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Advanced Resume Template

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Buster Bronco- [Sample Resume - Advanced]
busterbronco@gmail.com | 208-123-4567 | linkedin.com/in/busterbroncoboise
Include a brief statement [1-2 sentences] that highlights your accomplishments and skills. Show the employer, at a glance,
why you're qualified for the job/internship.
Skills & Qualifications
List relevant skills that can be mapped to your
experience / found in body of resume
Incorporate keywords from position description
Highlight technical abilities such as specific
software platforms, etc.
Include languages and proficiency level
Bachelors of Business Administration - Your Major
Boise State University | Boise, ID
Minors / Certificates [if applicable]
Honors / Awards / Scholarships, Year Awarded
Study Abroad Program Title / Associates Degree [if applicable]
Study Abroad University / Transfer University | City, State / Country
Expected Grad Date
Year or Grad Date
Relevant Experience
Employer, City State
Second Position at that Employer
Describe the Action, Project / Task, and the Impact / Result
Focus more on accomplishments and outcomes that you can quantify, rather than just job duties
Begin bullet with action verbs
Be detailed when talking about your work experience
Provide numbers or commendations to support outcomes
First Position at that Employer
● More of the same
● More of the same
Employer, City State
Position or Internship Title
More of the same
More of the same
More of the same
Work History
Position Title, Employer | City State
Position Title, Employer | City State
Position Title, Employer | City State
Leadership & Engagement
Student Organization/Club/Athletic Team/Community Service City, State
Position(s) Held
Begin bullets with action verbs to describe your impact on organization/club/team
Work mission of club/organization into bullets if not obvious
Position(s) Held
Same as above