you have to randomly ask a person
90% of the time you get an affirmative answer. That's not the case most
often. This idea has been heard by many of us here or there, but often we tend
to confuse our vague understanding of what is otherwise true. The question
then we dare to ask ourselves is what is then brainwashing and why. It is
maybe the most important kind of dark psychology that we will discuss,
which promises far more negative results than the others. This complex
mystery of the brainwashing is essentially the progression of the idea of a
victim replacing it with a manipulator of its being, replacing it with new ideas
to suit its own individual needs, which can be done in the narrow sense of the
wider meaning. For example, a manipulator can control an individual or will
only follow the same principle on a large number of people. One situation in
which brainwashing takes place is as if people are convinced that it is a
calling for higher purposes to join a terrorist organization. In the majority of
other scenarios, brainwashing seems to be effective. What most people think
is the truth about brainwashing is the fiction of someone who constantly
forces certain concepts upon their victim and within a short space of time; the
person becomes the bidding manipulator. More realistically, it is a process
that generally represents a very gradual yet voluntary shift in the perception
of reality of an individual far from what they have the basic trick to make it
appear that the victim is always in control.
Stealthy Emotional Manipulation
Then what can stealthy emotional manipulation be said? It is typically a
person's attempt to sneak and yet undetectably influence the hardships and
feelings of another person. Breaking each of the three keywords may help to
deal with this theme at its very core. Stealthy or hidden, it simply refers to
how the manipulators can hide their true and true nature and their intention.
However, not everyone can classify emotional manipulation as stealthy. The
victims of this emotional manipulation are not usually aware that they are
controlled by the shadows, nor are they aware of the reason the manipulator
is doing this.
Sturdy emotional manipulation is essentially a dark mental bomber who
prevents detection until it is too late. The emotional part of this subject is
about the manipulator's specific focus. Other manipulation possibilities
typically include the power, convictions, and behaviors of people. This type
of manipulation focuses primarily on affecting the emotional state and the
perception of a person's reality. Most manipulators live in this sector because
they often get to know the emotions of a person because they are the door to
the other aspects of his personality. In the end, the manipulator takes the
victim from the word go.
NLP Techniques and Their Implications
NLP Anchoring is a good way to discuss the first type of NLP. A good way
to think about how to anchor the old song, which you know. Have you ever
been sitting in a car and heard a song that in a long time you haven't heard?
Did this song trigger some feeling from the past in you? The first time you
heard that song, or once you heard it along the road, you went through it, and
the unconscious mind attached it to it. The song would become the anchor of
these sentiments through this process. Now, every time you're listening to this
specific song, the brain will trigger to feel this again.
It is often used to change thoughts and feelings in the subject's unconscious
mind. It can be a good way to help people who feel or are subject to chronic
stress. In this process, the hypnotist will change the subject's feelings, rather
than a particular act that brings pleasure, that act will begin to bring pain or
will bring relaxation to the subject rather than a particular act that brings
stress. It brings relaxation to the subject, for or rather than a certain stressful
act. For example, when you consume a substance like cigarettes or alcohol,
you will find a sense of pleasure and happiness. Using the NLP Flash
technique, these feelings get changed and cause discomfort or pain in the
subject when the substance is consumed. It can help them to cope more
effectively with their addiction.
It works so well to help the subject change how they conduct it. This
technique is truly powerful. To do this, the hypnotist must understand that
each of the behaviors a person performs is a secondary gain or a positive
result. The result of the behavior is important as this is first and foremost why
the subject is active. Although the outcome is important, the behavior chosen
to achieve the outcome is not so important. The hypnotist’s works with the
unconscious mind of the subject during the reframing process to negotiate
and reason. The aim is to ensure that the subject can substitute for certain
new behavior that is available and effective in the achievement of the
necessary secondary gain. Whereas the secondary gain required is available
and effective. While all this happens in the subconscious, the new behavior in
their conscious mind is better acceptable to the subject. For instance, the
hypnotist will take this procedure to teach the unconscious to perform another
activity if he is in a habit of eating when he's sad to make him/her feel better.
The act of eating may be replaced by a nice book or by a workout, which
helps the person loses weight, is better and is healthier throughout.
How to Persuade Anyone Using Dark Persuasion
Usage of Force
The first method we shall talk about is the usage of force. The manipulator
may decide to use some degree of force to successfully persuade the victim
into thinking in some specific type of way. It is, however, dependent on the
situation at that particular moment. It is seen to be deployed in instances
where, both the ideas of the manipulator and the victim do not seem to match
up, the type of conversation they are having don’t seem to bear fruit or where
the subject seems to be irritated or frustrated with the turn the conversation
has taken. It may be classified as a scare tactic by most since it gives the
victim minimal time to think in a logical manner of the events that seem to be
transpiring as opposed to when the victim is of a normal state of mind. A
manipulator is normally inclined to use force as a method of persuasion is
usually when at that particular they may have hit a wall on their journey of
persuasion. They may also result in this if the manipulator feels as though he
is losing control of the grasp he had on the victim, or when the victim
presents them with solid evidence of the manipulator contradicting them.
An experienced manipulator is aware that this is not the best way to convince
a victim of something. It is because victims are capable of detecting the use
of force, as they feel cornered by how they talk at that time. The primary
attraction of using force focuses on the concept that the victim can choose his
path. It then takes the option of a decision away following the
implementation of force. If the victim feels threatened, he will probably listen
attentively to what he or she says to point out the red flags in his or her
speech. For this very reason, force must be used as a last resource.
Asking Leading Questions
Another method that a dark manipulator skillfully uses is to ask leading
questions. It could readily be considered one of the strongest verbal
techniques because they ask the victims questions to obtain a specific set of
responses. For example, a dark persuader may ask their target "how bad you
think these people are. " This issue already means that the individuals at issue
are certainly bad to a certain extent. Dark persuaders ask such skillfully these
leading questions, that they instantly feel the victim is whipped up to, leave
the vessel and only go back to the questioning line when the victim appears
to be in a relaxed position. Dark manipulators also use their real intentions to
mask dark persuasion. To be easily exposed to dark persuasion, the dark
manipulator hides from the outset his true intention; otherwise, he will fail.
Skilled persuaders may mask their real intentions in several ways, depending
on the individual victim and circumstance. Dark manipulators have a gift for
individuals reading. It implies that once you recognize certain kinds of
personality in individuals and then reverse psychology becomes simple to get
what you want. Think of a situation with two buddies. One friend tries to win
a girl's owner in the classroom while the other friend is the persuader. The
persuader understands how badly his friend deals with the women. He
chooses to take the unsuspecting woman into the arms of a third person
knowing that he is a nice man. Another way of masking dark manipulators is
by understanding that it is hard for many to decline two demands in a row.
For instance, if a manipulator wishes to obtain a friend's credit form and does
not want to return it then he first comes to the victim to think about how he is
in a monetary slump, with an exorbitant sum in mind. If the victim expresses
his failure to dispense the money, the manipulator then sets the figure well
below the initial value, making it difficult for the victim to say "no. "
Dark Seduction
The prevalent motives and characteristics of dark Psychology are seduction
and sexual conquest, which merit a very own chapter. Nearly everybody has
a friend who is seduced by someone who uses dark mentality. Maybe you've
attempted to use some underhand impact to your benefit in your attempts in
the globe of dating.
Sex is one of the strongest urges of the human species, and incapacity to
achieve it can lead to excellent pressure, anxiety, and unfortunate living
conditions in one person. On the other hand, some of the best-known
characters in history are renowned for their frequent and complete sexual
urge. In many cases, Kings and Emperors were used to being given a reward
for their high social status as the world's finest women. Therefore, is all
seduction psychologically dark? No, not so. Another human being must be
persecuted by all seduction. It is done in a timid, unstructured fashion by
most individuals not able to do the abilities of dark psychological
manipulators. Think about the classic romantic comedy setting with a
tortured man, who is mistaken in his pursuit of the girl to demonstrate this
concept? In Crazy, in Stupid Love, and Hitch, a qualified psychological
seducer is much more like Ryan Gosling. You understand what you want and
your know-how. "Why do individuals select this special attraction route? Isn't
it better to slowly and honestly go on dates and court someone? The first step
to understanding its tremendous authority is to understand why individuals
choose the road of Dark Seduction.
Consider someone who passes through their lives of love without using any
thoughts or methods discovered in the dark psychology globe. This individual
is known as the "standard dater" who spends a lot of time and money on
someone before they have sex. They can marry and create a government
commitment and loyalty promise regardless of what.
The standard dater, now the standard wife, may later discover that his life is
not as it was thought. Both of them ran into the wedding with their partner,
and they did not meet their expectations. The decision is left to both partners.
Stay or cheat her wife in a lifeless and inadequate marriage. Who'd want
This dissatisfied standard information is opposed to the happy seducer, which
utilizes dark psychology to get anything out of the romantic field. Nobody
else is too essential to them because they know about using dark psychology
to discover someone else. It brings you close to life with a carefree,
unnecessary attitude.
Chapter Three: Mind Control Techniques
Manipulating the mind through NLP
NLP is short for Neuron-Linguistic Programming and is Mind Control's most
modern publicly accessible scheme. NLP originated from therapists who
could achieve their therapeutic objectives in a very brief moment. NLP has
not only demonstrated its effectiveness as a therapeutic instrument; it is also a
very strong covert instrument for convincing and influencing people. If a
therapist can suddenly convince the customer to accept a fresh alternative, the
same methods can be used to sell a product, or even to add a fresh list of
convictions. As much as NLP is a science, it is also an art and takes time to
understand the NLP model and techniques. To comprehend the NLP model,
one must first acknowledge that individuals are both the same and distinct in
many ways. We are the same because we have a few methods to comprehend
our experience. We are distinct in that each individual has a particular way of
understanding their experience. For the person who knows how someone else
makes sense of their world, his message can be tailored to accept it. With the
strength implied in the NLP, it has, of course, been picked up and exploited
in sales, advertising and helping people lay down.
Sensory Acuity
It implies that when working with someone, you have to pay greater attention
to how they respond rather than whether you do stuff properly. Sensorial
acuity Sensory acuity is NLP lingo for "Pay Attention!" When you do this
("Pay attention!"), you will realize that individuals are very subtly responding
to you.
The best starting point for Mind Control and NLP is at the beginning. All
NLP teaching begins with the subject of relationships. The relationship is
much more than getting someone like you. You can relate to someone who
doesn't like you. What is essential about the relationship is that the other
individual understands how deeply you are. It enables the individual to feel
comfortable with you and ready to react with a certain sense of acceptance.
(Yes, even if they don't like you, they can answer you. Think of this as an
enemy that respects each other.) It is said and rightly so that nothing is
feasible without relation and nothing is feasible with relation. "Mirroring and
matching" are the first methods to be taught. Mirroring implies moving and
talking in a way similar to the other individual and doing this in a manner that
does not appear to be imitating. It generates an unconscious faith that the
other individual is like you. You can unconsciously see individuals reflecting
each other among those who are already in contact. If one changes his stance,
the other individual shifts his stance to match the other individual. It is a very
natural result to have a relationship. Many NLP training courses spend
lengthy hours reflecting and matching to assist members in rapidly learn how
to get in touch with each other. The exercises are helpful, but an easier way to
do them. The easiest way to get a relationship is to think about mirroring
instead of the cause of a relationship. In other words, if you like someone and
feel like him, you have relationships, and you're going to reflect and match
them without thinking about it. You have to believe, therefore, that you are
like this individual. Assume the relationship is already present and that you
both know the other people's ideas and practices deeply. At first, some mental
exercises may be necessary, but it is much simpler than attention to the
movements of people and then moving the body to suit them.
Recognizing the Art of Manipulation
The exert of undue influence through mental distortion, and emotional
exploitation can be described as psychological manipulation, to seize
authority, control, advantages, and privileges on the cost of a victim.
Healthy social influence must be distinguished from psychology. Healthy
social influence is a component of building and building relationships among
most individuals. One individual is used for the advantage of another in
psychological manipulation. The manipulator intentionally generates a power
imbalance and uses the victim to serve his agenda.
Persuasive Language
Notice allusions. These mentions are well-known plays or occurrences that
cause feelings or issues connected with previous knowledge. Take note of
allusions. For example, when mentioning a new activist leader, Rd. Martin
Luther King would like to invoke feelings of reverence and reverence for the
new leader— regardless of whether this recognition is acquired.
Look for the prejudices in question or declaration phrases. Says, "Why does
this unconstitutional legislation need to be passed in our nation? “It indicates
the pros and cons of the bill are impossible to be explored in a healthy and
meaningful way. The emotionally charged language of the promoters about
the same proposal also indicates that they are doubtful to discuss its contents
Theories on Psychological Manipulation
Amplification Hypothesis
This stance becomes harder when you convey a certain stance with
confidence. And the reverse is accurate: the position is supplied by
expressing confusion.
Conversion Theory
The minority in a community can influence the public disproportionately.
Typically, the most vulnerable in bulk are those who might join because it
was simple or because they thought that there were no options. The most
efficient are consistent, reliable minority speakers.
Stimuli which influences how you view short-term ideas and behavior can
influence you. A truly clever instance of Changing Minds is this: a phase
sorcerer tells ' attempt ' and ' loop ' in distinct phrases in which he begins to
believe about the term ' tricky process ' afterward.
Scarcity Principle
You want something brief. You want something brief. This urge improves as
you anticipate your sadness when you fail to act quickly enough.
Psychological procedures involve development and information
comprehension, training and decision-making and fixing of problems, and
views and behaviors. They are different from willing and desirable mental
procedures. The capability of cognitive is evaluated by IQ testing
The deed of providing a merely unanticipated donation has a very strong
impact on individuals. Remember the sentence "There is no free lunch. " All
companies subscribe to noon, which forces its employees to reimburse in the
form they receive. So, when someone on the road approaches them with a
flower, they are far more probable to donate if requested. It is a prevalent
method among donation request organizations. Oral Roberts is renowned for
composing advertisements to his disciples for his profitable post. One email
contained an inch of tapestry, which he called from his ancient cabinet. "I
stood on this carpet over the last 15 years, and I wept for hours. " He'd beg
for a gift at the end, and it functioned!! Most Mind Control configurations
use reciprocity. The key to understanding is that the product you give does
not have to be of excellent importance. It is the process of providing it
voluntarily which affects. Give the article and say it's safe and there’s no duty
to beg for something, then. Don't concentrate on the donation; they can hold
it regardless. A donation may also be a kind of concession. If you understand
that, you could give them something you understand could be too costly for
them like a big gift or a moment gift. If you continue to recognize your
doubts and decrease your bid, beg for less.
Information Manipulation
One manner of reasoning about how disappointing emails are produced is
how interacting people manipulate data within the texts they generate. The
theory of information manipulation indicates that tricky posts work
disappointingly since they breach conversational interactions ' values in a
covert way. Because the talk integrators have hypotheses about the amount,
quality, way, and significance of data to submit, participants can use all or all
of these hypotheses by controlling the data they hold to mislead viewers.
If the mental limits, bias or practices lead in a certain sad behavior, or
decision structure, the model, maybe "swept" in the direction of stronger
selection by incorporating ideas in the selection of behavioral architecture, i.
e. the physical, cultural, and psychological elements of situations influencing
a specific behavior or decision making model They claim, in specific, that
these stimuli can prevent certain traditional regulation's difficulties and future
obstacles, like expensive and unsuccessful lobbying, unintended incentive
impacts and invasive decision regulation, such as bans. The advantages of
using nudes, they argue, are that the traditional legislation with nudges to
affect people's daily decisions and actions could thus add –or, perhaps, even
substitute them to faster, less aggressive, and more efficient methods.
Social Manipulation
Social impact does something because it's done by everyone else. Do not
underestimate its efficacy. If one person looks in the air, it is only a small
chance that someone else will look up to find out what he is looking for.
When three or four individuals look in the same position, there is a quadruple
of the number of persons who obey and look upwards. This impact of Social
Proof may readily be integrated by the fact that individuals already comply
with the required' appropriate behavior' have a Mind Control topic. It has
special authority for individuals who felt outside of the personal standard and
discover a community that accepts and does not judge them. If the band is to
attract' outside the standard' joining the work will be even more probable to
comply with fresh behaviors. As you can prove that "everybody does it," you
can demonstrate personal evidence more effectively. Consider how a group
can begin and become an orgy. The more inhibited persons feel happy taking
a role if there are enough people ready to participate in it.
In the 1944 film "Gaslight," the term "gas burning" relates to a woman who
tries to turn his husband crazy to take her to a hospital. The term "gas burns”
He manipulates her workplace so that her capacity to understand the truth can
be doubted. Gas painting is a modem exercise that causes somebody to
question their judgment, understanding of truth so that they can embrace a
different viewing, interpretation, or truth. Every day when somebody tries to
reassess your findings so that you can acknowledge their recommendations
more easily. In other phrases, the gaslighting characteristic is a key aspect of
human communication, and that is what happens at all times. It naturally has
a restricted impact because it generates opposition immediately.
Chapter Four: Hypnosis
What is Hypnosis?
Over the years, experts have identified Hypnosis as a general state of melody,
involving mainly concentrated focus. That focus comes hand inside with a
reduction in peripheral consciousness, characterized by an enhanced ability of
the patients to react to certain suggestions that they are often provided by
their manipulator. The participant will likely join a completely distinct state
of mind and will be far more likely to follow the hypnotic suggestions of a
hypnotic than the individual who is not hypnotized. When this enigma comes
to life, we find two primary subjects that resonate with a wide motif of
The patient is anticipated to concentrate more on a specific remembrance or
idea during hypnosis and to focus pairs with an intensive fresh capacity to
focus. The employee can also prevent additional outlets that could divert
them during this phase. In specific if these suggestions come from the
hypnotically, the hypnotic topics are thought to be better able to reply. The
hypnotic induction method is known as the hypnotic induction and contains
several suggestions and guidelines for warming up the member.
For example, if you have not a licensed hypnotherapist or another
professional, you can choose to use your hypnotic treatment. It here one can
hypnotize oneself, often through methods for self-hypnotization. The
principal use of this technology is to improve you, and many people will use
it to reduce their stress levels, to prevent smoking or to get a diet. While some
people hypnotize themselves, many find some help to achieve the situation
that has changed.
Stage Hypnosis
If most individuals consider hypnotization, the phase is hypnotized. The user
of hypnosis is frequently shown to be an excellent showcase and helps to
believe that hypnosis is about mind control. It is also a kind of enjoyment to a
theatre or bars public. The hypnotist will attempt to alter the whole crowd at
the start of the intervention before selecting certain people, who will meet the
requirements for performing and performing different awkward actions while
looking at others. It's a combination of disappointment, physical
manipulation, suggestibility, selection of participants, and psychological
factors that we don't understand how efficient stage hypnosis is. The person
has a hypnotic position and a nice performance, most specialists believe.
Some novels published by the ancient hypnotics of the arena reinforce the
concepts of disappointments and deceptions, and some are completely false
Types of Hypnosis
Embedded Technique
The method integrated is hypnotic. During this phase, the hypnotist says an
exciting tale. This tale is aimed at distracting and engaging the mind of the
subject. It will also include implicit suggestions, concealed within the tale but
approved in the unconscious mind of the subject. Through this tale, the
hypnotizer utilizes handling directions to guide the subconscious mind to
discover the remembrance needed. This remembrance is generally intended to
know from the past. The hypnotizer can use the teaching expertise to make a
Traditional Hypnosis
It is a common form of hypnosis used by hypnotics. It operates by creating
proposals to the unconscious mind of the participant. The person who is
probable to be hypnotized is someone who does what he is instructed and
does not answer many answers or answers frequently. If you'd hypnotize
yourself, you'll do it with traditional hypnosis. Just as we said it is very
popular and may be attributed to this kind of hypnosis, it does not require a
lot of know-how nor is it technical. The wizard will have the correct phrases
and will say what to do to the person. The hypnotist, when the person is a
critical thinker and can analyze a specified scenario, could experience an
issue with this.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
This type of hypnosis gives the hypnotist wide criteria for the methods they
can use in the process of hypnosis. The hypnotist can save time during the
process as the hypnotist will use the same thought patterns as the one that is
creating the problem in the participant. If it is stress, for example, the same
thought pattern causing this stress will be used to counter the stress. The
different types of NLP are discussed below.
NLP Anchoring
Think of a specific fragrance to comprehend how anchoring functions. The
first moment you had this fragrance, you experienced some sensation that
was connected to that specific aroma by the unconscious mind. It makes the
perfume the anchor for these specific emotions. Whenever you hear the
perfume, these emotions flow home, and the unconscious mind is activated
by them. For hypnotic hypnotizers, this kind of NLP is helpful. The
hypnotist, for instance, will attempt to recreate the emotions you had when
you received the award. The hypnotist will make sure the listener acts during
this phase while recreating this feeling. Every moment the topic performs the
intervention, those emotions are remembered.
This sort of NLP can motivate an individual to achieve his or her objectives,
e. g., if he or she tries to be healthier or weight loss. The hypnotist creates a
favorable anchor that matches the participant's mental image. The psychic is
that of a slender, seductive flesh. This picture is used as an incentive to begin
weight loss.
NLP Flash
This method must only be performed by a licensed specialist as it is very
strong and used to change the participant's ideas and feelings around the
unconscious mind. It is useful for people who have or are accustomed to
chronic stress. Here is what the hypnotist is going to do when an individual is
allergic to a drug and does not trigger joy; the deed now causes suffering. The
kitten will give a feeling of relief if the individual has severe stress. People
who are attracted to cigarettes and alcohol now experience pain by taking
those drugs, which can then help them to overcome their addiction
efficiently. This method is very helpful to people who suffer from chronic
stress, as it enables them to recover because stress to their bodies can be very
difficult. You can understand what creates your stress and redirect you to
make you feel more relaxed. The NLP flash was efficient in removing
conditional answers in your mind.
A practical instance is an individual who likes to drink alcohol during
activities. Whenever this individual participates in a case where liquor is not
consumed, he will combine all events with liquor. When this individual
passes NLP Flash, these two occurrences must be separated from the other. It
implies that the individual has an incident that reflects on alcohol and is
efficient when attempting to stop alcohol consumption.
NLP Reframe
It is the third type of NLP that can be used in hypnosis. It aims and works
well in helping the participant change the way they behave. The hypnotist,
for this work, should be able to comprehend that there is, in fact, a positive
outcome when the behavior is changed. The focus on the outcome is critical
as this is the reason for using this form of NLP in the first place. Despite this,
the behavior chosen to achieve the outcome is not as important. The process
involves the hypnotist trying to engage with the unconscious mind of the
participant. The end game is to get the unconscious mind to be responsible
for the participant’s new chosen behavior that will help in achieving the
secondary gain. This new behavior will then be more acceptable to the
conscious mind of the participant.
Ericksonian Hypnosis
The story and metaphors of this sort of hypnosis. This hypnosis utilizes
history and metaphors to generate unconscious thoughts and suggestions. The
only downside, but it needs someone who has witnessed and educated to
operate and be efficient, is that this hypnosis is very efficient and strong.
What is the cause of its effectiveness? The fundamental cause is that it can
remove opposition to the hypnotic suggestions. Two kinds of metaphors are
used. The first is known as metaphors of the isomorphic. It is a popular
metaphor that provides the unconscious mind measures by providing the
individual with a little history that will ultimately have a personal conclusion.
The subconscious mind can connect the components that come from the tale
to the issue. The popular' Boy Who Cried Wolf ' tale is an instance of a
morally ended tale. Children were told this tale to inform them of what would
occur if they were continually lying. The kids told this tale can connect the
tale of truths with the kid who is told in this tale. You can see that jokes can
cause issues, and the kid voluntarily ceases talking to prevent issues. The
other metaphor is the metaphor of the intersection. Here, outside their
unconscious mind, the students don't readily understand the order described
in the tale.
Hypnotic Tactics
In such strategies, there are many variations, but they provide an
understanding of the main things. For example, the use of each strategy
provides a straightforward understanding of how hypnotists operate every
day in our presence.
If hypnotism can be interpreted in a bleak psychic context as a "deep
proposal," it is vital to understand what the proposal implies in this situation.
Many people can expect a suggestion to be a specified statement, such as, "I
recommend you do this," which is far from the ordinary understanding of the
word. The first important concept is that psychic proposals can be oral or
Just like an iceberg, imagine the human brain. The iceberg part above the
water represents the well-known and understood aspects of cognitive function
as thoughts. An intentionally unavailable understood part of the brain is the
larger part of the earth that is underground. You have to believe in the dream
and the tremendous power of the mind to generate certain pictures and smells
while a person lives if you challenge the power of this hidden portion of the
body. Dark hypnotists target this unconscious, covert part of the mind.
Hypnotizers usually use two types of recommendations: silent and oral. There
are different types of both sorts of hypnotic technology. Some variables
depend on the precise type of hypnotism that a single handler uses at any
time. Some manipulators conduct any hypnotisms which they believe will
affect their lives the most. Any technique they currently want to use for their
pleasure, others' conduct. It depends primarily on the hypnotist attempting to
have the biggest feasible effect or just trying to control someone for his
matches and enjoyable.
The oral proposition is very difficult to identify. Dark hypnotists can
sometimes instill suggestions in their minds which feel like other, more
honest sentences.
In deeper darkness, a hypnotizer might mask "You want to kill" as something
similar, like "You want to dine. " Hypnotizers would tell "You want to kill,"
but in a framework that covers true material. The hypnotist may speak, for
example, of a trip ahead and tell, "You have to go try out the local places;
you want to stay somewhere that is prevalent but picturesque. "
The examples mentioned above of hidden words are like poison in someone's
meals. The person consumes the covered stuff and thinks that if he absorbs
anything deadly, he loves something helpful and secure. This technique is
never seen by the viewer. Even if anyone believes they've given the actual
sentences spoken by the hypnotizer, think how crazy it sounds like crying!
People tend to psychologically choose for them and embrace the hidden order
without a problem.
A hypnotist's sound of voice and phrases is another oral suggestion method.
Certain hypnotics will discover how fast and how a particular person
transmits something serious.
The hypnotist will memorize the information and maintain it for later use, for
example, if one wishes to tell something that creates meaning, their voice will
decline at a pitch and slow down the pace. In this precise, reflective sound,
the hypnotist would then give the casualty proposals. The sentences in this
variation deeply pierce the victim's defense because of the close modulation.
Because the hypnotist only gave this voice the evocative content and turns
back into his usual way of speaking, he wouldn't even be conscious of what
had occurred.
A hypnotic consumer of Dark Psychology uses a further sort of custom oral
advice to retrieve sentences that are especially essential for those using them.
For example, you often use a particular term to convey this feeling when you
are very sentimental. If he is prepared to use these personal sentences, the
hypnotic manipulator can utilize them for his own sake. Just as people have a
certain sound of the voice; they often have a roster of sentences of personal
importance without comprehension. The manipulator understands the person
deeper than the viewer understands. The manipulator can reverse the victim's
own brain to use these expressions and voices when he understands them.
The suggestion may also take forms that are not verbal. It can be by the
hypnotic manipulator's body language or even by the clues in their location.
Consider again when you believe that such things, seemingly trivial, cannot
have a hypnotic effect! Even political leaders use such techniques to convey
clear intentions, for example, by changing their hairstyles in lectures. The
human mind is deeply susceptible to even the least signs as unpleasant as it is
to believe.
So, what are some of the most important nonverbal uses of a therapeutic
manipulator? The notion of partnership is the focus of the technique. A
skilled hypnotist can connect a strong emotion continually with some internal
stimuli like a certain eye movement. For example, if a hypnotist wishes to
cause the panic of a victim when he or she reflects or pursues, he or she can
create a particular movement with his or her eye. The victim's subconscious
would teach to relate the eye's movement to the feeling. The hypnotist could,
over moment, only trigger the emotional reaction by generating eye
movement, even without further stimuli.
Another nonverbal proposition is the environmental stimulus which is a
component of a hypnotic toolkit. Consider social stimulus as a child called to
the principal's cabinet. The location itself was enough because you learned to
connect the location with the chaos and the problems, to offer you a sense of
deep anxiety. The same idea can be used by hypnotizers to ravage the lives of
They often create sure, for example, that they speak to a given person image
of the hypnotist and her client in a sexual attachment. Anytime the hypnotist
wishes his victim's permission or agreement, and he can only tell if she is at
the coffee-shop. The victim's mind begins to connect the coffee shop's
physical atmosphere with approval over the moment. This physical
configuration can then be used as a psychological inner lever if the
hypnotizer needs influence and power.
Hypnotic Techniques for Practical Use
Future Pacing
Future pacing enables a skilled manipulator to guide his or her victim along
an intellectual path into the future and to influence behavior and reactions in
a real chronological future, regardless of the victim's reality.
The potential speed involves a future scenario in the psychic supervision of
the person. The Hypnotist, for instance, would invite his client to think
something like getting his next paycheck if he would create his client feel
charitable and comfortable when he receives cash. The hypnotizer would
ensure that the person thinks of all five sensations–what they would see, feel,
contact, etc. it allows the brain to see the future scenario as "real" because of
its visual scope. Once the hypnotists bring his target on, he starts to suggest
some occurrences and monitor the responses. The hypnotist may state, for
instance, "I imagine being very charitable and giving it to those who need it
because you are kind and do the correct thing is profound in your heart. " If
the physical reaction of the person to this future scenario demonstrates
indications of accordance and acceptability, then the hypnotic handler would
expect that the person would. For example, bleak psychological hypnotists
will maintain ordinary interaction with a person by 95%. It will increase the
victim's comfort and trust to the extent that the moment invested in hypnotic
effects not only remains invisible in the defense but will function efficiently
once incorporated into his / her mind.
Chapter Five: Secret of Deception
Understanding Deception
Deception is a theme that usually resonates within the spectrum of dark
psychology. it has throughout the years been defined as any particular act that
is used by a particular manipulative individual to instill certain beliefs within
the victim that are usually false or only those possessing partial truths.
Deception is not usually an easy theme to understand since it involves a lot of
different things like, for example, distractions, propaganda camouflage, and
concealment. The manipulator is often able to easily control the subject's
mind since the victim is led to placing immense trust in this particular
manipulative individual. The victims often believe in whatever the
manipulator will say, and might even be basing plans and shaping their world
base on the things that the manipulator is feeding their subconscious mind.
This strong element of trust towards the manipulator can quickly fade away
once the victim realizes what is going on
In most cases, deception will often present itself in relationship settings and
can lead the victim to have dominant feelings of distrust and betrayal between
the partners in the relationship. It usually happens because deception is a
theme that violates most of the rules of the relationships, together with having
a negative influence on the expectations that come with the relationship.
When getting into relationships, one of the things that are usually expected is
the ease of having an honest and truthful conversation with their partner at all
times. If the then learns that one of them is beginning to show signs of
deception, they might have to learn the different ways using misdirection and
distractions to pry out reliable and truthful information that they need from
them. The trust would have gone into a permanent rift that will not be easy to
come back from since the victim will always be questioning everything that
the partner will say and do wondering whether the story is true or fabricated.
Most relationships will end as soon as the deceptive partner is found out.
Deception Spectrum
It is essential to realize that the concept of disappointments can happen on a
big or small scale. One of the principal errors individuals often make is that
distress is only severe if it is significant and does not matter if it is low. It is a
grave mistake. Small disappointments are used by qualified manipulators in
powerful darkness and are often more efficient than big disappointments.
Similarly, some of the major frustrations ever made by intentional
manipulators have been done to serve their aims and goals. There are now
dark instances of multiple deceptions, big and small, which demonstrate the
concept of the range of fraud.
So, what methods can individuals who practice the art of dark psychology use
lower deceptions? Small deceptions are often used to assess the gullibility of
the victim originally and to make him believe in the manipulator's deceptive
statements and behavior. If individuals think several lower lies over time, a
bigger lie will be more likely to be believed in the future. This gradual
conditioning is not the only way to use lower disappointments as a
psychologically dark weapon.
Smaller disappointments can also be made to undermine the confidence of a
victim in their logic and reason power. If a manipulator misleads a victim
about a small number of problems, and the victim begins questioning what is
happening, the victim may well find her suspicion irrational and thus cannot
trust her judgement. Most individuals are more likely to conclude that their
judgment is defective than someone else's judgement on apparently tiny
problems. Users of dark psychology are conscious of the overall "confidence"
that individuals have and try to use without pity.
Large-scale disappointment can also be a practical illustration of dark
psychology. One of the greatest disappointments is to persuade someone that
you are distinct from what you say you are. Not concerning character or any
other details. A whole identity. Name, date of birth, all! The most qualified
consumers of dark psychology can convince others to fully purchase a fake
identity and background in their portrayals.
Now that the manipulative users of Dark Psychology can use the spectrum of
deception for their purposes, we will investigate some of the most prevalent
topics and topics that individuals are deceived. We will then examine
precisely how these big and small-scale disappointments are performed by
examining the particular tactics.
Deceptive Topics
The core of deception is often cantered on money. What do I mean by this?
Money tends to drive the manipulator to result to using deception on a
particular victim, to either rid him of said money completely or just to hide
away their bundles. A beggar is a perfect example used to better shed light on
this. as hard as it may be to believe, these beggars more often than not dive
into several psychological principals to siphon money from innocent
unsuspecting victims of their hard-earned money despite having plenty of it
themselves. In an attempt to exploit the victim's kindness and humanity, these
beggars will often inflict some bodily harm upon themselves with a view of
making them look completely helpless top their victims. Some of the more
extreme deceivers will go as far as turning their children into some serious
drug addicts to make their scam more believable. It is just but a single
example of the lengths that these dark deceivers are willing to go within the
realm of money related deception. Deception is also widely prevalent in
regards to one’s marital status. Most dark deceivers when perusing the
opposite gender often for a sexual fling or just with the aim of long-term
commitment will choose to keep their current marital status under wraps so
as easily seduce their new caught. Some skilled deceivers can have
relationships with a vast majority of partners silently undernoted to their
wife’s. This type of deception has been made even more difficult to uncover
especially now with the dominance of social networking apps. Their apps
have made it possible for a deceiver to keep in constant contact with his
many 'wives' without having to leave the comfort of his home. In some cases,
a deceiver is not looking to court multiple women but uses deceit to make
people believe that they are married when in fact it is the exact opposite. It
may occur for some reason.
The institution of marriage is regarded as one of the most sacred unions that
exist, and as many such people may be more trusting towards a married
couple than one that is not married. A manipulated wearies of this fact will
then exploits this to his gain. They will then proceed to fabricate a whole
story of how they were once married to this 'other ‘person, who wound up
dying in one way or another. It warrants sympathy from the unsuspecting
victims. They will even go a step further and even fabricate fake marriage
certificates of the deceased so as remove all doubt. Such deception often
takes shape where some insurance money was left behind by the deceased,
and in most cases, the deceiver gets what he wants.
Another instance people usually chose to deploy deception is where there is
an existence of criminal history. As human beings, we tend to distance
ourselves from people who have had a criminal past because deep down, we
are aware of the fact that nothing will come out of that interaction. Take for
example a man straight out of the penitentiary. If he happens to cross paths
with an attractive woman who he desires to have a long-term commitment
with or just a casual encounter, the chances of him revealing his criminal past
to her are close to none. He will instead give fabricated information about
himself to appear more attractive and less threatening. This type of deception
is not usually considered to be dark since the deceiver motivation maybe fear
of rejection, it is a tactic often employed by serial killers.
Perhaps the most iconic dark deceiver would have to be Ted Bundy. He often
used deception to create this lovable and charming personality which most
people fell for within minutes of running into him. Amazing a total body
count of 30 women is proof enough of his prowess in the field of dark
deception. Individuals who share the same psychological composition are in
almost all scenarios driven by their out of this world urges to the point where
they will do almost everything to hide the truth to satisfy their devilish urges.
These manipulators at times happen to be people who can be regarded as
being social outcasts with some behavior that isn’t normally accepted by the
general population. It makes them a bit shy in regards to opening up to other
human beings, since they risk losing their potential mate, or rather just a
possible friend once they are open about their indifferent desires. They will
then result to deploy dark deception with the hopes of appearing normal. For
example, if a particular individual opts to use dark deception on a victim to
get sexual benefits from them, they are less likely to focus on this particular
subject. This is because to understand all too well that it will not only pose a
serious red flag to the victim but also chances of it succeeding decreasingly
decline since now the victim can get a feel of the manipulator's true nature. In
this scenario, the manipulator might instead, lie along the lines of him
seeking love and commitment, making the victim drop their walls and falling
prey to this type of deception.
The main area where manipulators feel like deceiving the victim seems like
the only logical route to take is most probably in regards to his personal
feeling towards his victim. Love is one of the strongest emotions we were
programmed to have. Now imagine the effect deception, specifically dark
deception would have on a normal human being. The manipulators will
influence the victim to think and know them as this whole other person who
they will fall for. Only to be driven to madness once their true nature ci
brought to light. So severe is the level of the psychological and emotional
distraught on the victims that they may lead to something like suicide. I the
most basic sense, dark deception will often be deployed based on the
interpersonal feeling the manipulator has towards his given victim depicting
them as something complete south of what they are. The main area where
deception is most common is the usage in romantic relationships. A
manipulator approaching his victim with this fake persona often leaves a kind
of a “white knight “feeling resonating within the victim. That is so because
this persona may be the exact person, they seemed to be absent from their
lives. Receptors said to be acting on their craft at an expert level can analyze
a person’s wants and desires from just reading of your nonverbal cues. This
sort of deception is likely to open a Pandora’s Box of an endless stream of
long-term manipulation. Deception is used by these manipulators aiming to
exude a sense of general friendship, increasing the victim’s susceptibility to
dark manipulation. Take for example if the manipulator decides to make a
victim of a venerable person. When approaching them, they will portray a
very charming and friendly person offering his support without coming off as
an additional ball. The manipulator is willing to do absolutely anything the
victim wishes with the sole purpose of making the victim less weary when
they are being manipulated. This is especially likely to happen if this deceit
continues for an extended period.
Deceptive Tactics
Lying can easily be classified as being the main form of dark deception. This
tactic could be highly preferred by the manipulator if he has established that
his victim is susceptible to lies and unable to counteract them, either because
the victim has a childlike sense of trust or just a resultant of the manipulator's
efforts of work over an extended amount of time. in most cases, manipulators
usually have a separate set of lies to use, if and when the victim starts
noticing some gaps to this plan. an experienced enough manipulator will
often develop the skill of attaching his lies to certain truths over time. What
does this mean? The victim will, for example, attach 20% lies to a story that
is 80% true. it becomes near impossible for the victim not to see the whole
story as being true since the deception is not that loud so to speak. Believe it
or not, even the manipulator's tone of voice is enough to trap their victim.
They may say something falsely deceptive in a particular tone or using a
certain gesture in such a way that also blinds the victim into perceiving what
the manipulator is saying to be the truth.
Another tactic prevalent in the deployment of deception would be implying.
Though a more subtle than lying, implying suggests something false as being
true rather than saying it. A scenario of this can be seen where money is
involved. If a manipulator approaches his victim with the aim of deceiving
him about the amount of money that there in possession of, they could either
tell them a direct lie or simply Imlay the particular lie. The implied lie will
probably some vague statement of bravado like “I have a lot of money from
my many businesses,” knowing too well that this is not the case at all. This
statement implies that the manipulator is wealthy, without him having
expressly said it. This tactic will prefer by manipulators as it prepares for the
worst-case scenarios which in this case is having been found out by the
victim. If for example at any given point the victim accuses the manipulator
of lying, he may boldly deny this owing to the fact that at no given time did
he happen to say lie which is technically true. This tactic may be especially
more damaging to those victims who have a hyperactive sense of
imagination. All the manipulator has to do is just plant the seed of deceit in
the victim's psyche and just wait for it to run its course. The victim will come
to a conclusion based on their idealized version of their “reality” prompted by
the manipulator.
Another form of deceit used in dark deceit is omission. This is simply the
failure to mention something that is true. This tactic seeks to contrast with
our previous tactics. Whereas implication or lies prefer to use false
information to cover up the truth, omission is then geared towards just
ignoring the truth while at the same time leading the victim’s attention away
from it. If for example a convicted rapist is smitten by a lady in his
neighborhood. in getting to know each other better, the manipulator will
simply avoid his dark past inversely sharing only the happy yet normal
stories about their past. Manipulators often tend to carry out omission by
creating somewhat of an “emotional fence “around a particular subject. to
break this down further, and an “emotional fence “is created where the
manipulator cites that a certain part of their life brings nothing more than
nightmares to them when brought up. The victim falling slave to human
emotions will then avoid bring it up at all so us not to cause their ‘friend “any
psychological distress. This tactic often allows them to avoid the truth, while
at the same time making the victim feel guilty.
The last tactic we shall look at is that of fraud. This is hands down the most
candid form of deception used by those who fancy the use of dark
psychology. Fraud is a tactic that is aimed at having a particular set of
falsified documents and other pieces of evidence backing up the lies, rather
than simply lying about their past. Manipulators will for example,
strategically leave out bits of their “achievements “for their victim to see,
without having to explain himself and appearing to be a bit too pushy about it
making the whole claim mighty suspicious. Over the course of time, fraud
has been seen to be occurring at an alarming rate now, especially with the
widespread use of computers as well as the internet. Deceivers are now more
than ever able to generate realistic-looking documents with the help of
professional software, able to bypass the keen eye of just about anyone.
Instances, where people have been able to secure job opportunities using a
false identity or just stole from their won company without ever being found
out, are to name just but a few examples of professional fraud. Fraud also
takes shape in our personal lives. This is particularly so in regard to health
status. Some dark manipulators will liaise with their doctors in order to
falsify their health records allowing them to spread the disease without
anyone being the wiser. When a manipulator decides to use dark deceit for a
fraudulent purpose, he can be regarded as being an overly religious user of
dark psychology. This is the case since it requires guts to break the law
whose only consequence is facing some considerable amount of jail time.
One of the most devious and sneaky ways dark deception is often carried out
in a skillful manner is that where follows the manipulator's own pantomime
of feeling deceived by their victim. by virtue of portraying the victim as the
one with the deceptive nature, focus then shifts from himself and onto the
victim allowing to carry out his dark plan right under the victim's nose, this is
basically a deception within a deception.
Chapter Six: Psychology of Influence
How to Influence Others
This can be easily done through brainwashing. Brainwashing relates to the
temporary method of exchanging the thoughts of an individual on culture and
faith with fresh concepts designed to fit the brainwashing objective. In both
broader and smaller environments, brainwashing can happen. For example, a
brainwasher is able to control a particular person or to control the thoughts of
a broader group at once using the same techniques and principles.
Brainwashing is the method by which atheists become nationalists and
suicide terrorists. It is demonstrated to be efficient in nearly any situation,
evaluated and demonstrated over the years.
So, what are the most prevalent brainwashing misunderstandings? Many
individuals see the method as a rapid and compulsory event. Figure either
Alex in "A Clockwork Orange" or Neo in "The Matrix" which
unintentionally compelled concept into its cranium within a brief moment.
That's brainwashing in Hollywood, and it's far from what happens in actual
This section will examine in depth the method of real-world brainwashing,
but brainwashing is in its entirety, the rapid, gradual, and seemingly willing
change of the' chart of truth' of a person from the one voluntarily created by
the brainwasher to the one imposed upon it. The malicious irony of the
method is that the brainwasher ensures that the person is always in command.
The Analysis
Many individuals would share that "cults brainwashing individuals," although
very few could clarify just what cults are and how their followers are
brainwashing. Let the method be demystified. A cult is a set of fringes often
constructed around a charismatic leader, who can affect his supporters highly.
The cultivation generally gives those who pursue a "comprehensive
knowledge of truth. " Why does this cultivation background precisely flourish
in which brainwashing?
The main appeal of cults, if the individual is prepared to carry on the
doctrines of a cult, is to show a truth as something easy and within grasp of
the average person. We reside in a contemporary and complicated
environment where lives can be overwhelming and messy. Cultures break
through this confusion and say, "We have the response, don't care. " The
manner this "answer" is displayed is designed to satisfy the natural need for
membership and recognition. The concept of a "fresh ordinary" can lead to
the development of brainwashing in this sense. What is "fresh ordinary"
precisely? It is an influencing manner in which cult can affect people, by
creating them seem predominant, recognized and beneficial, in their
brainwashing. For instance, it would be extremely odd in daily existence to
worship a guy that says to be God. However, this behavior becomes "normal"
in the closed environment of a cult to the extent that it would not appear
unusual to people within a cultic environment! This method of constant
personal strengthening is one of the strongest forms of ideological cult
The Manipulation
We will speak about manipulative behaviors, perceptions, or topics of other
people through violence, frustration, or superior strategies, as a psychological
manipulation that is a social influence. The manipulator will operate to
support its own objectives, generally at the cost of others, in order for most of
its techniques to be regarded as fraud, frustration, and violence. Although not
always adverse social influence, it can damage you when you are influenced
by someone or a band. Social impact is generally considered benign, for
instance when a physician operates to convince his clients to start to follow
good practices. This relates to any cultural impact that is prepared to uphold
the freedom of choice and not unreasonably coercive. On the other side, if
anyone attempts to follow his own route and utilizes individuals against his
own will, the personal consequences can be detrimental and are generally
seen as adverse. Psychologist or emotional manipulation is seen as a type of
manipulation and coercion. This type of intellectual command can include
many elements such as bullying and brainwashing. This is usually regarded
as false or abusive. Those who decide to manipulate will attempt to check
their conduct. A manipulator will have some ultimate objective in mind and
will operate to push the manipulator to attain the end objective by using
several types of violence. Emotional hunting is often involved. The
manipulators will employ mental power, brainwashing or intimidation to get
others to do their job.
Perhaps the manipulator does not wish to do the job but feels that they have
no option owing to challenging or other methods. Manipulative individual’s
absence the proper focus and sensitivity for others to avoid problems in their
behavior. Other manipulators simply want to achieve the final objective and
don't care about who was upset or harmed. In addition, manipulative people
often fear a healthy relationship because they fear others won't embrace it.
Manipulative people are often unable to recognize them. Someone with a
manipulative personality cannot often bear responsibility for his own
behaviors, issues, and life. As these problems cannot be taken into account,
the manager utilizes manipulative techniques to carry accountability for
another person. Manipulators can usually use the same approach to affect
others as other mental controls. Emotional hunting is one of the most
common strategies.
The handler works here to stimulate empathy or guilt on the topic he controls.
These are the two feelings selected because they are the two biggest of all
natural feelings. Then the manipulator is able to use his sympathy or guilt to
force others to coexist or to help them achieve their final objective. Not only
can the manipulator create those feelings, but it can also stimulate a degree of
compassion or guilt that is far away.
This implies you can bring a scenario that does not appear to be a funeral or
something that is really crucial like losing a group. Only one of the methods
of manipulators is emotional punishment. One of the other stuff many
manipulators succeeded was to use a type of violence called insanity.
Usually, this strategy is designed to generate self-doubt in a controlled topic.
This self-doubt often becomes so powerful that some may think crazy. The
manipulator sometimes utilizes types of active violence to produce folly.
They may also choose to convey verbal assistance or consent, but then offer
non-verbal hints which differ. Often, the supervisor continually tries to
undermine certain occurrences or complications while demonstrating
assistance for the same behavior. You will use rejection, reasoning,
rationalization, and disapproval of the evil purpose to escape the problem
when you get captured in the law. One of the biggest problems with
psychological manipulators is that they cannot always realize what others
need. However, they are not excused for their behavior. Often, others '
demands are not seen as priorities, or the manipulator does not prioritize them
to undertake manipulative activities without feeling justified or shameful.
This could make it hard to prevent the conduct and clarify why the
manipulator has to continue wisely. In addition, the manipulator can find it
difficult to form meaningful and lasting relationships because the people they
are accustomed to and have difficulty relying on the manipulator. The
difficulty is informing relations in both directions, whereas the manipulator
cannot recognize the needs of another person, and the other person cannot
establish mental relationships or confidence in the manipulator.
The Persuasion
Many distinct responses are often discovered when individuals believe in
persuasion. Some individuals might believe in ads and publicity that
encourage you to buy some item over another. Others may believe in
politically persuasive and how applicants can attempt to affect the opinions of
the electorate to participate again. These are two instances of convincing
because the signal is aimed at changing the manner the topic believes.
Persuasion is a powerful power in the topic and in culture, but a huge impact.
It can be discovered in everyday life. The manner persuasion functions will
influence the press, the advertising, legal decision-making, and politics. As
this manual illustrates, there are significant distinctions between persuasive
individuals and other types of command. In the context of brainwashing and
hypnosis, the topic is isolated to alter its mind and personality.
Manipulation works to attain the supreme objective for one person too. While
only one topic can be compelling to alter their minds, persuasion can be
applied to a broader extent to convince a whole community or community to
alter its mode of thought. The ability to shift many people's minds at once can
render them more efficient and perhaps more harmful, instead of just one
Many people think wrong that they are exempt from convincing impacts. In
your opinion, you could see every pitch of revenues whether the officer is
selling a commodity or a fresh concept, then get to the point and conclude
with his own logic. In several scenarios, none of the people will want to hear
anything they use logic every time, especially when it is totally contrary to
their belief, regardless of the strength of the argument. Most people can
prevent wonderful vehicle buys or the recent item on the industry from
buying television and other products. The exercise of manipulation is often
subtler and it can be harder for the topic to convey its own opinions on what
it is advised to do. When the deed of persuasion arrives, only the bulk will
look it in an adverse context. You believe of a salesperson or colleague who
is looking for adverse reflection. They believe of a merchant or a friend who
is trying to convince them to alter all their convictions, which will press and
trouble them until the shift happens. Although this is definitely a manner to
think about motivation, often positive rather than negative can be used. For
instance, public service rallies can encourage individuals to prevent smoking
or recycling that can enhance the life of the individual. In the persuasion
method, everything is used.
Secret Manipulation Techniques
Creating an Illusion
The manipulator will be an expert in creating illusions that will more
effectively achieve its final aim. You will work out an image you want and
then convince the subject that this illusion is a reality, whether it's the
manipulator or not. To do so, the manipulator builds the evidence necessary
to demonstrate the point that works towards its goal. In order to begin the
illusion, the manipulator will put the ideas and evidence into the subject's
minds. Once these ideas are in place, the manipulator can step back for a
couple of days and allow for manipulation to take place in the minds of
subjects. The manipulator will then have a greater chance of getting the
subject on board. Manipulation is a form of mind control that the subject has
difficulty avoiding. Unlike in previous chapter brainwashing and hypnosis,
manipulation is capable of occurring in daily life, and it may occur in some
cases without much knowledge or control over the subject. The manipulator
will work discreetly to achieve their ultimate goal without suspiciousness and
the process derailing. The manipulator will not worry about who they hurt or
how others feel, and most will not be able to understand their subjects ' needs.
You just know that you want something and the subject you have chosen will
help you to achieve your goal. The techniques discussed in this chapter are
intended to help explain what happens during the manipulation process and
how the mind of the manipulator works during the manipulation process. It is
often best to try to keep anyone who is a manipulator clear so that you can
avoid this kind of intellectual control.
There are various kinds of lies that the manipulator can use to help them
achieve their final goals. First of all, they say lies, and others omit parts of the
truth from their subjects. It's because, if the manipulator lies, they are aware
that the lie goes far better than the truth to advance their agenda. Saying the
truth to someone might not help the manipulator, and it would be against its
plans completely. The manipulator will say a lie rather than persuade the
subject to do something for them, and it is too late to resolve the problem
when the subject finds out about the lie. In the stories they tell, the
manipulator might also choose to omit part of the truth. They tell parts of the
truth with this method, but they keep things out which are unpleasant or
which may impede progress from keeping certain things unpleasant or
preventing progress. Such mentions can be just as dangerous because what
the truth of the story is and what the lies are will become more and more
difficult. It is important to realize that anything you say can be a lie when
dealing with the manipulator. The manipulator says nothing because he just
tries to abuse and use his subjects to reach that end goal. It's not a good idea
to trust anything. The manipulator will do everything he can, even lying, to
get what he wants and he won't be sorry about it. As long as you get what you
want, you don't care too much about how this or other things affect you.
Putting Another Person Down
If the manipulator uses verbal know-how to dismantle his subject, he/she
risks making the subject feel as if he/she is attacked personally. When the
subject feels attacked, he or she will blow and will not support the
manipulator as he or she wishes. Rather, the manipulator won't like the
subject and will remain as far away as possible, making it very hard for the
manipulator to meet his ultimate objective. This is why the manipulator won't
just walk around and talk about it. You must be discerning about the process
and find a way to do it. You need to be more discerning about the process and
find a way to achieve this without elevating red flags or feeling that the
subject is being attacked. One way to do this is with humor. Humor can
reduce barriers otherwise because humor is funny and makes people feel
great. The manipulator can make his insult a joke. Although the plain has
become a joke, it works just as effectively as if the joke wasn't there without
leaving the visible scars. The manipulator often turns its position into a third
person. This helps them more easily mask what they say and provides an easy
way to deny the harm if they come back later to haunt them. If you are still
able to guess the comments are made on them, you might start putting them
down with "other people think. . . " if the subject is able to guess, then the
manipulator will end with a lift line which may include something like
"present company except, of course. "
It elevates the manipulator to a
new level and makes it feel that something is desirable. The topic is more
likely to improve things and fix any mistakes they have made. This puts the
manipulator in a position of power and makes it easier for them to help.
Techniques of Deception
This is if contradictory, ambiguous, or indirect statements are made by the
agent. This is to confuse the subject and not to understand what's happening.
It can also help the agent to protect himself if the subject returns and tries to
attribute the wrong information to them.
It's one of the most frequently used types of deceit. Obstacles are when the
agent intentionally or intentionally omits information which is relevant,
relevant, or relevant to the context or involves any behavior that would
conceal information relevant to the subject in this specific context. The agent
will not have linked the subject directly, but he or she will ensure that the
important information needed is never relevant
That is when an agent over-emphasizes a fact or extends the truth a bit so that
the story becomes the way they want. While the agent may not lie straight to
the issue, it will make the situation look bigger than it really is or it will
change the truth a little, so the subject will do what it wants.
An understatement is the exact opposite of the overstatement tool because it
will play down or minimize the truth aspects. You will say that an event is
not so much when, in fact, it could be the thing which will determine whether
the subject is graduated or promoted. Later on, the agent can say how it did
not understand the size of a deal, so it looks good, and the subject looks
almost small if they complain.
Chapter Seven: The Dark Triad
When you hear the dark triad, what is the first thing to remember? Perhaps
some fictional realm produced rightly by Hollywood? In fact, this is the main
idea that links all elements of dark psychology. The dark triad, in a nutshell,
is the subject of the three most damaging and dangerous psychological
character characteristics known to man. In the competing websites, you will
also try to clarify these characteristics and comprehend them better in order to
make a proper preparation against them. Psychopathy, narcissism, and
Machiavellianism are these characteristics. By mentioning this very trait,
most people will have a stereotypical depiction of the Psychopath as an
assassin and a Narcissist as a human being who is only obsessed about
himself. These antisocial illnesses are, however, much more than just
stereotypes. In order to be evident, each of these ideas must be respected and
This method traces the roots of Machiavelli, the renowned political
philosopher. Machiavelli's well-known work on influence and political
power,' the prince,' shares with the rest of the world his version of ideas,
principles, and tactics that have preserved the purpose of a kind of design for
those who could seek influence over the course of history. Based on this, we
then wonder what this Machiavellian individual really is and how he is doing.
What puts this specific strategy on the map is essentially the manipulator's
ability to concentrate only on his own interests at all moments, the exercise of
cruel strength and cruelty, the knowledge of the significance of picture and
the perception and surface appearance. So, the ramifications and implications
that they generally have are well understood and evaluated as to how they
might affect their life if they do that in a certain manner, you can simply
define a Machiavellian person, as their discourse often revolves around
something like,' how does this help me and how does this outcome impact my
public reputation? “Machiavellian people do what they do personally, whilst
at the same moment being able to preserve the highest government picture
without being the wiser. Perhaps one of the greatest examples of such a
person is the former US president Bill Clinton. While in his office, he
succumbed to his sexual wishes time and again while at the same moment
maintaining his admiration for him. This is truly a benefit over the majority
of the same lifestyle leaders, but it is spoiled by the general public. Another
instance is President Barrack Obama's and George W Bush's in the political
arena. During his time in office, Barrack Obama developed his love for peace
and capitalized on it while Bush strengthened his picture as that of a man
always having war on his mind. Obama manipulated the masses to build a
public perception that even evil bush had tried to serve his one purpose. This
is despite the reality that the two presidents were as militant as the next.
It would be very hard to tell you in black and white what psychopathy really
is but the fundamental definition of what psychopathy really is, instead of
who a psychopath is, is that specific person who seems to have a sort of
psychological disorder, which is heavy Forgive my language. When most
people hear these people mention, the first picture they often get is that they
look old with a machete and have a mask-like John Wayne Gacy. But their
identity's truth is far from that. It is most probable that they will be very
beautiful strangers who win over their victims by being just the correct charm
before they ultimately ruin or end their life. Surprisingly, a number of trials,
experiments and observations have shown that many of these people are at
the helm of the globe of company. Most individuals are starting to see
psychopathy as more of an issue for the entire community that the
psychopaths themselves have. They are generally programmed to survive in
any sector in which they choose to go. This is primarily due to their
indifferent opinions about the ordinary human sense of love, empathy and so
If you ask someone who they believe a narcissus is, I can bet that the most
probable response to get is a person who just enjoys himself. This is in the
right line, but not precise enough, especially when narcissism is grasped by a
dark triad lens. You can have self-love without being a narcissist. So, what
are some distinctions in the Dark Triad spectrum between an extremely selfesteemed person and someone who is narcissistic? Someone who meets the
medical diagnostic criteria for narcissism, so much so that they are
considered psychological disorders, can show a range of the following
features continually. They are generally prisoners of the inflated sense of selfworth, which manifests itself in many ways. This means that they see their
life as the most significant and unique thing that ever happened. Often this
conduct represents their self-worth.
Narcissists are likely to be extremely self-worthy, such as to see their lives as
unique and one of the most significant in history. In their own minds,
narcissists are not only special— they are superior. They are better
individuals, better than "ordinary" individuals. They are better. Your conduct
represents your feeling of self-worth. Some of the common external
manifestations of narcissism are unable to tolerate criticism or dissent in any
way. The need to be flattered is comparable to that which must be agreed
upon. Narcissists need on-going praise, support, and gratitude and tend to
organize their lives in a way that offers them with constant access to other
people who fulfill this need.
After looking at the foundation of this special ghost theme of dark
psychology, let us now first dive into how the dark triad manifests themselves
in the conduct of these indifferent people.
Machiavellian Characteristics
From what was discussed above, we understand that the Machiavellian is a
political schemer, primarily concerned with the borderline obsessed with his
government picture. These specific groups of people are regarded to be above
all the friendliest in their pursuit of self-interest. What can then be said about
the conduct of such people? Because of their master's ability to mask their
real intentions from the public, their behavior might be difficult to decrypt.
For many people who do not meet the clinical definition of
Machiavellianism, their government figures usually reflect their real private
self. Everyone shapes his image and behavior in public a bit, but in general,
most people's outward image is nothing more than a polished portrait of who
they really are. They often have a good idea of what they are really and the
person they often potter in the public eye. Perhaps the finest instance is that
of serial killers. Often the best have escaped the grip of the law because their
outer picture is the farthest away from their morbid fascination. The most
popular instance is that of the famous serial killer, Ted Bundy. According to
those who knew him, he was a beautiful guy. He was also very eloquent and
just showed that nobody thought that he had a single poor bone in his body.
This allowed him to kill up to 30 females before he was finally captured.
Examples of such a difference between intent and appearance in less extreme
fields than serial killing can be discovered. There are numerous stories of
leaders in the company who succeed in ruthlessly cutting employment and
making profits as much as possible. With regard to Machiavellianism, the
very best of these managers can actually get people to understand that they
are compelled or even compassionate! Such rulers are almost role models for
those who only want to serve their own wishes and at the same time appear to
be "a person of the people. " Another characteristic of Machiavellian men is a
willingness to exploit people. Let us look at an instance to understand this
well. A newcomer to a specific office that has such Machiavellian
characteristics would see each colleague, boss, or team member as a resource
or part of a puzzle to use and use. The Machiavellian would not see other
people as fellow humans but would see a series of strategic threats and
weaknesses to manage, exploit, or neutralize. This is an important part of
why Machiavellians are so aware of how they are. They know that this
outward image is the key to efficiently exercise effect and exploit everyone
they come across.
Another feature of the Machiavellians is the instillation of fear in their
surroundings. This stems directly from "The Prince," who urges people to be
both fearful and loved at the same time. If this is not possible, the book states
that are feared are easier to love. At the same time, the concept of loving and
afraid is linked directly to the Machiavellian trait of separating public and
private perception. The perfect Machiavellian can inspire fear and obedience
in people who genuinely pretend to feel higher love than fear.
Psychopathic Characteristics
In all respects, it is essential to understand how this group of persons
manifest themselves in order to detect them at an early stage and to protect
themselves from them. Charm is one of the most common conducts of a
psychopath. This charm should be understood to be superficial rather than
deep, true charm. If you think of a genuinely charming person from your
lifetime, you likely recognize that they have favorable features that support
external behavioral displays. However, if a person truly shows a charming
person as an expression of goodness, he should not be labeled psychopaths.
Psychopaths can demonstrate all external charm signs like physical attraction,
apparent warmth and interest in others. The inner motivation behind these
outer flags is why it is so red. As a portion of an equation, psychopaths see
charm. The manipulator often asks him whether it gives the victim a certain
emotion to feel in a specific euphoric manner and also whether the outcome
is advantageous or beneficial. They are calculative individuals who are
addicted to ordinary human emotions. Lying is another feature that really
distinguishes psychopaths. All of us lie in our daily life. This doesn't imply
we are all psychopaths necessarily. However, when combined with other
features it can indicate a psychopathic personality. Lying is as natural for a
psychopath as breathing for most people who are psychologically healthy. A
psychopath can present reality convincingly at a certain moment as whatever
it needs to be. Furthermore, psychopaths do not show signs of lying outside
because they have no emotional attachment or feelings of disgust, guilt or
excitement about their lies. For psychopaths, lying is just "doing what's
needed right now. "
An absence of impulse control is another signature element of psychopathy.
Most people have procedures and internal controls that prevent them from
acting rapidly. These prevention mechanisms are missing for a psychopath. If
a psychopath sees an opportunity to take advantage of it, it is without
hesitation or a second thought. This may involve killing someone they want
to kill, rape someone, or steal something they want to steal. This cruel
impulsiveness is what makes psychopaths some of the most effective people
in fields, such as the military and business. The automatic implementation of
a crucial action is a many characteristic non-psychopaths do not have, and
this lack is actually harmful to lives.
An absence of remorse is another feature that distinguishes psychopaths from
no psychopaths. Many people who have committed an atrocity, such as
murder, are profoundly guilty of what they have done and take their own life
due to these feelings. Psychopaths don't choose to be remorseful— they can't
do it physically. Asking a psychopath to feel remorse is like asking a deaf
person to listen to music. An absence of guilt is strongly linked to a lack of
remorse. Usually, people feel guilty when they break a certain moral
standard, they value themselves. Since psychopaths don't think properly or
incorrectly, they just think helpful or unnecessary; their guilt is a foreign
concept. The closest to a psychopath's guilt or remorse is regret that it has not
conducted its psychopathic deeds in accordance with its own elevated norms.
Narcissistic Characteristics
The fantasies of its complete strength and its high feeling of significance are
one of the most common features in almost all narcissists. Most of these
people are to blame for the continual praise they have received as kids while
speaking about these fantasies. As adults, these people will still require love
from all over because they have fostered the impression that their colleagues
are the most important.
The inflationary sense of self-worth experienced by narcissists internally also
has implications for their external reality. This usually shows in two aspects–
consent and praise, criticism or hatred of dismissal. Lobbying and consensus
are like oxygen for the narcissistic ego while criticism and dissent are like
poison. Picture an inherited dictator to understand how narcissism looks
when it comes to its logical conclusion. Such persons ask for worship of
those over whom they have power, the construction of a monument, and
complete obedience and appreciation. Any act of disagreement or
disagreement shall soon and brutally be punished. North Korea would be an
optimal modern example of the extreme expression of narcissism. The
leaders of that nation ask for reverence as Gods and torture anyone who even
dares to express an opinion or idea which is not completely in accordance
with the official state doctrine.
Chapter Eight: Covert Emotional Manipulation
The first stage in knowing the entire black psychology is to comprehend fully
what hidden emotional manipulation is. That is because many of the bleak
psychological techniques discussed in this novel are often used in more than
one way by secret emotional manipulation. Find out more about this
particular topic and learn about its various manifestations throughout the
whole process. This, therefore, is a very significant move in understanding
this wider issue of black psychology as a whole.
What do people have to be treated with secret mental abuse? This is defined
as an attempt by an individual to sneakily, but undetectably influence
somebody's thoughts. Rupture of each of the three keywords could contribute
to the very core of this topic. Covert simply deals with the way in which
these manipulators can disguise their true essence and motives. But it cannot
be categorized as secret all emotional manipulation. In most instances, the
perpetrators of this kind of emotional manipulation are unconscious of their
shadow controls, or of their motivation for abuse.
The mental part of this subject concerns the specific concentrate of the
manipulator. Authority, opinions, and behavior are also feasible types of
abuse in general. This distortion relies mainly on the effect and perception of
an individual's emotional state. In this area, the majority of manipulators
reside, as often a person's emotions are recognized as the gates to all other
components of his personality. In the end, this leads to the manipulator taking
the person fully under command.
The last part to address the rather complicated handling of this puzzle is
editing. Manipulation is generally confused and has the same effect. This
cannot be separated from fact as deception is often referred to as the hidden
method of unreasonable effect outside the awareness of the individual under
command. Clear motives also exist to manipulate them.
An individual who sees himself as an influencer often attempts to help an
individual somehow. The opposite is the manipulator because it seeks to
regulate its members intentionally, mostly without the person being regarded.
The difference between whether or not a certain intervention is of a
manipulative type must, therefore, be considered.
More commonly, conditions in which such abuse may be applied form part of
a private, skilled, emotional and household existence of an individual.
Clearly, the most lethal and frequent type of mental manipulating is intimate
clandestine mental manipulating. But once actors know their fundamental
idea as well as their practical modifications, they will at least be prepared to
develop procedures that can protect themselves against it irrespective of
circumstance. Just as in these most frequent cases, there is a range of people
who transmit thoughts that foster secret emotional manipulation. The
challenge in grasping this hypothesis needs that one finds a link between this
complex hypothesis and the true personal pictures of his thoughts. The
relationships of these personal presentations of constant abuse are one such
example. In the broad industry. Where two people are partnered, and one
finds that the other tries to exercise some sort of command, the recipient of
the tentative command often chooses to leave this link because it is passed.
This is why most manipulators choose to address abuse in a very crosssectional way rather than being accessible to their strategy. Often, without
knowing what is occurring, the person suffers from complete mental
Manipulation. This is often useful for the manipulator because he can get his
heart's desire to regulate another person and avoid killing his target at the
same time. A colleague cannot only use such manipulations and sexual
intercourse to achieve friendship. Often this is performed to grow the victims
' roots of remorse, compassion, and culpability. The colleague has no idea
whether or not the manipulation is done in this situation. Because of this
effect, the person can usually understand why he/she is able to experience
and/or behave in some manner to the so-called "buddy. " Since the beginning
of the era, employees have asked that some managers at some stage have
experienced a certain sense of terror, duty or overall guilt. Due to these
specialists ' crowded existence, they often do not understand why these
feelings both occur in themselves and their origins.
The situation which is most vulnerable to us is the vibrant household
scenario. This is an extremely difficult scenario because a part of your
household can never be suspected of sharing blood. The processing of one's
own blood and body usually scores in serious server outcomes for a person
due to their rate and strength. The issue is how these manipulators handle to
instill such excessive authority in their recipients. It is generally shown that it
is applied with a set of otherwise difficult to identify and withstand diabolical
One of these is the love-bombing strategy. This sentence is merely a strategy
that gives your person a powerful, severe, abrupt environment. We must note
that manipulators are often employed in this strategy at the very beginning of
their interaction with their clients. When you believe about it, this strategy
appears a little odd. This is because it is not anticipated, at first, that someone
who wishes to harm their person is intense. Well, why not, if it suits your
own benefit? Why not? -Why not? The concept behind this is easy as its main
goal is to provide a manipulator with a sensation of love, confidence, and
adherence in a person that is otherwise intense. The degree and the frequency
of use of love bombing depend on how much manipulators evaluate the
scenario. Here, what am I going to imply? What do I imply? What do I
imply? Take a person who seems extremely desperate, desperate and solitary,
for example. The manipulator is probable to choose this person as a recipient
because he knows that he is more receptive than his fulfilled peers. Two
important items can be taught from the above concept. Two very important
classes about secret mental abuse can be seen.
The first class is the faulty nature and use of mental secrecy. If we tell
someone with intent to hurt someone, we could tell you that "this person was
very lovely to me. Sometimes we should all stick together, how can you
discharge it as a type of love bombing at first sight? In essence, this is any
adverse outcome that is not demonstrated in the most favorable manner.
The second class is, mental stealth deception can be shown according to the
individual condition of the person in distinct respects. This is best suited for a
qualified manipulator with some knowledge since they understand how and
when to use it in any specified situation. Let's see an instance every day of
this. Where there is a donation and presentation at the activities, usually,
whether it is birthday parties, engagements groups, etc. Anyone who isn't
trained will attempt to use this without knowing exactly what they are doing
and will eventually die before they begin. You should know how much more
your customers will respond to certain techniques than others.
This is also considered to be an imminent technique of reinforcement. In
general, this technique involves monitoring a person without knowing it. This
is generally the stream of the love bombs, accompanied directly by
constructive strengthening and then continuous negative reinforcement.
Why? Why? Love bombing aims to lessen the victim's protection, thereby
improving his reliance on the person who manipulates him. This fulfills the
vision of a good partnership or partnership. Triangulation is another approach
that the manipulator often uses. It is an effective approach in the
manipulator's repertoire, in which you, he and some external parties connect.
The principal aim is to identify the object of his or her partnership, causing
the victims to an intense affection of the manipulator that helps them remain
together for a long time to speak about an ancient friend. Their primary issue
is to make their parents insecure. If you compare yourself and the outside
individual in a delicate, unfavorable way, it grows worse still. You will refuse
participation if you encounter them and say that your real problem is
insecurity or poor self-esteem. Where have you previously heard? The other
individual can be used as his next location by the manipulator is not
An additional difficult approach is recognized as insinuating for secretive
emotional monitoring. The main objective is to make the victim feel
uncertain about the relationship and make the victim love the handler, which
only allows her to talk about an old friend for a longer time, or to raise
someone they meet in the gym, often altered by random means. Their main
problem is to enhance the participants ' insecurity. It does worse if you
compare yourself with the outside person in a subtle, unfavorable way. For
example, your husband smiles, saying,' what do you think; you might earn a
bunch of money as a prostitute!' After sex with him, he will tell you that he
means compliments, asking him. You may ask why when your husband was
with you in your sleep, your husband talked about prostitutes, how he first
knew the prostitution, what he really believed of you, and how great a
proposal you're going to give him. And you will also ask if he just would
touch you, just as he had said that he was thinking you to be a nice fan. These
remarks will operate on you and bring a great deal of anger, potential
discussions, and relationship insecurity.
Positive reinforcement will be the next phase in the search for love bombing.
This can be described as the general cognitive shift, which does not show a
favorable approach to the person without preconditions. He does so until the
offender conducts himself. A case in point might explain this issue. If this
beautiful girl is being courted by a manipulative person, he encounters in a
grocery store. All he needs to do is show that he doesn't have an immediate
impression more if he is going to telephone him frequently, so she was called
to fulfill his desire. Only if this happens will he respond favorably. The
victim is psychologically so thoroughly manipulated that she cannot tell if
positive action against them is being taken. These are all variables that cause
the person to feel the good feeling of the manipulator.
Chapter Nine: Mind Games
Mind games are probably the most misunderstood subjects of dark
persuasion, but the most important. Many people claim to interact with these
mind games daily, but this is not usually the case. Just as many people claim
to be depressed today, without knowing exactly what depression is, mental
games suffer the same fate. Not every mind game is targeted at an evil action.
For instance, when planning a surprise birthday party, birthday boys often
have friends to play mind games to make sure that he doesn't suspect
anything. This is a beneficial use because it does not harm the parties
concerned. Looking at matches of the mind from the point of view of
darkness, the intentions of the individual tend to lie in the darker parts of our
innermost desires. Researchers from all around the globe have taken a further
step in debunking this phenomenon and since any psychological scheme
generally directed at the health and strength of a person is what constitutes
mental games. Perhaps the most dangerous among the dark psychological
techniques is that the manipulator was interested in playing with his victims
as a marionette. Do this only in order to satisfy your desire for a specific
consequence. Manipulators often lack regard for the well-being of the victim,
so much so that a comparison between a kid who tests a new toy can be
made. A manipulator will continue to play mind games in an intelligent
manner to mask his true nature and intentions, either through a sarcastic
approach to the issue. This is most cases leads to their victims being difficult
to define and dangerous to deploy.
Mind games in the general sense have some kind of motive behind them.
However, there is a fine line between those who are considered dark and
those who are not. Taking a closer look at what motivates manipulative
mental games, we are going to offer a certain range of dark psychological
manifestations supported by a dark motive. One of the motivating variables
of the manipulator is his desire to manipulate the victim to conduct certain
activities. Some manipulators seek to make pleasure and effect that otherwise
would arise from their games, while at the same moment succeeding in
maintaining the illusion of the self-governance of the victim. Because they
are intended to diminish a victim's psychological power, leaving them at the
mercy of the manipulator, it's a bit difficult to see in these mind games. In
addition to impact, the reason that manipulators perform mind games is
mainly about the pleasure of playing with people, for no reason whatsoever.
They rapidly closed their minds to think that their victims still feel human
beings and watch their intentions succeed as a result. Sociopaths are the best
example to give in this respect. They replace the portion of the feelings of
humanity and instead see the other individual as a guinea pig that exists for
fun purposes alone. Nothing seems extreme because these manipulators can
easily convince their victims to live their own lives. There are cases of an
outcome being employed as an essential instinct of dark-psychological mindgames. In addition, this is true where the manipulator was surrounded by an
equally manipulative environment from a very tender age. Some people may
see this as innocent, but it is because such manipulators play mind matches
without thinking about the consequences that they are most hazardous.
Now that the distinction between regular mind games and dark mental games
is properly understood, I'm going to go a step further and make a little more
light on the various types of mind games accessible to us. This is essential, as
it is critical to our understanding of this particular area of dark psychology.
one such as the permanent break-up, as human beings, we have a deep choice
to love and be loved by someone in a predominantly romantic sense. We are
trying to find an individual who makes us feel secure and happy in the hope
of making us live happily and peacefully. The indifferent nature of a
manipulator enables it to create a sense of chaos and negativity within a
relationship that generally inverts the notion of a happy victim's existence.
"The permanent breakup" can be defined as the constant and constant risk of
ending a particular relation with the aim of inculcating feelings of disability
and anxiety in the relationship. That manifests itself in different ways,
including promised divisions, true divisions, and implicit divisions. What the
manipulator does is much disastrous as he sometimes gets a hint of rupture,
with the only goal of making the victim question the link. Phrases like' one
day I'm fed up with your drama' are always a cause for doubt as to the
longevity of the victim. On the other hand, the manipulator has made clear
that he intends to break up with the victim in an apparent future while using
threats to support this decision. You can play on his / her playing field when
you find that your spouse continually raises issues such as divorce or
separation without actually getting through. Lastly, there is the "true
approach to split. " Here, a manipulator often goes as far as to "break up" the
victim without actually breaking up. They will be as dramatic as possible to
pack their belongings and threaten to leave when they see the victim's overall
mood as low-key. If the victim has a sad and a bit rattled attitude, they will
have their answer, so that the victim will stay grounded enough. What then is
to be said about the main motive that motivates the manipulators to use the
tactic? This particular type of gambling is generally driven by the desire to
derive feelings of safety and confidence from a victim's life, thereby reducing
his overall manipulative power. Instead, the manipulator manages to move
power to his advantage. This sort of mind game manipulation focuses on the
victim's testing. The manipulator continually bluffs over the victim's release
so that he can evaluate to what extent the victim can endure the
aforementioned mind games. By screening the contract, he creates an image
of compassion and caring by "agreed" to prevent the enragement from
staying. Most often misunderstood this dark manipulation method, as it not
only looks easy to end a relationship with a spouse who likes to play games
but it makes sense as the right thing to do. But this is a common myth
because the reality is that the manipulators have such a strong mental grip on
their victims, as a result of these mind-games. The victim's judgment about
marriage becomes confused to the extent that they do not understand why
relationships are to end. The victim's psychological retention can lead to a
range of issues, especially if they were a long-term objective of these mind
games. Victims can create severe confidence problems that might lead them
to problems when attempting to build ties with individuals because of their
frightening experience; they will have a more cynical attitude. There is not
only a victim's personal life in the gutters, but his professional life can also be
destroyed. When a victim is constantly assaulted with threats of
abandonment, they are gradually losing their strong dominance and tend to be
more subject to manipulators in the hope of avoiding yet another danger of
Another sort of manipulator is ultimatums. Ultimatums are any particular set
of demands which an employee sets and which, if not fulfilled, lead to
retaliation that mainly breaks relationships. In other words, they are just
requests, but they are in a request package. However, not all ultimatums
concentrate on dark psychology because some have a positive result. One
example is telling someone to stop robbing because they may end up dead.
Therefore, what factors enable ultimatums to be classified in the field of dark
psychology or vice versa? Perhaps the most important factor is the individual
who issues the ultimatum. The individual who produces this ultimatum is
often a person who cares really about the individual they say it to. This can
be decreased to family members, near family members or a spouse. But this
does not absolve them of having some kind of hidden agenda with their
ultimatum. Motivation is another determining factor. What created a
particular ultimatum available? Those whose deepest wish is to see someone
who cares better about their lives will give them reasonable ultimatums. You
cannot describe a dark manipulative ultimatum that forms the normal by your
own intention. However, the decodification of the ultimatum itself can give a
clearer picture of the type of ultimatum that it is. In most cases, the dark
manipulative ultimatum requires the victim to perform acts that are far
beyond his moral field or contrary to his own interests, because this
corresponds to the morbid nature of his dark manipulators. This enables a
manipulator to assess the extent of a victim's abuse of moral principles
without violating his will. However, excellent ultimatums are directed in the
opposite direction because they never train an individual to perform acts that
do not give them instant benefits. Now we know better the ultimatums. Let's
dive more deeply in order to make the dark psychology more debunk able, as
we said above, the individual is the main determinant of the path to follow
whether an ultimatum is lovely or dark. An important characteristic of this
individual is that he has some type of psychological effect on the victim,
which in most cases is either a close friend of just one family member.
Manipulators often use the conditions as a catalyst to comply with their
apparent self-interest in the case of alcoholic recovery. A close friend who is
well aware of victims ' drinking issues will have a conference in the bar and
then will probably persuade the friend to take a drink with him for the sake of
old times. The manipulator here utilizes alcohol as an ultimatum for the
victims, as he may lose his friendship. With regard to the harsher ends of
ultimatums, victims can be compelled to commit acts that in some instances
have far more adverse effects such as suicide and killing. This is best seen in
interactions in which the girl barks commands the boyfriend to kill an
individual, and if not, she will take her own life.
Another kind of mind game is hard to get. It is another concept of dark
psychology which is highly misunderstood as ultimatums to play hard. Like
the above mentioned subjects, there is a fine line between what is deemed the
"normal" use of playing difficult to reach a sinister angle. In our daily lives, it
is a common topic in a romantic setting to play with difficulty. A person will
be a challenge to anyone for whom he has a romantic feeling. This is
accomplished in a variety of ways, including ignoring text messages, making
it look like they're always busy, reducing dates, etc. In particular, this
intention is not threatening because it tries to evaluate the stake of someone
else in the relationship. When used in the dark psychological sense, it is
difficult to play with more server results. The approach is a little more
technical because the motivation behind its use and its innocent use are
completely different at the time of its use.
This essentially means that at certain times in the relationship other than the
beginning, manipulators more often deploy this tactic. Because they generally
appear to lack empathy for the well-being of the victims, their purpose is
nothing but the end result. Due to the fact that no expectations are violated at
the start of any relationship, they can be innocently used to play hard. The
reason for this is that, at this stage in the relationship, the parties are not
really dependent on each other as such, which means no harm is done.
Chapter Ten: Dark NLP
When you here of the term NLP, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
Probably something straight out of Star Wars, right? Well, you might be dead
wrong. This is actually an acronym of Neuron-linguistic programming. This
is one of the prevalent themes that exist in the quest for persuasion and dark
psychology. Over the years, NLP has often had different meanings. it could
be defined as a particular attitude for a sense of adventure and curiosity to
know more about the types of communications that can influence others as
well as ourselves offering us a rare chance to better ourselves or juts grow as
individuals. it has also been defined as a methodology purely based on the
notion that all the behaviors we have as human beings have a certain structure
and process. These processes, as well as structures, may be replicated, taught,
learned as well as changed. it has also been defined as being a theme that has
slowly evolved into an innovative technology, which allows us to organize
our thoughts and ideas in a way that allows us to organize our thoughts in
ways that allow us to achieve a particular set of results that would normally
be out of our reach. Perhaps the best and easily understood definition of NLP
would be that it is a sort of learning system that develops a particular
language through making connections between various senses of your body.
it has been in existence for more than 40 years and proved to be efficient.
NLP is not as closed off as you may think since it is such a wide-ranging
discipline that its most difficult to encompass all its branches and applications
in our short definition. Using this enigmatic theme usually results in the
altering or full elimination of existing behaviors if, by any chance, we are not
satisfied by them to a more acceptable set of behaviors.
Neuron-linguistic programming is not usually based on the notion of new-age
mantras or hanging some herbal trees in your room so as to be more notches
with your inner self. This theme of dark psychology is usually based on some
solid psychological principles. it is a rapid form of psychological therapy
which is capable of addressing the myriad of problems that we are doomed to
face in our day to day lives such as depression, some form of phobias or any
form of negative habits we may have. This clearly is not an inclination to an
esoteric or spiritual approach to problems. in the long run; using NLP will
improve our effectiveness both in our professional lives as well as our
personal lives. Contrary to traditional psychology which is usually all about
analyzing our problems with a view to finding its root cause, NLP instead
focuses on the endless possibilities of how the mind works in order to present
results. as human. The thoughts in our minds, the feelings that we have and
basically all the actions that we do are essentially what makes us human, and
changing of these traits will result in the emergence of a ‘new’ you so to
NLP is the art of science and personal excellence. It’s regarded as an art
because of the sole reason that every individual usually their own unique
personality and distinct style of how we generally do things and can never be
captured in words or just techniques. The science bit of it is attributed to the
method and process which is used to discover patterns used by outstanding
individuals in any field in order to achieve outstanding results. Another name
this process may also be referred to is modeling. Any such patterns and
techniques which may be discovered in this particular way have over the
years been used more in the fields of education, business, sports and
counseling for more effective communication with others, a more detailed
model of personal development and in learning. Have there ever been
instances where you have worked so hard on a particular thing, and the end
result leaves you dumbfounded? Have you ever just been taken aback by
what you did and just wondered what and how you did that? NLP usually
shows you how to understand and model your own personal feats of success,
allowing you to enjoy and have more moments of these euphoric feelings. It’s
a way of just discovering your own inner genius. think of it as a way in which
that allows you to bring out the best in yourself and in the people around you.
This is a practical skill that has the setting of creating your desired results in
the world, while at the same time creating values for other people. it is
generally the study of what separates excellent and average, leaving behind a
trail of efficacious techniques for education and business.
Neuro-linguistic programing usually refers to the three most important facets
in creating our human experience. The neurological system regulates how our
bodies tend to function, the language usually decides on how we
communicate and interact with others in our day to day lives, while the
programing usually a dominant factor of all the images and models of the
world we create for ourselves. Broken down, NLP seeks to describe the
overall relationship between the mind, and language and the impact they have
on our body and behavior. Basic psyching seeks to divide the mind into three
essential parts namely, the ego, the id, and the superego. These three seem to
resonate between all models in al psychological literature and practice. NLP
atoll has these three models, but it takes a more metaphorical extensible and
positive approach. The process of NLP proposes that the innermost internal
parts should be well undersold used in a strictly metaphorical sense rather
than a literal fact.
Besides the few discussed features, NLP has some other distinct features that
we shall briefly mention. NLP is not usually based on any statistics. The
reason for this is that statistics may not be able to predict a person’s
subjective experience. This is because human beings' subjective experiences
are not understood by the external sensory experience. Another distinct
feature of NLP is that it is not linear. This enigmatic theme sent usually limits
itself to any particular linear cause-effect thinking. This happens to be so
because it has a preference for whole system thinking. This system tends to
be self-organizing and too complex for useful linear cause-effect analysis.
Another feature is that it is not Aristotelian. What does this mean? It has been
defined over the years as a process and structure oriented and not really
classification oriented. NLP on a basic is more geared towards putting people
into categories based on their personality types rather than assisting them to
grow and heal. NLP can also be said to be really efficient. as is now familiar
to you; NLP usually does not pursue case effects of an unresolvable nature.
Such question-answer sequences like. Because, why? NLP prefers to ask a
useful set of questions such as how? What? When? Who? Since this has few
expectations. it is of the view that taking the long personal history of the
individual for some casual analysis is basically a colossal waste of time. it
will, however, opt to take that route when it is absolutely appropriate direct as
it’s presently coded in a person’s mind. This dark theme has a set of powerful
tools that when utilized correctly by the individual who has come across them
can make some drastic positive change to their on-going experience of
personal history as well as its meaning, patterns which emerged as a result of
one’s own life experiences and other factors connected with their past. This is
however devoid of the use of any drugs, hypnosis or years of analysis.
NLP is a non-reductionist. NLP considers reductionism such as the belief that
our feelings and experiences are just the results of genetics or just chemical
processes in the Brain. This is usually resultant of the linguistic confusion. as
a theme, NLP can be considered to some level as being post-Newtonian.
What this means is that NLP has a solid footing in the advances in physics
that took place in the late 20th century, which observes that the universe is
usually made up of processes and patterns as opposed to a collection of
objects or things. The last feature is that NLP does not seem to share the
same definition as psychology. This is particularly true if you look at the
behavioral point of view. Here, behaviors include thought structures like
values and beliefs, memory, sensory representations, linguistic structures in
thinking, etc., none of which have the capability of being directly observed
externally. Yet absolutely no reasonable person would deny the very
importance and meaning of internal experiences in our lives.
Induction is a type of NLP that is used by manipulators. Some non-state
theorists have seen this stage quite differently. Instead, they see this phase as
an opportunity to increase participants ' expectations of what happens, to
determine their position, to direct their attention in the correct direction and
to take any further measures to guide them in the correct direction for
hypnosis. There are several induction methods during hypnosis. The "eyefixing" technique or "Braids" of Braid is the best known and most important
technique. You must take a few steps to apply the Braid induction techniques.
The first is to take any bright object like a clock case and place it between the
middle, front and thumb of your index finger. The object is 8-15 inches from
the eyes of the participant. Hold the object somewhere above the forehead to
stress the ears and eyes during the process, so the participant can always have
a fixed view of the object. The hypnotist then has to inform the participant
that his eyes should always be fixed on the item. The patient must also focus
his mind completely on the concept of that specific item. You should not
believe something else or let your minds and eyes roam, or the method will
not be successful. After a short time, the participant's eyes start to widen. The
participant begins taking a wavy step with a little more time. When they
willingly close their eyes on the center and forefingers of the correct side,
they are in a trance when they take the center and forefingers of the correct
hand from their eyes into the object. If not, participants have to restart; make
sure that participants know that they must let their eyes close as soon as their
fingers return to their eyes in a comparable motion. This causes the person to
enter the modified state of mind known as hypnosis.
How to NLP Is Used in Relationships
Now that we understand everything NLP involves, let us see how this can be
used in relationships. The first way to improve your connection with this
subject is by allowing you to be a good listener. NLP allows you to
demonstrate a more genuine interest in anything that may happen in other
people's lives. Another way NLP improves relationships is by getting you in
someone else's shoes. Being in the other person's globe needs that you listen
freely. In other words, you listen, and you listen. This can take some practice
as most people tend to listen partially while they prepare or rehearse
internally. NLP enables you not to concentrate on the wrong side of an
individual, but on the good side. Many of them are there, and you have
decided to focus more on their fine points or imperfections. The more you
discover a person's fine points and focus on them, the more you look at them.
NLP also enables you to be more empathic than compassionate. Empathy
implies comprehension and feeling your problems unless required. Sorry,
sympathy is disrespectful and demonstrates that you feel that they have no
resources to address their own issues alone. NLP promotes relationships as
they push someone to maintain contact with their loved ones. Even if you
were together a few hours before, maybe at breakfast, how about a oneminute phone call, ask how you're thinking about your day? Or a single-line
email or email message? Keep in contact at a distance, too. Long-term
relationships can last for centuries if nurtured. The link is preserved and
preserved through an occasionally received letter, card, telephone or email.
NLP facilitates one's acceptance of the faults of others. Identify and tolerate a
person's weaknesses and weaknesses. After all, "weaknesses," based on your
perspective of the globe, are subjective assessments. And remember that there
are no ideal people — most of us work every now and then to decrease our
imperfections— this is a lifelong project. This wide theme allows you to
respect and accept the views of others. Recognize that otherwise, we see
things. We all have a separate world view. This outlook or model of reality is
based on our prior life experience. There is no' right' or' false' worldview— it
is a matter of opinion, and so your views will change occasionally. You may
learn to enrich or expand the world by taking the moment to learn about their
ever-changing perspective of the globe. NLP will lastly make you accept
somebody without the desire to alter who you are. This is particularly
common in life partnerships. Remember that you did not choose the
individual because of their ability to be the person you wished to be. You met
because you liked each other and only focused on the first wave of love on
the things you knew about them. So how do we start to live together or to
marry and start crowding the lists of' good points' and becoming more
obsessed about listing and remembering that we don't like stuff about them?
Chapter Eleven: Brainwashing
In essence, brainwashing is the method of bringing someone together to give
up views they had in the past to accept fresh thoughts and values. This can be
achieved in many respects, although not all are deemed bad. For example, if
you are from an African country and then move to America, you often have
to change your values and ideals to fit into the new environment and culture
in which you live. Many individuals misunderstand what brainwashing is all
about. Some individuals have more paranoid thoughts about the exercise,
including government-sponsored mind control systems, which can readily be
switched on as a remote control. On the other side, skeptics do not think that
brainwashing is feasible and that anyone who says that it has occurred is
lying. Most brainwashing will end up somewhere in the center of these two
In brainwashing, the topic will be convinced to modify their views by a
mixture of distinct strategies. During this phase, not only can one method be
used, so that it can be hard to put the exercise in a tidy box. The topic is
mostly distinguished from everything they understand. From there, they are
broken up into an emotional state that makes them susceptible before fresh
ideas are introduced. As the topic absorbs this fresh data, it will be rewarded
for expressing ideas and ideas with these fresh ideas. The rewarding thing is
what will be used to strengthen the constant brainwashing.
Brainwashing is not something fresh to society. People have been using these
methods for a long time. For instance, those who were prisoners of war often
collapsed in a historical context before being persuaded to alter sides. Some
of these most effective instances would transform the prisoner into a very
fervent transformer. At first, these methods were very new and often
implemented according to who was in charge. The word brainwashing was
created over time, and several additional methods have been introduced to
universalize the practice. The methods were implemented to universalize the
practice; the new methods depend on the field of psychology, as many of
these thoughts were used to show how persuasive individuals can modify
their minds.
The process of brainwashing is followed by many steps. It's not something
that will happen to you while you're on the road and speak to someone you've
just met. First and foremost, one of the principal demands for effective
brainwashing is to maintain the topic isolated. If the topic can be about other
individuals and influences, they learn how to think about themselves and
there will be no brainwashing.
Once the topic is isolated, it undergoes a process of disrupting itself. They are
told that everything they understand is incorrect, and they think that they're
all incorrect. After months of all of this, the topic will feel like it is bad, and
guilt will overwhelm them. At this stage, the officer will start to guide them
into the required fresh belief and identity scheme. The topic will think that all
fresh decisions are theirs and therefore are more likely to stick. It can take
several months to even years to wash the whole brain. It's not something that
will occur in a conversation, and it won't happen outside the jail camps, and
most of them will be some isolated instances.
Mostly when somebody is attempting to convince them from a fresh
perspective, the brainwashers did so. For example, if you argue with a friend,
and they convince you that their thoughts make sense, then you have
technically been through brainwashing. Of course, it may not be evil and,
logically, you could think of it all, but you were still persuaded to alter your
previous views. It is very uncommon for someone to undergo real
brainwashing where their entire value system replaces them. It will generally
happen in order to reach a fresh perspective, regardless of whether the tactics
used were forcible or not.
Brainwashing techniques are not always as intensive as outlined in this
chapter. The techniques mentioned are used for "true brainwashing" and are
seldom used. There are many other kinds of brainwashing that happens every
day. Perhaps they won't make you give up entirely in favor of a fresh identity,
but rather they assist change your thinking and thinking about what is
happening around you. This chapter focuses on some of the strategies that are
common during the brainwashing phase, whether it is real brainwashing or
Hypnosis-it's a type of brainwashing sometimes. Hypnosis leads essentially
to a high level of suggestibility. Often this is thinly covered up as meditation
or relaxation. The officer can propose stuff to the person in the hope of acting
or reacting in a certain way during the hypnosis process. Many individuals
know of the stage that demonstrates they saw hypnosis. It is also often used
to improve health. Everyone has an inherent need for peer pressure. This
could be for a particular group, family, friends, and society. The strategy of
peer pressure eliminates the doubt that the topic feels, along with the
discharge of its opposition to fresh thoughts, by exploiting this great need. If
done correctly, it can be more prepared to experiment with fresh stuff, less
shy about new individuals and to f Love Bombing— the impression that
individuals have of family is very powerful. This is the group you were born
in and allegedly were around for your lives. You understand better than
anybody, and those who have missed such a connection may feel lonely and
unwanted. The manipulator can generate a family sense through emotional
attachment, feeling, sharing and physical touch with love bombing. This
allows the manipulator and the topic to bind familiarly, making it easier to
deal with the ancient identity of the new person.
Unbending rules— the rules of the manipulator are often stringent and
unchanged. These rules make it hard for the victim to believe and behave
alone; instead, they spend time doing what the manipulator says they are
doing. There are numerous distinct rules that can fit into this category,
including disorientation and regression regulations, all the way to the use of
drugs, toilets, and food. These laws are in place to fully regulate the victim
during brainwashing.
Verbal abuse— one of the strategies used in the breakup stage is verbal
abuse. Often when the victim is constantly bombarded with abusive and foul
language. Sometimes physical abuse may complement or substitute verbal
Controlled authorization — during the break-up period, the manipulator will
operate to preserve confusion and vulnerability. One way of doing this is
through monitored authorization. The Manipulator will punish and reward
comparable activities, making it hard for the Victim to understand correctly
Rejecting ancient values–as stated a little before in this section, the
Manipulator attempts to convince him to denounce all his values. In the end,
the subject will denounce the values and beliefs it once held and will start
accepting the new way of life of the manipulator.
Doctrine: this strategy promotes the blind adoption of the new identity while
at the same time rejecting the other logic which the victim will have. To do
so, the manipulator receives a complicated collection of lessons on an
unintelligible doctrine. Through this phase, the subject learns to blindly think
what the officer says, regardless of whether it concerns the doctrine or a fresh
identity generated.
This strategy is used when the handler inserts subliminal messages into the
victim. The officer emphasizes certain words or sentences that are crucial for
the fresh identity. The sentences and keywords are translated into long,
confusing lessons through which the topic has to sit.
No confidentiality — privacy is a privilege that many victims lose until they
become a fresh identity. This is done not only to make the victim's guilt and
wrongdoings visible, but also to eliminate the subject's capacity to evaluate
what is said logically. If the subjects have privacy, they will have time to take
in private the data they obtained and may discover that they are false or not in
compliance with their beliefs. The removal of this data protection implies that
the officer is always there and leads the victims to a fresh identity.
Disinhibition— the manipulator promotes the victims to obey the child in this
strategy. This helps the manipulator to shape the mind of the subject.
And wrong. And wrong.
The change in diet — changing the food the victim consumes is another tactic
that generates disorientation while improving the subject's sensitivity to
emotional excitement. If the food the victim is permitted to eat is
dramatically reduced by the manipulator, the victim's nervous system is
deprived of the nutrients required to prosper. Medicines can also be added to
the mix in this category.
Games–games are sometimes used to cause more dependence on the group.
Games are launched, most of which is a victim of truly dark laws. In some
cases, the victim is not informed of the rules and must be identified, or the
rules change constantly. This strategy enhances the control of the officer.
No questions — during the brainwashing process, the victim cannot ask
questions. Issues encourage individual thinking that is hazardous for
brainwashing. If questions are not allowed, the agent will automatically
accept the new identity from the victim.
Guilt— the victim was informed that they were bad and that all they did was
bad. Guilt is a prevalent strategy used to question their views and what is
going on around them by the manipulator. The sins of the former victim's
lifestyle are exaggerated in order to bring guilt to life and reinforce the
victim's need for salvation. Fear is a strong motivator and can do much more
than the other listed strategies. Manipulators can use fear to preserve the
required obedience and allegiance of the group. To that end, the manipulator
can threaten the limb, life or soul of the individual with anything against the
new identity.
Sleep deprivation— you are often susceptible and disoriented if you do not
have the sleep that you need. This can assist produce the perfect atmosphere
for the manipulator during the breakdown and denomination of brainwashing.
Furthermore, in relation to inadequate sleep, victims often needed long-term
physical and mental operations to speed up the process.
Clothing codes — enforcing a dress code further deletes the individuality of
the victim and chooses to choose his own clothes. The victim is often asked
to wear the dress code maintained during the brainwashing phase by the
remainder of the group. Chant: the officer operates to remove uncultured
thoughts from the victim's mind. One way is to sing or repeat sentences used
by those who adopt the new identity.
Confession — confession is highly encouraged in individuals who transform
themselves from an ancient identity to a fresh identity. The topic destroys its
own ego during this phase by recognizing the agent's innermost doubts and
private weaknesses. Once you can let go of this stuff, you can introduce a
fresh identity.
Financial obligations— in some instances, economic contributions are
needed. This can, in many ways assist the policeman. Firstly, the economic
commitment allows the individual to depend on the community more because
they can burn bridges to their past. In the hope of overcoming their shame
and guilt, they give various assets, whether their vehicle, home, money or
some other economic contribution. They are now financially connected to the
new identity. Moreover, the agent can use these economic donations to
promote its own requirements.
Pointing your finger–you will feel righteous if you can point your finger at
another finger. This is your way to tell the world that you are great just by
pointing out some of the world's shortcomings. Before the manipulator is able
to point to the new identity to which the victim is directed, he may show all
killings, racism, and the gulf of the globe.
Isolation — it is difficult to get views outside that can alter your mind when
you are isolated from everything around you. That's what the agent will try
because he doesn't want to get away with his entire job. Brainwashers are
segregated from community, friends, relatives and any other reasonable
points that alter their way of thinking.
Chapter Twelve: Favorite Victims of Manipulators
Manipulators are often retired people who have a macabre idea of what
people generally function. The primary type of links with others in order to
use them for their own private benefit. Who can then be said to be these
manipulators ' preferred victims? Manipulators are often attracted to two
individual sets. The first group is those who want a certain degree of love and
those in relationships. Love is universal. Love is universal. Love is universal.
Love is universal. It is a primordial emotion instinctively desired. We are
conceived as human beings for love.
We love and feel loved. We love. We enjoy. We enjoy. Nobody is so glad as
a person or a woman in love who understands they are loved in return. Some
individuals work for procreation together. Some individuals are squatting
about denying social pressure. Some even encourage the association of strong
families. The primary reason for friendships, however, is love. Having said
that, things can easily be degraded to the point where love is used as a chip to
negotiate for more authority over another individual. And here are some dark
psychological aspects. You heard the phrase "use what you're meant to be
getting," which says, "this kind of thinking goes hand-in-hand in the
company world. But manipulation is called in relation. Let me take this
example: A lady understands that she is sexually attractive and irresistible to
her partner. Over time, he is scheduled to do the job his partner obviously
refused to do on sexual grounds. This is a seemingly harmless situation. But
dark psychology is used here if you look carefully. The fella was manipulated
for sex, albeit voluntarily. The power she understood and performed to get
what she wanted. The nice thing is that in this situation everyone is pleased.
Because the female receives a precious contribution from her partner, and the
guy receives the sex that he wants from a lady he likes. But things are not
always mutually helpful when it comes to dark psychology. This can get
really dark for the victim. Let's look at another couple. Look at that couple.
I'd call this fresh couple Dave and Maya. The personalities of Dave and Maya
are very contrasting. Dave is a housewife and Maya is an extrovert with a lot
of mates. On the surface, it seems that their variations in character
complement each other completely. Dave thought he required more control
over Maya. But he knows (maybe because he's already tried it) he can't use
complete strength to get what he wants. So, he begins a campaign to get
Maya under his thumb.
He starts to collect tiny information about her, such as her selection of
apparel, make-up, and hair, and of course, makes snide comments on her love
weight. This impacts her confidence and when she brings her friends
together, she utilizes flimsy occurrences to demonstrate and reinforce her
fictitious theory. These tiny seeds of doubt develop and develop into a coin
that splits Maya and her friends further. Because of her newly discovered
absence of trust, she thinks Dave is the only one who cares really and accepts
her. This makes Dave want to do everything she can to put her where she
wishes to be, precisely. . . Under his thumb and under his command
completely. In both cases, we see instances where relationships should be
between the two involved individuals, through manipulation and deception,
become a way of fulfilling a partner's desires. Both relations started with
good intentions, and although the final results of the former were satisfactory
for both parties, it was the opposite in the later story.
The difference is that all of the victims have done what they have done for
their partners. Our desire to be loved can, therefore, render us susceptible. It
can be manipulated and used for the benefit of others. The other group of
people with whom manipulators tend to have an affinity is those people with
powerful religious convictions. These excessively religious individuals
generally pursue their doctrines without issue. No matter which faith you
practice, it is a fact that our faith sometimes creates a blind spot that distorts
reality and leads us to decide that we would likely not have been in our own
right and appropriate state of mind. But before we get into what, let's see
why. When I talked about vulnerability in the past section, I said that what
makes us human makes us susceptible and susceptible to machinations of
dark psychology. Some individuals see these impacts as evident as others.
Even the oldest civilization precedes our faith in gods.
Man has always seen his presence as a tiny aspect of the universal system of
things, so we think there are more and more divine forces. Looking logically
at things, it produced sense because it helped our minds cope with the
unexplained things around us. You see a lovely flower and wonder how
exquisite and sensitive. . . Without thought or pattern. We look at the big
expanse of the sky and wonder what lies beyond it. Will it go forever? Or is it
just taping into an infinite end?
When you hear the strong grumbling of the waterfall or the sound of a
thunder blow, even with the advancement and understanding we have, we are
still terrified by fear. At that moment, your decisions were to allow fear to
make you dumb or to simplify the scenario by placing it in a higher sovereign
being than you. Some of the braver individuals decided to explain science to
them. Staying along the same lines of thinking, if someone we love dies, we
must face our own mortality. Our sadness is compounded by issues of life
and death. Is the trip here over or into the afterlife? This was a powerful
motivation behind the views of today. The fear and consideration provided to
living after this life have resulted in many individuals to create the "correct
decisions" here, so that life, which we hope will proceed when death arrives.
It is our way to manipulate the final outcome, as it has been shown because
the option is so horrible. Some bring our afterlife fear to manipulate us for
what they want. If we keep this afterlife hypothesis so high, you can imagine
how we treat individuals who are deemed the mouthpieces of afterlifecontrolled deities. Pastors, imams, elders and all the other rulers of religion
are so reverent that God's words are seen as the words.
These religious leaders are usually meant to apply moral sound principles and
to behave in the best interests of their respective offices. If not to encourage
the values of faith that they pretend to represent, at least for some other
purpose. However, this is not always the case, as we know it. Many religious
rulers abuse their roles and impact by deceiving their members to take
choices that serve their selfish agenda exclusively. The common practice is
that, whatever the story they tell, the name of the main god twists the words
drawn from the religious manual into something new that will help to
manipulate people successfully. Many were swindled, physically harmed and
even atrocious crimes committed. Another way of claiming that these fake
rulers have a vision or spiritual insight into the need for the victim.
They are creating a complicated tale that is a mixture of lies tied up with
confidence and the primary purpose is to extort the victim only for cash,
favor or authority. Some victims are compelled to split more cash than ever
before. In some instances, impressive youthful victims in occult situations are
brainwashed in fear. However, such situations do not only end in religious
buildings. There are individuals who are not religious, but who want to be
spiritually accessible. These persons are false psychics and media who
pretend to be powerful with the Netherworld. Again, our attachment to the
dead and our concern at what happens after death clouds our decisions and
opens our doors to individuals who manipulate the scenario for their benefit.
They use the same trick of fake religious rulers in deception and lies to
manipulate their victims. Victims have to psychically read their horoscopes
and palms ten minutes for years to maintain their commitments, altered
realities, and false expectations. That they are spending tens of thousands and
thousands of dollars on the search to find the elusive "truth. " Think again
because your faith is embedded in a legible and factual science.
When a crisis occurs, individuals return to their confidence. Naturally, a
scientist turns to science. Some individuals who have weakened their health
look for unconventional medicine to survive the disease. Since they realize
the best of conventional medicine has failed, they turn to outsiders who say
they have the answer for their experimental medicines and are never
achieved. Unfortunately, these processes are too dangerous, too expensive
and often uninsured. But every penny is worth a slim life chance, and the
fraudulent people take advantage of this. And this isn't just in crisis. You
have discovered excellent alternatives to issues such as weight loss and so on.
You claim that your recent nutritional fad, pill or technology can transform us
through untested and verified scientific theories. Many individuals buy this
pledge of conversion on the basis of data especially manipulated for
The primary distinction between religious rulers and such fake science
providers is that they use science to swindle their victims rather than a deity.
And unfortunately, most individuals do not know how badly they are
impacted until it is too late. As far as faith is concerned, those who use and
use the dark key for their deepest requirements. You use the sacred thing to
manipulate your process of thinking. And sometimes the sacredness doesn't
really matter. They view it as a kind of gold mine, as long as it is essential to
you. And for me or anyone, there's no more time than when this person is
experiencing a crisis. This is because you're at your weakest and most
important time of crisis and individuals understand how to manage stuff for
their own good.
Chapter Thirteen: How to Defend Yourself from
Persuasion and Manipulation
At the end of the day, we are indeed human. It's precisely because of this that
we get to dwell on the view of others in everything we do. We always want
and love validation from others so we can subconsciously decide whether or
not we will be depressed. In this millennial age, the norm has been just
bragging about their wealth in social media. Many of these bragging is often
the reality. In the end, this leads to a loose connection with reality. This kind
of self-deception can dig deep into the human spicy, and one day a victim of
this may wake up and realize that only in her servants does her perfect world
exist. Depression will follow suit tightly. The first step towards protecting
yourself against persuasion and manipulation is to confront the scenario and
to take the position of disrupting any illusions. You won't be able to go
through your lives usually. You must be careful that you regulate your own
decisions. Then choose consciously to see stuff for what they are. This
agreement, which seems too good to be true, could be. . . Too good to be true.
Too nice to be true. The other thing you should do is trust your instincts
certainly. Sometimes you have been told a lie in the most competent manner
that you can believe. But at a certain instinctive rate, you can feel an
imbalance between what should, what is and then what is projected on you.
There might be no physical sign that something is wrong, but you think that
something is wrong. The next significant thing when you ask questions is to
hear the answers. This can sound unbelievable because you're going to hear
the responses. The reality is that we can deceive ourselves by choosing the
responses we receive. We say that we listen, but we only care about the
responses that we want to hear and not the answers that we receive. You may
have broken your illusions, but some of you still hold on to the comfort of
those illusions. You would not hear the real answers to your questions
because of the pain of dealing with the scenario. Actual hearing needs a
certain feeling of detachment, but not reality this time around. You must get
rid of your feelings. Your detachment from our feelings would lead you to
the next step in processing the fresh data logically. It can make situations
more complicated than they have to behave irrationally. It makes it so hard
for your exit strategy to allow all feelings to cool down and spring. The
irrational part of you may want to let everything go hell when you face
reality. Your justified anger can encourage you to take short-term measures to
calm your feelings. But in the long term, you may regret these actions. I don't
say you ought to deny your feelings; I don't say you don't act on these
emotions. Tackle the circumstances first and your feelings later.
Act Fast
It's wonderful that you have got to grips with the truth of things. But it is so
much more to defend ourselves against these dark manipulative strategies.
While you try to protect yourself against the claws of these manipulators, it is
often intense and exciting at first. This intensity of these feelings can slowly
lead to negation. The longer you take any action, the quicker the denial will
begin, and if it occurs, there is a strong likelihood that you may fall back and
end up being trapped on the same internet. You can avoid this by taking
action as soon as you know someone is attempting to manipulate you. This
can be done in the easiest way possible, as when informing a close friend
about some facts of the specific scenario, all the events that will eventually
lead you to liberty can be so started. You should understand that after
choosing to behave, the fabric is made of tougher material than glass. The
illusion can work its way back to your core by using fragmented parts of your
feelings to solve it. When a liar is caught in a lie, it may try to hire others to
implement that lying if they think they no longer hold you. A disappointing
partner with whom you broke stuff lately would attempt to use the other
shared links in your lives in order to change your mind. You are going to
need both your logic and instincts if you want to get out of this unscathed.
While the reality is that when you find that you have always been lied to, you
get emotionally scared, so you are still left untouched by the scenario.
However, priority should be provided to follow the path that enables you to
leave this toxic condition without further harm. You're mentally all over the
location. Rage, rage, hurt, and disappointment are the tip of the iceberg. But
you must logically believe. Keep your head above the water and warn
Get Assistance Quickly
When you are trapped in the manipulations of others, confusion is one of the
feelings you would encounter. This enables you to obscure your rational
thinking and makes you feel helpless. You could even question the truth of
what you're currently facing. If you continue to have those doubts, it would
lead to denial. You will likely want to say that you have the whole scenario
wrong. You misunderstood certain stuff and came to the incorrect conclusion.
Such thinking would lead back to the weapons of the manipulator. Resist the
desire to accept a second opinion. In a health crisis, people go to another
physician to get a second view. This is to clear any doubts about your first
diagnosis and to confirm the best course of therapy for you. Similarly,
receiving an opinion from another person can assist you to discern reality and
your next steps. Just remember, it's better to go to someone who's proven to
be interested in your best many times. The next step is to confront the
perpetrator if you have the assistance that you need. I recommend you choose
the scene or place for this. Select a location that provides you the upper hand.
That would involve some cautious planning on your part. If the offender
exists in the cyber world, especially if you have been swindled by the person,
you must involve the police and the authorities involved. Do some of your
own research to find out the truth. After you face the offender and take the
measures you need to get out of the scenario, the healing method must begin
rapidly. The extent and severity you have been harmed, manipulated or
abused do not matter. You have to be able to go through it and wait for your
wounds to be "healed," rather than sitting on your bed and living the past.
Time would offer you sufficient distance from your experience but it would
almost never be healing for emotional scars if you learned something about
this book. If you don't do anything, an unhealthy scab might form over the
wound that makes you vulnerable if not more than you have experienced.
Speak to a consultant, take part in treatment and actively facilitate the healing
process, regardless of what you choose. It will not occur overnight, but you
are sure you get nearer each day and every phase of your treatment.
Have Confidence in Your Instincts
While your brain interprets signals on the basis of facts, logic, and
experience, it operates in the opposite direction by filtering data through an
emotional filter. The only thing that takes vibrations is your intestine that
cannot pick up either the heart or the brain. And if you can groom up to the
stage where you acknowledge your inner voice and are trained to do so, you
will reduce your likelihood of becoming seduced by individuals who try to
manipulate you. It's difficult to acknowledge this voice at first. And this is
because we have permitted voices of doubt, self-discrimination and the noisy
voices of the critics within and without drowning our true voice in our life.
This voice or instinct relies on your survival. So, trust that your brain cells
will still be able to process stuff in your immediate area when it starts. Some
individuals call it intuition, some call it instinct, and they definitely do the
same, particularly when it comes to relationships. You must acknowledge
that starting to trust your instincts may not always make logical sense. If
you've ever been doing something and felt like you were suddenly watched,
then you understand what I mean. You have no eyes at the rear of your head,
nobody else in the space, but you have the small shiver running down the
back of your neck and you're looking at the "sudden understanding. " That is
what I am talking about. I am talking about that. The first step in connecting
with your instinct is to decode your mind with your voices. You can do this
with meditation. Forget about chatting, she said. Concentrate on your middle.
You're the voice that you understand. Next, be attentive to your ideas. Don't
just throw away your head's eclectic monologs. Rather go with the stream of
Why do you believe in somebody somehow? How do you feel so deeply,
even though you knew each other for only a few days?
What's your
nagging feeling about this other individual? You become more sensitive to
your intuition as you explore your ideas and know when your instincts start
and respond to them. You might have to learn to stop and believe if you are
the type of individual who at present wants to make stimulating choices. This
break provides you the chance to really reflect and assess your choices. The
next part is a hard part, and many people couldn't follow it. You can't sail or
navigate this step, unfortunately. This section has to do with confidence. You
need to be open to the concept of self-confidence and of trusting others to
believe in your instinct. Your lack of confidence would only make you
paranoid, and when you're paranoid it's not your instincts that kick. It's your
fear. Every molehill tends to transform fear into a mountain. You have to let
go of your fear, embrace trust, and let your fresh relationships lead. You can
hear the voice better without the roadblocks of fear in your mind. Finally,
your priorities must be reassessed. You may not see the past if your mind is
at the forefront of money and material property. Any contact you have with
individuals would be viewed as individuals who try to use you, and it will
quickly become a truth if you live so often. You understand how you draw
what you believe into your lives. If you always believe in material wealth,
you will only attract individuals like yourself. Look at your interactions with
this fresh view with this guide; the old, the new, and the outlook. Don't enter
into a partnership you expect to play. Be accessible to them whether it is a
company relationship, a romantic relationship or even a regular knowledge.
You can receive the correct feedback from your intuition. Do not think this
too, that if you encounter suspects, your gut will tell you to go in the opposite
Hypnosis is in a psychological state where an individual loses his will to do
things willingly, and thus subscribes to the hypnotist's orders. We have
shown that hypnosis is actually genuine and not stories or films that we saw
on television. It can be verbally or nonverbally suggested in two types. A
manipulator's tactics may take the form of verbal or non-verbal
recommendations. Compared with nonverbal verbal proposals, verbal
suggestions are more difficult because the hypnotists ' words can be innocent
and familiar. A hypnotist, for instance, wants to cause suicide by wrapping it
up in phrases like "You will go to an art gallery to enjoy works of art and
death. " There are silent indications that a hypnotist can use. This is
accomplished through the language of the body which involves posture,
facial expressions, and gestures and also through hypnotism. There are
individuals who will more probably go with the suggestions of the hypnotist.
Vulnerability to hypnotism can be triggered by a recent life-changing
consideration. NLP technology includes individuals with the authority to
manipulate individuals. Anchoring is a type of NLP method in which
hypnotists use external stimuli and link them to a certain state of emotion and
finally, to the method of future pace, in which they take their victims on a
journey to a fearful location of their future.
We differentiated persuasion from dark persuasion by attempting to modify
the way an individual think. Persuasion can be positive, for instance, as a
police officer who tries to speak to an individual holding a weapon. Positive
persuasion is intended to save an individual from himself. There is then dark
conviction, which has no moral foundation. In comparison, the process of
doing an activity that harms the individual is defined as dark persuasion.
Positive persuasion leads to convinced advantage and also benefits the
persuader. Overall, some beneficial intervention comes to an end. Dark
persuasion always helps the persuader. The persuader ends up doing
something which harms him and in some cases harms third parties as well. A
dark convincer is often either a narcissist or a sociopath. Tactics used include
a dark persuader who enters and trusts his or her victim. In this way they
don't see it happening (the lengthy con), they're persuading the victim to take
measures which the dark convincer is an expert at (gradually); they're dark
persuaders that conceal their real intent from their victims by making two
demands in a row and applying reserve psychology (masking real motives).