19 – 23 Student Declaration First Full Level 2 First Full Level 3 I confirm that all the information on this form is correct, I am aged 19 - 23 and I declare that I do not already have a full level 2 and/or a full level 3 qualification and I have enrolled onto a first full Level 2 or 3 learning aim (delivered as part of the legal entitlement). I understand that my prior qualifications will be verified by Leicester College and that if I have declared false information the provider may take action against me at any time during my course to reclaim the tuition fees and any support costs provided. An explanation of the qualification levels is available on request from the Information Centres. Person Code Name Course Signed (Learner) Please tick appropriate box Aged 19 to 23 on the day your qualification starts and on a FIRST full level 2 programme L223 Aged 19 to 23 on the day your qualification starts and on a FIRST full level 3 programme L323 Date____________ As course tutor, I confirm that the student does not already have a full level 2 and/or a full level 3 qualification and has enrolled onto a first full Level 2 or 3 learning aim (delivered as part of the legal entitlement). Tutor’s name (please print) Signed (course tutor) Leicester College Address: Leicester College Freemen’s Park campus Welford Road Leicester LE2 7LW For office use (FACT Staff only) Learning aim Aim has legal entitlement Y/N Confirmed First full level 2/3 Y/N Age of learner FACT Waiver applied Y/N If no state reason: Copies to: White - Info Centre Green - FACT Date returned to IC: Signed Date