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Student Organization Membership Questionnaire

Direction: Put a box in the chosen answer.
1. Have you ever faced any challenges or barriers while being a member of the student
a. Yes, frequently
b. Yes, occasionally
c. No, not at all
2. What do you consider to be the disadvantages of being a member of a student organization?
a. Time commitment
b. Financial commitment
c. Conflict with other responsibilities
d. Lack of interest in the organization's activities
e. Other (please specify) ___________________________________________
3. What is your current academic strand?
b. ABM
d. GAS
e. TVL
f. Other (please specify) ____________________________________________
4. How has being a member of a student organization impacted your academic performance?
a. Positively
b. Negatively
c. No impact
5. Have you experienced any drawbacks from being a member of the student organization?
a. Yes, it has been difficult to balance my other responsibilities
b. Yes, it has been difficult to afford the financial commitments
c. Yes, I have not found the activities or events to be interesting or relevant to my interests
d. No, I have not experienced any drawbacks
6. What is your gender?
a. Male
b. Female
c. Non-binary
d. Prefer not to say
7. What is your age group?
a. 18-20
b. 21-24
c. 25-29
d. 30 or older
8. In your opinion, what are the benefits of being a member of a student organization? (Select all
that apply)
a. Opportunities for personal growth
b. Opportunities for professional growth
c. Opportunities to develop leadership skills
d. Opportunities to network with other students and professionals
e. Opportunities to participate in community service
f. Opportunities to socialize and make new friends
g. Opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities
h. Other (please specify)
Direction: Please rate the following statements based on your experience as a member of a
student organization: (Put a Check)
Being a member of the student organization has positively
impacted my academic performance.
Being a member of a student organization has provided me
with opportunities to participate in decision-making
Being a member of a student organization has helped me
develop my leadership skills.
I am satisfied with my experience as a member of the
student organization.